Osteopathy Complete
Elmer D. Barber, D. O.
(A contagious constitutional disease.  May be acquired or congenital.)

    Acquired syphilis is characterized (1) by the initial lesion, or chancre, which appears usually in a week after contagion; (2) by a period of incubation generally lasting six weeks, but varying from one to three months; febrile symptoms, many forms of skin eruptions, ulcers on the tonsils; adenitis, wart-like growths about the anus, iritis, retinitis, and loss of hair; (4) after an interval of from several months to twenty years by the so-called "tertiary phenomena."

    Syphilitic conditions are not treated successfully by osteopaths, except in the chronic form, when a thorough General Treatment which softens and stretches the muscles, frees the circulation, and equalizes the forces of the body, is often very beneficial.


    While we cannot roll back the vale of years, we propose to prove to our friends in advanced life that we can at least make them feel quite young again.  In old age the muscles, arteries, and, in fact, all the organs, are prone to ossify.  The muscles become contracted and stiff, thus interfering with the free flow of blood, and limy deposits form around the joints.  It is but reasonable and natural that our General Treatment, which stretches and frees all the muscles, ligaments, and joints, causing the blood to run faster and the heart to beat stronger, would be especially applicable.  It has been tested and proven times, without number, and we feel that we can safely assert without fear of contradiction that our General Treatment with the aged and infirm never has failed to give gratifying results, and never will.
    We will mention in this connection the case of a gentleman eighty-one years of age, of Miami, Indian Territory, in whom the machinery of life had nearly run down.  His sons, hearing of some of our rather remarkable cures, brought the old man in, much against his will, for treatment.  He was carried into our office, and laid upon the table.  After an examination, we pronounced the case hopeless, as we did not think there was enough vitality left to respond to the treatment and once more resume control of the machinery of life.  However, we administered a General Treatment, and were as much surprised as his sons to see the old gentleman get up and walk down stairs unassisted.  In three weeks he was restored to health and threw away the cane he had carried for thirty years.      Being a man of undoubted veracity and well known throughout the Indian Territory and southern Kansas, his seemingly miraculous restoration to health through this method gave us quite an enviable reputation through that section of the country.  Sometimes, when weary and annoyed by many questions put to him regarding our method, he would tell the people that he was no walking advertisement
    That the young may as well as the old can be benefited by this General Treatment has been proved in numerous instances, after all other known methods have failed.  One case we will mention is that of a child eighteen months old.  Her cold, emaciated limbs, and the eruptions on her face and neck and in the ears, told too plainly to be misunderstood the story of contracted muscles and of stagnant blood.  Although the little sufferer was so low that her case seemed almost hopeless, she was cured in four treatments, given every second day, and is now a healthy child.

(Acute rheumatism.  Specific inflammation of the joints and their contiguous structures, with
pain and swelling.)

    Acute rheumatism is usually ushered in with fever and inflammation about one or more of the larger joints, the shoulder, elbow, knee, or ankle usually being first affected.  Exposed joints appear to be more prone to attacks than those that are covered, the larger more frequently than the smaller, and the small joints of the hand more frequently than those of the feet.  The affected joints are swollen, surrounded by a rose-colored blush, and acutely painful; the pain has many degrees of intensity, generally abates somewhat in the day, but is aggravated at night, and in all cases is increased by pressure, so that the touch of the nurse or weight of the bedclothes can scarcely be borne.  Also some or all of the following symptoms: Loss of appetite; chilliness; urine scanty, high-colored, and abnormally acid; copious, acid, and pungent perspiration.

