Neuropathy Illustrated
The Philosophy and Practical Application of Drugless Healing
Andrew P. Davis, M.D., N.D., D.O., D.C., OPH.D.
There is much more ingenuity needed in physical manipulations in the proper treatment of the invalid to relieve pain and rightly adjust the system so as to eradicate disease, than there is in administering a medicine to cure any disease.

The manipulator, to treat the patient properly, should be familiar with anatomy, physiology and pathology in order to intelligently restore the various parts of the body to their normal condition; for without this knowledge failure may result and harm be done, instead of benefit, which should be the design of adjustment.

Muscular Contraction Overcome.

To overcome the muscular rigidity is the principal thing desired in manipulation, for this rigidity is the prime cause of disturbance, as it interferes with the circulation of the fluids and tends to unduly compress nerve filaments, thereby interfering with their function.

If the pressure is strong enough to arrest the blood in the small veins, very soon there ensues a collection of venous blood in the parts; as a consequence, nerve filaments are separated, their functions disturbed, disease is the result - locally as a rule; then it affects the whole body, and a general disturbance is manifest.

Without freedom of the circulation of all of the fluids in the body, and oxygenation of the blood, any disease may ensue, from an Epidermitis, to Tuberculosis.  Without absolute freedom of the nervous system from undue pressure, its functions are disturbed or arrested, then physical pandemonium prevails throughout every organ and cell in the body.

The interference of the circulation of the fluids-not only the blood, but all other fluids in the body, results in abnormality, pathology; therefore, a prime cause of almost every known disease.

A disturbance of nerve function may cause interference of the circulation, hence both these factors are correlated as causes of disease, and deserve attention.  The normal condition of the nervous system is evidenced by the proper functioning of all of the organs of the body, the normal condition of the circulatory apparatus is known by the action of the heart, and the pulse throb.

The presence of pain may be ascertained by tenderness to the touch, or from the patient's confession; the organ affected may be known by the nerves ending in the part, traceable by the soreness of the nerve filaments involved.  The character of the treatment is indicated according to. conditions found.

Manipulations.  Patient in Recumbent Position.

It is not enough to know the philosophy of a science, for, without its practical utility is demonstrated and properly understood and applied, it is useless.

The three principal things to be derived from the application of Neuropathic manipulations - which means to take off the pressure from fluid-carrying vessels, from nerve filaments, lymphatic vessels, and to relieve undue muscular contracture; to arrest nerve waste, so as to permit every organ in the body to perform its wonted, normal function - are normal breathing; normal circulation; normal nerve function, they being the conditions which prevail when one is in HEALTH.

To bring about these conditions, when they do not exist, or when not normal, is the prime object of using physical manipulations, so as to restore harmony throughout the entire body, as nearly as possible.

The various manipulations here presented will be found to be the best in use, and serve the purpose better than any we have found, or heard of; if faithfully, and rightly applied, will render acceptable service in all cases where relief is possible through physical manipulations.

Each particular manipulation has a special influence over special tissue involved; special blood vessels; special muscular structure; special nerves; and relieves certain, and special conditions, usually immediately, and starts the patient on the way to recovery.  They may have to be repeated, many times, before recovery is fully established, but persistence therein rewards the manipulated with freedom from disease, provided other conditions are met, such as proper food, proper breathing, proper rest, exercise, proper environments, and influences, which make up the sum total of a well balanced life, receive due attention.

We hope the manipulator is now sufficiently informed as to the object of these manipulations, that every manipulation will be applied in the manner directed, that no undue violence used may bring reproach upon the science, nor pain or injury to the manipulated; for there is not the least necessity for so doing.

It will be remembered that FREEDOM from nerve pressure, freedom of the fluid circulation, freedom from muscular contracture are the THREE things to be accomplished by these manipulations.

In the treatment of the spine, where extreme tenderness, or where very great rigidity of the muscles exist, the hot applications should be used; they should be repeated every few moments, occupying twenty to thirty minutes, applying the hot towels thereto.

This method of applying heat to any part of the body, where moisture is required, will be found the most convenient, and always satisfactory.  A description of the can used by the author is found elsewhere.

Another excellent way to relax the muscles of the back, along the spine, is to place the heel of the palm of the hand gently on the rigid muscles, pressing on the spine, and at the sides of the spinous process, moving the hand thus placed from the head and neck right on down the whole length of the spine.  This may be done prior to any adjustments, and in many instances will be found very satisfactory.

In very fleshy persons, the vibratory movements along the sides of the spinous process will serve an excellent purpose in relaxing the muscles thereof.

It should be remembered that the muscular contracture is the essential thing to overcome, and it requires much attention before it completely yields, and the operator should be able to improvise the means necessary for accomplishing this purpose, so as to be able to render the best service possible.

The Time Required for Treatment.

It is a mistake to occupy lengthy seances in the treatment of patients.  Three to five moves of the limbs are usually sufficient for one time.  There may be several minutes occupied in these manipulations, not over ten or twenty, to go over the entire body, for all may be accomplished that is necessary at one sitting, in that time, whereas, if longer time is consumed it is exhausting to the patient.  This will depend, however, how expert the operator may be, as to length of the time taken to treat and adjust the patient for the conditions found.

We think we have described the best manipulations possible, in the body of these instructions, to remove abnormal pressure, free the circulation of the fluids, and restore normal action of the entire physical organism, under all conditions.  We insist upon their adoption and persistent use by all who desire the welfare of the afflicted.

Deep breathing, bathing and the proper diet and exercise should not be neglected, but observed statedly and for a purpose.  Care and anxiety should be avoided.


Kettle recommended in which to heat cloths for use in the practice, where heat is necessary for relaxing muscles or for applying to the body to relieve pain or inflammation:

A sheet-iron garbage kettle, holding three to five gallons of water is large enough for all practical purposes.  Have a circular piece fitted inside the kettle, resting on pieces of bent sheet-iron fastened to the bottom of the partition of these foot-stays, having the circular partitions cut full of holes, with a larger one in the center to lift it by, and have this about one-third of the distance from the bottom.  This forms a covering above the water to place, the towels on.  Leave enough space to hold about a gallon or more of water; fill half way to the partition.

Cover with a good-fitting lid, and set the kettle on a gas jet, or the stove.  When water is boiling shake out and drop in a number of bath towels; cover and keep waterboiling hot, and the steam, and heat, keep the towels ready to apply to the body.  They require no wringing, only as they are washed, after applying them to the body, to be returned to the kettle again.  This is much better, more convenient, than to dip cloths in hot water every time one is to be changed, and every time having to dip the hands into scalding water.  This arrangement will befound convenient in treating many conditions where hotcloths are a necessity.


Heat expands and cold contracts all substances affected by them.  Muscles are subject to the same law.  Cold applied to the surface of the body causes contraction of the skin.  The contraction of the skin influences deeper structure in which nerves are located; these contractures influence deeper nerve endings, the influence involves still deeper structure, until, in many instances, may not only involve a whole muscle, but extend to other adjacent muscles, and these others, until, perhaps, the entire body is affected.  The contracture of the muscular fiber squeezes the small blood-vessels and the nerves which pass through them, thereby interfering with their function.

If the blood is impeded in its flow through the capillaries, nourishment of tissue fails to take place, emaciation ensues, the venous blood fails to be returned to the heart and lungs to be purified; if the pressure is upon the nerve filaments they fail to perform their functions, so there may be inharmony produced by either condition resulting from contracture of muscular fibers.  Disease may ensue immediately, or some time may elapse before any manifestation of disease is expressed, and in rare instances, the conditions may right themselves, and no disease follow, for the pressure may not continue long enough to produce abnormality in the parts.

These contractures may take place in any muscle or organ in the body, and results may be acute or chronic, according to the degree of pressure upon the blood-carrying vessels, or the nerves involved therein.

The greater amount of trouble is usually caused by the failure of the venous blood - return circulation - due to undue pressure upon the small veinlets which gather up all of the capillary blood not used, as well as the waste materials, due to used up tissue in the neighborhood of the capillaries, where the arterial blood distributes its nutrient products, and the unused elements are ushered on through the capillaries into the veins, which finally find their way back to the heart, thence into the lungs to be carried through a process of exchange of commodities, and be transformed into life-giving, rejuvenating elements to build up other tissue.

The manipulations instituted by the author of this treatise will be found adequate, if applied according to directions, the operator having a fair understanding of the anatomical structure and functions of the several organs, the muscular system, and a little experience in the modus operandi of applying them to the uses intended.

The proper application of the manipulations has much to do in results.  If awkwardly applied, they cause resistance from the patient, and sometimes are productive of harm, rather than the good intended.

Due consideration should be given to the function of the muscles involved - whether they be flexors or extensors - for they all have but ONE function, and that function is to contract; whether the limbs are to be extended or flexed, due regard should be had to the object desired, or the effect the movement would have upon the muscular fibers, or the vessels to be affected by the movements of the muscles or muscle, and the force to be employed to accomplish the purpose intended.  Much discretion should be used by the manipulator in the application of the science of Neuropathy, the conditions governing each case must be taken into consideration, embracing the whole field, whether in the treatment of acute or chronic diseases, the condition of each, the character of the disease to be treated, age, habits, circumstances, etc.

The object of all manipulations should be to change the diseased conditions to that state denominated harmony, ease, health, freedom, normal relationship throughout the entire body.  In other words TO TAKE OFF THE PRESSURE.

It will be readily understood that when the venous blood is arrested anywhere along the line from its connection with the arterial blood in the capillaries, some unnatural condition will ensue, especially if the interruption or cessation of the flow continues for a few hours - even moments - in some parts of the body.  The blood in the veins accumulates, the expansion implicates nerve-footlets, this interferes with their function, thus increasing the difficulty, because the nervous system becomes involved.  The amount of accumulation measures the degree of disturbance in the surrounding tissue.  In freeing the impeded venous blood, the nerves are also freed from pressure, and the conditions changed from an abnormal to a normal state.


The promotion of normal circulation is the first consideration in all affections; as the blood is the life of man, it should be distributed throughout the entire body.  The arterial blood contains the nutrient material which supplies every tissue with the proper element needed, being composed of the elements in the food eaten and the secretions from the glandular system, and being purified by the air breathed, it is the element of the first importance.

The arterial circulation is maintained by the vasomotor nervous system ending in the muscular coat of the arteries, causing that condition denominated peristalsis; the nervous system should be free from pressure from origin to terminus, because ever so slight a pressure influences its action, its influence being manifested only at the endings.

