Treatment by
Neuropathy and The Encyclopedia of Physical and Manipulative Therapeutics
Compiled By Thomas T. Lake, N. D., D. C.
Chapter VI
Neuropathic treatment is directed to the nerve centers controlling circulation
for the purpose of restoring the normal activity to the vaso-motor nerves,
and of relieving either active or passive congestion by establishing better
lymphatic drainage.
Neuropathic treatment is given in accordance with the conditions which
are revealed by the reflexes and general physical examination. The treatment
itself consists of simple manipulations, which are varied for the purpose
of achieving three main effects. The first is merely mechanical, and consists
of propelling the lymph through the lymphatic vessels and glands, and of
emptying congested tissues of their infiltrations. The other effects are
accomplished as the result of altering the reflexes by influencing the
vaso-motor mechanisms, and even the myo-motor.
Accordingly, as desired, the action of a hyper-active nerve may be decreased
or an inactive or hypo-active nerve may bee brought to a higher degree
of activity. Thus the neuropath has in his hands the means of controlling,
within certain limits, the involuntary actions of the human body, and can
use the power in such a way as to restore perverted function to normal,
or to induce compensations in cases of structural perversion. Neuropathy
recognizes that no part of the body can become disordered without causing
disturbances in other parts often far remote. These secondary disturbances
are the result of direct nerve reflexes, and while some are compensatory,
others indicate a spreading of the disease process.
It is due to the fact that certain reflexes follow initial disturbances
that neuropathic treatment becomes a possibility. Irritation in any part
of the body is carried over the afferent nerves to the posterior horns
of the spinal cord, from there reflected to the anterior horns, from whence
the motor message is carried back to the seat of disturbance. In cases
where such irritation is prolonged and a perversion of function has resulted,
the entire segment of the spinal cord which has been involved passes through
about the same vaso-motor changes as the part originally irritated. The
blood supply to the posterior cord is increased to meet the demands of
the cells, and there is a tendency for every cell supplied by these vessels
to increase their activity, causing a greater number of reflexes to travel
over the anterior horn, and so excite those cells to a higher degree of
activity. Inflammation, congestion, passive infiltration, and constrictor
fatigue of the blood vessels takes place in the spinal cord exactly as
they would in any other tissue of the body.
Good health depends upon perfect metabolism, perfect respiration and
perfect generation or internal secretion. All these functions depend on
perfect circulation. The effectiveness in “normalizing the circulation.”
Neuropathic finger technique properly performed in the spinal canal
is not hard enough to cause distress to the patient at any time. Hard pressure
may injure not only the sheaths of the nerves, but also its axis cylinder,
first producing a numbness to the part to which it supplies, causing partial
loss of motion and sensation. As soon as the pressure is removed a sensation
of pricking takes place, as needles and pins in the part. Second, if all
impulses are stopped in the nerve, it will cause total paralysis.
When giving a Neuropathic constant treatment along the spine you treat
over the perivascular ganglia and the posterior recurrent spinal nerves,
sending sedative impulses over the afferent or sensory nerves to the controlling
centers of the spinal cord and brain, in this way lessening the activity
of the nerve centers controlling the part. By this treatment the vaso-dilators
become less active and the vaso-constrictors ae brought back into force.
If there is a relaxed conditi0on of the spine a repeated treatment is required.
In making an examination of the spine you cannot feel the nerves as the
spinal nerves are protected by the laminae, pedicles and transverse processes
of the vertebrae; and with the arching of the ribs forms a gutter on each
side of the spinous processes about one and one-half to two inches deep.
This gutter is filled in with five layers of muscles to about level with
the spine. When you have an acute congestion of any organ or part of the
body, these muscles to which the posterior recurrent spinal nerve comes
to the surface in communication with perivascular ganglia will produce
a tightening up or constriction of the muscles corresponding to the area
over the roots of nerves to which the spinal nerves supply showing that
there is an acute congestion of the organ or part affected; producing dilation
of the blood vessels in the part due to loss of vaso-constrictor force.
