A. P. Davis, M.D., N.D., D.O.

    What these forces are, and how they originate, are the most difficult problems to solve.

    That the functions of nerves should be changed by pressure would seem reasonable, but what particular change takes place in the structure which makes the difference in the product of the secretions is the most abstruse problem, perhaps, we have to do With in the way of solution.

    The wonder of all wonders is, how this nervous system so minutely differentiates between a secretion manufactured, as it were, by one set of nerves, and that by another set. In our experience with so-called pathological conditions, we find that certain conditions follow the impingement of, or interference of, certain nerve filaments which do not follow impingement or pressure upon certain other sets of nerve filaments, and this fact brought us to an investigation of the subject never attempted in all the realms of pathology. That certain influences upon the nervous system in certain localities produce drawing, excruciating pains is an established fact needing no testimony from anyone to prove . That pressure or impingement upon certain other nerves is not perceptible as regards the sensation is also a well known fact; but why certain influences produce in one set of nerves a chemical result just the antipodes of others has not been observed outside of my own investigations, and why this is so I pretend not to explain on any hypothesis whatever, except it be to fulfill the demands of nature itself in the human economy, and make it harmonize with all other things in nature. This much conceded, we would be understood in this proposition as assuming that the nerves which go to and end in the abdominal viscera have for their function the generation of acid secretions, and those nerves which pass down the spine through the foramen magnum, and constitute the splanchnic nervous system, have the opposite effect, and their function seems to be that of generating an alkaline secretion.

    The discovery of these two divisions of the nervous system opened up a new field for study, and let in a flood of light upon the question of the causes of the various conditions known as disease - pathological conditions - and presented to me an entirely different view to that of the commonly accepted theory of disease - its causes, etc. We assert that all diseases are traceable to a disturbance in some way of one or both of these systems of nerves which we denominate the positive and the negative forces of life. We assume also that, without the coordination of these forces, the whole system is in a state of unbalance, is out of harmony with itself; and however slight the discrepancy, there is always to be found the cause in one or the other of these different divisions of the nervous system, and that, when righted, united, the effects then perceivable cease at once.

    That the leashes of nerves which constitute the so-called solar plexus produce the acids, and that the leashes or bundles of nerve filaments which make up the spinal cord and go down the spine, constitute the negative force, and generate the alkaline secretions, we have every reason to believe are the sources of said secretions. Demonstration resulting from a series of experiments proves that removing impingements from certain localities along the spine at once arrests the flow of alkaline secretions, and the result, in my opinion, is verified by many observations, that the two forces, when united, neutralize each other, and harmony is at once established and a state of health ensues.

    These fundamental principles being fully elucidated and properly applied should make a wonderful revolution on the present theories of the causes of disease, as well as the manner of ridding humanity of the ills of life in the matter of disease, and cause abandonment of the use of foreign substances in the form of medicines to cure them of their ills. That this system, together with a knowledge of how to remove nerve strain, will become the established method of treating the various functional disturbances of humanity, we verily believe; but prejudice and ignorance will have to give place to knowledge and honesty.


    That the force or power which controls this body of ours should be somewhere is self-evident; but what that is, we are as ignorant of as if such a thing did not exist. We only know that something we call power controls the body. That mind is the thing that does it, we are reasonably sure of, or is in some way connected with it; but the how it does it will most likely always be a profound mystery. That something permeates, goes through, and seems to be disseminated throughout every individual and infinitesimal atomic cell of the body, seems to be a fact so palpable that to deny it would be unreasonable; to suppose that such a wonderful structure as the physical man should be renewed from infancy to old age with as much precision as mathematics could calculate, and reproduce itself with such minute and unvarying precision in such infinitely compatible nicety, arrange the chemical elements so as to furnish adequately the exact quantity needed everywhere in all the various parts of the body, so that such a complicated masterpiece of mechanism should dwell together in such a tranquillity for so long a time, and in such a variety of constituencies, and be controlled with such exactitude, seems utterly out of the question, or that accident should be the cause. That mind does the work of arranging all this, we are thoroughly convinced; for without it all would soon be confusion worse confounded, inextricable chaos would characterize it, and mind would be compelled to leave it as a dwelling place, with not a trace to record whence it came or whither it goeth. But when we assume that mind pervades it in all its parts, we trace its workings in successive steps and perfect orderly arrangement, so that the miracle of existence and life are manifest and I intelligently expressed.


