by Neuropathy and The Encyclopedia of Physical and Manipulative
By Thomas T. Lake, N. D., D. C.
Chapter 2
Abortion and Miscarriage
DEFINITION: A concise definition of both the terms may be: Abortion is the expulsion of the fetus between the fourth and the sixth months. But here we will use them as synonymous terms. Because the above terms are usually associated with criminality, the subjects are rather offensive to most people. But while there are great numbers of forced or criminal abortions, there are many others brought about by conditions of ill health, to which the physician must give his attention. Bland states that while there is no record of the number of criminal abortions performed, he believes that more than 35 per cent of all abortions result from criminal interference.
ETIOLOGY: Three types may be included in the etiology. In the majority
of cases of premature expulsion of the ovum, the death of the fetus
has been the beginning. So it is necessary to study what causes
the death of the fetus. Accidents, and injuries to the pelvic regions,
may cause a spontaneous expulsion.
DISEASES: Infection, and inflammation of the endometrium nephritis,
malpositions of the uterus. Included in this group are all forms
of infectious diseases, acute or chronic, which favor degenerative
changes in the placenta, in the fetus, or both. Influenza, syphilis,
toxemia, chronic visceral disease, drug or chemical intoxication,
conditions brought about by repeated pregnancies that weaken the
walls of the uterus, or adhesions that prevent the uterus from ascending
up into the pelvis, and the growing infection forcing it to empty
its contents. Induced abortion is one brought on intentionally either
criminally or therapeutically. The latter is termed justifiable
abortion when performed to save the mother’s life.
SYMPTOMS: In threatened abortion there is distress and pain in the
pelvic region, accompanied by a bloody discharge. If the above symptoms
should increase, then the abortion can be said to be imminent. Usually
takes from three to six days.
The material expelled may be all the contents. That is termed a
complete abortion. Again only a part of the contents may be expelled,
creating an incomplete abortion. In the complete abortion the symptoms
soon subside, and the tissues go back to normal. But in the incomplete
abortion there is always danger of infection, which, spreading may
cause peritonitis. There is a bleeding that may continue indefinitely.
PROGNOSIS: Favorable in the cases of complete abortion, but in the
incomplete abortion, bleeding may lead to a severe secondary anemia,
then to other complications including septicemia. In the cases of
induced criminal abortion, it is said that probably one hundred
or more thousand take place every year, and that about 6000 die.
TREATMENT: Threatened Abortion. Absolute rest in bed. Vitamin E,
and a diet rich in lettuce, germ of wheat, liver and eggs. Also
progestin, thyroid extract and vitamin F if there is jaundice. Ice
bag to the abdominal wall, removed every two minutes or so, or a
cold, wet towel laid over the abdomen.
Complete Abortion, without any complications. The patient must be
kept in bed for some time and refrain from any movements that are
of a fatiguing nature.
An Incomplete Abortion with danger of complications should not only
have the attention of the patient’s physician, but also in
consultation, with a surgeon versed well in the techniques of gynecology
or obstetrics, because some or all of the following conditions may
be found, and some or all of the following techniques may be necessary.
Hemorrhage, sepsis, and lacerations of the cervix are the immediate
dangers. The pathologic conditions subsequent to an abortion are
uterine subinvolution, endometritis, salpingitis in one of its forms,
pelvic adhesions, chronic metritis.
Because of the tendency to retention of a portion of the deciduae,
etc., with a resultant hemorrhage, chronic salpingo-oophoritis or
septicemia. In criminal abortions there is the added risk of traumatism
from unskillful use of instruments, and also of sepsis.
Marked bleeding without dilatation demands the use of a vaginal
tampon of gauze, which is allowed to remain in situ for twelve to
twenty-four hours and then replaced if it is needed. In many cases
the cervix will have dilated enough, after the introduction of the
first tampon, to allow the aseptic evacuation of the uterine contents,
which is the best treatment. When the tampon is removed, moreover,
it will be found in a number of cases that the fetus and membranes
are wholly or in part extruded with it. In evacuating the uterus
the woman is anesthetized, and removal accomplished with the finger,
the dull curet, and Emmet’s curetment forceps. In addition
to the above there may be some legal aspects that are easier explained
by two physicians than by one.
condition caused by the accumulation in the body of an excess of
acid, or the loss from the body of alkali. See also, Alkalosis.
SYMPTOMS: Loss of appetite, lassitude, listlessness, headache, weakness,
nausea, occasional vomiting, dehydration, muscle aches, abdominal
cramps, loss of weight, drowsiness and renal insufficiency.
The most pronounced symptoms of advanced acidosis are air hunger
or hyperpnea and nausea. In diabetes mellitus, the defective oxidation
of the fats results in the formation of the acetone bodies.
TYPES: Simple acidosis. Acidosis of Diabetes Mellitus of Nephritis,
or Pregnancy.
The treatment of simple acidosis is of chief concern here. The others
will come under the specific titles.
TREATMENT: Since the etiology is a concentration of blood bicarbonate
below normal, it might be inferred that the treatment consists of
merely giving the patient some sodium bicarbonate. But, it requires
a good deal more than just that. The attempt must be made to restore
the acid-base equilibrium to normal, which would bring the acidity
to between 25 and 30 degrees.
PROGNOSIS: Is always favorable if not complicated with diabetes
mellitus, nephritis, pregnancy or poisoning.
NEUROPATHIC TREATMENT: Lymphatic, with emphasis on the liver and
kidneys. Stimulation or spondylotherapy of the segments of the spine
to the above organs.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Lake Head Recoil. Anterior and posterior nasal
dilation and swabbing for relief of hyperpnea.
CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS: Liver, kidney and atlas segments.
DIET: Foods from acid-alkaline balance chart.
DIETARY: In some cases a few days without meat is sufficient. In
others a milk fast of one day. A 4-ounce glass of milk every two
hours. Buttermilk fast or a lemon juice fast for one day has been
found helpful. Tests made daily can determine how long the fast
should be continued.
HERBOLOGY: The following has been used. One tablespoon of each to
a pint of water. Calamus, Motherwort, Watercress. Bring to a boil.
Let stand one hour. Strain and bottle. Tablespoonful after meals,
and on retiring.
Ascites -- Dropsy
DEFINITION: A collection of
serous fluid in the abdomen, or more correctly in the peritoneal
cavity, characterized by a distended abdomen, fluctuation, dullness
on percussion, displacement of viscera, embarrassed respiration,
plus the symptoms of its cause.
CAUSES: Ascites may form part of a general dropsy, to wit: cardiac
or nephritic. The most common factor in its production is a mechanical
obstruction of the portal system from cirrhosis of the liver, pressure
of tumors, diseases of the heart or lungs.
SYMPTOMS: The onset is insidious, and considerable swelling of the
abdomen occurs before the disease attracts attention. Constipation
from pressure of the fluid on the sigmoid flexure. Scanty urine,
from pressure on the renal vessels. Embarrassed respiration and
cardiac action from displacement of the diaphragm upward. The umbilicus
is forced outward.
PHYSICAL SIGNS: On palpation, a peculiar wave-like impulse is imparted
to the hand lying on the side of the abdomen, while gently tapping
the opposite side.
PERCUSSION: Patient erect, the fluid distends the lower abdominal
region, with dullness over the site of the fluid and a tympanitic
note above; if the patient turns on his side, the fluid changes,
and dullness over the fluid, tympanitic note over the intestines.
PROGNOSIS: Depends on the Etiology.
TREATMENT: When the physician is faced with a severe type of dropsy
he must ask himself, how can I reduce the hydration in the shortest
possible time? Then proceed to find the cause, and remove it. Medical
opinion is charply divided on many points except one: surgical tapping.
The division seems to be as follows: Fischer is chief exponent of
the following -- To reduce the edema -- the physician must (1) Withhold
water so as not to render too easily available the material needed
for the swelling. (2) Neutralize the acids accumulated in the affected
tissues, and (3) further their dehydration by increasing their salt
intake. He advances the theory that in edema of any nature all salts
are effective in reduction of the edema, by acting on the alimentary
mucosa causing a secretion of water into the bowel, or upon the
structure of the kidney, and so to cause an increased secretion
of urine.
Gordon, on the other hand, maintains salt should not be allowed,
and water kept at a minimum. Sajous Analytic Encyclopedia of Practical
Medicine, P. 197. Both agree that when the pressure of the edema
is uncomfortable to a great degree, surgical tapping is the proper
The writer in a number of cases has always judged the diet and care
by the urinalysis reports and strives to establish a slightly balanced
acid condition and, if possible, to maintain it at the level throughout
the treatment.
NEUROPATHY: Sedation treatment to the Vaso-constrictors which have
lost control.
CHIROPRACTIC: D. 6 to 10 and elsewhere as indicated.
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: Rectal dilations seem to have some beneficial
DIETOTHERPY: Fasting for a day or two has produced very good results.
The following regime is considered par excellent.
The patient gets a glass of milk every four hours. Hot, warm or
cold. Nothing more. To quench thirst, mouth rinsing with water is
permitted as often as desired but none swallowed. If food is craved
and patient cannot be controlled No. 1 diet can be cut so as to
allow the patient around 800 calories a day.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra violet ray seems to be the only electrical
appliance indicated in the acute stage. Abdominal exposure for 15
to 30 minutes daily four feet from the patient. Care must be exercised
not to burn the patient.
COLONOTHERAPY: Distention prevents any radical irrigations. A very
low enema may be administered internally when necessary.
HYDROTHERAPY: Neutral applications of warm and cool wet towels are
sometimes helpful. The Physician must judge by each case what is
best for the patient.
HERBOLOGY: Make infusion of equal parts of Composition Powder, Golden
Seal and Peach Leaves. Use freely every three hours.
DEFINITION: An inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands characterized
by papules, and pustiles that are usually situated on the face and
TYPES: Acne populosa where the lesion only reaches the papular stage.
Acne pustulosa, when the papules develop into pustules. Acne indurata,
when the inflammation is deep seated and the papules or pustules
are firm. Acne atrophica, in this form the lesions are followed
by scars and pits.
ETIOLOGY: It is most common between the age of fifteen and thirty.
Anemia, menstrual disorders, and gastrointestinal disturbances predispose.
Certain drugs, such as iodid and bromide of potassium and copaiba
may induce the disease.
SYMPTOMS: There is an aggregation of small papules, pustules, and
comedones about the face, chest, and shoulders. Pustules or papules
predominate according as the disease is acute or cronic. New lesions
develop as the old disappear, so that the disease usually runs a
protracted course unless stern measures are taken.
PROGNOSIS: Recovery is the rule, but sometimes very protracted.
TREATMENT: Both systemic and local. A complete check up is necessary
with an investigation of teeth and tensils and other possible foci
of infection. Neuropathic lymphatic treatment. Sedation of the whole
spine. Chiropractic: D-6-10 and special liver, kidney local places.
Hydrotherapy. Thorough washing with plenty of soap lather and warm
water. Then a douching of the part with cold water. The salt glo
in some cases is helpful. In others it has no effect. The area is
thoroughly cleansed and the skin is left wet, then ordinary salt
is lightly rubbed in. If, after five or ten times there is no improvement
the salt glo should be discontinued. Shilling recommends the filling
of a bottle with equal parts of Epsom Salts and Witch Hazel, dissolve
thoroughly and apply, after steaming, at night.
DIETOTHERAPY: Each case must be judged and dieted according to the
findings. We have found a short fast of grapes for a few days is
effective in some cses. But, fasts must be regulated by whether
anemia is present or the patient does hard labor. Diet No. 1 and
2 can fit most cases. Two or three days on No. 1, followed by alternating
every other day with No. 2 has been a good procedure.
White determined that the following foods were the chief offenders--chocolate,
milk, oranges, tomatoes and nuts. On the other hand, Wise and Sulzberger
have found that Acne Vulgaris due to food is more imaginary than
real, that it is due to the hyper-sensitivity of the pilosebaceous
apparatus opening to hair and sweat glands, and of a lack of nervous
and emotional control.
PSYCHIATRY: The patient, if showing any signs of emotional upsets
should be examined carefully and efforts at orientation to the environment
made. Every effort should be made to find the responsible tensions.
ELECTROTHERAPY: The best electrotherapy treatment for this condition
is ultra violet, preceded ten to fifteen minutes by the infra red
or deep therapy light. For lesions of the face the water cooled
quartz light is best. The lights can be applied until a second degree
erythema is produced.
Where the pimples have formed in heavy hard masses, the fulguration
spark may be used to great advantage every five or six or seven
days, letting the effect of the first treatment disappear before
the second treatment is given. The gentler sparks from the glass
vacuum electrode may be used instead of the above if desired and
the treatment given six to eight or nine minutes daily.
HELIOTHERAPY: Sun bathing is very beneficial if exposure is limited
to not more than ten minutes on the area at a sitting, but many
sittings can be taken in a day.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cups suitable to fit the area, light suction for
20 to 60 seconds according to tolerance of patient, followed by
light application of Derman Penatrin of Zemmer.
HERBOLOGY AND PHYTOTHERAPY: One ounce each of the following: Burdock
Root, Yellow Dock Root, Yarrow, Marshmallow Root has been found
helpful in the following form: Simmer in two quarts of water to
two and one-half pints (50 ozs.) Strain and bathe the affected parts
at least twice daily.
ACID AND ALKALINE BALANCE: The urine and skin tests for acid balance
can be taken every day or every other day. If this can be attained,
generally the condition is relieved quickly. The simple procedure
of Litmasin pH Test is probably the quickest available.
Addison’s Disease
DEFINITION: A rare disease due to a deficiency in function of the suprarenal capsule.
ETIOLOGY: An excessive constriction or degenerative changes in the
sympathetic trunks or ganglia of the spinal segments leading to
the suprarenal capsules. Tuberculosis elsewhere in the body or in
the adrenals themselves is the most prominent etiological factor.
Syphilis also is a factor. Atrophy of the glands because of vaso-constriction
is a larger factor than heretofore given attention.
SYMPTOMS: The most prominent are anemia, general languor and debility.
Cardiac feebleness, irritability of the stomach, marked gastro disturbances;
also marked respiratory disturbances due to defects in the utilization
of oxygen. Some others are, bronzing of skin, especially about the
anus and surfaces subject to irritation; pigmentation of mucous
membranes, extreme muscle weakness, loss of weight, low blood pressure,
faintness or dizziness, nervousness and twitchings; psychic disturbances;
white line on pressure of skin which lasts two or three minutes;
renal insufficiency and dehydration.
PROGNOSIS: Is uncertain. Varies from a few weeks to fifteen or twenty
years, marked by complications that may produce a crisis and death
at any time. On the whole it can be said that the prognosis is decidedly
unfavorable, because of complications that may arise.
DIAGNOSIS: This disease most frequently occurs between the ages
of twenty and fifty years. Because it is rare and has many symptoms
of other diseases, physicians often tell their patients they have
it even when there is no bronzing of the skin. For a clear diagnosis
of this disease, three tests can be made.
(1) Give a patient a pint of water to drink. Those having this disease
are a long time getting rid of this excess water. In other words,
in most cases of addison’s Disease the kidneys do not secret
urine freely even after excess water has been taken.
(2) Patients suffering from Addison’s Disease excrete large
amounts of sodium chloride and have retention of the urea.
(3) The pigmentation of parts or all of the skin. And the secondary
anemia prognosis is largely unfavorable because it is not of a uniform
type. It may last for a number of years with the patient improving
for a time, then remissions. But, a patient who has improved, and
continues his physical and manipulative treatments has possibilities
of living a normal life-time.
TREATMENT: Neuropathic -- Thorough Lymphatic, dilation of kidney
DIET: There seems to be a division of opinion. Some say a fast on
fruits and fruit juices for a few days, and others say: Plenty of
nutritions, but easily digested, foods. We have used No. 1 Diet
for three days, then No. 2 and No. 1 alternately for months, but
changing daily the fruit juices, with beneficial results. Grape
fruit juice diluted 20 times. A wine glass full four times a day
is very helpful.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Sinnosoidal to adrenals for stimulation. Short wave
for relief of pain.
ENDOCRINOLOGY: The adrenals on the sodium side, are said to be regulated
by the anterior pituitary and especially the parathyroids. See “Technique”
on Parathyroids in Endo Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques -- Luke.
Hormones for the Pituitary, Parathyroid and Adrenal glands may be
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Lake Recoil. Breaking adhesions of Thyroid sinus,
and opening and swabbing of anterior and posterior nares. This is
necessary to raise the blood pressure and increase the oxidase and
HYDROTHERAPY: A teaspoonful of salt dissolved in an eight ounce
glass of water drunk during each day will aid in overcoming the
derangement of sodium metabolism and dehydration. If distasteful
add fruit juices. Epsom Salts hot compresses laid over kidney areas
for 20 minute periods three times daily.
PSYCHIATRY: These patients sometimes have emotional upsets. Rest,
warmth, plenty of sleep and relaxation, free from worry, are necessities.
See Chapter on “Suggestive Therapeutics” in “The
Principles of Applied Psychiatry.” -- Page 135, Lake.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cups very lightly over the whole spine for six minutes
at two minute intervals, then extremely light over the kidney area.
HERBOLOGY: Laxative. Diuretic and demulcent herbs. Botanicals are
for laxative -- Senna, Cascara Sagrada, Ginger, Buckthorn, Blue
Malva, Turtlebloom, Althea, Cheese Plant and Licorice, equal parts,
using one teaspoonful of mixture to one cup of boiling water. Let
cool, strain, drink in three installments. Proportion of ingredients
to be adjusted to constitution of patient. For a mild diuretic and
soothing demulcent -- Swamp Lily Root, Marshmallow Root, Bayberry
leaves, Cheese Plant, Sassafras, bark or root, Buch leaves, Horsetail
grass, Bluets and Corn Silk, made and taken in same manner as the
CAUTION: This is a treacherous disease and the patient should be
under the observation of the physician constantly.
HABITS: The most prominent is that: The patient must be kept at
rest, warm, relaxed, free from work and worry, and protected against
strains of all kinds. Sufficient sleep and an adequate intake of
The two prime forms and purpose of treatment are:
(1) Care of dehydration by sodium chloride and glucose.
(2) Prevention of further destruction of the glands and prolonging
life. But, it is stated by one authority on the subject that “up
to the present time the treatments have been a thankless job.”
Enlargement and Infection
In common language, when adenoids
are mentioned, it implies a hypertrophied lymphatic tissue in the
nasal passages and in the upper lymphatic ring known as Waldeyers
ring, which surrounds the orifices of the pharynx. They are situated
in the pharyngeal cavity, on the back wall, just above the soft
palate. They are lobulated lymphoid masses composed of lymphoid
tissue similar to the tonsil, lymph nodes of spleen and in the nodules
of the intestines.
ETIOLOGY: Enlargement is due to infection of excessive lymph substances.
The most frequent causes are enlargement of the faucial tonsils,
upper respiratory infections, or acute diseases, such as measles,
mumps, scarlet fever or frequent colds. But more often the cause
is more simple. Improper diet, creating an auto intoxication, improper
habits of hygiene, poor ventilation will account for many, while
injuries resulting in nasal stenosis early in life will account
for others.
SYMPTOMS: A typical case of adenoid enlargement in the vault of
the pharynx is not hard to recognize. The patient usually wears
a dull listless expression. The nostrils are narrow and pinched;
the bridge of the nose by contrast is widened. Usually on examination
the septum is found deflected. The child has a sallow or pasty complexion,
and palpation of the cervical glands reveals they are more prominent
than in a normal child. Because of interference with smell, food
is not enjoyed, and a tendency to hurry through the eating, with
consequent gastric disturbances. The mental dullness is due to imperfect
drainage and a certain degree of anoxia in the brain due to the
obstruction of the denoidal enlargement. Snuffling, and noisy breathing
by day and snoring at night, and also the non resonant type of voice,
are among some of the distinct symptoms of adenoids. Some of the
grievous sequelae of enlargement, infection of the adenoids, comes
from their close proximity to the mouths of the eustachian tubes,
and tonsils. Middle ear infections with severe ear ache, and tonsilitis
frequently develops. Headaches, and sometimes long nose bleed may
DIAGNOSIS: The above symptoms and the picture in the rhinoscopic
mirror can be regarded as unmistakable.
The lobulated or fissured mass, or masses of various sizes can be
seen hanging from the roof of the pharynx. They also can be felt
with the finger. If they feel hot and dry to the touch, they are
infected. If cool, they are merely enlarged. A test as to whether
there is enough space for the passage of air, and oxygen, to avoid
anoxemia, is to inject fluid into one nostril, and expect it to
escape through the other nostril. If not this can be taken as an
indication that very enlarged adenoids are present. Escaping by
the mouth has no significance.
Adenoids may exist without enlargement of the faucial tonsils, but
it is seldom that the faucial tonsils are enlarged, that the adenoids
are not more or less affected.
PROGNOSIS: Is good. Many children outgrow it by a change in climate
and diet.
TREATMENT: Neuropathic: A thorough lymphatic, embracing the whole
lymph system. Stimulation of whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Cervicals, kidney and liver place.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Open all sutures of the face to enlarge the
external nares. This involves seven moves in one technique. Then
dilate external nares with little finger. Go into the pharyngeal
cavity. Place finger over the adenoidal tissue and massage downward.
See Endo-Nasal Aural and Allied Techniques on this subject.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Arnold states that the vaso-contrictor neural units
of the mucous membrane of the nose are from 2nd, 3rd and 4th dorsal
segments, and the vaso-dilator neural cells are in the nucleus of
the 7th cranial. In adenoids the concussion then is on those segments,
except that Neuropathic pressure is brought to bear on No. 7 on
the face. (See Plate 10.)
HYDROTHERAPY: Relief has been given for a time by hot compresses
over the nose. A few have been helped by ice cubes placed on bridge
of the nose.
COLONTHERAPY: Enemas should be given at least twice a week while
under treatment. A pint or quart of warm water is usually sufficient.
DIET: Since enlarged adenoids are practically a condition of lymph
stasis, the diet must be very restricted. Excesses of starches and
sugar foods must be stopped. If a fast of a few days on fruit juices
is feasible, it should be instituted, but if it will injure the
child’s psychi, it better not be attempted. A diet largely
made up of proteins, vegetables and fruits will produce the best
effects. Such a diet can be selected from Diet No. 1.
VITAMINTHERAPY: For simple hypertrophy Vitamin A and B. For infection,
Vitamin C complex is recommended.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra violet ray applied over the nose or in the
external nasal passage by a glass applicator has been found helpful
in many cases.
SURGERY: If the child’s life is endangered by constant illness
from oxygen obstruction, surgery should be considered.
HERBOLOGY: Tablespoonful doses of Pineapple juice as often as necessary.
Or gargle with Tincture of Myrrh in hot water. Or gargle “Ironite”
(a trade preparation of herbs with active ingredients of Ferric
Oxy Chloride and Thymol). Or use equal parts of Red Oak Bark, Persimmon
Bark and Golden Seal made into a tea, as a gargle.
DEFINITION: The presence of
Albumin in the urine, known to occur under many circumstaqnces without
indicating the presence of any serious pathology.
ETIOLOGY: Over exertion of the lower extremities. Eating and faulty
digestion of hearty meals. Menstruation, cold baths, emotional and
physical excitement that bring about (1) Disturbance of circulation.
(2) Changes in the tubular epithelial cells or walls of the blood
vessels of the kidney. (3) Changes in the composition of the blood.
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: In simple Albuminaria the presence of albumin
is intermittent and only a trace is noticed, while in nephritis,
anemia, leukemia, and diabetes, it is more abundant and usually
constant. It is present in more or less degree in all cases of kidney
and constant in some forms of prostatitis.
PROGNOSIS: Few have any further trouble if a simple regime is carried
out for a few days.
NEUROPATHY: Kidney and liver place.
Usually the following regime will clear this condition:
No. 2 Diet for two days. The grapefruit cleansing fluid. A grapefruit
is chopped into small pieces, skin included. A pint of boiling water
is poured over the chopped fruit. It is allowed to stand one hour,
then strained and bottled. Place in refrigerator. A wine glass full
is taken every three hours. If the presence of albumin still exists
after the first day, the above may be repeated. If after the second
treatment the albumin is still present, serious investigation must
be made to determine whether morbid changes are taking place in
the liver and kidneys.
-- Acute
DEFINITION: Acute and Chronic.
Alcoholism is a result of excessive indulgence in ethyl alcohol.
Often a result of personality complexes. The alcoholics present
a great many clinical pictures, especially in the acute intoxications
where the persistent heavy drinker is in danger of developing coma
or amnesia. Flushing of face, quickening of pulse, mental exhilaration,
followed by incoherent speech, deep respiration, loss of coordination,
odor of alcohol on breath, thickened speech, dilated pupils, vomiting,
delirium, slow pulse, subnormal temperature, impaired judgment,
emotional instability, muscular incoordination, and finally stupor.
Acute Alcoholism has three stages. First, excitation and exhilaration.
The second is when the nervous tensions are aroused, when there
is an increase in the heart rate, a rise in blood pressure and the
skin reddens. The higher psychic forces lose control and the alcoholic
shouts out his grievances against everybody or the whole world,
or is the best fellow in the world. In the second state the determination
can be made whether the alcoholic is that way because of personality
defects or because he has a real liking for liquor and has lost
control. It is important to find out what he talked about before
he went into the third stage, if a long range plan or recovery is
in the mind of the physician. The third stage is that of unconsciousness
and coma. In the diagnosis of coma it is essential to differentiate
alcoholic coma from other types. An alcoholic in a coma can be roused
for a few seconds and with the odor and absence of injury the diagnosis
is certain.
-- Chronic
SYMPTOMS: Fine tremor, mental impairment, disturbed sleep, redness
of nose, anorexia, coated tongue, nausea, vomiting, constipation,
alternating with diarrhea. If long continued atheroma of arteries,
cirrhosis of liver and chronic interstitial nephritis are apt to
Here we can only be concerned with the future of the inebriate.
Tremors must be overcome as they arise, and nothing is better than
concussion of the whole spine, or the warm douche spray up and down
the whole spine. All other symptoms must be treated just as they
would be if they arose from a different etiology. While the symptoms
are being treated, the physician can plan his course of action to
free the patient from the alcoholic habit.
TREATMENT: Lymphatic of whole body. Neuropathic or Chiropractic
adjustments of whole spine for stimulation. Ask the patient to take
a warm spray on spine only, morning and night.
Mania is a pathological action on the nervous system. There may
be great excitement, loud crying or cursing on the part of the patient.
In some of the manias great harm and murder has been committed.
If these continue the patient will end in a state of dementia precox.
If a mania is violent, the physician should call the police to protect
those around him. If of a deep, depressive nature some milk, iced
milk will suffice to induce sleep.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Many of the cases of polyneuritis in alcoholics
that confront the physician are due to a deficiency of Vitamin B-1.
It is assumed that if the alcoholic does ingest enough food with
any Vitamin B-1 that the disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract
by alcohol prevents proper absorption. A higher calorie diet with
supplements of B-1 has produced great improvement of polyneuritis
and often a quick cure. This may be also said that some of the cardiovascular
disturbances of alcoholism may be prevented by B-1. It is claimed
that a continuation of Vitamin B complex will destroy the craving
for alcohol and some evidence of this is at hand.
PSYCHIATRY: Please read chapter on Alcoholic Psychosis in “The
Fundamentals of Applied Psychiatry.” Lake. Technique is too
long to state here. But, the physician must be a sympathetic friend
to a man or woman who is fighting to be free from the cravings of
alcohol, and he will need to make great use of the art of suggestive
Alkalosis as a clinical condition
has received less attention than Acidosis, yet it is not infrequent
and can cause as much distress to the patient.
DEFINITION: A condition of the blood in which the bicarbonate concentration
is above normal.
SYMPTOMS: It has been found in patients with peptic ulcer and others
who have headaches, drowsiness, anorexia, vomiting, muscle ache,
nervousness, mental depression, feeling of weakness, faintness,
numbness of extremities, rapid and irregular respiration and marked
irritability. Burning of urine is a common complaint. Later, convulsions,
edema and coma.
ETIOLOGY: This is the opposite of acidosis and occurs usually after
taking sodium bicarbonate over a long period of time, or due to
an excessive use of an alkaline diet. It is especially apt to occur
in those whose liver or kidney functions have been impaired.
TREATMENT: This condition usually responds nicely to simply stopping
the use of all alkalies. Then the treatments can be focused on the
symptoms as enumerated by the patient.
HERBOLOGY: As nearly all fruits and vegetables contain excess alkali,
change diet to include more meats and cereals. If cause is from
vomiting which would decrease hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride,
myrrh and Golden Seal equal parts with a bit of ginger is good,
taking a teaspoonful about every two hours.
DEFINITION: A loss of hair in patches of the head. Baldness--a partial
or a total loss of hair.
ETIOLOGY: The etiology of alopecia is to be determined after all
the factors are taken into account by examination and diagnosis.
Stevens states that baldness may be congenital, in these cases it
is usually partial. It may be an expression of senility, in which
case it usually begins on the crown or brow, and is associated with
more or less atrophy of the scalp. It very rarely occurs early in
life, as an idiopthic affection arising without obvious cause. It
often occurs in early adult life as a result of seborrhea. It frequently
results from general diseases, such as syphilis, myxedema, typhoid
fever and other acute infections.
In addition to the above etiology, the claim is made that the loss
of hair is due to a deficiency of Vitamin A.
PROGNOSIS: In congenital and senile is doubtful, although many claims
of cures have been made. In alopecia of general diseases, the prognosis
is favorable by removing the cause. Much has been accomplished in
alopecia of seborrhic origin by persistent treatment.
TREATMENT: Remove the cause if possible.
NEUROPATHIC: General Lymphatic and dilation of all cranial centers.
CHIROPRACTIC: All cervicals and Atlas.
HYDROTHERAPY: Shampooing every one to three weeks with warm water
and Castile Soap is recommended. Another form of treatment is to
massage the head once a day with two drops of liquid Vaseline. Cold,
wet, applications with towels to the head, followed by vigorous
friction has been found of value.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamins A and B in large doses are recommended.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra-violet is a valuable agent in this condition
if the hair follicles are not dead. If they are, it is perfectly
useless to attempt any treatment. The water-cooled lamp should be
used in alopecia areata, and the air-cooled in general alopecia.
When using the air-cooled lamp have it about ten inches from the
scalp. The face and ears should be protected. The rays from either
the air-cooled or water-cooled lamp should be given until a third
degree erythema is produced. It will be a rather severe treatment,
but necessary in order to be effective.
In addition to the local treatment, expose the entire body to ultra-violet
rays for the general tonic action. Where there is a general systemic
infection as in syphilis, care for it first, otherwise no results
can be expected from the ultra-violet.
COLONOTHERAPY: Colonic irrigations are of value in helping to free
the system of waste matters.
HERBOLOGY: Peach Tree Leaves made into a tea is good, putting on
head daily. Sage is an old remedy. Nettle Leaves steeped in vinegar
for several days, filtered, with about ten per cent glycerine added
is good. Teas made of any of the following herbs are good: Boxtree,
Hounds tongue, Elmtree, Marshmallow. Also oil from Lily of the Valley.
DEFINITION: Baldness appearing
here and there over the scalp.
ETIOLOGY: Most authorities state that it is of parasitic or nervous
origin. While others state that it may be a sequence of sclerodema,
leukodema, Graves disease and lead poisoning. While others maintain
it is of mental and sexual disturbances.
SYMPTOMS: The disease is characterized by the sudden or gradual
appearance of circumscribed round patches of baldness. At first
there is no change in the appearance of the skin, but later it may
become pale and atrophied. Although the scalp is the most frequent
seat, it occasionally involves other hairy parts, as the eyebrows,
beard, etc.
PROGNOSIS: Is generally unfavorable in those whose eyebrows have
been affected and whose finger nails are cribbed with holes. Otherwise
good results have been attained in many cases.
TREATMENT: In addition to the treatment given under Baldness, the
following have been found helpful. All foci of infection must be
removed. Some recommend that the part be painted with pure phenol,
iodine, or turpentine to stimulate an hyperemia of the affected
The above treatment for Alopecia Areata in addition to the treatment
for general Alopecia have produced some fine results in many cases.
DEFINITION: Absenvce, or suppression
of menstruation. Normal before puberty. After the menopause and
during pregnancy and lactation.
Some of the more common causes for its suppression at other times
are change of climate and occupation, anemia, febrile diseases and
chronic diseases such as nephritis, tuberculosis, and diabetes.
Primary amenorrhea is where the menses have never made their appearance.
Secondary amenorrhea is where they have appeared but subsequently
Partial amenorrhea means appearing occasionally and at irregular
We are only concerned here with the secondary and partial amenorrheas.
ETIOLOGY: May be due to operations or pregnancy which the physician
should make certain of. When in doubt of the latter, see tests under
Pregnancy. Suppression may be due to benign or malignant tumors.
Suppression of Amenorrhea produced by X-rays or radium may be temporary
or permanent, it depends on dosage. Delayed or temporary Amenorrhea
may be due to general diseases or disturbance of the endocrine functions.
Some authorites state that there is a direct nervous connection
between the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands, and that the
latter may be controlled in some way by a center in that portion
of the brain. If true, then emotional states, hysteria, inhibition
of the libido, suppression, etc., will cause changes in the pituitary
that are reflected in the menstrual disturbances. Changes in climate
from warm to a cold climate just before the period or a change in
occupation may create menstrual disturbances.
TREATMENT: The treatment must be directed at the cause.
SYMPTOMS: There may be no other than the absence of menstruation
unless they are symptoms of what is causing the amenorrhea. Nervous
disorders may cause heat flashes, occasionally headache and vomiting
and some forms of hysteria. When the Amenorrhea is due to obstruction,
the patient has a continuous dull ache in the pelvis and over the
sacrum aggravated at the periods when menstruation should take place
and a profuse leucorrhea is manifested.
The general techniques of the treatment may be selected from the
CHIROPRACTIC: 1, 2 and 4.
NEUROPATHIC: Thorough lymphatic and dilation of the lower back region.
Cranial adjustment of frontal lobe, and parietals.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Sine wave, Galvanism, Diathermy, or short wave,
infra red.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot fomentations. Hot towels to abdomen.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Arnold stated that the inhibitory cells of the
Fallopian tubes and uterus which contract the cervix are chiefly
in the 2-3-4th lumbar segments and that dilator units are found
in the 3-4-5th sacrals. Then deep pressure on the sacrals and concussion
of the lumbars is in order.
PNEUMOTHERAPY: Cups on the lumbar area, two minutes, and over the
ovaries one-half minute lightly three times, one ovary at a time.
HERBOLOGY: The following herbs are applicable for infusions: Blessed
Thistle, Cotton Root, Elecampane, Ginger, Ground Pine, Milfoil,
Mugwort, Tausy, Shepherd’s Purse, Water Pepper.
A favorite treatment is to take a hot mustard bath every third night,
retiring to bed immediately. Bowels should be thoroughly opened
by a compound Senna mixture, or similar laxative, then take one
dram each of Oil of Pennyroyal, Cayenne Pepper, Extract of Peppermint,
Extract of Elder Flowers, Extract of Gentian, and heat into a uniform
mass and divide into 60 pills. One pill to be taken three times
daily under the flow commences.