If this acute condition continues for an indefinite time, it may become
passive and then the constricted area will become relaxed, and you have
loss of both vaso-constrictor and vaso-dilator mechanisms. In this condition
a repeated treatment is required. Great force is not necessary for treatment.
When a patient suffers great pain during and after a treatment, an injury
has been caused to the tissues, which will set up other irritations, and
results will not be satisfactory and the patient will not respond to the
treatment. Nature needs to be coaxed by a gentle form of treatment.
Neuropathic spinal treatment is so simple that it is very deceiving
to those who do not experiment with it enough to be able to know when the
tissue have been restored to normal. For the beginner it will be well to
recall that a healthy spine presents a smooth, firm, velvety surface with
a slight elastic resistance. Now, the abnormal spine can briefly be summed
up as follows:
1. In nervous cases where the condition is more functional than organic,
the muscles in the gutter of thee spine will be tense and constricted and
the external muscles will bee soft.
2. In organic disease the gutter of the spine and the external
muscles will be ropy and constricted, tender and painful. But, where the
organ or organs are atonic (want of strength or power) the gutter of the
spine will be soft and putty like, and the external muscles will be ropy.
Examples: In diarrhea the muscles of the gutter of the spine from the
10th dorsal to the 4th lumbar will be tense and constricted.
No manipulative or physical therapy treatment can be effective unless
it influences a better circulation of the lymph flow. Many kinds of treatment
influences the lymphatic circulation indirectly and do good, but Neuropathy
does this by direct manipulation of the lymph vessels and nodes.
Move 1. - Patient assumes dorsal position with knees flexed. Stand on
the right side of the patient, and with ulnar border of the right hand
over the sigmoid flexure (see Plate !), manipulate this part of the abdomen
several times, then with the tips of the fingers manipulate in a circular
manner over the descending colon from left to right. Now move the fingers
upward until you reach the splenic area (the spleen is found in the midaxillary
line at the point of the elbow 21/2 inches in from the surface of the body)
manipulate gently with the right hand in under the ribs (see Plate 2),
then continue over the transverse colon to the center of the body. Keeping
the right hand on the body, pass around over the head of the patient and
continue along the transverse colon to the hepatic flexure; from there
continue along the ascending colon until the caecum and appendix are reached.
The movement is always toward the rectum. It should be done three times.
Move 2. - Locate the crest of the left ilium. Standing on the right
side of the left leg with the right extended, press deeply and firmly with
the fingers arched in groin just below the crest of the ilium, retain grip
and draw muscles toward the median line counting ten; release slowly, counting
teen. Reverse and repeat twice.
Move 3. - Take a good look at a sketch of the lymphatics and the portion
now under consideration. Notice there are two chains with many nodes. Span
the hands parallel and flat across the abdomen; let the fingers sink deep
into the tissue going down deeper and deeper until the nodes are felt.
You can reach and feel them with a little practice, and without causing
distress to the patient. After you feel them, like marbles under your fingers,
then you massage them up and down, counting ten (see Plate 3). Remember
your thumbs while doing this are up in the air. Your next move is to release
the fingers slowly as you drive your thumbs in to reach the chains of the
nodes on the other side. Repeat the up and down movement ten times, then
release the thumbs slowly as the fingers go back again on the opposite
side. This back and forth movement should be done until each side has ben
stimulated three times. (See Plate 4.)
Move 4. - to find position, stand on the left side of patient, put tip
of thumb of left hand on the end of the ensiform process, open all the
fingers as wide as possible, then let the middle finger go down on the
body, underneath that finger is approximately the location of the lower
right lobe, the chemical plant. (See Plate 5.)
Stand to the left of the patient with the right hand over the liver
and back of the curve of the ribs. The fingers of the left hand should
be pushed up under the costal cartilages. Instruct the patient to empty
the lungs and then take a full deep inspiration. On inspiration, push the
left hand up and bring the right hand forward; this will squeeze the liver
between the two hands and will empty it. On deep inspiration, the diaphragm
exerts a pressure on the upper lobe of the liver and assists in emptying
it. Do this three or four times. The liver quite frequently is very tender
and when this is the case the pressure should be very light.
