Studies in the Osteopathic Sciences
The Nerve Centers: Volume 2
Louisa Burns, M.S., D.O., D.Sc.O.
ABRAMS, A.—Spondylotherapy, 1910.

ASHMORE, EDYTHE.—American Osteopathic Association; Case Reports.

AYERS, H., AND JULIA WORTHINGTON.—The Finer Anatomy of the Brain of Bdellostoma Dombeyi; American Journal of Anatomy, January, 1911.

BABLER, E. A.—Report of Thirteen Cases of Hemiplegia Following Head Injury; Journal of American Medical Association, April 1, 1911.

BARKER, L. F.—The Nervous System and Its Constituent Neurons; 1899.

BARNE, G. E.—New Theory of the Etiology of Achylia Gastrica; New York Medical Journal, August 20, 1910.

BLISS, PEARL A.—The Vaso-motor Nerves of the Lung; Journal of American Osteopathic Association, August 1910.

BROOKS, H. ST. J.—The Nervous System; Morris’ Anatomy.

BURNS, L.—The metabolism of the Neuron; Southern California Academy of Sciences, May, 1905.

                How Osteopathic Lesions Affect Eye Tissues; American Osteopathic Association, Put-in-Bay, 1906.

                Viscero-somatic and Somato-visceral Spinal Reflexes; Journal of American Osteopathic Association, October, 1907.

                Immediate Effects of Bony Lesions. Report of the A. T. Still Research , 1910.

                Bony Lesions and Adenoids; American Osteopathic Association, San Francisco, 1910.

CANNON, W. G.—The Motor Activities of the Stomach and Small Intestines After Splanghnic and Vagus Section; American Journal of Physiology, 1906.

CARLSON, A. J.—Changes in the Nissl Substance of the Retina During Prolonged Stimulation; American Journal of Anatomy, Vol. II, No. 3.

CLARK, M.E.—Osteopathic Gynecology. Applied Anatomy.

CECONI, A.—Cerebellar Tumors Without Special Symptoms; Polyclinico, Rome, October 9, 1910.

COGHILL, G. K.—Recent Studies in the Finer Structure of the Nerve Cell; Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology,  April, 1904.

CRILE, G. E.—Graves’ Disease; Journal of American Medical Association, March 4, 1911.

DANA, C. L.—Interpretation of Pain and the Dysethesias; Journal of American Medical Association, March 18, 1911.

                Text-book of Nervous Diseases and Psychiatry, 1908.

DUFUR, J. I.—Reflexes; Journal  of American Osteopathic Association, April 1908.

DANDY, W. E.—A Human Embryo with Seven Pairs of Somites; American Journal of Anatomy, January, 1910.

EDINGER, L.—Central Nervous System of Man and of Vertebrates in General; 1900.

EMERY, R. D.—Clinic Lectures; The Pacific College of Osteopathy.

ERLANGER, J.—On the Union of a Spinal Nerve with the Vagus; American Journal of Physiology, June, 1905.

ESSICK, C. R.—The Corpus Ponto-bulbare; American Journal of Anatomy, June, 1907.

GAGE, SUSANNA P.—A Three Weeks’ Human Embryo, with Especial References to the Brain and Nephric System; American Journal of Anatomy, 1905.

GATES, GERTRUDE L.—Osteopathy in Gynecology; Western Osteopath, May, 1909.

GOLDTHWAITE, J. E.—The Lumbo-sacral Articulation; Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, March 16, 1911.

GORDINIER, H. G.—Anatomy of the Central Nervous System; 1899.

GRANT, W. W.—Traumatic Facial Paralysis; Anaastomosis of Facial Nerve to Spinal Accessory; Journal of American Medical Association, October, 1910.

GRAUDAUER, K.—Inhibiting influence of Emotions on Gastric Secretion; Deutsches Archiv fur Klinische Medizin, Leipsic.

GRAY, E. J.—Lesions Affecting the Stomach and Their Correction; Journal of Osteopathic Association, March 1911.

GREENE, C. W.—Kirke’s Hand-book of Physiology, 1910.

HALLLIBURTON, W. D.—Biochemistry of Muscle and Nerve;  1904.

                Text-book of Physioilogy; 1909.

HARDESTY, I.—On the Development and Nature of the Neuroglia; American Journal of Anatomy, July, 1904.

HARRISON, R. G.—An Experimental Study of the Relation of the Nervous System to the Developing Musculature in the Embryo of the Frog; American Journal of Anatomy, June, 1904.

                Further Experiments on the Development of the Peripheral Nerves; American Journal of Anatomy, May, 1906.

HATAL, SHINKISHI.—A Study of the Diameters of the Cells and Nuclei in the Second Cervical Ganglion of the Adult Albino Rat; Journal of Comparative Neurology And Psychology, 1907.

                The Finer Structure of the Neuron in the Nervous System of the White Rat; The Decennial Publications, University of Chicago.

HAZZARD, CHARLES.—Principles of Osteopathy.

                Practice of Osteopathy.

                Osteopathic Manipulation of the Blood Mass; Journal of American Osteopathic Association, November, 1904.

HERRICK, C. J.—The Doctrine of Nerve Components and Some of Its Applications; Journal Of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, 1905.

                A Study of the Vagal and Funicular Lobes of the Codfish; Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, January, 1907.

HORNER, A. A.—The incidence of Heart Disease in Acute Psychoses; Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, August, 1910.

HOWELL, W. H.—Vagus Inhibition of the Heart in Its Relation to the Inorganic Salts of the Blood; American Journal of Physiology, February, 1906.

