A. P. Davis, M.D., N.D., D.O.
    That the Human body is composed of nerves, very profusely, the anatomist readily admits. That the nerves perform, or seem to, all the function performed by the body, is admitted. The how they do it is quite another proposition, and not so easily understood, and not so readily demonstrated. Phrenologists have shown that localities called faculties have the characteristics of development, or non-development, according as thought is the exercised - used. From this premise we conclude that thought is the prime moving cause of development, and that inasmuch as the body in all its parts is built up by the material sent there in the fluids, and that these fluids go to all parts through channels called arteries, and that all of these are surrounded by muscles, and that these muscles are controlled by nerves ending in them, and that the contractions and relaxations of these muscles result in the rhythmical movements called peristalsis, and that through these movements the fluid is distributed everywhere in the body, it follows that the nervous system is the prominent factor in the body.


    To the individual who has been a victim of medicine the above assertion seems strange. That, all functional disorders change to a normal condition when the waste ceases, nothing is more easily demonstrated, nor is any proposition more reasonable. That the waste can be absolutely arrested is unquestionable; hence a cure of all functional ills is a certainty. It is not anything like the administration of medicines, for that is based largely, upon the supposition and the effects are doubtful under the most favorable conditions, for they may injure rather than benefit; whereas, the method which stops the waste is certain. Which has the greater claim upon the individual who desires to be cured of disease? The assurance of being well is a desideratum worthy of the profoundest consideration from all. This system is correct, for it is susceptible of actual demonstrations as to its certainty.


    The first is, every tissue in the body is said to be under the direct control of nerve influence. No action, sensation or motion of the body can possibly take place without nerve impression. All of the nerves are the media through which the mind is conveyed, and hence essential. The nerves, being essential to the conduction of mental influence, must be in a normal state. The elements of the nerves are the product of the blood, and the blood is the product of the food eaten, the water drank and the air breathed, and these all being manufactured therefrom, it is important that the food be of a character which contains the elements necessary to manufacture the nerve elements fitted for the conduction of (mind) nerve power, to execute the desires of the mind in the superintendence of action, sensation and sympathy throughout the body, so that harmony may at all times exist

    The crudity of the knowledge of physical action does not suffice for an excuse for the chronic condition of so many people, for it has no redeeming quality in it. Intelligent comparison shows the better way to be one which has a certainty of analysis and a sure way of arriving at the exact quantity of nerve power; how much is being wasted in a given period, and a most positive method of arresting the loss every second of wakeful hours. That being the cause of sickness - we mean nerve waste - is it not a reasonable proposition that when the waste is arrested, stopped, that disease will also stop - cease to be - provided the proper elements are used as food to rebuild the waste tissue? With this proposition before the reader, does it not seem wise to consider it, and investigate its philosophy, its methods of relief, and if one desires to be restored to health, to practice what seems the most reasonable course to obtain that result ?


    It has been urged by some that that impingement of nerves is due to partial or complete dislocation of bone - vertebra - generally, and that the adjustment of these bones sets in order the whole difficulty; in other words, relieves the suffering, rights the wrong. While it is proper and right to adjust the bones when out of place, it does not follow that all disease is a result of dislocated bone, nor that because there is a pain anywhere does it necessarily follow that a bone or a vertebra is dislocated; neither does it follow that, because a snap or sound is heard when manipulations are made, a fixation has been reduced, or that a bone was replaced, or, in fact, that it was luxated.

    The ridiculousness of assuming to set a spine every time it clicks, or makes a noise as of cracking the finger joints, only louder, is a subterfuge to show wisdom superior to others. If there could be such a thing as a luxated vertebra when such an occurrence takes place, the verdict would be legion, for it does not take much of a pressure on a vertebra to make a noise similar to the "cracking" of the finger joints.

    There is great reason to seek to know the truth regarding the above state of affairs. That there are certain nerves released along the spine by a "peculiar movement" is a demonstrated fact; but that results follow only when the famous click is heard is in no sense the whole truth; nor does it follow that typhoid fever is cured as the result of the reduction of a luxation; neither is it probable that that occurs when the puerperal state is aborted, for there is no reason to believe that the parturient stage necessarily dislocates the second lumbar vertebra; and yet the fever is relieved when the pressure is removed from the nerves of the spine in the middle lumbar region.