( See Plate 6.)
Stand on the right side, flex both knees three inches below end of xiphoid
appendix of the sternum, place right hand fingers pointed toward the sternum,
place left hand over right to insure firm and continuous pressure, press
downward and upward counting ten slowly, release as slowly counting ten.
Move 5. - Flex the right leg with foot resting on table. With right
hand on patella, left hand over Hunter’s Canal, fingers well over toward
the popliteal space, push the knee inward and draw the Sartorius muscle
outward, working upward toward the groin about two inches at a time. Reverse
to the other leg.
We use the above technique only when congestions are noticeable such
as in a cold.
Move 6. - Raise the arm and manipulate the vessels toward the head,
at the same time giving an easy squeeze to the nodes as they are felt.
(See Plate 7.)
Move 7. - To drain the cervical lymphatics stand on the right side of
the patient. Place the left hand on the forehead and with the right hand
reach over the sternocleido-mastoid muscle. Turn the head away with left
hand and at the same time make a circular pressure movement with the right
hand, from each vertebra to the front of the neck terminating at the middle
of the clavicle bone. This will assist in lymph circulation toward the
jugular vein. (See Plates 8 and (.)
Begin around the shoulders, hands flat on back, mass the muscles toward
the center, then give a slight thrust upward. Continue down the whole spine.
Do this twice.
(To aid lymphatic drainage.)
Close the fingers in the palm of the hand, thumbs projecting outward,
place the left thumb over the left transverse process of the first dorsal,
thumb pointing downward and with the thumb of the right hand in the second
dorsal, right transverse, pointing upward, hold the left thumb and move
the muscles upward with the right thumb in toward the median line, then
move down one vertebra at a time, always holding the wrist and press upward
with the right thumb, massing muscles upward and inward toward the median
line. Work down until you get to the coccyx, make your movements slow and
reverse the fingers and take the other side by placing the left hand on
the right transverse process and the right hand on the left transverse
process, holding the left thumb and massing the muscles upward and inward
with the right thumb.
The physician then turns his attention to the feet. See techniques in
next Chapter.
To make a test of the activity of the vaso-motor mechanism, make a line
with some blunt article on each side of the full length of the spine. Note
change in the lines where the vaso-constrictors are overly active, the
line will remain, while where the vaso-dilators are overly active the redness
will spread over a large area.
For the spinal treatment patient lies on his side. Physician stands
in front of patient placing fingers in gutter of the spine. If tense and
constricted, give a quieting treatment by holding the fingers lightly in
the gutter on segments involved, or on the whole spine. After ten minutes
of this on one side of the patient, if the spine has not become healthy,
then stimulation is indicated. This may be done by friction of the fingers
up and down in the gutter, or by concussion. When that one side is done,
turn the patient over and repeat the treatment on the other side. A general
rule is not to attempt to treat both sides of the spine in one position,
but to turn the patient and only treat the gutter nearest the physician.
Patient on back. Physician goes to head of patient and places his fingers
in the gutter of the cervical spine with thumbs upward. He then presses
lightly only in the gutter, not touching any part of the carotid or thyroid
sinuses. After holding the fingers covering from the seventh, cervical
for a minute or two, he moves his hands upward to the part not covered
and repeats. This completed, the physician will then cup his hands with
the fingers all around the bony ridge of the occiput and pull very gently
toward himself. Lastly, he will lay his thumb and forefinger on the front
nasal suture and sedate the nerves of the cranium for about a minute.
The physician may use any kind of treatment he desires preceding the
above techniques. But, a Neuropathic sedation treatment at the end will
evoke many pleasing remarks from his patient. It is all so simple and easy
that a vast majority of the patients having time to spare wish to sleep
a while after it is done, that is, if the physician has treated right.
Refer often to the types of spines and their perversions in chapter on
We have discussed the physical representation of the usual two types
of bodies, now we will go into some detail on the usual method of examination,
then give the Necropathic symptomatology and diagnosis.
The spinal examination will help in the diagnosis.