    Rheumatism is caused in the lower extremity by a contraction of the muscles of the thigh, obstructing either the femoral, iliac, or long saphenous veins; in the upper extremity by contraction of the muscles of the shoulder, obstructing either the brachial, axillary, or subclavian veins.  As the waters of a river, if obstructed between high, strong banks, may not cause any particular trouble at that point, but will back up, flooding the lower country, so this river of blood, while causing no great inconvenience at the obstruction, backs up, distending the smaller veins and capillaries.  The heart, still pumping, finally feels the pressure, and we have rheumatism of the heart, while the stagnant blood soon becomes feverish, and we have inflammatory rheumatism, first below and finally above the obstruction.  Laying aside all prejudice and skepticism, and looking at the matter from an unbiased and common-sense standpoint, would it not be as sensible to throw medicine into the river to remove the cause of a flood and to put it into the stomach to free the obstructed vein?
    If we may be permitted to once more refer to the anatomy, we will turn to the stomach and endeavor to follow a dose of medicine on its journey from the stomach to its destination at the femoral or saphenous vein, first asserting, however, that the same quantity of the same medicine never has the same effect twice on the same individual, from the fact that the stomach is never found twice in exactly the same condition, containing as it does different foods in different stages of digestion.  Thus your doctor must begin by guessing what to give and how much to give, and continue guessing until you accidentally stretch the contracted muscle and commence to recover, and then he guesses that his medicine did the work.  There will be no guesswork, however, in tracing, the medicine from the stomach and asserting what portion (if any) reaches the affected part.  Passing from the mouth through the esophagus, it first reaches the cardiac end of the stomach.  While in the mouth the gastric juice commences to flow, and is greatly increased by the time the drug gets to the stomach.  Being kept in motion in a large quantity of liquid, in from fifteen to thirty minutes it reaches the pyloric orifice of the stomach and is emptied into the duodenum, where it is mixed with the pancreatic juice from the pancreas and the bile from the liver.  As these juices, together with the gastric juice of the stomach, are capable of changing the entire character of almost any substance on which they are allowed to act, it is not only possible, but probable, that they also change the character of the drug to a greater or less extent, thus adding to the system of guessing indulged in by the medical practitioner.  The duodenum and upper portion of the small intestine are lined with a velvety substance, termed villi, which, immediately upon the entrance of the substance into the intestine, passes all particles of richness through the walls of the intestine into the thoracic duct, permitting all refuse matter to pass on to the rectum.  It is possible that here a goodly portion of the drug is refused by the villi, and is passed with the feces; a portion, however has reached the thoracic duct.  The thoracic duct conveys the great mass of lymph and chyle into the blood.  It varies in length from fifteen to eighteen inches in the adult, and extends from the second lumbar vertebra to the root of the neck; it commences in the abdomen by a triangular dilatation, the receptaculum chyli, which is situated upon the front of the body of the second lumbar vertebra, to the right side and behind the aorta; it ascends into the thorax through the aortic opening in the diaphragm, opposite the last dorsal vertebra; it inclines toward the left side and ascends behind the arch of the aorta to the left side of the esophagus, and behind the first portion of the left subclavian artery to the upper orifice of the thorax, opposite the seventh cervical vertebra; it now curves outward and then downward over the subclavian artery, and terminates in the left subclavian vein.
    We will now follow what remains of our drug through the thoracic duct and into the subclavian vein in the neck, opposite the seventh cervical vertebra.  It next passes into the innominate artery, which empties into the superior vena cava, through which it reaches the heart, and is immediately pumped through the pulmonary artery into the lungs, from which it is conveyed through the pulmonary veins back to the heart, from where it is distributed equally to all parts of the system.  How much (if any) ever reaches the contracted muscle it will indeed be difficult to determine.
    In discussing this subject we are reminded of the story of an Irishman with rheumatism; his physician wrote him a prescription and instructed him to rub it on.  The Irishman, in his ignorance, rubbed his leg with the paper, and he was immediately relieved; thus demonstrating that there is more virtue in the rubbing advised than in the liniments themselves.
    Now, believing that our readers will understand our reasons for taking the position that man is a machine and should be treated accordingly, especially in rheumatic troubles, we will return to the treatment of this disease when located in the lower extremities.

Lower Extremity.
    1.  Place the patient on the back; grasping the ankle firmly with the right hand (should the right limb be affected), place the left on the knee and flex the limb slowly and gently as far as possible without too much suffering, rotating it gently from right to left; extend the leg, and it will be found that it can be returned to its former position with apparent ease; bend it now another inch and straighten.
    2.  Place one hand on each side of the thigh, close to the body, and with a firm pressure move all the muscles from right to left and from left to right (cut 29) the entire length of the limb, very gently at first, but stronger as the patient becomes used to the treatment.
    3.  Grasping the foot, pull slowly, at the same time rotating the limb, using as much strength as the patient can stand.
    4.  Place the patient on the side; beginning at the first lumbar vertebra, with the fingers close to the spine, move the muscles upward and outward down as low as the lower border of the sacrum.
    This treatment should be given every other day, and, if care is taken, it need not be very painful, and will certainly cure the most acute case of inflammatory rheumatism in from two to six weeks.
    Of the numerous cases cured by us, we will mention that of a gentleman at Webb City, Missouri, who had been given up by the medical doctors and in whose case the rheumatism not only extended the entire length of the spinal column and right limb, but was felt perceptibly in the heart.  Ten days after the first treatment was given he walked without his crutches, and in six weeks resumed his usual vocation, entirely cured.
    Another gentleman of the same city, whose right limb was double its natural size from this disease, was cured in five days.
    Founded as it is upon common sense and scientific principles, this system of treatment, if properly administered is absolutely infallible.

