A. P. Davis, M.D., N.D., D.O.
If the manipulations explained in Neuropathy be
understood and properly applied, there will be but little use of the osteopathic
manipulations in very many conditions. There is such a far reaching
effect of the spinal treatment, as performed by adept Neuropaths, that
but few movements as shown in Osteopathy, are necessary to accomplish the
purposes intended through manipulations; and yet, if the student will closely
study the directions for each manipulation, as shown in the Osteopathic
Department, great benefit will be derived through their use, and the two
will include and embrace everything necessary in the manipulatory department,
physically, to alleviate any condition. possible to be alleviated through
Neuropathy, Chiropractic, or Osteopathic science.
The relief of nerve pressure and the freedom of the
circulation of all of the fluids of the body, and the uniting of the two
forces, may be effected by the application of the instructions in each
department; and when one becomes familiar with all of them, no difficulty
need be experienced in applying just what treatment is necessary in any
When the Eye Department is considered and applied
where indicated, one need not fail to know how to remedy any and all conditions
which are to be found in functional, human ills. The recipes,
given for various diseases, are useful in many cases as adjuvants to the
physical manipulations, and will be appreciated greatly by many people,
for they are the best known for the things recommended and will suffice
most admirably.
The study of the contents of this book will be interesting
to those who need its instruction, and to know how to apply the various
means to relieve suffering humanity will be a stock of information that
but few need to add to or change.
We commend the entire book to the afflicted with assurance
of its merits and as reliable in every respect for the purposes mentioned in
it, and would emphasize its importance above every other system known to suffering
humanity everywhere.