A. P. Davis, M.D., N.D., D.O.

    In the analysis of diseases by the "yard stick" - the trial case - the condition of the nerve-power is ascertained and the indications revealed as to what is needed by patient. The arrest of nerve waste is the thing to be done, and the "tank filled," and these meet the case absolutely, whether one knows a single thing about the special pathology or not. The thing one should know is how much nerve power is being consumed daily; and if there is enough to produce exhaustion, that must receive the attention, and then NATURE does the rest, if she has the right material to replenish the waste - in food, air and water.

    If there is spinal trouble, that must be looked after and corrected. All bodily complaints are due to nerve strain or nerve pressure, and these must be attended to intelligently in order to render the aid necessary to restore the afflicted to that condition called health. We have said elsewhere that any bodily disorder may be relieved by the proper adjustment of the spine, and to verify this assertion the experience of the manipulator will bear this out. One does not need to know there is any particular local disease, for an examination of the spinous processes will reveal the fact of soreness somewhere along the sides of the vertebrae, or some disparagement of contour, and either of these conditions will be sufficient index to point out the trouble, whatever it is, and when that condition is righted, restoration at once ensues; sometimes at once, and at other times it may require several treatments. In many cases, Osteopathy, comes in excellent use.

    Remember that these things announced in this book cover the ground of treatment for all functional, human ills, and when understood, will not only take the prejudice out of one, but will be found to be the right things to be done when properly applied, and may be relied upon with full confidence of absolute satisfaction in all functional disorders.

    In the general practice of medical treatment, one is asked: What is the trouble? What is the name of the affection? It would seem from these premises that the name had more to do with the case in hand than the treatment - than the means used to relieve the condition. We assume that "pathos" means "pain," "disease" - want of ease, and that what is commonly called disease is due to some interference with the nervous system, ending in the part diseased, and knowing that nomenclature is an arbitrary signification as it is applied, and the name does not let in any light upon the real condition, and that no single organ can be affected for any considerable time without the whole body becoming implicated, therefore the nomenclature would soon be swallowed up into a general dyscrasia, and per consequence the name would be absolutely misleading and erroneous.

    We would say further in reference to pathology, that the reader need not be mistaken as to our position in regard to nomenclature; that names are given to diseases on account of the particular locality involved, as a rule, and have no special signification as to pathology. For instance, "pneumonia," which means inflammation of the lungs; "tuberculosis," inflammation of a tube - applied to some tube in the lungs - meaning a diseased spot; and so we might say of all conditions called pathology. While it is well enough for the practitioner to understand pathology, it can only be a source of satisfaction as regards locality of a disturbance, rather than indicating of what to do for it, unless, perchance, you wish to do as some medical practitioners do, treat the name without regard to the nature of the disease! Be it remembered, we do not treat chills, flux, colic, rheumatism, nor any other disease. Our treatment is directed to the cause of the difficulty, and the removal of that cause!

    It is a fact, proven by much experience and close observation, that it makes no difference what name a disease is given, - that it has a cause for its existence somewhere in the nervous system, and as soon as the impingement which interferes with these nerves is removed, the disease, however malignant, acute or chronic, changes itself into one of health, be it typhoid fever, puerperal peritonitis or a headache; and this is what should be considered, in preference to spending time to find a "bug" to accuse of causing the difficulty, when the poor little mite found its way to the pathological spot, after the nidus was formed by the decomposition of the tissues involved, due to the paralysis of the nerves ending in the spot or region diseased, and not as a prime factor in its cause. We detest a theory which has no possibility of verification from actual demonstration. As long as the vague notion of the "bacteria theory" prevails we shall have foolish and ignorant followers, who will continue to be duped and deceived, and pay big money to the deceivers.

    The individual who becomes wedded to a theory, and when asked to demonstrate it and has no proof, it is wisdom to leave that individual to his theory and resort to some one who has a system which can be proven, and unquestionably demonstrated, before the eyes of the commonest mind possible to be called sane. The physical body, is a cosmos, and must be studied to be known, and when as much study is devoted to its complications, changes, and relation to environments as is given to theories concerning outside agencies, as a cause of diseases in the body, we will have less nonsense in books, and less sickness, and quicker relief when ill. The question of pathology, resolves itself into nerve strain and nerve pressure, and freedom therefrom, uniting the two forces, disease will be as easily controlled as eating a meal, and with as much dispatch. We shall hope that this system shall have started a thought which shall revolutionize the world of practitioners and put them to thinking along intelligent lines, which will culminate in great good to humanity by applying the true methods of healing.

