Early American Energy Medicine

Eberhart's Manual of High Frequency Currents
Noble M. Eberhart

Chapter Nine
Ozone; How Produced; Physiological Action; Dosage; Indications and Principal Diseases in Which it is Employed.

    Nature and Production. Whenever an electric spark passes through the air, ozone is liberated. Ozone is known under the chemical symbol O3 and is an allotropic form of oxygen. At the same time that ozone is liberated, nitrous and nitric oxides are also produced. The less the perceptible spark accompanying the production of ozone, the less the amount of these objectionable oxides, and in administering the ozone, it is necessary by filtration or otherwise, to dispose of these gases.
    Physiological Action. Ozone increases the oxygenation of the blood and tissues, increasing oxyhemoglobin and also increasing the number of red blood corpuscles. It is claimed that a decrease in white blood corpuscles is produced if they are above normal. In strongly concentrated form, ozone is destructive in its effect on mucous membranes and even to life itself. Germs are destroyed by it and it has been shown capable of so thoroughly disinfecting sewage that the filtered water was pronounced suitable for drinking purposes. It is distinctly deodorant and even a small ozonizer running in a room will quickly destroy the most objectionable odors.
    In a Chicago bank an ozone machine was placed in a room where six employees were working. Their weight and chest expansion was taken at the time the machine was installed and again in sixty days. The result is shown in the following table:
No. Nov. 6 Jan. 6 Nov. 6 Jan. 6 Nov. 6 Jan. 6
1 127.5 128.25 35. 36. 31. 32.
2 118. 121.5 34.25 36. 31.5 31.5
3 130. 131.25 35.25 36.5 30. 30.5
4 123. 126.75 34.25 36.75 30.5 30.5
5 131. 138.5 35. 37.5 30.5 31.
6 118. 117.50 31.75 32.5 29. 29.
    Indications. In one sense of the word, since oxygen is so essential, it might easily be claimed that ozone was indicated in any bodily ailment, and I am of the opinion that its inhalation would be beneficial to the extent that pure air would be desirable, but there are some diseases in which it is of particular benefit. Among these are anemia; all diseases of the respiratory organs, including tuberculosis; infectious diseases; and all conditions where there is imperfect oxidation and impaired nutrition. An ozone spray has been demonstrated to be healing in all forms of ulcers, etc.
    Methods of Administration. As ordinarily employed, ozone is administered in the form of inhalations in the doctor's office, or by ozonizing the air of the room which the patient occupies. In employing the ozone directly from the generator it has been found necessary to filter it through essential oils in order to remove the nitrous and nitric oxides. Oil of pine two parts and oil of eucalyptus one part is a favorite form. In many instances it seems to me to be much more sensible to administer constantly ozonized air than to depend upon occasional inhalations. This is especially true in consumption. Several ozone generators are illustrated herewith.

Fig. 56 - Small Ozone Generator for Portable Outfits.
    Effect on Nutrition. The following is taken from reports by Doctors L'Abbe and Oudin before the Paris Congress for the study of tuberculosis:
    "We investigated the influence of ozonized air on nutrition in general, and especially in anemia or persons physically reduced. When the percentage of oxyhemoglobin is below normal (say 9% to 10%), as is usually the case with tuberculosis patients, inhalation of ozonized air for a quarter of an hour increases it by 1%. The increase, temporary at first, becomes permanent after a number of treatments, and one can affirm that at the end of two or three weeks' treatment, the patient has reached a normal figure.
    "This is necessarily accompanied, in the case of anemic patients, by more energetic oxidation, more rapid combustion, which calls for more rapid renewal of nutritive materials (increased metabolism) and from this there speedily arises an increase in appetite, which in some patients takes the form of a demand for food such as has been hitherto unknown to them, with return of strength, disappearance of complications, in short, restoration to health.
    "Out of twenty-eight patients weighed before and after treatment, including those in all stages of tuberculosis,
        One gained 1.1 lbs. Six gained 3.3 lbs.
        Three gained 4.4 lbs. Two gained 2.5 lbs.
        One gained 6. lbs. One gained 6.6 lbs.
        Two gained 7.7 lbs Three gained 8.8 lbs.
        One gained 9.9 lbs. One gained 11 lbs.
        Two gained 15.2 lbs. One gained 19.9 lbs
        One gained 23.1 lbs Two remained stationary.
    "With the return of flesh there was a corresponding increase of oxyhemoglobin as follows:
        Two gained 1% Ten gained 3%
        Five gained 1% One gained 3%
        Four gained 2% Six gained 4%
        Five gained 2% One gained 5%
        Four were not examined."

