Edward L. Cooley, N.D., D.C., Oph. D.
Stockton, California.

The philosophy of vertebral adjusting is founded
on osteology, neurology and functions, bones, nerves and the manifestation
of impulses. Functions performed in a normal manner is health;
diseases are conditions resulting from either too much function
or a lack of function.
The dualistic system - spirit and body united by
the intellectual soul - in the phenomena of life, is the basis
of' this philosophy and science; in the phenomena of life the
combination of the triune spirit, soul and body are the factors
and sources of the two mentals. It is the living organism with
which the philosophy of vertebral adjusting deals and in which
it gets its phenomenal results.
"Vertebral adjusting," when properly administered,
corrects depraved and misguided conceptions of the intellect,
and the malfunction of bodily organs, which may be abnormal from
either abridged or transformed nerve supply to the organ involved;
at one and the same time correcting the malfunction, coordinating
the nerve supply and arresting nerve waste; it may truly be said
that this system coordinates body, soul and spirit into a united
In considering the philosophy of the brain and nervous
system, one should remember that the action and function is three-fold
in its nature. First, the transmission of currents of mentality
out from the brain to tissue and organ (of enervation and function);
second, the transmission of currents of mentality in from tissue
and organ to the brain (of sensation); and third, the organic
function to our own mentality which is a mental process, also
a function of the brain; to illustrate, a nerve emanating from
the spinal cord at the third cervical vertebra, and under slight
pressure at that point, stimulates that nerve to over-function,
at the terminal of that nerve we have a corresponding over-function
or inflammation, which condition is transmitted back to the brain
and which is translated by the brain to our mentality as neuralgia.
Again, the seventh cervical vertebra is "jammed" or
subluxated with a corresponding pressure on the seventh cervical
nerve; this nerve, with its connecting branch to the pneumogastric
nerve, carries this sensation of pressure to its terminal, ending
in the pericardium, and there the interrupted currents result
in a contracture of that covering of the heart; this contracture
of the pericardium - thus limiting and greatly hindering the heart's
action - is conveyed back to the brain and there is translated
to our mentality as sluggish, poor or irregular circulation; it
is for this simple reason that adjusting the seventh cervical
vertebra restores the circulation to a normal, and adjusting the
third cervical vertebra restores the symptom of facial neuralgia
- it removes the cause in both cases - and this philosophy covers
every iota of the human anatomy in the same way that it covers
the whole of the vertebral column.
This system is different and distinct from all other methods of
dealing with human abnormalities, in that it does not treat or
deal with the "symptoms" or manifestations of disease,
but goes to the base, relieves and removes the cause; the cause
removed, nature then, through the brain - the power house - and
the nervous system - the transmission lines - of the innate intelligence
and power can only function normally, which is health, nature
then exercising its powers toward a normal function unhindered.
All anatomists and pathologists concede the brain
to be the power plant of the living human being; it is also conceded
by them that all organic function is dependent upon the brain
for its organic stimulus and power to function; it is further
conceded that the nerves are the transmitting medium of this brain
impulse to organ and tissue, and the organic function is dependent
upon the integrity of the nerves to transmit to the organs this
brain impulse. This being the case, it must be one of the three
factors under consideration, where the origin and continuation
of the trouble is located, either in the organ itself, in the
nerve supplying the organ, or in the brain, the origin of the
power and mental stimulus. The fact that life itself is resident
in that individual and that self preservation is the first law
of nature, would seem to imply that it was not the former, unless
only a portion should be incapacitated from a traumatic wound,
by which pressure was placed directly on the brain tissue, and
in such cases vertebral adjustment should not be recommended,
but rather a surgical operation should be advised, to raise the
skull from pressure on the brain. The organ itself, per se, the
fact of its formation, localization and adaptation would seem
to imply a fitness and qualification for its normal use when the
operating power was intelligently applied in normal quantities
and qualities, and when it is considered that this power may be
either unduly accelerated, checked, transformed or entirely stopped
from the maladjustment of the segments of the spine, it is apparent
that at that point the vertebral adjustor looks first for the
trouble, and I may be pardoned for a personal allusion when I
state that in a record of twelve hundred and sixty cases in which
vertebral adjustments were given under Neuropathic analysis and
technique, only six failed to respond, and in these six cases
the failure to respond was not a fault in the Neuropathic analysis
but rather a deficiency in nerve stamina in the patient or a degenerated
condition of the nerves involved. These cases included nearly
every ailment of the human family, and were the regular daily
office practice, covering a period of the past eighteen months;
this gives an average of ninety-nine and one-half percent, even
granting that the six alluded to were total failures, which they
were not, for in even those six cases there were very great improvements
in the general health, and in the nerve stamina of the patients,
and in one of the cases - although the patient had received no
perceptible good for the specific trouble for which he came to
me - he said to me that he would not take $10,000.00 for the benefits
that he had received in every other way, the misfortune of the
specific trouble was ameliorated to such an extent by his improved
health, that it now seemed not one-fourth as bad as formerly.
Of these six cases, four are still under observation; they are,
however, given to the "failure" class, for up to this
time no improvement is perceptible in the specific trouble for
which they came.
The reader will naturally ask, "Then vertebral adjusting
seems to cover all troubles?" and I will answer emphatically,
"Yes," when applied under Neuropathic analysis and technique,
with the exception of such as may be directly the result of traumatic
wounds to the skull itself. It is stated that other factors may
be the primary cause in many troubles, but it is a fact that the
continuation of the trouble to the chronic stage is dependent
upon the effect of that primary cause upon the spine, and the
vertebral column is the cause of the continuation of the trouble
- with the exceptions above noted.
The human spine, or vertebral column, composed of
twenty-six separate and distinct segments, extending from the
base of the skull to, and including, the sacrum and coccyx, enclose
within its borders of bone the neural canal in which the spinal
cord is located. Between each of these vertebral segments, and
forming a part of each of the pair, is an opening (the inter-vertebral
foramen) through which a leash of nerves pass from the spinal
cord (of which it was originally a part) to the adjacent organs
and tissues, this foramen, or opening, being a part of each of
a movable pair of segments of vertebra. It is perfectly apparent
that any excessive motion or even a contracture of the muscular
structure that should hold the said segments in their normal position,
would necessarily approximate or draw the segments out of their
normal position, thereby placing an undue pressure on the nerve
or leash of nerves emanating through the inter-vertebral foramen
at that point; this, however, is a disputed point among the different
schools of vertebral adjusting, some claiming that the "pressure"
on the nerve is not in the vertebral opening but in the muscular
structure immediately surrounding the spine and through which
the nerve must necessarily pass in its outward passage; in other
words, that the malfunction is the result of muscular contraction
and ligamentous limitation of space and room immediately surrounding
the leash of nerves, just after it passes from the spinal foramina;
but as both factions agree in the important matter of getting
relief in the same way - that of vertebral adjusting - and it
being admitted by both that this is the treatment par excellence,
the question of the argument is of very minor importance, and
is not, in this work, a question at issue. This pressure, be it
in the foramina or in the immediate surrounding structure, on
the nerves emanating at that point, is, as a factor, the battle
ground between health on the one hand, and sickness, deformity,
disease and suffering on the other; this is a contention by all
schools of vertebral adjusting, and is being conceded by all schools
of healing as fast as their personal prejudice will allow them
to make a fair and impartial investigation of the facts and results
of vertebral adjusting, when properly applied.