Slight but steady pressure upon the upper cervicals influences the circulation of the blood in all of the arteries in the entire body, and here is the place where pressure assuages the raging fever and the throbbing heart, regulating the force and the velocity of the current of life - the arterial blood.
Here is the beginning point of manipulations for all functional, human ills.  Whatever else is to be done, it follows this manipulation, for the blood is the first thing to look after in the treatment of all conditions known as disease in the human body, and as it furnishes material to renew the waste tissue and to repair all deficiencies, it demands first attention.

The Neuropath starts with the vaso-motor filaments at the base of the skull, in or on the upper cervical division - posteriorly - using the fingers to do the pressing, as shown elsewhere in this treatise.

The next step to be taken is to manipulate the neck muscles on either side of the neck from side to side, until all of them are manipulated, thoroughly.  Then the Clavicles are to be raised, in either of the three ways shown elsewhere.  Then the chest walls are to be expanded, by stretching the arms, one at a time, on either side, pulling them upward and placing fingers of the other hand on the sides of the spinal column, with considerable pressure at each stretching of the arm upward.

The movements of the arms may be made at the head or at the sides of the table.  Then the lower limbs will demand attention, using the manipulations shown elsewhere - each limb.  All these manipulations are for the purpose of freeing the circulation of the blood and other fluids of the body, and may be made with more or less intensity or force, as the indications demand and the condition of the patient seems to require, or has the ability to endure, without pain or injury.

After the front part of the person has had the foregoing treatment, the spine will require attention, so the patient will change position of the body, lying with the face downward, the spine exposed, so as to facilitate observation of the contour of the spinous processes - deviations indicating a drawn condition of the muscular structure and a change of contour of the spine.


When we take into consideration the form of the chest, the insertion of the muscles of the ribs, and the fact that they are drawn toward their origin, we find that they affect not only the circulation of the fluids in the muscular structure, but also the size, shape and functions of the organs inside the chest walls.  Undue contraction of the pectoral muscles, together with the muscles which are inserted in the upper dorsal and chest bones, produces a narrowness of the chest which interferes with inspiration and restricts the expansion of the chest walls, crowding the diaphragm downward, all of the intestines and viscera receiving more or less displacement; consequently there is interference with the circulation of the fluids and of the function of all the organs inside the chest walls as well as the abdominal wall.  All muscles of the chest perform function as all other muscles in the body do, by contraction.  The contraction of the external muscles of the chest walls tends to draw the chest walls closer together, limiting the capacity of the chest.  The intercostal muscles contract the ribs together, closing around blood vessels and nerve trunks, including the nerve filaments, interfering with the breathing apparatus as well as impeding the venous circulation, the intercostal veins and the Vena Azygos Major and Minor inside the chest walls.  All cases of disease characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue, are caused by a deficiency of expansibility of the chest walls.  Every disease known to humanity is a result, either of insufficiency of expansion or due to contraction of muscular fiber, or deficiency in the function of respiration. Manipulations relieve muscular contraction.

Description of Manipulations.

While the patient is lying face downward. - Now succeeding the description of the manipulations on the front side of the body, while the patient is lying on the back, we go directly to the spinal column, and do what we call palpate, or diagnose diseased conditions from the spine.  Beginning with the upper cervical vertebrae we ascertain whether there is a deviation of the bones of the processes or the body of the bones from a normal condition.  If we find a deviation along the spine, or nerves impinged, they will express themselves on pressure, by soreness; the soreness will be intense or mild, according to the amount of pressure over and around the nerve.  The various localities to palpate along the spine need not be mentioned on this occasion.  Palpation is not the word that can be understood by the ordinary people.  It has no special significance except such as Chiropractors have given it.  The word "Diagnosis" is better.  We diagnose, then, the condition of the system from the spinal deviations, either to the right or left.  Muscular contraction produces all the deviations of the spine.  We are deficient of evidence to prove, from the anatomical structure of the bones, that such a thing as luxation or subluxation can exist without laceration of the tissue.  Bones may be drawn sidewise, or may deviate backwards by the position the patient assumes, either temporarily or permanently.  After a long continuation of contraction of muscles we may have perrnanent curvature of the spine, laterally, posteriorly or anteriorly.  The lateral curvature is known as "Spinal Curvature;" posterior curvature is known by the name of Kyphosis; the anterior curvature by the term Lordosis.  These conditions, it will be remembered, are products of muscular contraction.  The diagnosis will demonstrate the fact that where the concavity is felt is where the soreness will be manifest.  If, for instance, we feel along down the spinal column with one or two fingers, and we find a concave surface on one side and a convexity on the other, we will, almost always, find soreness on the concave side of the spine, and the nerves impinged, in this concavity, will indicate the organ diseased, because all nerves express themselves at their endings.  If we have superficial pains or intercostal pains, adjustment, at these particular localities, will immediately arrest the pains.  If we have profound inflammation or disease of the internal organs, it may require a number of treatments to relieve the patient.  After we find the sore place, known by the tenderness on pressure along the spine, we relieve this condition by directing a force through the arm, on the opposite side, in the direction indicated by the position of the body of the vertebra where the soreness is manifested.  In the cervical area it will be well for the student to understand that he must know the normal condition and distribution of the nervous system before he can correctly, or intelligently, diagnose impingement and results in any organ in the body.  Each and every leash, or bundle of nerves, which emanates from the cervical, the dorsal, the lumbar, the sacral or the coecyxgeal plexus, ends in specific localities in the body, and expresses itself in the part where it ends.  Hence the importance of knowing where each leash is distributed in the body, to intelligently manipulate the spine.  Inasmuch as all deviations are due to muscular contraction, the muscles constituting one or the other of the five layers of muscles along the spine, it is important that the muscles involved be relaxed, or the pressure cannot be removed, which must be done before the pain ceases, which has been caused by the contraction of the muscles of the spine.

The manipulations which relieve the spinal nerve impingement, are here briefly described:

These consist of direct thrusts of the manipulator .against the sides of the spine, against the convex inclination.  For instance, if we find a curvature on the right side of the spine, we will find a convexity on the left side.  In order to relieve this concavity we adjust the bodies of the bones on the convex side, and immediately a response may be heard, a clicking sound, which means a separation of the facets of the articular surfaces or surface of the lamina or ribs along the sides of the bodies of the vertebrae.  These articular facets being the articular facets of the bones themselves, permit motion of the spine in all directions, and if drawn closely and tightly together by the contraction of the muscular fiber, the fiber itself contracts down upon the nerves that emanate from the foramen, and under the muscles or ligamentous structure or tendons attached to the muscles.  Hence the importance of knowing this fact, because without relaxation of the muscles we have no freedom of function of the vessels and nerves passing through or under the muscular tissue, or the tendons connected with the bones of the spine.  In order to adjust the system with itself, as stated above, we place our hand on the convex side of the body where deviated, with the pisiform bone upon the spinous process, over the lamina of the vertebra, give a sudden, forcible thrust, stiffening the arm, letting it become rigid, making the thrust short and quick.  A repetition of the thrust may be necessary, and in some instances there may be a necessity of making the thrust directly against the spinous process, more obliquely, maybe downward, maybe upward, depending upon the position and condition of the bones involved.  Sometimes we place both hands on the back at the sides of the spinous processes, with the thumbs against each side of the processes, stiffening both arms, make the thrust directly downward or upward, or in any direction indicated.

Another way to adjust the spinous processes and relax the muscular system is known as the "Heidelberg Movement," and this is applicable to young people, especially those whose vertebrae are easily moved.  Their spines may be deviated without showing any special tenderness, it may be simply spinal curvature; and where the tissues are flexible the trouble may be corrected by merely pressing against the convex side of the spine, pushing the bones in the opposite direction as the patient takes a long, deep breath, and lets that breath immediately out of the lung.  You can sometimes cure curvature of the spine by pushing against the side of the spinal processes and down against the body of the bone.  This may be done very readily, and at one sitting.

The student will always remember if the contour of the bodies of the vertebra is smooth there will be no trouble along that part of the spine.  The muscles being attached to the tubercles and lamina of the bones, they being so constructed that it is a matter of impossibility to draw them apart by muscular contraction without larceration of the tissue around their facets, luxations and subluxations do not occur.  The contraction of the muscles which are attached to the tubercles of the vertebrae influence the direction of the vertebrae by their contractility, and with the contractility overcome, the facets articulate normally.  The Chiropractic movement is the direct thrust, the Heidelberg is the pushing of the thumb, and the Osteopathic is legion.
If we find deviations in the upper dorsal vertebrae while the patient is lying with his face downward, we slip our hand over the shoulder in front of the clavicle, placing the thumb at the side of the vertebra deviated, the hand of the patient out from us; suddenly the operator, pressing the arm of the patient against his body, putting the thumb against the side of the vertebra, and the other hand up over the forehead and side of the face of the patient, drawing the arm to the side suddenly, holding it rigid, throwing the head backward toward the body, makes a sudden push and a sudden shove, and he will feel and hear the clicking.


The forty-one muscles of the neck are responsible for very many of the pathological diseased conditions of the head and neck, on account of their influence over the venous, capillary, and lymphatic secretions in the tissue, resulting from undue contracture of their fibers.  All the blood from the head is emptied into the jugular veins, and all of the venous blood, beginning at the ends of the capillaries; the blood passes directly through the smaller veins to the larger ones.  These larger veins empty themselves into the jugular veins, which pass down the neck on either side of the trachea, and empty into the right auricle of the heart.  The circulation of the blood is dependent, therefore, upon a normal condition of the muscular fiber of all the muscles through which the smaller veins empty their contents.  The effect of the contraction of the forty-one muscles of the neck on the circulation of the blood, and the influence of the nerve filaments and the lymphatic vessels is apparent from results which follow.  Retention of venous blood forms a nidus (a starting point) for disease.  Decomposition due to impeded venous circulation, is the prime cause of the larger number of diseased conditions mentioned in our pathology.  Bacteria has little to do in producing disease.  All pathological conditions are results of impeded venous circulation, undue pressue upon the nerve filaments, or toxic influences which have no relationship to bacteria.  Bacteria only invade the system where decomposition has already taken place, which may have been from impeded circulation of the fluids through veins, capillaries or lymphatic tubes.  Impeded venous circulation produces congestion of mucous membrane in all parts of the body where mucous membranes exist.  The venous blood is not only retained in the veins, but the lymphatic secretion is also obstructed in its passage to the veins; hence the influence of muscular contraction has a wide range and is responsible for pathological conditions in any and all parts of the body.

