T. ADOLPHUS TROLLOPE was educated at Oxford, and is the well-known author of numerous works of high excellence in the departments of travels, fiction, biography, and history. In 1855 he wrote a letter to Mr. Rymer, of Ealing, which was published in the Morning Advertiser, and is reproduced in Incidents of my Life, 2nd edit., p. 252, in which he shows the inaccuracy and unfairness of Sir David Brewster's account of phenomena occurring in the presence of both at Mr. Rymer's house, and concludes with these words: "I should not, my dear sir, do all that duty, I think, requires of me, in this case, were I to conclude without stating very solemnly that, after very many opportunities of witnessing and investigating the phenomena caused by, or happening to, Mr. Home, I am wholly convinced that, be what may their origin and cause and nature, they are not produced by any fraud, machinery, juggling, illusion, or trickery on his part." Again, in a letter to the Athenceum, eight years latter (dated Florence, March 21, 1863), he says, "I have been present at very many 'sittings' of Mr. Home in England, many in my own house in Florence, some in the house of a friend in Florence. . . . My testimony then is this: I have seen and felt physical facts, wholly and utterly inexplicable, as I believe, by any known and generally received physical laws. I unhesitatingly reject the theory which considers such facts to be produced by means familiar to the best professors of legerdemain."



An opinion so positive as this, from a man of such eminence, who during eight years has had repeated opportunities of witnessing, examining, and reflecting on the phenomena, must surely be held as of far more value than the opposite opinion so frequently put forward by those who have either not witnessed them at all, or only on one or two occasions.

JAMES M. GULLY, M.D., author of Neuropathy and Nervousness, Simple Treatment of Disease, The Water Cure in Chronic Diseases. Of the last work the Athenceum said: "Dr. Gully's book is evidently written by a well-educated medical man. This work is by far the most scientific that we have seen on Hydropathy." Dr. Gully was one of the persons present at the celebrated séance described in the Cornhill Magazine in 1860 under the title "Stranger than Fiction," and he wrote a letter to the Morning Star newspaper, confirming the entire truthfulness of that article. He says: "I can state with the greatest positiveness that the record made in the article 'Stranger than Fiction' is in every particular correct; that the phenomena therein related actually took place in the evening meeting; and, moreover, that no trick, machinery, sleight-of-hand, or other artistic contrivance produced what we heard and beheld. I am quite as convinced of this last as I am of the facts themselves." He then goes on to show the absurdity of all suggested explanations of such phenomena as Mr. Home's floating across the room, which he both saw and felt; and the playing of the accordion in several persons' hands, often three yards' distance from Mr. Home. But the most important fact is, that Dr. Gully became one of Mr. Home's most esteemed friends. He received Mr. Home frequently in his house, and had ample opportunities of testing the phenomena in private,



and of certainly detecting the gigantic and complicated system of deception, if it be such. To most minds this will be stronger proof of the reality of the phenomena than any facts observed at a single séance, or than any unsupported assertion that the thing is impossible.

WILLIAM HOWITT, the well-known author of Rural Life in England, of several historical works exhibiting great research, of many excellent works of fiction, and of a History of Discovery in Australia, had extensive opportunities of investigating the phenomena, and can hardly be supposed to be incapable of judging of such palpable facts as these:—"Mrs. Howitt had a sprig of geranium handed to her by an invisible hand, which we have planted, and it is growing; so that it is no delusion, no fairy money turned into dross or leaves. I saw a spirit hand as distinctly as I ever saw my own. I touched one several times, once when it was handing me a flower." …"A few evenings afterwards a lady desiring that the 'Last Rose of Summer' might be played by a spirit on the accordion, the wish was complied with, but in so wretched a style that the company begged that it might be discontinued. This was done, but soon after, evidently by another spirit, the accordion was carried and suspended over the lady's head, and there, without any visible support or action on the instrument, the air was played through most admirably, in the view and hearing of all." Letter from William Howitt to Mr. Barkas, of Newcastle, printed in Home's Incidents of my Life, 2nd edit., p. 189.

