The Practice and Applied Therapeutics of Osteopathy
Charles Hazzard, D. O.
SUNSTROKE AND HEAT EXHAUSTION (Heat Stroke; Insolation; Thermic Fever)
    These two conditions are due to exposure to high temperature.  The former is brought on by exposure to the direct rays of the sun.  The latter is contracted by persons working in close, confined places in high temperature.
    The state of the patient in one of these conditions is quite different from that in the other.  In sunstroke there is very high, temperature, 106 to 115 F., marked dyspnea, red or livid skin over the entire body, lack of perspiration generally, a full unconsciousness and coma.
    In heat exhaustion there is cold clammy and pallid surface of body; the temperature is normal  or subnormal, occasionally slightly feverish; the pulse is full and small; consciousness is rarely lost.
    The TREATMENT differs some in these two conditions.
    Sunstroke is much the more serious condition.  It must be treated promptly. The patient should be laid in the shade, the clothing should be loosened, and the applications of cold water to head, spine and surface of the body are made.  Ice may be rubbed over the surface of the body, or the patient may be put in an ice bath (ice in the water).  Ice water enemata may be used.  After the temperature has been reduced, the patient should be given much the same treatment as described for apoplexy.  It is especially important to relax all the cervical muscles, which are found to be much contracted.  The spinal muscles should also be relaxed, and the abdominal treatment may be given to draw the blood away from the brain and cord.  The patient should be kept quiet, and the heart should be inhibited.  Cervical relaxation and inhibition should be continuously applied.
    Heat exhaustion calls for less treatment.  Usually the patient soon recovers if removed to a shady spot, with the clothing loosened, and sprayed with cool water.  The muscles of neck and spine should be first relaxed, and the whole spinal system, heart, and lungs, should be thoroughly stimulated.  In case the temperature be subnormal the patient should be placed in a warm bath.
    After-treatment for the spine, neck and general system prevents the sequelae that are so frequently the results of sun or heat-stroke, such as headaches, brain affections, intolerance of heat, etc.


    Several cases have been treated osteopathically of persons suffering from the effects of lightning stroke.  Paralytic affects are usually found.  The case must be treated upon general principles, usually as a case of paralysis.  As a rule marked vertebral lesions and contractions of cervical and spinal muscles are found resulting from the stroke.  Good results are gained by treatment.