DIET: No. 1 is generally sufficient with additions as the physician’s
judgment deems best. Sometimes a glass of milk between meals cana
be added for anemia associated with Amenorrhea. A glass of hot water
with teaspoonful of honey daily befoe breakfast is beneficial.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: ENDOCHINOTHERAPY: Youman states that a deficiency
of Vitamin A causes keratinization and desquamation of the normal
epithelium of the uterus and other organs. Vitamin A is then important.
For Anemia B-6, E plus and F. Three times daily. Ovarian Hormone,
Pituitary Thyro Ovarian substances have been recommended.
PSYCHIATRY: If due to emotional upsets. See pages 117-176-191 of
“The Fundamentals of Applied Psychiatry,” Lake.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Dilate anterior nasal canals. Clean out the
pharyngeal cavity. Lake Head Recoil, and break adhesions, if any,
in thyroid sinus and raise the glands.
DEFINITION: A loss of memory.
This may be from recent experiences, those subsequent to the disease,
and is termed anterograde. When it involves more remote memory stores
it is called retrograde. Amnesia is often applied to episodes during
which the patient forgets his identity though he may conduct himself
properly enough and following which no memory of the period persists.
Such episodes are often hysterical, sometimes epileptic, while trauma,
senility, alcoholism, and other organic reaction types account for
a smaller number.
ETIOLOGY: There are several types. The traumatic, toxic and psychic.
An accident, such as would fracture the skull and result in perversions
of the brain, may produce an amnesia about the accident, and about
all events before the accident.
The toxic type may be produced by auto intoxication caused by wrong
habits of living or by excessive use of alcohol and drugs.
The psychic type is a mechanism of defense against some impossible
situations in life. Shell shock on the battlefield, intolerable
home or working conditions.
TREATMENT: Of the traumatic type is largely surgical if there has
been a fracture. But injury without fracture may be rested for a
time, then suggestive therapeutics attempted. If after a reasonable
time there is no appreciable change, hypnosis could be attempted
to see if under the influence the patient would remember some of
the facts of his life, which during his waking hours were forgotten.
If he can, it shows that his memory images have not been destroyed,
but he cannot bring them to consciousness. It is thought that all
cases of Amnesia are purposeful as all people wish to forget unhappy
experiences, but we cannot accept that view. There is a true and
a spurious Amnesia, and the physician can judge much by surrounding
circumstances which is true and which is false.
A witness in a court case recently developed such strange illusions
and great falsification and incoordination of facts, that the attorney
could not use her. Two days afterward she was perfectly normal.
The toxic cases will clear up quickly as the primary cause is eliminated.
Hysterical or wandering Amnesia are psychic and need the services
of a physician versed in patience, kindliness, and trained in the
arts of psychoanalysis and suggeestive therapeutics to help the
patient orient himself to his environment. See Amnesia and Suggestive
Therapeutics in “The Principles of Applied Psychiatry,”
Pages 62, 83, Lake.
DEFINITION: A deficiency of
red blood cells, hemoglobin or both. There are several forms.
ETIOLOGY: There is always some underlying cause for Anemia to develop.
It does not just happen. Usually the cause may be found in one of
the following organs that fail to function normally: the Salivary
Glands, or an improper habit of eating; the Stomach, Intestinal,
Liver and Spleen malfunctions. Again, Thyroxin, which regulates
general metabolism, may be lacking in Vitamin C. due to defects
in the thyroid and parathyroids. Then, the diet may be lacking in
foods containing sufficient Vitamin B and Iron.
TRAUMATIC ANEMIA: Where there has been a hemorrhage is an exception
to the above etiologies, but here we will confine ourselves to the
results, not the method of traumatisms.
Because we regard Anemia as a result, or due to some underlying
abnormalities or habits, and more of a symptom than a disease in
itself, it is unnecessary to consider such terms as simple, essential,
primary and secondary types of anemia. Here we will confine ourselves
to two phases of these symptoms: Secondary Anemia and Pernicious
DEFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: The term Anemia properly includes all conditions
in which the blood is impoverished. Pernicious Anemia is a condition
characterized by oligoeythemia, or such a great deficiency of red
cells that life is seriously endangered.
ETIOLOGIES OF ANEMIA: Abnormalities of the digestive and absorptive
systems. Deficient diet. Nervous derangements. Lack of food of proper
quality of blood-building elements. Malfunctions of the stomach,
liver, spleen and intestines. Wrong sedentary habits. Imperfect
lymphatic circulation, and excessive vasomotor constriction to the
PERNICIOUS ANEMIA: All the above, but the most outstanding is megaloblastic
degeneration of the bone marrow, causing either decreased or imperfectly
formed red blood cells to be delivered to the peripheral circulation,
or some other serious infection.
SYMPTOMS: The outstanding symptoms of anemia are: Pallor of the
skin and mucous membranes, loss of strength, and in severe cases
intermittent fever. Full, rapid pulse, palpitations of the heart,
heavy pulsations in neck, some dropsy in the feet. There may be
ecchymosis and slight bleeding of the mucous membranes. Hard breathing
is an outstanding symptom. Nervousness is marked. Headache, vertigo,
disturbed sleep, slight pains are sometimes complained of. All the
symptoms mentioned above may be associated with Pernicious Anemia
with addition of symptoms of a more severe nature. Weakness and
fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations, are greatly increassed,
and when the anemia goes below the one million blood count the bleeding
becomes more evident, and the spiral nervous system perversions,
lesions and subluxations become of such a type that alterations
in the functions of the cord and fibers are very noticeable. The
skin not only has a pallor as in anemia, but is covered with a yellow
tint much in the nature of a lemon.
PROGNOSIS OF Primary Anemia is favorable, but very guarded in Pernicious
TREATMENT: In both conditions is finding and removing the cause.
NEUROPATHIC: Light lymphatic. Stimulation of the whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Kidney, Liver, Spleen and Lumbar places.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion C, 7; D, 10.
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: Rectal dilation. While this is beneficial, great
care must be taken in administration not to cause bleeding.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra Violet Ray, starting with ten-minute treatment
first day and doubling that time at each treatment until twenty
minutes are reached, having the patient on a revolving stool in
order that the whole body is covered. Short Wave, Sine Wave and
Diathermy are beneficial on all the viscera and long bones.
DIET: Varioius types of diets are recommended, some of them which
patients abhor. There is not much sense in giving patients food
they do not like. For a while a diet may consist of 50 per cent
calories, 20 per cent carbohydrates, 20 per cent vegetables and
fruits, and 10 per cent fats. Then after a week or two another blood
test can be made to see if a rise has taken place in the red blood
cells. These may be selected from food lists elsewhere in this book.
Liver, in various proportions, approximately from 16 to 20 ounces
a day, may be given in addition to the above diet. A glassful of
water with a spoonful of honey, and a half spoonful of lemon juice
three times a day is a good tonic. Vegetables and fruits containing
iron are necessary.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamins B-2, G, C, D, and E are recommended.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: This is one of the most important parts of the
treatment. The patient needs much oxygen which has an affinity for
iron, and encloses the iron in the gas units of it (the oxygen)
and carries the iron via the hemoglobin to all parts of the body
for absorption and assimilation as a nutritive element in all the
Anoxia anywhere in the body creates serious disturbances. Anoxemia
is a general condition in all anemias. Turn to your Endo-Nasal,
Aural and Allied Technique Book. Lake.
EXERCISE: Because the patient is in a weakened condition, exercises
must not be extreme. Walking is the best. Gradually at first. Three
blocks the first day, four the next, and so on until ten blocks
a day or 1 ½ miles are covered, followed by a nap for one hour.
VACUUM THERAPY: Because the blood circulation is below normal and
there is also an anemia of the spinal centers, light cupping of
the whole spine is of unusual benefit.
COLON THERAPY: Enemas should be given twice a week in view of the
large diet required in these cases.
HERBOLOGY: Herbs containing iron are selected in anemia, such as
Yellow Dock, Strawberry Leaves, Dandelion, Dock, Salep, Raisins,
Mullein Leaves, Stinging Nettle, Mustard Seed, Meadow Sweet, Parsley,
Burdock, Sorrel, etc.
A good general tonic is made from Rocky Mountain Grape, Gentian,
Marshmallow, Sacred Bark, Turtlebloom, Yellow Root, Fennel Seed,
Jamaica Ginger, Anise Seed, Thyme, Juniper Berries, Colic Root and
Bearberry Leaves. This combination has proven so helpful that Herbal
Supply Houses sell it ready-mixed.
The red corpuscles being born in the red marrow of the bone (iron
giving it its red color) and the main work it does being the gathering
of oxygen and carrying it to the body cells, herbs containing iron
are mainly indicated as iron gives energy and blood pressure. It
also gives action to the heart, liver and kidneys and alkalizes
the system. Iron nourishes the pancreas as well as the other glands.
Goat cheese is also excellent as a tonic.
DEFINITION: A starchy like degeneration
of the kidney. The kidney is enlarged from infiltraton of amyloid
substances. The amyloid is deposited in the glomeruli underneath
the epithelium of the capillaries; the capillary loops are thickened,
the lumen is obstructed and gradually the whole glomerulus is converted
into an amyloid mass.
ETIOLOGY: It is due to Vaso-constriction of the kidney segments,
preventing proper metabolism in the organ, or a subluxation of K.P.
It also may be due to syphilis, tuberculosis, etc., or a similar
degeneration in the liver and spleen. It may also be a sequence
of degenerative Brights Disease, and to a deficiency of Vitamin
SYMPTOMS: Amyloid disease of the kidneys has been occasionally found
without any renal symptoms having been present during life. The
characteristic renal symptom is albuminuria. The amount of albumin
varies considerably, from a few grams to as much as 30 to 50 grams
per liter. Hyaline and granular casts are found in the seniment;
waxy casts may also be found. The daily amount of urine varies considerably.
When there is no edema, there may be polyuria; when edema is present,
the amount of urine is diminished and the specific gravity is high.
The urine generally gives very fairly characteristic indications.
Its quantity is increased, its specific gravity is somewhat, but
not greatly, diminished, varying from 1015 down to 1005. It is usually
singularly clear and translucent, and on standing yields very little
sediment. Under the microscope may be found a few casts which are
generally broad, hyaline, fatty and granular. The amyloid reaction
may be obtained with the hyaline casts. In later stages, when degeneration
has set in, the urine becomes reduced in quantity, is mostly turbid
and then presents under the microscope the morphological signs belonging
to the degenerative processes. There are associated with this condition
of urine anemia, debility, but not often much dropsy with the characteristic
transparent and delicate complexion. There is usually degeneration
of blood; often diarrhea and vomiting. Cerebral symptoms are not
at all common. The arteries are usually soft, and the heart generally
shows very little change. Death comes by wasting, diarrhea, inflammation,
and the kindred affections of the liver and other organs.
DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis canot usually be made from the urinary
examinations alone, or from perversions and subluxations. But, if
following syphilis, tuberculosis, or chronic bone suppuration, the
urine is found to be albuminous, of low specific gravity, and increased
in quantity and the liver and spleen are enlarged, the diagnosis
of amyloid disease may be made with comparative certainty.
PROGNOSIS: This depends to a great extent upon the disease which
is the cause of the amyloid condition, but is usually very grave.
In marked cases death occurs after a period varying from several
weeks to several months.
TREATMENT: The treatment of amyloid disease is that of the original
disease of which it is a complication. It occurs in the course of
chronic suppuration somewhere in the body, chronic tuberculosis,
in the course of congenital or acquired syphilis. Hodgkin’s
disease, chronic dysentery chronic malaria, chronic gonorrhea, and
in the course of malignant tumors. The general treatment may consist
of the following:
NEUROPATHY: Thorough lymphatic of all lymph system. Dilation of
spinal segments of kidney place, and other segments as necessary.
CHIROPRACTIC: Kidney Place and other zones as indicated.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short Wave to kidneys and infra Red.
DIET: Short fast on fruit juices, then No. 2 Diet for a few days,
then alternating daily with No. 1 and No. 2 for a week. Then make
a complete examination to see if changes in diet are necessary.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: The largest element of the blood constituents
lost in this disease is Oxygen. There is usually a severe anoxia
in the lungs, kidneys, liver or spleen, or a general anoxemia. Therefore,
all of the Endo-Nasal techniques should be performed with particular
attention to the external and internal nares, and the thyroid.
HYDROTHERAPY: Is of great value. One plan has distinct value. A
hot wet towel over the kidneys liver and spleen before retiring
each night leaving on for five minutes. Other forms of hydrotherapy
can be used as indicated by etiology.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: A, B, C, D and especially E as indicated by symptoms.
DEFINITION: Dilation of an artery,
forming a sac filled with coagulated blood or serum.
It can generally be said that all aneurisms are due to conditions
that weaken the arterial walls, to increasing blood pressure. It
is more prevalent between the ages of 30 and 50, a period in which
degenerative changes are found in those who have done laborious
work without proper rest.
It affects many who are engaged in violent intermittent exercise.
Males are affected 10 to 1 in comparison with females. It is said
that the Anglo Saxon race is most frequently affected. The English
more than the American due to a greater consumption of alcohol in
England, and that it is three times as prevalent in the American
Negro as the white race.
ETIOLOGY OF TYPES: Idiopathic Aneurisms may be due to some injury
that has left a scar that has weakened the wall of the artery or
by the lodgement of an embolism.
FUSIFORM: All the walls of the blood vessel dilate more or less
equally creating a circular swelling.
SACCELATED: One due to the yielding of a weak patch on one side
of the vessel and which does not involve the entire circumference;
usually due to an injury.
DISSECTING: One in which the blood makes its way between the layers
of a blood-vessel wall, separating them.
ARTERIO-VENOUS: One in which artery and vein become connected by
a saccule following trauma or infection.
LOCATIONS: They may be located in any part of the body, often being
seen on the lower part of the radial artery just above the wrist.
But those that havc the most serious aspects and symptoms are: Aortic,
Thoracic and Arterio-Venous Aneurisms.
The Aortic Aneurism is a more or less circumscribed dilation of
the Aorta. If the whole vessel is involved in the swelling it is
termed fusiform. If it is localized and only involving a portion
of the circumference it is termed a saccular Aneurism. Rupture of
the inner wall, with a passage of blood between the other walls
is known as dissecting Aneurism. The chief cause of the aortic aneurism
is weakening of the walls by syphilitic and other infections, and
sometimes injury.
The Arterio-venous type where the artery and vein become connected
one to to the other by a saccula following trauma, or gun shot wounds.
Since the blood pressure in the artery is greater, the flow of blood
will be from the artery into the vein.
DIAGNOSIS OF ANEURISMS: Inspection may reveal a bulging with an
abnormal area of pulsation, and the skin directly over the area
slightly reddened. If inflamed, look for abscess. Palpation of the
hands will reveal a heavy pulse above the seat of the aneurism,
and then gradually taper off. The seat is at the point of the greatest
pulsation. Percussion will reveal an area of dullness around the
point. The tuning fork is of great value here to those who have
practiced with it. The Roentgen Ray also is of value in detecting
and determining the size and shape of the dilation.
Tracheal tugging is often found in aneurism of the arch of the aorta
and is due to the transmission of the aneurismal pulsations to the
left bronchus, and is detected by inclining the head and lifting
the larynx and trachea by the finger and thumb caught under the
hyoid bone.
SYMPTOMS: The aneurism forms a smooth round or oval enlargement
in the course of an artery. It is not sensitive, unless inflamed,
is not adherent to the overlying skin, but may be associated with
edema and venous congestion of the parts distal to the tumor. The
swelling has an expansive pulsation up to the time that a sufficiently
thick layer of clot forms within the sac to abolish this sign. Aneurismal
dilation may occur suddenly from traumatism or a great increase
of intravascular pressure and may be characterized by sharp pain
and rapid enlargement along the course of an artery. The sac, however
usually forms slowly and at first without pain or any other symptom.
Subjective symptoms include pain from the stretching and compression
of the aorta of nerves and the arrest of the venous or lymphatic
The pressure and erosion of bone, especially noticed in aneurisms
of the aorta, cause the characteristic boring, so-called osteopathic
pains which are usually more severe at night.
Aneurism in the skull is the rushing of arterial or venous circulation
creating headache and pressure that often leads to vomiting and
dilated pupils, with some localized palsies, which may be classified
as the main symptoms.
In the neck, the physical evidences are usually seen in the pulsations.
In the neck the situation of the tumor, expansile pulsation, and
the effect upon the distal vessels are characteristic symptoms.
In the chest the recurrent laryngeal nerve frequently is involved
with the production of rasping voice, spasm or paralysis of the
vocal cord, and brassy cough. Pressure upon the sympathetic may
produce unilateral sweating and unilateral contraction or dilation
of the pupil as well as tachycardia. Peripheral neuralgia may result
from compression of the intercostals. Compression of the phrenic
may cause dyspnea and hiccough, while pressure upon the esophagus
may result in dysphagia.
PRESSURE EFFECTS: These are especially marked in aneurisms involving
the transverse portion of the aortic arch. Dyspnea with stridulous
inspiration may result from pressure on the trachea or a bronchus.
Bloody sputa may occur from the same cause. Paroxysmal croupy cough
may be excited by pressure on the trachea or recurrent laryngeal
nerve. Hoarseness or aphonia may also result form pressure on the
recurrent laryngeal nerve. Dysphaagia may result from press ure
on the esophagus. Pain of a boring or lancinating character may
arise from pressure on adjacent nerve-trunks or bones. Attacks of
angina pectoris may occur as a result of the underlying aortitis.
Inequality of the pupils and unilateral sweating may be excited
by pressure on the sypathetic. Edema, cyanosis and enlargement of
the veins of one or the other arm may arise from pressure on or
rupture into one of the large venous trunks.
DIAGNOSIS: Mediastinal tumor may simulate aneurism, but in the former
the pulsation is not expansil, there is no diastolic shock, the
tracheal tug is usually absent, and there may be cachexia, enlargement
of superficial glands, and leukocytosis.
PULSATING EMPYEMA: A left-sided purulent effusion may transmit a
cardiac pulsation, but there is no diastolic shock, no thrill, and
no murmur. The history, moreover, will usually suggest pleurisy.
AORTIC STENOSIS: In this condition there are no evidences of a tumor,
no pressure symptoms, and no inequality in the radial pulses.
PROGNOSIS: Aneurisms of the aorta and thorax are of a very grave
nature. By proper rest, treatment and care, life may be prolonged
for many years. If death occurs from this cause, it is from rupture.
TREATMENT: There are two schools of thought besides that of surgery.
One is to slow down the circulation and bring about a clot that
will fill the sac by coagulation. The other is to keep circulation
normal and help nature repair the sac. For the former, drugs are
used to reduce cardiac frequency, and arterial pressures. The second
idea seems to the writer to be the better one. Get the circulation
normal and nature will do the healing.
NEUROPATHIC: Light lymphatic and quieting of the spinal centers
covering the area where the aneurism rests.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion. If heart and pulse are too rapid concuss
7th vertical until normal, doing so intermittently of 30 seconds
each, testing after every fourth application.
A. Abrams claims that the subsidiary center of the vaso-constrictor
nerves of the aorta is vertebra, and that by stimulation of the
center in question by concussion the normal as well as the abnormal
aorta may be brought to contraction. Ample evidence is furnished
of the latter fact in his work on spondylotherapy. The method, in
brief, which he suggests in the treatment of aortic aneurism consists
in concussion of the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra.
The writer has had some very remarkable results with this method
in thoracic and aortic cases, in acute attacks and chronic cases.
See spondylotherapy.
ELECTRO THERAPY: Short wave for three minutes directly through the
seat of the aneurism, then sine, or galvanic directly below the
aneurism to attempt to draw the infiltration away from the sac,
so that new blood can rebuild the weakened walls.
VACUUM THERAPY: Is of excellent service for lessening of pressures
in thoracic and abdominal aneurisms. For the former the cups are
put only on the back. For the latter they are used on the back first,
then beneath the affected area, followed by putting cup over the
area. Caution—cups should be put on mildly at the first treatment
and each allowed to stay in one place only a minute.
HYDROTHERAPY: In an acute attack the physician must decide which
is best to use. Hot or cold wet towels, compresses of heat or cold.
Depends on what in his judgment is necessary for the time being.
EXERCISES: It is best for the patient to rest most of the time,
yet some movement is imperative. A slow raising of the arms upward,
and slow throwing of the head backward, then bringing them back
to normal, will aid in releasing pressures.
DEFINITION: An acute suppurative
process beginning in the submaxillary region which may spread to
all the mouth and pharynx to an alarming degree.
ETIOLOGY: Careless throat and mouth hygiene. Infections, extractions
of teeth, caries, trauma and ulcerations.
SYMPTOMS: The onset is sudden beginning as a hard painful swelling
in the submaxillary region, which may run a mild course for days
and then suddenly assume an alarming character, because the swelling
of the parts interferes with respiraton and the swallowing of nourishment.
The temperature and pulse are very often comparatively low.
PROGNOSIS: Grave when respiration is interfered with extensively,
after twenty-four hours of the onset. Very favorable otherwise.
TREATMENT: Neuropathy and Chiropractic same as in Vincent’s
Angina which follows:
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot compresses, local antiseptics or oral hygiene.
DENTAL CARE of abscessed or impacted teeth. Oxygen inhalations.
Endo-Nasal Therapy if possible.
(Trench Mouth)
DEFINITION: An acute infectious
inflammation involving the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth.
The disease may be associated with diphtheria, syphilis, or streptococcus
or staphylococcus infection.
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms are usually those of subacute pharyngitis,
unless mixed infection is present. Headache and general malaise,
with a temperature up to 102 or 5, may be present. The breath is
foul, the throat painful when swallowing and there is generally
some swelling of the submaxillary glands.
PROGNOSIS: The prognosis, where no mixed infection is present is
good, the symptoms abating in three or four days, although some
redness of the pharyngeal mucous membrane may persist for many days.
In cases of mixed infection the severity of the symptoms depends
upon the character of the mixed infection.
TREATMENT: Two things are necessary. 1, to give relief from pain.
2, To remove the cause. Hydrotherapy is the main reliance in the
painful aspects. Thorough cleansing of the mouth with antiseptics.
Hydrogen Peroxide, diluted one-half with distilled water may be
used. Ice pellets dissolved in the mouth help some. Hot compresses
are excellent for pain and congestion.
NEUROPATHY: A thorough lymphatic for drainage purposes, with special
attention to the liver and axillary segments of the lymph system.
The cervical lymphatic can be mild at first, then heavier.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of condyle cervical, L. and K places.
COLONOTHERAPY: Bowels should be thoroughly cleaned out.
PSYCHIATRY: Patients are apt to become despondent and the physician
will need to exercise the art of hopeful suggestive therapeutics.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY when acute stage is passed, then all techniques
can be used.
MEDICAL PROCEDURE: In complicated cases local treatment consists
in the application of a solution of nitrate of silver (2 to 4 percent).
The patient should apply to his throat, as a home treatment, the
spray from an atomizer containing ½ to 1 per cent sulphate
of copper. A mild quarantine had perhaps better be observed until
the throat clears up. In the more severe forms of mixed infection
the internal treatment is similar to that of phlegmonous pharyngitis.
When pseudomembrane or ulcerations are present, the parts should
be cleansed and Loeffler’s solution applied once or twice
a day by means of a cotton-tipped applicator. Neosalvarsan is useful
in all diseases caused by spirilla. The remedy may be injected as
in the treatment for syphilis, or a 3 per cent solution applied
to the ulcers and pseudomembrane of severe Vincent’s angina.
When local treatment fails, injections of the arsenicals are indicated
but not prolonged. If tonsils do not clear up, tonsillectomy is
Angina Pectoris
DEFINITION: Paroxysms of pain
associated with sclerosis of the coronary arteries and degeneration
of the myocardium. Early known as stenocardia breast pang.
ETIOLOGY: It is largely due to predisposing arteriosclerosis which
may be an inherited condition. Emotional upsets due to prolonged
anxiety may produce predisposing causes, or any of the causes that
produce arteriosclerosis.
SYMPTOMS: Pain and oppression, about the heart; a paroxysmal affection
characterized by severe pain radiating from the heart to the shoulder,
thence down the arm, or rarely from the heart to the abdomen; apparently
dependent upon some lesion of the coronary arteries of the heart,
its walls or valves. Attacks may occur in lesions of the aortic
valves. Generally afflicts males of middle age. The attacks are
usually excited by strong emotion, muscular effort, exposure to
cold, indigestion.
When the pain is extremely severe in the region of the heart there
is great anxiety, fear of approaching death, and fixation of the
body, face pale, livid, brow bathed in sweat. Dyspnea often noted;
pulse variable, usually tense and quick. Attack lasts from a few
seconds to several minutes.
PROGNOSIS: Always of grave import. Sudden death may occur at any
time. In the false type, characteristic of hysterical men and women
death never occurs, and they recover quickly when they get the pity
or favor they crave.
TREATMENT: Treatment should be directed largely at the constitutional
cause, but also to the relief of pain. The pain is explained by
James MacKenzie as a sensory reflex due to irritation of the 1st,
2nd, and 3rd dorsal nerves, and also the 8th cervical nerves, and
the sense of restriction to reflex stimulation of the intercostal
nerves. These reflexes often cause complete numbness after an attack
of pain, and sometimes vomiting, or a sharp movement of the bowels,
which brings great relief to those who have the eliminative sequels.
During an attack of severe pain, something is necessary to dilate
the arterioles. The vaso-constrictors are over active, and the heart
and neighboring arteries are not getting enough nourishment to carry
on their functions.
Abrams recommends at this period a concussion of all the lower dorsals
to induce a heart reflex of dilation. It is seldom the patient has
an attack in the physician’s office and it becomes necessary
that the patient be instructed what to do in emergencies. If the
arterioles can be quickly dilated the pain usually eases, and the
patient can continue to take his treatments in the office to eliminate
toxemia and to correct the nervous system.
Several methods are suggested for the relief of pain. Heat over
the back, and chest with wet towels has helped some. Raising the
arms up over the head, has been known to give some relief. If the
physician is called out of his office and has a portable diathermy
or short wave they are of great value. The patient may be instructed
to carry an emergency supply of Amyl nitrate pearls which can be
crushed in a handkerchief, in cotton or placed in the bottom of
a glass tumbler and inhaled. If Nitroglycerin becomes necessary,
this writer has always preferred that a Medical practitioner consult
with him before such a prescription is given. Routine constitutional
treatments are for avoidance of future attacks of pain, and removal
of the causes creating the Angina.
NEUROPATHY: Light lymphatic on the first treatment, and stimulation
of the cervicals and dorsals.
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: Rectal dilations with the finger, gentle pulling
upward downward and laterally for a few minutes, has been found
helpful in many cases.
COLON THERAPY: If there is constipation of any degree, colonics
until freedom is attained.
ELECTROTHERAPEUTICS: Short Wave or Diathermy. One electrode on spine
over the dorsals, and the other along the course, if the pain is
noticed on the anterior portion of the body. Blood pressure may
rise at first, then fall. But, if the blood pressure continues to
rise, and reaches a constant point with no fall-back to the mean
at which the treatments began then the treatments must be given
with a weaker current. The physician should check the blood pressure
before giving the treatments, and every three minutes during the
treatment. In this way he can avoid, in a large measure, attacks
of pain while giving the treatment. The treatments can run from
five minutes to twenty minutes. It is best to start with a short
treatment, then build up gradually to the longer duration. In this
manner treatments can be given three times a week.
Recently we heard an M.D. say that in cases with hypertension, the
surest way to give relief was by electrical auto condensation, and
that in hypotension, the circulation was increased by putting sunlight
on the feet, at the same time putting short wave electrodes on spine
and over the heart. We are now giving this a trial, but it is too
early to make a definite report, yet, the method does seem to have
produced some favorable results.
ULTRA-VIOLET RAY: Patient sitting on revolving stool, and rays directed
to upper portion of the body. The first portion to be exposed is
the spine, then every two minutes patient is turned so the shoulder
is exposed then the chest and then the other shoulder. This rotation
can be continued on an average of ten to twenty minutes per treatment.
CAUTION: The patient should never be left alone for any length of
time during electrical treatments of this kind.
DIET: First day or two, Diet No. 2 can be given with variations
in the fruit juices. If the patient does not object, a fast of a
day or two on fruit juices may be found helpful. But, if it worries
the patient, not much good will be accomplished. Heavy meals at
one time are out of order, because they cause flatulency and bring
on attacks. The writer has found it best to outline from Diet No.
1 and Diet No. 2, a program for eating six times a day for those
who worry and finds that in this way the patient can gradually train
himself in better dietetic habits.
HYDROTHERAPY: Cold baths of any nature are contraindicated. Hot
towels to chest and back may be applied as often as convenient.
One case we remember in particular of a farmer who could not get
to the doctor’s office, but whose wife applied the hot towels
faithfully morning, noon and night for three months, was relieved
in a short time of severe attacks, and up to this time has had no
recurrence after a period of five years. He was told to stop smoking
tobacco and drinking of liquor. He said he would give one up but
not the two. Liquor was dropped, but continuous smoking went on
throughout his life. His daily toil was lightened by agreement not
to lift anything that would weigh over fifty pounds. All working
together on a compromose basis found the outcome very satisfactory.
PSYCHIATRY: The best thing the writer can do here, is to refer the
reader to Alvarez: “Nervousness, Indigestion and Pain.”
Pages 24, 174 and 409. And to “The Principles of Applied Psychiatry.”
Pages 118 to 122. Lake.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Garlic for hypertension. High B for Hypotension
and C.
HERBOLOGY: The following may be considered:
If the pain and oppression in the region of the heart is from a
weak heart, Skull Cap and Golden Seal is indicated. If from an enlarged
heart Bitter Candy Tuft is good, so is Bugleweed (Lycopus) as it
relieves the difficult and oppressed breathing. For Palpitation
Skull Cap, Valerian and Tansy is indicated. Snow Berry will increase
the heart action while Sheep Laurel will act as a sedative. Mexican
Fever Plant is good for organic trouble, and Motherswort is a nervine
and heart tonic.
Heart trouble being a result of toxic condition of the blood stream
a general blood purifier should be used, such as Sarsaparilla, Yellow
Dock, Bitter Dock and Stillingia or this combination, Sarsaparilla,
Quassia Chips, Senna Leaves, Licorice Root and Yellow Dock.
MISCELLANEOUS: It is probably not necessary to say that the patient
should try to live a regular life, especially relative to sleeping.
The patient should not be ordered to bed at a certain hour, but
allowed to discover himself, just whether he can get along the next
day without fatigue on six or eight hours sleep. When he finds the
required number of hours, then he should have sense enough to make
it a habit. Regular habits of eating, relaxing, sleeping are the
best healing agencies for this condition.
DEFINITION: Here we will define
and limit its discussion to a lack of appetite for food without
any organic disease or known explainable cause.
ETIOLOGY: In children it is due to tensions, hysteria, or melancholia.
The writer recalls a boy actually starving himself without any apparent
reason. Having gained his confidence we learned that his mother,
a few years previous, had been a food crank and had told him that
certain foods had no value, and they were the very foods that the
boy liked, but, she insisted on his eating what he did not like,
until his nerves were shocked by continuous quarreling, and a lasting
rebellion was aroused in the boy.
In the older people, Anorexia may be due to either hysteria, or
psychasthenia. The types of hysteria may be of the anxiety nature,
and the mechanism of protection may pass into conversion hysteria.
While the psychasthenia may partake of the compulsive nature due
to a complication of the paranoid element of dementia precox. See
chapters 3 and 4. “The Fundamentals of Applied Psychiatry.”
There are a great many other causes for this disturbance of appetite:
anemia, cancer, alcoholism, drug addiction, constipation, nephritis,
nicotine, or caffeine in excess, improper feeding, excessive carbohydrates,
sweets. Too much milk over a long period of time. Great deficiency
of vitamin B, with intestinal atony and diminished peristalsis.
Ptosis of abdominal organs. But in general, the origin of Anorexia
is due to a nervous condition largely of psychic origin, which may
bring on a type of indigestion at the sight of food, by an over-activity
of the vaso-constrictor nerves originating in the brain centers.
SYMPTOMS: The first objective symptom of anorexia nervosa is the
loss of appetite. The second is the loss of weight, then listlessness
and a general lack of interest. If food is forced there is belching
and sometimes vomiting. It is about this time that the physician
is consulted, and the patient is fully confirmed in his or her attitude
regarding foods. Fatal cases have been reported, and autopsies have
revealed no organic pathology.
PROGNOSIS: Generally good.
TREATMENT: When alterations in appetite are so great, that there
is danger of a serious pathological condition, the physician should
try to find the cause, and treat accordingly. But a general treatment
may be as follows:
Another of a boy who, for some reason had taken a dislike for food.
A few hours fishing trip and an explanation that good food was necessary
for him; out in the open, and watching the writer eat a sandwich
and some ice cream, soon made his mouth water, and he ate plenty
and has since. His mother had to be cautioned not to try to force
foods on him that he did not like.
Temporary Anorexia may be due to autointoxication, especially of
the intestines. Colontherapy is sufficient to relieve that condition.
TREATMENT: NEUROPATHY. Light general lymphatic. Dilation of whole
CHIROPRACTIC: Stomach, Atlas Places and other places as needed.
MASSAGE: Light massage of whole body may be helpful.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Treat to enhance the sense of smell. See “Sense
of Smell in Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques.” Lake.
PSYCHIATRY: Psychoanalysis on the question side, rather than free
association. See both methods “Principles of Applied Psychiatry”
Lake. Pages 124 to 128. For the treatment of children see page 169.
Suggestion is of paramount importance. The writer recalls an elderly
lady who was gradually slipping away, that he took for an automobile
ride one day and ascertained the reason why she would not eat was
due to the idea that since her daughter-in-law was always picking
at her, and son and husband about their table manners, she, the
old lady, got the notion into her head that the daughter-in-law
was, in a round about way, taking a back-handed slap at her. Upon
questioning we also found out that this elderly lady had, as a child,
been scolded continually for bad table manners which left a fixation
neurosis against any rules of conduct at the table. The fresh air
of the ride, and a little persuasion was enough to get her to eat
a very hearty meal, with a little soda, to prevent indigestion.
All was well, after a secret talk with the daughter-in-law.
Anxiety Neurosis
DEFINITION: A functional disease
in which fear (or the somatic evidence of fear) is the essential
part of the picture. A symptomatic fear state can be differentiated
by recognizing primary disease such as thyrotoxicosis. Fear may
exist consciously, or present a group of somatic symptoms not recognized
for what they are; in fact, even denied as representing anxiety.
Ordinarily, fear as a response to an environmental threat is quite
conscious, it may be equally conscious without the patient having
the slightest insight as to the causation. Fear may be an emotional
correlate of organic brain disease; it is outstanding in certain
toxic states (notably delirium tremens), may co-exist with depression,
and occur as night-waves. Anxiety neurosis is manifested when an
intact personality without organic disease, during clear consciousness,
complains of palpitation, heart-pain, dyspepsia, cold, sweating,
tremulous extremities, constriction of the throat hand-like pressure
about the head among other symptoms. Often these are interpreted
as meaning regional disease. The real significance is a feeling
of inadequacy in meeting some situation; e.g., a tempting situation
which is so completely repressed as to be totally unacceptable to
the patient as of significance. Homosexuality is such a frustrated
impulse that may lead not only to an anxiety state but to the much
more intense picture of panic-psychotic terror.
TREATMENT: Correction of all physical disorders. Then psychiatry.
Turn to the Fundamentals of Applied Psychiatry, Lake, p. 118.