Here the fact of the spectators not receiving bad music for good, because they believed it to proceed from a super-human source, is decidedly in favour of their coolness and judgment, and the fact was one which the senses of ordinary mortals are quite capable of verifying.

The HON. COLONEL WILBRAHAM sent the following



letter to Mr. Home. I extract it from the Spiritual Magazine:

"46 BROOK STREET, April 14, -1863.

"MY DEAR MR. HOME, I have much pleasure in stating that I have attended several séances, in your presence, at the houses of two of my intimate friends and at my own, when I have witnessed phenomena similar to those described in your book, which I feel certain could not have been produced by any trick or collusion whatever. The rooms in which they occurred were always perfectly lighted; and it was impossible for me to disbelieve the evidence of my own senses. Believe me, yours very truly,


S. C. HALL, F.S.A., Barrister-at-Law, for many years editor of the Art Journal, and well known in literary, artistic, and philanthropic circles, wrote the following letter to the editor of the Spiritual Magazine, (1863, p. 336):—

" SIR,—I follow the example of Colonel Wilbraham, and desire to record my belief in the statements put forth by Mr. D. D. Home (Incidents of my Life). I have myself seen nearly all the marvels he relates, some in his presence, some with other mediums, and some when there was no medium-aid (when Mrs. Hall and I sat alone). Not long ago I must have confessed to disbelief in all miracles; I have seen so many that my faith as a Christian is now not merely outward profession, but entire and solemn conviction. For this incalculable good I am indebted to 'Spiritualism;' and it is my bounden duty to induce knowledge of its power to teach and to make happy. That duty may, for the present, be limited to a declaration of confidence in Mr. Home. Yours, etc.,

"S. C. HALL."

NASSAU WILLIAM SENIOR, late Master in Chancery, and twice Professor of Political Economy in the University of Oxford, was one who, it will astonish many persons to hear, had become convinced of the truth and reality of what they in their superior knowledge suppose to be a



gross delusion. In his Historical and Philosophical Essays, vol. ii. pp. 256-266, he gives a careful summary of the amount and kind of evidence in favour of Phrenology, Homoeopathy, and Mesmerism, and concludes thus: "No one can doubt that phenomena like these deserve to be observed, recorded, and arranged; and whether we call by the name of Mesmerism, or by any other name, the science which proposes to do this, is a mere question of nomenclature. Among those who profess this science there may be careless observers, prejudiced recorders, and rash systematisers; their errors and defects may impede the progress of knowledge, but they will not stop it. And we have no doubt that, before the end of this century, the wonders which now perplex almost equally those who accept and those who reject modern Mesmerism will be distributed into defined classes, and found subject to ascertained laws—in other words, will become the subjects of a science."

These views will prepare us for the following statement, made in the Spiritual Magazine, 1864, p. 336, and which can be, no doubt, authoritatively denied if incorrect:—"We have only to add, as a further tribute to the attainments and honours of Mr. Senior, that he was by long inquiry and experience a firm believer in Spiritual power and manifestations. Mr. Home was his frequent guest, and Mr. Senior made no secret of his belief among his friends. He it was who recommended the publication of Mr. Home's recent work by Messrs. Longmans, and he authorised the publication, under initials, of one of the striking incidents there given, which happened to a near and dear member of his family."

The Rev. WILLIAM KEUR, M.A., Incumbent of Tipton, in his work on Future Punishment, Immortality, and Modern Spiritualism, thus gives his testimony to the



facts:—"The writer of these pages has, for a length of time, bestowed great attention upon the subject, and is in a position to affirm with all confidence, from his own experience and repeated trials, that the alleged phenomena of Spiritualism are, for by far the most part, the products neither of imposture nor delusion. They are true, and that to the fullest extent. The marvels which he himself has witnessed, in the private retirement of his own home, with only a few select friends, and without having even so much as ever seen a public medium, are in many respects fully equal to any of the startling narratives that have appeared in print."

