A. P. Davis, M.D., N.D., D.O.

    Some people become wise above what is written, as well as what is discoverable, or exists. Assumption, without proof, is simply an indication of mystic tendencies - something beyond the
ken of mortals to search out.

    If there existed a necessity for "educated nerves," some excuse might be permissible to desire them; but as no such necessity prevails, and as there could not, in the nature of things, be such a thing, we simply relegate the thought back to the realms of the unknowable - the Arcana. A man might as logically say a toe-nail could be educated as a nerve. Education only applies to the mind, and as nerves have no mind, they do not come under the domain of a growth in knowledge; so that is the end of such a thing. Est ad absurdum.

    The same may apply to "thermal nerves." Nerves are only the products of elementary constituents - simply selected matter formed by mind into tubes for the purpose of conveying thought, as an artery is formed for conveying fluid, each having only that special function - so it would be out of all reason to attribute functions to physical material without mind to direct results. The medium through which all action takes place in the body is the physical structure; but all and every cause of manifestation is mind. When the channels are pervious, a normal condition exists everywhere in the body, and a disturbance of the media anywhere along the line, from origin to terminus, intercepts communication of thought - mind - and inharmony is the inevitable and absolute consequence.

    All development, in all parts of the body, results from deposition of the elements carried there in the blood, through the arterial system; and the mind, through the nerves, superintends growth, metabolism, and every other function which takes place in the physical organism. If this matter was understood, it would obviate much confusion and wild and hypothetic, unreasonable speculation, simply to bolster a self-laudatious egotism. One fact is worth more than all the theories in the realm of hallucid imaginations.

    It being a principle in the Neuropathic Science which governs the law of treatment we so wish to be understood, and not to treat diseases by name. Find what particular set of nerves are involved and so treat the patient as to relieve the pressure upon them, and success will always follow; your desire will be accomplished. For instance, when there is pain in the head, determine whether it be due to pressure upon nerves ending in the part pained, or due to the impingement of nerves ending in the stomach, due to sour stomach - too much gas in stomach - and if that be the case, the indications are plainly discernible; the spine needs attention right at one of the splanchnics ending in the solar plexus. That treated, unites the two forces - neutralizes the excessive acid and the pressure ceases - the pain ceases at once.

    No one need expect to be an expert in anything until he masters it in every detail. This book would not be within the bounds of a reasonable capacity were it to deal with a specific explanation of the commonly accepted pathology of the schools, and delineate every special symptom - pain - and trace it to its origin, and then specifically describe each and every movement necessary to right such conditions. The one who deals with this science is expected to have learned the philosophy concerning the facts upon which the science is based, and then be able to apply it on general principles, and by so doing will be able to meet emergencies as they occur. Remember that the nervous system is to be freed from pressure as well as strain; and if the trouble is found in the spine, treat the spine; and if in the nerves ending in the eyes, see that means are instituted to stop that strain.

    This is not a guess-work science; it has specific lines of indices, and the one who wishes to make a safe and certain journey to the goal must know the route to travel, and can not be certain unless he can read the guideboards at each turn of the road as he travels along. This is not a conjectural, blind way, but the way is plainly blazed all the way, and there are special lines on all sides which point with unerring certainty which way to travel to be sure to get into the right way - simply read the signs as they loom up before one. Remember that the whole man is involved in the nervous system.

    While each particular leash of the nervous system has its origin in the calvarium, and ends in a specific locality, and controls where it ends, yet with all this, we have, as it were, a general superintendence through the sympathetic nervous system, a general relationship throughout the entire body, so that "when one member suffers, all of the rest suffer with it." There are no "preferred classes " in the human body, and each of its members receives the same supervision, and all are useful in the body to constitute the grand total, the grand consummation into a universal cosmos - a world. There being at least forty-two of these centers, all of them having specific functions to perform, we get at some sort of a system, or order, as to their functions by their effects in the various parts of the body.

    In the calvarium, mind begins its mission. Here, at the starting-point of the nervous system, mind begins to diffuse itself throughout every tissue in the body, so that, from the origin of the nerves, mind permeates to their end, and there the effect is manifest. These fibers end around capillaries, and superintend the selection of the various elements from the blood, through the walls of the capillaries, which build up the tissue in their vicinity, which has survived its relationship to the surrounding tissue in that part, made it soluble, carried it back through the lymphatic tubes into the veins, and they into the heart; thence it is passed into the lungs, there oxygenated, and is returned to the heart, thence to the various parts of the body to rebuild wasted parts; and so this eternal round goes on from moment to moment while life in the body lasts. The necessity of all the vessels being free from obstruction, so that all these fluids are permitted to circulate into their various departments, seems essential, and it must be; for should there be any delay in any part of the body in the onward course of the fluids, the accumulation at that point separates nerve filaments, and a disturbance follows from local pressure, which changes the blood, and these being the changes which are incompatible with the tissue, or the surrounding tissue, a change of all the tissue involved ensues, and we have a nidus for starting a condition called disease - even an organic disease for a change of tissue takes place which is altogether different from the normal tissue, and the nature of the disease depends, upon the character of the tissue involved where the accumulation takes place. If the congestion is only temporary, only a disturbance of function ensues, and when the accumulation is dispersed, there is a return to normal functions of the parts involved. The order of the processes of life in the human body are regular, uniform and exact-perfect in all parts of the body when it is normal. This, then, is the natural order of its workings, and it should be the business par excellence of the pathologist to see that such be maintained, and if found wrong, to right matters, so that Nature may perform her functions naturally.

    From the forty-two nerve centers we have a per-functionary effect in all parts of the body as every member has need. How this is carried on is rarely conjectural, for we are not permitted to even see its workings, but are allowed only to see its effects, and as certain causes are followed by certain effects, we reason from the one to the other, and by these arrive at conclusions. The development of these centers of the cranium has been the careful study of phrenologists for many years, and it is a fairly well established fact, as we know, that the mind from these centers diffuses     its influence as the individual thinks. From these observations we learn that the mind, through the nervous system, controls the body, builds it, supports it, tears it down, and all from the material it received from without. This is all done through the suggestions received through the five senses, and from the elements in Nature it takes its supply and appropriate what it needs when left to Nature.