If this contracture is permanent its pressure on
the nerve will produce a disease or malfunction at the terminal
of that nerve that would likewise be permanent in its symptoms,
or if the pressure on the nerve should be periodical in its appearance,
then the attacks of disease or malfunction will likewise be periodical
in its appearance, thus making plain and clear the periodical
attacks of the pain in rheumatism, neuralgia, headache or gout,
and the like appearance of the symptoms of stomach, intestinal,
kidney, bladder, prostatic, ovarian, and womb troubles, all of
which are amenable to proper vertebral adjusting; the response
in many cases being instantaneous and the relief and cure permanent,
when the adjusting is properly done and carried far enough to
insure the proper rebuilding of the vertebral structure to its
normal proportions, strength find position.
This philosophy, if carried to its extreme, in heavy
and continued pressure would presuppose results commensurate with
such conditions and would mean symptoms of paralysis of the organ,
part or area supplied by that nerve which is under the pressure.
Vertebral adjusting administered under Neuropathic analysis and
technique, removes the cause by taking off the pressure, joining
the bodily forces and coordinating the nervous system, thus arresting
nerve waste, building up the bodily resistance and stamina and
throwing out the waste matter through the normal channels of elimination.
The philosophy of bodily function is simple and
is easily understood when it is considered that all disease, abnormal
function, pain and deformity are normal function "astray,"
either too much function or not enough function, the former producing
too much refuse and the latter not enough for the health of the
organism, and either of which produces a loss of brain power,
nerve stamina and physical vitality just in proportion to the
amount of pressure and the number of nerve filaments that are
taking that pressure. The physical symptom of a certain trouble,
is not the only effect of this producing incoordination, its effect
in lowered vitality and resisting power is of daily demonstration
in the dissemination of infectious and contagious diseases and
the sequelae of certain troubles after the primary symptoms have
entirely disappeared; the practitioner has only to refer to his
records of his daily clientele to verify this fact in his own
experience. Thus it will be understood that the patient gets,
not only the physical symptom but, also, a consequent lowering
of vital stamina and resisting power, which opens the avenues
of attack to the "germs of contagion" and infection;
this lowering of the general vitality fosters the disintegrating
process, not only of the organ or area directly involved, but
other organs and in some special troubles the whole system suffers
as a consequence.
The fact that the birth stage is reached in development is prima
facie evidence that the innate powers of nature, functioning through
the brain and nervous system, are capable of completing that development
and that only a hindering or abridging factor, in the transmission
of mental impulse, could stop, or retard, the normal finishing
of the organic and physical development of the organism; through
the nervous system as a transmitting medium the brain powers regulate
and control all bodily function and sensation, maintain vital
resisting powers, thus closing the avenues of attack to all forms
of contagion and infection, and maintain the chemical equilibrium
of every organ and part of the body; with this brain power checked,
abridged or transformed by pressure at the inter-vertebral foramina,
the opposite symptoms, results and conditions are experienced,
at the termination of that nerve; organic function is deranged,
vital resistance is lowered, and other organs and parts suffer
just in proportion to their ganglionic connection with the primary
lesion; and the chemical equilibrium being unbalanced reduces
the powers of recuperation and rebuilding.
When the nervous system is unhampered and free from pressure and
impingement, and the lines of transmission are clear and unobstructed,
nature maintains absolute health, and with, and a part of it,
is the normal resisting powers to all forms of disease and infirmity;
but if these nerves, whose function is the transmission of brain
impulses to organs and tissues which they supply, are restricted
or hampered in any manner, the organ or tissues which are dependent
upon the integrity of such nerve for their organic stimulus, will
suffer just in proportion to the incompetency of the supplying
nerve in transmitting, in a normal manner and in a normal quantity
and quality, the vitalizing brain impulse to that organ or tissue,
and the organ or tissue will lose its vitality and normal function
just in proportion as the nerves supplying them are prevented
from transmitting in a normal manner the stimulus of brain impulse
intended by nature for that organ, part or area.
The articulated joints of the human body are placed
there as articulated joints, by the Divine power for a purpose,
and that purpose when carried to the last analysis is motion,
that they may move within the normal limits of each joint, and
the joints like all other bodily tissue, when not put to its normal
use, either disintegrates, or changes its function, to suit surrounding
conditions, and the articulated joints of the vertebral column
are no exception to this rule - an unused vertebral articulation
disintegrates; for that reason any normal movement of the spinal
segments is advantageous to the rebuilding of those articulations
to the normal; it is always the abnormal articulation that produces
pressure and hence disease. Therefore, any normal movement of
the spinal segments can only result in good to the patient in
that it assists the segments back to a normal; vertebral adjusting
has its greatest good in the fact that it forces the spine to
a normal, and for that reason its results are often instantaneous
and amazing in the relief attained.
Vertebral adjusting is done exclusively with the
hands, no instruments of any kind being used; a special table,
however, is necessary which is illustrated in cut No. 1VA., page
81. This table is the simplest imaginable and is eminently adapted
for the purpose intended and is suited to and used for all sizes
and ages of patients from infants and children, to patients up
to two hundred and fifty pounds in weight; the frame is five feet
long and thirteen and a half inches wide, twenty-one inches high,
except at the head end which is one inch higher; the distance
between the head end and the foot end, which is known as the "swing,"
is twenty-four inches, and is twelve inches from the head end
of the table. In this open space is inserted five spiral screen-door
springs, which support the upholstered cushion upon which the
patient rests the abdomen when in a position for vertebral adjusting;
the, head and foot ends of the table are upholstered with hair
cushions, as is the middle cushion, which are three inches thick,
and would make the table when finished twenty-four inches high
at the foot end, and twenty-five inches high at the head end.