Congestion of the mucous membranes results in inflammation.  This congestion of venous blood produces that condition known as croupous formation, which is commonly known as "membranous croup"-also that disease known as diphtheria, as well as scarlet fever, ulcerated sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsilitis, catarrh, enlargement of the glands, and all diseases of the mucous membrane.

Contracture of muscular fiber is a prominent factor in deafness, conjunctivitis, erysipelas, enlarged thyroid glands, and exophthalmic goiter.

To cure these conditions, circulation of the fluids, especially in the veins and lymphatic vessels, as well as the nervous system controlling the action of the muscular fiber, must be reduced to a normal state.  When this is done, disease no longer exists, because pathological conditions become normal conditions; and these conditions are the result of perfect freedom of the flow of the fluids, and the removal of undue pressure upon nerve filaments.

The means which should be instituted consist, Neuropathically, of physical manipulations applied to the muscles involved, with a view to relaxing muscular fiber, so that the fluids may pass through their normal channels uninterrupted, and the pressure removed from nerve filaments, which perform their functions at their endings.  These manipulations not only free the circulation of the venous blood, but the circulation of the glandular secretion, the lymphatic secretion, and restore normal conditions.
The far-reaching effect of the manipulations of the muscular structure of the neck cannot be computed, nor imagined.  The recuperation of the system to a normal condition is absolutely dependent upon the freedom of venous circulation.  The glandular system secretes fluids which supply organs in various parts of the body, and these organs manufacture their secretions from the arterial blood, which passes into them (except the liver).  Excessive contraction of muscular fiber around or over these ducts, lessens or destroys glandular functions, hence interferes with normal functions.

This may be amplified as occasion demands by the student, and is applicable to all the glandular secretary organs of the body, including the liver, pancreas, and even has to do with the secretions of the kidneys, all of which may be interfered with by muscular contraction; which emphasizes the necessity of relieving muscular contraction.

This may be done in the several following ways: The patient lying on his back on a good, comfortable table - a description of which is given elsewhere; the manipulator approaches the patient at the head of the table, taking hold of the sides of the neck, placing the fingers of both hands against the sides of the processes in the upper part of the neck called the cervical spinal processes; then placing his body against the top of the head of the patient in such a manner as to hold the head still.  Raise both hands with the neck upwards, bending the anterior portion of the neck forward, then letting the head free and the neck back to its normal position.  This should be done three or four times, gently but strongly and firmly, for the purpose of stretching the muscles of the back of the neck.

Next, the operator will place one hand under the upper part of the back of the neck - the fingers back of the mastoid process, and the thumbs behind the mastoid process of the other side of the neck.  Placing the other hand under the chin, make a gentle, firm pull of the body by the neck thus held, until the feet are seen to move; turn the chin with this hold firmly made, holding the neck taut, then turn the head by pulling upon the chin sidewise toward the side of the body on which the arm of the operator is resting, and just at this point where the chin is turned seemingly to its limit, still holding the head and neck muscles taut, make a quick, short jerk with the hand, pulling the chin a little farther.  At this juncture there will be a slight clicking of one or more of the bones of the neck.  Let the head go back to its normal position, and repeat the operation the other way by changing the hands.

We next place both hands on the forehead, pressing down sufficiently to move the skin and the muscular structure rapidly, by an oscillatory movement of both hands simultaneously.  After doing this for a moment or two, stroke the forehead with the palms of the hands or the heels of the hands outward from the center of the forehead; then with the thumbs press from the root of the nose the eyebrows outward a few times; pass the thumbs down to the sides of the nose, rubbing the cheeks downwards and outwards for a few strokes.

Next, place the hands at the sides of the face of the patient down as far as the ears and lower jaw, place the thumbs on either side of the nose, and vibrate briskly for a moment or two.  The next thing to do is to take hold of the nose with two fingers on one side and the thumb on the other, vibrate briskly two or three times.

Next, with the thumb and forefinger placed on either side of the bridge of the nose down on the little prominences called the papilla, or puncta, at the inner side of the eyes, squeeze these papilla together against the lachrymal bones, then with a sudden push downward two or three times will be sufficient to stimulate the circulation of the blood in that part of the face.  Next, the operator takes his place at the side of the patient, places one hand on the forehead in such a manner as to hold it and roll it from side to side easily, without undue pressure or force, places the other hand with the fingers cupped or bent slightly, upon the muscles of the side of the neck, pushes with the hand on the forehead, rolling the head away and pulling with the hand on the muscles of the neck, pressing down upon the muscles with force enough to hold them from slipping, pulling the muscles from their moorings as the head is pushed in the opposite direction, changing the position of the fingers to different localities on the side of the neck until all the muscles have been manipulated carefully, gently, firmly, when relaxation to a greater or lesser degree will have been made.  Change position to the other side, and treat the other side of the neck in the same manner.  This finishes the neck treatment.

The next thing is to raise the clavicles.  The importance of this movement will be better understood when we know that the clavicles obstruct the circulation of the blood from the head through the large jugular veins to the heart.  The easiest and best way to raise the clavicle is to stand by the side of the patient - if to the right side, place the right hand at the elbow of the patient in such a manner as to include the elbow of the patient in the hand of the operator, and in this position press the arm to the side of the patient and then push it upwards strongly, which raises the clavicle so that the fingers of the other hand may be placed near the sternal end of the clavicle (the inner end) and with the fingers thus placed pull the clavicle outwards gently, and at the same time press the elbow outwards and upwards, holding it taut all the time.  Then let down, and repeat this two to four times.
Sitting Treatments.
Treatments while sitting on stool or chair: First, place the arm under the chin of the patient, with hand on the opposite shoulder, and put the other hand on upper portion of the back of the neck, grasping the sides of the Ligamentum Nucha and pressing against the neck on either side of the spine with the thumb, and fingers on the other side of the spine, lifting up with the arm and pressing up strongly against the neck, rotating backward and upward, pushing strongly against the back of the neck.  Do this five or six times, then let go.

Next, place the hands on the forehead with the fingers in the same position on the back of the neck as before, but a little lower down; then throw the head backward and forward, moving fingers down until you come to the top of the shoulders, pressing fingers against neck muscles; now change the position of the hands, and turn the head by one hand placed on the forehead and the other on the neck, grasping the neck muscles on opposite side with thumb on side of neck next to you, push head from you, hold the hand on the forehead, press the fingers on either side of the spine, high up in the Vaso-motor area, first to fourth cervical, and press backward strongly against the fingers and thumb, holding it there from two to five minutes (in case of fever), at the end of which time the patient's fever will have subsided.
The next movement is to place the hand on the forehead, the thumb on the side of the neck next to you; place the fingers on the other side of the neck, grasp the muscles and keep the fingers slightly curved, then push the forehead from you, turning it in the opposite direction, pull at the same time, with the hand on the neck, pulling the muscles from their moorings, turning the head slowly from you, holding the muscles taut that you grasp with the fingers on the neck, manipulate all the, muscles on that side of the neck, lifting them from their moorings, pulling them toward you.  Then change sides, put your body against the shoulders of the patient to hold them steady, change position of your hands and treat the other side the same way, gently pushing the head around in a rotary motion, pulling the muscles on the opposite side of neck, manipulating all of the muscles by changing position of your fingers, letting the thumb be the guide to hold your hand in proper place.

The next movement we make, ordinarily, is to place the hand in front of the patient's neck, extending the fingers to the side of the neck, with the thumb up to the side of the lower jaw, on the opposite side from where the operator stands; then place the other hand on the side of the head next to you, push the head very gently, letting the patient relax perfectly, pulling the muscles forward, pushing the head from you, incline rather to a rotary motion, having placed the hands on the neck with the second joint of the second finger directly across any soreness, prominence or tenderness, holding it there, continuing the rotation, suddenly give a short, quick movement, jerking the hand on the opposite side of the neck toward you, pushing the head from you quickly (a simultaneous movement - both hands), and you will usually hear a clicking sound.  This relaxes the muscles involved and relieves the soreness.

Going around in front of the patient, hold patient on stool with knees of operator against those of patient, catch hold of the sides of the head, with the ears between the thumb and forefingers, stoop down so as to be able to lift the body by the neck strongly, holding it in that position, make a rotary motion, keeping the neck muscles taut all the time, until several rotary motions have been made, then let go.  Then replace the hands to the sides of the face with the fingers on the back of the neck, press the head backward, with heel of hands, pulling with the fingers strongly on the back of the neck.  Do this several times, changing position of the fingers in order to relax the muscles of the back of the neck.

Another movement, go behind the patient, throw the arm around the neck of the patient, place the thumb on the top of the clavicle near its sternal end, hold the shoulder of the patient with the arm, catching hold of the opposite arm to which the clavicle is - attached, reaching arm around posterior, taking arm by the wrist with hand, lift the arm backwards and upwards strongly, pressing the thumb against the top of the clavicle, and when you get arm up taut, pull a little more, and jerk arm back and upward slightly, then let go. That is one way to raise the clavicle.  Another is, to take hold of the arm on the side of the neck, of the clavicle you wish to raise, place the hand on the side of the neck with the second finger just above the clavicle, and the thumb back over the shoulder.  Now raise the arm next to you, pressing upward and forward across the chest of the patient in front of the chest, or face; then press the clavicle outward over the finger, pressing the finger down behind the clavicle.
In the next movement, stand behind the patient, take hold of the wrist with the palm of the thumb on the palm of the hand of the patient, with the fingers around the wrist, letting the patient relax.  Place the feet in such a position that you can hold the patient steady; with the hand holding the arm, the thumb placed on the side of the vertebra, as high as the first dorsal; then with the hand holding the arm, make the arm rotate up over the head, when getting up to the top of the head, bring the hand down suddenly, at the same time pushing the thumb in the direction opposite from which the arm came.  Repeat this, going down the back the distance of several vertebrae, or as far as the middle dorsal region, then change the fingers, put the knuckles on the other side of the spine, the arm against the side of the body (the operator's), continue the movement of the arm, pressing the knuckles against the back, going down the back in this way; then changing to the other side, take hold of the other arm, repeat the movement.  This stretches the muscles of the back, and the serrati, pectoral and intercostal muscles.  Now remember how we take hold of the patient - the palm of the thumb on the palm of the hand of your patient, flexor muscles turned toward patient's body.

