Studies in the Osteopathic Sciences
Basic Principles: Volume 1
Louisa Burns, M.S., D.O., D.Sc.O.

            The following books and papers were consulted in the preparation of this volume.  The list does not offer a complete bibliography upon any subject.

            Allen, B. M.—The Embryonic Development of the Ovary and Testis of the Mammals, The American Journal of Anatomy, vol. III, No. 2.

            Barker, L. F.—The Nervous System and Its Constituent Neurons.

            Benedict, S. R.—The Role of Certain Ions in Rhythmic Heart Activity, The American Journal of Physiology, vol. No. 3.

            Bliss, Pearl A.—The Vaso-Motor Nerves in the Lungs A. O.

            Booth, E. R.—A History of Osteopathy.  A Journal, August, 1907.

            Bullot, G.—On the Swelling of Organic Tissues, The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XII, No. 3.

            Burns, L.—The Metabolism of the Neuron, Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, May, 1905.
                                Blood Pressure and Flatulence.  A. O. A. Journal, April 1907.
                                Partial Report of Experiments Upon Visceral Reflexes, The Osteopathic World, August, 1905.

            Carlson, A. J.—Changes in the Nissl’s Substance of Cells of Retina—During Prolonged Stimulation, The American Journal of Anatomy, vol. II, No. 3.

            Castle, W. E.—Heredity of Coat Characters in Guinea Pigs and Rabbits.  Publication No. 23, Carnegie Institution of Washington.

            Clark, M. E.—Osteopathic Gynecology.
                                    Applied Anatomy.

            Clements, F. E.—Research Methods in Ecology.

            Coriat, I. H.—A Review of Some Recent Literature on the Chemistry of the Central Nervous System, The Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, vol. XV, No. 2.

            Darwin, Charles—Descent of Man.
                                        Plants and Animals Under Domestication.

            Davenport, C. B.—Experimental Morphology, vols. I and II.

            Davis, N. S.—A History of Medicine.

            DeVries, Hugo—Intracellular Pangenesis.
                                       Species and Varieties.

            Edinger, Ludwig—The Anatomy of the Central Nervous System in Man.

            Emery, R. D.—Studies of Foods, The Osteopath, January, 1901.

            Fay, E. A.—Marriages of the Deal in America.

            Goldthwait, J. E.—A Study of the Metabolism in Osteomalacia.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XIV, No. 5.

            Gordinier, H. C.—The Gross and Minute Anatomy of the Central Nervous System.

            Gulick, J. T.—Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal, Publication 25, Carnegie Institution of Washington.

            Haig, Alexander—Uric Acid.

            Halliburton, W. D.—Biochemistry of Muscle and Nerve.

            Hatai, Shinkishi—The Excretion of Nitrogen by the White Rat as affected by Age and Body Weight, The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XIV, No. 2.

            Hazzard, Charles—Principles of Osteopathy.
                                          Practice of Osteopathy.

            Henderson, Yandell—Observation on the Fate of Oil Injected Subcutaneously.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XIV, No. 3.
                                              The Mass-Movements of the Circulation as Shown by a Recoil Curve, ibid vol. XIV, No. 3.

            Herrick, C. L.—The Beginning of Social Reactions in Man and Lower Animals.  Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psyschology, vol. XIV, No. 2.

            Herter, C. A.—On the Reducing Action of theAnimal Organism Under the Influence of Cold.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XII, No. 1.
                                    The Influence of Fever on the Reducing Action of the Animal Organism, ibid vol. XII, No. 5.

            Hertwig, Oscar—The Cell.

            Hulett, G. D.—Principles of Osteopathy.

            Hyde, Ida H.—Differences in the Electrical Potential in Developing Eggs.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XII, No. 3.
                                    A Reflex Respiratory Center.  The Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, vol. XVI, No. 3.

            Jennings, H. S.—Reactions to Heat and Cold in the Ciliate Infusoria.
                                      Reactions to Light in the Ciliates and Flagellates.
                                      Reactions to Stimuli in Certain Rotifera.
                                      The Theory of Tropisms.
                                      Physiological States as Determining Factors in the Behaviour of the Lower Organisms.
                                      The Movements and Reactions of Amoeba.
                                      The Method of Trial and Error in the Behaviour of Lower Organisms.

            Johnston, L. B.—The Nervous System of Vertebrates.

            Jordan, D. S.—Footnotes to Evolution.

            Koch, Waldeman—The Lecithans, Decennial Publications, The University of Chicago.

            Leathes, J. B.—Problems in Animal Metabolism.

            Levene, P. A.—The Autolysis of Animal Organism.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XI, No. 3.
                                     On the Combined Action of Proteolytic Enzymes, ibid vol. XII, No. 1.

            Lillie, R. S.—The Physiology of Cell Division, ibid, vol. XV, No. 1.

            Lingle, D. J.—Restorers of the Cardiac Rhythm, ibid, vol. 5.

            Littlejohn, J. M.—Physiology, Exhaustive and Practical.
                                        Cancer.  A.O.A. Journal, March, April and May, 1907.

            Loeb, Jacques—The Dynamics of Living Matter.
                                      Studies in General Physiology.
                                      Physiology of the Brain.

            Loesser, William—A Study of the Functions of the Different Parts of the Frog’s Brain.  The Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, vol. XV, No. 5.