Upper Extremity.
    1.  Raise the arm as high and strongly as possible, but slowly, above the head.  With the thumb of the disengaged hand (beginning at the upper border of the scapula) press upward on the muscles between the scapula and spine, while raising the arm (cut 10).  Lower the arm with a backward motion, move the thumb down an inch, and again in raise the arm, repeating until the lower border of the scapula is reached.
    2.  Place one hand on the shoulder, pushing the muscles toward its point; with the other grasp the patient's elbow, and, while pressing hard with both hands, move the arm forward and upward around the head (cut 30).
    3.  Grasp the arm with one hand close to the shoulder; with the other hold the arm from turning and move the muscles from right to left and from left to right the entire length of the arm.
    4.  Stretch the arm, pulling slowly but very strongly.
    5.  Should the seat of pain be located beneath the trapezium in the upper dorsal region, place two fingers of the right hand beneath the trapezium muscle, just above the clavicle (in case the trouble is in the right shoulder); the right forearm of the patient should rest upon the forearm of the operator, near the bend of the elbow; the left hand of the operator should be placed upon and just below the scapula of the patient, who should be in a sitting position.  The patient should be instructed to relax all muscles as much as possible; the operator with his left hand should now throw the scapula as far upward and forward as possible, at the same instant pressing, very deep with the fingers of the right hand, under the trapezium muscle and over the clavicle; also, with the right elbow, bring the patient's arm forward, upward, and outward with a circular motion.
    This treatment not only cures any form of rheumatism, but paralysis and various forms of blood disorders in that member.

Entire System.
    When inflammatory rheumatism extends over the entire system, the spinal column as well as the extremities should be treated.
    1.  Place the patient on the side; using the arm as a lever (see cut 7), beginning, with the fingers at the base of the neck, close to the spine, move the muscles upward and outward the entire length of the spinal column.
    2.  Place one hand under the chin, the other under the back of the head; have an assistant take the feet, and pull steadily as hard as the patient can stand.
    It is indeed surprising how quickly a patient responds to this treatment.

(Milder in degree than the ordinary form, but more persistent; one or more joints may be affected.)

    Same as the acute form.

(Pain or stiffness in one or more joints, or in their contiguous tissues; most frequently in
 the shoulder or knee.)

    This sometimes follows the acute form, at other times coming on quite independently of any previous attack; in time the affected limbs lose their power of motion, and lameness results, the hip and knee joints being most often affected; sometimes there is emaciation of the muscles; sometimes permanent contraction of a limb, or bony stiffness of the joints; pain more or less constant; worse in damp weather or approaching storm; not much tenderness; rarely any swelling or elevation of temperature; joints frequently crack or grate on motion.  This form of the disease is the result of the uncured acute form.  It may be limited to one part of the body, or extend to several, and may be fixed or shifting.

    See Acute Articular Rheumatism.
    Particular care should be taken to knead and manipulate the muscles deeply and thoroughly around any and all joints affected.  The operator should be very particular in flexing said joints as much as possible without giving pain, flexing them a little further at each successive treatment.
    Treatment will occupy fifteen or twenty minutes, according to the number of joints involved, and should be given every other day.

(Rheumatism involving the muscles.)

    Onset sudden, or first noticed on attempting to rise in the morning; catching, tearing,, or burning pain on attempting to bend or move; no joints affected.

    Treat the muscles as in Acute Articular Rheumatism, being very particular to knead and manipulate very thoroughly.
    Treatment should be given each day.  Immediate relief will follow the first treatment, and a speedy cure may be expected.

(Continuation of the acute form.)

    They are very similar to those of Chronic Articular Rheumatism, except that the muscles, and not the joints, are involved.