THACKERAY, though a cool-headed man of the world and a close student of human nature, could not resist the evidence of his senses in this matter. Mr. Weld, in his Last Winter in Home, p. 180, states, that at a dinner shortly after the appearance in the Cornhill Magazine of the article entitled "Stranger than Fiction," Mr. Thackeray was reproached with having permitted such a paper to appear. After quietly hearing all that could be said on the subject, Thackeray replied, "It is all very well for you, who have probably never seen any Spiritual manifestations, to talk as you do; but had you seen what I have witnessed, you would hold a different opinion." He then proceeded to inform Mr. Weld and the company that when in New York, at a dinner-party, he saw the large and heavy dinner table, covered with decanters, glasses, and a complete dessert, rise fully two feet from the ground, the modus operandi being, as he alleged, spiritual force. No possible jugglery, he declared, was or could have been employed on the occasion; and he felt so convinced that the motive force was supernatural, that he then and there gave in his adhesion to the truth of Spiritualism, and consequently accepted the article on Mr. Home's séance.



The late LORD CHANCELLOR LYNDHURST was another eminent convert to Spiritualism. In the Spiritual Magazine, 1863, p. 519, it is said, "He was a careful and scrutinising observer of all facts which came under his notice, and had no predilections or prejudices against any, and during the repeated interviews which he has had with Mr. Home, he was entirely satisfied of the nearness of the spiritual world, and of the power of spirits to communicate with those still in the flesh. As to the truth of the mere physical phenomena, he had no difficulty in acknowledging them to the fullest extent, neither did he, like many, make any secret of his conviction, as his friends can testify."

ARCHBISHOP WHATELY was a Spiritualist. Mr. Fitzpatrick in his Memoirs of Whately tells us that the Archbishop had been long a believer in Mesmerism, and latterly in clairvoyance and Spiritualism. "He went from one extreme to another, until he avowed an implicit belief in clairvoyance, induced a lady who possessed it to become an inmate of his house, and some of the last acts of his life were excited attempts at table-turning, and enthusiastic elicitations of spirit-rapping." This converted into plain language means, that the Archbishop examined into the facts before deciding against their possibility, and having satisfied himself by personal experiment of their reality, saw their immense importance, and pursued the investigation with ardour.

Dr. ELLIOTSON, who for many years was one of the most determined opponents of Spiritualism, was at length convinced by the irresistible logic of facts. Mr. Coleman thus writes in the Spiritual Magazine, 1864, p. 216: "'I am,' Dr. Elliotson said to me, and it is with his sanction that I make the announcement, 'now quite satisfied of the reality of the phenomena. I am not yet prepared to admit that they are produced by the agency of spirits. I do not deny



this, as I am unable to satisfactorily account for what I have seen on any other hypothesis. The explanations which have been made to account for the phenomena do not satisfy me, but I desire to reserve my opinion on that point at present. I am free, however, to say that I regret the opportunity was not afforded me at an earlier period. What I have seen lately has made a deep impression on my mind, and the recognition of the reality of these manifestations, from whatever cause, is tending to revolutionise my thoughts and feelings on almost every subject.'"

The late SIR EICHARD BURTON was not a man to be taken in by a "gross deception," yet note what he says about the Davenport Brothers, who are supposed to have been so often exposed. In a letter to Dr. Ferguson, and published by him, Burton states that he has seen these manifestations under the most favourable circumstances, in private houses, when the spectators were all sceptics, the doors bolted, and the ropes, tape, and musical instruments provided by themselves. He goes on to say: "Mr. W. Fay's coat was removed while he was securely fastened hand and foot, and a lucifer match was struck at the same instant, showing us the two gentlemen fast bound, and the coat in the air on its way to the other side of the room. Under precisely similar circumstances, another gentleman's coat was placed upon him." And he concludes thus: "I have spent a great part of my life in Oriental lands, and have seen there many magicians. Lately I have been permitted to see and be present at the performances of Messrs. Anderson and Tolmaque. The latter showed, as they profess, clever conjuring, but they do not even attempt what the Messrs. Davenport and Fay succeed in doing. Finally, I have read and listened to every explanation of the Davenport 'tricks' hitherto placed before the English public, and, believe me, if anything would



make me take that tremendous leap 'from matter to spirit,' it is the utter and complete unreason of the reasons by which the manifestations are explained."