    The ignorance of men is sometimes apparent upon the very surface of their theories. A careful, intelligent examination of the person is an essential prerequisite to knowing what the trouble is, and a simple casual glance along the spine to discover the contour of the spinous processes savors too much of clinical guessing, that all diseases have their origin as a consequence of elevations and depressions of the vertebral column! The practitioner, or the would-be diagnostician, who is ignorant of the nervous system, is frequently led into erroneous conclusions, and "ventures where angels fear to tread," on questionable ground, and assumes unprovable probabilities, rendering an accidental discovery supremely ridiculous, to say the least of it, as is the case of Chiropractic and Osteopathy. While both these discoveries are marvelous, so far as the treatment as well as the results are concerned, yet the claims of the discoverers are founded on hypotheses rather than on real anatomical and physiological facts and yet this seems arrogant to assume, and would be, but for the known ability of the writer regarding both these so-called philosophies, especially the application of them practically, scientifically. It is a demonstrated fact that the founders of both theories are unlearned men, and have but little understanding of the real facts concerning the fundamental principles of what they accidentally discovered.

    That great good, wonderful cures, have been made by the application of both these methods of treatment needs no comment nor denial; but, after years of close scrutiny, a fairly good understanding of anatomy and physiology, and some experience as a pathologist, we are inclined to the opinion that exaggeration and over-much enthusiasm have been as great factors in their adoption as could be imagined. When it is known that everything from the earth, air and water has contributed to the armamentarium of all schools of healers, and a medley of contradictory theories advanced in support of each theory, it is not strange that a new claimant for renown should start out with vigor, when there seemed to be on the very surface of its claims a plausibility, more reasonable than had been presented before, especially that would meet and satisfy the wants of a large class of those inclined to be somewhat materialistic, and who had often tried effects of medication and medicine systems until hope had almost died within them, and who in reality had almost given up all hopes of relief. The very idea of something being used that left medicine out of its curriculum of treatment so astonished the people that a mad rush for the new forced a trial of them, as any new thing, wherever adopted, has forced recognition for the time; and thus it has been with these two methods. And while one is a different method of applying the same philosophy from the other, yet the fact remains that when the nervous system is rightly understood, these two methods may be utilized to far greater advantage than any others known, when combined, so physical application to the cure of disease is concerned.

    The deficiencies of the advocates of the one in practice is apparent, as either theory under its present auspices lacks something; the use of both, properly understood, panoplies the possessor of this knowledge with a double advantage not possessed by the one who only practices one of them. Either, as practiced by both of these schools, at once recognizes the fact that something radically wrong characterizes all his efforts to accomplish all he desires in many cases; that is, he feels the need of them both to render him efficient.

    The bunglesome manner in which either, and in fact both are taught and practiced has been a source of considerable criticism, until we brought about harmony and favorable results, and larger satisfaction from patients, by making out of these two methods a plausible, rational, scientific, systemized method, and began to apply it in the treatment of diseases. And now, as we have evolved an entirely new system, based upon the law of freedom of the nervous system, and named it the Neuropathic System, we are ready to demonstrate its superiority over all known methods of healing, treating all known diseases, and positively relieving and curing at least eighty per cent of all diseases which are pronounced incurable by the general practitioners of all schools. Investigate it.

    In cases of fever, absolute reliance may be placed in this treatment, properly given. When typhoid fevers succumb at two or three treatments, is it not reasonable that any other fever is as amenable as it is? It will control fevers so absolutely that patients and their friends will say that the cases did not have the typhoid at all; but you may convince any one by taking a genuine case, which has stood fire for two weeks, and the temperature has run from 1000 to 1060, and you will be astonished when you see the temperature go down to a normal condition within a day or two of the right sort of neuropathic treatment at fourth to the eighth dorsal vertebra once a day. It takes about a second or two to give the treatment, and one treatment does more good than all the medicine in all the drug stores on earth.

    One of my students in Ohio, Dr. J. L. Shilts, will testify as to success in treating typhoid. Those interested may receive a statement from him. His address is Verona, Ohio.