Pantasote makes an excellent goods with which to upholster the
table; it is durable, sanitary and is not expensive, and if of
a good quality will wear two to five years. The table is used
as illustrated in Cut No. 4VA to 10VA, inclusive. Men, in preparing
for a vertebral adjustment, strip from the waist up, and ladies
do the same, using a kimono, which is reversed, placing the opening
behind, so that the spine can be easily examined and adjusted.
I do not consider it safe to try to either adjust or even examine
a spine through the clothing as any inequality would be more than
likely to mislead in the examination and would necessarily cause
a wrong adjustment with its consequent results and trouble, both
to the patient and the practitioner; it is far better to prepare
for it right, and thus eliminate the dangers of either a faulty
examination or a wrong adjustment.
One of the first essentials in vertebral adjustment
is a knowledge of Anatomy, especially the nervous system, the
osseous system and the muscular system, and an understanding of
the essential principles of vertebral adjustment, savored with
the application of good common sense and reason in its application;
the simplest way is best, both for the patient and for the practitioner,
in that it is less annoying to the patient, and requires less
manual labor for the practitioner.
In vertebral examination, first, the general contour
is taken in, then the relative position of each vertebra, and
whether or not it is in line with its fellows, one above, the
other below, and its relative position with the spine as a whole;
the spacing of the vertebra will clearly indicate whether or not
any "contracture" is present, and if so, whether on
both sides, which would "jam" the vertebra too close
together, or on one side only which would be indicated by the
spinous and transverse processes being drawn to one side or the
other. Right here I want to caution the new vertebral adjustor,
that it is often the case that the spinous processes are bent
either to the right or to the left, and in many cases I have found
them with no spinous processes at all; and in these cases, it
is absolutely necessary that the transverse processes be used,
not only for the examination, but also for the adjustment of the
I advocate the proving up of the spinous process
examination by the transverse processes, which are seldom wrong,
as the transverse process is the arm-carrying, and supporting
the articulating surface of the vertebra; if it is wrong the articulation
must be, so you cannot go wrong by thus proving both your examination
and your adjusting by the transverse processes.
In case of a "jammed" spine or any of
the segments thereof, it is best to open the "jam" before
trying to adjust, as the "jam" would necessarily make
a painful adjustment were it forced through the contracture or
Do not overdo your adjusting; when an adjustment
is made, let it alone, as continued work, at any segment of the
spine, produces soreness in the surrounding tissue, which is very
disagreeable to the patient and proves annoying to the adjustor
in that it makes future adjustment of that segment almost impossible,
as long as the soreness remains. Remember, it is better to underdo
than to overdo, in vertebral adjusting, for the reason that if
under or less than done, nature takes up the work in an attempt
to help it back to the normal, and if overdone and soreness is
produced, nature seems to rebel at the irritation produced by
the excessive adjusting.
In some cases of vertebral lesions, the vertebrae
will appear rigid in relation to each other; in other words, the
segments are ankylosed, or grown together, the bone has fused
and run over its borders onto its mate with the resultant loss
of motion and resiliency, and seemingly immovable. Patience, and
continued work, in these cases, are necessary for the good of
both the patient and the reputation of the practitioner; it is
slow, and requires much time and patience, by both the adjustor
and the patient, generally requiring from one to three months
to reduce under daily adjusting, which is advised in all cases
until nature, and the spine itself, take up the work of reconstruction,
and then the adjustment should be given either every other day,
twice a week, or once a week, as conditions require, in the judgment
of the practitioner.
In cases of malfunction of the generative organs
of the female, I have found only one safe rule, and that is daily
adjustment for the entire period of twenty-eight days, the period
required for all females to make the circuit from one menstrual
period to the next, and as much longer as it requires to get the
nervous system to thoroughly coordinate with the normal function
of these organs, remembering that the whole of the nervous system
had been adjusted to the abnormal function of these organs when
they were wrong, and that it is essential that they get coordinated
with the new condition of health, before your patient is dismissed;
otherwise your patient's expenditure for health may be wasted,
and your reputation may suffer, in consequence of the relapse
to the old condition.
It is better in cases of painful menstruation, that
the adjusting be commenced about one week after a menstrual period
is over and continued daily through the next period, and as much
longer as may be necessary for above results. In case of too profuse
flow, cramps or pains, the coccyx should be examined, which will
probably be found to be a very important factor; it is adjusted
by trimming and smoothing the nail of the index finger of the
right hand, anointing same with vaseline, and standing on the
left side of patient, who should be on adjustment table in adjustment
position, inserting finger in anus, going well up through the
internal sphincters until the upper joint of coccyx is felt with
the finger which may be examined thoroughly, then with the left
thumb on the outside immediately opposite, the coccyx may be easily
adjusted as any conditions may require. In case of ankylosis of
the coccygeal joints, always break the lower joint first, then,
the next on up to the sacro-coccygeal joint; by taking it in this
rotation no pain need be caused to the patient. This adjustment
of the coccyx may have to be repeated several times, if the case
of female trouble is of a chronic nature; relief to the patient
is generally instantaneous, and the good results are permanent
when the coccyx is reinstated in its normal position. The coccyx
of all patients should be examined often during adjustment, especially
such patients as have symptoms of hemorrhage of any of the lower
orifices, asthma, bronchitis, liver and stomach troubles, constipation,
dropsy, nervousness of all forms, insomnia, cerebrations, and
in insanity of all forms, and certain forms of neuralgia, rheumatism
and headaches, especially of a neurasthenic or neurotic character.
In case of lower lumbar contracture, especially where the sacrum
is involved, the coccyx will be found in most cases in a "subluxated"
condition, and should receive immediate attention and adjustment
(I will state that for the past five years I have watched the
coccyx of all of my patients, as systematically as they take their
adjustments, and that I have been amply repaid therefor, in satisfactory
results, to both myself and my patients).
Coccygeal Examination and Adjustment
In cases of neurotic temperament, especially in
females suffering with any form of female trouble, constipation,
or costiveness, in addition to the sixth and seventh dorsal, the
lower sections of the vetebral column should receive close attention,
especially the second lumbar vertebra and the coccyx. In cases
of appendicitis, the tenth, eleventh and twelfth dorsal vertebrae
should receive close attention, the eleventh dorsal to second
lumbar vertebra being the key for this trouble; the pain and symptoms
may be almost instantly relieved by a proper adjustment at this
point, adjustment, however, should be systematically continued
daily until the vertebra returns, and stays in a normal position,
and all of the contracture has disappeared.