    See Acute Articular Rheumatism.
    Very thorough manipulation of the muscles in the affected parts, together with flexion and extension of the extremities, should be given.  Treatment should be given every other day.

(A form of muscular rheumatism involving the cervical muscles, which draws the head
toward the affected side.)

    Head drawn and fixed to one side; the sterno-cleido mastoid muscle is especially rigid and tender on pinching; may also involve the trapezium and oplenius.

    1.  Place the patient on the side; beginning at the occipital bone, move the muscles upward and outwardly gently but very deep, as low as the last dorsal vertebra.  Treat the opposite side in a similar manner.
    2.  Manipulate the contracted muscle very thoroughly and deep.
    3.  Place one hand under the chin, the other under the occipital, giving gentle extension and rotation, endeavoring to stretch as much as possible the muscles at fault.  This treatment is very beneficial even in chronic cases.
    Treatment should be given every other day; and will occupy about ten minutes.

(Neuralgia of the hip and thigh.)

    Sciatic rheumatism may be caused either by a pressure on the nerve itself in or near the thigh, or in the spine at the origin of the nerves that form the sacral plexus, of which the great sciatic nerve
is a continuation.

    1.  Flex the leg (with one hand grasping the ankle, the other resting on the knee) as far as possible toward the chest, slowly but strongly.
    2.  Extend the leg, turning the knee in, the foot out.
    3.  With one hand on each side of the thigh, move all the muscles from right to left and vice versa, very deep (cut 29).
    4.  Place the patient on the side; beginning at the last dorsal vertebra, with the fingers close to the spine, move the muscles upward and outward from the spine to the end of the sacrum.
    This treatment will cure the most stubborn cases of sciatic rheumatism in from six weeks to three months.

(Rheumatic pain in the loins; neuralgia affecting the small of the back.)  Lumbago, which may be traced to many different causes, can be invariably cured by our method; acute cases almost instantly, and chronic cases of many years' standing by a continuation of the treatment.

    1.  Place the patient on the side; using the limb as a lever (cut 31), with the fingers close to the spine, commencing a little above the last lumbar vertebra, move the muscles up and out from the spine with each upward motion of the limb.
    2.  Extend the limb, move the hands down one inch, and repeat until the lower part of the sacrum is reached.
    3.  Place the patient on the back; grasping the ankle, flex one limb after the other as far as possible toward the chest, thus stretching the muscles of the back (cut 32).
    4.  Place the patient on the face; with the thumbs on each side of the spine, beginning at the second lumbar vertebra, press rather hard, moving the muscles upward; move the thumbs down one inch, and repeat until you have reached the second sacral vertebra; being, very careful to work thoroughly and deeply on each side of and a little below the last lumbar vertebra, as it is here the trouble is usually found.
    Here also is found the seat of kidney disease and female troubles.  It is noticeable in those cases that the patient usually has a weak back, and it has been demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that, working on these principles, not only the back, but the accompanying disorders, can be entirely cured.
    Of the many cases of lumbago treated by us, we will mention that of a gentleman of Baxter Springs, Kansas.  He was assisted into our office, and told how, ten years before he was afflicted in a similar manner, being, bedfast for six months and on crutches two years.  We gave him a treatment, not occupying over two minutes and curing him instantly.
    We might also mention the case of a gentleman of Neutral, Kansas, cured by us in two weeks, after having been given up by the medical fraternity.

(Inflammation of the joints, resulting in deformity.  May be acute or chronic.)

    Acute stage is similar to Acute Articular Rheumatism, and may extend to fingers and toes.  Chronic stage, joints tender and painful, slightly swollen, numbness and tingling; progressive, with occasional remissions.  More common in females.

    See Acute Articular Rheumatism.

(A specific arthritis, characterized by uric acid in the blood, and deposit of sodium urate in the joints.)

    Colicky pains in the stomach and bowels; diarrhea alternating with constipation; urine scanty and heavily loaded; usually attacks the great toe, which becomes hot,, red, and swollen.