    To illustrate what we mean, take, for example, a case of indigestion. We find that one of two conditions of the nervous system causes it: either the spinal nerves about the seventh or eighth dorsal are impinged, or there is hyperopia. We need not know anything about what is going on in the stomach, only that food causes an accumulation of gas and indigestion of food are the prominent characteristics. We haven't a single thing to do with the stomach, for the difficulty is not there, but in the nervous system, and correction of the nervous system, whether in those ending in the eyes or those emerging from the spine, sets matters to rights. The digestion of food, depending upon the character of the secretions formed in the various divisions of the alimentary tract, and these secretions are made up especially, for specific purposes, in the several glandular systems along the alimentary tract by certain nerves ending therein; and these nerves perform normal functions when in a normal condition; so it will be readily understood that the proper thing for the cure of any condition is to correct abnormal conditions of the nervous system, and nature cures.


    In all of the books published on disease, the word "pathology" heads all conditions called disease. It simply means "nerve pain," and yet diagnosticians are wont to say a great deal about everything else but pain, or even the involvement of the nervous system.

    It is only necessary to state here that we need no introduction to pathology, neither is it a part of the curriculum of neuropathy; for we start out with the nervous system, and that is really all we have to do with, in this science, as we show that all disease means is a result of nerve pressure. This fact known, all we have to do with any individual as regards a disease is to remove the pressure from the nerves involved, and pain ceases, disease quits, - pain ceases; harmony is restored; nature is satisfied, and the patient is restored to health. Such names as are used by the medical profession are considered irrelevant only in so far as organ or locality is concerned. The Neuropath does not treat names or disease, neither does he use medicine. His whole duty, and all that is needed to be done, is to remove the offender the cause of the "lack of ease" - restore harmony by taking off the pressure from the nervous system which causes the pain, and that ends his task, so far as Neuropathy is concerned; and in Ophthalmology all that he can do is to stop the waste through the eves of the nerves ending therein, and that ends his responsibility. Nature does the rest.

    All disease being traceable to nerve interference, unnaturally, to cure all diseases we are only able to remove the undue pressure and stop the waste, then our work is ended. We need no analysis of urine, or minute differentiation of conditions of organs, for that is out of our line. The only change possible to make is through the removal of the cause of the difficulty, and if the condition is this side of the "limit angle," nature restores; if not, the time of dissolution will soon show itself, and no remedy known to man will cure that state, or change it for the better. Nature’s laws are irrevocable and death is certain. Food and rest are all that patients need after our duty is done. This is irrevocable. No change will ever occur that will change this philosophy. Its application may be improved, but the same necessity of its application will always exist, and results as now continue.


    Spontaneous generation of bacteria is said to manifest in certain conditions, causing what is called disease. While it is a fact that certain kinds of bacteria are seen when certain diseases are manifest is not denied, yet that they are the cause of said diseases does not follow; for when the physical condition is one of health, nothing of the kind is present. The presence of said bacteria is only found where there is a perceptible nerve weakness, or where emaciation exists, and generally from exposure and fatigue for some time before any signs of the presence of the symptoms of disease exist, indicating the fact that any such a "causus belli" as bugs are involved in the case.

    The "prodromes" of most diseases are manifest long enough to prognose abnormality, and these are plainly indicative of nerve exhaustion - a letting down of physical strength - and this is positive evidence of there being no bacteria as yet connected therewith, for in the case of typhoid fever, one neuropathic "adjustment" restores the natural equilibrium, and bacilli are non est, for as yet no "nidus" has been formed for their habitation in the "Brunner's glands" nor "Peyer’s patches," and the one adjustment absolutely and unquestionably scatters all signs of the lesion in ileum and intestinal tract. We assume that bacteria are innoxious until a "nidus" is formed in effete matter, either from decomposition of congested venous blood, or a chemical change or changes therein, localizing somewhere in the mucous membrane, where these microbes may migrate to, and inhabit elements prepared for their habitation compatible with their nature, and then they may assume command of the situation. Every foreign substance is a source of irritation, and this fact alone is antagonistic to the introduction of drugs, or anything, into the system, but the food containing the normal elements.

    The coordination of the various parts of the body with each other is sufficient to cause re-established harmony therein, and restore the body to its wonted physical condition. In the treatment and cure of malignant diphtheria, sore throat, and typhoid fevers, puerperal fever and pneumonia, and even cholera, are sufficient proofs of the efficacy of physical treatment.