    Starting in the calvarium from the forty-two nerve centers - mind goes out and selects an element from the blood through the capillaries, and leaves it where needed, to fill up the deficit caused by exhaustion from use, and carries out the means used, as in all other parts, to renew the elements, all these being drawn from the blood, all the blood having been manufacturer from the food eaten; and after being made up of elements and carried - forced into - to every end vessel or capillary, through the arterial system, whether to normal, muscular, or glandular tissue, the changes go right on and the great storehouse of this cosmic laboratory is superintended so systematically and orderly that no mistakes ever occur, until some ruthless hand, or ignorant mentality, interferes with the general order of normal procedure, and in some way intercepts the communication between the origin and terminus of the vessels which we denominate mental conveyancers or communicators, and then there is confusion, with all its direful consequences. It is essential that harmony prevail in order that no increase of incompatible elements result from chemical changes which result from stasis, stoppage or sluggishness in the movement of the fluids of the body in their rounds through the channels especially provided for them to pass. This causes change; for all the elements in the body are chemical elements, and held in solution by the fluids of the body, and these fluids themselves are chemical compounds, influenced easily and constantly undergoing changes; but these are natural changes, when not intercepted or interfered with anywhere along the lines of transmission from one part of the organism to another.

    The heat of the body is kept up to almost an exact temperature of 98 1/2 degrees from the embryonic stage of life to the "sear and yellow leaf" period, when the "evil days come"; but the changes culminate disastrously because of interference with these channels which convey the "vital fluids" and the mental communication through their wonted conductors. Strange that a harp of so many strings should keep in tune so long, when so many play on it and use the strings so roughly! That harmony is the normal status, we verily believe. We, either through ignorance of the vastness and intricacy of this wonderful structure, touch too harshly the vital thread, and cause dread and gloom to pervade the "temple not made with hands" - the house we live in - or permit some one else to, and suffer for it; or some armed foe invades it, and we permit it to return to the dust, "from where it came," prematurely, or suffer from ignorance of the how to harmonize it when out of harmony.

    The spinous processes will be noticed to vary, as to contour in many conditions, which it is well enough to know about, the cause and why we aim to regulate them in our treatments. In most instances we find a prominence in the vertebra where we find a difficulty or a disease point - or a soreness of the part of the spine, and this is caused by pressure upon nerves ending there; and they may be the first filaments, which start off from the leash which emerge from the spine at that spot, or they may be nerves ending there which come out of the spine higher up the back. It is well to use gentle pressure above and along the vertebra until the tender spot is located, and treat all tender spots found at each seance. The prominences are made by the irritation of the nervous system ending in the muscles attached to the process, or sides of the process, whence we find the prominence most generally. Thus we discover that it is altogether a nervous condition we have to treat, and not bone.

    The reverse course of treatment should be made in cases of diarrhea, or to stop discharges from the uterus. The way to do it is to begin the treatment down at and just above the sacrum, and let a strong treatment be made there, then one a bone or two higher up, then the next one higher, and so on until the second lumbar has been reached. A really better way is to place one hand at the junction of the sacrum, and with the other pull upward and backward one of the limbs - or both at the same time - using strong pressure on the spine low down, holding patient in that position a half a minute; let body be a moment and then repeat the process, placing the hand on the back a little higher up, and so on for three or four times, ascending the spine to about the second lumbar vertebra; then let the patient lie still for a short time, the operator using gentle pressure on the abdomen for three to five minutes, pressing backwards and upwards, aiming to stop peristalsis for a time.

    The treatments should be given every day, in ordinary cases (for chronic ailments, every other day), and not hard enough to make the spine sore. In acute cases treatments may be given daily, or twice daily, so as to keep up the neutrality of excesses of positive and negative forces. As these treatments are the most salutary of any treatments ever devised, they should be modified according to the case under treatment; whether it be one who is quite weak or one strong and robust, the treatment should be accordingly, and the operator should know his subjects well enough to make his applications adaptable to each case.

    There should always be a proper position secured for the patient, so that no harm can come of the treatment, however strong it may have to be done, to accomplish the object intended. Whenever the neck is to receive treatment, the body should be on a level therewith, and the head placed so that it will be stationary, and then the treatment should be done with the side of the palm of the hand.