Neuropathic treatment is given according to the conditions revealed
by the reflexes and general physical examination. This general examination
includes the use of the stethoscope, sphygmometer, urinalysis, blood tests,
The brain is a closed box through which the blood circulation has to
be maintained standard, just as in any other part of the body, if the health
of the tissues are to be constant.
But since the brain is in a closed box, with space limitations, and
the vessels within the cranium have less muscle tissue around them, for
expansion and contraction, some other compensatory mechanisms must always
be at work to keep the circulation balanced. For the brain is subject to
all of the pulsations and vibrations of normal circulation and also of
local or general vasodilation from lack of vaso-constriction, edema or
other infiltrations. Excess stimuli to the brain tissues causing excess
pulsations are set up from stimuli and irritations from within the brain
itself, or from without the brain, or reflexed from other parts of the
body, thus while the central nervous and vascular systems of the brain
are in a closed chamber, they have expansile compensations. First, the
sutures allow for expansion and contraction. Second, the intradural veins
under control of the anterio motor nucleus absorbs much of the dilation.
Third, the content of the cerebral blood, especially of oxygen, is controlled
by the action of the carotid sinus. If there is no interference here by
body irritation reflex, the brain is kept supplied with oxygen.
Then, the treatment of brain perversions consists of (1) Regulating
the sutures by adjustment, (2) Regulating the blood content by adjustment
of the carotid sinus, and (3) By manipulation of the cranial nerves.
That the above hypothesis concerning the brain is a correct one has
been verified by the years of experience in the use of these techniques.
The writer, when brain fatigue has set in, uses it with great beneficial
effects on himself. And hundreds of patients have spoken of hearing the
click and felt the bones move, then say “my head distress is gone.”
It must be understood that in the treatment for cranial disorders, that
the body is a unit, and if the disorders are of a constitutional nature,
then the whole body must be treated. For illustration: the pituitaries
can be irritated from a prostatic or an ovarian condition, and create a
faulty water metabolism, with mental instability, again, it should be remembered
that a big factor in disturbances within the cranium is due to the presence
of anoxia or anoxemia. And that all obstructions in the open cavities of
the head should be removed, if possible, before cranial adjustments become
a rule. See the writer’s techniques in Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Technique
book. Pages 59-72. The outline of the anatomy and physiology used
here is taken from the findings of years of research by neurologists and
pathologists who have established the seat and center of disturbances of
the majority of ill conditions of the cranium. This data can be accepted
as fairly accurate and can form the working basis for application of these
There is nothing mysterious about the adjusting of the sutures. A clear
understanding of their outlines and a thrust either upward or downward
or forward will open them according to the locality needing adjustment.
A little experience will make one proficient.
The student should fix in his mind the outline and names of the sutures,
lobes, and points of contact for the vasoconstrictor and vasodilator nerves,
and also points of acceleration and inhibition in the cerebro spinal column.
(See Plate 10.)
Then we have the following techniques: First, the shifting of the sutures
to make room for expansions and oscillations of the brain tissues. This
is known as Cranial Adjusting. Cottam (21) is the chief exponent of this
type of therapy, and has written an extensive thesis on the performance
of many cranial techniques. Her ewe are only concerned with specific adjustments,
as they apply to abnormalities within the lobes and nerves of the brain.
Second, we are concerned with bringing about a vasodilation or vasoconstriction
of the blood vessels of the brain through the cranial and some cerebrospinal
nerves. The techniques of adjusting or shifting the sutures does not require
great strength. It requires no hard pressures. Just a firm contact, then
a quick and even thrust. The numbers on the cut do not all represent the
exact location of the cranial nerves, but points where experience has shown
those nerves can be influenced. If a vasoconstriction or inhibition is
desired, the pressure on the points is rather heavy to the tolerance of
the patient, and not more than three minutes is necessary as a rule. If
a vasodilation is needed the pressure is very light and not more than five
minutes is required as a rule. Often the desired results are accomplished
in much less time.