Under Chaper 6 will be found "Location of nerve
supply to tissue involvements" and "Indications for
vertebral adjusting," which, as a guide, will give the salient
points … with explanatory notes, making plain many of the
adjustments now recognized as good, by some of the best vertebral
adjustors in the profession. The adjustments herewith given, and
explained, are vouched for by the author of this article, as all
have been in daily use in his office for over five years, and
many of them, for over eight years (some adjustments not yet verified
by time, use and results, are withheld for verification). The
adjustments given, if applied with intelligence, understanding
and reason, and under proper indications, can produce only good
results, therefore of great value to the vertebral adjustor.
The theory and application of vertebral adjusting
must necessarily carry with it, in its proper application, the
knowledge of nerve function, both under normal and abnormal conditions.
Under the abnormal conditions produced by vertebral impingement
upon spinal nerves, we have an abridgment, change or complete
cessation of function at the end of the nerve which is taking
the pressure. It must be considered that many of the more serious
diseases and affections of humanity are a result of a combination
of vertebral subluxations rather than an isolated lesion.
While the fifth and sixth dorsal vertebrae are factors
in the heat regulation of the general system when isolated and
alone, they become a very material part and factor when associated
with other subluxations. For instance, a subluxated sixth dorsal
when alone would cause a change in the general bodily temperature,
producing a chill or fever or an alternating bodily chill and
fever; now, if this condition be associated with a fourth or fifth
lumbar subluxation, locating this specific function in the feet,
a case of gout or similar derangement would be the product. Again,
if this sixth dorsal subluxation was accompanied by an atlas subluxation,
brain fever would be the result or if accompanied by a fifth dorsal,
subluxated to the right and "jammed" or contracted on
the sixth dorsal, in a child, diphtheria would be the product,
and were the atlas added the child would be described as being
"out of its head" delirious.
Carrying this analogy farther under different condtitions,
we will take subluxations of the fifth cervical, fifth or sixth
dorsal and tenth dorsal veterbrae, and smallpox is the result
of this combination of subluxations, should they be severe; and
if they should prove to be minor, then chicken pox would be the
product. Again, subluxations of the third cervical, sixth and
eleventh dorsal and second lumbar vertebrae would produce typhoid
fever and if added to these the first and fifth cervical vertebrae,
typhus fever would be the product. The tenth to twelfth dorsal
vertebra being the key to kidney function, would, when alone and
isolated, in a subluxated condition produce only kidney trouble,
but if associated with a third cervical subluxation it would result
in trouble with the eyelids, producing inflamed or granulated
eyelids, and to change the third cervical to an atlas subluxation
would be to make it the factor for hydrocephalus.
Female diseases involving the generative organs
of the female are produced by tenth dorsal to second lumbar and
coccygeal subluxations; associate with this the sixth dorsal subluxation
and the product would be puerperal or childbed fever. These illustrations
will convey to the mind of the beginner in vertebral adjusting,
the fact that the possible combination of causes must always be
watched for and considered in all abnormal symptoms and for that
reason in considering and studying the "location of vertebral
nerve supply to the tissues involved" and "indications
for vertebral adjustments localized" in another chapter you
will observe that combinations of producing causes are listed
under the producing vertebral area. For example, smallpox will
be found under the fifth cervical, fifth dorsal, and the tenth
dorsal, which will be found factors to this trouble; hydrocephalus
will be found under the first cervical, tenth, eleventh or twelfth
dorsal, etc.
With this explanation of the key, it will be easy
for the investigator to associate in his vertebral adjusting the
factors for any known disease or condition. If these factors or
conditions are unknown, then "Nerve Tracing" must be
resorted to for a satisfactory analysis. "Nerve Tracing"
is the process of following, from a vertebral subluxation to organ
or tissue, the path of a tender nerve. This process may be reversed
and the tender nerve traced back from the point of "symptom"
to the vertebral column and the specific subluxafed articulation
of the vertebral column may be definitely located by this same
process, thus going from symptom to cause.
The atlas, the sixth dorsal, the tenth dorsal, second
lumbar or coccyx are factors in all diseases affecting the general
system, and as a secondary cause producing mental disturbance,
insomnia and hallucinations, secondary to other vertebral subluxations
which may be the primary cause; it is, in those cases, just as
important as the primary lesion, and should receive immediate
The articulation between the third and fourth cervical
vertebrae marks the division point in the upward trend and downward
trend of the cervical nerves, the upward and downward trend at
this point is about equal; after passing below the fourth cervical
in going down the trend of the nerve distribution down increases
in descent to the fourth lumbar vertebra, where the nerve distribution
reaches the feet. This general trend in nerve distribution should
be remembered, as it very materially assists the practitioner
in "Nerve Tracing."
The blending of the nerve distribution from the
fifth cervical with both the fourth and sixth cervical is so close
that it must be guardedly watched in all troubles involving either
the fourth or sixth cervical vertebra.
At the sixth cervical, the nerve distribution has
more of a downward tendency, as a result the blending with the
seventh cervical is more characteristic than with the fifth cervical,
a corresponding tendency to the same functional and tissue control
as is given under the seventh cervical vertebra, will be noted.
The fifth and sixth dorsal vertebral articulation
is the central point of the vertebral column, and with the fourth
above is the point for joining the bodily forces; with the sixth
below is the general temperature regulating point. It is, therefore,
the most important point for diseases whose symptoms are of a
general bodily distribution, for abnormal, high or low bodily
temperature, and all forms of general nervousness, neurasthenia
or general lowering of vitality.
Too much stress cannot be placed on the importance
of' the coccyx, in the abnormal function of the nervous system;
it is a factor whose effect is not just local only; as an associate
with other troubles its ill effects are felt over the entire nervous
system, and it must be reckoned with on this basis. Too much care
and attention cannot be given it; examine it often in all patients;
it will often be found a factor, many times when least expected.
Location of Vertebral Nerve Supply to Tissue Involvements.
Indications for Vetebral Adjustment Localized.
Tissue involved: Brain; optic tract to commissure;
eight cranial bones; scalp; ear; ossicles; upper forehead.
Adjustment Indicated.
In any and all troubles involving the above tissue,
blends with the axis below; abscess, acute softening or tuberculosis
of the brain; hemicrania; cerebral meningitis; hydrocephalus;
tumor of the brain; cranic tabes; encephalocele; analgesia; apraxia;
insanity; delirium; melancholy: stupor; hebetude; aphasia; aprosexia;
delusions; hallucinations; dipsomania; neuralgia; headache; ataxia;
coma; hysteria; convulsions; epilepsy; acromegaly; rachitis; ulcerations
of head and forehead; abscesses of aural meatus; catarrh of, discharge
from, polypi of, throbbing, buzzing or aching of ear; deafness;
ocular pain or headache; sunstroke; morphine habit; somnambulism;
vertigo; paralysis; diseases of the spinal cord.