    In view of the reputation and standing of the physicians making this report, more than ordinary consideration should be accorded the statements.
    Dosage. It is claimed that large amounts of ozone are capable of producing death, and that rabbits have succumbed in ten minutes in an atmosphere containing eight milligrams of ozone to the litre. The proper proportion for therapeutic inhalation is one, two or three milligrams to the litre. Inhalations given in a physician's office last from ten to twenty minutes and may be repeated frequently. The indication that the patient has had a sufficient dose is usually a slight sensation of lightheadedness.
    Tuberculosis of the Lungs. Daily inhalations of ozone in connection with auto-condensation. Ozonizing the air of the patient's room is the best method of employing ozone in this disease. H. De La Coux, Chemical Expert to the Council of the Prefecture of the Seine, Paris, says: "In application of ozone for tuberculosis, it is an undeniable clinical fact that the number of bacilli in the sputum diminishes after the second or third treatment, even before the general condition of the patient is improved."
    Dr. George Stoker, London, reports nine cases of tuberculosis treated within a year at the Stoker Oxygen Hospital, of which eight were discharged with the disease definitely arrested.
    Dr. J. T. Gibson says in Advanced Therapeutics: "In advanced cases with cavities and much expectoration, I think there is no means of so much use as inhalation of ozone. It empties the lungs of detritus and pus, revivifying the blood, disinfecting the parts of the lungs reached, and after the first irritation of its use has passed off, there is nothing that gives the lungs the sense of rest and quiet as does this agent. I have seen the quantity of sputum lessened to a most remarkable degree, and fever disappear, and all symptoms improve by the use of ozone inhalations."

Fig. 57 - Ozone Generator for Office Use.

    Sletoff has treated 147 cases of tuberculosis with ozone with favorable results.
    Anemia and Chlorosis. In a paper read before the American Pediatric society, Boston, Dr. A. Caille reports the favorable influence of ozone in a number of cases of chlorosis and anemia as well as other diseases, and in his conclusion, says: "In chlorosis and anemia, ozone inhalations are exceedingly valuable from a therapeutical standpoint, and give better and prompter results than any other form of medication."

Fig. 58 - Room Ozonizer.

    Chronic Middle-Ear Deafness and Tinnitus. Dr. Stoker of the London Throat Hospital and of the Oxygen Hospital, has published a series of twelve cases of chronic dry catarrh of the middle ear with deafness and in nearly all with tinnitus, which were treated with an ozone spray. Improvement, sometimes remarkable, occurred in every case.
    The technique consisted in passing the ozone "in a gentle current through an eustachian catheter into the middle ear for about four minutes at a time, the operation being repeated several times a week, daily if possible.
    Whooping Cough (Pertussis). The efficacy of ozone in treating whooping cough has been attested by many authorities, among them being Caille, L'Abbe, Derecq, Coumer, Delherm, Bordier and Oudin. In practically all of these cases the ozone was administered in ten to twenty minute inhalations. Ozonizing the air in the patient's room should prove a better method.
    Says L'Abbe: "My personal experience rests on over 100 cases. In all I have obtained amelioration, prompt and rapid at first, and later a complete cure in a time ordinarily covered by a very light attack. Ozone is the remedy par excellence for whooping cough."
    Asthma, Bronchitis and Hay Fever are benefitted or cured by ozone. Inhalations combined with ozonization of the air of the room is the method; the latter being more efficacious.
    Hay fever victims have found that the use of a room atomizer constantly for two or three months prior to the expected attack has prevented the latter from coming on. During the attack inhalations have given great relief.
    Insomnia. Daily inhalations for ten or fifteen minutes, or have patient sleep in a room with an ozonizer in operation.
    Pneumonia. Ozonize the air in the room, keeping the machine near the head of the patient's bed.

Fig. 59 - Room Ozonizer.

    Nervous Debility, etc. Three to six ozone inhalations per week, preferable in connection with auto-condensation or with vacuum tube sparks.
    Other Diseases. On account of its oxidizing properties, ozone should be a valuable adjunct to auto-condensation in diabetes, gout, obesity, etc.
    Its beneficial action in syphilis has been attested by many physicians.