Osteopathy Complete
Elmer D. Barber, D. O.
    In presenting Osteopathy Complete to the student and practitioner we feel that we are entering a field comparatively new, and upon which very little has been written.
    The word "osteopathy," signifying bone-disease, is a misnomer, and is in itself misleading.  It was coined by the discoverer of a few of the fundamental principles of this new science of healing.
The human system is, to all intents and purposes, a wonderful machine, capable of running for an indefinite period of time, unless interfered with by accidents, dislocations, contraction of muscles, obstruction of the nerve-force, or the circulation of the nutritive fluids of the body.
    The heart is compared to a double force-pump, driving the blood through the arteries, or irrigating channels, which pervade the most hidden recesses of the entire body; the veins collecting it from the capillaries and returning it to the heart.
    The brain is compared to a dynamo which generates, and transmits by way of the nerves the forces which control and give vitality to every tissue and organ of the body.
    Osteopathy is based upon a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and enables the skilled operator to reduce dislocations, or, by mechanical methods, to keep free the wonderful forces and nutritive fluids of the body so essential to true physiological conditions; and that its methods are efficacious in the treatment of many diseases which have baffled the skill of almost all other methods, which have been tried and proven to be of no avail, can be attested by thousands who have been restored to health and usefulness by an application of Its principles.
    With an earnest desire to advance the cause of Osteopathy, and place it before the public in its true light: at the request of students and practitioners, we have thrust aside the veil of mystery in which it has been shrouded by its discover and his associates.
    Such standard works as Gray, Landois, Saunders, and Musser, which should be in the library of every osteopath, have been freely consulted.
    The author has endeavored to be accurate, concise, and modern, and to merit in the future the firm support and encouragement received in the past.
    We are deeply indebted to Dr. Helen M. Barber for many valuable suggestions; also to Dr. Sanford T. Lyne for valuable assistance in the classification of diseases.  We are also deeply indebted to Dr. Andrew E. Knutson for valuable assistance, preparation of index and treatise upon dietetics.

Elmer D. Barber, D. O.
Kansas City, MO

Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy
President of the National School of Osteopathy
Secretary of the American College of Manual Therapeutics