    1. Place the patient on the side; beginning at the upper cervicals, move the muscles upward and outward, thoroughly and deep, the entire length of the spine, being very particular in the region of the splanchnic nerves and in the lumbar region.  Treat the opposite side in a similar manner.
    2.  Place the patient on the face; the thumbs of the operator on each side of the spinal column at the second lumbar vertebra, an assistant raises the limbs, (1) drawing them toward the operator on a level with the table, then (2) up as far as the patient can stand, then (3) carrying them back until they are parallel with the table, the operator pressing hard with his thumbs upon the second lumbar; (4) the limbs should now be lowered, the thumbs placed upon the third lumbar, and the operation repeated, until the fourth lumbar has been treated in a similar manner.  This treatment should only be given in case of diarrhea.
    In case of constipation knead and manipulate the bowels.  See Constipation.
    3.  Flex the affected limb, slowly, but strongly, giving strong abduction of the knee as the limb is extended; manipulate the muscles the entire length of the limb, deeply and thoroughly, being very particular in the region of the inflamed and swollen joint.
    4.  Place the hand under the patient's chin; draw the head backward, rotating it from side to side; manipulate thoroughly all the muscles in the front and sides of the neck.  This treatment, which frees and stimulates the pneumogastric nerve, together with strong treatment over the splanchnic nerves in the spine, tends to equalize the action of the alimentary canal.
    Treatment will occupy about fifteen minutes, and should be given each day, until recovery.

(Results from repeated attacks of the acute form.)

    Deformity of affected joints, about which are deposits of sodium urate.

    See Acute Gout.
    Treatment should be given every other day.

(A morbid constitutional condition, having tubercle bacillus, associated with inflammation, caseation, and suppuration of the lymph glands; generally hereditary; predisposing the system to development
of glandular tumors degenerating into ulcers; also to mesenteric and pulmonary consumption.)

    Similar to Lymphadenoma, and in addition the glands and surrounding connective tissues are inflamed, hot and tender to the touch, and adherent to the skin; cervical glands usually first involved.

    1.  Manipulate gently, but very thoroughly and deep, the muscles and glands in the affected region.
    2.  See General Treatment, using such parts thereof, to free and stimulate the circulation through the entire system, as conditions would indicate.
    Treatment should be given every other day, and occupy fifteen or twenty minutes.

(A cretinoid disease, due to affection of the thyroid gland, with mucus in the connective, tissue; chiefly affecting women, rarely men or children.)

    Thyroid gland diminishes; swelling of the face, arms, and legs; memory enfeebled; heart enfeebled; movements clumsy; appetite and nutrition impaired.

    This disease can be greatly benefited by a thorough General Treatment, occupying fifteen to twenty minutes, every other day, to equalize the circulation and stimulate the digestive organs.


    1.  Place the patient on the side; beginning at the upper cervicals, move the muscles upward and outward) gently but very deep, the entire length of the spinal column, being very particular in all regions which appear tender to the touch, have an abnormal temperature, or where the muscles seem to be in a knotty, cord-like, or contracted condition.  Treat the opposite side in a similar manner.
    2.  With the patient on the back, place the hand lightly over the following organs, vibrating each two minutes, respectively: lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
    3.  Flex the lower limbs, one at a time, against the abdomen, abducting the knee, and adducting the foot, strongly as the limb is extended with a light jerk.
    4.  Grasping the limb around the thigh with both hands (cut 29), move the muscles very deeply from side to side the entire length of the limb.  Treat the opposite limb in a similar manner.
    5.  Place one hand upon patient's shoulder, pressing the muscles down toward the point of the acromion process; with the disengaged hand grasp the patient's elbow, rotating the arm around the head (cut 30).
    6.  Holding the arm firmly with one hand, with the other rotate the muscles very deep the entire length of the arm, also grasp the hand, placing the disengaged hand under the axilla, and give strong, extension.  Treat the opposite arm in a similar manner.
    7.  Place one hand under the chin, the other under the occipital, and give gentle but strong extension (cut 8).
    8.  Place one hand under the chin, drawing the head backward and to the side; with the disengaged hand manipulate the muscles which are thrown upon a strain.  Treat the opposite side in a similar manner.  Also manipulate, thoroughly and deep, the muscles in front of the neck.
    9.  Place the patient upon a stool; the operator placing the thumbs upon the angles of the second ribs, an assistant raising the arms slowly but strongly above the head as the patient inhales; press hard with the thumbs as the arms are lowered with a backward motion, patient relaxing all muscles and permitting elbows to bend; move the thumbs down to the next lower ribs; raise the arms as before; and repeat, until the fifth pair of ribs have been treated in a similar manner.
    10.  In all cases of fever hold the vaso-motor center (cut 13).
    11.  In cases of diarrhea place the patient face down while pressing hard upon the first lumbar vertebra, raise the limbs slowly but strongly as far as patient can stand; press also upon the second, third, and fourth lumbar, raising the limbs in a similar manner.  In severe cases of diarrhea it is also well to vibrate the bowels two minutes.
    12.  In cases of constipation No. 11 should be omitted, and the Constipation Treatment be substituted.