Tissues involved: Blends with the atlas; brain;
ears; upper portion of face; upper portion of back of neck.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvements of above tissue, and in nearly
all atlas involvements, see "adjustment indicated" in
atlas above; facial spasms; torticolis; facial paralysis; locomotor
ataxia; acne; convulsions; hysteria.
Tissues involved: Blends with the atlas above and
the fourth cervical below; trifacial nerve; nasal passage; retina;
upper teeth; upper cheek; middle of back of neck.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvements of above tissue; blends with
the axis above and fourth cervical below; headache; nasal catarrh;
anosmia; boils on the neck; retropharyngeal abscess; amaurosis;
muscular contracture of the neck; cramps or "crick"
of the neck; stenosis of nasal passages; erysipelas of head, face
or neck; alveolitis; Bell's paralysis; cold in head; muscles of
eyeball; facial paralysis; gum boils; nasal catarrh; pharyngitis;
polypi of nose; loss of smell; torticolis.
Tissues involved: Blends with the third cervical
above and the fifth cervical below; optic nerve anterior to chiasm;
retina; cornea; nasal passages; fourteen bones of the face; mouth;
teeth; gums; face; nasal pharynx; post nares; eustachian tubes;
jaw; outer ear; hyoid bone.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of above tissue; diseases of
the optic nerve; diseases of cornea; diseases of tear duct; optic
atrophy; weak sight; color blindness; watery eyes; loss of vision;
iridoplegia; myopia; defective vision; congestion of eustachian
tubes; neuralgia of face and teeth; bronchial asthma; emphysemia;
stenosis; sneezing; rhinitis; polypi of nose; discharge from nose;
parosmia; coryza; barber's itch; herpes; palsy of the face; warts
on face; diplegia; lockjaw; tic douloureux; psoriasis of face;
general eruptions of shoulders, neck or face; lung reflex of contracture.
Tissue involved: Blends with the fourth cervical
above. and the sixth cervical below; eye; nose; face; lower teeth
and jaw; posterior and lateral neck muscles; hyoid bone.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of above tissue; chicken pox;
smallpox; typhoid; hay fever; measles; disphonia; tumors; cancers;
nasal asthma; eruptions of face and neck; eruptive
Tissues involved: Blends with the fifth cervical
above and the seventh cervical below; larynx; lower part of posterior
neck; shoulders; thyroid gland; posterior part of mouth; palate;
tonsils; vocal chords; sterno-mastoid; superior portion of bronchi;
clavicle; anterior portion of upper arm.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of above tissue; rheumatism or
atrophy of shoulders, arms or clavicle; armpit tenderness; erysipelas
of upper arms or shoulders or paralysis of same area; asthma;
bronchitis; bronchial cough; hay fever; catarrh of larynx; goiter;
bronchial pneumonia; dispnoea, diseases of sterno-mastoid.
Tissues involved: Blends with sixth cervical above
and first dorsal below; pericardium; trachea; deltoid; posterior
low neck muscles; upper part of arms; radius.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of above tissue; cardiac asthma;
tachycardia; palpitation; arrekythmia; migraine; exoph-thalmic
goitre; aneurism; diabetes mellitus; bronchial congestion; cardiac
weakness; dyspepsia; pertussis; angina pectoris; amblyopia; kidney
reflex; pericardial reflex of contraction.
Tissues involved: Blends with the seventh cervical
above and the second dorsal below; shoulder muscles; arm muscles;
humerus; middle bronchi; scapula; clavicle; manubrium; ulna; carpal
and metacarpal; pericardium; first rib distribution.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of above tissue; bronchial asthma;
difficult breathing; bronchial cough; hay fever; acute bronchitis;
bronchial hemorrhage; certain heart symptoms;
aneurism of aorta; felon on fingers; writer's cramp; distorted
fingers, wrist or elbow joints.
Tissues involved: Blends with first dorsal above
and third dorsal below; pericardium; aorta; lower bronchi; lower
arm and hand muscles; radius; ulna; carpal and metacarpal
bones; second rib distribution.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of above tissue; high blood pressure;
asthenopia; diseases of pericardium; angina pectoris; armpit tenderness;
bronchitis; bronchial irritation; cough, acne, consumption; pneumonia;
cramps of hands or arms; felon on fingers; rheumatism of arms
or hands; regurgitation; dilitation; palpitation; cardiac thrills
from pericardial contracture; tuberculosis; coldness of hands.
Tissues involved: Blends with the second dorsal
above and the fourth dorsal below; heart; lungs; pleura; breast;
mammary glands; nipples; chest; lower sternum; portions
of lower radius; ulna, wrist and hand; third rib distribution.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of above tissue; pleura; lungs;
chest; breast; consumption; lung fever; diseases of pleura; pneumonia;
aneurism of aorta; dilatation; endocarditis; mitral incompetency;
tuberculosis; bradycardia; tracheitis; cardiac dropsy; fatty heart;
palpitation; valvular diseases; deficient mammary glands; abdominal
Tissues involved: Blends with the third dorsal above
and the fifth dorsal below; heart; lower portion of lungs, liver;
gall bladder; bile ducts; fourth rib distribution.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of above tissue; breast; mammary
glands; rubeola; strabismus; diseases of liver, gall bladder,
bile ducts and heart; mitral incompetency; consumption; pneumonia;
pleurisy; abscess, cancer or dropsy of the liver; jaundice; biliousness;
catarrh; atrophy, cirrhosis or enlargement of the liver, gall
bladder or bile ducts; gall stones; mitral, cardiac or aortic
stenosis; tuberculosis; congestion of lower section of lungs.
Tissues involved: Blends with the fourth dorsal
above and the sixth dorsal below; fifth rib distribution; cardiac
end of stomach; gall bladder; bile ducts; cardiac reflex; liver;
lower part of mammary gland and breast.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of above tissue; locomotor ataxia;
.hemiplegia; hemianesthenia; nervous exhaustion; spinal meningitis;
poliomyelitis; convulsions; stomach trouble of all kinds; general
excessive heat or chill in bodily temperature; gout; typhoid;
rheumatism; obesity; elephantiasis; cholanceitis; tuberculosis;
scarlet fever; blockheads; dropsy; pleurorodynia; heat rash; eruptions;
influenza; gangrene; strabismus; all inflammation of eyelids,
with tenth dorsal as accompaniment.