DEFINITION: A loss of power
of comprehending, speaking or writing words, due to cerebral perversions.
ETIOLOGY and DIAGNOSIS: Pure aphasia is due to a perversion of the
foot of the third left frontal lobe. If the perversion occupies
but a portion of the region the aphasia may be partial only.
Aphasia must be distinguished from aphonia. The latter condition
is an inability to utter sounds, a power not lost in aphasia, moreover,
aphonia is generally dependent upon some abnormality of the larynx
or of the nerves leading thereto.
Perversions that may produce aphasia are manifold; the most important
are: Tumor, gumma, abscess, depressed fracture, embolism, thrombus,
or softening in the localities that correspond to the various forms
of aphasia. In right-handed subjects the lesion is on the left side
of the brain; in left-handed it may, however, be on the right side.
Aphasia is not always due to organic disease; it may occur as a
transient condition in congestion of the brain, in sudden fright,
in convalescence of fevers, in migraine, after epileptic seizures,
and in hysteria. This depends entirely on the cause. After apoplexy
the prognosis should be guarded. In cerebral softening it is absolutely
unfavorable. When aphasia develops in the young, the outlook is
much more hopeful.
SYMPTOMS: Patient comprehends, but is unable to express himself
in words. Entire loss of voice is not common.
Divided into motor and sensory types, each of these are divided
into cortical and subcortical, according to whether the perversion
is in the center itself or in the tracts communicating with the
Sensory Aphasia is further classified as visual, and Auditory Aphasia.
MOTOR APHASIA: This is an inability to express thought in words.
When the perversion is in the third frontal convolution (cortical
motor aphasia) the power of silent talking and reading are lost
as well as that of articulate speech. When the perversion is in
the adjacent tracts which transmit speech impulses to the articulatory
muscles (subcortical motor aphasia), the power of articulation alone
is lost. This is the most common form of aphasia.
SENSORY APHASIA: This is an inability to understand printed or written
words (visual aphasia or word-blindness), or to understand spoken
words (auditory aphasia or word-deafness). The lesion is in the
angular gyrus, where visual word memories are stored, or in the
first temporal convolution, where auditory word memories are stored,
or in one of the incoming (subcortical) tracts of special sense.
In cortical visual aphasia the patient cannot read aloud or to himself,
nor can he write spontaneously or from dictation. In subcortical
visual aphasia the patient can write spontaneously and from dictation,
but he canot read what is written by himself or others.
In cortical auditory deafness the patient cannot understand spoken
words or write from dictation. Not being able to comprehend his
own speech he misplaces words or talks unintelligently. In subcortical
aphasia the patient though word deaf, can speak spontaneously, read
aloud, and write.
TREATMENT: Since aphasia is a symptom and not a disease, it is necessary
to determine its cause and to treat this. If it is due to a cerebral
thrombosis, embolus, or hemorrhage the indications are to treat
that condition. If due to tumor, the latter must be removed, if
possible. General treatment may be as follows:
NEUROPATHY: General lymphatic and dilation treatment. Neuropathic
cranial techniques for opening of the frontal lobe sutures. This
is preceded by opening of the facial sutures.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: All techniques necessary for proper intake of
air and oxygen.
See Techniques in “Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques”
— Lake.
CHIROPRACTIC: C1, 4. D 1 to 6.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concuss C1 to 3 and 4 to 7.
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: Rectal dilations.
SURGERY: An X-Ray picture should be made in all these cases to avoid
overlooking of possible injuries and fractures. Injury to the skull,
especially when there is depression of the inner plate, tumors,
cerebral hemorrhage, and other conditions capable of inducing cerebral
pressure, requires appropriate surgical procedures.
DIET: If any tumors exist the possibilities of the grape cure should
have attention.
COLONTHERAPY: Enemas or colonics weekly.
PSYCHIATRY: A psychophysiological method of speech re-education
is necessary. To reteach the motor acts of articulation, the writer
favors the method which aims to restore the memory of sounds and
the association between visual and auditory (word) impressions,
beginning with individual syllables—some of which the patient
can still articulate—and later building up polysyllabic words.
The method is useful also where the usual method is inapplicable
because of weakened intellection and attention, also the method
is useful where the usual method is inapplicable. The person should
be taught to write with the left hand and kept at it until by practice
the movements of the left hand become instinctive as those of the
right hand were before the attack of aphasia. The left-handed man
Aphonia, Hoarseness
DEFINITION: Loss of voice.
ETIOLOGY: Among the most common causes are the following: Organic
disease of the larynx—inflammation, neoplasms, cicatricial
stenosis. Centric paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerves, as
in bulbar palsy. Peripheral paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal
nerves caused by pressure of an aneurysm, mediastinal tumor, or
pericardial effusion. Hysteria. The lodgment of foreign bodies.
Prolonged use of the voice. Excessive smoking, many colds, nasal
seepage from cranial catarrh, sinusitis, childhood diseases, mechanical
defects, etc.
SYMPTOMS: They are too apparent to review here.
TREATMENT: The specific treatment must be on the primary cause.
General treatment may be as follows:
NEUROPATHY: Thorough lymphatic of the lymph vessel of the neck and
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the 4th to 6th Dorsal.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short wave or diathermy, with a pad on each side
of the larynx is helpful. Infra-red applications may be given as
often as indicated. Quartz light, applied through a special applicator
to the larynx every other day, produces a slight erythema which
is of decided value.
HYDROTHERAPY: Gargle with spoonful each of lemon juice and water
twice a day. Gargle with pure pineapple juice. Hot or cold compresses.
Ice cubes dissolved in the mouth have helped many.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: This is the treatment par excellence if there
is not a malignant growth. Stretch and clean out the pharyngeal
cavity. Then massage the affected laryngeal spaces. The technique
for the laryngeal area is as follows: After washing hands thoroughly,
dip finger covered by finger cot into cold water; now slide the
finger down the side of the mouth until it reaches the root or base
of the tongue, then quickly slide finger over to the middle of the
tongue. (Get one pressure on finger and maintain it all through
the operation; if air gets under finger, patient will gag.) Now,
with your finger in middle of the tongue, move the finger backward
until you reach the epiglottis. Your finger is now in the valleculae,
one on either side of the glossoepiglottic fold. Now massage right
and left and up and down five or six times. When you are withdrawing
your finger, pull the tongue upward and outward. Many abnormal conditions
in the larynx are due to ptosis of the tongue.
For anemia, enervation or congestion, this operation puts the tissues
in place, and creates a freer circulation of blood fluids around
the area. Some authorities have suggested using two fingers to perform
this operation, one on each side of the mouth. We leave this to
the discretion of the individual practitioner.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamin B1 and what is necessary for the cause.
DEFINITION: Hemorrhage into
the brain or spinal cord.
ETIOLOGY: All causes that lead to diseases of the Arterial system,
such as gout, syphilis, alcoholism, sclerosis, nephritis, high vascular
tension and cardiac hypertrophy.
SYMPTOMS: PREMONITORY: Headache, dizziness, disturbance of vision,
tinnitius aurium, insomnia, tremor, epistaxis, thickness of speech,
loss of memory, and a sensation of tingling and numbness of the
affected side. Vomiting is a common symptom, preceding the attack.
Unconsciousness is measured by the degree of the hemorrhage, as
also is the paralysis. In grave cases, the beginnings of paralysis
can be detected while the patient is in the comatose state. While
in some of the milder cases the paralysis and unconsciousness are
absent or of short duration. If the hemorrhage is in the usual location,
the internal capsule, and has not been very copious, the clot loses
its color, shrinks, and is finally absorbed, and the damaged cerebral
fibers are replaced by connective tissue, which contract and form
a scar.
EXTENSIVE HEMORRHAGE is followed by great changes and extends in
the direction in which the affected nerve transmits impulses toward
the periphery. After an extensive lesion or perversion of the internal
capsule, secondary degeneration of the motor tracts begins and may
be traced by the fingers downward along the spinal column by the
soft, lifeless condition of the muscles in the gutter of the spine.
If the attack proves fatal, the patient does not come out of the
state of unconsciousness and death ensues from a few hours to within
from one to three days.
PROGNOSIS: It can be said that prognosis is always uncertain. But,
if the attack is not fatal, there is always a danger of recurrence
as long as the original causes remain.
TREATMENT: The head should be elevated, and an ice cap applied to
the carotid sinus, or on the side of the neck or head where the
hemorrhage has taken place. Venesection may be called for if there
are indications of regular, strongly acting heart and an especially
strong pulse. The above should be done only after a consultation.
Whatever measures that will have a tendency of the blood to clot
are in order.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Large doses of Vitamin K seem to be gaining favor,
due to a decrease in prothrombin in the blood. Quietness is absolutely
Physical treatment, if any is required at all, may consist of downward
light strokes with the hands to the cervical region, and down the
back and on the limbs to prevent, if possible, any great degree
of paralysis. As a catharsis, 1 to 3 drops of Croton Oil in a little
glycerin or olive oil can be placed back of the tongue. Retention
of the urine can be relieved by the catheter. If feeding becomes
necessary after a lapse of a few days, it can be given by the rectum.
The physician will recognize that not much more can be done until
consciousness is restored, and the patient must be kept in bed for
several weeks, then measures introduced to remove the causes can
be instituted and also to prevent any further spread of the paralysis.
See Hempheligia and Paralysis.
Appendicitis, Acute and Chronic
DEFINITION: Inflammation of
the vermiform appendix, generally occurring between the ages of
five and twenty, very rarely before the fifth year or after the
fiftieth. It is more common in male adults than in female adults.
The disease may be acute, subacute, or chronic.
SYMPTOMS: Any or all of the following may be present:
Abdominal pain, usually severe and generally throughout the abdomen,
followed by nausea and vomiting. Localization of pain in the right
lower quadrant of abdomen with tenderness and rigidity over right
rectus muscle or McBurney’s point. Fever usually rises within
several hours, 99 degrees F. to 101 degrees F. Pulse increases with
temperature. Patient lies on back with right lower extremity flexed
to relieve muscle tension. Leucocytosis present shortly after onset.
In mild cases symptoms begin to subside on the second day, but in
more severe cases there might be a cessation of pain indicating
that the appendix has ruptured. After a few hours a well-defined
abscess may be felt in the right iliocecal region showing that nature
has walled off the affected area.
In the subacute or chronic, which may or may not follow an acute
attack, there is a constant ache in McBurney’s point, and
some gastric indigestion which may simulate a gastric ulcer, duodenal
ulcer or gall bladder disease.
Pain or ache in McBurney’s point, in those whose appendix
has been removed, may be due to adhesions, hernia, or ulcers.
Adhesions can be detected by palpation and the tuning fork. Ulcers
by the warmth or heat of the hand, and the symptoms of ulcers, and
hernias by the ptosis and hardness of the lump.
ETIOLOGY: Appendicitis is more common in males than in females.
It is most frequent between the fifteenth and thirtieth years. Exposure,
errors in diet, intestinal catarrh, traumatism, and the lodgment
in the appendix of fecal concretions or foreign bodies predispose
to the disease. It may follow some infection, as typhoid fever,
influenza, or tuberculosis. It may be induced by twisting of the
Excessive vaso-constriction from the lumbar segments, which are
found to be constricted and tender to the touch, are among the causes
of appendicitis.
In the vast majority of cases the etiology can be traced to long-standing
forms of constipation.
TREATMENT: Acute Appendicitis. All foods and purgatives are prohibited
during the attack. Hot or cold wet towels are applied to the abdomen
according to the reactions of the patient. Low enema may be given.
Thirst being quenched with ice pellets, or rinsing the mouth with
cold water. Counter-irritation has been found by the writer to be
of great value. Put a vacuum cup on the left inguinal region, exactly
opposite to the appendix. Inflate very mildly at first, using one
cup at a time, leaving on one minute, then follow the course of
the descending colon, across the transverse and down the ascending
colon to the appendix. If, by this time, the patient can tolerate
the cups, the process can be repeated, inflating the cups a little
Adjustment of the second lumbar or Neuropathic hard pressure on
the 10th dorsal has been of great help in many cases.
All, or any of the above methods have been successful in nearly
all cases of acute conditions.
For those who have doubts, Riley makes the following statement to
which the writer concurs.
“We are sometimes asked the question of what we would do if
pus has formed in the appendix. This is easily answered. Let it
be noted that there is a slight opening into the cecum from the
appendix. If pus forms in the colon, it will usually, at the right
time under proper treatment, following the line of least resistance,
pass into the colon, and on out with the discharges from the bowels.
“Should there be a refusal to obey this law of least resistance,
there would be an absorption of the matter back into the system,
giving the kidneys an added work to do. This may throw some poison
into the system, but the kidneys, under the treatment the spinal
therapist may give, will be equal to the task of elimination, and
an operation will be saved.
“Should there be a discharge into the pelvic region through
a bursting that way, it may be remembered that the system, under
good conditions, will be able to absorb great quantities of pus,
and throw it off through the kidneys and the other eliminative organs.
“Of course, after all, there may occasionally arise some case
that is too far gone, where adhesions may be hard to overcome, or
some other complication be such as cannot be surmounted, but it
will be very rarely, indeed, that any absolute necessity will arise
under careful treatment that will require an operation.”
GENERAL TREATMENT: When the acute condition has passed, any or all
of the following techniques may be used.
NEUROPATHY: Complete lymphatic and dilation of the nerve segments.
NOTE: If there is a sacroiliac slip and reset.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the tenth dorsal.
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: Rectal dilations.
HYDROTHERAPY: Whichever gives the most relief. The majority get
relief quicker from hot compresses and hot fomentations.
COLONTHERAPY: Graduated colonics from low to high, once a week for
a period of six weeks.
BODY MECHANICS: If there is a ptosis, an elastic belt, about five
inches high in front, and seven inches high in back, is very helpful.
VITAMINOTHERAPY AND DIET: At present no specific has been found
for appendicitis per se. But B with Bile Salts is considered to
be of value with a bland diet, and nicotinic acid may also be considered.
ELECTROTHERAPY: When acute stage is passed then Sine Wave or Galvanic
treatments can be given along the whole outline of the intestinal
tract for stimulative purposes.
VACUUM THERAPY: Follow procedure as found under Acute Appendicitis.
HERBOLOGY: If not acute, just discomfort in lower right section
of abdomen, take a cup of Timothy Seed, obtainable at any feed store,
and pour on a quart of boiling water; then let boil for a couple
of minutes, strain, sweeten preferably with honey and drink while
hot. Can be taken cold, but is not as effective.
In acute cases, use enemas of a quart of plain water every two hours,
lying on back or knee-chest position; hot applications over entire
abdomen (not just over appendix) to encourage better circulation
of blood and assist in draining lymphatics. Add half dozen or more
drops of spirits of turpentine on each hot application cloth; when
cloth is cool, put on another keeping up for hours until entirely
relieved, as this disperses pus that is forming.
If, after the passing of the first acute attack considerable pain
and some vomiting continues, the advisability of an appendectomy
should be considered. But, it is wise for the physician to always
remember that appendicitis is a disease of the young and is rare
after fifty. This caution will save the physician embarrassment
if, during an appendectomy he should be found wrong. Neuropathic
minor surgery can be considered very seriously.
J. Montgomery Deaver, M.D., states that “No form of medical
treatment, dietetic, hygienic or any other mode yet devised can
eradicate the disease.” He also states that “some may
have one or more attacks and get over them, but in that time extension
of the pathology which will have far reaching consequences.”
Naturally, he states that there are contraindications to operations
when senility, cardiac weakness or systemic disease are present.
But, on the whole, in a true case of appendicitis, medical practice
does not ask whether to operate, but when to operate; and, operation
is, by the medical profession, claimed to be the surest method of
eradicating the disease.
Arthritis Deformans
DEFINITION: An inflammation
of an entire joint, that begins in the synovial membrane and in
the acute stage involves the capsule, cartilages and if not arrested,
the bones.
ETIOLOGY: It may occur at any age, but is more common after middle
life. One of the first signs of Atrophic Arthritis is bone atrophy
which may be due to avitamosis of vitamins A, B, C and D. It may
and may not have any relationship to Rheumatism or Gout.
It is not known just exactly what causes this condition, but the
consensus of opinion now is that local infections of the teeth,
tonsils, ears and nose may be given a large place in the etiology.
In many cases the disease can be definitely associated with some
local infection, such as tonsillitis, otitis media, pyorrhea alveolaris,
dental abscesses, cystitis, gonorrhea, intrapelvic suppuration or
an infected wound.
Enfeeblement of the general health from mental strain, over-work,
unsanitary conditions, over-eating, constipation, etc., may be contributory
SYMPTOMS; When the disease is in the acute form it is like rheumatism,
there is pain, swelling and impaired mobility in the region affected.
Then, signs of structural changes, producing rigidity, crepitation
on movement and deformity with luxations of the bones.
Monarticular Form — This form occurs chiefly in old persons,
and usually affects either the hip or shoulder. The symptoms are
persistent pain, impaired mobility, and muscular atrophy.
Spondylitis Deformans — This term is applied to arthritis
deformans of the spine; other joints may or may not be involved.
The chief symptoms are pain in the back or in the limbs, especially
the legs; limitation of motion, and ultimately extreme stiffness
or fixation of the spine (“poker-spine”), exaggerated
reflexes, gradual muscular wasting, and, in some cases, changes
in the spinal curve or undue prominence of the spine. The X-Ray
picture is a valuable aid to diagnosis. The disease is a common
cause of sciatica and lumbago.
Heberden’s Nodes — These are small nodules at the sides
of the terminal phalanges of the fingers; they are not often painful;
they are sometimes the sole expression of mild arthritis deformans,
but they apparently occur also in gout.
PROGNOSIS: A stubborn condition that requires long attention and
treatment. Find cause and remove if possible.
NEUROPATHIC: All of these cases show a lymphatic stasis and vasoconstriction
in and to the areas affected. The liver can generally be found congested.
A thorough lymphatic including Hunter’s Canal is in order;
along with a complete vaso-dilation.
CHIROPRACTIC: Local zones, kidney and liver places.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Fever therapy has many advocates. Short-Wave, Diathermy,
Infra-Red fomentations, and Ultra-Violet are helpful. Infra-Red
is excellent for pain.
EXERCISES: It is the general, accepted opinion that patients with
arthritis should be at rest all the time. We sharply disagree with
that opinion. We have found that the majority of those who have
light employment and good sanitary surroundings should continue
their employment, and all others to do some work to prevent complete
rigidity of the part or parts. Certain little tricks can be devised
to keep the joints flexible. A ball can be rolled in the hands for
finger exercise.
DIET AND VITAMINOTHERAPY: The diet should consist of a minimum of
carbohydrates, and, if possible the Salisbury Steak regime started.
See under “Special Diets.” The specific Vitamin is D,
but it is found that A, B, and C is also required in the majority
of cases; also, viosteral and Calciferol all in large units.
STRAPPING: Strapping painful joints or replaced joints may be applied
for support. Atrophic Arthritis of spine, hips and legs, may need
a brace or belt to aid in the adjustment of the mechanics of those
HYDROTHERAPY: The Borax and Washing Soda bath. Hot fomentations
to the parts. Epsom Salts Baths Compresses to the parts will all
produce a vaso-dilation.
Drinking of mineral waters, and lemon diluted, are helpful in maintaining
an Acid-alkaline balance.
VACUUM CUPPING: It is possible sometimes to drain the joints by
the use of the Vacuum cups, followed by Neuropathic minor surgery.
The cups, in all cases, can be applied to the whole spinal column
for stimulation purposes.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: These cases usually have a more or less anoxemia,
and tests should be made to determine the degree. If below 35% the
process will be long drawn out with the average patient. The external
and internal nares should be thoroughly cleaned out, and the thyroid
and parathyroids released from adhesions and raised up into the
thyroid sinuses. A very interesting theory is expounded in relation
to the parathyroids and adrenals. That blood hunger for calcium
has drawn excessive amounts from the bones, and the blood hunger
was so great that the parathyroids could not, in conjunction with
the adrenals, control the quantity. This overflow contains only
a small proportion of calcium tht is assimilable in the blood stream
and the residue finds lodgment in the joints, resulting in inflammation
and deformity. This theory has a large basis in fact, because Endo-Nasal
Therapy seems to shorten the periods of recovery.
COLONOTHERAPY: A clean intestinal tract is essential when treatments
are given for this condition.
MASSAGE: Gentle massage of the parts is always in order. When there
is pain the massage can be given with the parts immersed in hot
DEFINITION: A degeneration and
a hardening of the walls of the arteries, capillaries or veins,
due to chronic inflammation and resulting in fibrous tissue formation.
ETIOLOGY: See under “Neuropathy. Section—Examination
of Heart and Blood Vessels.” The main cause is excessive vaso-motor
constriction to the walls of the arteries. Contributory causes can
be, a process of old age, syphilis, alcoholism, over-eating, over-work,
lead and intestinal toxins, kidney diseases, nervous infections
and disturbances of the adrenals and parathyroids. Any of the foregoing
may be contributing factors.
SYMPTOMS: These vary with extent and distribution of the sclerosis.
If the process is general, it may be recognized by rigidity, and
tortuosity of the accessible arteries, increasing pallor, and a
gradual loss of physical and mental vigor. An increase of blood-pressure,
accentuation of the aortic second sound, and signs of enlargement
of the heart, especially of the left ventricle, are also commonly
present, but are often absent in the senile and syphilitic forms
of the disease.
If the coronary arteries are especially involved, the symptoms of
chronic myocardial disease appear. If the renal vessels are especially
affected, there may be symptoms of chronic interstitial nephritis.
Involvement of the cerebral arteries may be indicated by headache,
vertigo, insomnia, mental sluggishness, and, perhaps, transient
paralysis. Sclerosis of the mesenteric vessels may lead to digestive
disturbances and occasionally to attacks of abdominal pain.
Sclerosis of the arteries of the limbs may be manifested by painful
muscular cramps, sudden lameness or “giving way” of
the legs during walking. Some other symptoms may be fatigue, enlarged
prostate, chronic bronchitis, dizziness and polyrina.
PROGNOSIS: Favorable if none of the following sequels have occurred.
Cerebral hemorrhage or thrombosis, chronic myocardial disease, angina
pectoris, interstitial nephritis, aneurysm, and gangrene of the
In all cases of suspected arteriosclerosis a complete urinalysis
should be made, and traces of fully developed nephritis should be
noted. Cardiograms are useful on noting strong tympanitis of second
sound of the heart; and also increase if any, of blood pressure
over normal.
Normal blood pressure should be one hundred plus the age of the
person up to the age of twenty years. Beyond the age of twenty,
where the blood pressure would measure 120, add one point to every
two years of life. A person 50 years of age would register normally
135 blood pressure.
But, if the pressure is over 190, it can be considered on the dangerous
TREATMENT: NEUROPATHY — A thorough lymphatic, with special
attention to the liver, spleen and kidneys. Spinal dilaton of all
affected segments.
CHIROPRACTIC, according to findings of subluxations, but generally,
D 4.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Auto condensation, for about ten to fifteen minutes
daily by chair or mattress. If kidney or other conditions are present
the electro-therapy principles can be applied specially to the areas
involved. Infra-red Ray may also be applied to the specific areas.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the 7th cervical if heart is too
burdened and rapid, three minutes in ½ minute periods. Then,
generally a concussion of the splanchnic vessels for dilation purposes,
any of the Dorsal vertebrae from the 3rd, downward.
DIET: Someone has said of these cases, that there are three types:
1. Cases which respond to correction of diet and change in life
2. Cases which require treatment in addition to the above to effect
a cure.
3. Cases in which no lasting results can be obtained.
Diet is considered the most important of all, but the hardest to
enforce. Fasting is probably the best of all curative methods. If
not possible, then all heart stimulants and toxic substances should
be discarded. Tea, coffee, alcohol in any form, and tobacco should
be forbidden. Flesh foods of every description should be reduced
to a minimum, and better still, discarded altogether. Gluttony should
receive a death-blow. All high life, late hours, irregular meals
and business tension should be abandoned.
A good plan we have followed is to lead the patient through No.
1 and No. 2 Diet on alternate days, for two weeks, then No. 2 for
two weeks. A salt-free diet is considered essential. Fruit juices
can be used in abundance.
HYDROTHERAPY: If severe hypertension is present with all the symptoms
of red lines in the eyes, dizziness and pain in back of head, our
plan has been to order the patient home to a quiet room, then instructed
as follows:
Put feet in hot water, with ice bag, or cold wet towel on head for
twenty minutes, at least four times a day. One garlic capsule is
taken three times in the day. The patient may have a glass of fruit
juice every hour or two hours the first day. If not content, then
a glass of milk every three hours. The physician visits the patient
and concusses the 7th cervical at the end of the first day. If the
pressure then is not satisfactory, another or even two more days
of the above regime is carried out before the patient is permitted
to return for office treatment.
HYDROTHERAPY AND MASSSAGE: Thorough massage is permitted when the
danger point has passed. Free sweating, by Cabinet Baths, Oxygen
Baths, or the Borax and Washing Soda Baths may be used with certain
precautions. Also, the cold or hot sheet pack.
EXERCISES: Waalking erect in the open seems to have the most beneficial
effect, but light labor is also beneficial in keeping vessels flexible.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Three Standard Garlic Capsules daily with meals.
Also, B plus.
PSYCHIATRY: Many of these cases should be psychoanalized to note
what fears, phobias and tensions they are living under. See p. 115,
“Principles of Applied Psychiatry”—Lake.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Oxygen and thyroxin are absolutely necessary
for healthy arteries. So give at least the Lake Recoil. The swabbing
of the pharyngeal cavity, the opening of the nasal canal, and the
thyroid techniques. Breathing exercises are also beneficial.
COLONOTHERAPY: Duodenal lavage at least once a week is in order.
HERBOLOGY: As low breathing is one of the chief causes of this ailment,
deep breathing is indicated.
Excellent botanical tonics are mistletoe, Yellow Dock Root, Life
Everlasting, Mormon Valley.
Valerian, Lime Flowers, Wood Betony, Motherwort equal parts, take
teaspoonful of mixed herbs to pint of boiling water, simmer three
minutes; let stand for half an hour, strain and bottle; take wineglass
three times a day.
Garden Garlic, cooked, is excellent for Arteriosclerosis and High
Blood Pressure.
DEFINITION: A sudden dyspnea
accompanied by peculiar sounds caused by spasm of the bronchial
tubes or swelling of the mucous membranes.
ETIOLOGY: No age is exempt. Males more than females. It is more
frequent among those who do not take physical exercise. It can generally
be said that asthma is an anoxia of a part, or an anoxemia of the
whole body, due to improper ventilation and exercise.
Auto intoxication is one of the major causes. Some authorities have
stated that one half of the cases are due to heredity. This writer
cannot accept that theory. There is a specific cause for every case
that started life with all the respiratory apparatus, and later
development was due to carelessness, negligence or ignorance on
the part of the parents or the affected persons.
There are many types of dyspnea:
Bronchial Asthma, due to dryness of bronchial tubes.
Cardiac, due to heart disease.
Renal, due to nephritis.
Dyspeptic, due to nervous reflex.
Thymic, due to enlargement of the thymus.
Nasal, due to obstruction in the nasal passages.
Nay Fever, due to obstructions in the nasal passages, dry membrane
or rhinitus.
DRUGS; Fully 50% of the persons addicted to morphine have become
victims of asthma—Sajous.
SYMPTOMS: A gasping for breath at stated intervals, with spasmodic
severe attacks is enough to establish the condition of Asthma.
PROGNOSIS: The prognosis of asthma depends upon the nature of its
underlying cause. Cases of reflex asthma in which the primary disorder
is easily reached and properly treated—such as nasal hypertrophies,
polypi, aural growths, etc.—are frequently cured and remain
so, provided the causative affection does not remain. The prognosis
is also good in young subjects with well-formed chests and in whom
direct heredity cannot be traced. In all others, however, the chances
of recovery are very limited.
Death rarely ensues from spasmodic asthma, but its complications
may prove fatal.
McCoy stated the prognosis well as follows: “The patient usually
wheezes along to a good age, with the misery of seeing every proposed
remedy fail, until he dies from the effect of drugs taken in an
attempt to relieve his symptoms. It may be truly said that at first
he is afraid of dying and then afraid he will not.”
TREATMENT: The treatment of asthma consists of (1) arrest of the
paroxysm; (2) prevention of the paroxysms by measures calculated
to annul the effects of exciting factors and (3) removal of the
pathological conditions forming the basis of the paroxysms.
The acute attack may be arrested quickly by concussion of the 7th
cervical. This continued for a time will lessen the attack Then
the pharyngeal cavity is opened, and cleaned out; after which the
soft palate is held open, and the concussion continued. Many cases
have responded for the writer with the above technique. General
treatment should be concerned with preventing future attacks, and,
second, to eliminate the causes.
NEUROPATHY: General thorough lymphatic, with special attention to
liver, chest, arms, and neck. Thorough dilation of entire spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: D 2, 3, 4, 6.
Some writers have recommended the Epsic cigarette in acute attacks.
An effective cigarette may also be made of equal parts of lobelia,
stramonium, and green-tea leaves, or of stramonium leaves and ordinary
tobacco. Tobacco sometimes proves useful alone where it has not
been previously used.
The local application of epinephrine inhalent, which is available
in small compressible tubes similar to those used for oil pigments
and the tip of which can be inserted deeply into the nostrils, is
often very efficient.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Johnson advocates the use of Galvanism. The positive
electrode is placed under the lower cervical region, and the negative
over the solar plexus, having the pneumogastric nerve in circuit.
Dosage 8 to 10 Ma and time, 20 minutes—Johnson, p. 192.
ZONE THERAPY: Riley advocates for acute asthma the biting of the
tongue or pinching thumb and index fingers; and also the diathermic
current at 1500 milliamperes, but claims that the rapid sine wave
and concussion are almost infallible. Riley, p. 118.
COLONOTHERAPY: If Autointoxication is present a complete flush of
the whole colon is indicated. Otherwise low enemas are in order
for some time.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concuss C 4, 5, 7, alternately with D 3 to 8.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cups placed on the whole dorsal region, and followed
by cups on the chest and neck, create a necessary dilation. These
cups should be put on mildly at the first treatment.
DIET: The diet should follow the contents of the urinalysis, in
an effort to keep an acid-alkaline balance. Selections can be made
from the dietary charts in this book.
VITAMINS A, B, plus, C and D.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: The whole outline of endo-Nasal techniques are
recommended in conditions of Asthma, with particular emphasis on
the Lake Recoil, the nasal dilation, thyroid lifting and pharyngeal
cavity swabbing. See technique in book: Endo-Nasal Aural and Allied
Techniques, Lake, p. 101.
EXERCISES: Patient stands before open window with hands back of
head. Before breathing the elbows are pulled to the front and touching.
As breathing starts the arms are flexed outward and backward, slowly
in rhythm with the intake of air.
The other is walking, and taking one long breath, then quickly two
short breaths and a hard exhalation through the nose, which has
practically the same effect as a sneeze.
HYDROTHERAPY: Cold and hot fomentations as each case requires.
BODY MECHANICS: If there is a diaphragmic ptosis a support belt
can be considered. Or, the exercises as outlined in Endo-Nasal Therapy
— Lake.
PSYCHOTHERAPY: This has long been practiced for the relief of asthma,
which has been considered a nervous affliction almost since the
time of its recognition as a disease entity. Occasionally cases
are encountered wherein attacks are induced by excitement and emotional
stress. Under these circumstances, the services of a competent neuropsychiatrist
may be of much value, but such cases are occasional and selected
ones. See “Hysteria” in Fundamentals of Applied Psychiatry—Lake.
HERBOLOGY: Such Antispasmodics and Carminatives as Wild Plum Bark,
Skunk Cabbage, Wild Cherry Bark, Elder flowers, Elder Berries, Horehound,
Mullein, Nettle, Elcampane, Grindelia and Celandine made into a
tea are good.
Mullein Leaves, dried and crumpled, smoked in pipe or as cigarette
gives relief from Asthmatic attacks.
Eating raw onions, red cabbage, raw linseed oil are common household
Steep a handful of bark of Wild Plum in a quart of water, boil down
to one pint, add sugar or honey to make a syrup. Take about 3 tablespoons
a day.
DEFINITION: As understood here
autointoxication is a condition due to absorption of poisons from
the gastrointestinal canal.
ETIOLOGY: Autointoxication can usually be attributed to three factors,
(1) Dietetic errors, the use of meat to excess and gorging, etc.
(2) The efficiency of the liver, (3) The efficiency of the autodefensive
activity of the blood. All of the above may bring about putrefactive
elements, which are absorbed by the blood and bring about the condition
known as autointoxication.
SYMPTOMATOLOGY and DIAGNOSES: True autointoxication must be distinguished
from other possible disorders and infections. A true case of autointoxication
will present symptoms given below in all types of cases.
The high liver or individual who eats meat in excess may be ruddy
or even appear congested, he will complain of symptoms similar that
would occur in a pale, sallow woman. In the former, the morbid phenomena
will be due to excess of proteids over and above his ability to
digest them and destroy the poisons in the blood-stream, though,
perhaps, both his digestive and antitoxic powers be normal. In the
pale woman, on the other hand, both these functions may be deficient
and even a small quantity of protein suffice to bring on the symptoms
of autointoxication because of the large relative proportion of
protein which undergoes putrefaction. The third patient may appear
muddy, yellowish and fat, or emaciated—a type often due to
hepatic torpor or incipient renal disease of toxemic origin. This
shows that the general appearance of the patient is not typical
of the disorder, though it affords a clue to the underlying cause.
The symptoms are:
Headache, often frontal and extending to other parts of the head,
finally becomes a true hemicrania; it is sometimes migratory, i.e.,
moving about from one place to the other. It may be continuous both
day and night or recur at fixed intervals, sometimes once or twice
a week. The face is apt to be pale during these headaches; there
may also be vertigo, considerable lassitude, and, perhaps, nausea.
During the intervals, the patient often complains of anorexia, dyspepsia,
borborygmus, flatulence, with more or less stubborn constipation
or, rarely, diarrhea. There may be insomnia, or, even if the patient
sleeps, fatigue on rising, and drowsiness during the day. Palpitations
or arrhythmia and dyspnea on exertion and a stuborn cough are not
infrequent, and the sufferer is often irritable.
TREATMENT: Neuropathic dilation of the liver and intestinal segments.
Neuropathic general lymphatic with special attention to the three
corner liver squeeze. Chiropractic liver and spleen also kidney
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the stomach, liver, and intestinal
DIET: Dietetic measures are of primary importance a few days to
a week on No. 1 diet usually is sufficient to follow with a gradual
return to No. 2 diet.
A fast of one or two days without milk, or fruit juices or with
them is excellent. While protein putrefaction is the main cause
sometimes carbohydrate putrefaction in the stomach is a cause. This
can be discovered by personal examination of the patient’s
eating habits. In cases of the latter type, sweets and starches
can also be prohibited for a while.
COLONOTHERAPY: Enemas and colonics are always in order twice a week
until the symptoms clear up. Constipation is a serious factor in
this condition.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: This type of treatment is essential, for many
of these cases are in a state of either anoxia of the intestines
and liver, or are in a general state of anoxemia. When the patient
complains of an all gone feeling without any pain, it can be taken
for granted that his blood is not getting sufficient, or is not
utilizing oxygen properly. Oxygen is one of the autodefensive elements
of the blood, and a good supply is needed in cases of autointoxication.
