Treatment by
Neuropathy and The Encyclopedia of Physical and Manipulative Therapeutics
Compiled By Thomas T. Lake, N. D., D. C.
The rule we shall follow in this section is to briefly state the definitions
of various types of treatment, and their specialties, then to give the
clinical diagnosis of diseased conditions, then indicate briefly the types
of treatment that have long been accepted and practiced by the physical
and manipulative physician. Naturally all methods cannot be given here
because new ones are continually coming forth. Neither can those indicated
in this book be gone into exhaustively, but ample references are supplied
for those who whish to make a special study of the specialties mentioned.
We do not make any claims to originality for any of the specialties, neither
do we agree that there is anything original in any form of healing arts, but
rather an evolution of ideas from one age to the other. We are in perfect accord
with John Cornos, who in a book review in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
said, “Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as originality. At best what
we term originality in the arts is a new combination of existing factors previously
used in different combinations; plus the author’s personality, which co-ordinates
them into a new form.” Since the laws pertaining to Drugless Therapy vary in
each state, the writer must leave the selection of techniques to the discretion
of each individual physician. He is satisfied there are some techniques that
can be used by every physician in all states, or wherever Drugless Therapy is