In order to intensify the dilatation of the chest walls, we stand behind the patient, take hold of the arms above the elbows and place the knee high up on the back, between the shoulders of the patient, pull backward on the arms against the knee, stretching the intercostal and pectoral muscles, and all the muscles of the chest, by pulling backward against the knee, doing this with a springing movement backward, turning the limb of the operator across the spine, so as to let the knee on the back be across the spine, as you go down, and not cause pain by direct pressure on the spinous processes.  This movement stretches all the muscles of the chest, and expands the chest, hence is the best treatment for colds you can institute.  It stretches the intercostal muscles and permits the person to breathe easily, as it gives more room for the lungs.
The next movement is as follows: The patient locks both hands above the head, the operator places one arm over the shoulder of the patient, pushing the arm through one of the spaces made on either side of the head, catching hold of the fingers of the patient's locked hands, placing himself in such a position that he can stretch the chest and body backwards; bends himself backward and sidewise, pressing with the thumb and fingers on either side of the spine, stretch all the muscles again.  This is done by the pressure of the hand against the sides of the vertebrae, the thumb and fingers against the back on either side of the spinous processes.  Repeat this, changing position of hands, until you get as far down as the twelfth dorsal.
Another movement: Have patient place both hands in a locked position behind the neck; stand before the patient, holding knees of patient between your own knees; then place the hands in the spaces at the side of the head of the patient, with the fingers of both hands placed at the sides of the spinous processes, high up between the shoulders; spread the arms outward, pressing against the spine, and spreading the patient's arms apart several times, pulling strong and pressing out, holding fingers firmly at sides of spine.  This stretches the muscles of the chest.

Another movement: Standing in front of the patient, with the knees of the patient held by the knees of the operator, take hold of the wrist of the patient, the right hand of the patient held by the left hand of the operator, then place the other hand over the shoulder, with the fingers over the scapula, cupped a little, push the arm up over the head, pulling at the same time, pressing strongly against the muscles of the shoulder, on the top and back part; repeat this several times, change position of the fingers, so as to manipulate all the muscles of the shoulder, being careful that each move shall be natural, so as not to cause pain to the patient.  Then take hold of the other arm and repeat the process.
Another movement: The patient sitting on the stool, the operator holding the knees so they will not slip off the seat, the operator catches hold of the wrist of the patient, turning the palms of the hands toward each other, having an assistant place the thumbs at the upper portion of the spine, as high as the sixth cervical or the first dorsal, placing himself so as to hold against the spine of the patient strong enough to keep patient in one position.  At the same time the operator pushes the arms backward, strongly, lets them down quickly to the sides as the patient inhales, the operator at the back presses strongly against the lamina on the backbone.  Each time the operator pushes backward the assistant should go a little lower on the lamina with finger-pressure, until he has gone down the back.  Have the pressure as strong as the patient can well bear.  This stretches all of the chest muscles, and relieves the conditions caused by chest contraction.

Another movement: Let the operator hold the knees of the patient between his knees, and take hold of the right arm of the patient with his right hand; place the left hand at the side of the spinous processes; raise the arm, pressing it backward, pulling with the fingers strongly, and all at once let go, and let the arm come down over the arm of the operator.  Repeat this until you go down as far as the twelfth dorsal; change hands and repeat the same on the other side.  This is for the liberation of the pressure on the liver, spleen and stomach.  In this movement change or move the hand on the back as you go down the spine.


The importance of physical manipulations will become more apparent as to their utility, as the student becomes familiar with the influence exerted in the feelings of the one receiving them, as well as the effect they have, on the circulation of the blood and other fluids of the body, and the change made in the muscular contractility, as the mental change in the one who is being manipulated.
The operator should begin these manipulations with the muscles of the neck.  The neck muscles are prominent factors in obstructing the circulation of venous blood in the head, by their contracture, which obstruction causes many conditions, called disease, by arresting the flow of' the fluids through their normal channels, more especially the venous circulation.

The contractility of muscular fibers squeezes the small venoles, closing their lumen, and prevents the normal flow of the venous blood to the heart, and to the lungs, where it should go, to be oxygenated.  If the venous channels are intercepted, capillary congestion ensues, chemical changes may take place, which become disease factors; hence the absolute necessity of keeping the circulation normal.

The venous circulation is not only interfered with by muscular contraction, but the lymphatic circulation is also intercepted, and the small nervelets are unduly pressed upon, their functions abridged or aborted, the vital energy of them modified or destroyed, and shrinkage or atrophy of the muscles ensues.

The manipulations are to be continued until the muscle fibers are relaxed and flexible.  All of the muscles of the head and neck should receive due attention before leaving them, and the manipulator should see to it that a normal condition results from these manipulations, in order that a free flow of the fluids may be established; for it is only in this condition harmony is possible, and health restored.

All known diseased conditions are amenable to Neuropathic treatment; it is the most rational method known.  It is effectual, harmless, leaves no bad aftereffects, as medical treatment usually does.

When the muscles are in a normal, relaxed condition, there is absence of pain and harmony prevails throughout the entire body.  The normal flow of the fluids and noninterference of the nervous system are conditions which are essential to our physical well being; for the nervous system cannot perform its functions unless it is free from pressure or other interference, and the elements in the blood cannot be distributed properly unless the channels are kept open, free from pressure.

This subject is one that needs much study and the manipulator cannot be too careful to utilize every possible means to bring about these conditions, if a cure is to be expected through the application of Neuropathy.


Physicians of the Regular schools, as well as others, are wont to emphasize the idea of "Correct Diagnosis" as the best evidence of a physician's qualification, and regard it as a prerequisite to the treatment of any condition, or disease.

It is an evidence of qualification to be a good diagnostician, but it is no evidence that a man is a good physician, or that he knows how to institute means to remedy a difficulty or to direct means to change conditions from an abnormal to a normal state.

Many a physician can sit down by the side of a sick bed, examine and tell all of the characteristics, stages and terminus of the disease, yet be as ignorant as a child in regard to the means necessary to bring about results desired.

It is a matter of considerable doubt, among many thoughtful physicians, whether their long cherished ideas as to the efficacy of medicine in the cure of disease is as reliable as once it was thought to be.  Medicines are uncertain in cases of emergencies, or where there is need of something to be done at once to save life, or to prevent an unfavorable termination.  These facts are becoming more perceptibly manifest, as the drugless healers show by their physical manipulations more favorable results, render better satisfaction, quicker recoveries, fraught with little or no danger to the patient; whereas, in medical practice, oftentimes the medicine does incalculable harm.

Medicine should be administered with extreme caution, and by those who are perfectly familiar with its properties and effects in a given case, or under given conditions.  It is adding a chemical which, perhaps, is incompatible to the chemical conditions in the system, thus calculated to produce harm.

Medicine is a foreign substance, to say the least of it, and the question may be one of grave importance, whether it will change conditions favorably or unfavorably.  It is necessarily a question of doubt, as to the consequences of medication.  Long years of study along that line, shows medicine to be an unreliable, uncertain agent, and in a very large per centum a disappointment, even among the very best and most competent practitioners of all schools.

The Neuropath searches for conditions which result from impeded venous circulation and disturbances of the nerve filaments which perform functions at their endings.  As long as these disturbances continue, or their effects remain, there is necessarily a pathological condition existing - what the effects are, is what constitutes the Diagnosis.
As all pathological conditions are effects of the foregoing causes, there can be but one logical conclusion as to what should be done.
The first thing to do, under all circumstances and for all conditions, is to so manipulate the system as to bring about a normal circulation of the fluids of the body, remove the obstruction from nerve filaments, remove the waste products, institute proper diet for nutrition, place patient in proper hygienic surroundings, pay attention to the eliminating organs - kidneys, skin, the breathing apparatus - to see that muscular tissue is restored to its normal condition.  The conditions being thus changed, nature is satisfied, health is restored as soon as the elements can arrange themselves in the body, and all is done without any supposed pathogenetic effect of some drug, mixture or compound of medicines.

Whether one knows the exact state of affairs pathologically or not, he may relieve conditions, if he knows how to restore normal action or function to organs which are involved.

While I would not wish to be understood as being opposed to the physician being a thorough diagnostician, for the more one knows of the human body, and all its parts, the better he understands Physiology, the better he can understand conditions, and how to apply the proper means of relief; per consequence, the better satisfaction he may render his patients, the better light will shine forth in the community regarding his ability to apply his profession - his science.


There are three Nervous Systems which control the bodily functions.  These are embraced in the terms Cerebro, Spinal and Sympathetic.  The Spinal Nervous system consist of a Motor and a Sensory nervous system.

These systems are subdivided still further.  The Pneumogastric nervous system has the special function of generating the acid secretions of the body, and the Splanchnic nervous system that of generating the alkaline secretions.

These secretions are respectively denominated the Positive and the Negative Forces.  These two forces determine the state of health, as they are in due proportion when the body is healthy, and abnormal when disease exists.

Excessive activity of the Pneumogastric nervous system produces too much acid in the body.  Excessive activity of the Splanchnic nervous system produces too much alkali.

An excess of acid in the blood causes irritation of the nervous system; there follows contracture of the muscular tissue, undue pressure upon nerve filaments, disturbance of their function.  The muscular contracture also interrupts the free flow of venous blood, which may end in any kind of disease.  Toxemia is the immediate consequence of impeded venous circulation, and every known condition may be the result.

If an excess of the Alkaline secretion prevails in the blood, there will be a disturbance in the tissues known as Dyscrasia - a depraved or abnormal state; an abnormal or impure state of the blood.  The tendency will be to boils, skin diseases, cancers, tumors, arterial sclerosis, brittle

ness of the bones, typhoid and other fevers characterized by breaking down of the connective tissue.

The Pneumogastric nervous system and the Splanchnic nervous system form the solar plexus.

The neutralization of either excess can be brought about through the union of these two nervous systems.  This is readily accomplished by the Neuropathic treatment from the fifth to the ninth dorsal vertebra, shown under the head of spinal treatment elsewhere in this volume.

Nerve filaments originate in the brain, form into bundles - leashes, begin to end as they proceed, from these bundles, in the tissue through which they pass, and execute their functions at their endings.

The intelligence - the mind - is conveyed through these nerve filaments; every function is performed with exactness, under all circumstances, provided no interference occurs with the nerve filaments, such as abnormal pressure continued long enough to arrest mental communication from the brain to nerve terminal, where nerve function is expressed.