All the endo-nasal techniques that relate to respiration should
be performed.
— Locomotor
DEFINITION: A sclerosis affecting
the posterior spinal cord.
ETIOLOGY: The disease develops most frequently between the ages
of thirty and fifty, and is much more common in men than women.
It has always been largely attributed to syphilis, but experience
has shown that many cases have no trace of this disease. Much of
it can be traced to overwork, sexual excesses, constant exposure
to bad weather and alcoholic excesses. Recently, however, it has
been found that there has been a long standing deficiency of nicotinic
acid, and thamin bringing about a neutral degeneration.
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of the early (pre-ataxic) stage comprise
paroxysms of sharp, shooting pains, usually in the legs, and frequently
regarded as “rheumatic;” various forms of paresthesia,
such as numbness and tingling of the feet, and a sense of constriction
about the body, girdle pain; disturbances of the urinary tract and
sexual functions; loss of deep reflexes, especially of the knee
jerk, and on Neuropathic examination, the lumber segments are soft
and putty-like.
The most outstanding symptom of the ataxic stage is a want of certainty
and precision in the movements of the legs especially in the dark.
If the patient stands erect, with his eyes closed and feet in juxtaposition,
he sways and tends to fall; or if the upper extremities are affected
the ataxis becomes evident when he attempts to touch with his fingers
the tip of his nose. In the recumbent position, with his eyes closed,
he is unable to recognize the position in which his limbs are placed.
In the course of time the gait becomes characteristic. The steps
are awkward and jerky, the foot is raised high, projected forward
and outward and brought down forcibly with a thud, the body is bent
forward and the eyes are riveted to the floor.
PROGNOSIS: Doubtful of full recovery. Many are kept going the normal
span of life by physical and manipulative treatments.
TREATMENT: Neuropathy. There are two stages. First, the period of
sharp, shooting pain, when legs are regarded as rheumatic, or when
there is a numbness. In this stage any of the following may be tried
with good effect. Short Wave, Diathermy, High frequency spark, Foot
adjustments, Vacuum cups on spine and all the way down the legs.
For the girdle pain short wave is the best. The diagnosis is practically
certain when girdle pains are associated with pains or numbness
in the limbs, and there is some loss of reflex in the knee jerk.
GENERAL TREATMENT: Neuropathy. Thorough lymphatic and raising the
discs of vertebrae especially of the lumber region.
CHIROPRACTIC: c. 1-7; d. 1, 2, 6, AND 10. l. All.
CONCUSSION: c. 7. d 9-10. Stretch spine.
VACUUM THERAPY: Lumber region and legs.
HYDROTHERAPY: Frequent bathing or swimming in warm water for a short
period, then resting, then returning to the water, has been of great
benefit to some. Hot fomentations to the spine and legs also are
ELECTROTHERAPY: Apply diathermy to the spine by means of a long
narrow electrode about 3 x 18 inches. Place a similar one, only
a little larger on the opposite side of the body. Continue the treatment
about one-half hour using a tolerable number of milliamperes. This
has a relaxing and soothing effect. Follow it by the static wave
current to the spine. Much benefit is derived by giving static sparks
to the legs. Sometimes in chronic cases they assist the other measures
when applied to the spine. The Sine-Wave is helpful. The galvanic
along the hips and legs for long periods has awakened sensation.
MASSAGE: In some cases where fatigue is easily acquired by any exercises,
masssage will relax the muscles without the using up of energy.
Give proper muscle training and reeducational exercises with the
hope of increasing motion by strengthening other nerves and muscles
which are not paralyzed.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: A, B2, E in large doses.
DIET: Nourishment must be adequate in proteins to make up for destruction
of tissue.
Nasal Catarrh
DEFINITION: Acute Nasal Catarrh
is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose
and cavities. There is some loss of smell and abnormal discharge
from nose.
The nasal branches of the ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve
and the nasal branches of the anterior palatine descending from
Meckel’s ganglion, which is in connection with the superior
maxillary division of the fifth nerve, conduct the sensory impressions
to the medulla. It is there reflected to the respiratory, pneumogastric
and other centers; so what is termed a sneeze is the forced expiration,
and the coincident spasm of the pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles.
The arteries of the nasal fossae are the anterior and posterior
ethmoidal from the ophthalmic, the sphenopalatine branch of the
internal maxillary, and the alveolar branch of the internal maxillary
to the antrum.
The nerves of the nasal fossae are the nasal branch of the ophthalmic
to the septum and outerwall, anterior branch of the superior maxillary
to the inferior turbinated body, and the floor of the nose. The
sphenopalatine ganglion gives off the Vidian nerve to the septum
and superior turbinated body and the superior nasal branch to the
same regions, the nasopalatine to the middle of the septum, and
the anterior palatine to the middle and lower turbinates.
The olfactory or first cranial nerves from the olfactory bulb enter
the nose through twelve or more openings in each side of the cribriform
plate. They are distributed to the specialized nerve-endings in
the mucous membrane of the superior turbinate nerve endings in the
mucous membrane of the superior turbinate and a corresponding small
region of the septum.
The lymphatics of the nose are numerous. The more anterior terminate
in the submaxillary glands, the posterior communicate with the pharyngeal
glands. Hence the not uncommon slight inflammation of the tonsils
and cervical lymphatics after nasal operations.
During respiration through a normal nose, the bulk of the air passes
along the septum above the inferior, turbinated body, describing
a semi-circle over and around each turbinate, smaller currents extend
upward nearly to the roof of the nose, and then it spreads out like
a fan in its passage through the nose. It is understood that the
respiratory path changes with the shape of the nasal chambers. Abnormal
dryness of the nasal mucous membrane, or nasal obstructions of any
kind interfere with the free access of air.
The nose also serves as a resonant cavity during vocalizations,
so that obstruction of the nasal chambers produces a peculiar nasal
intonation during speech. Perhaps the most important function of
the nose is to warm, moisten, and free from the dust inspired air.
In health, exhaled air has a temperature of 98.5 degrees F., and
it has been proved experimentally that most of the heat supplied
to inhaled air comes from the nose, the turbinated bodies being
well adapted not only to warm the inspired air, but to moisten it
and free it from particles of dust which adhere to its moist, sticky
The normal secretion of the nasal mucous membrane, is over 16 ounces
of clear water mucus in twenty-four hours, a part of which in health
passes unnoticed through the nasopharynx down into the esophagus
and stomach But obstructions cause this mucus to congest and become
infected and inflamed, creating anoxia and anoxemia.
To aid in elimination Endo-Nasal Aural and Allied Techniques are
par excellent. The diet can be of light easily digested foods. No.
2 Diet would be helpful in the acute period if a fast of a day or
two is not possible. High enemas are in order. See chronic nasal
catarrh for other forms of treatment, that can be applied to the
acute condition.
Chronic Nasal Catarrh (Rhinitis)
DEFINITION: A chronic inflammation
of the nasal mucous membrane. This has several varieties—simple,
chronic rhinitis; Hypertrophic Rhinitis and Atrophic Rhinitis.
ETIOLOGY: Repeated attacks of perversions of vaso constrictions
of the nasal nerves. Repeated attacks of acute colds. Lowered vitality,
continual inhalation of impure air, dust or vapors.
Secondary causes may be exposure to cold and wet which may act as
a predisposing factor, but the exciting cause is microorganismal.
In some cases coryza is symptomatic of a general infection, such
as measles or influenza, of a drug intoxication, such as iodism,
or overeating and lack of exercise.
SYMPTOMS: The disease is ushered in with chilliness, muscular soreness,
general malaise, fullness in the head, and sneezing. The nasal chambers
are obstructed, so that the patient is obliged to breathe through
his mouth. At first there is no secretion, but in twenty-four or
forty-eight hours a watery discharge is established, which later
becomes mucopurulent. Slight fever and its associated symptoms are
commonly present. The duration is from a few days to two weeks.
Some complications that may arise are extensions of the disease
to the accessory nasal sinuses, Eustachian tube, middle ear, pharynx,
larynx and bronchi, which is not uncommon, but repeated attacks
may lead to chronic rhinitis.
PROGNOSIS: If the patient is seen by the physician early enough,
and will confine the patient to his home and give a thorough lymphatic
including Hunter’s Canal and a complete dilation of the cerebro
spinal system, or adjust the cervicals, kidney and liver segments,
and putting the patient’s feet in a hot bath, while giving
the patient hot lemonade to drink, elimination should begin almost
at once and the patient can be around in a few days. But, warning
must be given to the patient as to possible complications, unless
great care is exercised.
in the External Nares or in the Pharyngeal Cavity
SYMPTOMS: In the simple type
there is a constant discharge of mucoid or corpulent substance from
the nose. The nose may swell, by retention of some of the pus. The
other symptoms are similar to acute nasal catarrh.
In the hypertrophic type the membrane is red and the nasal passage
almost blocked by engorgement of the blood vessels, causing the
sense of smell to be impaired. In many of these cases Adenoid growths
are found.
The atrophic type presents a different picture. Here the nasal cavities
are enlarged due to the atrophy of the mucous membrane, and ulcers
or scabs are frequently seen on the dry membrane. The secretion
from the nose is thick and of a yellowish or greenish color and
of a very offensive odor.
PROGNOSIS: The simple and hypertrophic types readily submit to treatment,
but the atrophic requires a long series of treatments to eliminate.
TREATMENT: Neuropathy—A thorough lymphatic treatment and stimulation
of the spine twice a week.
CHIROPRACTIC: Same as mentioned under Prognosis.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY—Rhinitis can also be described as a filling
up of the head and respiratory apparatus. It is the product of numerous
colds aggravated by climate, drafts, drugs of suppressive nature,
and many substances inhaled. Originally, however, it started by
anoxia and anoxemia, and is perpetuated by a continued existence
of those two conditions. The disease is usually in three stages.
The first stage, the dryness of the mucous membrane, is so pronounced
that even the head and body ache from nerve reflexes. There is sneezing,
lacrimation and itching. There may be some fever. The second stage
is when the healing crisis of the natural processes of the body
are set in motion by fever to bring about the third state when the
discharge becomes quite free and is sometimes streaked with blood.
For a time there is relief, but unless the obstacles to normal respiration
are removed, recurrence will take place, and since this is a condition
of the mucous membrane that extends to all of the sinuses, the ears,
pharyngeal space and tonsils, serious complications can result.
TREATMENT: Give the Lymphatic Drainage Technique, the Lake Head
Recoil Adjustment, the Enlarging of the External Nares, and the
Pharyngeal Dilation Technique.
There are two methods for nasal dilation. The suture opening method
or the little finger method. The first may be accomplished by the
following movements:
The first method, instructions: Have patient sit on low stool. Stand
on right side. Place your left hand just above the fronto-zygomatic
suture, the heel of your right thumb at the pisiform process, just
below the fronto suture. Hesitate for a moment, then give a thrust
downward. Beginners should start giving easy thrusts at first. Move
2. Stay on right side. Put left hand over the fronto-nasal suture.
Place dorsal portion of thumb and hand on bony bridge of nose. Hesitate.
Give thrust downward. Move 3. Go to left of patient and repeat technique
on the right fronto-zygomatic suture, reversing hands. Move 4. Stay
on left side and feel for the naso-maxillary suture on the right
side. Having found it, place the two middle fingers of both hands
on opposite sides of suture. Press deeply without hurting. With
back of fingers of each hand touching the other, cup the hands around
the face. Using the face as a brace, hesitate for a moment, then
give a quick jerk in opposite direction with the fingers only. Go
to the right side of the patient to adjust the left naso-maxillary
suture and repeat as directed above. Stay on the right side of patient.
Encircle head with right arm. Put pisiform portion or heel of thumb
of left hand on the malar bone prominence. Press in deeply, hesitate,
turn the hand downward slowly while pressing, then give a quick
downward thrust. Go to left side of patient, reversing hands to
adjust right malar bone and repeat as directed above.
The second Method: Stand on left side of patient with little finger
of left hand in right nostril, right hand on malar prominence. With
quick jerks on malar bone by right hand to open sutures, let the
little finger slip up into the nostril. Do not push hard on the
little finger or you will cause pain and bleeding which are not
necessary if technique is performed correctly.
Patient should be instructed to maintain an erect posture and to
breathe through the nose consciously for a time, so as to establish
the habit. Most sufferers of rhinitis are mouth breathers.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Mild heat applied to head from a Short Wave set
is of great value, providing there is no excessive high blood pressure.
Ultra Violet Ray is helpful. Full body or just nasal radiation.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Large units of A and D and Magnesium or Cod Liver
Oil with vitamins A, D in the oil.
HYDROTHERAPY: Cleansing a nose with alkaline solutions is sometimes
helpful. Or, plain salt solution.
For softening of mucous in head hot fomentations or compresses.
NASAL IRRIGATION: There are those who advocate nasal irrigations
by filtering water through one side and having it come out the other
side of the nose or through the mouth. There are some advantages
to this method of treatment, but the disadvantages far outweigh
its usefulness in therapeutics. Middle ear and sinus impairment
are possibilities by irrigations and the writer has stopped using
them. But, for those who wish to use them; an enema bag with a nasal
bulb on the end of the hose. Have the bag hanging just high enough
for the water to run slowly. The water or solution, preferably the
Pink Rose Alkaline powder of Zemmer, in the water, is introduced
by the bulb into one side of the nose. The mouth is held open, and
then the water will come out the other side of the nose by mouth
breathing. There are several devices on the market for the above
HERBOLOGY: A simple and effective remedy is Lemon Juice and Honey.
Dilute with warm water at first and then gradually use less water.
Snuff up nose four times a day. Mix equal parts of Yarrow, Boneset,
Black Horehound, Balm and Sage. Simmer for 30 minutes in a loosely
covered vessel. Add a small pinch of ginger and Capsicum. Take a
wineglass three times a day.
Here is an old recipe from Bavaria where it is still called “Catarrh
Tea.) It is here improved by adding some botanicals of Indian origin:
Elder Flowers 10 parts
Rocky Mt. Grape Root 4 “
Juniper Berries 4 “
Anise Seed 2 “
Black Mallow Flowers 4 “
Fennel Seed 4 “
Mullein 10 “
Coughwort 10 “
Turtlebloom leaves 3 “
Marshmallow Root 2 “
Mix herbs, take teaspoonful,
put in cup of boiling water, let cool, strain. Drink 2 or 3 cupfuls
per day. If desired the following can also be added: Sweet Gum Bark
4 parts, Coriander seed 2 parts, Water Plantian 4 parts, Licorice
root 3 parts, Lungwort 4 parts.
Dried peach leaves are good as a smoke.
EXERCISE: Fresh air is essential and some outdoor exercises, with
bathing and friction of the skin or massage is helpful.
TONICS: Teaspoonful of Honey and Lemon in a glass of hot water each
morning is highly recommended.
VACUUM THERAPY: The cups can be applied on the whole spine, and
a small bulb inserted in the nose for outward suction.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: This can be given by tapping with the fingers in
the area of the cranial nerve endings or by a vibrator or concussor
on all the head and face. The blows being regulated to the resistance
or comfort of the patient.
Backache is one of the most
common ailments known to mankind. It is a symptom of a disease rather
than a disease itself.
ETIOLOGY: Tuberculosis, Arthritis, curvature, malignancy of spine;
sacroiliac strain, or sprain, pelvic disorder, abdominal and chest
disorders; Nephritis and pyelitis, sciatica, tumors of the cord;
subluxations and many other conditions too numerous to mention.
DIAGNOSIS: The patient can tell the physician of accidents and employment
and relation of such to the pain. Tests of various kinds can be
made to ascertain if there are any of the above mentioned etiologies.
The patient then can be stripped to the waist and a thorough examination
made. See “Examination of the Back,” under Neuropathy.
The types of backache may be classified as follows:
The Industrial, Lame back, which is due to the occupation of the
patient. If not aggravated by other conditions, it is more a soreness
or tiredness in the muscles.
Back strain; makes up a large proportion of the present day disabilities
of the spine.
ETIOLOGY: Curvature of the Spine. This type of backache may be caused
by curvature of the spine, either in the lateral or anteroposterior
position; some mechanical disability of the shoulders, either drop
of one shoulder, or both, or round shoulders; some mechanical foot
complication or other static disability or derangement of the lower
extremities; some disability of the thorax or abdomen, or a pendulous
Rectal and gynecological conditions may also be considered as contributory
Back Sprain. Most frequently encountered in those who do heavy lifting
and receiving a twist of the body.
PROGNOSIS: Depends on the Etiology.
TREATMENT: General Neuropathy. Thorough lymphatic and dilation of
segments and Lake Recoil, indicated by symptoms and diagnosis.
CHIROPRACTIC: Local zones.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot towels, compresses, baths, etc.
STRAPPING: If, after a number of other treatments, relief is not
obtained, strapping can be considered.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short Wave or Diathermy or Sine Wave, should all
be helpful. Infra-red, until a slight erythemia is obtained, is
MASSSAGE: The light tapement after rubbing, is of value in some
HELIOTHERAPY: Exposure to the sun rays for ten to fifteen minutes
a day is helpful.
VACUUM THERAPY: By the counter irritation method first, then by
the direct method.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Vibration of the whole spine, by concussor or vibrator,
or local zones are helpful.
FOOT ADJUSTING: Careful examination of the position of the cuboid
bone should be made, for displacement causes many types of backache.
The Neuropathic three point foot adjustment may prove helpful.
Palsy, Facial Paralysis, Pontine Paralysis
DEFINITION: Paralysis of the
face. The vast majority being unilateral. It has also been called
Bell’s Palsy; but the latter has some other peculiar phases.
ETIOLOGY: May result from a tumor, clot or abscess involving the
facial center in the cortex of the brain or the nucleus of the facial
nerve; from the pressure of inflammatory exudate on the nerve trunk
between the brain and the skull; from paralysis of the nerve within
the petrous portion of the temporal bone, excited by a fracture
or by an extension of inflammation of the middle ear; from inflammation
of the peripheral filaments, excited by exposure, injury, diabetes,
or one of the infectious fevers; syphilis, colds, diseases of the
middle ear, otitis media, abscess, and pressure in the pelvis of
instruments in obstetrical cases, sleeping with face to wind, or
riding in car with window open in cold weather may be a factor.
GENERAL SYMPTOMS: Paralysis usually occurs suddenly. On examination
one side of the face is found to be paralyzed and the unaffected
muscles drawn toward the sound side. Expression is lost and the
natural wrinkles and lines are obliterated on the affected side.
The corner of the mouth is dropped and saliva dribbles from it.
The eyelid on the affected side cannot be closed and the eye waters.
Swallowing is seriously interfered with and the tongue is directed
toward the paralyzed side. The forehead cannot be wrinkled.
There are three types of this disease, determined by the symptoms:
Simple facial, Bell’s, and Pontine Palsy.
In simple facial palsy the lesion is supranuclear, between the cortex
and the pontine nucleus, there is only a weakness of the face, with
slight affection of the frontalis muscle.
In Bell’s Palsy the whole side of the face is affected, and
the lesion is nuclear or infranuclear, the muscles of one side of
the face, including those of the forehead and eye, are involved,
both emotional and voluntary movements are lost, and the electric
reactions are altered in character. In nuclear lesions other cranial
nerves are usually involved with the facial.
In pontine lesions there is often paralysis of the limbs on the
side opposite to the facial palsy (crossed paralysis). When the
nerve is involved within the Fallopian canal there is frequently
loss of taste in the anterior part of the tongue on the paralyzed
PROGNOSIS: Slight cases of facial paralysis from any causes will
recover in from one to six weeks. But the severe types may take
from two to ten months or remain permanent, according to the etiology.
NEUROPATHY: Thorough lymphatic. Dilation 3, 4, 5, and pressure on
fifth cranial nerve location on face.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of the condyle or any four of the upper
cervicals and D6.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short wave. Sine wave. Deep therapy lamps, faradic
current. Hot pads according to tolerance of the patient, are helpful.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot towels on the face. Irrigation of the antrum and
bathing of the eye with a boric acid solution are considered beneficial.
MASSSAGE: Relax all the muscles of the neck and give freedom to
the venous return blood.
Extend the neck and give gentle, firm and steady rotation.
Thoroughly manipulate the muscles high up under the angles of the
lower jaw. Pull these muscles in different directions.
Manipulate the parotid, submaxillary and sublingual glands.
EXERCISE: Before the mirror the patient can go through mimic exercises
of attempting to use the muscles of his face and eye, by trying
to wink, or blow out his cheek.
PSYCHIATRY: The sufferers of this affliction are usually depressed
and fearful of future complications. The art of hopeful suggestions
is in order, but not in regard to the prognosis until the physician
is sure of his diagnosis. To build up hope and fail, is to leave
the patient’s last mental condition worse than his first.
But the physician can cite his experience with this type of cases
and relate the majority do get well, who cooperate faithfully with
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the 4 D for three minutes at intervals
of half a minute at each sitting.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: With the addition of the Neuropathic lymphatic
treatment, Endo-Nasal techniques has given the writer the best results.
Swabbing the pharyngeal area, and the antrum area, the Lake recoil
technique, then finish the treatment with the external carotid sinus
technique, viz.:
Put the thumb and middle finger on the tip of the chin, slide them
all the way back to the angle of the jaw. Drop fingers down one-half
inch, push them easily into the neck walls and feel the tissues
underneath your fingers. Hold steady for an instant, then thrust
the fingers quickly inward and upward with about a three-pound pressure,
then withdraw the fingers quickly. Note: Pressure can be measured
on any ordinary scale.
HERBOLOGY: Prickly ash, pepper cress seed and imperial masterwort
are all good. Also worthy of mention are baytree kidneywort, German
golden locks, pimpernel, sage, mistletoe and false wild flax.
Disease and Nephritis
Perversions of the functions
of the kidneys, and the classifications of those perversions is
rather complicated. The usual classification is Acute Bright’s
Disease, Chronic diffuse nephritis, Chronic interstitial nephritis.
The new classification covers a few additional points in the instruction
of the development of kidney perversions, briefly stated below.
DEFINITION: Inflammation of
the kidneys.
ETIOLOGY: Bacteria or their toxins, scarlet fever, diphtheria, septicemia,
or toxic drugs, such as mercury, arsenic, alcohol. Malnutrition,
exposure to cold and wet. Streptococcus infection of throat, etc.
The glomeruli may be affected, or the tubules of the interstitial
tissues. It may be either acute or chronic.
Bright’s Disease — Acute
ETIOLOGY: An inflammatory process
involving more or less of the entire kidney but especially affecting
the epithelium of the tubules and glomeruli.
SYMPTOMS: Acute onset, moderate fever, dull lumbar pain, marked
edema and anasarca, hypertension, rapid pulse, vomiting, delirium,
scanty, highly colored urine, containing large quantities of albumen
and blood; bloody hyaline, and granular casts; uremic symptoms may
develop any time.
PROGNOSIS: Guardedly favorable. May become chronic or death through
exhaustive uremia or dropsy.
Acute Glomerula Nephritis
Moderately acute onset. Pulse
rapid, marked hypertension and moderate edema and urine containing
albumen, granular and hyaline casts. Urea, non-protein nitrogen,
creatinin, and some salt retention.
ACUTE TUBULAR: Acute onset, marked anascarca, scanty urine, much
albumen and blood, many granular hyaline, and bloody casts in urine.
Great salt retention and moderate retention of nitrogenous products
in the blood.
Chronic Diffuse Nephritis
Entire structure of kidney may
be affected, or affection may be confined to the glomerular or tubular
processes. One variety of nephritis may merge causing a diffuse
nephritis. Symptoms depend upon the tissues involved.
Chronic Parenchymatous Nephritis
Onset gradual. Progressive loss
of strength and flesh.
ETIOLOGY: Infections, fevers, alcohol, septicemia, or consequence
of acute nephritis.
SYMPTOMS: Marked anemia, indigestion, pallor not warranted by blood
count, skin pale, edema first of lower eyelids, then general. Gastrointestinal
disturbances, increased arterial tension, some hypertrophy of left
ventricle, uremic symptoms — vertigo, headache, nausea, sleeplessness,
stupor, convulsions, coma. Urine diminished, color and appearance
often normal; highly albuminous, with sediment, hyaline, fatty and
granular casts, and fatty epithelial cells. Sodium chloride retention
in blood. Nitrogen retention if glomeruli are affected.
Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
ETIOLOGY: May follow chronic
parenchymatous nephritis. Alcohol, lead, irritating toxins, bacteria,
SYMPTOMS: Headache, weakness, digestive disturbances, retinal hemorrhages
and eye disturbances, dry skin, slight edema of ankles. Vaso-motor
disturbances such as tingling in fingers with blanching. Hypertension
marked. Low, fixed specific gravity of urine, the quantity of which
is considerable — as much by night as by day. Traces of albumen,
few narrow hyaline casts and sometimes granular casts. Retention
of urea, uric acid, creatinin, and non-protein nitrogen in blood.
Focal Nephritis
Due to direct infection, considered
largely as emboli of green streptococci that break off from the
valves of the heart and lodge in the glomeruli.
The nonembolic focal glomerulo nephrotos due to a direct infection
from acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, erysipelas, wound
infections, septicemia, acute endocarditis, rheumatic fever, scarlet
fever, etc. The three main types of nephritis in the following pages
give a synthesis of all the types mentioned above.
Nephritis, Acute
DEFINITION: Acute inflammation
of the kidneys. May be diffuse or it may involve chiefly the glomeruli
or tubules. Also known as Acute Bright’s Disease.
ETIOLOGY: Excessive vaso-motor constriction of the kidney, and liver
segments. Subluxation of the above segments. It may follow infections
such as scarlet fever, streptococcus, septicemia, erysipelas and
pneumonia. Focal infections, especially tonsillitis, or chemical
poisons, mercury, cantharides and turpentine. Autointoxications
that may come from liver and intestinal conditions, pregnancy, extensive
burns, and generalized eczema. Laziness, or lack of exercise enough
to consume the proteid ingestion is one of the principal causes.
SYMPTOMS: In many cases the only indications of acute nephritis
are urinary changes, and slight edema about eyelids and ankles.
In the severe cases the general symptoms are fever, dull lumbar
pain, nausea, and vomiting. Increasing anemia. Increasing blood
pressure and uremia and severe edema may occur at any period. (Please
read again “The examination of the kidneys” in Book
DIAGNOSIS: The exact diagnosis of this disease must largely rest
upon the examination of the urine. The urine is scanty and sometimes
suppressed. It is of high concentrated specific gravity 1.025 to
1.030. Color is smoky or milky under the Endo-albumen test. The
urine contains a considerable amount of albumen, epithelial granular
and erythrocytic casts and usually some blood. If there is a pronounced
albumenuria and a constant amount of blood, with a constant decrease
in excreted urea, then the indications are that there is a glomerulonephritis.
PROGNOSIS: Mild forms of acute tubular nephritis usually respond
quick to treatments in a few weeks. But, sometimes become chronic.
Mild glomerulonephritis also may respond quickly to treatments.
But, sometimes the results are not lasting, and the disease passes
into the chronic stage. In the severe stage of both types, complications
and death may result from pulmonary edema, uremia, pneumonia and
TREATMENT: If severe ascites or dropsy has developed, turn to Section
on that subject for the treatment of that phase of nephritis.
The general trend of the treatment is to relieve renal congestion,
and to lessen the burden on the kidneys. Absolute rest in bed for
several weeks is essential.
NEUROPATHY: Complete lymphatic of liver and spleen along with a
general lymphatic. Dilation of the kidney, liver and spleen segments.
DIETOTHERAPY: Absolute fast for a few days to a week or several
weeks as urine reports indicate. Milk slightly diluted with lime
water, or Vichy is of great value. The grapefruit cleansing drink
is very effective for liver congestion, which, in many cases brought
on the disease. Spoonful of lemon juice to glass of water three
times a day is helpful.
After the symptoms have abated and the physician decides the danger
point has passed, then, cream, gruels, fruits, milk toast, can be
given before placing the patient on No. 2 Diet for a few days and
gradually leading him to No. 1 Diet.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamin A, Minerals, Chlorine, and Magnesium.
COLONOTHERAPY: Low enemas every day during acute period; or, purges
may be given.
VACUUM THERAPY: If there is pain, cupping of the sections complained
of may be of great value.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot packs, hot air packs, hot vapor baths. If there
is suppression, hot sitz baths. Hot douches on kidney region and
along ureters and scrotum, in tub, if possible. Free sweating is
an excellent aid in the treatment.
STRAPPING: If pain is severe it may become necessary to strap the
patient. Usually just straight cross-strapping is enough. But, in
some cases it is necessary to have the cross-strapping plus the
up and down strapping from over one kidney then down and across
to the hip on the other side. Two straps, two inches wide on each
side and four across are considered sufficient. Should the strapping
not ease the pain in a few hours, it should be removed.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short Wave and Diathermy are very effective. Infra-red,
and Ultra-violet seem to be of great value. Patient on side, or
face down, and given a flow of from 15 to 25 minutes. Electric baths
can be given to stimulate perspiration.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Dorsals 6 to 8 will aid in the circulation of blood,
through kidneys.
HERBOLOGY: One ounce each of Fl. Extr. Poplar Bark and Juniper,
½ oz. Fl. Extra. Buchu, 2 ounces of Mucilage of Gum Acacia.
Put a teaspoonful of this in a half cupful of Meadowsweet tea, and
use every two hours.
Strong tea of Queen of the Meadow Roots is excellent.
Such Demulcents and Diuretics as Horsetail Grass, Marshmallow Root,
Bearberry Leaves, Sassafras, Globe Flower Bark or Root, Huckleberry
Leaves and Bugle Weed are good.
An ounce each of Sassafras, Cheese plant, Dwarf Elder root, Juniper
Berries, Lily of the Valley root and make a tea, using at least
a cupful a day, until relief.
Chronic Tubular Nephritis
DEFINITION: A Chronic inflammation
of the intervening connective tissue of the kidneys, bringing about
a degeneration of the tubular epithelium. Edema of the interstitial
tissue, and more or less obliteration of the tubules, and glomeruli
and a substitution of fibrous connective tissue. This can be termed
a process of sclerosis of the kidney or a hardening which is large
and white in the beginning, but which late in the disease shrinks
to a small size.
ETIOLOGY: Vaso-motor constriction of the kidney segments. Impingement
of the kidney nerves interfering so much with the calorific function,
that there is excessive heat which produces inflammation resulting
in a hardening process. The disease may follow an attack of acute
tubular nephritis, but generally comes on gradually, as a result
of chronic infections, such as tuberculosis, malaria, or some chronic
local infection.
Acoholism is a prominent factor, as well as habitual exposure to
wet and cold.
Epithelium degeneration may be due to a deficiency of Vitamin E
in the diet, also of nicotinic acid deficiency and also of Vitamin
The disease may be present for a long time with no more symptoms
than a small amount of albumin, and a few hyaline casts present
in the urine. But, in the more severe cases the urine is reduced
in amount and of high specific gravity (1018-1025). It contains
a considerable quantity of albumin and yields an abundant sediment,
which consists chiefly of fatty, granular and hyaline casts, cellular
detritus, and fat droplets, and in very severe cases there is weakness,
pallor, digestive disturbances, edema. As the disease progresses
there is a failure of vision and the conjunctiva is edematous. There
are headaches, vertigo, shortness of breath and palpitations. There
is no tendency to high blood pressure, and uremia is not a common
occurrence, but may develop toward the end of the patient’s
life. Dropsy of the chest, and pulmonary edema are rather usual
in the severe type. Pneumonia, pleurisy or pericarditis often develop
in the late stages.
PROGNOSIS: In the milder cases, under rigid supervision of diets
and habits life may be prolonged for many years. But in the severe
cases complications may terminate life quickly.
TREATMENT: The treatment follows practically the same plan as in
Acute Nephritis. Except, that there are times when a higher percentage
of calories, protein and mineral elements are permitted. Epstein
in the American Journal of Medical Science recommends a diet high
in protein and low in fat. The latter consists of lean veal, lean
ham, whites of eggs, oysters, gelatin, lima beans, lentils, split
peas, green peas, mushrooms, rice, oatmeal, bananas, skimmed milk,
coffee, tea and cocoa, with restricted fluids and only enough salt
to make the food palatable. The daily amount of calories runs from
1280 to 2500 and the daily amount of proteins from 120 to 240 grams
(4 to 8 ounces); of unavoidable fats, from 20 to 40 grams (10 drams);
of carbohydrates, from 150 to 300 grams (5 to 10 ounces). Other
articles of food are added gradually as conditions allow.
Numbers 1 and 2 Diets in this book are practically the same in the
number of calories.
The manipulative and physical therapies of Acute Nephritis can be
followed out with the inclusion of the above ideas on Diet. But,
in the more pronounced forms of this disease, absolute rest, both
mental and physical are required. Flannel or a silk binding would
be helpful. The patient must always keep warm. All foci of infection
removed if possible. Alcohol should be forbidden. Very little salt
allowed. The bowels kept free.
Chronic Diffuse Glomerulonephritis
ETIOLOGY: The disease may develop
out of acute Glomerulonephritis, or may come by gradual septic infection,
from foci anywhere in the body. This disease is most common between
the ages of twenty and fifty years.
SYMPTOMS: Loss of flesh and strength and increasing pallor are often
the earliest indications. Digestive disturbances are very common.
Cardiac symptoms, especially dypsnea on exertion and palpitation,
are sometimes prominent features. Headaches, dizziness, and insomnia
often result from the disturbed circulation or from uremia. Impairment
of vision from albuminuric retinitis is observed more frequently
than in any other form of nephritis and is of serious import. Dropsy
is somewhat exceptional, although edema sometimes appears late in
the disease in consequence of cardiac insufficiency. Uremia is of
frequent occurrence.
The blood pressure is high, a systolic figure of 200 or 220 not
being unusual. The aortic second sound is accentuated, the heart
is enlarged especially to the left, and the arteries are thickened
and tortuous.
The urine is abundant (2000-4000c.c.)(the polyuria being especially
marked at night. The specific gravity is low and somewhat definitely
fixed at from 1013 to 1010; albuminuria is slight and at times may
be absent; and casts are usually few in number and for the most
part hyaline or faintly granular. Hematuria is sometimes noted.
DIAGNOSIS: Based largely on past history of albuminosis, or Acute
Nephritis. The appearance of an enlarged liver or spleen or both,
albumin in the urine. Hypertension and polyuria, the diagnosis is
PROGNOSIS: In mild cases it can be said to be favorable. Cures are
possible if the primary cause can be found and removed. In well
developed cases the outlook is grave because of developing complications
such as Cerebral hemorrhage, Dilation of the heart, Pulmonary edema,
Uremia, Pleurisy, Pericarditis and Pneumonia.
TREATMENT: Is, in general, the same as found in Chronic tubular
nephritis. Rest is important and certain periods of the day set
aside for naps of an hour or so. But, the patient must be instructed
to be moderate in diet, exercise and work, or study himself to find
out what agrees with him so he can establish a well regulated life
in the avoidance of mental and physical strain, overeating, use
of alcohol, chilling of the body and all other factors that may
increase the blood pressure or overburden the heart. And he must
be instructed against sudden chilling at any time. As long as the
renal insufficiency is not marked, protein intake need not be limited
For the treatment of symptoms, such as hypertension, see treatment
under that subject. Treatment for mycardial inadequacy can be found
under the title of heart conditions.
Now, turn back to treatment of acute nephritis and use practically
the same techniques in combatting this condition.