    Whilst there are vulnerable points along the spine to treat, we should know that certain regions have specific control over certain parts of the body, and these are effective in a specific sense at once. The treatment of the neck - about the fourth cervical - affects the head as well as the immediate locality treated. Headaches and all pains in the head and jaws are affected by the neck treatment, whether toothache, earache, nose bleeding or catarrh. Then there is another important locality farther down along the spine, stopping at the fourth dorsal. We find a treatment at this fourth vertebra affects the bronchial tubes, lungs, and all of the upper chest region, embracing the heart, and extending to the stomach as well. At the fifth dorsal we strike the splanchnics, and treatment here reaches the posterior part of the solar plexus, and a union of forces is made through this splanchnic nervous system, which, when in excess of action, and the pneumogastric system is deficient in action, we are confronted with boils, sores, skin diseases, and typhoid fever, peritonitis and all inflammatory conditions of every known character; and all are treated along the spine, and especially in the area from the fourth dorsal to the first lumbar inclusive; for we reach all of the internal viscera through these splanchnic nerve plexuses, and a connection with the lower abdomen, as well as the lower limbs, and the digestive system is wholly controllable through the splanchnic nerve plexuses. Here is where we treat for all abdominal affections, such as indigestion, liver, spleen, pancreatic disturbances, and every disease controlled through the splanchnic nervous system, whether affecting the positive or negative side of the body. So that here we have a vast field of operation, and the study of the nervous system and where these nerves end, and what particular organs they control. This is the real seat of a vast area from which radiate a system of nerves which constitute the negative forces which have to do with all kinds of diseases which tend to suppuration; and here also we are to treat for all abdominal disturbances as well, for the system is under control of two systems - positive and a negative - and through the spine we unite these two forces and get our marvelous effects in the amelioration of such a variety of so-called diseases.

    When we comprehend the various ramifications of the nervous systems we have to deal with, and which influence such a large part of the body, we shall somewhat comprehend the vastness of the influence of our treatment in this area; for here we control the two forces which have to do in all of the diseases to which the human family are addicted.

    Whether we regard the two forces in a special or a general sense, we find that nerves ending in certain localities seem to have control over certain organs, and affect them through certain leashes of the spinal nervous system emerging from certain foramina along the spinal column. The nerves which end in, and control the functions of the kidneys, are affected by treating the last dorsal - the renal splanchnic ganglion - and whatever abnormal condition is found, due to any action of the nervous system which control the functions of that organ, seem to respond at once, and the normal function is restored thereby. It will always manifest a tenderness in that region whenever there is any difficulty in the kidneys, and the treatment relieves the soreness in that locality, and rights the wrong existing beforehand. The first lumbar seems to be a connecting link between the kidneys and the genitalia.

    The second lumbar vertebra has emerging from its sides the genito-crural plexus of nerves which have special control of the genital nervous system and the crural sheath as well; and here is where treatment is made for all affections where the genital nerves are involved, where the genital weakness is found to be aided, and the normal condition restored from abuse or excessive indulgences, and for many cases of nocturnal enuresis, as well as female ills, irregularities and painful menstruation and amenorrhea, and uterine difficulties of all kinds and conditions; for here we observe the effect of uniting the forces more positively than anywhere else. Here is where puerperal fevers are aborted at once and absent menses are caused to appear, leucorrhea aborted, and all uterine action seems to take on a change at once from these treatments, and a normal condition ensues in almost every instance.

    The third and fourth lumbar plexuses seem to have special influence over the lower limbs clear down to the toes, so that in all diseases and pains below the hips it will be necessary to treat as far up as the third lumbar vertebra to get salutary effects from treatment. Whilst it is true that nerves end everywhere along down the spine from where they emerge from the foramina, we should be sure we treat high enough up to reach the impingement of the nerves involved in the condition for which we treat the patient, remembering that the pain does not originate where we feel it. It is in the end nerves where the pain is felt, and we should always remember that to relieve the pain we must relieve the pressure from the nerve or nerves involved in the production of the pain. This is a nerve-relieving treatment, and no haphazard guesswork should be indulged in; but seek for the seat of the trouble and free that spot.