There are two kinds of muscles, flexor and extensor; the first flex the limbs, the latter extend them.  All motion of the body is due to the contracture of muscle fiber.  The only function that muscles have, is the power to contract.  Motion is due to nerve-end irritation.  Mentality is expressed through nerve filaments.  Without mental influence, there can be no motion.
The Controlling Influence How Distributed.
There are certain plexuses located in various parts of the body, from which filaments pass and end in the tissue directly around the plexus, or remotely, depending upon the length of the filaments.  Where these filaments end is where they express themselves - perform their function.

These plexuses are named Ganglia, by anatomists, and are said to be the origin of nerve cells - neuroglia, bipolar or multipolar - and send out filaments directly to other nerve filaments, ganglia or into surrounding tissue.
Our position is different.  These so-called ganglia are simply a bundle of nerve filaments, surrounded by connective tissue, a protective of nerve filaments, through which nerve filaments pass into tissue beyond them (some may end in them and perform their f unction as they do in the glandular system, selecting from the blood the secretions needed, which serve the purpose of nutriment for the plexus), frequently distributed in close proximity to the ganglia or plexus, or may pass on to remote parts in the form of bundles, which may enter and pass through other plexuses.

Our position is that all nerves originate in the brain, and we shall be consistent with our plea, and not state, as anatomists do, that the nervous system begins in the brain, and then assert its origin is in ganglia.
In order to have intelligent communication to all parts of the body, there must be direct communication from origin to endings of nerves.  Each particular filament performs stated, special functions, and that function cannot be performed by another filament.
Without this order there would be no certainty of fixed function of any organ in the body.  Communications would be switched off, and some other action would ensue, because different parts of the body have their special functions to perform, and these several parts of the body are controlled by the nerve filaments ending in them, and none other.  When the nerve filaments which end in an organ, tissue or part are destroyed, that part ceases to act, or be functioned.  This ought to suffice as an explanation of nerve function.


The Functions of the Upper Dorsal Area.

The upper dorsal area, embracing the region as far down as the fourth dorsal, is the part which controls the respiratory organs, not because the nerves from this area end in those organs, but because of their control over the muscles of the upper part of the chest - thorax - embracing the intercostal muscles, and when these muscles are unduly contracted, they limit the expansibility of the lungs; this continued, interferes with their functions, interfering with the venous circulation, and tends to cause congestion of all of the tissue involved - the bronchial tubes, the air cells of the lungs - and this, not only causes local inflammation, but other conditions of disturbance throughout the entire body, the direct consequence of failure to oxygenate the blood.
The nerves emanating from the upper dorsal area enter into the muscular structure in that area, including the intercostals, and the muscles of respiration, and in their normal condition regulate the capacity of the thorax, permit normal action of the lungs, permitting aeration of the blood; hence, the importance of using such means as will restore normal action of the chest walls.  This can only be done by relaxing the muscles which control this area.
The relaxation of muscular fiber takes place when the muscles are stretched a little beyond their normal contractibility.  The stretching, Neuropathically, is done by the thrusts in that area of the upper dorsal, from the first to the fifth, stretching the side muscles by pulling the arms upward, using pressure with the fingers along the spinal muscles, at the sides of the spinous processes at the time of extension of the arms upwards, and then suddenly letting them relax, by thrusting them down to the side of the patient, repeating this several times at one sitting.

The several ways elsewhere shown will accomplish the purpose, relieve the condition, and permit a return to normal conditions.  These measures may be repeated at intervals of a few hours or daily, or every two or three days, as the nature of the case may seem to indicate.  Treatment of this kind should be instituted in every condition involving abnormal conditions of the throat or lungs, because it restores the normal circulation of the fluids of the body, expands the chest walls, and permits oxygenation of the blood.  These are essential conditions to establish.

Whether the patient has asthma, whooping cough, cold or pneumonia, the above treatment should be applied, with the assurance of affording relief.

A careful study of the movements should be made by the operator, being careful to move the limbs in such a manner as not to cause pain.  The muscles should be strained slightly, but not enough to cause soreness in them, for, if that is done, unnecessary pain ensues, which may prevent the repetition of the treatment for several hours, or even days.

The Splanchnic Area of the Spine.

It will be understood, from notice elsewhere in this book, that the Splanchnic nervous system begins at the fifth dorsal vertebra (some of the filaments emanating from the fourth dorsal vertebra), and that the Great Splanchnic passes into the abdominal viscera, and assists in forming the Solar Plexus.  The Lesser Splanchnic, emanating at the seventh dorsal foramina, enters the abdomen, assists in functioning the process of digestion.  The Renal Splanchnic controls the functioning of the kidneys, so that this area is one of supreme importance as a factor in functioning the organs in which they end, as it is through these areas along the spine our attention is to be directed when disease invades either of the organs involved.

The Splanchnic nervous system is that division of the spinal nervous system which superintends the manufacture of the Alkaline secretions in the body, and acts in such a way as to neutralize any excess of the Acid secretions; hence, an important factor as a health restorer, through the proper manipulations of the spine in the area where these leashes emerge from the spinal cord.

Adjustments involving the Splanchnic nervous system affect the Two Forces in the body, whether the one part of the nervous system is involved, or the other - the Splanchnic or the Pneumogastric nervous system; for when they are normal, the secretions are normal, and both acting normally, there is no excess of either secretion.

If the Pneumogastric nervous system secretes more acid than is neutralized by the secretion manufactured by the Splanchnic division of the nervous system, there is a tendency of the muscular system to be unduly contracted, hence irritation of the nervous system - the small filaments which pass through the muscles - wherever they may be in the body, and pain or retarded circulation ensues, and diseases of any name or nature may result where pain prevails, or exists.

If, on the other hand, the Splanchnic nervous system is too active, and the footlets of the two nervous systems - the Splanchnic and the Pneumogagtric - are separated, then an excess of the Alkaline secretions is produced, there is a tendency to a breaking down of tissue, the same as is

produced by the Negative Pole of a Galvanic Battery; hence the importance of keeping these Two Forces in a normal condition may be readily understood, and the adjustments be so made as to bring about their union when separated.

These Two Forces should be understood, and the operator should always see that they are in a normal condition, as they exercise a wonderful influence in the harmonious condition of the body at all times, and in all diseases.  Their union may be best made at the fifth dorsal, especially there, but may likewise be united anywhere along the spine, from the fifth to the twelfth dorsal.

The Lumbar Area.

This is an important division of the spine, for, through nerves emanating from this area, the procreative faculties are controlled, and locomotion largely, under the direct supervision of the nervous system in this region.

The internal, lower abdominal viscera, as well as the muscles of that particular area, and the abdominal muscles, are controlled through the filaments emanating from that area.  Proper adjustments in this division involve the peristalsis of the intestinal canal - the lower end of it, at least - the genital organs, the bladder and the lower outlets of the body in particular.  The muscles of the lower limbs are all involved through and by the Lumbar nerves, in fact, the Sacral nerves constitute the extension of the Lumbar nervous system, and in the Lumbar area the Chordae Equina emerges, at the level of the second Lumbar nerve area.

All of the Lumbar nerves are amenable to Neuropathic adjustment.  When they are normal, all of the organs and tissue in which they end will be healthy; hence to create a normal condition in any organ it is necessary that the operator removes all interference of the nervous system, not only in the Lumbar area, but everywhere else in the body, so it may perform normal function.  Most conditions denominated disease, have their origin in contracted muscular fibers.  The nervous system passes through the muscles, or a muscle; when it is pressed upon by contraction, this interferes with its function, hence it is of the first importance that the muscular system be kept in a normal condition; this nerve pressure is avoided and relieved just as soon as the nerve pressure is removed.  The normal functioning of all organs is restored as soon as the nervous system ending therein is freed from the pressure.

The muscular contracture not only interferes with the nervous system, from pressure on the small filaments, but the veins in the same muscles are compressed, so the venous blood is arrested therein, as it flows through the veins on its return journey to the heart, the consequences therefrom may involve the heart as well as other organs in the body.  Hence, muscular contracture is responsible for many conditions called disease.  The rational means of overcoming the abnormal contracture of the muscular fiber is of vital importance so far as health is concerned.

Spinal Adjustments - So Termed by Chiropractors.

There are certain special localities of paramount importance along the spine which deserve special attention for instance, the Upper Cervical, Lower Cervical, Upper Dorsal, Middle Dorsal, Lower Dorsal, Upper Lumbar, Lower Lumbar, Sacral, and Coccygeal areas.

Certain leashes in these special localities affect certain organs and tissue, and the above named localities become the salient points for treatment.  For instance: In the upper cervical, the vaso-motor nerves control the circulation of the blood, arteries, heart, and the circulatory apparatus, in influencing their muscular contracture.  Hence the inhibition of nerves, in this locality, arrests fever, by regulating the blood flow through the arteries and capillaries.

Through the influences of the nervous system in the lower cervicals - the Brachial area - the shoulders, upper part of the chest muscles, intercostals, the arms and their muscles are controlled - functioned.

The upper dorsal area is supplied by nerves which control the breathing apparatus, by their influence over the nerves which control the muscular system of the chest-walls, and through sympathetic nerve filaments, control the lungs, bronchia and the heart's action.

The middle dorsal area contains the Splanchnic nervous system, which sends filaments to the stomach, spleen, liver, pancreas, kidneys, intestines, colon, etc.  The Splanchnic nervous system forms a part of the controlling influence over the entire digestive apparatus, and constitutes a part of the nervous system which has to do in the makeup of the Two Forces in the body, through its union with the Pneumogastric, which ends in what is denominated the Solar Plexus, which control the welfare of the entire human body.

The Lumbar area has its special functions to perform, controlling, in its upper area, the genital organs, the bowels, and much more that need not be included in this special delineation.

The Sacrum is another important division of the spine, the nerves passing through its foramina, control the pelvic viscera to a very great degree.

The Coccyx, furnishing the resting place for the Ganglion of Impar, sends out filaments therefrom which end in important viscera, the sphincter muscles of the lower outlets of the body, and exercises functions specifically.

In order to more fully comprehend the subject of adjustments, the following specified delineation of each vertebral leash is presented, gathered from the experience of many years of practice from various manipulators of' the spine, for the several diseases named, with the influence of manipulation at the several localities along the spine for certain so-called diseases.