Some Extra Suggestions
“A deficiency of calcium causes excess albumen to pass out
by way of the kidneys, often causing Bright’s disease.”
“Varying amounts of albumin may be found in the urine without
it being any indication whatsoever of Bright’s disease.”
“The presence of albumin in the urine, at one time regarded
as indicative of nephritis, is now recognized as occurring under
many circumstances without the existence of any serious organic
change in the kidneys.”
“Albumin is simply due to a sloughing off of the skin cells
which line the kidneys.” It can come from “great physical
exertion,” “ingestion of food rich in protein,”
“Standing in cold water a long time,” “Sometimes
albumin is absent in morning and only present after hard day’s
work.” “While albumin is usually found in chronic interstitial
nephritis, it is also true that a certain percentage of cases die
of this disorder without once having shown albumin in the urine
test.” — Dr. McCoy.
“Rapid recovery may be expected of acute Bright’s disease
if simple eliminative measures are used to aid the overworked kidneys
in recovering their normal functions.” However, chronic, offers
many difficulties: dropsy, albumin and casts in urine, enlargement
of kidneys, or becoming smaller and hard; persistent high blood
pressure, often reaching to 250 or 300 mm; requires prolonged treatment
with diet and other hygienic measures for correcting the faulty
metabolism and toxic poisoning. Diseased kidney retains that which
it should throw out and throws out that which the blood should retain.
In the diet of chronic Nephritis it is necessary to give patient
a reasonable amount of protein to make up for the loss of albumin
thrown out in the urine. Fast should be followed with non-starchy
nd non-protein diet for 3-4 weeks, then protein added in form of
eggs and easily digestible meats — say one egg daily and 4
oz. of meat protein. Skin elimination necessary by sponge baths
daily. One enema daily as long as albumin shows. Deep breathing
can help much. Large amount of water should be taken during day,
even at night if patient is awake. One to two gallons of water should
be taken daily. Milk diet is good, 2-3 quarts of milk daily, taken
say a glass every hour, preceded by a few drops of lemon juice to
help in the stimulation of gastric secretions; continue several
weeks. Alcohol, condiments taboo; salt intake small. In resume,
essential things to remember is to use all methods to keep eliminative
channels freely open and avoid any habits which may induce a general
toxemia.” — Dr. McCoy.
Bronchitis, Acute, Chronic and Fibrinous
DEFINITION: An inflammation
of the bronchial tubes and mucous membrane.
Three types are found. Acute and Chronic Catarrhal bronchitis and
fibrinous bronchitis.
ETIOLOGY: Acute catarrhal bronchitis; excessive vaso constriction
of the 10th cranial nerve. A subluxation in the first and second
dorsals, 7th cervical or kidney place. Secondary causes may be cold,
damp climate; changeable weather; occupations that necessitate confinement
or the inhalation of irritating dusts or vapors; the gouty diathesis;
and chronic heart disease are general predisposing factors.
In many cases the disease follows exposure to cold and wet, particularly
when the body is overheated, or the inhalation of irritating gases
or dusts. Not rarely it is one of the manifestations of a general
infection such as measles, whooping-cough, typhoid fever, influenza,
The exciting cause may be the Micrococcus catarrhalis, pheumococcus,
influenza bacillus, streptococcus or staphylococcus.
SYMPTOMS: The chief features are: Chilliness and general malaise;
a sense of soreness and constriction behind the sternum, increased
by coughing; slight fever (100-102 degrees F.), with its associated
symptoms; and cough, which is at first dry and painful, but later
accompanied by more or less abundant mucopurulent expectoration.
DIAGNOSIS: Influenza. — High fever, severe pain in the head,
back, and limbs, and great prostration will serve to distinguish
influenza from bronchitis when the former is present.
CATARRHAL PNEUMONIA: Moderately high and irregular fever, prostration,
pronounced dypsnea, cyanosis, and physical signs indicating consolidation
will aid in the recognition of pneumonia.
PROGNOSIS: Is generally good. In the young and aged great care must
be taken lest it become chronic or lead to catarrhal pneumonia.
Chronic Bronchitis
ETIOLOGY: Chronic bronchitis
may be the result of repeated attacks of acute bronchitis, or it
may develop gradually from chronic cardiac, pulmonary, renal disease
or gout.
SYMPTOMS: The chief features are: Persistent cough with more or
less mucopurulent expectoration; a sense of soreness behind the
sternum. Fever is usually absent, and unless the disease is very
severe, the general health may be fairly well preserved. Dyspnea
on exertion is sometimes a troublesome symptom; it, however, belongs
more to the resulting emphysema than to the bronchitis.
There is rales, and wheezing. In chronic bronchitis there are a
number of forms it will take. The dry form, in which the coughing
is very severe, and from which there is no expectoration. The wet
form in which the expectorate is profuse, amount to several cupsful
in a day. The third form is the purulent form in which pus is expectorated
in large quantities due to an ulceration in the dilated bronchi.
Fever is present. The fourth form is when the expectoration is putrid.
The odor is due to the growth of certain molds in the secretions
in the bronchial tubes. In the sputum small balls, varying in size
from a pinhead to a pea, can be seen composed of fat crystals, bacteria,
and inter-twined threads formed by a mold. These are called mycotic
plugs. Fever, usually of a hectic type, is present in this form
of the disease. It also may finally be complicated by gangrene of
the lungs.
Fibrinous Bronchitis
A primary inflammatory disease
of the bronchi associated with formation of false membrane.
SYMPTOMS: Acute and chronic forms are recognized. Acute is rare,
manifests symptoms of acute bronchitis but sputa contains fibrinous
casts and there is marked dypsnea. Chronic form characterized by
severe cough, dyspnea and the expectoration of fibrinous plugs.
Often lasts a few weeks then disappears to return again at definite
PROGNOSIS: Guarded; in acute may have death from suffocation.
TREATMENT: In acute bronchitis the following forms of treatment
have been found effective.
NEUROPATHY: A thorough lymphatic with emphasis on the liver, axillary
and cervical regions. Dilation of the 10th cranial nerve.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of the 1st and 2nd dorsals, 7th cervical
and K. P.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the 7th cervical for five minutes
on half minute periods.
VACUUM THERAPY: This form of treatment is excellent to quicken the
circulation. The large cups are applied over the spine and chest,
and the small cups where applicable on the neck according to the
tolerance of the patient.
DIET: If not debilitated, No. 2 diet for a week or more may be tried.
Plenty of hot water to drink. Elimination of all mucous forming
foods. If possible a fast on fruit juices for a few days. If cough
is dry, an equal amount of honey and lemon juice mixed and a teaspoonful
given every hour may cause expectoration.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot compresses to spine and chest, or poultices.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: The Lake recoil. Dilating the external nares.
Swabbing out and dilating the pharyngeal cavity, also releasing
and raising the glands of the neck are excellent for dypsnea, and
a greater intake of oxygen. The greater intake of oxygen is necessary
if a cure is to be effected.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Infra-red or radiant light from a 1,000-watt deep
therapy lamp is a splendid treatment. Place the generator the proper
distance from the patient so the treatment can be given in one-half
to one hour. Ultra-violet is also a very valuable modality to use
in bronchitis.
Diathermy is one of the most valuable agents in the treatment of
this disease. It not only relieves pain but greatly assists in allaying
the inflammation. Either long or short-wave diathermy is valuable,
but owing to the ease of application the short-wave therapy is gradually
replacing the older type.
The carbon arc light is of exceptional value in bronchitis since
it delivers infra-red, visible and ultra-violet rays, all of which
are indicated.
COLONTHERAPY: Colonic irrigations are in order, and whether they
are needed more often than twice a week must be left to the discretion
of the physician.
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: Rectal dilations may prove of some value.
HERBOLOGY: Mild expectorants such as Mullein, Coughwort, Horsehound,
Sundew Yarrow, Linden flowers, Honey, Marshmallow, figwort and Flax
Seed will augment diet, sunlight and proper nursing, not forgetting
a laxative.
An easily made remedy is two large handfuls of Mullein Leaves, steep
in one quart of water down to a pint and add a cup of honey.
Equal parts of Wild Cherry bark, Horehound, Spikenard, Comfrey Root
and Elcampane made into a tea is excellent. Sweeten with honey.
EXERCISE: Breathing exercises with the arms uplifted will aid in
the expulsion of the mucous by intermittent pressure.
The treatment used for the acute
condition is applicable with a few additions of techniques. 1st:
All foci of infection should be carefully searched for, particularly
in the sinuses, tonsils and throat and removed by Endo-Nasal and
Allied techniques.
A trip to a high altitude occasionally will aid much by the inhalation
of dry air. But when due to cardiac disease or complicated by it,
low altitude is best.
In cases complicated by arteriosclerosis, hypertension, autointoxication,
colds, sinusitis and tonsilitis, see treatments under those titles.
The treatment for this type
is the same as above with what additions the physician can find
as a specific for the releasing of casts, and special attention
to relieving dypsnea by Endo-Nasal therapy.
Bursitis — Acute, Chronic
DEFINITION: Inflammation of
a bursa, or inflammation of the sac or pouch containing fluid within
the body often lined with membrane, especially found between tendons
and bony prominences and other places where there is excessive friction.
There are two types: Acute and chronic and attacks can take place
in many parts of the body especially the limbs.
ETIOLOGY: It can generally be said that they are practically all
due to injury, over use, or irritation from some source. The chronic
type may be due to a continuation of the acute etiology and disease.
There are many locations of the two types of bursitis — bursae
about elbow; bursae about shoulder; bursae about hip; bursae about
knee; deeper bursae, infrapatellar bursitis, gastrocnemius bursitis,
medial tibial bursa, lateral tibial bursitis; bursae of foot; posterior
group, posterior calcaneal bursae, anterior calcaneal bursa, anterior
planter bursitis, lumbrical bursae.
SYMPTOMS: An acute inflammation of a bursa may be serous or purulent,
and, as stated, is usually due to injury. When located superficially
there is marked swelling, redness, and local heat. When an inflamed
bursa is situated in the deeper tissues, the swelling can only be
detected with difficulty, if at all, and the pain especially on
motion, is severe. General febrile symptoms often appear when a
deep bursa is involved, especially when there is a tendency to suppuration,
this being likely to extend. The inflammatory process sometimes
extends to a neighboring joint, including the synovial sac, which
is easily penetrated. The diagnosis can usually be established by
judging the effects of motion. Extreme abduction or adduction of
the humerus, for instance, causes severe pain, if the inflamed bursa
is under the deltoid; when the bursa between the quadriceps extensor
and the femur or that under the ligamentum patellae, is the seat
of the inflammatory process, flexion of the leg upon the thigh becomes
painful, through the pressure thus exerted upon the bursa.
DIAGNOSIS: It is difficult to be misled in these cases If the patient
complains of pain, and the examiner finds the pain is greater on
touch over the bursae of any particular part he can feel certain
of the diagnosis.
TREATMENT: In the acute type absolute rest for the bursa is necessary,
removing all pressures and irritations. The part should be supported
during the acute attack. If an arm or shoulder, in a splint, if
in the foot a U strapping of adhesive tape under the heel. This
strapping to come up one inch over the ankle on both sides. Cold
applications, or cold compresses may be tried, and gives relief
in some cases, but not in all cases. In many cases, hot antiseptic
fomentations or compresses are necessary.
Infra-red, short wave and diathermy are of great value. Light massage
may be given after the hot or cold applications. If in a few days
of the above treatments, and the condition does not improve, blistering
of the part, or absolute freezing of the part may be necessary.
Chronic Bursitis
This is met with much more frequently
than in the acute form. It develops insidiously. The pain is slight,
and the condition manifests itself by marked swelling, which varies
in density to the bursal wall. It may present a feeling similar
to that of bone. This is spoken of as bursitis with calcification.
TREATMENT: Diathermy, galvanism and the sine wave are noted for
their effects on this condition. For the pain short wave may be
VACUUM THERAPY: Application of the cups over the bursa is a great
help in the breaking up of the mass, but the cups should be applied
very gently at first.
HYDROTHERAPY: Baking. Hot applications, or sitting in a tub, or
standing under a shower, and allowing the water to hit the particular
part affected for long periods of time. The water should be as hot
as can be endured.
EXERCISES: This should be regulated by the physician. The average
patient will use jerking movements that are sometimes too violent
to make tests for pain, thereby creating more irritation. And, his
movements should not be more than necessary to carry on normal life.
STRAPPING: If the pain is from shoulder bursitis, the arm can be
supported by a loop gauze strap from the neck. At the same time
an adhesive tape can be placed from a point on the spinous process,
then drawn over the shoulder to about 2 inches in front. A strip
1 ½ inches wide, is sufficient. Care must be taken not to attach
the tape over the lower neck muscles, if discomfort is to be avoided.
If the patient must stay employed, the shoulder strap can be of
itself a great benefit.
NEUROPATHY: Inhibition of pain can be obtained by hard pressure
on the opposite side to the seat of the pain.
CHIROPRACTIC: The adjustments are according to the location of the
subluxations and perversion.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Large doses of E and D and smaller doses of A and
Cancer, Carcinomas
DEFINITION: It is difficult
to give a definition of cancer but since it is a disease of the
epithelial cells in the majority of cases, and of some connective
tissue cells, it can be said to be a malignant growth, that has
a metastic effect upon other tissues, by the spreading of the epithelial
and connective tissue cancer cells.
In the development of the cancer the invasion of the tissues having
started, there is a slight thickening and hardening of the tissues.
This is known as the precancerous stage, which may cause no distress
to the afflicted person. But later on a swelling or tumor takes
place, and when first noticed may assume a round or an irregular
shape. Laboratory findings are of epithelial cells in compact aggregations
without capillary vessels, for nourishment requiring the cells to
live on such intercellular lymph as can reach them. The lymph containing
waste, and only about twenty per cent oxygen, and since enough oxygen
is not carried to destroy the cancer cells, they multiply rapidly,
especially in soft adipose or edematous tissues, and large masses
may be formed. In the firmer tissues, the lymph supply is not so
great, and the cancer cells grow much slower, and smaller in size.
The food, and oxygen supply becoming more inadequate with the growth
of cancer cells, the tissues in the area involved become decadent
and necrotic or dead and later putrefaction sets in. But before
this stage is reached, invasion of all surrounding tissue may have
taken place to a greater or less degree according to the resistance
of the tissues, and the circulation of the blood, and the oxygen
and nutritive supply. The writer is satisfied that metastasis of
cancer cells to other parts of the body is largely due to the lymphatic
circulation rather than the extension of the cancer cells themselves,
or being carried by the arterial circulation. It seems reasonable
to the writer, that the above is true because if the cancer cells
were carried in the arterial circulation metastasis would be more
rapid and death would be hastened a great deal. It is possible that
a large proportion does get into the arterial stream, but are destroyed
by the oxygen. But the lymph stream being slower they can lodge
and colonize, then there is the primary and secondary cancer. However,
there may be some cancers that can occur from blood metastasis.
As the cancer spreads the mental and physical make up of the patient
is disturbed. If they live long, no matter whether it be external
or internal, there comes a time when they show signs of severe secondary
anemia, wasting pallor, and slight yellowing of the skin. The skin
becomes like wet moss, and it feels cold to the touch of the hand.
There is usually a great shortness of breath, and weakness. The
facial and eye expression is as if the patient is in a state of
constant bewilderment.
ETIOLOGY:Hundreds of experiments have been carried on to explain
the germination of cancer cells, and many interesting theories have
been advanced, but to date none of them are totally acceptable.
The traumatic theory has much support. Coley considers that there
is an etiological connection between trauma, at least in its broadest
sense, and cancer. Coley states that in 9 of 46 cases of sarcoma
which he has previously reported the tumor developed within one
week after the injury and at the exact site of the injury. Since
this report he has observed 800 cases, making a total of 970 cases
a definite history of trauma existed 225 times, or in 23 per cent.
In 117 of the 225 cases, or in 52 per cent, the tumor developed
within one month after the injury. Coley also has observed carcinoma
of the breast following injury within one week’s time in 5
cases. Coley: Annals of Surgery 1911.
The irritation theory apart from trauma has many adherents, especially
external cancers. Cancers of the lips were more frequent in pipe
smoking days than at present, or cancers of the uterus from abortions
or unrepaired traumatic parturition. Coal tar products, aluminum
products and many other chemical elements such as sulfydryl compounds
in the tissues themselves may upon trauma or irritation excite such
productive activities of cells that may be the basis of cancerous
tumor growth.
The hereditary theory has some advocates. But statistics on this
phase of the question are puzzling.
Among 2389 women with cancer reported by Pierson from the Middlesex
Hospital in London, 359 had family histories of cancer, while of
the antecedents of 753 non-cancer cases only 120 were affected with
cancer. This shows that cancer seems to be no more frequent in the
families of patients with cancer than among those without it. Guillot
has found a history of cancer in 11 per cent of antecedents of non-cancerous
patients and in 17.4 per cent of the antecedents of cancer patients,
and he estimates that the incidence of cancer in the parents of
non-cancer cases is 16 per cent as against 17 per cent of the parents
of cancer patients.
The question arises now: whether the cancer in those who had cancerous
parents was transmitted from parents to children at birth, or whether
later in life the production of cancer was not due to living the
same kind of life as the parents, eating the same type of food,
having the same sedentary habits, with the same environmental tendencies
toward trauma and irritations.
The infective theory created great excitement some years ago by
the announcement that certain microorganisms had been found in carcinomas,
but later it was discovered that not a single microorganism was
constantly present, and the excitement died down, and the conclusion
now is that cancer is not an infectious disease.
The writer is inclined to the traumatic and irritative theory plus
the existence of an anoxia or anoxemia. The functions of oxygen
are too well known to recount them here. But it is well known that
anoxia of any tissue of the body will create a basis for putrefactive
elements to accumulate and constant irritation or trauma will increase
the accumulation of putrefactive elements that will compound and
destroy the surrounding tissues as long as there is anoxia or anoxemia.
In support of the above theory we quote the following from “Chemistry
in Therapeutics:, page 132. Walter Bryant Gug.
“Dr. W. B. Bainbridge, of New York City, is quite convinced
that injuries play a large part in the production of cancerous growths.
As before explained, a lymph stasis is set up by inflammation or
injury to any tissue. If an alkalosis is present the cancer occult
virus may propagate in the injured tissues. The retained lymph and
toxins and the deficiency of oxygen create the conditions favorable
to its growth. In a lengthy paper printed in the Medical Times,
May 1934, after quoting many undoubted authorities that trauma (injury)
often precedes cancer growths, Dr. Bainbridge states that he ‘realizes,
naturally that all blows do not result in cancer, and that all cancers
at the sites of injuries may not be the result of trauma, but in
a number of cases observed, where there are definite steps, from
the injury to the tumor, it is his opinion that the finger of proof
points directly to the trauma, as such as the cause of the subsequent
“If we could but visualize the pathology, for instance, of
a gastric ulcer, we should see first of all a blocking of the lymph
channels in the area involved. This stasis would shut off the nutrient
fluids, also oxygen, from the cells. Likewise, a retention of toxic
acids and other products of metabolic life would accumulate and
cause an inflammatory congestion that accompanies this affection.
Then would follow a coagulation necrosis with destruction of the
epithelial cells. If the lymph stasis that causes the sore is relieved,
healing takes place.” Now the trauma need not necessarily
be a severe blow, but a constant irritation of some chemical, or
food products.
TREATMENT: From the earliest time the idea was to rid the patient
of the core or tumor of cancer. Caustics and hot irons were used
for this purpose which meant death shortly for the patient. Then
followed the present surgical procedures that, if performed early
in the condition gave promise of a longer life than otherwise. Vaccines,
serums and antitoxins followed, administered by those who accepted
the infectious theory.
Another method was based on the theory that the tissues resent the
presence of cancer cells and try to get rid of them by some kinds
of immune bodies present in the blood. Attempts then were made to
treat these patients by intravenous injections of exudates taken
from other cancer cases and in this way aid the patient’s
blood to become stronger in its immunizing qualities.
Hormonal therapy by injection of adrenal extracts injected directly
into the tumor or elsewhere was tried, but the disturbances created
led to its abandonment. Later, heat by electrical apparatus was
tried, then the various types of lamps, especially ultra violet,
sometimes giving relief from pain, but having no influence in retarding
the growth.
An interesting theory is that of deficiency of Vitamin A may play
a part in the conditioning of the epithelium for cancer cells, and
also of Vitamin A in therapeutics, of the first Youmans is quoted
as follows:
“The effect of a deficiency of Vitamin A on the epithelium
is an atrophy of the cells followed by a replacement with undifferentiated
epithelium through proliferation of the basal cells. This results
in a stratified, cornified epithelium, similar to the epidermis
and the same in all structures irrespective of their original structure
or function. Disturbances in function result from this altered nature
of the epithelium and the presence of masses of dead, cornified
cells. Glandular structures such as the sebaceous and sweat glands
diminish their secretion or cease entirely. Ducts are plugged, specialized
epithelian surfaces become replaced by a flat, keratinized surface.
Youman Nutritional deficiencies, page 23.
Today there are three standards of medical treatments, surgery being
foremost and the best in medical procedure; second, X-ray treatment;
third Radium. There are in some cases combinations such as surgery
and X-rays and Radium, according to the biopsy reports or the grade
of the tumor. Fulguration, electrodessication, electrocoagulation
and the electroendotherm knife are also used as a part of surgery.
Still the cancer toll piles up year after year. Drugless physicians
are handicapped by the customs, habits and beliefs of the people
influenced by the propaganda of the medical profession to such an
extent that they are prevented from performing experiments of any
degree with coalition among themselves. Always hanging over their
heads is the danger of malpractice suits or being branded in their
communities as quacks, charletans and fakirs.
The ethics of the medical profession demand that, if any improvement,
method, discovery or remedy is found that gives better curative
results than hitherto recorded, such information, through publication,
must be made available to the entire medical world, in order that
all may be aided; also, that any valuable discovery may not be lost
to posterity. But here is the catch for the Drugless Physician.
He would not be accepted as worthy of attention. His information
would be distorted. He would be subjected to persecution by the
Medical profession, and even some of his fellow drugless practitioners
would join in the ridicule and denunciation.
All that could be if proper facilities were provided by some drugless
organization, and funds for the equipment of a sanitarium and proper
experimentation facilities, and proper reporting from time to time
on the progress made. All reports put out by any physician as to
so-called cures of cancer should be investigated and if accurate,
and a number of cases have responded, this should be made known
to the public, by a group of investigators which would save the
individual physician embarrassment in his community. Surely there
must be among the Drugless techniques a combination of methods that
will get as good results if not better than the medical methods
if agreement could be reached on the proper procedure. For the medical
procedure is strictly arbitrary, the scope of the treatments being
limited to surgery, X-ray, and Radium as the only orthodix method
of therapeutics. At the time of this writing, there comes to my
desk the following letter:
“Dear Friend: You have in the past shown your interest in
the work of the Philadelphia Division, American Cancer Society by
contributing to its support. We did not hear from you after our
April appeal this year, but we hope that we can make you feel that
your further cooperation is worth while.
The scope of the work of this group has been greatly enlarged, over
200,000 people having been reached this year. To them we have sent
the word that Early Cancer is Curable, telling them of the danger
signals, and urging consultation with their family physician, or
another, if disturbing symptoms are present.
In addition we are supporting investigation and study of pelvic
cancer, and are greatly interested in the problem of care of cases
of incurable cancer.
Does this not warrant your support? We hope so.”
The above letter was signed by an M.D. Now why not signed by an
N.D. or a D.C. It is the hour for all drugless Physicians to investigate
and cause research by a body of responsible physicians into many
of the claims made by individual physicians that they can detect
the precancerous stage, and have a preventative, or some method
of aborting a full attack. Iridiagnosis has never, to the knowledge
of the writer, been thoroughly tested, as a detector of the precancer
state, and a report made on results after a wait of a period of
time to see if full cancer would develop. There are no statistics
that a physician can call on for aid in diagnosis of the precancerous
or the full stage.
Great claims are made for iridiagnosis in the detection of the presence
of cancer and for the grape cure, certain types of plasters, diets,
and other methods of therapeutics, but no responsible group of licensed
physicians to prove or disprove these claims, and as a result if
a physician does have a real discovery, he stands alone, and he
falls alone, as soon as he tries to tell the world about it.
There are many questions an impartial paid group of physicians could
spend their time in finding us the answers. Some might be as follows:
To what extent does a condition of Alkalosis contribute to the precancerous
state. To what extent does the loss of nerve control over the process
of cell production contribute to the cancer state. To what extent
does lymph stasis contribute and how, to a cancer state. It is within
those three questions that the answer to the prevention and cure
of cancer is to be found. Surely our dietitians, biochemists, nerve
specialists and others who have developed some helpful therapeutics
can get together some day, and give us a logical method in management
of benign and malignant growths.
In the following pages on this subject, we will take up a few of
the most serious types of cancer, and give what we could find in
the management of such cases.
Cancer of the Liver
ETIOLOGY: Cancer of the liver
is largely considered as secondary. Rarely primary. Usually attacks
after 45. Is more common in men than women. The primary is usually
of one big lump. The secondary a combination of smaller nodules
or lumps.
SYMPTOMS: (1) The liver is enlarged and painful, and often presents
one or more smooth, hard nodules. The latter may show a central
depression. (2) Jaundice is common, but it is rarely intense. (4)
Digestive disturbances are a prominent feature, and often precede
the hepatic symptoms. Ascites sometimes result from portal obstruction.
Toward the end, slight fever, delirium, stupor, and coma may develop.
PROGNOSIS: Considered to be generally hopeless. Much depends upon
the position and course of the primary neoplasm in the secondary
type on the size of the liver growth, and on the interference with
hepatic function. In the majority of cases, the patient loses strength
rapidly and emaciates, and the liver steadily increases in size.
Stupor from cholemia takes place; but occasionally death is due
to some intercurrent disease such as pneumonia.
TREATMENT: Much of the treatment is palliative; although surgery
offers extirpation of a localized malignant growth, it is doubtful
if a recurrence is prevented.
The nervous system may be quieted by light pressure on the liver
segments. The itching of jaundice may be relieved by lotions of
various kinds, baths or high frequency bulb applied to the annoying
Herbology is found under cancer of the stomach.
Cancer of the Kidneys
ETIOLOGY: The primary malignant
growths of the kidney comprise sarcoma, hypernephrona and carcinoma.
Sarcoma seems to be the most common in children while the hypernephrona
is most common in adults Carcinoma of the kidney is rare. But all
types of tumors of the kidney can be regarded as malignant.
SYMPTOMS: There may be none until the tumor has reached a large
size. The three outstanding symptoms are pain, bleeding and the
palpation of a lump in the kidney. See methods of kidney examination
in book on Neuropathy. In addition notice if area of kidney is cool,
cold and moist. In addition to the above there are emaciation. Pain
is inconsistent and the urine, apart from hematuria, often affords
no indications. Metastasis is frequently observed, hypernephromas
showing a special tendency to involve the lungs and bones and to
invade the renal vein and vena cava.
PROGNOSIS: Depends largely on complications.
Medical treatment offers nothing more than surgery. Neither X-rays
nor radium are considered effective because of the difficulty of
applying sufficient dosage so far from the surface of the body.
A statistical study of the results of operation for renal tumor
is that of Judd and Hand from The Mayo Clinic. In 367 cases they
found that hematuria was the first symptom in 43; 86 per cent; pain
in 37.32 per cent; and tumor in 13.62 per cent. Of the entire number
of patients, 106 lived for from 3 to 22 years, or about 29 per cent.
Judd and Hand. Journal of Urology, July 1929.
Drugless therapy up to now has no specific method of approach other
than diets and comfort giving treatments. Some physicians have tried
the grape cure of which nothing more has been heard by the writer
after extensive efforts to get reports. One great difficulty of
restricted diet in these cases is the great emaciation that has
taken place before the disease was discovered. All cases the writer
has had, the loss of blood and the depletion of the blood constituents
by the disease made further depletion impractical by a restricted
diet and the grape cure without sanitoria supervision. Vitamin E
in large doses (wheat germ oil) has been reported as useful in all
forms of carcinomas, but as yet is not fully established as a specific.
Herbology is found under cancer of the stomach.
Cancer of the Pancreas
Cancer of the pancreas is more
common in males than in females. Pancreatic cancer generally involves
the head of the gland, and is largely of the hardening nature.
SYMPTOMS: Cancer of the head of the gland is early. These include
disturbances of digestion, rapid loss of flesh and strength, anemia,
deep-seated, and often pulsatile from its relation to the aorta.
The pain often occurs in paroxysms, especially at night, and may
be associated with the symptoms of collapse. Progressively increasing
jaundice, with enlargement of the gall-bladder, is a frequent symptom,
and results from the pressure of the tumor upon the common bile-duct.
Pressure on the portal vein may cause ascites. Glycosuria is an
occasional symptom. In some cases the stools have contained much
free fat and numerous undigested muscle-fibers.
SYMPTOMS: Cancer of the body or tail of the gland are late in developing
but once developed present the same symptoms as the other.
DIAGNOSIS: Relentless loss of weight, the intense jaundice, and
palpation of the spleen. (See Spleen examination.) The feel of the
lump or lumps make the diagnosis rather certain. The condition of
the gutter of the spine being soft and ropy, also subluxations will
confirm the findings. Laboratory findings of urine show bile, glucose,
lipase, diastase and chyle due to obstruction of the receptaculum
chyle. The blood shows a very low red cell count. The stools show
signs of blood, while the X-ray may be of great value in showing
the amount of pressure and obstruction on adjcent organs.
PROGNOSIS: Death may result anywhere from one month to two years
after the discovery of the symptoms. Treatments may show some improvement
for a time, but the symptoms later become more severe. An operation
is only a temporary relief. At the present time there is no drugless
literature extant that gives any hope for even prolonging life let
alone a cure. We have heard much of the fasting cure and the grape
cure but no statistical reports as to the effects of these methods.
Herbology is found under cancer of the stomach.
MEDICAL PROCEDURE: Surgery of the pancreas is very limited but has
not so far resulted in what could be a satisfactory outcome. Cholocystectomy
has eliminated the jaundice and allowed some gain in weight. This
operation is performed after abundant fluids, blood transfusions,
and glucose are administered. After the operation pancreatin may
be substituted for the failure of the functioning of the pancrease
Gastric analysis reveals whether belladonna, hydrochloric acid or
alkalis are necessary.
Cancer of the Stomach
ETIOLOGY: Carcinoma of the stomach
occurs somewhat more frequently in males than in females. About
three-fourths of the cases occur between the ages of forty and sixty-five
years. It is rare before thirty. Heredity seems to be a factor of
some importance. Ulcer of the stomach undoubtedly increases to a
great extent the predisposition to cancer.
Cancer of the stomach is almost always primary. The pylorus is the
part most frequently attacked. After the pylorus the points of attack
are the lesser curvature and the cardia.
SYMPTOMS: Obstinate dyspepsia, persisting in spite of rational treatment;
persistent pain in the epigastric region, not greatly influenced
by eating; progressive loss of flesh and increasing anemia; vomiting,
possibly of coffee-ground material, with other symptoms of dilatation
of the stomach; the absence of free hydrochloric acid in the gastric
contents and the presence of lactic acid and the Oppler-Boas bacillus;
tumor or tenderness in the epigastric region.
DIAGNOSIS: The gutter of the spine is soft and lumpy with tenderness.
It is cold to the touch in advanced cases and there is subluxation
at S.P. By palpation of the lump or irregularity of the contour
of outline of the surface.
Owing to stenosis of the pylorus, the stomach is dilated in two-thirds
of cases. The absence of hydrochloric acid. The differentiation
between ulcer and cancer can be said to be as follows: Cancer: Rare
before forty. Severe anemia and cachexia. Pain dull, not much influenced
by eating. Vomiting delayed. Hemorrhages small and of characteristic
“coffee-ground” appearance; tarry stools rare. Hydrochloric
acid diminished or absent; lactic acid, and Oppler-Boas bacillus
in gastric contents.
While in Ulcer, it may occur in the young. Chlorosis often present.
Pain sharp, stabbing, or burning, localized in epigastrium and back;
occurs soon after eating. Vomiting occurs soon after eating. Hemorrhages
profuse; blood bright red, tarry stools. Hyperacidity. Lactic acid
and Oppler-Boas bacillus absent.
Further help can be had by fluoroscopic examination as to the form,
size and position of the stomach.
PROGNOSIS: The prognosis is grave. There have been reported what
is known as five year cures. But up to the time of writing this
the writer has not been able to substantiate some claims made of
absolute cures. No reliable statistics are available that can be
thoroughly investigated and substantiated by Drugless therapy procedures.
TREATMENT: The chief plan of treatment is to give relief and delay
the fatality as long as possible. The dietary phase then claims
the largest part of the treatment.
NEUROPATHY: Holding the fingers in the gutter of the spine until
the vaso-constrictors and dilators show some response. A light lymphatic
of the liver.
HERBOLOGY: The stages of this terrible disease of the blood need
diagnosing by a specialist and proper progressive treatment given.
However, one can improve the general health and purity of the blood
by taking the following: Fluid extract each of Yellow Dock, Burdock,
Barberry, Agrimony one-half ounce; Fluid Extract Blood Root 2 dr.;
Tincture of Capsicum 1 dr.; Camphor water 8 oz. Teaspoonful three
times daily after meals.
Poultices of Scraped Carrots or Mashed Cranberries can be recommended.
Or, Fresh Common Daisy 2 oz.; Lobelia Herb ½ oz. Boil in a
little water and place some of the herb between muslin and apply,
keeping the poultice wet with the liquid. Renew every six hours.
Bathe often with half ounce each of Tinctures of Myrrh, Blood Root
and Celandine in a gill of water. This can, if desired be used in
with the poultice.
This is a simple but good remedy: Take 1 oz. of Narrow Dock leaves
to a pint of boiling water; simmer to half pint, add dessertspoonful
of pure honey. Take half teaspoonful three or four times a day.
of Skin Epitheliomas
ETIOLOGY: Age and local irritations
seem to be the main factors. They are superficial, deep seated or
The first type begins usually as a firm wax like red-yellow papule,
in time it becomes scaly and this is followed by loss of substance,
soon followed by a brown crust. In time this is converted into an
ulcer, exuding a discharge of greenish substance containing pus
and blood. It is not painful. It may not spread, or it may spread
and involve all the tissues of the part. Usually appearing on the
face and if spreading may destroy the nose, eyes or the cranial
The deep seated variety is much on the order of the superficial
except there is a tubercle or lump and the ultimate ulcer is deep,
causing pain and causes enlargement of the neighboring glands.
The papilomatous variety may begin as a wart, or from one of the
other varieties mentioned above.
It is characterized by an ulcerated surface from which springs an
aggregation of large, highly vascular papillae. Between the papillae
there are often deep-seated fissures from which exudes an offensive
viscid discharge. The general health is impaired and the neighboring
glands are enlarged.
The above differ from lupus vulgaris in that lupus begins in the
y oung, and there is more than one center, which are not hard but
soft, and the discharge from the ulcer is slow and scanty and bones
are never involved.
PROGNOSIS: Should be guarded in the type of epitheliomatous ulcer
that eats away adjacent tissues and bones, known as rodent ulcer,
and also guarded in the deep seated epitheliomas. Other types the
prognosis is favorable and often a complete cure is effected.