HULETT, G. D.—Principles of Osteopathy.

HULETT, C. M. T.—Osteopathic Lesions in Acute Respiratory Diseases; Journal of American Osteopathic Association, June, 1907.

HUNT, J. O.—Lateral Curvature and Its Technique; Western Osteopath, October, 1908.

HYDE, IDA H.—A Reflex Respiratory Center; Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, Vol. XVI, No. 3.

JELLIFFE, S. E.—The Thalamic Syndrome; Medical Record, February 19, 1910.

JENNINGS, H. S.—Study of the Behavior of Animal Organisms; Carnegie Institution of Washington, February 16, 1904.

JOHNSTON, J. B.—The Nervous System of Vertebrates; 1906.

                The Morphology of the Vertebrate Head from the Viewpoint of the Functional Divisions of the Nervous System; Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, 1905.

LANGLEY, J. N.—The Sympathetic and Other Related Systems of Nerves; Text-book of Physiology, Vol. II, 1900.

                The Autonomic Nervous System, Brain; 1902.

LANGLEY, J. N. AND ANDERSON, H. K.—Observations on the Regenerations of Nerve Fibers, Journal of Physics, 1902.

LEOPOLD, S.—Special Features in the Symptomatology and Pathology of Anemia of the Central Nervous System; Medical Record, March 5, 1910.

LEWIS, W. H.—Experimental Evidence in Support of the Theory of Outgrowth of the Axis Cylinder; American Journal of Anatomy, 1907.

LITTLEJOHN, J. M.—Psyho-physiology.



LOEB, J.—Physiology of the Brain; 1900

                On the Different Effects of Ions Upon Myogenic and Neurogenic Rhythmical Contractions, etc.; American Journal of Physiology, 1900.

LOVETT, R. W.—Mechanics of the Spine.

MILLARD, F. P.—Some of the Pathological Phases of the Tympanum; Journal of American Osteopathic Association, February, 1910.

MINOT, C. S.—Human Embryology.

McCONNELL, C. P.—Report of the A. T. Still Research , 1910.

                Osteopathic Factors in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence; Journal of American Osteopathic Association, March, 1909.

MCCONNELL, C. P. AND TEALL, T. T.—Practice of Osteopathy.

McMURRICH, J. P.—Human Embryology.

MOFFITT, H. C. AND SHEMAN, H. M.—Tumor of the Spinal Cord; Journal of American Medical Association, December 31, 1910.

MORAT, J. P.—Physiology of the Central Nervous System; 1906.

PARKER, G. H.—Functions of the Lateral Line Organs in Fishes; Bulletin of Bureau of Fisheries, 1904.

PIERCE, J. J.—Some Visceral Actions Obtained by Manipulation of the Cerebro-spinal Nerves; Report of the Osteopathic Association of the State of California, 1905.

POTTENGER, F. M.—Rigidity of the Chest Muscles as Early Sign of Tuberculous Apical Disease; Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 1909.

READ, EFFIE A.—A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Olfactory Apparatus in Dog, Cat and Man; American Journal of Anatomy, Vol. VIII.

REED, C. A. L.—Anatomic Manifestation and Peripheral Control of Pain Originating in the Uterus and Adnexa; Journal of American Medical Association, March 26, 1911.

REYNER, REVA.—Dorsal and Rib Lesions That Affect the Lung; Journal of Osteopathy, Oct. 1910.

SABIN, FLORENCE.—Atlas of the Medulla and Midbrain; 1901.

                Description of a Model Showing the Tracts of Fibers medullated in a New-born Baby’s Brain; American Journal of Anatomy, January, 1911.

SANTEE, H. E.—Anatomy of the Brain and Spinal Cord; 1907.

STILL, A. T.—Philosophy of Osteopathy.

                Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy.

                Research and Practice; 1910.

STREETER, G. L.—Anatomy of the Floor of the Fourth Ventricle; American Journal of Anatomy, July, 1903.

                The Peripheral Nervous System in the Human Embryo at the End of the First Month; American Journal of Anatomy, Vol. VIII.

                The Development of the Cranial and Spinal Nerves in the Occipital Region of the Human] Embryo; American Journal of Anatomy, Vol. IV, 1904.

SUTHERLAND, WILLIAM.—A Molecular Theory of the Electric Properties of Nerve; American Journal of Physiology, 1906.

STOCKARD, C. R.—The Influence of Alcohol on Embryonic Development; American Journal of Anatomy, July, 1910.

TASKER, D. L.—Principles of Osteopathy.

                Anatomical Lesions Associated with Somatic Disturbances; American Osteopathic Association, San Francisco, 1910.

                Adaptation and Compensation; Western Osteopath, 1908-1909.

                Inhibition; Western Osteopath, 1907.

                Clinic Lectures; The Pacific College of Osteopathy.

TUCKER, E. E.—The Internal Secretions in Osteopathic Practice; Journal of American Osteopathic Association, February, March, 1911.

TURNER, W. A. AND STEWART, G.—Text-book of Nervous Diseases; 1910.

WHITING, C. A.—The Human Brain; The Osteopath, March, 1900.

                The Spinal Cord; The Osteopath, January, 1901, January, 1902.

                Pellagra; Western Osteopath, January, 1910.

                Lectures; The Pacific College of Osteopathy.

                Lectures; The Southern California Academy of Sciences.

WILSON, J. G.—The Nerves and Nerve endings in the Membrane Tympana in Man; American Journal of Anatomy, January, 1911.

YERKES, R. M.—Inhibition and Reinforcement of Reaction in the Frog, Rana Clamitans; Journal Of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, April, 1904.