    This is so much better than Osteopathic treatment that there is no comparison, but there are so many who are opinionated in the idea that there is nothing comparable with Osteopathy that we are glad to prove to them that all is not known by one man, nor is one system of treatment all there is in this world. Whilst we have been fifty years studying and applying many systems, we find that no one contains all that one should know to be effectual in alleviating the wants, yea, the necessities, of humanity.

    The following is a quotation from Dr. J. L. Shilts, Verona, Ohio:

    "As to typhoid fever, neuropathy is a knocker. In my earlier studies of this subject, and before I had put this philosophy to the test, I had a case of typhoid fever. It being a typical case, I used only medicine for ten days, and her temperature ran about one thing all the time, with patient getting weaker; so I thought to myself one day, as I was driving along, going to see the case, I decided to try Neuropathy on her, and just go right on using the medicine. I had known that Chiropractors claimed great things for typhoid, but I could not get up enough courage to try it alone; so, when the thought came to try it with medicine, I said I will do that today. So I did, the temperature being about the same as it had been for ten days. I gave her a treatment and left the medicine as usual, only symptoms showing for the worse; but I returned the next day, and found the patient looking brighter; gave her another treatment, continuing medicine, and returned next day and found the temperature, which had been running to 102 1/2 0 to 1030 down to l000; patient otherwise much brighter and improved every way. Continued medicine and spinal treatment. On the thirteenth day found temperature up to 1010 owing to nurse overfeeding her, causing pains in the stomach but I gave her another spinal treatment, and the fourteenth day found temperature normal, patient bright and cheerful, convalescing nicely, only complaining that they were starving her. Not many thought she would live.

    "CASE SECOND. - A case of typhoid fever in rather a severe form, which patient was trying to wear out without medicine or a physician. I confess my weakness of faith, and used medicine only the first three days, when, as the medicine was not making any headway or improvement in the conditions, or reducing the fever, I concluded to combine the spinal treatment. I made only eight visits in all, and dismissed it convalescent. So radical was the change and so short the illness, the duration of the fever, that my diagnosis was questioned.

    "CASE THIRD. - I don't know what it was, but the fellow complained for about a week of being tired, weak, and feeling badly, and finally, he sent for me. When I got the history and found that he had a temperature of 1010, I begin with medicine, one drop of nux vomica in half a glass of water; ordered a teaspoonful taken every hour; gave him a spinal treatment; went back the next day; found patient sitting up; temperature normal and all unfavorable symptoms gone, and patient feeling well.

    "Of course three swallows do not make a summer, but the results were so radical and so effective I could not but feel highly pleased with them. I could relate many more instances, but these are sufficient to prove my claim that typhoid succumbs to spinal treatment, at once, and satisfactorily to patient and operator.

    "Disease is the effect of some part of the body being disarranged. As one writer said, 'Every symptomatic indication of disease is an effect, and every effect must have a cause.' Such diseases as paralysis, rheumatism, neuralgia, asthma, and diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, and those of females, are but effects of the impingement or pressure upon nerve filaments, ending in the parts involved, of the nervous system in any part of the body.

    "But, says the Bacteriologist, what about the bacteria microbe? We simply say that we attend to our own business, and let nature attend to hers. In a word, we take off the strain, stop the leakage, take off the pressure, and let nature do the rest; for the tendency of nature is repair. If nature has a clear, open field to maneuver, she unchains her phagocytes, and the microbes are at once invaded and destroyed, and they are carried off the field as dead, effete matter, 'harmless as the cooing dove,' and the leucocytes come along and clear up the wreck, repair the wrong, and furnish what is needed to restore lost harmony. None can improve on nature in her works. Let this be emphatically, impressed upon the mind of the reader, that man cures nothing. He can only remove causes, take off pressure, stop the strain of the nervous system; harmony being thus restored, nature is satisfied; she rights the wrongs.

    "From the foregoing we have tried to show that pressure is the main cause of inharmony and disease, and that the remedy lies in the removal of these causes, and nature heals. Knowing the proper method of taking off the pressure, and knowing where the fault is, it takes but a moment to properly adjust the parts, so to free the nerve pressure, and disease vanishes like frost before a warm summer's sunshine. Nature needs no medicines to assist her in performing her task. All she demands is to do her own work in her own way.

    "In conclusion, we would say that the skilled Neuropractor is able, by passing his skilled fingers along the spine, to find the difficulty, find the impingement causing the difficulty - where the nerves are impinged - and the indications are at once apparent. Does this not appeal to your judgment as being sound and rational Philosophy?