Results following these adjustments, in the several localities which follow, and for the diseases named, will furnish a criterion from which favorable results may be expected, by the adjustments at the localities named.  The contracture of muscular tissue, the rigidity of the muscles which make up the dorsal area - the five layers - will be found to influence the tissue in which the nerve filaments function themselves; hence, the correction of the contracture, by the thrusts, will govern the conditions, as well as the results.  The letters will indicate the region of the spine referred to, and the figures will determine the number of the vertebra in the localities named.

The adjustments may be made, with the hand placed as directed elsewhere, or by gradual pressure with the thumb, or thumbs, or in any way that relaxes the muscular system involved, as will be found elsewhere in this department of the book.


Inasmuch as all conditions, called disease, are due to some disturbance, of the Vaso-motor nervous system, and muscular contracture being the cause of nerve disturbance, it becomes a matter of vast importance as to how the conditions may be changed so as to bring about a normal state.

Sudden stretching of the muscular tissue involved, is one of the modern, effective methods of relieving the tension, or relaxing the muscles causing the nerve disturbance.

There are many ways of applying these thrusts, owing to the many muscles in the various parts of the body being involved.

The thrusts should be made in the direction which will the most effectually stretch the muscle, or muscles, which cause the difficulty.

Whenever the muscular tension is subdued, or when the tension is overcome, release of pressure ensues, and the pains caused therefrom cease at once.

The Osteopaths, and the Chiropractors believe, and teach, that "luxations," or "sub-luxations," are the cause of nerve pain, and that their THRUSTS reduce them, and as a consequence, the pain ceases.  They hold to the idea that impingements occur as the nerve leashes emerge from the spinal foramina, and that luxations of the vertebra cause a narrowing of the foramina, and that, as a consequence, the nerves are unduly pressed upon, and that their thrusts adjust the luxation, take off the pressure, therefore the adjustment accomplishes the purpose - restores abnormal to normal conditions.

We are not trying to make the impression that their thrusts are ineffectual, but, to the contrary, believe and know they are, in very many cases, effectual.  They are effectual simply because the muscles involved are stretched, and the tension overcome, and the pressure upon the nerves is removed, therefore, the pain ceases - because the CAUSE is removed - the pressure.

The spine being the "battle ground" for so many attacks on diseases, it is the rallying point worthy of special attention and consideration.  It is important, from the fact the nerve leashes which come out of the various foramina are so widely distributed over the body, and have such an influence over, and control so many functions of the body, it would be a great mistake not to regard spinal treatment, when it is known that interference, with the spinal nervous system causes so many and varied conditions, denominated disease, and so much pain everywhere in the body.

There is scarcely a disease known, which does not, in some way, have some relationship with the nerves of the spine, and influences every function in the body, to a greater or less degree, because of their endings in the various organs.

The spinal nervous system, especially those nerves constituting the Splanchnic nervous system, becomes a great factor in controlling the negative secretions of the body, that of generating the Alkaline secretions.

The "Union of the Two Forces" - The Alkaline, and the Acid Secretions, are the product of the Pneumogastric and the Splanchnic Nervous systems.  These are both intimately connected in the Solar Plexus, and what affects the spine, in the way of thrusts, affects both these secretions - unites them, causing a neutrality of excess in either case.

The excess of either the alkaline or the acid secretions becomes a very important factor in the healthful or the diseased condition of the body.

The union of these two nervous systems, at their endings, is the most effectual means of curing many conditions of the abdominal viscera, of any other known means yet discovered.  The union of these two forces may be made by the thrusting on, or at, the sides of the spinous processes, anywhere along the spine, from the fifth dorsal to and including the twelfth dorsal vertebra.

The union of these two forces affects so many of the organs of the internal, abdominal viscera that its importance can scarcely be estimated.

The thrust, whether there be a "clicking" following it or not will produce results, and the effects are perceivable by the person having had it made, for pains in the stomach, liver, side, spleen, kidneys, colon, ovaries, bladder.

Pains cease when muscular contracture is overcome.  The muscular contracture is caused by irritation; the excessive acid in the system causes the irritation; the thrust unites the nervous system which generates the two secretions, neutralization ensues, the acidity becomes normal; there being no more source of irritation, the pain ceases because contracture ceases.

Treatments along the spine in the area of the Splanchnic nervous system, with the thumbs on either side of the spines, pressing on the lamina, firmly, beginning at the seventh cervical vertebra; press on either side, going down the spine the distance of a vertebra each time, pressing with a gentle thrusting motion, inclining the thrust upward, making these thrusts as far down the back as the fifth lumbar, relaxes the muscular structure of the five layers of dorsal muscles, generally levels the lamina so that the muscles are not only relaxed, but the soreness is relieved.

This may be a prelude to making the so-called adjustment thrusts, and these need not be made with so much force as without such treatment beforehand.

The object of this book being to make all things that pertain to the treatment of human ills, as easily understood as possible, we are thus particular to describe every procedure which might aid the operator in applying them.  It will be a matter of great satisfaction to the operator to get favorable results in every treatment or manipulation made to relieve the afflicted.

We feel assured that some, if not great good, will follow every effort to take off the pressure, through the means suggested and recommended herein.

Let it be always understood that muscular contracture causes all the deviation of the spinous processes, and the rigidity of the spinal column.  Muscular contracture causes the apparent luxations, by drawing the vertebra sidewise, causing a concavity along the side of the spinal column on which the contracture is, or has taken place; it will be on the side of the concavity where there is pain.  Nevertheless, there may be almost any degree of spinal curvature without any pain whatever, which is evidence of no impingement of the nerves, as they emanate from the foramina.

The spines may be drawn as far sidewise as their facets will allow, and still there can be no impingement of nerves from that source.  The patient may have had spinal curvature for years, and never have had a pain as a result of it.

Normal contracture causes no pain, but excessive contracture does cause pain, if continued, and may result in disease in the part or organ where the nerve filaments end, which are involved in the contracture.

Persistent contracture of muscular fibre will finally result in atrophy or shrinkage of the muscle, due to squeezing the vessels which nourish it.  This may also be so gradual as to cause no pain whatever.  The way to prevent such a condition from ensuing is to take off the pressure of the muscular fibres, and permit normal nerve and blood supply, to enter it through the normal channels provided therefor.  This is the rational thing to do, under all such circumstances.

To overcome muscular contracture, there are two ways of accomplishing it.  One is a gradual massaging it, and the other is by making a direct thrust, in such a manner as to stretch it for a moment, and repeat the sudden stretching frequently.  Another common and effectual way is by the application of heat.

The extra stretching is accomplished by various manipulations; the location of the muscle determines the means to be employed.  The muscles of the arms and lower limbs, the chest muscles, intercostals, and the muscles of the neck may be stretched by extending the limbs and neck, while the sphincter muscles require quite a different process; the spinal muscles by massage or the direct thrust, or by heat; so that different means are required in relieving muscular contracture.

Some of the muscles of the internal viscera may be relaxed by concussing spinous processes; we cannot use ONE means only in taking off the pressure everywhere in the body; sometimes all means known fail to fully accomplish every purpose desired.  The conditions, whatever they may be, are to be considered, studied, and the best means known used intelligently.

There will be found, in this volume, quite a variety of means suggested, and such as have been eminently satisfactory in almost all cases, when rightly applied, when dietetics, breathing, bathing, exercise, habits corrected, and natural laws are conscientiously and religiously observed.

The adjustments are to be, made on the CONVEX side of the curvature.  The thrust should be made with a view to relax the muscle, or muscles, on the CONCAVE side of the spine, and it is usually followed by a CLICKING sound, which results from the spring against the spine, which separates the facets, either of the ribs or the articular surfaces of the spinal vertebra.

The indications for adjustments are the DEVIATIONS of the SPINES.  The object is to relieve the pressure which interferes with the nerve function at its ending, always due to muscular contracture around it.

Through the union of the Sympathetic Nervous system, all nerves are so related that a pressure in one place may cause pain elsewhere, wherever the nerves terminate, and unite their footlets with any other nerve footlets.  Instance: A pain may be in the Lumbar somewhere, soreness traced to some vertebra in the upper Dorsal area, or even to some place in the neck; the treatment where the soreness is found along the spine, whether in the neck or lower down, will relieve the soreness in the loin or Lumbar area.  There may be pain in the hand, and the soreness found in the Cervical area, where some one of the three grand divisions of the Brachial Plexus emerges from the neck, being pressed upon by some of the muscles of the neck, which, when relaxed, the pain in the hand immediately ceases.  The pain may be in the shoulder, and treatment of the neck will relieve it, provided the nerve which ends in the shoulder is released from pressure where it emanates from the neck.  These hints will suffice to guide the diagnostician in finding where to adjust to relieve the difficulties.  It is well worth knowing this simple method of tracing nerves to their place of exit from the Cervical, Dorsal, or Lumbar vertebra.

Specific Adjustments Are Essential.

We mean by specific adjustments, those which release certain nerve filaments due to the contracture of special muscles.
When these are located and their origin and insertion, are determined, it should be an easy matter to make the thrust in such a manner that the contracture be overcome, and the normal condition re-established.
There are certain localities along the spine which, if adjusted, certain results follow, either immediately or subsequently.  Repetitions of adjustments may have to be made, to get satisfactory results, but they usually follow when the muscular contracture is overcome, and the proper adjustment made.

If the operator will just think rationally, as to how to overcome the contracture of the muscles involved, satisfactory results will follow, and all of the circumlocution of adjusting a sub-luxation will be eliminated.

The thrust does something.  The question is, What Does it Do?  In all luxations there are some one or more muscles involved, that is, contraction of one or more muscles.  The surgeon, to reduce the solution of a continuity, always institutes stretching of the muscular fibres involved to adjust the limb.  This is a universal procedure, a necessary procedure; and the same condition prevails under all circumstances, and for all luxations.

The THRUST does the work, simply because it stretches the muscle or muscles involved, immediate relaxation ensues, and the pressure is removed; as a consequence, the pain caused thereby ceases.

That the THRUST does this, in ever so many cases, and disease - pain - ceases, is not to be questioned nor denied, for it does just what is here stated, and does it because it relaxes the muscles involved, and not because it reduces a luxation, or a sub-luxation.  The "clicking" is a result of separation of the facets, caused by the spring, or thrust against the spine.