Time and again we are asked about contraindications in the use of these
techniques. There are none, if the physician will use good judgement and
not use brute force at any time. Naturally he would use common sense in
treating severe hypertension and tumors that have critical periods. All
abnormal conditions of the cranium can not be given here, but enough is
given to open up avenues of procedure for treatment of conditions not specified.
The location of these glands is situated in the sella turcica or pituitary
fossa of the sphenoid bone, temples, and just back of the root of the nose.
These glands have, according to physiologists and endocrinologists much
to do with the intelligence, sex power, growth, stability metabolisms,
menstruation, obesity, hair, and some other functions relating to the personality
and the body.
For a quick conception of the interdependence of the glands of all the
body, and the results of a hypo or a hyper function of one gland on other
glands, and the effects on personality the reader is referred to that splendid
little booklet, “The Endocrine System” by S. F. Briney, M. D. Here
we can but indicate the types of treatment needed with emphasis on the
subject on which we are now writing.
Three steps then are necessary in the treatments. First, to nourish
the endocrine system, second to create a proper blood circulation, third
to make the proper cranial adjustments. The first move is to open the Frontomalar
Zygomatic structure downward, second to open the coronal suture forward.
The vessels that are most commonly involved in cerebral hemorrhage are
the branches of the middle meningeal artery which supply the internal capsule,
striate body, optic thalamus, especially the lenticulo straite artery,
the artery of sylvan fissure and, less frequently, the anterior artery.
The main ramifications of these vessels are to the convolutions of the
frontal temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. High blood pressure, blood-shot
eyes, or eyes that look bewildered, with pain in head and neck accompanied
by nervous tension, are indicative of danger.
Treatment: Give a cold compress to head and heat to the feet. The best
heat is hot water. Concuss 7th and 8th cervicals lightly. Fast the patient
on fruit juices for at least two days. Give garlic capsules, one every
four hours. When danger point is passed, give treatment as found under
hypertension, then adjust carefully and easily the coronal, the temporoparietal
and occipital.
The center is found in the anterior portion of the temporal lobe.
Treatment: Give the Lake Endo-Nasal, Recoil Nasal dilation and drainage
techniques, page 59, and the Lake Opening of the Pharyngeal Cavity, page
53, if the condition is due to lymphatic stasis. A thorough lymphatic is
necessary. Adjust cervical vertebrae, especially C 4, D 3-4-5. Treat 7th
cervical nerve from No. 1 to No. 7 by friction massage.
Second nerve - optic; third nerve - motor oculi; fourth nerve - trochlear;
sixth nerve - abducens. These all have to do with vision and flexibility
of the eye.
Symptoms of Impairment: Second nerve - optic neuritis, atrophy. Third
nerve - ptosis and diplopia. Fourth nerve - Diplopia exists only in the
lower part of the visual field. Sixth nerve - ophthalmoplegia. General
symptoms - strabismus, nystagmus of various forms, headache, eyestrain
and hemianopsia.
The exact location of the special center of vision and its parts is
in dispute, but the weight of evidence is in favor of the cuneus and calcarine
fissures in the convex portion of thee occipital lobe. The ramifications
from the eye to all centers is rather complicated. The frontal, temporal
and occipital lobes are involved in all movements of the eye.
Treatment: Give Lake Head Recoil. Put finger of one hand on origin of
tear duct underneath and outside of eye. Put finger of other hand covered
with finger cot, up under the lip, and over the teeth up as far as possible
to the outlet of the tear duct. Massage by friction to stimulate the onward
flow of tear duct secretion. Put finger above the eyelid and gently press
the eye downward for a few times, then go underneath the eye, and press
gently upward. The sides of the eyes are gently pressed inward. Adjust
coronal, parietal, and lamboidal sutures specifically. Adjust C 6 to D
3 or treat these segments by Neuropathy. Press lightly on vasodilator No.
1. Patient may need Vitamin A.
This, the largest of the cranial nerves, resembles a spinal nerve. It
has its origin by two roots and a ganglion on its anterior root. It is
a nerve of special sense, motion and common sensation, and is the great
sensitive nerve of the face and cranium. It is the motor to the muscles
of mastication and through its lingual branch is one of the nerves of taste.