Professor CHALLIS, the Plumierian Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge, is almost the only person who, as far I know, has stated his belief in some of these phenomena solely from the weight of testimony in favour of them. In a letter to the Clerical Journal of June (?) 1862, he says: "But although I have no grounds, from personal observation, for giving credit to the asserted spontaneous movements of tables, I have been unable to resist the large amount of testimony to such facts, which has come from many independent sources, and from a vast number of witnesses. England, France, Germany, the United States of America, with most of the other nations of Christendom, contributed simultaneously their quota of evidence. . . . In short, the testimony has been so abundant and consentaneous, that either the facts must be admitted to be such as are reported, or the possibility of certifying facts by human testimony must be given up."


Since the publication of the first edition of this work a vast mass of additional testimony has become available, and a considerable number of eminent men have declared their conviction of the reality of the various classes of facts which have been here described or referred to. The best known and most weighty of these converts are,—WILLIAM CROOKES, F.E.S., a chemist of worldwide reputation; Professor OLIVER LODGE, F.R.S. of University College, Liverpool; the late Professor ZOLLNER of the University of Leipsic; the EARL OF CRAWFORD AND BALCARRES, F.E.S., a past-President of the Royal Astronomical



Society; Mr. F. W. H. MYERS, of Cambridge, a literary man of eminent ability and judgment; Professor ELLIOTT COUES, of Washington, one of the most brilliant of American men of science; Professor W. F. BARRETT, of the Royal College of Science, Dublin; the late Professor BALFOUR STEWART, F.R.S., of the Owens College, Manchester; and the late HENSLEIGH WEDGWOOD, author of valuable works on philology. Besides these there are many who are less generally known, while in every country in Europe numbers of well-known medical men, as well as professors of various branches of science, have satisfied themselves of the reality and importance of the phenomena.

Perhaps the most valuable body of new evidence has been obtained through Mr. WILLIAM STAINTON MOSES, for many years one of the Masters in University College School, and a man of exceptional ability as well as of the highest character. He was as remarkable a medium as D. D. Home, with the great advantage that he was a man of considerable literary power and methodical habits; and that, during the last seventeen years of his life, he kept accurate and systematic records of all the phenomena that occurred through his own pyschic powers. He sat almost entirely with private friends, many of whom also kept notes of what occurred; and after a full examination of all these independent records, Mr. Myers concludes that the various phenomena, many of which were of the most remarkable character, are thoroughly well established. The inquirer should read carefully Mr. Myers' article, The Experiences of W. Stainton Moses, in the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Eesearch, vol. ix., and should also study Mr. Moses' own publications—Spirit Identity, Psychography, and Spirit Teachings. Mr. WILLIAM CROOKES, F.R.S., investigated the phe-



nomena of Spiritualism for nearly four years, through the aid of Mr. Home, Miss Kate Fox, Miss Florence Cook, and some other mediums. The experiments all took place in his own house and often in his laboratory, and various tests were applied by means of the electrical and other apparatus at his command. He found all the phenomena to be genuine, including the production of what are termed spirit-forms, which he succeeded in photographing. In 1874 he published a brief account of his experiments under the title Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism. Fifteen years later he contributed a paper to the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, entitled, Notes of Séances with D. D, Home, of which he says—"Their publication will, at any rate, show that I have not changed my mind; that on dispassionate review of statements put forth by me nearly twenty years ago, I find nothing to retract or to alter. I have discovered no flaw in the experiments then made or in the reasoning I based upon them."