TREATMENT: The general treatment for growths of this nature is by
electrodesiccation, electro coagulation, X-rays, radium or excision
by surgery, ointments of various types. Poultice of mashed grapes
has been reported helpful. The Cabasil products have been reported
as excellent for conditions of this nature.
The general health condition of the patient must be looked into.
The thyroid gland, and all phases of respiration should be carefully
examined. Many of these patients are anoxemic, and anemic, and show
a sharp tendency toward alkalosis a big part of the time. Appropriate
treatment then can be instituted for building up the general health
of the patient.
DEFINITION: A hard, circumscribed,
deep seated, painful inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, accompanied
by chill, fever, and constitutional disturbances, suppuration and
the formation of a slough.
ETIOLOGY: A lowered vitality from any cause predisposes to this
affection. It is especially common in diabetes. Microbic infection
is the exciting cause.
SYMPTOMS: It is characterized by a painful node at first covered
by a tight, reddened skin which later becomes thin and perforates,
discharging pus through several openings. Most commonly found on
nape of neck, on back, or on buttocks. There is at first a chill,
followed by a febrile movement, which is generally well marked,
and very severe. The lymphatics in the surrounding area, are all
DIAGNOSES: Carbuncle is especially dangerous when located on the
scalp, abdomen, and upper lip; in these locations it usually runs
an acute course and may be fatal from pyemia. The prognosis is grave
when extensive and attacking the elderly, especially if complicated
with Bright’s disease or diabetes. The prognosis should always
be guarded, even in the most hopeful cases. Death is not infrequent
in the old and debilitated because of the development of thrombi
and emboli.
TREATMENT: This is an unusual problem. For each carbuncle is a serious
problem in itself. No set rule of thumb exists by which all can
be treated, and not many conditions are found that require more
care and judgment as to whether the process is a local and stationary
one or spreading upon, or underneath the tissues. Very little literature
is extant by drugless physicians. It is skipped over generally as
a problem of surgery or blunt statements are made that certain adjustments
will relieve the condition or a fast will break it all up. The above
are helpful but the fact still remains that no one method of treatment
is sufficient for relief of all cases. Each case is a peculiar problem.
The treatment must be local and constitutional and at any time may
require the services of a surgeon.
NEUROPATHY: A complete treatment of the lymphatic system, and release
of the vasodilators.
CHIROPRACTIC: Local, S.P. and K.P.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Infra-red directed by a small funnel at the mass
and held for three minute intervals, with a three minute wait each
time for five consecutive times daily has been helpful. Dry fomentations
of any nature are applicable. Hot dry towels. Hot water bag, etc.
Surgery of any nature should only be performed after very serious
consultation and with but three objects in mind. The relief of tension
when it has become unbearable; the removal of dead tissue, and the
prevention of the spreading of the infection. The writer has seen
some results of surgical interference that raised the question “was
it necessary or even worth while?” X-rays have many advocates.
Biers hyperemia is also suggested. The writer has used the small
suction cup with good effect in a few cases. Short wave diathermy
seems to have the endorsement of most writers on this condition.
COLONTHERAPY: Colonic irrigations twice a week or daily enemas of
hot water will aid in keeping a free and clean colon. The Cabasil
products have been highly recommended for this condition.
DIET: This is of great importance but no general rule can be laid
down. It is according to the blood and urine test reports. Yet it
can be said that all rich pastries, spices, fatty foods, fried foods,
warmed over foods, should be omitted from the diet, and alcohol
should be forbidden.
MEDICAL PROCEDURE: General tonics like quinine and iron. Opium or
other anodynes to relieve pain. Human and animal serums. Autogenous
vaccines. Ichthyol, applied pure so as to cover the entire swelling,
a new application each day. Sulphur in minute doses and sulphur
baths are recommended. Liver diet is suggested when there is secondary
Anemia. Some suggest that it is possible to transform chronic inflammatory
processes into acute forms and hasten the healing of these by feeding
the patient on a meat and oatmeal diet that contains a minimum of
two and a half drams of sodium chloride daily, that the acidosis
produced tends to make lesions flare up and this induces healing.
Surgery, cautery, etc., are included in a host of other remedies
that the medical profession individually or collectively advocate
for this serious ailment.
HERBOLOGY: Constant bathing of the part with hottest water bearable
allays pain and is essential in assisting the carbuncle to burst.
Take internally: 1 ounce of Fluid Ext. of Yellow Dock, 1 ounce Fluid
Ext. of Burdock and two drams of Fluid Ext. of Mandrake. Fullers
earth when sore opens. One physician reports 120 F.M. as very effective
for douching the slough, 20 drops to 30 drops of water.
DEFINITION: Mental and motor
inertia, in which the person will remain in the same position for
short or long periods of time, also called sleeping sickness.
ETIOLOGY: A syndrome from impairment of the carotid sinus in which
the contents of the carotid sinus collapses creating anemia and
anoxia of the brain. There is also a form called “Grippal
Catalepsy” understood to follow influenza and LaGrippe. It
may occur from extreme hysteria, hypnosis and psychosis especially
of dementia praecox.
Certain drugs like morphine, poisons, like lead and alcohol, Microorganisms,
disorder of the glands, Auto intoxications, influenza and cranial
tumors have been found as contributory to attacks of catalepsy.
Up to the present time reports are that previous attacks of influenza
account for between forty and fifty per cent of catalepsy cases.
TYPES: There is the mild and severe type. The limp and the firm
type. The mild type is when the attack of catalepsy is over anywhere
from one minute to half an hour. Recently a young man was in the
office, and while telling the history of his headaches, suddenly
became rigid, and sat stiff in the chair staring into space. The
attack lasted about five minutes, then, when he came to consciousness
he had no recollection whatever of what he had been talking about
for some few minutes. During this spell the pulse and repiration
were not in any way impaired.
In the severe types the rigidity may last from one hour into days
and months. In some cases of mild and severe types the muscular
system is not rigid but limp, and the body can be moved in any direction.
These limp types are considered as “incomplete catalepsy.”
SYMPTOMS: In the mild type there is a sudden onset, and the person
will stand or sit still for a short period of time, then, they will
awaken, with sighs and a dazed expression, as if awakening from
a deep, long sleep.
In the severe type which is considered as “complete’
the onset may be sudden, or may be preceded by headache. The patient
may be believed dead; for not only are the limbs inert, the eyes
staring or half-closed and the pupils dilated, with drooping jaw,
and the skin cold and pale; but their respiratory movements cease,
the pulse is impalpable, and swallowing is not effected. Only the
heart can be felt to beat faintly, for even the reflexes may be
entirely suppressed; although most observers find the corneal reflex;
and the rectal temperature approximates normal, and the patient
may stay in that condition until she dies. Some victims have slept
from two weeks to many months. The attacks may be grouped close
together, with long periods of freedom, or there may only be one
in a lifetime.
DIAGNOSIS: A method of differentiating the hysterical, and psychotic
from the true catalepsy is as follows: A heavy weight is attached
to the hand horizontally, in true catalepsy the hand falls slowly
to its full length, while in false, the resistance of the patient
to keep the arm in the horizontal position and when fatigue of the
arm takes place, spasms of the arm follow.
TREATMENT: Catalepsy is only a symptom of some underlying disease.
Malnutrition, Auto-intoxication, enervation, signs of infection,
meningitis, tumor and other conditions that impair health, need
to be investigated and when found treated as the primary cause.
Look at the neck, and toe nail and find out which side of the brain
is mostly affected. The side of the neck which shows the largest
expansion is the best criterion for it reveals a carotid sinus syndrome.
This condition then is closely related to epilepsy, and if any symptoms
of epilepsy are found, the treatment then is found under that title.
In the paroxysm it is well to unload the bowels by giving a high
enema of clear, warm water. Stimulation of the gutter of the spine
by friction with the fingers; hot towels to the spine, or a mustard
plaster to the nape of the neck may arouse the patient.
Chiropractic treatment of all cervicals and kidney place may be
given. Nasal stimulants, such as ammonia may be used to advantage.
When the cause is found, then the general treatment can be given
as indicated. A general health building program of diet and exercise
is always in order.
(Green Sickness)
DEFINITION: Chlorosis is a form
of anemia occurring in young girls about the time of puberty, and
is characterized by a reduction of hemoglobin out of proportion
to the number of red blood cells.
ETIOLOGY: The essential cause of the disease is unknown, but the
evidence favors the view that the blood-making function is impaired
in consequence of some disturbance in the ovaries. Chlorosis occurs
exclusively in females, and develops between the fifteenth and twenty-fourth
It can be said to be an iron and oxygen deficiency in the blood.
SYMPTOMS: In addition to the general symptoms of anemia, the conspicuous
features are a greenish hue of the skin; pallor and weakness without
marked loss of flesh; dyspepsia with perversion of appetite; menstrual
disorders, especially amenorrhea; and a tendency to hysteric outbreaks.
The blood changes are chacteristic. The number of red cells is moderately
reduced (not often below 3,500,000); the hemoglobin, on the other
hand, is greatly reduced, usually below 50%. There is no leukocytosis.
DIAGNOSIS: The tests for iron deficiencies are so well known that
it is unnecessary to repeat them here.
TREATMENT: The treatment follows much along the outline of Anemia
(of which see).
NEUROPATHY: General lymphatic and stimulative techniques of the
whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: C-1, D-7 and L. region.
DIET: Many of these patients have been freak eaters, refusing to
eat eggs, meats and vegetables. Some getting along only on toast
and tea or coffee or some kind of soda fountain drinks. A diet deficient
in iron continued until it has become a habit is hard to overcome.
But the physician must insist upon it. Whatever may be the fault
in the diet must be overcome. The writer tries the No. 1 and 2 diet
as a test before making either one a standard for some length of
time. Honey added to the meal, or in water is an excellent builder.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: A, B, C, D, G may be considered and oxygen therapy.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Same as under Anemia.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra violet ray, starting with five minutes for
the first treatment, then giving an extra two minutes at each sitting,
if treatments are given twice or three times a week, until twenty
minutes of exposure is reached.
The patient should be on a revolving stool so that all parts of
the body can feel the exposure.
HERBOLOGY: Black Walnut Leaves made into a tea, used with meals,
and between meals. A small handful of dried leaves to a pint of
boiling water. As with all herbs, those over a year old are worthless.
EXERCISES: Moderate exercises are of great benefit. The writer advises
his patients to join a hiking club. Those who do so generally pick
up very quickly.
Dance. Involuntary spasmodic muscular twitchings of a neurotic origin.
This condition is also known as Sydenham’s Chorea.
ETIOLOGY: This is essentially a disease of the young from five to
fifteen years of age. The great fundamental cause is rheumatism.
It is always more or less associated with it in the form of inflammatory
rheumatism. The immediate attack, however, may not be preceded by
rheumatism. There may be growing pains, tonsillitis, rheumatic endocarditis,
but the rheumatism sooner or later manifests itself. Heredity, reflex
conditions, dentition, fright and worms are said to play some part
in it.
It seems to attack the high-strung, mentally alert children, while
the dull, stupid and well-built child is immune.
The hyperthyroid type of child is more susceptible than the hypothyroid.
It sometimes occurs during or after pregnancy, and in the very aged.
VARIETIES: 1. Acute (St. Vitus’ Dance). This disease occurs
chiefly in children, usually lasts from six to ten weeks, is prone
to recur, and is frequently complicated by endocarditis. A severe
form occurring chiefly in women during pregnancy and characterized
by violent movements, fever and delirium, is known as chorea insapiens.
2. Huntingdon’s Chorea. This affection occurs in adult life
and is hereditary. The movements in time become general involving
the muscles of speech and deglutition, and are associated with a
progressive mental deterioration. This disease is usually hereditary;
it rarely develops before the age of thirty; it runs a chronic course;
and it is characterized by slower and more incoordinate movements
than occur in acute chorea, by progressive mental failure, and by
a marked suicidal tendency.
3. Cerebral Diplegia and Hemiplegia. Choreiform movements are frequently
observed in the cerebral paralysis of children and occasionally
they occur in adults on the paralyzed side after cerebral apoplexy.
4. Senile Chorea. Occasionally aged persons with arteriosclerosis
and degenerative changes in the brain become subject to chorea.
CHOREA INSAPIENS: This form occurs chiefly in adults and most frequently
in pregnancy. The movements are very violent, almost constant, and
in many cases associated with delirium and fever. Death sometimes
results from exhaustion.
DIAGNOSIS: The recognition of chorea is rarely attended with difficulty.
In habit spasm or tic the movements are coordinated, purposeful,
more localized and partly or completely under the patient’s
SYMPTOMS: An attack usually comes on gradually with spasmodic twitching
of the muscles of the hands or face. This increases in intensity
until all control of the muscles of expression are lost. The eyelids
close spasmodically and the facial muscles jerk. Speech is often
indistinct and mumbling. Swallowing is sometimes difficult. The
hands are in constant motion, and objects on being taken up by the
hands are dropped. The gait is stumbling. Usually only one side
is affected, later both. The person is peevish and fretful and is
subject to sleeplessness and unpleasant dreams. The appetite is
poor, patient is constipated and anemic, and there is a gradual
loss of weight.
PROGNOSIS: This is good. Even under the worst conditions the tendency
is to recover after a long period. Those who have recurrences of
attacks may in time show neurotic or psychotic tendencies of a mild
form in after years. Death only occurs where there is a severe exhaustion
in the aged, or chorea insapiens, which also is rare, and when the
jerkings are so violent as to cause mania, then death follows. The
attacks may last from four weeks to one or two years, unless some
method is found to abort it.
PATHOLOGY: Even today after all the years of research little is
known about the morbid anatomy. Several things noticed at necropsy,
are rheumatic endocarditis, brain hyperemia, and sometimes microscopic
emboli, and hemorrhages scattered throughout the brain, and especially
in the lenticular region.
TREATMENT: Physical and emotional quiet are imperative.
NEUROPATHIC: Sedation of the cervical segments especially. Then
the dorsal segments.
CHIROPRACTIC: C 1, D 6, lumbar region.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion at 10th dorsal for short periods each
day. Some member of the family can be shown how to do it.
HYDROTHERAPY: Warm towels laid over the spine daily are of value.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: B, D, E and G with potassium, calcium and sulphur
supplements may be considered.
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: Rectal dilations have been known to be helpful.
ELECTROTHERAPY: At the present time the author has found no form
of practical electrotherapeutics for this condition because of the
uneasiness of the patient. Short wave on spine has been recommended.
HERBOLOGY: One ounce each of Gentian, Peruvian bark, St. Johnswort,
Skullcap, Valerian and Mistletoe boiled in 5 pints of water boiled
down to 2 pints. Strain. Cut 3 large oranges, add to the tea, simmer
again 10 minutes. Strain and add half pound sugar. Tablespoonful
after each meal.
PSYCHIATRY: In view of the fact that this condition develops in
the intelligent and ambitious youngster, school activities that
involve contests of any description should be forbidden, and moderate
study be insisted on. Dropping back a year is a small matter compared
to the future welfare of the child. In fact, to take the child out
of school entirely is the best thing that can happen as soon as
any signs of chorea appear. A trip at the early stages to the country
or seashore or to any new environment is always beneficial.
The parents must be cautioned against expressing too much sympathy
for the child, lest they develop a false neurasthenia from which
the child may grow up with mechanisms of self pity and the continual
need of sympathy. See pages 49, 50 and 120 in “The Fundamentals
of Applied Psychiatry,” Lake.
The child should be trained to spend as much time out-doors as possible
under the watchful eyes especially when playing games or swimming,
but should not be stopped unless the playing becomes violent and
the swimming dangerous.
MASSAGE: Massage can be of a soothing nature by just rubbing the
hands up and down the spine lightly, or by stretching the spine,
also relaxing the muscles of the neck and shoulders and the affected
muscles by heavy or light massage, judge which is of most benefit
by the reacion of the patient.
DIET: In addition to a balanced diet a glass of milk in between
meals is ample. For the cases that have complications of tapeworms
and tonsillitis see treatments under those titles.
DEFINITION: A state of prolonged
abnormal deep stupor, or unconsciousness, from which the patient
can be aroused. Comas as produced by many conditions, some of which
are as follows:
The temporary unconsciousness due to anoxia of the brain is termed
a syncope. See Endo-Nasal book, page 50. In this the names of Catalepsy
and Epilepsy are found. See treatments under those subjects.
The traumatic type is due to injury of which evidence can be found
by bleeding from some part of head or face, with bruises.
Those due to organic brain disorders are usually the result of apoplexy,
which may be recognized by a study of the history of arteriosclerosis
and hypertension and also evidences of paralysis or stiffness on
one side of the body.
Drug Comas may be from alcohol, opium poisoning, atropine, chloroform,
cyanides, carbon monoxide, hyosine, phenols, treional, sulphonal,
veronal, ether, etc.
In alcoholic poisoning the odor with the ability of the person to
hear a shout will confirm the diagnosis.
Generally in drug poisoning the pupils are small, the respirations
slow, and the temperature is low. The limbs are limp and show no
signs of paralysis.
DIABETIC COMA: Occurring in diabetes, due to presence of diacetic
acid in system and to acidosis. Paralysis not present. Symptoms
are sweet breath, coma casts; showers of short granular casts may
appear in urine when diabetic coma is threatened by acidosis. Hyperglycemia
present and softening of eyeballs may occur.
UREMIC COMA: The result of disturbed kidney metabolism, causing
autointoxication through the retention of unknown substances in
the blood and producing acidosis. Seen in nephritis as a result
of lack of elimination of kidney toxins. Symptoms are in general,
respiration stertorous, face livid, skin dry, hard and rapid pulse,
blood pressure raised, sphincters relaxed according to cause, urinous
odor on breath, urine scanty and containing many casts and albumin.
Insulin coma is due to either an overdose of insulin or netlect
to follow out the instructions given by the physician.
Infectious fever comas. The history of infection will give the diagnosis.
Malaria is one of the chief causes.
Hysterical coma is much in the nature of a deep sleep from which
the person can be aroused by painfully pinching some part of the
body, or some other external stimuli. The history of previous hysterical
attacks can aid in the diagnosis. Specific care of coma cases is
according to the underlying cause. The general care may be as follows.
The collar should be loosened. Cold compresses to head and hot ones
to the spine and abdomen may be indicated. Stomach pump in case
of poisoning indicated. Insulin injection for diabetic coma may
be given unless the coma is due to too much insulin. Sugar may be
administered if it can be taken. Urine should be examined for albumin,
and dropsy looked for in pregnant women. In uremic coma, stimulate
elimination. Lumbar puncture or bleeding may be necessary. Induce
sweating. In hysteric coma no treatment is needed. The patient revives
if ignored.
Riley recommends adjustment of C, 1, 4, D, 4, 6. Baths and rectal
ETIOLOGY: Cough may be induced
by diseases of the pharynx, larynx, bronchi and lungs, catarrhal
infections such as whooping cough, influenza, measles, typhoid fever,
inhalations of dust, irritation of the nerves, especially those
in relation with the vagus. It may be caused by an attack of hysteria.
DIAGNOSIS: Cough without expectoration is usually observed in those
who have inflammatory conditions of the bronchi and lungs, in pleurisy
and hysteria. Loose expectoration is especially noted in bronchitis,
bronchiecstasis, pulmonary edema, pulmonary tuberculosis, also in
pneumonia after the crisis; and in abscess of the lungs. A study
of the expectoration will help to reveal the irritant.
TREATMENT: The specific treatment is of the underlying cause. The
general treatment for severe paroxysmal coughing may be:
NEUROPATHY: Dilation treatment of the cough center in the medulla
oblongata, the phrenic nerve, or the vagus nerve or all. Segments
are D 3 to 8.
CHIROPRACTIC: Lower cervicals, D 5, for throat cough. Bronchial
cough, D 1 and 2. Lung, D 3.
Counter-irritation by a mustard plaster to breast and back is often
sufficient to control cough.
If cough is from the ear, and persistent, the ear may be flushed
with warm water, or if by a foreign body in the ear, it can be removed.
Examination of the ear should always be made in children.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY of the nose, throat, and pharyngeal cavity are
often effective in easing the cough. See technique on raising tongue.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short wave is of value in loosening mucous in dry
coughing. Infra-red for abscess in ear. See under title of Ear in
this book.
DIET AND VITAMINOTHERAPY are given according to the underlying cause.
HYDROTHERAPY: Neck and chest hot compresses are recommended. But
the writer had a few cases that had to be suppressed for a time
by cold compresses.
HERBOLOGY: Make a tea of Cheestnut Leaves for spasmodic coughs;
Thstle tea for Winter coughs. General cough, take equal parts of
Boneset, Pennyroyal, Mullein, Chestnut Leaves, Catnip, Hops, Mouse
Ear, Wintergreen, Peppermint, Bloodroot and Coltsfoot, and make
a tea. Some every few hours. Another good remedy is to take Wild
Cherry Bark, boil down, strain, mix with honey. A tea, strong, made
of only Boneset is good. Another remedy is a tablespoonful each
of Mullein Leaves, Horehound, Elecampane and a teacup of cane sugar.
Put in a quart of water, boil down to a pint. Tablespoonful when
The writer has found a mixture of equal amounts of honey and lemon,
taking a teaspoonful every half hour, to be very soothing. The treatment
of habit or hysterical coughing is due to tensions. See “Hysteria”
in “The Fundamentals of Applied Psychiatry,” Lake.
STRAPPING: If cough causes pain on the sides of the body semi-circular
adhesive strapping is in order. If pain in the abdomen, a full circular
binding for support of the muscles is of benefit.
DEFINITION: Convulsions are
involuntary muscular contractions, interrupted or long-continued;
resulting from excessive irritation of the motor centers. Interrupted
contractions, occurring in rapid succession are termed “clonic”
and long-continued contractions are termed “tonic.”
ETIOLOGY: The etiology may be said to follow the outline of the
classification of the types of convulsions. The types may be outlined
as follows: Terminal convulsions, of young infants. Just before
death they develop twitching of the extremities and rolling of the
eyes. The cause is attributed to malnutrition. This type is tonic.
In the toxic, the convulsions are generally attributed to poisons
of a chemical or bacterial nature and usually occur when the temperature
is very high. Other types may also occur during high fever. This
type is clonic.
The convulsions due to intracranial perversions are from injury
and are tonic, such as cerebral concussion, or skull fracture. Other
forms may be from meningeal irritation, meningitis and encephalitis.
Intercranial hemorrhage, and tumors of the brain are causes of convulsions.
Epileptic convulsions are clonic and may be included in this classification,
but is a separate identity which is treated under an individual
article elsewhere in this book.
Tetany is a motor neurosis, or “spasmophile diathesis.”
The spasms or convulsions, appear suddenly, are occasionally preceded
by sensory, or constitutional disturbances; they may last several
hours, or even days, to reappear after remissions of equal length,
and are often accompanied by alterations of sensibility in the affected
limbs, without loss of consciousness. It is far from common, yet
not rare.
Hysterical convulsions may come at any age, and are due to tensions
of some nature from which the person finds a way of escape from
the tensions or some embarrassing situation. These may be tonic
or clonic as it suits the hysterical person. There is often an initial
scream, which differs in quality from that of epilepsy, and which
usually is not given until the patient is aware that she (usually
a female) has an audience. The patient then falls to the ground
in a way that she will not be hurt. Engorgement of veins about the
head is frequently noted, and more or less active tonic spasm is
present. After this follows a condition of relaxation with wild
quasi-purposeful movements of the arms; broken short sentences,
explosions of passion and profanity, weeping, laughing and grinding
of the teeth often follow. The larger and more sympathetic the audience,
the more varied and emotional will be the manifestations.
SYMPTOMS: Each type of convulsion has some symptoms that are peculiar
yet through them all certain general symptoms are recognized with
a few exceptions. Paroxysms of involuntary muscular contractions
and relaxations generally in children. Tonic spasms in which the
contractions are maintained for a time, as in tetany, distinguished
from clonic spasms as in epilepsy. Tetanus and hydrophobia are easily
distinguished and for the most part involve a small portion of the
voluntary musculature. On the contrary, strychnine poisoning involves
the entire body usually as do convulsions. The word is accurately
applied to unilateral attacks as seen in Jacksonian epilepsy and
less likely, in hysteria. When a convulsion occurs it usually is
accompanied by unconsciousness and may properly be called epileptiform.
This is not the case in strychnine poisoning, hysteria or in Jacksonian
attacks until the second side is involved.
Other types of involuntary muscular activity must be differentiated.
Chills or rigors are fine or coarse, diffuse, trembling, easily
distinguished because of the sense of cold. More or less generalized
tremors though due to many factors have in common their rythmicity
and failure to accomplish gross movement of the part. Tics are localized
motor contractions of a spasmodic nature simulating a purposive
TREATMENT: Usually, the attack of convulsions is over before the
physician arrives. But, even if the physician is present, the course
of the attack is not influenced much. For ages past, it has been
the custom to dip children with convulsions into warm water first,
then into cold water this brings about quicker respiration. This
is harmless, but not very good when fever is present.
If the cause is undetermined, keep the patient from injuring self.
Soft pad between the teeth to avoid biting tongue or cheeks. Warm
bath, with cold to head; if fever is present, tepid or cold bath.
After care—Rest in bed, absolute quiet, careful diagnosis
without unduly disturbing the patient; then the specific treatment
must be according to the diagnosis of the underlying cause. It can
be said that in practically all cases of spasms or convulsions there
is a severe deficiency of Vitamin D and calcium.
of the vocal cords, caused by catarrh of the larynx. Also known
as catarrhal laryngitis. It is one of the most common diseases of
early childhood, occurring most frequently in the changeable weather
of spring and fall. It is said that ninety-three per cent of the
cases occur during or before the fifth year, but the general ages
are between two and eight years. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids may
be contributing causes.
SYMPTOMS: In most cases the child has a slight cough and becomes
hoarse during the day and perhaps has some fever. Late in the evening
the cough becomes loud, dry, and hoarse, its characteristics being
peculiar and distinctive. In the great majority of cases this occurs
between the hours of 9 and 12. The child wakes suddenly with a barking
cough and begins to struggle for breath. He frequently becomes alarmed
at his inability to breathe, and his fright adds to the severity
of the symptoms. In attacks of ordinary severity the respiration
is loud and noisy; the voice is hoarse, but rarely lost; the dypsnea
is sometimes extreme and the respiration so noisy it can be heard
in an adjoining room. The temperature is usually somewhat elevated,
but rarely reaches 102 degrees. The lips and nails frequently assume
a purplish hue, but are rarely cyanotic. There is often a discharge
from the nose, and the eyes are sometimes congested and watery.
After two or three hours the symptoms usually subside. Occasionally
they appear in less severe form later in the night, but, as a rule,
all urgency is passed by early morning. In some instances the child
is almost as well as usual during the following forenoon, but the
following night there is a return of the attack, which may not be
as severe as the first, and this may continue each night for some
time. The night attacks are the rule, because of the horizontal
position of the child, which tends to congest the membranes of the
nose and respiratory tract, forcing mouth breathing, and the inspiration
of dry, cold air, which produces a dry, tickling throat.
DIAGNOSIS: The common type can be recognized by the attack coming
at the early hours of the night, the quick development of characteristic
symptoms of loud, metallic, cough, the moist respiration, the frightened
appearance of the child, and the rapidity with which the attack
In all cases the physician should examine the larynx, to make sure
there is no diphtheria, or what may be termed Membranous or Pseudomembranous
Croup. Hoarseness and dypsnea develop gradually, and the latter
is not intermittent. False membrane may be seen in the throat or
may be coughed up. The constitutional symptoms are more severe.
LARYNGISMUS STRIDULUS: This is a pure neurosis, and is often associated
with rickets. The paroxysms resemble those of false croup, but are
associated with a peculiar crowing inspiration, and lack catarrhal
symptoms, such as hoarseness and cough.
PROGNOSIS: Ordinary types of catarrhal croup are never fatal. In
very rare instances in which the catarrhal element predominates
and is very severe, the prognosis may be grave. In other words,
catarrhal croup is rarely or never fatal, while severe catarrhal
laryngitis with spasm may be dangerous.
TREATMENT: To aid in relief of severe spasm, concussion of the cervicals
4 and 7 is very effective. Compresses of hot towels over the throat
and chest will do much to relax the spasm. Hot camphorated oil is
also very helpful. Hot, wet flannel is wrapped around the neck after
the neck has been rubbed with one part turpentine to three parts
of olive oil. General care and office treatments of the child. Exercise
in the open air is vital. But, the child must be properly clothed.
Wild running and loud talking and screaming are very harmful.
NEUROPATHY: A lymphatic treatment especially of the liver, axillary
and cervical regions. A quieting treatment of the whole spine from
cervicals to sacrum.
CHIROPRACTIC: C region and D 5 are specific.
Vacuum Therapy over the dorsals and to each side is of great benefit
in aiding circulation.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short wave on throat and chest, also Ultra Violet
DIET: Many of these cases are anemic, and need not only a good nutritious
diet, but also some supplementary food such as thiamin. A balanced
list of foods can be taken from Diets Nos. 1 and 2, supplemented
by plenty of fruit between meals.
VITAMINS: B, D and others, according to the clinical findings.
COLONOTHERAPY: It is best not to start a child on enemas, unless
absolutely necessary. Lax may be given, but not even those, unless
“habit time” seems impossible. Unnecessary colon flushings
in children sometimes starts a lifetime struggle with a laziness
of the bowel that is difficult to overcome, and may lead to a form
of neurasthenia, especially fear of poisoning from the bowel, and
become a lifetime addict to colonotherapy or all kinds of physics
sold in drug stores. Of course, in fevers of any degree, enemas
may be necessary But, establishing “habit time” should
be the physician’s aim with children, aided by the exercise
a normal child usually obtains at play.
HERBOLOGY: Fresh pineapple juice is A-1 for this illness. Balsam
copaiba 20 to 30 drops three times a day. Black Snake Root, made
into a tea and sweetened to taste is good.
Acute — Chronic
DEFINITION: Inflammation of
the urinary bladder, involving one or more of its four coats.
ETIOLOGY: It is brought on by invasion of bacteria or microorganisms
from above or below the bladder. Among them are found the Bacterium
coli communis, streptococcus, Bacillus tuberculosis, gonococcus,
and Bacillus typhosus. These bacteria gain entrance to the bladder
in one or more of four ways, to wit: through the urethra, the blood
or lymph channels, the kidneys, and the wall of the bladder. The
inflammation thus produced by these germs is aggravated by the ammoniacal
fermentation of the urine which the bacteria bring about. This fermentation
is due to the decomposing action of microbes upon urea, with the
resulting formation of ammonium carbonate. This fermentation is
the result, and not the cause of cystitis.
It is also possible that many cases are produced by chemicals of
various kinds, retention of urine, abnormalities of the urine, foreign
bodies in the bladder, traumatism and neoplasms.
SYMPTOMS: In the acute form there is an urgency, and frequency to
urinate, and the amount is small each time. There is pain over the
bladder in the suprapubic regions. Temperature at the onset may
be as high as 103 and the pulse is accelerated. Pyuria, or pus,
is always present. The urine is of a blood or smoky color and strongly
acid, or shortly turning to strongly alkaline, due to ammoniacal
decomposition, and then there is burning. It contains albumin relative
to the amount of blood and pus present. Sediment is abundant, consisting
of blood-corpuscles, pus and various forms of epithelium.
SYMPTOMS OF CHRONIC CYSTITIS: In this type the symptoms continue
the severity of the acute condition. The urine is only moderately
diminished, or it may be of large quantity but never satisfactory;
generally pale, but may be normal in color, or very slightly tinted
with blood. The freshly passed urine is generally turbid, due to
the presence of pus, epithelium, and bacteria. The reaction is frequently
alkaline, but may be acid; specific gravity varies between 1012
and 1020. The sediment is abundant, consisting chiefly of pus, small
round cells, epithelium, and usually a small (sometimes considerable)
amount of blood. If the urine be alkaline (ammoniacal), the sediment
contains also amorphous phosphates, triple phosphate crystals, and
often crystals of ammonium urate.
While pain is not as great as in the acute form, there is a continuous
discomfort in the suprapubic region, the bladder never seems to
be satisfactorily emptied, although large amounts may be voided.
A moderate rise in temperature is noticed.
DIAGNOSIS: The four factors that can establish the diagnosis, in
chronic cystitis, are, (1) Low grade febrile reactions. (2) Frequency
of micturition, (3) Dysuria, constant desire to urinate, burning
of urine and (4) pyuria or pus and some blood. In the male, prostatitis
or vesculitis can be distinguished by manual examination.
After the acute stage has passed a thorough general physical examination
with detailed history of the patient can be made, including history
of habits, etc., which may reveal injuries, alcoholism, nervous
tensions, and abuses of various types. Bacteriological study of
the urine will reveal the presence of infection. While cystoscopic
examination will reveal the extent of the inflammation.
TREATMENT: Acute Cystitis. It is best for the patient to stay in
bed for a few days. Plenty of water to drink, preferably hot, unless
there is severe retention. Hot compresses to the suprapubic and
lumbar region. Sitz bath, if there is any signs of retention. Hot
colonic irrigations. If there is high acidity, alkaline liquids
can be given, but as soon as the urine is alkaline, all alkaline
diuretics should be stopped. If retention of urine becomes severe
a catheter is used as a last resort. (See under title of “Retention”.)
Neuropathic dilation of the bladder segments can be given to release
the motor constriction to the sphincters.
Chiropractic Adjustments of a mild nature may be given to D. 10
and L. 1. Mild rectal dilations, or massage are also indicated.
If the physician has a portable short wave machine, it will be of
great benefit at the bedside, applied directly over the bladder.
TREATMENT: Chronic Cystitis: Here the physician can make a complete
examination and find the underlying cause and treat the cause and
symptoms. In many cases the symptoms persist long after the original
cause is removed, and the person may become accustomed to the symptoms,
and bear this condition indefinitely. But, by persistent treatment,
the majority of these cases can be made well again. An outline of
treatment for the chronic condition may be as follows:
NEUROPATHY: A thorough lymphatic of the lymph system. Dilation of
the spinal segments of the spinal cord controlling the bladder.
See chart.
Chiropractic Adjustments of D. 10.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Light pressure on sacrals 2 to 5; or light tapping
with fingers. Rectal dilations for a minute or two in every direction,
with finger, not instruments, lest the tissues be irritated.
HYDROTHERAPY: Irrigations of the bladder. The writer is of the opinion,
however, that catherization and irrigation of the bladder should
not be used unless absolutely necessary, and if done at all it should
be by an expert in that form of therapy, and the first attempt should
be with a four or five per cent solution of warm, boric acid. For
the female, hot vaginal douches daily are very effective. Hot sitz
baths once or twice a day, or hot spray over the bladder, and lower
spine from a bath tub spray are par-excellent.
DIET: A change from No. 1 to No. 2. Diets on alternate days for
a few weeks will help keep the acid base balance of the urine, or
the physician can select foods from the Acid-alkaline charts in
this book.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamin A is the specific to be given in large
doses. In addition, Cod Liver oil with vitamins B and D have been
found to be of excellent benefit.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Fever therapy of various kinds have been recommended.
Short Wave and Diathermy are also recommended. Infra-red for ten
to twenty minutes over the bladder is very helpful.
COLONOTHERAPY: If the movement of the bowels is not normal, a few,
hot, high colonic irrigations are in order, followed by low enemas
until regularity is established, then all forms of colon therapy
should be discontinued.
STRAPPING: If there is an abdominal ptosis a belt or some kind of
a support should be worn.