Tissues involved: Blends with the fifth dorsal above
(is subject to same involvement and same characteristics, additionally
it covers a greater area both locally and generally) and with
the seventh dorsal below, covering also its involvement.
Adjustment Indicated.
Same as the fifth dorsal above and the seventh dorsal
below, which see.
Tissues involved: Blends with the sixth dorsal above
and the eighth dorsal below; pyloric end of stomach; esophagus;
pharynx; omentum; gums; palate; tongue; mouth; eyeballs; iris;
pupil; cornea; mucus membrane of the mouth and stomach; salivary
glands; seventh rib distribution.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of the above tissue, all diseases
and affections of the throat including canker sores, croup, mumps,
quinsy, diphtheria, tonsilitis; paralysis; hemiplegia; stricture
of the throat and diseases of the salivary glands; diseases of
the eye; aniscoria; affections of the cornea; diplopia; enophthalmus;
exophthalmus; atrophy or hypertrophy of the eyeballs, or eye muscles;
strabismus; diseases of the stomach; aphthae; appetite; catarrh
or cancer of the stomach; cestoides; cramps or pains in the stomach;
dyspepsia; dystrophic; gastritis; hemorrhage from the stomach;
vomiting; pyloric stenosis; tape worm; all troubles of the esophagus;
sick headache; hiccough; morning sickness; nervous dyspepsia;
goitre; dizziness.
Tissues involved: Blends with the seventh dorsal
above and with the ninth dorsal below; pancreas; spleen; diaphragm;
duodenum; omentum; eighth rib distribution.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all troubles involving the above tissue; diseases
of the diaphragm, omentum, uodenum, spleen, pancreas, and intestines;
pseudo appendicitis; splanchnic neurasthenia; enteroptosis; diaphragmatic
breathing or asthma; hernia of diaphragm; hiccoughs; calculi,
catarrh or inflammation of the spleen; abnormal gastric juice;
duodenal ulcers; duodenitis; tape worm; pancreatic cysts or calculi;
kidney reflex.
Tissues involved: Blends with the eighth dorsal
above and the tenth dorsal below; spleen; duodenum; omentum, and
ninth rib distribution.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of the above tissue; diseases
of the spleen, duodenum, omentum and intestines; intestinal worms
and obstructions; locomotor ataxia; Bright's disease; catarrh,
hypertrophy, carcinoma or tuberculosis of the spleen; duodenitis;
Tissue involvement: Blends with the ninth dorsal
above and the eleventh below; suprarenals; upper kidney; omentum;
eyelids; tenth rib distribution.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvement of the above tissue; in all inflammatory
enlargements or swellings; chicken pox; smallpox; locomotor ataxia;
Bright's disease; mitral stenosis; senile heart; consumption;
paralysis; infantile paralysis; anemia; intestinal diseases, worms
and obstructions; kidney diseases; alopecia; erysipelas; boils,
and general eruptions; dropsy; constipation, costiveness.
Tissues involved: Suprarenal capsules; kidneys;
intestines; appendix; omentum; eleventh rib distribution.
Adjustment Indicated.
All involvement of above tissue; appendicitis; peristaltic
action; lumbago; nephritis; renal calculi; albuminuria; brick
dust deposit; chlorosis; renal colic; diabetes insipidus and mellitus;
hydrocephalus; gravel; septicemia; paralysis; infantile paralysis;
chicken pox; smallpox; general eruptions; barber's itch; eruptive
fevers; erysipelas; dry tetter; rashes; rubeola; scarlatina; blockheads;
cataract; inflammation of the eyelids; granulated eyelids; dryness,
swelling or excessive moisture of the skin; cholera infantum;
diarrhea; costiveness; dysentery; serous stools; dropsy; influenza;
obesity; rheumatism; abnormal perspiration in any ,and all parts
of the body.
Tissue involvement: Blends with the eleventh dorsal
above and the first and second lumbar below; lower portion of
kidneys; ureters; intestines; serous circulation; twelfth rib
distribution. (Spinal cord ends at this vertebra in adults.)
Adjustment Indicated.
All involvements of the above tissue; this being
a material point of kidney nerve supply, all of adjustments indicated
under eleventh dorsal are essentially a factor for this point,
which see; also first and second lumbar below, with which this
also blends, which see; acromegaly; Addison's disease; adipose
tissue; alveola pyorrhea, ascites; barrenness; blepharitis ulcerosa;
Bright's disease; renal calculi; cold feet; renal colic: conjunctivitis;
corpulence; costiveness; bowel cramps; spinal curvature; ductal
tophus; diabetes mellitus; ectropion; eczema; elephantiasis; enteralgia;
enteritis; general eruptions; eyelids inflamed or granulated;
feet or hands cold or sweaty; abnormal perspiration; female weakness;
floating kidney; gravel; gout; bleeding, swollen or ulcerated
gums; haematuria; hydrocele; hydrocephalus; inflammation of bowels;
inflammation of kidneys; painful menstruation; nephritis; obesity;
paraplegia; peritonitis; pyorrhea alveolaris; skin diseases; smallpox,
chicken pox; primary syphilis; typhoid fever; typhus fever; uremic
convulsions; urine, too much or too scanty.
Tissues involved: Small intestines; peritoneum;
uterus; leg muscles; appendix; ovaries; caecum; sexual organs;
testes; bladder; blends with third and fourth lumbar.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvements of above tissue; after pains;
tired feeling; diseases of bladder; bubo; catarrh of bowels, bladder,
urethra or vagina; chordee; colic; colitis; cramps in bowels;
cystitis; diarrhea; diseases of hip joint or knee; dysentery;
dysmenorrhea; elephantiasis of genitals or lower limbs; enteralgia;
enteritis; epilepsy; female weakness and diseases; flux; diseases
of genital organs; gleet; gonorrhea; impotence; incontinence;
infantile paralysis; intestinal hemorrhage; leucorrhea; menorrhagia;
painful menstruation; metritis, micturition; milk leg; ovaritis;
paraplegia; puerperal fever; sleeplessness; summer complaint;
syphilis; whites; abnormal urination, frequent, too much or too
scanty; diseases or mal-position of uterus or womb.
Tissues involved: Sexual organs; uterus; bladder;
rectum; testicles; ovaries; lower small intestines; caecum; colon;
abdominal muscles; thighs; knees, legs and feet; blends with fifth
lumbar below.
Adjustment Indicated.