If the muscular contracture is overcome that presses unduly upon the nerve or nerves involved, by whatever means, the result is the same, whether there be a thrust or not, for the nerve function will be restored as soon as the undue pressure is removed.  This is so simple, and so plausible, that every one who knows conditions, will readily concede these premises to be correct.
Specific adjustment, or better expressed, TREATMENT, accomplishes the purpose, and should be applied, and any undue contracture anywhere along the spine, found to exist, should receive special attention, to relieve special organs involved where the nerve filaments end in the organ disturbed, which emanate from the locality along the spine where the soreness, tenderness or pain is located.  In fact, every vertebra from which nerve leashes emanate is a special vertebra of itself, so far as special nerve filaments are concerned, for they each have special endings and where they end they perform their function.  The operator becomes expert in diagnosis, so far as consequences of nerve disturbance in certain organs is concerned, provided he knows the nervous system which controls the organs, where they emanate from the spine, where they end, and what function is performed by them.

The hand should be placed on the back - the spine - so as to press gently on the part which is to be adjusted, placing it in such a manner that a DIRECT FORCE can be applied in the direction needed (always on the convex side of the spine), then place the other hand around the wrist, or on the top of the hand which is first placed on the spine, then, when the patient is as much relaxed as can be, in other words, when the patient lets go, the thrust is to be suddenly made, as rapidly as possible, and just far enough to accomplish the purpose, stretching the muscle, or muscles involved, then instantly relinquish the forward movement of the hand.

To make the thrust effectual, the wrists and both arms should be made suddenly rigid, just as the thrust is begun; a short, quick thrust is necessary to do the work needed.  The continued forward following-up of the thrust is not only painful to the patient, but overdoes the work needed, and is liable to leave a soreness at the place where the thrust is made.  One thrust in one place is usually enough to release the pressure, that is, overcome the contracture of the muscle which causes the nerve impingement, and the pain generally ceases at once.

The direction of the thrust should be at right angles to the spine, and the hand should not be allowed to slip, and carry the skin in the direction of the thrust, for it might tear the connective tissue from the spinous processes, thereby causing inflammation and unnecessary soreness to follow.

The amount of force to be used will depend upon conditions and locality.  In general, the cervical vertebrae require less force, and the force should be increased as the operator descends the spinal column, more in the Dorsal region, and still more in the Lumbar region of the spine, because the muscles are stronger as they descend, and require more force to relax them.

It will be understood that it is not the vertebrae that are to be adjusted, because they do not get out of place at all, simply yield to the limit of the articular surfaces of their facets, and this is a result of muscular contracture.  The thrust relaxes the muscles, the clicking takes place as a result of the sudden separation of the facets, as the spring caused by the thrust is made.

The increase of force should never be made by the heavy pressure of the manipulator, but should be made by an increase in the rapidity of the action in making the thrust - that is, make it more rapidly; this makes up for the strength required.

The swiftness of the wind accounts for its force, and this should be a matter of consideration.  The speed with which the thrust is made determines its effects.  Doubling the speed of the movement increases its effectiveness four fold; trebling it increases the force nine or ten fold.

The slow pushing against the back is applicable in the way of soothing and preparing the patient for the thrusts, and the friction by the rotary movements assist in lessening the sensitiveness, the anesthesia, of the patient.

Some conditions of the spine are better, and more effectually treated by the THUMB TREATMENT, that is, by the operator placing the thumbs alongside of the spines, and with considerable force, press on the back, directing the force upward, and covering all of the space on both sides of the spine, beginning up on the upper cervical spines, and gradually working downward to the coccyx, pressing firmly enough to relax all of the muscles, and shove back any vertebra which is more prominent than it should be - that is, line the bodies up, all the way down the spine, by a little extra downward pressure with the thumbs.  This way will be applicable to small children, babies and very sensitive individuals, and may supplement the Heidelberg movements in many conditions where the thrusts may not be bearable, or are unnecessary.

Any one can learn how to make these manipulations, and do much good to many an afflicted mortal, even if they do not know all about the philosophy and the spinal adjustments, for, when the muscular contracture is overcome, and it matters very little how it is done, the nerve pressure being removed, the troubles caused thereby cease.

Spinal Adjustments With Fingers Along Side of Spines.

This is a splendid way to level the bodies of the spines, especially in the treatment of babies and small children.  It is done as follows: Place two fingers of one hand - one on either side of the spinous processes - flat down on the bodies of the lamina of the vertebra; place the other hand on these and make a gentle thrust against the fingers, and this may be repeated all the way down the spine, and be made specific in any locality for any condition needing treatment, and is a splendid method for treating the babies for any sort of ailment caused by spinal nerve pressure, rigid muscles, etc.

Adjustment of the Coccyx.

The treatment of this part of the anatomy is important, when the lower outlets of the body are involved, because, through the ganglion of Impar, the organs controlled through nerve filaments emanating from that ganglion, distributed to the lower outlets of the body, controls their function.

Sometimes, through the contracture of the Sphincter ani muscles, the coccyx being drawn sidewise, interfering with nerve filaments which end in other parts, causing pain, impeded venous circulation of the blood, piles (hemorrhoids), or sympathetic irritation of the Sphincters, of the organs of both sexes, frequently produce disease, being the procuring, and often the direct cause of hysteria, asthma, sciatica, and other conditions called disease, in many of the organs in the pelvis.  The diseases caused by the disturbance of this ganglion will be readily relieved by freeing it from pressure.

Free this ganglion by the introduction of the forefinger into the rectum, pulling the sphincter muscle backward, stretching the pyriformis and other muscles in that area.  If the coccyx is turned aside, or curved too much forward, the adjustment should be made so as to correct the deformity.  The same treatment should be repeated until the bones are normal, the muscular tissue assumes its normal function, the coccyx its natural curve.

Any deviation, in either sex should receive due and proper attention, as much suffering is caused by a distorted coccyx, and contracted sphincter ani muscle.

The Sympathetic nervous system superintends the enrtire physical organism, and any part of it being impinged puts out of commission all of the parts in which said filaments end.

The use of the Bi-valve becomes an important factor in dilating the organs of the lower outlets of the body, when judiciously used.  Asthmatic conditions are often relieved at once, by the use of the instrument called the Bi-valve; and in the absence of the Bi-valve, the fore-finger is a good substitute, and may save a life by its timely and immediate use.  There are many conditions where this treatment serves the needed purpose admirably and effectually.  It is the best remedy known to "flush the Capillaries," and cause perspiration, clearing the brain, assisting the breathing and regulating the bowels, curing, constipation and even Appendicitis, Epilepsy, etc,,

Treatments should be made in such a manner as not to cause undue pain; for the design of all Neuropathic treatments is to relieve pain.

Harsh treatment is usually followed by resentment on the part of the patient, and harm may result therefrom.  Always use great care in the treatment of every patient, if you would inspire confidence in your patient of being benefited.

Little children, hypersensitive persons, and the aged, should be handled with due regard to circumstances and conditions found in each case.

The successful manipulator will use discretion, being careful not to use the means intended for good in such a manner as to do harm.

The spinal treatment can be made with the thumb, pressing on either side of the spinal column, gently pressing against the lamina, or the sides of the spinous processes, directly down on the lamina with a gentle, steady, forceful shove, sufficiently hard to constitute a short thrust.  Do not carry the thrust too far.  As soon as the (sudden) thrust is made, cease the force, the pushing motion, at once.  Let the spine retract to its normal position.

Much care should be exercised in the treatment of the little ones.  The treatments may be easily made along the spine by placing the fore and second fingers on either side of the spines, pressing down gently, placing the other hand on them, making a gentle quick thrust where special force may be needed.  The operator must keep in mind the strength of the subject, and not be harsh, or rough, in applying the manipulations.  Benefit is the thing intended from treatment, not harm.  Use judgment in all cases.

In the movements of the limbs, always be careful to move them as they go naturally; except there may be some latitude exercised when the extensors are to be stretched; even then, one should not use undue force, just enough to make extension a little beyond normal, so as to gradually, with subsequent treatments, overcome the abnormal conditions.  The normal conditions will be restored when these manipulations are done with care.  In the treatment of contractures, after paralysis, this suggestion will be applicable, and will tax the skill of the operator considerably at times.

The caution not to overdo is especially applicable in the treatment of all cases, and this will apply more emphatically in the treatment of children.

Acute conditions may be righted at once, whereas in chronic conditions there may have to be a repetition of the treatments for days, weeks, or months.

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Have patient lie on the stomach, and be as much relaxed as possible.  With the fingers, feel firmly along the spine from head to coccyx, and if there are felt any muscles which are hard and the tendons rigid, take hold of them, one at a time, lift up and stretch it, twisting it as if lifting it from its moorings, and then letting it fall back to its former position.  Then, with the first and second fingers of each hand, alternate pressure with two fingers at a time, raising them and then letting the other two down forcibly, as if playing hard on a piano, and continuing that manipulation over the rigid muscle a number of times.  That usually relaxes the muscle completely.  This may be carried to all the muscles of the spine, over the painful, rigid muscles, persistently, and forcibly or lightly, according to the rigidity, and tenderness of feeling of the patient.

To adjust the spines (for curvature or for slight deviations), place the fingers of one or both hands, or thumbs, against the convex side of the spinous processes, have the patient take a deep breath; as that is exhaled (as much as the patient can do so), just at that instant, when all of the breath has gone out of the lungs, make firm pressure against the sides of the spine, pushing it in the opposite direction, toward the concave side; or if you wish to stand on the side of the body where the concavity is, press the fingers toward you - that is, pull the vertebra toward you - pressing hard on opposite sides of the spines, always remembering to use the force against the convex sides of the spines deviated.  This force stretches the muscles on the concave side of the deviated spinous processes (called luxation by the Osteopaths and the Chiropractors).  It should be repeated daily or three times a week until cured.

The treatment should be continued for several minutes; the more supple the spine is, the easier and quicker will be the results - curvature cured.  Then, should there remain soreness of the spine, or rigidity of the muscles at any place or locality along the spine, much benefit may result by the firm pressure along the spine with the balls of the thumbs, firmly, and with a thrusting motion, along side of each and every vertebra, down to the end of the coccyx, thrusting stronger, or pressing harder, where the muscles seem to be most rigid, or the deviations the most prominent.

The above treatment is an excellent one, and can be applied to small or half grown persons with the assurance of satisfactory results, especially for soreness of the muscles, and even affections of the internal organs, when the nerves along the spine end in some internal organ, or when the muscles are contracted which hold the chest walls taut, preventing expansibility sufficiently to relax the chest muscles to make room for expansion of them, so as to make room for the organs - heart and lungs - to perform their functions.