GENERAL SUGGESTIONS: Patient should not use alcoholic beverages,
nor eat spices or condiments, lest more irritation be set up. Patient
should also be instructed to have regular hours for retiring at
HERBOLOGY: Mix 3 parts each of Cleavers, Uva Ursi; 2 parts each
of Marshmallow, Couch Grass, Sanicle, and one part of Ginger. If
there is constipation put in a little Senna. Steep a heaping teaspoonful
in a cup of boiling water for 20 minutes A cupful or two during
day. The pods and hulls of the common bean made into a tea and used
freely is considered good.
DEFINITION: Morbid frequency
of liquid bowel evacuation.
ETIOLOGY: Loss of vaso constrictor control, due to irritation or
inflammation of the mucous membrane. The irritations may come from
many sources. Excessive water drinking has been known to cause it.
Faulty diets with excess of certain foods, such as fats, fruits,
and certain coarse vegetables. It may also result from inflammation
of the intestines, enteritis, ileocolitis, dysentery, (inflammatory
diarrhea). It is a symptom of certain infectious diseases, such
as typhoid fever and cholera (symptomatic diarrhea). It may be excited
by cathartic drugs. It often occurs as a final symptom in cachectic
states, as in cancer, diabetes, and chronic renal disease (colliquative
diarrhea). It sometimes marks the crisis of acute infections, such
as typhus fever and pneumonia. It may also result from certain nervous
influences; emotional excitement, Graves’ disease, neurasthenia.
Infantile diarrhea is a serious matter. It is said that in the first
two years of life, diarrheal conditions cause more deaths than any
other classified disease or group of diseases. It is usually termed
Infantile Gastroenteritis. But, in the summer time, it is designated
as Summer Diarrhea. There is another term Cholera Infantum, which
designated a heavy, watery type of diarrhea. Dysentery is included
as a term of diarrhea when the stool contains blood. See under that
title. In infants and children, improper feeding, spoiled fruit,
or other food stuff, Toxic foods, such as impure milk, etc., may
be the factors.
SYMPTOMS: In infants and children, there is usually a rise in temperature.
Skin is dry, great thirst is evident, some pain, or great pain,
according to the cause, and there may be vomiting, with increasing
frequency of watery stools.
TREATMENT: Of infants or children. If possible breast feeding is
the best way to raise an infant, but if not possible then the artificial
feeding must be regulated by the proper amount and not overfeeding
and perfect cleanliness of the methods of feeding the child, in
an effort to prevent the child from becoming ill. Clothing is no
small item in this respect. Some times the clothing is too heavy,
preventing proper heat-radiation and also muscular activity. The
actual treatment of the infant or child may begin by giving as much
water by spoonful as the child will take. Vomiting does not need
to stop the giving of fluids. The fluid given can be barley water,
sweetened with saccharin, or some very weak tea. The fluids may
be given at from two to three ounces per pound of body weight every
twenty-four hours. Food should be withheld for some period of time.
Low enemas may be carefully given.
Enemas are also in order when there is vomiting and temperature
is high. Several may be needed to bring the temperature to normal.
NEUROPATHY: Sedation treatment of the 4th to 10th Dorsals, and inhibition
treatments to the lumbar segments of the spinal cord. Heat of some
nature may be applied to the abdomen for pain.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustments to fit the age of the patient. D 5-10,
L 1, 2, 3.
VITAMINS “K” IN Bile Salts if blood is present in stools.
Nicotinic Acid and Vitamin C may be considered in proper dosage,
as beneficial. A small teaspoonful of table salt or sodium bicarbonate
dissolved in a glass of water, and fed by teaspoonful may stop the
vomiting. The above may be all that is necessary in mild cases.
An apple diet is recommended and is often helpful for the treatment
of diarrheal conditions in infants and children and the treatment
is as outlined: Only ripe and mellow apples are utilized. When the
fruit has been peeled and cored, it is grated and the child is given
from 1 to 3 pounds (500 to 1500 Gms) daily of this pulp, or from
3 1/3 to 10 ounces (100 to 400 gm) per feeding. After two days,
a transitional diet containing neither milk nor vegetables is given,
following which the patient may again be placed on a mixed diet.
HERBOLOGY: Half ounce each of Tormentil, Bayberry, Ginger. Boil
two heaping teaspoonfuls in a cup of water for 30 minutes. Strain.
Add ½ oz. tincture Catechu. Teaspoonful after each liquid movement.
Diarrhea should not be checked too rapidly—rather remove the
cause. After diarrhea has ceased then give a teaspoonful three times
daily after meals of the tea made from half ounce each of Tincture
Gentian, Tincture Columbo, quarter ounce of Tincture Ginger and
8 oz. of Cinnamon Water.
A mild astringent, carminative, having laxative and emollient properties
is to make a tea of the following: Wild Alum Root, Prairie Plant,
Buckthorn, Indian Sage, Fennel Seed, Flax Seed, Cheese Plant and
Marshmallow Root.
A tea made only of Blackberry Root is a favorite with some.
An old German recipe is to take a handful of Pepper Grass and steep
it in a pint of boiling water. Teacupful with each meal or after
the meal.
Acute and Chronic Adult Diarrhea
TREATMENT: Find the cause and
treat specifically. Go back to Etiology again. The general treatment
may be as follows:
DIETARY: All food should be eliminated for about twelve to twenty-four
NEUROPATHY: Sedation of the 4th to 10th Dorsals. Inhibition of the
1st, 2nd and 3rd lumbars.
CHIROPRACTIC: It may be that adjustments are required on L. P. S.
P. K. P. L. P. according to the organs mainly involved.
COLONOTHERAPY: The hot enema, or flushings are in daily order. The
physician judging whether any toxic matters are retained in the
colon. Saline solutions are recommended. A teaspoonful to every
quart of water.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion or hard finger pressure alternately
on the 11th dorsal, and first three lumbar will aid in controlling
ELECTROTHERAPY: For pain, the short wave or diathermy or the infra-red.
DIET: This must be according to the cause. But, as a general rule
constipating food is used, such as boiled milk, boiled rice and
cinnamon are considered for that purpose. Rough cereals and roughage
for the time being are eliminated.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot packs or cold packs over the abdomen may be used
at the discretion of the physician. One plan that has been beneficial
in the writer’s experience has been to have the patient dip
a towel in cold spigot water and after wringing out laid over abdomen
and allowed to remain for fifteen minutes.
Plenty of liquids should be used. The old type remedy of a dose
of castor oil is sometimes more effective than all other forms of
An acute infectious disease
characterized by formation of false membrane on any mucous membrane
or mucous surface, accompanied by great prostration.
ETIOLOGY: Predisposition by an enervation of the nerves to the neck
and throat or any mucous membrane affected, or a general toxic condition
of the above places where the ferments of the Klelbs-Loeffler bacillus
may breed and multiply.
The vast majority of cases occur between the ages of two and ten,
but older children and adults are not exempt.
There are several types. The Pharyngeal, which is the most common
type, the symptoms of which are: Onset gradual. Usually slight headache;
often backache. Temperature 100 to 103 degrees, and sore throat
with presence of yellowish-white membrane adherent to tonsils or
pharyngeal walls. Cervical adenitis may develop early in severe
NASAL DIPHTHERIA: Fever is much more evident. Adenitis often severe,
serous discharge from nostrils which may be blood-tinged and of
strong fetid odor.
LARYNGEAL DIPHTHERIA: In this type, croupy cough, aphonia, stridulous
respiration due to narrowing of glottic opening, are early evidence
of the disease. Restlessness, anxious expression, retractions of
the supraclavicular and intercostal spaces evident on inspiration.
In this type of infection, the danger from asphyxiation due to mechanical
obstruction is far greater than any serious results from toxemia.
Diphtheria of the conjunctiva, external auditory canal, lupus, or
genitalia are sometimes seen.
SYMPTOMS: The general and specific symptoms may be as follows, before
and during the full invasion.
The invasion may be mild, with rigors succeeded by moderate fever,
headache, languor, loss of appetite, stiffness of the neck, tenderness
about the angles of the jaw, or slight soreness of the throat.
In other cases the invasion is more abrupt and severe, with chilliness
followed by great febrile reaction, 103 to 105 degrees F., pain
in the ear, aching of the limbs, loss of strength, painful deglutition,
and swelling of the neck, compelling the patient to take to bed
from the onset.
The appetite is poor, the tongue slightly coated, sometimes more
or less exudation appearing upon it, the bowels either regular or
slightly relaxed. The pulse, at first full and strong, soon becomes
either rapid or slow, but compressible. The urine is scanty, high
colored and contains albumin.
The local symptoms in the majority of cases are associated with
the throat. The patient often complains of a frequent and persistent
desire to hawk, in order to clear the throat. On inspection, the
fauces are seen red and swollen and more or less covered with a
film of diphtheritic exudation, giving a glazed appearance, soon
followed by the dirty-white membrane; sometimes the tonsils and
uvula are greatly swollen and spotted with exudation. In severe
cases, more or less ulceration or sloughing may be observed. Not
infrequently fragments of exudation, the false membrane, are expectorated
with particles of the ulcerated tissues, having an offensive odor
which is transmitted to the breath. The lymphatic glands of the
neck are enlarged and tender, and in severe cases the tissues of
the neck are greatly tumefied.
Extension to the nasal cavities causes a sanious and offensive discharge
from the nose, with attacks of epistaxis.
Extension to the larynx is indicated by hoarseness or complete loss
of voice, croupy cough, and obstructive dypsnea, which often becomes
urgent, the breathing being noisy and stridulous, and subject to
paroxysmal exacerbations. If the inflammation extends to the bronchi,
the breathing becomes still more embarrassed.
DURATION: Ranges from two to fourteen days, the average being about
nine days, although complications and sequelae may prolong its course.
COMPLICATIONS: The most common complications are bronchopneumonia,
heart failure, the result of myocarditis or of degeneration of the
cardiac nerves, acute nephritis, hemorrhage from the ulcerated surfaces,
otitis media, and suppuration of the lymph nodes. The most important
sequel is paralysis, due to toxic neuritis. This occurs in about
20 per cent of the non-fatal cases and usually appears during the
second or third week of convalescence. The pharynx is the most common
seat, the palsy being manifested by difficulty in swallowing and
the return of liquids through the nose. The external muscles of
the eye are often involved, the result being ptosis or strabismus.
In some instances the heart is affected and if sudden death does
not ensue, the condition may be manifested by tachycardia or bradycardia.
The muscles of the extremities may also be involved. The paralysis
usually disappears in from a few weeks to several months. Those
who recover are for weeks pale and cachetic in appearance.
DIAGNOSIS: Whenever the throat is red and swollen, having a glazed
appearance accompanied by the necessary symptoms, a culture should
be made from the deposit, and if the bacillus is present, the colonies
can be seen under the microscope.
PROGNOSIS: This is always serious and there should be no delay in
instituting measures to give relief.
TREATMENT: The laws of most states if not all make this a quarantinable
disease. In the presence of such a case where such laws exist the
drugless physician is required to withdraw from the case, report
it to the health authorities, and have a member of the medical profession
assigned to do the actual treating. Until that law is changed it
is best for the drugless physician to adhere in order to avoid embarrassment,
or a medical doctor may be called into consultation, and both treat
together, if feasible.
There are certain things that the physician can do: When there is
a suspicion of this disease, whether it be the pharyngeal, the laryngeal,
nasal or black type, the case should be isolated at once, and no
one allowed in the room except those that are absolutely necessary
in attendance. Then a smear from the throat should be obtained,
and laboratory examination made.
The manipulative treatment may be
NEUROPATHY: Complete lymphatic, paying particular attention to the
liver, axillary and cervical regions.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustments, 3rd, 5th, and 7th cervicals, 5th, 10th,
and 12th dorsals, and anywhere else necesssary.
HYDROTHERAPY: Washing or gargling the throat with warm ordinary
table salt solution is helpful. Care must be taken that none is
swallowed. The spraying of the throat with hydrogen peroxide solution
is regarded as helpful. Swabbing with saline solution or water-soluble
chlorophyll in two drops to nine drops of warm water. The latter
may be used as a nasal spray also. 120 V. M. is excellent in relieving
throat and nasal conditions. Only a little at a time should be put
in the nose.
Hot compresses or cold compresses are helpful when there is much
swelling of the cervical glands. Heat is better for infants and
cold in ice bag for older children.
Croup kettle or steam inhalations may be old fashioned, but still
a good procedure in the home. By making a tent of a towel thrown
over the head and kettle, enough should be inhaled in ten minutes
to give relief. Turpentine or eucalyptol may be added to the boiling
water. The tent should not be air-tight. If fever is high, sponging
may be given three times a day or a cool compress may be put around
the neck.
ELECTROTHERAPY: If the physician has a portable short wave or ultra
violet ray, he will find them of great service. A portable cold
quartz with applicators for nose and throat are worth while.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: When the patient is recovering this type of
therapy will be of great benefit in furthering elimination, and
preventing complications, one of which may be otitis media, and
also helping the child to build up a good oxygen content in the
blood for rebuilding a strong vigorous body.
HERBOLOGY: Gargle every hour or two with lemon juice and water,
using as little water as possible. Swallow a teaspoonful or less
each time.
VACUUM THERAPY: The use of nasal and laryngeal suction has advantages
if possible at all to perform.
DIET: Early in an attack, only a liquid diet should be given, plenty
of water, fruit juices, and nourishing broths. Where the membrane
is not extensive, a soft diet can be given including many vegetables,
milk, beef tea and gruels. As the child recovers adequate feeding
is necessary, and it is best to give him what he likes if it is
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion with fingers of the 7th cervical.
COLONTHERAPY: It is essential that the bowels be kept in order.
A small hand syringe is all that is required with the infant. But
a larger child can be given douches of a pint a day.
Caution to the physician: After making sure or even after suspecting
diphtheria, the physician should always wear a gown, mask and cap
and leave them at the house he called at, or take them to his office
properly sealed. They should be properly disinfected or destroyed,
each time. And he himself should sit under ultra violet radiations
for fifteen minutes before treating another patient or making a
call. Besides the above he should spray his nose and throat with
an antiseptic solution.
DEFINITION: A general term used
to designate any inflammation, infection or injury of any portion
or all of the prostate gland.
The present tendency is either to view the whole gland when abnormal,
as either in an acute state, or a chronic state and to classify
the types of prostatitis according to their etiology. The causes
of prostatitis can be said to be as follows:
1. Infection
2. Retentive and Congestive
3. Mechanical
4. Biochemical
5. Traumatic
The infective type of prostatitis may be acute or chronic, according
to the type of the infection and its discharge of bacteria into
the prostate. The position of the prostate is such that it is vulnerable
to infection by drainage from above it, and by suction from below
it. Thus it may be infected from gonorrhea, from tooth decay, influenza,
mumps, constipation, boils, abscesses, carbuncles, amoebic dysentery,
etc., the infection being carried to the gland by the blood stream
or transmitted through the urinary system, or it may come directly
through the intestinal tract by osmosis.
For many years all cases of prostate trouble were frowned upon as
only the penalty for loose living. A result of gonorrheal infection
and many cases of prostatitis were ignored while a course of treatments
was instituted for the supposed lingering infection in the blood
stream of the patient before anything was done for the prostate
itself. Much more harm was done to the prostate than good by this
manner of treatment. The manipulative physician recognizes the unity
of the whole body, and while eliminating the infection at most will
only be a minor factor, whereas the body’s eliminative processes,
and not kill the patient while trying to kill germs. It is not wise
to assume that because a man has an enlarged or senile prostate
that he has been exposed to sexual diseases. It is not even wise
to consider gonorrheal infection as the cause, even in those who
are past sixty years of age and who admit that as young men they
were victims of gonorrhea two, three or four times, if, in the intervening
years they have lived a normal life. Younger men with acute prostatitis
and evident discharge might be considered as gonorrheal, but not
told until the clinical findings have substantiated the suspicion.
In acute or chronic prostatitis of the older generation, gonorrheal
infection at most will only be a minor factor, whereas the mechanical,
the chemical and traumatic etiologies will loom very large. It is
a peculiarity of human nature to shun from anything that the mass
of people make merry about. For years, if a person were known to
have been examined by a psychiatrist, henceforth that patient was
regarded as always acting somewhat queer. But today people have
psychiatric examinations as a matter of course.
The writer has had men patients who showed evidence of prostate
symptoms refuse to have that organ examined in fear that he would
be told that it was the result of loose early living or sexual excesses.
But, after the seriousness of the matter was explained to them,
the examinations and treatments became a matter of periodical request
by those men. There are many other causes besides gonorrhea and
syphilis. Now we will take up the four main causes and try to put
them in their right proportions.
The first, then, is Infection. Gonorrhea can be verified by the
many chemical laboratory tests. The others can be ascertained by
observation, palpation and urinalysis. This can be stated now, that
no permanent relief can be obtained for the prostate gland until
every foci of infection is removed. A case of record is of a man
who took treatments for nearly a year, whose prostate gland would
enlarge, and on treatments would be reduced to normal. Yet, in a
few months would be very large again. Not until two foci of infection
were removed was there any permanent results. Several bad teeth
which had been decaying for years, a discharge of purulent mucus
from the ears, some of which no doubt reached the prostate via the
blood stream. It is of note though that the enlargement of the prostate
ceased by the neutralization of the above infections.
Other forms of infection are, dripping sinusitis, tonsillar infection
as a result of influenza, mumps, scarlet fever, or any contagious
infectious diseases. Infection from any of the tissues adjacent
to the prostate. One form of infection that is frequently overlooked
is that incurred by intercourse during the menstrual period and,
when there is leucorrheal discharge. These types of infection to
the prostate are more numerous than realized by many men and physicians.
RETENTION OF WASTE PRODUCTS is a cause of prostatitis, largely due
to faulty diet and sedentary habits. Constipation of a great degree
for any length of time is practically death to the functions of
the prostate gland, bringing along with it a host of inflammations
to the surrounding tissues which cause pressures, straining, hence
hemorrhoids and sometimes hemorrhages that have a deleterious effect
on the prostate. Some have given this type the name of Congestive
Prostatitis, where there is a filling up of the gland to an abnormal
size with blood. Here the lobes may be two or three times their
normal size. There is always great danger in the acute, congestive
prostatitis if there is also an infection present at the same time
and an abscess forms. This may rupture into the urethra, through
the skin of the perineum, or into the rectum, leaving a cavity.
If small, this cavity will contract and close with scar tissue,
but if large it becomes a pus pocket capable of holding sufficient
pus to maintain an irritation and infection for months or even years.
In some cases the entire gland is in this way destroyed.
The retentive or congestive types may be also caused by sexual excitement
without gratification. It is well to remember that failure to exercise
vital functions of an organ leads to congestion or atrophy of that
organ. Once the sexual functions have been accustomed, and a periodicity
has been establlished for the discharge of that glandular secretion,
and there is a sudden cessation and the secretions are not thrown
out, more continue to form, and the prostate and vesicles will swell
and become distended in proportion to the amount retained. It is
well for the physician to note this point carefully in men who have
recently lost their wives, for in a short while they show nervous
and other symptoms that point to prostate congestion.
It is a matter of record that single men do not live, on the average,
as long as the married men. It is conceivable that prostatic congestion
in the single man is a factor in the difference in longevity.
When a man enters an active sexual life, the cells of his prostate
gland as well as those of his testicles secrete more actively. In
order to provide for this increase in the production of secretion,
the muscles of the prostate stretch. As long as sexual activity
is periodically indulged in, the prostate will exercise its normal
function of expansion and contraction. Should the normal routine
of this sex life be interrupted by continence, the prostate gland
and vesicles will continue to fill with secretions. Continence produces
flabby muscles, and the prostate becomes boggy. Periodic emissions
occur, to be sure, but the force from the muscles, the nerves which
stimulate ejaculation during coitus are not functioning properly
and the emission only partly empties the prostate and vesicles.
Unless the patient again establishes his sexual life, or goes to
a Physical and Manipulative Physician for proper massage and treatment,
he is sure of a prostatitis.
As has been said before, many of these patients never consult a
physician until their condition becomes unbearable. They will suffer
untold agony rather than go to a physician. The fault is not entirely
theirs. The trouble reverts to the earlier discussion of sin and
sex — they are ashamed to go. Yet, there is nothing to be
ashamed of. Prostatitis and prostatic hypertrophy are diseases of
respectable people all over the world.
The Mechanical Causes of Prostatitis. Abdominal ptosis creating
a ptosis of the bladder is always worthy of investigation. In good
body mechanics, in which the chest is held up and the diaphragm
is high, and the abdominal wall is firm and flat below the umbilicus,
the abdominal viscera exert little or no pressure on the pelvic
organs. In poor body mechanics, where the chest and diaphragm are
both low, and the lower abdominal wall — that below the umbilicus
— is relaxed and protuberant, there must be a marked backward
thrust of the lower abdominal viscera directly into the pelvic cavity.
Not only can this cause local pressure and possible congestion,
but it must also have an effect on the pelvic organs, since their
only method of drainage is through the great abdominal veins.
With such a conception of the mechanical factors influencing the
circulation of the pelvic organs, is it not possible that here is
an explanation for the congestion of the bladder and prostate, so
often found in older men, which may lead to prostatic hypertrophy
and malignancy of the prostate. Other mechanical causes are many.
In this group the sexual element seems to be the greatest offender.
Mechanical prostatitis results from coitus interruptus, coitus reservatus,
coitus prolongatus, masturbation, frustrated sexual excitement,
continence, impotency, sexual excesses, exposure to cold and chilling
of extremities, etc., may be some of the mechanical causes.
The Biochemical group of causes come from overindulgence in alcoholic
beverages, irritant action of impure alcohol, impure or irritating
foods, drugs and tobacco.
The Traumatic group are caused by accidents and injuries affecting
the prostate, urethra, rectum or bladder.
Suggested Examination Procedure
Men, generally, are reluctant
to submit to an examination of the genital organs, unless there
is great pain. Here the physician can be of great aid in opening
the way by just asking a few questions. This brings us to the question,
When is a prostatic examination required? A man forty-five to seventy
years, presenting himself to the physician, will reveal certain
of his symptoms. If, among those symptoms are one or more of the
following, then a prostatic examination is in order, and the physician
can explain to the patient, why.
1. When there is lower back, or hip, or groin pain, dull or severe.
2. Chronic constipation with a feeling of a lump in the rectum the
patient would like evacuated and cannot.
3. Difficulty in starting micturition, feebleness of the stream,
dripping at the end of urination.
4. When there is frequency of urination which is a symptom in all
types of prostatitis. But, it is well to remember that frequency
is also a symptom of many other diseases. It can be taken for granted,
however, that in nearly all cases of frequency of urination, the
prostate has become more or less involved. Some of the other causes
of frequency are—strictures in the urethra. The seminal vesicles
may be enlarged and infected. There may be stones in the bladder,
or the bladder may be deformed from a ptosis of the abdominal wall.
The kidneys may be afflicted by nephritis, or have stones, tuberculosis
or dropped and floating. Diabetes, injury to the spinal column,
large intestinal and external hemorrhoids, excessive drinking, smoking
and drugs may also be causes of urgent frequency. This one complaint
alone is sufficient to justidy a careful examination.
5. Burning of urine.
6. Constant tiredness, and shakiness of the limbs on required exertion.
7. When there is more than one rising at night to empty the bladder.
8. When there is complaint of lack of sexual vigor and lessened
sexual satisfaction.
9. When there is complaint of nervousness and insomnia.
10. When there is occipital and neck muscle pain and side headache.
11. When a man complains of peculiar sensations of slight fever
at times, nausea, and haziness of mind, and an all out-of-sorts
feeling which he cannot explain.
Before proceeding with the plan of a suggested method of examination,
it might be well to consider the size of the normal prostate.
The size of the prostate is important, since in old age enlargement
of the prostate gives rise to a train of symptoms that may end in
death. The diameter of the prostate varies to some extent within
normal limits in healthy adult life. As given by Merkel, they are
as follows: Basic to apex, 25 to 35 mm.; average, 30 mm. The greatest
transverse diameter, 35 to 45 mm.; average, 40 mm. The greatest
thickness, 15 to 25 mm.; average, 20 mm.
The best method of finding specimens in normal condition and comparing
them with the abnormal is to have some one about forty years of
age who has no complaint whatever, and make an examination. Notice
the contour and size, then follow this with some one who does complain.
The author found no difficulty in getting men to submit to the examination
for comparison when the purpose was explained.
After the finger, covered with a finger cot, well lubricated, has
been inserted into the rectum, the following general principles
can be followed.
A uniform, smooth and bending enlargement of the prostate gland
can be suggestive of chronic inflammation, or a senile enlargement
if the age is enough to justify that conclusion. An irregular, hard
and unbending prostate can be suggestive of a malignant disease
A soft and extremely tender swelling suggests abscess formation
in the prostate. More types under Chapter on Classification.
of Examining the Prostate
The prostate may be examined
in a variety of ways, as follows:
1. Rectal Palpation.
2. Urethral examination with a metal catheter.
3. Cystoscopy and endoscopy.
1. RECTAL PALPATION. — The manipulative physician with his
training should become par excellent in a short time at this form
of examination. The steps taken are usually as follows:
The bladder should contain a moderate quantity of urine, i.e., be
neither distended nor empty. The patient is placed in the knee-chest
position on a table or bed, or may stand leaning over the back of
a chair, one knee resting on the chair and the thighs separated.
With the patient on his back the examination is not so satisfactory.
The right forefinger of the physician, protected by a rubber glove
or a thin rubber finger-cot, is lubricated and gently introduced
into the anus with a slight boring motion. After passing the sphincter
the finger comes in contact with the membranous urethra in the anterior
rectal wall for about one-half inch, then with the prostate. Normally
the prostate is felt as a slightly prominent, heart-shaped body,
an inch and a half long, of firm, elastic consistence. By palpation
one determines general or one-sided enlargement, the presence of
nodules, or of general or localized change in consistence, as induration,
fluctuation; also the presence of tenderness. Bimanual palpation
of the prostate is seldom useful except in very slender subjects.
two types of examination we shall mention here can only be made
by those who have been well trained in this art, and have the proper
facilities at hand. We mention them here that in case the results
of the palpation method is not satisfactory, then an examination
can be made by the following methods:
If a silver catheter of medium curvature be introduced into the
urethra, and it is found necessary to depress the shaft of the instrument
nearly to the horizontal before urine flows, we may conclude that
the prostatic urethra is notably increased in length and that the
prostate gland is correspondingly increased in size.
A maneuver, described by Socin, for the determination of the length
of the prostatic urethra is thus performed. A silk or other catheter
is introduced into the bladder until urine flows. The catheter is
then withdrawn until the flow ceases, i.e., the lateral eye of the
catheter is inclosed within the prostate. The length of the catheter
protruding from the penis is then measured. The physician then introduces
his finger into the rectum while an assistant holds the penis in
an unchanging position; with his left hand the physician withdraws
the catheter until he feels its tip emerge from the prostate into
the membranous urethra. The length of the protruding catheter is
again measured. The difference between the two measurements, less
the beak of the instrument beyond the eye, is approximately the
length of the prostatic urethra. When the prostatic urethra is considerably
increase in length, it indicates an hypertrophy of the middle lobe
or the formation of a marked prostatic bar. The length of the entire
urethra in healthy male adults varies a great deal, according to
the length of the penis. It may be from 16 to 20 cm.; on the average
about 18 cm.—a little less than seven inches. Usually the
length of the catheter introduced into the urethra before urine
begins to flow is from seven and one-half to eight and one-half
inches. Any marked increase over this distance indicates prostatic
It is possible, and not very difficult to introduce a straight endoscopic
tube into the prostatic urethra, and to study the condition of its
mucous membrane with more or less success. The verumontanum can
be recognized, but not the sinuspocularis unless it is the seat
of the disease when its orifice may gape or permit the observer
to see a purulent or muco-prostatic hypertrophy. It is quite painful,
but has been rather extensively used in America during recent years.
This form of examination requires trianing and great skill.
In cases of prostatic hypertrophy,
with unequal enlargement of the lobes or with a greatly increased
urethral distance, the use of the cystoscope is not practicable,
even under a general anesthetic, without undue violence. If the
kidneys are faulty there is also risk of uremia. In elderly men,
therefore, the use of the cystoscope should be preceded by an examination
of the urine, with particular attention to the function of the kidneys,
and by rectal palpation of the prostate. In acute inflammation of
the prostate, in acute posterior urethritis, and in cases where
malignant disease of the prostate is suspected, the use of the cystoscope
is contraindicated. While we are here stating these methods of examination
we will utter a word of caution. That instruments of solid substance
should only be introduced into the urethra or rectum as a last resort
for examination or for treatment. More harm than good is done by
the use of those instruments when done unnecessarily.
The experience of this writer has led to the conclusion that over-much
instrumental methods used on the prostate is not the proper procedure.
The chemical irrigations required in gonorrheal infection are helpful
in the acute stage, but continued applications are harmful. The
urethra has a sensitive membrane and the continuance of the administration
of potassium permanganate solutions after the gonococcus is eliminated
will cause persistence of urinary shreds and damage the urethra.
The writer is not very enthusiastic about the introduction of solid
instruments of any kind, such as solid or hard electrodes. Of course,
there are those who insist these are sometimes necessary for drainage.
But, poor drainage is seldom if ever solely a matter of the follicular
opening into the urethra, and stretching this minute aperture would
not stretch the deeper portions of the follicular canal and thus
cause the follicle to drain. Except in acute gonorrhea, and possibly,
in what has been called descending prostatitis, the posterior urethra
is a mirror to the prostate and it becomes normal because drainage
of the prostate by massage reduces its activity as an infective
feeder to the canal. Such chemical and instrumental treatment probably
does not harm the prostate but it often harms the urethra. It is
decidedly like trying to patch a ceiling harmed by a leak in the
roof and doing nothing about the leak.
It takes a long practice for some to grasp the idea of finger tip
examination, while others see its significance at once. A careful
reading of what follows will convince the most skeptical that a
little practice is all that is needed to make one proficient.
Classification of Prostatic Diseases
In the beginning of this section
we think it would be well to state how the general masssage treatment
is given and when some special form of physical therapy is indicated.
That will be given and explained under its proper heading. There
is no doubt that massage is the ideal and rational therapy for the
majority of prostate troubles. It empties the ducts. Improves the
circulation and tends to cause absorption of inflammatory products.
For this procedure the patient may lie on the back with the thighs
flexed and separated, or he may lie on his side. But the best position
we have found and which allows of better drainage is the knee chest
position. We will designate the general massage, Light and Heavy.
Before giving the massage, a cot of absorbent cotton should be affixed,
or tied over the penial meatus to absorb the residual thrown out
of the prostate by the massage. This should be inspected after every
treatment to see the effects of the treatments. The longest finger,
covered with a rubber finger cot well lubricated, is then inserted
in the rectum. The gland should be rubbed from the periphery toward
the urethra, that is, pressure rubbing is made, first, on one lobe
toward the center and then on the other, finally on the medium lobe,
to evacuate the ducts into the urethra. See Fig. B. If strong, eight
pound pressure is used a few strokes on each lobe is sufficient,
if but gentle force is used each lobe may be stroked for one minute.
The force used may have to be gradually increased according to the
effects noted on the absorbent cot over the penial meatus. Brief
massage and treatment of the seminal vesicles may with advantage
precede all prostatic manipulations. The procedure should seldom
be carried out oftener than two or three times a week. It may be
continued until the symptoms have abated and the purulency of the
drained fluid largely or entirely lost. Prostatic massage is contraindicated
in acute inflammation of the prostate, vesicles or urethra, but
given on abatement of the acute condition.
There are many types of electrical equipment advanced as being of
great value in the treatment of prostatitis. But after years of
experience we have discarded all those that require electrodes or
any hard substance pressed against the prostate. Once in position,
these electrodes may do a great deal of good. But in placing of
them in position, and the pressure of the instrument while the patient
is lying down may have an injurious effect upon the prostatic tubes,
ducts and urethra. Diathermy, Galvanism, sine wave and short wave
we used by the indirect method rather than direct. Finger massage,
with hydrotherapy, and short wave as adjuncts, we now consider to
be the ideal method in the majority of cases of prostatitis.
Before treatments are given
to the prostate gland the muscular tissue of the lower abdomen may
be relaxed with a great deal of benefit to the patient. It is not
absolutely necessary, but, it does, in some cases hasten the recovery
of the patient, especially those who have an abdominal ptosis. Many
forms of tension relaxation have been taught and are practiced.
After a trial of many of them, the writer has come to the conclusion
that the following are of the best. However, no matter the method
used, the importance of relaxation and the raising up of the lower
abdomen in prostatic treatment cannot be overlooked. The first step
we list in this process is to give what we call the Pneumo Tapotment
Technique. A medium size vacuum cup is placed over the os pubis,
inflated, according to the resistance of the patient, or until it
hurts a little. Then the physician, putting his left hand on the
lower side of the cup pushes it upward as far as possible without
giving pain. After the position of the cup is fixed and held there,
then with the fingers of the right hand the physician taps all around
the abdomen not covered by the cup. These taps are very light, but
the whole abdomen should be covered. It is best to do it in circle
fashion. The cup is then put on right and left groin respectively
and the tapotment repeated. The time spent on this at the first
treatment should not be less than 15 minutes, and should be repeated
at least every two weeks, if the patient is given the prostatic
treatment twice a week. If a vacuum cup is not available, the relaxation
treatment can be given by using just the left hand as a substitute.
For the two-hand technique; start with left hand cupped above the
os pubis, raise the tissue up as far as possible, then with the
fingers of the right hand, tap the abdomen, going in circles and
covering all the abdomen not under the left hand. The left hand
is then brought to the left and right groin respectively and the
circular taps are repeated. The tapping must be very light. This
relaxation treatment if performed properly, need only be repeated
every two weeks.
PAIN CONTROL — The theory of pain control comes under the
old principle of counter irritation and inhibition. In the first
theory, the circle of nerve circulation is the prime factor. That
is, the body is a unit, that nerve, blood and lymph all have a complete
cycle in distribution and circulation. The sensory impulses of pain
starting at any part of the body travel to a nerve center or to
a center in the brain and then to the opposite side center of the
brain, and its circulation is completed on the opposite side in
the peripheral nerve ending in the corresponding location. To test
this out, the next time there is suspicion of appendical involvement
with swelling or tenderness and pain try counter irritation by the
cups or hand pressure or tapping on the exact location of the opposite
When giving the heavy pressure treatment to the prostate, if massaging
the right lobe, press heavily on the opposite side of the anus.
Hold all the while pressure is being used on the right lobe. When
on the left lobe reverse to the other side. When on the median lobe,
just above the massaging finger.
Inhibition to some extent can be created by pressure on the constrictors
to the prostate. The first, second, and third lumbars. This is done
by deep pressure in the gutter of the spine on the opposite side
of the lobe being treated. If working on the right prostate lobe,
with a finger of the right hand, the fingers of the left hand are
pressed hard, at the same time, in the gutter of the spine on the
left first, second and third lumbar segments.
After treatment of the prostate is completed, it is usually a good
thing to stimulate the vaso Dilators to the prostate by vibration
or friction of all the sacral segments.
Adjustments of the cranial sutures underneath of which are the anterior
and posterior pituitaries can be adjusted once every two weeks for
psychic and hormone relaxation, or stimulation as necessary.