            Lovett, R. T.—A Contribution to the Mechanics of the Spine.  The American Journal Of Anatomy, vol. II, No. 4.

            Martin, E. G.—An Experimental Study of the Rhythmic Activity of Isolated Strips of Heart Muscles.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XI, No. 2.

            McConnell, C. P., and Teall, C. C.—Practice of Osteopathy.  The Osteopathic Lesion.  A. O. A. Journal, September and December, 1905, and May and August, 1906.

            McCrudden, F. H.—A Study of the Metabolism in Osteomalacia.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XIV, No. 5.
                                            The Effects of Castration on the Metabolism in Osteomalacia, ibid, vol. XVII, No. 3.

            McMurrich, J. P.—The Development of the Human Body.

            Meigs, E. B.—A Mechanical Theory of Muscular Contraction, and Some New Facts Supporting It.  American Journal of Physiology, vol. XIV, No. 2.

            Mendell, L. B.—On the Utilization of Various Carbohydrates Without the Intervention of the Alimentary Digestive Processes.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XIV, No. 3.
                                      On the Paths of Absorption from the Liver, ibid, vol. XIV, No. 3.
                                      On the Absorption and Utilization of Proteids Without Intervention of the
                                      Alimentary Digestive Processes, ibid, vol. XII, No. 4.
                                      On the Intermediate Metabolism of the Purin-bodies, ibid, vol. XII, No. 1.
                                      A Reflex Respiratory Center.  The Journal of Com—(missing)

            Metchnikoff, Elie—Immunity in Infectious Diseases.

            Minot, C. S.—Human Embryology.
                                   Genetic Interpretations in the Domain of Anatomy. The American Journal of Anatomy, vol. IV, No. 2.

            Mitchell, P. H.—On the Utilization of Various Carbohydrates Without the Intervention of the Alimentary Digestive Processes.  The American Journal of Physiology, Vol. XIV, No. 3.

            Morgan, T. H.—Regeneration.

            Neilson, C. H.—Similarity between Catalysis and Enzyme Action.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XV, Nos. 2 and 4.

            Osgood, R. B.—A Study of the Metabolism in Osteomalacia, ibid., vol. XIV, No. 5.

            Painter, C. F.—With Osgood, ibid.
            Packard, W. H.—On Resistance to a Lack of Oxygen.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XV, No. 1.

            Pierce, J. J.—Some Visceral Actions Obtained by Manipulation of Cerebro-Spinal Nerves.  Report of Osteopathic Association of the State of California, 1905.

            Ricketts, H. T.—Infection, Immunity and Serum Therapy.

            Robinson, Byron—The Abdominal Brain.

            Schryver, S. B.--Chemistry of the Albumens.

            Stevens, N. M.—Studies in Spermatogenesis.  Publication No. 36, Carnegie Institution of Washington.

            Still, A. T.—Autobiography.
                                Philosophy of Osteopathy.
                                The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy.

            Stookey, L. B.—On the Combined Action of the Proteolytic Enzymes.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XII, No. 1.

            Tasker, D. L.—Principles of Osteopathy.

            Towle, Elizabeth W.—A Study of the Effects of Certain Stimuli.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XII, No. 2.

            Vernon, H. M.—Variations in Plants and Animals.

            Verworn, Max—General Physiology.

            Wallace, A. R.—On Natural Selection.

            Wells, Gideon—On the Relaton of Autolysis to Proteid Metabolism.  The American Journal of Physiology, vol. XI, No. 4.

            Weismann, August—Essays on Heredity.
                                            The Germ Plasm.

            Whitman, C. O.—Evolution and Epigenesis.

            Whiting, C. A.—The Value of Laboratory Diagnosis.  Report of the Osteopathic Association of the State of California, 1903.
                                      The Place of Blood Examinations in the Diagnosis of Disease, ibid., 1905.
                                      The Human Brain.  The Osteopath, March, 1900.
                                      The Spinal Cord, ibid., January, 1901, January, 1902.
                                      The Purin Bodies.  A.O.A. Journal, August 1905.
                                      A Dermoid Cyst.  Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science, February, 1905.

            Wiedersheim, Robert—Comparative Anatomy of Certebrates.

            Wilson, E. B.—The Cell in Development and Inheritance. Fertililzation and Karyokinesis of the Ovum.

            Wood, F. A.—Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty.

            Woodall—Osteopathic Gynecology.

            Yerkes, Ada W.—Modifiability of Behaviour in Hydroides dianthus V.  The Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, vol. XVI, No. 6.

            Text Books in Pathology—Martin, McConnell, Thayer, Delafield and Prudden, Coplin, McFarland.

            Text Books in Physiology—Landois, Kirke, Tigerstedt, Howell, Raymond, Ott, Foster, Littlejohn, Brubaker and the American Text Book.

            Text Books of Medical Practice—Osler, Tyson, Thayer, Taylor.

            Text Books on Mental Diseases and Defectives and Nervous Diseases—Barr, Brower and Bannister, Church and Peterson, Dana, Crothers, Allchin, Berkley, Hirt.

            Text Books on Hematology—Cabot, Da Costa.

            Periodicals—Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 1903, 1907.  Osteopathic World, 1903-1905.  The American Medical Association, 1900-1907.  The Journal of the (missing)  cal Record, 1902-1907.