All involvement of above tissue; club foot; cold
feet; coxalgia; coxitis; rheumatism or cramps of thigh, knee,
leg or feet; diseases of thigh, knee, leg or foot; elephantiasis
of legs or feet; anal fissure or fistula; hemiparaplegia; hemorrhoids;
ingrowing toe nails; milk leg; paraplegia; piles; plantar neuralgia;
polypi of rectum or uterus; priapism; proctitis; prolapsus uteri;
prostatitis; sciatica; sexual weakness; tarsalgia; vaginitis;
varicocele; vulvitis; whitlow of toes; worms.
Tissues involved: Rectum; uterus; buttocks; anus;
sacrum; coccyx; posterior thigh.
Adjustment Indicated.
In all involvements of about tissue; all leg or
foot trouble; coccygodynia; coxalgia; coxitis; cramp or pain in
hips, buttocks or lower limbs; elephantiasis in lower limbs; anal
fissure or fistula; hemorrhoids; ingrowing toe nails; milk leg;
piles; polypi of rectum; proctitis; priapism; tarsalgia; menstrual
disorders; prolapsed or displaced uterus. (See cut "Coccygeal
Adjustment" under Chapter 4).
Adjustment Indicated.
Alcoholism; allochiria; amblyopia; anemic headache;
acoria; aprosexia; ataxic gait; child-crowing; ankle clonus; constipation;
convulsions; coxalgia; cold hands or feet; painful defecation;
dipsomania; dysmenorrhea; dysentery; epilepsy; female diseases;
fetichism; feeblemindedness; fibroid tumor; genital disease or
pain; gout; hemiplegia; intellectual disorders; impotence; insanity;
inter-menstrual pain; all thigh, leg and foot troubles; kidney
trouble; bladder and prostatic trouble; bad memory; all diseases
of mentality; nervous headaches or neuralgia; nervousness; petit
mal; sadism; coldness or clammy skin or poor circulation; sub-normal
temperature of body, especially the extremities; abnormal thirst.
CUT No. 2, V. A.
Palpation - Sitting Posture.
By all means the most important method of locating
subluxations, and analyzing the vertebral column, palpation is
used by many to the sole exclusion of all other methods very successfully.
It is the Omega in determining subjective etiology.
The "Rule of three" applies in every step
of palpation by using either right or left hand with index, middle
and third fingers, the middle finger used for palpating, with
index and third fingers for comparison.
The above illustrates the sixth dorsal under process
of palpation with spine of vertebrae between index and middle
finger tips. In this instance, the adjustor has located the transverse
processes of eighth dorsal vertebra.
CUT No. 3, V. A.
Seventh Cervical Adjustment - Sitting Posture.
The seventh cervical vertebra is "vertebral
prominens" and is characterized by its spine being longer
and more prominent than any of the other spines of the entire
vertebral column and in 90% of all patients more or less posterior
and to right or left, according to occupation of patient and whether
right or left handed.
The following cut [see above, CUT No. 3, V. A.]
illustrates the much sought for "T.M. Movement." Very
few colleges teach this adjusting and then to only the advanced
students, for the leverage of the skull and neck in this position
is truly great; it should be given with care for with only a wave
more force the vertebra will be found in the opposite direction;
when given properly this adjusting will relieve the nerves here
involved from pressure when all others fail.
Patient in "sitting posture," spine and
head erect; the above illustrates the seventh cervical, posterior
and to left, the left thumb imbedded in the muscles of the left
side with "tip" against the "posterior left angle"
of the spine with the "ball" of the thumb against the
lamina, the second and third fingers gripped around the clavicle
for support, the index finger against mastoid process and used
to place head in desired position. The right hand gripped around
frontal bone with thumb on top of head (as in cut), then swing
the head to right angle with body, using fore arm for rotary movement
and hand for posterior movement, until muscles are tense, then
with quick, but not severe, rotary and posterior movement of head
to the left and face to right (when vertebra is to right, reverse
the above procedure).
This adjustment is efficacious in all forms of chronic
subluxation of the seventh cervical vertebra.
See seventh cervical under Chapter 6 for Indications.
CUT No. 4, V. A.
Atlas Adjustment - Sitting Posture
The above illustrates distinctly a Neuropathic adjustment.
It removes the pressure from the sub-occipital nerve and at the
same time produces complete relaxation of the muscles and ligaments
of the cervical vertebrae below.
The vertebra (atlas) was to the left, and the position
here is to adjust it to the right. Patient in the sitting posture,
vertebral column erect, adjustor's left thumb against patient's
right mastoid and his left index finger against left transverse
process of atlas, other fingers against transverse processes of
other cervical vertebrae (note in this position you have the atlas
at your control). Right hand clamped around both maxillary bones
and for this particular adjustment hold atlas in position with
left hand and move head with right hand to right. The subluxation
is between atlas and occipital bone, impinging sub-occipital nerve.
This adjustment is efficacious in all forms of atlas
(See atlas under Chapter 6 for indications).
CUT No. 5, V. A.
Axis Adjustment - Sitting Posture
Illustrating axis adjustment to left. Tip of right
thumb against spine of axis with fingers of right hand winding
around transverse processes of cervicals below, with the spines
of other cervicals in palm of hand. Inferior maxillary gripped
firmly with left hand, left thumb against right superior maxillary,
swing head to left until all cervical muscles are tense. For adjustment,
quickly rotate head to left with left hand, and move axis with
right thumb. If axis is stubborn and , requires more force, use
adjustment as illustrated in CUT No. 6, V. A. (Chapter 6 for indications.)
CUT No. 6. V. A.
Third Ceryieal Adjustment - Prone Posture.
The third cervical vertebra subluxated to right.
The position is to adjust to the left.
Patient in prone posture with head lying on left side, the adjustor's
right thumb on right side of vertebra pressing against lamina
and the fingers of right hand gripped around neck with tips of
right fingers placed against transverse processes of the vertebra
above and below vertebra being adjusted. Index finger of left
hand under inferior maxillary bone, thumb on right cheek, other
fingers on left side of face. For the adjusting give a quick rotary
movement of left hand to right.
This adjustment has proved a panacea in facial neuralgia,
toothache (if teeth are decayed and nerve exposed would be only
temporary relief - see a dentist) and inflammation of gums (if
pyorrhea see tenth, dorsal vertebra), pimples on cheeks, chin
or in nostrils.
See third cervical under Chapter 6 for indications.
CUT No. 7, V. A.
Fifth Cervical Adjustment - Prone Posture.
The cut illustrates the most effectual technique
in cervical adjustment. When once understood and used it will
be adopted and used preference to all other methods of correcting
cervical displacements. We unhesitatingly recommend this adjustment.
