Spondylotherapy Simplified
Alva Emery Gregory, M.D.


Careless seems the Great Avenger,
    History's pages e'er review,
That death grapple in the darkness,
    'Twixt old systems and the new.
Truth forever on the scaffold,
    Wrong forever on the throne,
Yet that scaffold rules the future,
    And behind in the deep unknown,
Standeth God within the shadows,
    Keeping watch above His own.

Error cannot be sanctified by age.  Truth is sacred and abiding, and though crushed to earth, will rise again.  This is an age of earnest investigation of idol smashing and of discoveries of truth.  The prestige of the majority of non-progressives, the sanction of approval of multitudes of the laity, and the assistance of protective legislation - even oppression or persecution - in behalf of conventional methods, cannot always prevent the advancement of new and important therapeutic discoveries, and the adoption of more rational methods of treatment of disease.

Dear reader, you, and all observing physicians, know, who have had an opportunity to observe, that there is much good which may be accomplished in the treatment of disease by the use of spinal concussion and sinusoidalization.

Millions of people are now confiding in, and depend upon, physical or drugless methods, and the number is increasing rapidly, because of the wonderful cures. which are being accomplished by the use of rational physical methods, in cases where conventional methods of internal medicine and surgery have failed.

Dear reader, stop, think and reason, for you, and every progressive practitioner, must reckon with these physical methods and with the growing demand for these methods of treatment, or be left
behind.  Why not investigate now?

To acquaint yourself with these methods, and to use them when indicated, and when no other treatment will reach the case, is your duty and your only protection for your professional integrity, versus the many who are more progressive than you, if you close your eyes.

These rational physical methods belong to the progressive practitioners and should be a part of your armamentarium, and should not be left exclusively to the use and benefit of other practitioners, who are your competitors.

Will it not be wise on your part to be truly progressive, to keep abreast of the times?  To do so, you must obtain a working knowledge of the methods recommended in this work.  To do this will increase your own confidence in your professional work, will multiply your patronage, and will greatly enhance your financial income.  This has proven true in many oases.  Why not in yours?

This course on your part, and on the part of all progressive practitioners, will help to maintain the dignity of your profession, will redound to the good of your clientele and will prevent multitudes of patients from drifting away into the bands of competitive practitioners.  Why not reckon with this matter now?  Keeping abreast of all advancement in the hearing art is very necessary to the maintenance of your dignity in your professional avocation.