(A hereditary morbid condition, characterized by tendency to excessive bleeding from
the slightest wounds.)

    Slight scratches, wounds, or extraction of teeth are followed by severe hemorrhages.
    Not treated by osteopaths.

(Enlargement of the thyroid gland.)

    The thyroid gland bears much resemblance in structure to other glandular organs, and was formerly classified together with the thymus, suprarenal capsules, and spleen, under the head of ductless glands, since, when fully developed, it has no excretory duct.  The thyroid varies in weight from one to two ounces.  It is larger in the female than in the male, and slightly increases in size during menstruation.  It is situated at the upper part of the trachea, and consists of two lateral lobes, placed one on each side of that tube and connected by a narrow transverse portion, the isthmus.  The arteries supplying the thyroid are the superior and inferior thyroid, and sometimes a branch from the innominate artery or arch of the aorta.  The arteries are remarkable for their large size and frequent anastomosis; the veins form a plexus on the surface of the gland and on the front of the trachea, from which rise the superior, middle, and inferior thyroid veins.  The two former terminate in the internal jugular, the latter in the innominate vein.

    The thyroid gland is subject to enlargement, which is called goiter.  For the relief of these growths various operations have been resorted to, such as the injection of tincture of iodine or perchloride of iron, ligature of the thymus, and extirpation of a part or the whole of the thyroid gland.  The thyroid gland having an unusually large blood supply, it is but reasonable to suppose that an obstruction to its veins would necessitate an enlargement of the gland, or goiter.  It is equally reasonable that if the obstruction is removed, the goiter will soon be taken up by absorption and disappear.  Acting on these principles, we have cured many goiters.  It will be observed that the clavicle is not nearly as prominent in people troubled with goiter as in those not afflicted with this disease.  The contracting muscles and depressed clavicle, which are obstructing the escape of the blood from the thyroid gland, cause goiter.  Raising the clavicle and stretching these muscles cures goiter, thus proving our theory to be correct.

    1.  Stand behind the patient, and, extending the left arm around the neck, place the left thumb under the right clavicle at about its middle; grasp the patient's right wrist with the disengaged hand, raise the arm slowly above the head, and lower with a backward motion, at the same time springing the clavicle up with the thumb of the left hand; raise the left clavicle in like manner (cut 41).
    2.  Place the patient on the back: with one hand under the chin, the other under the back of the head, pull gently, rotating the head in any direction that will best stretch the muscles in the front and sides of the neck.
    3.  Place the below the goiter, pulling it upward and kneading it gently.
    This method will usually cure in from two to six weeks any goiter on which iodine has not been freely used.  Treatment should be given every other day, and will not occupy over five minutes time.


    Fleshy tumors, like goiter,  caused by an obstruction to the veins draining any given part, and are easily cured by stretching and moving all the flesh and muscles in the immediate vicinity and kneading and moving the tumor in all directions.

(A disease characterized by tendency to hemorrhage of the membranes, by extravasation of the blood in livid spots under the skin, especially by spongy, swollen, and bleeding gums, but may be also of the bowels; and by great prostration, languor, and occasional rheumatic pains.)

    Skin dry and rough, purplish; breath fetid: pulse feeble and rapid; shortness of breath.

    Discontinue the use of salted meats, and all highly seasoned food.  Eat as large quantities of fresh fruit as possible , and let the diet consist mainly of vegetables, potatoes and onions being one of the best preventives and curatives for this malady.
    The osteopath, being taught to view man as a machine, always seeks to remove the cause.  In this instance, the cause being an improper diet, correcting the diet will cure the disease.


    Sometimes begins with a chill, and pain in the back and limbs; purple spots usually occur in successive crops, first red, then purple, brown, and  yellow; no fever.

    For treatment, see Scurvy.
    Take all needed rest, but exercise according to strength, and breathe fresh air.