Patient in prone posture, head lying to side of subluxation. In
is case the fifth cervical was displaced to the right; the position
above cut is to move vertebra to left; the tip of right thumb
is against the right side of the fifth cervical spine. The articulations
f the index finger winds against the right lamina and transverse
process, the second and third fingers are clamped against right
clavicle of patient while the right hand is used as a lever with
hand gripped round patient's forehead. The adjustment is given
by a concussion of forces produced by a cross motion of both hands
(Note-In this adjustment the leverage is very great;
care should be used, always palpating the vertebra after the adjustment
as a caution to a possible movement of the vertebra too far to
the opposite side which would transfer the symptom from right
to left side only and not give the desired relief).
This adjustment is recommended for chronic subluxation
of fifth cervical.
See fifth cervical under Chapter 6 for indications.
CUT No. 8, V. A.
Fourth Dorsal Adjustment - Prone Posture.
In this illustration the fourth dorsal vertebra
was "jammed" on its fellow immediately below; the position
is to adjust it superior.
The adjustor's metacarpal bone of right hand is
placed against the inferior spine or as near between the fourth
and fifth dorsal spine as possible and in adjusting apply force
to spine of fourth dorsal from the inferior adjusting vertebra
to superior. The right pisiform and other wrist bones are resting
on transverse processes of vertebrae below to hold secure, while
the right fingers are imbedded into the intercostal spaces.
The left arm is directed (from shoulder to wrist)
in the direction vertebra is to be adjusted. Adjusting is given
by tensing slightly flexed right elbow. (Chapter 6 for indications.)
CUT No. 9. V. A.
Fourth Dorsal Vertebra - Prone Posture.
The above illustrates the adjustment of the fourth
dorsal vertebra to the left and inferior, is subluxated to the
right and superior. To adjust a vertebra into normal relation
with its fellows above and below, necessitates that the application
of forces be given in the opposite direction, due to the inter-locking
articulation supported by the transverse processes (both superior
and inferior) and the articulations of the centrum of the vertebra.
The pisiform bone of the right hand is placed against
the inferior left angle of the spine of the fourth dorsal vertebra,
the left hand and arm bracing and restricting the motion to prevent
adjusting the vertebra too far to the opposite side. The force
for the adjusting is given by tensing the slightly flexed elbows.
In case of a chronic or ankylosed subluxation and an additional
force is needed, reinforce by shoulder thrust. See fourth dorsal,
Chapter 6, for indications.
CUT No. 10, V. A.
Tenth Dorsal Adjustment - Prone Posture.
This illustration is somewhat misleading in general
appearance due to the fact that this lady's spine is in perfect
order, is extremely resilient, and under such perfect control
that she can almost touch scapula and buttocks upon exertion.
This adjustment illustrates the movement of the tenth dorsal vertebra
to left and superior. The right pisiform bone is on the right
lamina of the tenth dorsal vertebra, metacarpal of the small finger
against spine, which gives the adjustor perfect control of the
vertebra in case it should tend to slip too far to the opposite
side, in which case the symptom would be transferred from the
right to left side of patient and which should be guarded against
in all minor subluxations. It requires more care and caution in
the adjustment of slight subluxations than in the adjustment of
severe subluxations of a chronic nature, as it requires a great
deal more velocity and force in the latter.
You will note that the right hand is braced and
sustained in applying the needed force by the left hand and arm
as a brace and restricting lever; the adjustment force is applied
by tensing the slightly flexed elbow joints. This adjustment is
recommended for both acute and chronic troubles, indications of
which will be found under "Tenth Dorsal," Chapter 6.
CUT No. 11, V. A.
Sacral Adjustment - Prone Posture.
In this case the lumbo-sacral arch was impinging
the fifth pair of lumbar nerves (both right and left); the effects
of this subluxation was sciatic inflammation of lower limbs.
The position of the hands in this cut is somewhat
misleading, due to the flexibility of the spine. The thumbs of
the adjustor are placed to the right and left of the spines on
the sacrum and inside each innominate. Index finger and arch of
hand is placed upon the crest of ilium and posterior part of innominate
bones, the arch of each wrist imbedded in the muscles of the groins.
The movement for this adjustment is not from the
arms but of the body of the adjustor, standing firmly at the head
of the table, both knees against the table, throwing the weight
of the body from the hips to both sacrum and innominates. This
adjusting, when given properly, will throw sacrum anterior and
the fifth lumbar vertebra posterior; specifically and generally
open up the whole lower part of the vertebral column. The springs
in the table necessary for this adjusting will furnish the recoil
sufficient to influence the fifth lumbar posterior. To fully appreciate
this adjusting, examine your skeleton and see the relation of
the lumbar vertebra with the sacrum (lumbo-sacral arch); you will
readily appreciate the superior value of this adjusting over the
other so-called sacral adjusting.
This adjustment is recommended in all conditions
where there is a contracture or subluxation of the lower lumbar
vertebra. (Also see ,coccyx under Chapter 6 for indications).
CUT No 12, V. A.
Palpation - Sitting Posture.
The above illustration shows the eighth, ninth and
tenth dorsal vertebrae under palpation, and as is illustrated
the ninth dorsal is subluxated to the left and superior. The index
finger is on spine of eighth dorsal, middle finger is on spine
of ninth dorsal, third finger is on spine of tenth dorsal. The
index and third fingers are in line and spaced about the proper
distance apart; the middle finger is too close to the index finger
and to the left of the plumb line revealing a subluxation of the
ninth dorsal vertebra superior and to left.
In palpating to determine subluxations, always use three fingers
in the manner suggested above.
CUT No. 13, V. A.
Ninth Dorsal Adjustment - Prone Posture.
This illustrates the proper method of adjusting
the ninth dorsal subluxation as illustrated in palpation, Cut
No. 12 VA. The left pisiform bone is placed on the superior, left
angle of the spine of the ninth dorsal vertebra; the left arm
is directed toward right foot - the direction the vertebra is
to be adjusted; the right hand clasped around left wrist; the
"slack" is taken up by gradual pressure on vertebral
column with left hand. The recoil necessary in giving this adjusting
is given with right hand from the shoulders.
See Chapter 6 for indications.
Specific Adjustments.
(Note - In this list is given only the specific
"key" to primary subluxations in diseases given, the
vertebra above or the one below point given may be the producing
primary cause which should be definitely determined under Palpation.
For associate subluxations see "Adjustments Indicated"
under each vertebral segment in Chapter 6).
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