    Yours respectfully,

    J. L. SHILTS, M. D."

    The above is from the pen of Dr. J. L. Shilts, Verona, Ohio, and will speak for the praise of Neuropathy in his own language.

    After taking a course of instructions under the author's own teaching, after passing the curriculum of the schools and having eighteen years' experience in the practice of medicine, he unhesitatingly accords to this system, in his own language, a high place in the remedial system of practice.

    The glory of any method rests in its own efficacy rightly applied; and this, above all others, takes precedence in the manipulatory field of science as the quickest, easiest to apply, most effectual, and therefore the most satisfactory of all the sciences ever known by man. That Osteopathy is eminently praiseworthy, and Ophthalmology fills a niche that this nor no other science does, is conceded; but the grandest, speediest results are due to Neuropathy we readily concede; but when all these are at the command of those who are posted in the teachings of this book, and who know the efficacy of the combined science, there need be no failure in meeting the demands of any functional derangement in any one or all the ills of humanity.


    The experience of Dr. J. L. Shilts (a physician of eighteen years' practice), who had been through the curriculum of the various schools of medicine, is sufficiently gratifying, as well as convincing to satisfy the most prejudiced objector that something may be done by proper spinal adjustment. After a siege of ten days, with an intelligent use of medication to no benefit, and symptoms growing more grave, and when friends had predicted an unfavorable ending of the case, and almost that conclusion of the physician had been reached, the desire to succeed in ameliorating conditions of his fast sinking victim, applied Neuropathy, when, lo! one treatment started the hope of his patient’s recovery into channels which were manifest at once; the symptoms all changed for the better, the fever abated, and cheer in place of gloom took possession of all concerned, and from that day the patient’s convalescence dated, and all things terminated in a blissful ending, in a complete victory, within a few days. This needs no comment.

    Any adept in anatomy, physiology and chemistry, looking at things as they are, must be dull of comprehension to conclude that physical structure produces physical force. That such a thing, as a "calorific" exists, must leave combustion behind it, in it, or be composed of chemical material which, under proper conditions, result in caloric.

    As all heat is due to friction or chemical action, it is untenable to suppose that there are "calorific nerves," for the nerves in no sense act, nor are they anything else than conductors of thought, not generators; not possessing heat properties in and of themselves, and are alike heated when the tissue through which they pass is heated, no sane reasoner would concede to them heat properties, nor heat conductors, for all things which convey heat become hot themselves. The attempt to found a philosophy upon the ignorant ipse dixit of any set of individuals is simply preposterously absurd. If there were such a thing as a thermal or heat nerve system, it would vary the temperature of the body all the time in the ratio of excitement, and the body would never have a time in the ratio of excitement, and the body would never have a normal temperature, for there could be no average to constitute a standard. The heat of the body is due to chemical, bi-chemical, action, a resultant of heat and cold and chemical decomposition and friction of the molecules of debris, and in the constant metabolic changes in constant activity, resultant from the varied supply and waste going on at all times in the body everywhere.

    We are not assuming to be dictatorial as to how men shall think, nor are we inclined to criticize men's opinions, only in so far as they antagonize great truths, which are demonstrable in every instance. We can not see any use of advocating a supposed theory to be odd.

    When there is so much proof to demonstrate a great philosophy, it seems to me that just as simple a manner as possible, and free from all ambiguity, is the better way to explain a principle. We know that, in the disorders called disease, to which humanity is addicted, when we have pain in the abdominal viscera, the pneumogastric nervous system is irritated, or that, in consequence of lessened action of the splanchnics, excessive action devolves upon the former; but that when the "peculiar" adjustment in and along the spine unites the two forces, instantaneous changes take place and harmony is re-established - the pain ceases. The one or the other set of nerves, acting excessively from any cause, may be united by the same adjustment, and the whole mystery is solved, and all circumlocution is superfluous, and the metabolism of excess, producing fever or the reverse, is neutralized.

    This is the whole secret of the philosophy of what is called Chiropractic adjustment. It need not cost any one $500 nor nine months' study on a lot of decomposed human bones to know how to alleviate suffering humanity, if he will study the nervous system properly.