Symptoms of Impairment - Sensory impairment. The area of skin supplied
will be anesthetic, i.e., conjunctiva, cornea, cheek, nose, lips, mouth,
gums and tongue. Herpes is common and herpes zoster ophthalmicus is due
to neuritis of the first branch of the fifth masseter, temporal and pterygoids
are paralyzed and in unilateral paralysis the tongue pushes the food toward
the normal side in mastication.
Perversions at the base of the brain, such as meningitis, syphilis,
hemorrhages, aneurisms, otitis media, caries of the sphenoid, and trauma
of the orbits of the macilliae are all causes if impairment of the fifth
nerve. The deep origin of the larger or sensory root is between the transverse
fibers of the pons to the lateral tract of the medulla behind the olivary
body. The deep origin of the smaller or motor is in pyramidal body of the
Treatment: All sutures are more or less involved and all sutures should
be adjusted as follows: Coronal, downward. Occipital, lamoidal upward by
the Lake Recoil. The temporoparietal suture downward. Adjust C 1 to 4.
Give nasal dilation technique to increase the oxygen intake. Vasoconstrictor
pressure on face, upper and lower 5.
This is the nerve of the special sense of hearing distributed exclusively
to the middle ear and has no exit from cranium. There are two branches,
one to the vestibule which maintains equilibrium (an impairment of this
branch will produce vertigo and tinnitus arium) and the other branch is
to the cochlea which receives and transmits to the brain impressions produced
by sound waves. Impairment of this branch will result in nerve deafness.
Centers. The superficial origin is from the restiform and olivary bodies
at the lower border of the pons. The deep origin is at the dorsal auditory
nucleus under the trigonium acustici area of gray matter between the roots
of the olfactory nerve.
Treatment: Treat the same as for deafness. See Endo, Nasal, Aural and
Allied Techniques, pages 38-50, 76. Adjust sutures adjoining parietal and
occipital lobes on side of affected ear. Sagittal laterally. Lamboidal
and mastoidal downward. Adjust C 1 to 4 and concuss D 5.
This nerve is considered to be exclusively motor but some authorities
claim for it sensory fibers. Accessory portion joins the vagus to which
it supplies its motor and some of its cardio-inhibitory fibers. The spinal
portion supplies the trapezius and Sterno mastoid muscles. The deep origin
is from the nucleus of gray matter low down on the medulla and beneath
the roots of the pneumogastric. Superficial origin or spinal portion arises
from several filaments from the lateral tract of the spinal cord as low
down as the sixth cervical. The centers involved are the occipital lobe
and cervical plexuses. Impairment of the eleventh nerve may result in colds,
torticollis, neuritis, cervical myelitis.
Treatment: Open and drain the anterior and posterior nasal canal. Give
Lake Recoil for occipital lobe sutures. Give lymphatic of the neck. Adjust
C 1 to 6. For further treatments see Colds and Neuritis.
This nerve is the motor to the tongue. Its deep origin is from the floor
of the fourth ventricle. It communicates with three upper cervical nerves;
gustatory, pneumogastric and the sympathetic system. Its impairment leads
to improper deglutition, weakened sense of taste, atrial loss of the powers
of mastication and articulation.
Treatment: Give the Lake Recoil. Adjust coronal and zygomatic sutures,
also the temporomalar suture. See 7th move in Facial Technique, figure
26 & 27, Endo Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques. Put finger down side
of mouth to the rood of tongue then slip finger in center of tongue. Press
firmly, then pull finger outward by slight jerks. Repeat three times. Open
the external mares, and drain the posterior nares. Dilate on face 1-7-9.
Adjust 6 L to 6. Concuss C 7.
The deep origin of the seventh nerve is from a nucleus from which the
sixth or abducens nerve arises from the floor of the fourth ventricle.
It is the motor to all muscles of expression. Its impairment may lead to
paralysis of any or all of the muscles of the face. The occipital and medullar
lobes, including the pons, are primarily affected.
Treatment: Open all sutures of the face. Give the Lake Recoil. Adjust
C 1 to 4. Concuss D 3 to 4. Press on No. 7 in face.