For this science, we are indebted to Dr. Albert Abrams of San Francisco.  The application of this science proves its worth, and it is eminently useful in so many conditions that we mention a few things concerning it, and trust the Neuropath, and those who are interested along lines of drugless therapy, will avail themselves of the published works of Dr. Abrams, and learn for themselves the science as expressed by him.

Here are a few points, copied from "Key to the Application of Concussion"; and as concussion is the means through which the nervous system is influenced therapeutically, and otherwise, it is important that there be some understanding of the How to Concuss; Where, and for What Purpose:

The paraphernalia necessary to properly apply this science, to get the desired effect, consists of an instrument called a Plexor and a Pleximeter.  Concussion directly on the spinous processes is to be made as follows: Place the Pleximeter directly on the spinous process, holding it firmly, and with the Plexor make rapid strokes against the Pleximeter for several successive blows, using rapid strokes, and hard enough to make the sensation on the patient of a little more than comfort, which affects the nervous system directly connected with the nerves emanating from the spine at the particular locality the concussion is made, which affects the organs controlled by the leash of nerves ending in them, producing special influences which change their character or condition.

A piece of soft rubber, or linoleum, or thick felt, may be used as the Pleximeter - the applicator to the spinous process desired to be concussed - and the use of a rubber hammer, or a common small, light hammer will answer a good purpose, or the use of a strong battery using a sinusoidal current with an applicator directly on the process desired.
The concussion on any one point need not be but a few seconds.  The effect of contraction of the tissue in which the nerves end is a product of rapid concussion, in some places, and the slow stroke causes dilatation in other organs; so the effect is largely what the operator desires it to be.

The divisions of the spine, it will be remembered, have nerves emanating therefrom which control different organs, the organs in which they end.

Certain diseased pathological conditions are changed and relieved through the influence of concussions of certain spinous processes.

The following are examples, and it will suffice to know something of the effects which result from these special concussions: They are to be made daily.

Concussion on the fourth and fifth cervical spinous processes affect the conditions denominated Bronchial Asthma and Emphysema, producing contraction of the lungs.

For paralysis of the arms, the concussions should be made on the fourth to the seventh cervical.

Concussion of the seventh cervical increases the Vagus tone, strengthens the muscular walls of the heart and the muscles around the arteries.

Concussion of the seventh vertebra of the neck is indicated in asthma, especially when the heart is involved, and will be found useful in the following conditions: Unnatural rapidity of the heart's action, irregularity of the beat - the rhythm; nervous headache, one side headache, nausea, visual disturbance, pains in the eyes, Diabetes Mellitus, sore eyes, cold in the head, acute congestion of the bronchial mucous membrane, chilblains, blood pressure due to the weakness of the heart, difficult, or labored breathing, sough and pain in chest, whooping cough, congestion of the eyes or ears, nose or lungs, nose bleed, bleeding of the lungs, nervous deafness, angina pectoris - pain in the chest, paroxysmal chest pains, chest pains due to weakness or relaxation.

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Concussion of the seventh cervical vertebra replaces Hyperemia with Anemia.  It changes the condition called congestion by producing the opposite effect.  Concussion of the seventh cervical vertebra produces the most decided contraction of the kidney.  Concussion of the second and third dorsal spines reduces high blood pressure, and relieves asthenopia (weakness or tiring of the eyes).  Concussion of the third dorsal diminishes the Vagus Tone - that is, lessens the quick, hard pulse.  It relieves that condition called Emphysema and pains in the heart and chest, heart spasms, reduces blood pressure; and concussion at the third and fourth dorsal increases the flow of the mammary glands.  Concussion, or pressure, on either side of these two vertebra relieves pain in abdomen during menstrual flow.
Concussion of the fifth dorsal dilates the pyloric end, of the stomach, and is indicated when there is headache due to an overloaded stomach.  Concussion of the fifth dorsal vertebra facilitates rapid absorption and hastens elimination of nauseous drugs from the stomach; eliminates action of the gastric juice on drugs; aids in pressing the food into the pylorus - empties the stomach of its overloaded contents.

Concussions at the fourth to the sixth dorsal vertebra produces contraction of the gall bladder and pancreas; indicated in catarrhal jaundice and inflammation of gall bladder; hepatic fever, associated with gall stones.  Concussion of these vertebra increases the secretions of the pancreas.

Concussion of the sixth and seventh dorsal vertebra dilates the kidneys, and is indicated in general swelling and inflammation of the substance of the kidneys, in what is called nephritis; also for pseudo-appendicitis.  Excessive nervous tension is relieved by concussion of these vertebrae.

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Concussion of the third to the eighth dorsal relieves Splanchnic Nerve weakness, hence indicated in stomach troubles, due to weakness of the Splanchnic nerves, and prolapse of the stomach or bowels.  It constricts the Splanchnic blood supply.  It dilates the lungs, and prevents children's bronchitis from turning into pneumonia.

Concussion of the ninth dorsal vertebra relieves gall stone colic by dilating the gall bladder.

Concussion of the tenth dorsal dilates the blood vessels which produce hyperemia, as a result of too much irritation of the nervous system ending in muscles, causing the contracture which interferes with nerve filaments.  Concussion of the tenth dorsal vertebra is indicated in locomotor ataxia, Bright's disease, phthisis, mitral stenosis, senile heart; and relieves the pain of duodenal ulcer, In nephritis (Bright's disease), concussion increases the functional activity of the kidneys, increasing the red blood corpuscles, and reduces blood pressure, It is indicated in anemia. Concussion of the tenth dorsal vertebra induces the most decided dilatation of the kidne

Concussion of the eleventh dorsal dilates the intestines, hence indicated in constipation, nervous diarrhoea, peristaltic unrest, enteralgia; dilates liver, and spleen increases red cells and hemoglobin, the coloring matter of the blood.

Concussion of the twelfth dorsal vertebra contracts kidneys; relieves backache.  It is indicated in parenchymatous nephritis.  It intensifies pain, if renal calculus is present.  It contracts the prostate gland, and thus relieves hypertrophy, or enlargement of it.

Concussion of the spinous processes from the  ninth to the twelfth dorsal vertebra produces dilatation of the heart; relieves anginoid pains, angina pectoris; dilates the thoracic aorta; replaces anemia by hyperemia, and is indicated in infantile paralysis, paralysis of legs, etc.

Concussion from the first to the third lumbar vertebra contracts the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen and uterus.  It is indicated in dilated stomach, and dyspepsia due to motor insufficiency, or inefficiency; hepatic congestion, atomic constipation, enlarged spleen, sub-involuted uterus, hemorrhage of the uterus.  It promotes the excretion of indican; Splanchnic neurasthenia and auto-intoxication relieved.  It is valuable in malaria, leukemia; increases the leucocytes in the blood.
Concussion of the fifth lumbar vertebra relieves bedwetting (Enuresis).

Pressure on either side of the spinous processes with any round, blunt piece of wood, iron, or the fingers, inhibits nerve function for the time being, and this may be used to relieve many conditions the same as the concussions.  Too much pressure, or concussion, produces extreme soreness of the muscles of the back, and the concussion method should be preceded by careful study.

Any haphazard treatment is to be utterly ignored, for much harm often results from lack of knowledge of how to use the very best means.

The Science of Neuropathy includes all known means that affect the Nervous system, or the circulatory apparatus of the human body, from all sources.

The motto is, "TAKE OFF THE PRESSURE."


How to make spinal adjustments demands consideration.  The articular surfaces should be normal, so as to move naturally without friction or pain.

This condition prevails when there is no undue muscular contracture, causing abnormal pressure on the nervous system, interfering with its function, which is expressed at the nerve endings.

Sometimes the muscles have been in a state of contracture so long that the vertebrae are drawn from their normal position, that is, pulled sidewise, so the articular surfaces seem to be on edge, as it were, and in an effort of the person to move, increased pressure is made upon the nerve filaments in the muscles, and pain is the result.

The position, as well as the condition, may be changed oftentimes in an instant, by making a thrust in the right direction, with sufficient force, and relief follows at once.

Many cases will require more than one, in fact several adjustments, to overcome the muscular contracture so as to secure coordination, harmony, ease.

Some times there will be found a condition called "A Jam" along the spine.  This is a condition where the spinous processes are closed tightly, leaving very little, if any, space between them, and where the spine seems to be, and is, stiff, immobile, and in a condition called "False Anchylosis."

This condition has been caused by undue contracture of the muscles attached to that part of the spine, interfering with the venous return circulation, causing atrophy of the septum between the bodies of the bones of the spinal column.

In such cases relief can only take place through treatment which relaxes the muscular structure involved.  The springing of the spine, with the hands so placed as to produce a spreading motion as the thrust is made, answers the purpose in many instances, repeated daily and persisted in until the difficulty is overcome.

Some times the lengthwise thrust is indicated, that is, while the operator stands at the head of the patient, the hands placed on the hips - iliac bones - on either side of the sacrum, make a hard, endwise thrust downward, and then go to the spine where the jam is, and place the hands crossed, one above the other on the spinous processes, make a forceful, spreading motion over the parts involved.  This is the way, but do not expect that one adjustment will be enough to cure such a condition.  It must be repeated, and that persistently, from day to day, until the conditions are changed from an abnormal to a normal.

The other parts of the spine may be adjusted the ordinary way, and according to conditions found along the several divisions of the spine.

How to Make the Thrust.

Place the one hand on the spine, flat down, letting the heel of the hand rest on the part where the thrust is to be made; either place the other hand over it, or around the wrist, then stiffen one or both elbows, and let the hand gently press against the spine, have the patient relax as much as possible, then make a sudden thrust directly against the spine over the region where the pain is; usually there will follow the thrust a cracking noise, and the pain at once subsides.

The spines may be adjusted back to a level, that is, the lamina may be, by placing both hands at the sides of the spinous processes, on the lamina, and make a sudden, forceful pressure downward, even before any attempt is made to adjust separate vertebra.  This latter movement anyone can make, it will be followed by relief and serve to relax the several muscles along the spine.

With these instructions, anyone should be able to make adjustments readily, to a purpose, save much suffering, and relieve conditions which might culminate in something serious, if let alone.

No one can overestimate the value of a little knowledge along these lines.  Study the entire book, become an expert in applying these manipulations, and save much unnecessary suffering, found daily everywhere.