Mr. OLIVER J. LODGE, F.R.S., Professor of Physics at Liverpool University College, published in 1890 an account of a series of twenty-two sittings, in his own house, with an American trance medium, Mrs. Piper. His conclusion is thus stated:—"That there is more than can be explained by any amount of conscious or unconscious fraud, that the phenomenon is a genuine one however, it is to be explained, I now regard as absolutely certain; and I make the following two statements with the utmost confidence:—(1) Mrs. Piper's attitude is not one of deception. (2) No conceivable amount of deception can explain the facts." The full details of these sittings, together with those of other persons with the same medium, are given in the Proc. of the Soc. for Psych. Research for December 1890.

In 1894 Professor Lodge devoted three weeks to an



investigation of physical phenomena occurring in the presence of Eusapia Palladino, an uneducated Neapolitan woman who had been tested by numbers of men of science—Italian, German, and French—all of whom became satisfied of the genuineness of the manifestations. The sittings took place in private houses belonging to Professor Charles Kichet, a French physician who has made a special study of mental diseases and of hypnotism, and under test conditions usually under Professor Lodge's personal supervision. The phenomena consisted of the motion of various objects at considerable distances from the medium, the appearance of hands and faces not those of any person present, musical sounds produced on an accordion and piano while no one was touching either instrument, a heavy table turned completely over while untouched by any one, various parts of the Professor's body touched or grasped as by invisible hands while the medium's hands were securely held, and lights like glowworms flitting about the room. His conclusion was that these various phenomena were not produced by the medium in any normal way, and that they were not explicable as the result of any known physical causes. The full description and discussion of these séances is to be found in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research for December 1894, with objections and further details in the issues for March, April, and May 1895.

One more scientific investigator may be briefly referred to. The late JOHANN C. F. ZÖLLNER, Professor of Physical Astronomy at the University of Leipsic, had more than thirty sittings with the American medium Slade, in his own house at Leipsic, or in the houses of his friends, between November 1877 and May 1878, and witnessed some of the most remarkable physical phenomena that have been recorded; all in the presence of one or more



of his fellow-professors, especially of Professors Weber, Scheibner, and Fechner. Among these phenomena were the tying of knots in cords or strips of leather, the ends of which were tied together and sealed to a piece of card, these ends being held by Zöllner upon the surface of the table, the looped ends hanging down on his knees; and the removal of two solid wooden rings from a looped cat- gut, secured and held in the same manner, to the pillar of a small table from which they could not be removed without taking the table to pieces, and where they remained till Zöllner's death. Equally remarkable was the removal of a coin from a box in which it was enclosed and firmly glued up, and the removal of two coins from another sealed-up box and their replacement by pieces of slate-pencil. Writing upon closed slates under rigid test conditions also occurred, as well as the appearance of human hands and of movable lights, and the motion of numerous small objects as if being carried about the room. All these phenomena are described in minute detail in Zöllner's Transcendental Physics, translated from the German by Mr. O. O. Massey in 1880; and the more remarkable occurrences are clearly illustrated by cuts from photographs.

The facts now briefly described are sufficient to prove, that at the present day, as in the earlier period of the inquiry nearly half a century ago, careful, long-continued, and painstaking experiment by the most eminent and capable men of science, always results in satisfying them of the reality of the phenomena; while those eminent men who have most loudly proclaimed that these phenomena are the result of imposture or delusion are unable to adduce more than two or three chance séances as the foundation for their conclusions. On the one hand, we have the careful and often-repeated observations under



the most favourable conditions, of Crookes, Oliver, Lodge, and Zöllner; on the other, the few and unsatisfactory stances on which Carpenter, Tyndall, and Lankester founded their adverse verdict. We see, then, that now, as during the whole course of the history of modern spiritualism, the fuller the knowledge, the more completely the reality of the phenomena is established.