In the occipital lobe, embracing the medulla oblongata are found the
centers of respiration, cardio-inhibitory, cardio-accelerator, vasomotor
dilators and vasoconstrictors, salivation, mastication, deglutition, vomiting
and diabetic centers.
Since there are different forms of manifestations of the symptoms of
disturbances in this center, the physician will need to look for the causes,
which are largely of a reflex origin, and to eliminate them if possible,
which may be in the respiratory apparatus due to obstruction, then the
full Endo Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques need to be used. The segments
of the spine need adjustment or a sedation perhaps a dilation, according
to diagnosis. Sedate all numbers on the face. See Diabetes.
There is no unanimous opinion as to the localization of human thought
in the brain. Intelligence is generally accepted as the functioning of
all the centers combined and the association of all the fibers which serve
to connect the centers. Observations indicate the prefrontal lobe as the
most important part of thought processes.
Treatment: For dull children and older people who complain of losing
their grip on life by manifestations of forgetfulness and fearfulness,
and all General Endo Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques can be performed,
with dilation of all facial numbered nerves and every suture opened. In
addition psychiatry can be used.
The general sensations of touch, pain, temperature and muscular sense
are without a doubt found in the superior parietal lobe together with the
post central convolution. All forms of sensations, touch, pain, etc., are
represented in this center. There is reason to believe that the sensory
area contains also centers for the nerves of the secretory glands and for
some vasomotor nerves.
Treatment: Give the Lake Recoil. Open the anterior and posterior nares.
Adjust the coronal, sagittal and temporoparietal sutures, forward and downward
respectively. Sedate the spinal segments. Give local counter irritation
The speech centers are situated along the sylvian fissure and in the
left hemisphere of a right-handed man and in the right of a left-handed
man. There are four speech centers; one to receive words of what is seen
and heard, and the fourth is called the writing center. All are associated
by commissural fibers and all are of so great importance that a lesion
of one will lead to interruption of communication with the other.
Treatment: Give all suture adjustments and all General Endonasal Techniques.
Adjust Atlas, and 1st to 4th cervicals. Press on 7 - 10 in face.
Headaches are of individual, referred or reflexed types. Individual
types are those of anemia or hyperemia. Reflexed types are from eyestrain,
middle ear or cerebro-spinal irritations. Referred types are toxic substances
from gastro-intestinal region. Refer to Fig. 4 on pains in the head due
to reflexed pressures of gas and nerve reflexes.
Treatment: Lymphatic of neck and abdomen. Lake Recoil. Open sutures
of face. Open coronal and sagittal sutures. Give eye exercise technique.
Adjust cervicals. Concuss D 5-6-10. Press lightly on No. 1 on face. Epilepsy
- see under that title.
(See cuts for Lymphatic Techniques.)
Sedation Technique, or quieting, is performed as follows: Patient on
side. Doctor stands in front of patient; fingers of both hands are in the
gutter of spine. A very light pressure is maintained for about one-half
to one minute over the segments involved. Then he tests to see if he has
changed the tone of the muscles underneath where his fingers covered. If
not, he repeats the treatment until the tone is normal. (See not
on healthy spine.) If doctor thinks it necessary, he will turn
the patient over on the other side and repeat. All sedation treatments
are given with the patient on the side with legs flexed.
The Stimulation or Acceleration treatment can be given in any position
- side, prone, or sitting. It consists of putting fingers in the gutter
of the spine over the segments involved, and a light to-and-fro movement
is started which lasts for one-half to one minute. The movement is parallel
to the spine, not to the sides of the gutter.
Inhibition is performed by placing the fingers of each hand on both
sides of the spine, in the gutter, and giving deep pressure for one-half
to one minute. This is not counter-irritation (which see) but direct nerve
inhibition, to perform correctly a good knowledge of sensory nervous system
is required.
The above is a simple statement of the simple specific techniques of Neuropathy
that have a very helpful therapeutic value, and leaves the patient with a pleased
expression on his face and a feeling of internal well-being.