The beginner should go easy the first two or three treatments and
study the reactions of their patient, and gain by experience how
much pressure to use. However, the exudate found on the penial cot
can always be used as a guide to the amount of increased pressure
to use.
The abdominal relaxation technique should precede all the prostate
techniques, and the pain control technique whenever necessary.
There are those who advocate as strong a pressure as possible on
the prostate. We heard a physician say: “Give them the works
for all your worth” and then proceeded to give at least a
twelve to fifteen pound pressure in spite of the screaming and howling
of the patient. It must be remembered that drainage is the aim and
not the crushing to pieces of the organ.
Look again at the cut showing the contents of the prostate from
the superior to the inferior urethral crests, see Figures A and
B, and the possibilities of causing strictures, elongations and
congestions in the ejaculatory ducts and urethra, that greater chronic
pain after than before the treatment can be experienced. If a patient
is from far away, and cannot be treated but once or twice before
leaving town, it may be justifiable to use a ten pound pressure
with great care, and, also using the abdominal and pain controlling
Our classical Formula for the first treatment is as follows: First,
a thorough examination. Second, no matter what the condition, give
the abdominal relaxation treatment. If massage is indicated, along
with the massage we give also the pain control technique. At the
first treatment we sweep the fingers over the whole prostate five
times with a four pound pressure ending up on the middle lobe holding
for one-half minute. Then we deposit a rectal suppository of garlic
composition which will have value in reducing inflammation, relieving
pain and restoring normal tissue. It is better to replace the suppository
in the center just at the base of the prostate, than just depositing
it anywhere in the rectum. An appointment is made for the following
day or not more than forty-eight hours later. The finger technique
is then begun in earnest The finger is then inserted and a six pound
pressure is exerted on the left and right lobes, with a sweeping
motion toward the middle lobe. This motion is carried out five times
on the middle lobe. This motion is carried out five times on each
lobe then the middle lobe is pressed for half a minute with a four
pound pressure in a rotary manner, from right to left, after which
another suppository is inserted and the patient told to come back
in a week. Our treatments are on the average of two a week until
complete relief is obtained. After two treatments, suppositories
are used once a week.
The vesicles often need to be treated for the reason that, when
congested or inflamed they have a profound influence upon the virility
of the patient and also on his psyche. He is the type of patient
the doctor will put down as a neurasthenic, and his wife and others
will say: “It is all in your head.” Let the patient
think that it is a combination of Neurasthenia and physical symptoms
and treat the vesicles at least once every two weeks, if necessary.
The treatment for Vesiculitis is found in Chapter I. It was thought
best to put the technique there to avoid confusion in this Chapter.
Here the gland is enlarged,
tender and there is deep seated pain accompanied by a sensation
of heat and weight in the perineum. The desire to pass water is
frequent, and micturition is painful, particularly at the conclusion
of the act. Defecation is painful, and digital examination of rectum
reveals a hot and tender swelling of the prostate gland. Usually
a muco prostate. The perineum is also hot and tender. The patient
cannot sit comfortably, and supports his weight upon one buttock
to avoid pressure upon the perineum. If suppuration occurs, as is
often the case, the pain becomes more marked and of a throbbing
character, the perineum becomes red and edematous, retention of
urine may occur, fever is present, and there may be a marked chill.
The abscess may discharge through the urethra, rectum, or perineum.
Generally the condition is regarded as a result of gonorrhea, but
traumatism, urethritis, strictures calculi and cystitis may also
be causes. Treatment same as in acute gonorrheal prostatitis.
In these cases the symptoms
of acute posterior urethritis will have preceded the prostatic involvement
for days or weeks. If the prostate becomes involved in the course
of a chronic posterior urethritis, there will be a history of an
old uncured gonorrhea with acute excerbations. In this latter group
the exciting cause may be prolonged sexual excitement, coitus, acute
alcoholism, overfatigue, the passsage of a sound, or other source
of local irritation. The involvement of the prostate is indicated
in severe cases by a chill, a rise of temperature, and a rapid pulse,
prostration, and other septic symptoms. Such an onset usually indicates
that the process will end in suppuration. From my own experience
in cases of prostatic abscess the original septic symptoms, including
fever, often subside in a few days, though the abscess is still
developing. The general symptoms of constitutional depression are
usually marked. In several cases I have observed great mental depression,
amounting almost to acute melancholia. Locally, the patient will
complain of increased frequency of urination, of a sense of weight
and fullness in the rectum and perineum and of pain in the sacral
region. Defecation is painful and the sensation of a large foreign
body in the rectum is present. Urination becomes more and more frequent,
painful and difficult. If a large abscess forms, retention of urine
is the rule. Rectal palpation reveals the prostate much enlarged,
tender, hot and throbbing, and either hard or elastic. The abscess
may be confined to a single lobe, or involve both sides of the gland.
If the abscess ruptures, its contents may flow into the urethra,
the ischiorectal fossa, or burrows along the urethra and perineum,
or into the rectum, rarely into the bladder. Rupture into the urethra
may occur during the straining efforts to urinate, or as the result
of passing a catheter for the relief of retention This will be indicated
by the discharge of considerable pus with the urine, sometimes also
from the meatus independent of urination. Rupture of the abscess
is followed by marked relief from the symptoms. By rectal massage,
pus in quantity may sometimes be pressed out of the abscess cavity,
and made to appear at the meatus. If the opening is small, it may
close or drain imperfectly. In this event septic and painful symptoms
may recur, sometimes with the formation of new and more serious
lesions, and as long as the abscess cavity remains unhealed.
TREATMENT: Absolute rest in bed and liquid diet. The bowels should
be kept loose to avoid the pressure of hardened feces upon the inflamed
prostate. Hot hip-baths sometimes cause a marked diminution of the
pain. If the pain is intense an ice bag can be applied to the perineum,
or an alternating douche of hot and cold water from a spray in the
bathtub have been found very helpful for relief of pain. Water applied
in this manner has great therapeutic value. Short wave is helpful
to a great degree. Massage is not indicated, neither is any hard
substance projected into the rectum until all acute symptoms subside,
and then light massage can be given twice a week. Should severe
retention of urine occur the catheter may have to be used. See Chapter
on Catheterization. In the acute condition which does not subside
in from three to ten days, the physician is faced with some faulty
conduct of the patient. Either he is disobeying order about diet,
alcohol or sex relations, and he may be using some drugstore preparation
on the side. For a urethral wash via the meatus—one drop of
120 VM in one-half ounce of water can be injected by the patient
by use of a small syringe, four times a day. In starting prostatic
treatments some urine should be left in the bladder. Several light
strokes should be given from above downward. First on the lateral
lobes, then ending with the middle lobe. This can be done several
times a week if no recrudescence of symptoms occur, and if they
do not occur, the full treatment after a few days can be given as
outlined in the beginning of this chapter.
A fast for a day or two of milk or skim milk is of great value in
favoring diuresis. A glass of milk every two hours, after which
a light food diet is given until all symptoms subside. All the mild,
alkaline drinks desired should be given. Sexual intercourse is entirely
forbidden as well as the use of alcohols, spiced foods, etc., for
some time after the acute symptoms subside.
Chronic prostatitis is a low-grade
inflammation of the gland. It is always of long standing, may be
associated with enlargement of one or both lobes of the prostate,
a normal-sized gland, or a decrease in size of one or both lobes.
It may be either specific or non-specific and may be due to any
of the bacterial, mechanical, chemical or traumatic causes described.
In this condition the ducts which lead from the prostate to the
urethra become plugged with mucous pus and inflammatory products.
The secretions of the prostate are held in the gland by these plugs,
causing it to swell.
The patient with chronic prostatitis may have no symptoms for years,
he may have the symptoms of any of the four groups mentioned above,
or he may conplain of a dull pain and uncomfortable feeling in the
perineum; a slight daily frequency of urination, six to seven times
during his wakeful hours, and once at night; a slight burning on
urination; a slight discharge, usually in the morning, during bowel
movements, or when straining. This discharge is like the white of
an egg in consistency and composition. There is a loss of sexual
power and nocturnal pollutions may be frequent.
The feel of the prostate in this condition is varied and difficult,
but as a general rule the lobes are smaller than in true hypertrophy,
and larger than in atrophy. Yet one lobe may be larger than the
others. If there are nodules particularly in the smaller ones, along
with neurasthenic symptoms, and certain phobias, especially the
fear of impotency, and with the symptoms enumerated above the diagnosis
of chronic prostatitis can be considered certain.
TREATMENT: Every source of infection must be eliminated. The whole
general constitution of the patient must be built up by tonics or
tonic treatments. Psychiatry will play a big part in bringing about
relief. (See book The Fundamentals of Applied Psychiatry, by the
The manipulative treatment will consist of three steps. (See Figures
A and B). Note particularly the positions of the vas deferens as
it turns over the epididymus then circles up the side and around
the bladder to reach the sides of the vesicles. All of these must
be treated in a case of chronic prostatitis. Light pressure can
be exerted at the right and left of the penial crest, then moving
up a half inch bringing pressure again. This pressure should be
gradual but as deep as possible without giving pain. This is one
of those conditions in which to remember that you are trying to
get the prostate to function normally again. Do not squeeze out
every drop of secretion from the prostate, but only enough to emulsify
its contents and break up the congestion, and also to help the muscles
regain their tone. In other words, massage in the same sense in
which that term is used when applied to other portions of the body.
Using powerful pressure on a sensitive prostate is like punching
a man in the belly and calling it massage. Short Wave, Sine Wave
without solid rectal Electrodes, Douches, Sprays and a liberal but
easily digested diet all are helpful. But, it is the massage that
emphasis must be placed on, and should be kept up for months until
all symptoms are gone. Glandular substances may be considered as
Patients suffering from enlarged
prostate often come to their physician complaining that there is
something in their rectum which will not pass. The more the catharsis
and straining at stool, the worse the condition gets. This is produced
by pressure of the enlarged gland upon the rectum. This may become
so great that defecation is impossible at times.
A number of theories have been advanced as to the cause and nature
of prostatic enlargement. A few of these only can be cited. These
theoretical causes of prostatic enlargement are: A fibrous change
from advancing age, sexual excess, ungratified sexual desire, perverted
action of the testes, an attempt on the part of nature to counteract
the pouching of the bladder accompanying its muscular degeneration,
the change normal to advancing years, a chronic inflammatory process,
a septic catarrhal infection, a new growth or tumor. There can be
no doubt that many of these are contributing factors.
The process begins with a swelling of the smallest sac-like dilations
composing the prostate gland. This is due to a retention of the
secretion which, under normal conditions is periodically evacuated
by ejaculations. This secretion thickens, and by infection from
any part of the body pus and inflammatory products accumulate, and
since none of this can escape, cysts are formed. As this cyst formation
progresses the entire gland enlarges.
As the gland swells, it bulges into the rectum and into the bladder
interfering with bowel movements and increasing the size of the
bladder floor. This usually carries the urethral opening to or near
the summit of the projection and lengthens the canal. It is therefore
evident that the neck of the bladder and the prostatic urethra become
deformed and retention of urine results.
Many different theories have been proposed to explain this phenomenon
of retention. One interesting conception is that contractions forcing
the urine toward the neck of the bladder thrust the obstructing
prostate against this opening as a stopper closes a bottle. Another
is that the swollen gland in raising the bladder floor forms a curve
in the middle, or two pockets on each side of the bladder. Only
the urine which rises above the level of these pockets is voided.
That which remains causes the muscles to sag, thereby increasing
the amount retained. Sooner or later this urine becomes infected
and a cystitis results. The bladder muscles, in their effort to
force out this excess urine past the obstructing prostate, thicken
and develop a network of ridges called trabeculae. As the obstruction
grows, the bladder becomes stretched and the muscles lose their
tone. A point is reached where the patient is unable to void, save
for a few drops, and these with great pain and burning. If there
is a ptosis of the abdomen, hypertrophy symptoms re greatly aggravated.
Before the symptoms of a true hypertrophy appear there is generally
a preprostatic stage. It may come a number of years earlier, shortly
after forty, and then either disappear or remain quiescent. At this
time the patient has attacks of frequent urination, burning when
passing his urine with perhaps some tenesmus and pain. As true hypertrophy
approaches, the symptoms return in a more aggravated form. Urination
is more frequent, the burning and tenesmus more intense, there is
a sense of fullness and a feeling of pressure in the perineum and
bladder, the stream is feeble and urination is difficult. There
may be retention, dribbling or incontinence.
Frequency of urination is due to bladder congestion, irritability
of the nervous mechanism of the bladder and urethra, over-activity
of the kidneys, or to residual urine in the bladder.
In fifty percent of the cases there is very little inconvenience,
the patient merely being annoyed somewhat by nocturnal frequency
of micturition. The stream is sow to start and falls feebly from
the end of the penis. The last drops fall entirely without control.
In fifteen percent of all cases the bladder cannot be entirely emptied,
and residual urine collects. Frequently of micturition comes on,
particularly at night, the patient has to get up often, the bladder
never feels empty, and cystitis is apt to arise. The urine, at first
acid and clear, becomes neutral and cloudy, and finally ammoniacal
and turbid.
It contains bacteria, muco-pus, precipitates of phosphates and sometimes
blood. Enlargement of the lateral lobes can be detected by a finger
in the rectum, The patient should be examined by rectal touch at
once. The amount of residual urine should be determined and the
urine carefully analyzed.
Night frequency is more significant
as well as more distressing than that in the day time. In a man
normally passing his urine four times a day and none at night, five
times a day and once at night would be both a day and night frequency.
If this same man urinated six times a day and three times at night,
his night frequency would be relatively greater than his day, as
he would only be going two more than his normal by day, but three
more at night. Day implies the sixteen waking hours and night the
eight hours for sleep.
As the patient is less active at night than during the day, the
local circulation of the bladder and prostate becomes more sluggish.
Congestion results, and the accumulation of smaller amounts of urine
gives a feeling of fullness, and a desire to void. The change in
posture, from a standing or sitting to lying alters the hydrostatic
effect of the bladder. The intensity of these factors governs the
number of times that a patient gets up. When night frequency first
starts the patient awakens with a feeling of fullness and a desire
to urinate an hour or so before his usual time of arising. As the
trouble advances, this time will come two or three or even four
hours earlier. Soon, unless he receives treatment, he may have an
urgency to get up three times or every hour of the night. The constant
passing of the urine leads to straining, causing congestion and
irritation of the bladder and urethra. Acid urine coming in contact
with the membranes creates a burning of those tissues. If excessive
urea or crystals are present in the urine they make the burning
much worse. The above symptoms along with the results ascertained
by manual examination make the diagnosis certain. The finger feel
of an enlarged prostate will be as follows:
In glandular hyperplasia the tumors or lumps in the lobes will be
soft and the lobes will be warm. If muscle fibrous tissues are increased
the gland will be symmetrically hard, cool and dry. In some cases
one or two lobes will have muscular and fibrous enlargement while
one lobe has a glandular hyperplasia.
The treatment largely consists of finger massage. We have found
that after a few treatments that urination can be controlled. But
here a word of warning. Patients are apt to stop coming to the doctor
just as soon as he discovers he only has to get up once a night.
He must be informed sharply that he must continue the treatments
until there is no residual urine left in the bladder, and until
the glandular hyperplasia, or the muscular and fibrous condition
is reduced to normal, which may take from six months to a year,
twice a week. If he does not do it his trouble will recur and recur
in more severe form each time which will only result in an operation
in the end.
There are many electrical apparatuses that can be used, and we have
used them extensively, but apart from short wave we have not found
them as effective as finger massage. For softening effect the garlic
suppositories are par excellent. The physician can follow the usual
course of massage as outlined in the beginning of this chapter.
And lay special emphasis on what instruction for living as may be
found under the chapter on instructions to the Patient. The daily
use of the spray douche on the whole top of penis and underneath
the testicles is of great value. The patient experimenting to find
which gives the most relief, hot or cold water, or both, alternately.
The hot water causes a relaxation and a dilation of the tissues.
The cold and the force of the stream both causing reflex contraction
of the congested blood vessels. In some cases hot hip baths for
a few minutes each day are of service. Ichthyol suppositories may
be prescribed. But we are sure if the finger massage is given intelligently
and regularly a complete cure will be accomplished.
Stones in the prostate may be
found at any age after puberty, but they are more common and larger
in old age. They may be formed from prostatic secretion and become
scattered throughout the substance of one or both lobes, or a number
of these may become cemented together to form irregular or nodular
concretion. Calculi may also form in the kidneys or bladder, and
during their passage become lodged in the prostate gland. Calculi
may cause enlargement, inflammation, destruction or abscess. The
symptoms are frequently obscure. Pain is usually present. It may
be felt only during and after urination, in which case it is sharp
and pricking. It may, on the other hand, be a constant aching not
connected with urination and sometimes relieved by it. In these
cases it is a pain felt in the rectum, testicle, perineum, groin
or thigh. Bowel movements usually aggravate the pain. Bloody urine
is often present. In many cases there is a copious purulent discharge
from the urethra. Frequent urination both day and night is a constant
symptom. Small stones may be passed and occasionally difficult urination
or retention are observed.
Prostatic stones may originate from one of two sources:
1. From concretions formed in the prostatic ducts.
2. From ordinary vesicle calculi which become impacted in the prostatic
portion of the urethra. Such calculi may originally lodge in such
a manner that a portion of the stone projects into the bladder.
The continued growth by deposition of phosphates may cause such
stones to become firmly fixed, so that a cutting operation may be
necessary for their removal. Prostatic Calculi originating in the
prostatic ducts are quite common in elderly men, though they rarely
grow to a size larger than that of a pea, and sometimes do not give
rise to any symptoms. We have detected them in the prostates of
old men by means of X-ray pictures since they usually contain enough
phosphates to cast a definite shadow. Yet, some of these patients
made no complaint of pain but only of a heavy weight in the perineum.
But, when these concretions multiply they may cause atrophy of the
prostatic substance so that a considerable cavity is formed, containing
numerous small stones, readily palpated per rectum, a grating sensation
being imparted to the examining finger. When such calculi enter
and remain in the prostatic urethra they produce the same symptoms
as ordinary calculi in the same situation.
It is interesting to note the theories as to the etiology of stone
in the urinary tract. Two of the most common components in urinary
and prostatic stones are calcium oxalates and uric acid.
This theory was expounded for a long time, and that it was only
a matter of excluding foods that contained those substances. Then
it was found that uric acid was an end product of protein metabolism,
and it was thought that by eliminating the proteins the cure was
easy. However, people were found to have stones whose diet was free
from any proteins, largely carbohydrates. Yet, diet does play a
big part in the formation of stones. More because of substances
lacking in the foods rather than the foods themselves. Chiefly among
these was the lack of Vitamin A of animal origin.
Then, the following theory also will have to be considered as having
an indirect bearing on the formation of stone:
Inflammatory bone lesions. Water drinking in which are lime deposits.
Prolonged recumbency with infection. Excessive exposure to the sun’s
rays. Injuries of the urinary tract. Diseases of the parathyroids.
(See Chapter on Parathyroids in Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques.)
These theories are worthy of close investigation, but a discussion
of all of them here would make the book too large for its purpose.
In prostataic calculi there is usually one or more of the following—blood,
pus, bacteria, urinary crystals and sometimes a minute amount of
TREATMENT: Some have claimed that by Vitamin Therapy they have made
it possible to dislodge the calculi and have it passed out. We have
not been able to do so. Prevention of calculi by vitamins is possible,
but the removal after formation and enlargement is another matter.
Also, surgery is not always the answer. In most cases conservative
treatment is the best. This applies particularly to small calculi.
One should then proceed with the vitamins and plenty of drinking
water. Light finger massage twice a week, with a careful watch being
made on the different localities of the calculi. It is not wise
to try to move them toward the prostatic tubes until weeks have
passed and there has been time for reduction of their size. Hot
baths are in order for pain, and one and one-half ounces of glycerin
once a day for three day may be of benefit in emulsifying the calculi.
If the glycerin causes flatulent distention an enema will give relief.
Short wave will often give relief. Several cases have been reported
that cod liver or olive oil taken over a period of several months,
in addition to the prostatic massage, has caused the calculi to
dissolve and be eliminated. But, should pain become unbearable,
surgery must be considered.
Cysts due to the blocking of
the ducts of the gland gradually distend as the fluid accumulates.
They give no symptoms when small, but large cysts press upon the
bladder and rectum with characteristic symptoms. Retention of urine
as well as radiating pains in the testicles and thighs may follow.
A large cyst has been mistaken for a distended bladder. The contents
of a cyst consist of thickened prostatic secretion, granular material
and concretions. The treatment for this condition is the same as
under Hypertrophy.
Abscess of the prostate may
follow an acute prostatitis. It may follow smallpox, chicken pox,
scarlet fever, measles, typhoid, or any acute infectious disease.
The chief symptoms are a sudden chill, elevation of temperature,
repeated attacks of retention, a constant heavy throbbing pain in
the rectal region, sweating and a headache. If the abscess ruptures,
the symptoms clear. It may, however, rupture and close again. In
this case the symptoms will return. Such an abscess may rupture
into several organs and structures, but the most common location
is the urethra, then the rectum, perineum, etc. An abscess of the
prostate should receive immediate treatment for unless it breaks
spontaneously, or by the physical therapist, the condition will
remain chronic. Treatment is the same as in acute prostatitis.
Malignant growths of the prostate
have many of the symptoms of hypertrophy. In the beginning, like
all cancerous conditions, they are usually painless. For this reason
the onset is insidious and the condition overlooked or neglected
until great damage is done. Years may elapse between the first symptoms
and the time when the patient goes to a physician for his first
The urinary disturbances are usually the first symptoms to appear.
Frequency, five or six urinations at night, exertion to empty the
bladder, prolongation of the act of urination, a small, feeble stream,
dribbling and finally retention. Incontinence may follow. Pain is
not a part of, yet is made more severe in urination and defecation.
The pain, once it starts, is a dull, constant aching which persists
for months and years.
The pain will be not only in the perineum, but low down in the back,
bladder, in hips and legs. The physician may be misled and treat
for lumbago and sciatica. Bleeding takes place in about fifteen
per cent of these cases, and for a short while after there is some
relief. There is some constipation and sometimes intestinal obstruction.
In the majority of cases before the physician can realize the seriousness
of the condition he has to deal with, the patient is beyond any
possibility of cure either by manipulation or surgery. But in some
cases there will be some physical signs that will aid in an early
diagnosis. First when the finger comes in contact with the prostate
it will feel knobby, and cold. If there are swollen, unequal and
iliac glands, and a nodule or nodules in one of the glands, then
diagnosis can be considered sure, and these cases can be referred
to the surgeon.
In the majority of cases, however, the entire gland is soon involved,
together with the prostatic urethra, the bladder, rectum, and seminal
vesicles, yet the disease may run its course until death, including
the formation of extensive secondary deposits in the pelvic and
inguinal lymph nodes, together with metastatic tumors in the bones
and other organs, without involving the entire gland. The original
tumor may remain small, and even pass unrecognized.
Owing to the fact that cancer of the prostate occurs chiefly in
elderly men, who are or might be suffering from enlarged prostate,
and that the early symptoms of both conditions are similar, prostatic
cancer often remains unsuspected until the disease is far advanced.
Just how often cancer develops in the hypertrophied gland and what
causal relation if any, exists between hypertrophy and cancer is
still not definitely known.
For those who are beyond the scope of surgery, the physician will
give as much relief as possible. Hydrotherapy and diathermy seem
to fit in the treatment of these cases with the most effectiveness
in giving relief.
If the patient can survive the ordeal, the grape diet regime may
be tried which has been of great help to give relief. It is always
best to have the patient where close supervision and watch can be
kept over him.
This is a diminution in the
size of the prostate. When the finger is inserted on top of it,
it is flat and rather hollow in the middle, and its periphery has
the feel of file-like ridges. This is particularly true of the elderly
man. Arrested development of the gland is found in combination with
other congenital malformations of the genital organs, especially
the testicles. When one testicle has failed to develop, there may
be a corresponding arrest of development in the prostatic lobe of
the same side. Not infrequently, however, both lobes of the prostate
are fully developed when one testicle is infantile.
Castration before puberty results in arrested development of the
prostate gland. Castration after puberty is followed by diminution
in size of the prostate. Castration at one time was supposed to
be followed by diminution in size or atrophy of the hypertrophic
prostate, and was practiced as a method of treatment for this condition.
Reduction in congestion of the organ is produced, but it is no longer
the belief that shrinkage of the enlarged organ takes place.
Atrophy may follow inflammatory diseases of the gland, such as acute
or chronic gonorrheal prostatitis, tuberculosis, pressure from calculi
or cysts. It is not infrequently present in long standing cases
of stricture of the urethra.
Senile atrophy develops after the age of fifty, although cases have
been reported in the fortieth year.
Frequent urination is the most constant symptom of atrophy of the
prostate. The patient averages six to eight times during the day
and two to six times at night. Occasionally there is great urgency
and constant desire to urinate. Involuntary discharge of the urine
at night is not uncommon, and in a few cases complete incontinence
is reported. There is generally a loss of sexual vigor to a marked
degree and sometimes complete impotency.
TREATMENT: In the aged, and those who have marked sexual weakness
the prognosis to attain sexual vigor is very poor and great discretion
must be used in making any promises. The aim of the treatment must
be toward the most menacing symptoms. Light massage twice a week
is in order. Short wave will have very beneficial effect.
Concussion of the lumbars and sacrals have been of great help. Sitz
baths, or douche bathing are in order twice a week. If an abdominal
ptosis is present a belt can be worn, and the posture corrected.
A constant influx of blood and nerve force is the only way that
atrophy of the prostate can be relieved, and nerve and blood circulation
treatments can be given according to the methods practiced by the
individual physician. Special attention should be given to anoxia
and anemia. See Chapter on Anoxemia in book: Endo-Nasal, Aural and
Allied Techniques.
Three outstanding features of this condition are immediately noticeable.
First, a partial or complete impotency. Second, the constant urgency
to urinate. Third, the effect on the physical appearance and mental
fogginess of the patient as well as some unusual mannerisms. It
would be well for the physician to read again the section on psychological
impotency found in The Principles of Applied Psychiatry.
In tuberculosis of the prostate
there is often a family history of this disease. An attack of gonorrhea
frequently precedes tuberculous prostatitis, but it is often found
in patients who give a negative history. Tuberculous prostatitis
is generally due to an extension of the disease from elsewhere in
the body. The predisposing cause may be anything producing congestion
in the gland. Stricture, sexual irregularities or excesses, constipation
and injuries are among the many possibilities. There may be complete
absence of symptoms until the condition is well advanced—a
strong argument favoring periodic health examinations. Frequent
urination both day and night is often present. The urethral discharge
which appears is not infrequently mistaken for a gonorrheal infection.
Blood may appear in the urine as well as in the emissions at an
early stage. In late cases the desire to urinate is constant, there
is pain and burning along the urethra, great straining, and the
painful discharge of a few drops of urine at each attempt. The patient
is robbed of his sleep and rapidly loses flesh. All hygienic measures
peculiar to tuberculosis should be observed. Plenty of sleep and
fresh air and special food outlined for people afflicted with this
condition. Tuberculosis of the prostate may be:
First, primary in the gland itself.
Second, secondary to tuberculosis in distant organs: namely, the
lungs, the peritoneum, etc.
Third, the infection is secondary to tuberculosis of other portions
of the genito-urinary tract. In the primary cases the infection
may be tuberculosis from the start, or may be ingrafted upon a chronic
gonorrheal prostatitis. The third group forms the most common type,
the prostatic invasion being secondary to tuberculosis of the epididymis
or of the kidney, the former being more common.
In the group of cases in which the tuberculous infection is ingrafted
upon chronic gonorrheal posterior urethritis, the invasion with
tubercle is not, as a rule, attended by any sudden change of symptoms.
The patient gradually gets worse in spite of treatment, and examination
of the prostate discloses a nodular enlargement, usually of one
lateral lobe. In other cases bleeding from the prostatic urethra
may first attract the physician’s attention to the probability
of a tuberculous infection. In the cases not preceded by gonorrhea
the patient usually presents himself, suffering from a chronic posterior
urethritis for which there is not apparent cause. Gradually the
signs and symptoms of a tuberculous lesion are developed.
In that group secondary to phthisis or tuberculosis of the peritoneum
the symptoms of vesicle irritation, with pyuria sometimes hematuria,
are gradually developed, usually when the patient’s general
condition is already quite hopeless.
In the group of cases secondary to tuberculous epididymitis the
presence of an enlarged, nodular, hard, usually painless epididymis
upon one side is followed or accompanied by vesicle irritation,
the appearance of pus and shreds in the urine, sometimes hematuria.
Rectal examination discloses a nodular prostate.
The following are the data upon which the diaagnosis may be based.
A tuberculous personal or family history. The presence of other
tuberculous lesions, either distant or of other parts of the genito-urinary
apparatus, notably of the epididymis. The extreme chronicity of
the disease. The presence of tubercle bacilli in the urine. The
utter futility of ordinary successful treatment. The fact that such
treatment only aggravates the ssymptoms. The introduction of a sound
or catheter and irrigation of the bladder is followed by an exacerbation
of all the symptoms, but increases pain and frequency, a hemorrhage,
an attack of epididymitis, etc. The irregular nodular enlargement
of one or both lobes of the prostate. The formation of a tuberculous
abscess or the existence of a tuberculous fistula as the result
of such an abscess. The occurrence of one or more shaarp attacks
of prostatic bleeding. These are the data whereby we arrive at the
diagnosis of tuberculosis of the prostate.
The prognosis of prostatic tuberculosis
is bad, though the course of the disease is very slow. Death comes
from dissemination of tubercle, from exhaustion, from abscess formation
with septic infection or urinary infiltration from kidney tuberculosis
or from preexistent tuberculous lesions of the lungs. By hygienic
measures, life out of doors in suitable climate, etc., cures are
possible in a few cases. A few operative cures have been reported
from incision and curettement of tuberculous prostatic abscesses.
So far we have not been able to accomplish much with this condition
except to give temporary relief. It is gratifying to know that not
more than two per cent of all cases of prostatitis are of this nature.
and Instructions That Will Help the Patient
If there is an abdominal ptosis
or the football belly, an abdominal belt is advisable. If scrotum
is large a suspensory support should be worn.
Moderate exercise is essential, should be regular and never carried
to the point of fatigue, sawing wood, playing golf or walking. A
walk of two miles a day in the open, with periods of rest is one
of the best exercises.
Clothing in winter time should always be very warm. Woolen underwear
if the patient is over sixty years of age.
Sitting suddenly on cold seats is bad.
A flannel abdominal binder can be worn in place of a belt, but should
not be removed until warm weather.
The diet. No man should eat any foods that, by experience he has
learned disagree with him and aggravate the condition. All greasy
foods, insufficiently cooked vegetables, heavy breads and pastries,
raw vegetables such as radishes and cucumbers, excessive uses of
salt or any condiments and highly seasoned foods have been found
to aggravate prostatic conditions. A patient with a prostatic condition
should never overeat. Sometimes a milk fast for one day a week has
worked wonders. A four ounce glass of milk every two waking hours
is sufficient.
Alcohol is a direct irritant to the bladder neck and must be forbidden.
But, if a man is a daily drinker, consuming a certain portion each
day, and a sudden stopping at once would shock his psyche, then
he must be ordered to taper off the amount gradually until he can
break off completely.
Sound, relaxing sleep for six to eight hours can be called sufficient
if the daily toil is not that of a laborer.
Sexual intercourse should be a regular habit and should be at uniform
periods and be preceded by love-making. If a man, whose natural
ability for intercourse, is, say — once or twice a week, indulges
himself two or three times that number and must use artificial methods
of forcing an erection it will injure his physical life, especially
his prostate and vesicles, and will also build up a mental fear
of not being able to accomplish the act, thereby bringing about
for the time being at least a physical or physic impotency, which,
if continued, will lead to a permanent impotency.
The husband must be taught to know his natural rhythm, that is,
know how regularly he can have intercourse without artificial stimulation.
When he has found this out then he should never neglect to prepare
his wife by caresses for the act. It takes but a little loving and
mutual respect for husband and wife to come to a real harmony of
sex instincts. When the act is being performed, he should come at
once to its termination, fulfilling it agreeably and completely.
He must be warned that in his condition any psychic suggestion may
cause him to delay and become impotent for that particular act.
He must also be warned that sexual excitement without gratification
creates a further blocking and congestion of the prostate and vesicles
doing a great deal more damage. If he wakes at night with an erection
due to a full bladder, he should urinate at once and not attempt
to break his regularity of intercourse. If the erection is due to
a full bladder, an attempt at intercourse will result in failure,
and possibly do him unrepairable damage. If a complaint is made
by the wife, then the physician should ask husband and wife to come
to his office where he can fully explain why such a procedure needs
to be followed.
A hobby is particularly beneficial for those who have a morbid state
of mind, and worry too much about their loss of vigor and stamina.
The patient must be told that constant thinking about the matter
only creates greater psychic inhibitions, and the more he can occupy
his mind and bodyinside and outside of his business hours the less
annoying will become the symptoms of the prostate gland. This hobby
business is a “must”—especially for the retired
man or the man out of work for any length of time. Constipation
must be avoided, for it is one of the great causes of prostatitis,
and direct cause of irritation to an inflamed prostate. But, the
purgative or foods eaten should not be of such a nature as to cause
a thin, watery evacuation, for that will cause burning and much
irritation in the rectum if continued over a period of time.
For men who are overanxious in regard to sex relations, and it seems
to affect their psyche unduly, Hormones or Vitamins A, B, E, E+
and F, can be suggested. We do not know whether these glandular
or vitamin substances have any physiological value or not, but they
do have a powerful psychological value which has been demonstsrated
again and again in giving the man confidence that he can accomplish
the act without undue worry or fear of hysteria.
Long automobile driving or riding must be restraicted to not more
than one hundred miles, before a stop is made, and some stratching
of the legs is made. Prolonged sitting, hour after hour is not conducive
to a free flow of blood through the lower parts. When the patient
has pain at home he should be instructed to do one of two things.
Spray with hot water on the parts, or cold water, one or the other
will give relief. Or, if the pain is on one side of the crest of
the penis, he can press deeply on the other side, goin in deep under
the penis and holding steady for one minute; then release for one
minute. This should be repeated three times. If the pain is on both
sides then this technique should be performed on both sides. Many
of my patients have actually helped to bring about permanent relief
in this way.
DEFINITION: Any inflammation,
infection or injury affecting the seminal vesicles. Diseases of
these organs is rare, and even in most cases are associated with
diseases of the surrounding genital organs.
The seminal vesicles are two
hollow organs lying above the base of the prostate between the bladder
and the rectum. They are two inches long and one-half inch in diameter,
lie transversely along the upper border of the prostate, and incline
upwards, especially at the outer end. They are bound to the bladder
wall by a layer of tissue of fascia, continued upwards from the
back of the prostate. Each seminal vesicle consists of a coiled
and folded tube which will stretch to about six inches in length.
At the inner and lower end is the narrow duct which unites with
the corresponding vas deferens to form the ejaculatory duct. The
function of the seminal vesicle is to store spermatic fluid to which
it adds a secretion of its own. The vesicle consists of a convoluted,
blind tube, about four inches in length, having many lateral blind
pouches and sacculi, inclosed in a thin, fibrous capsule, but loosely
attached, and containing some muscular fibre. In health their lower
thirds feel like two irregularly cylindrical bodies, of elastic,
soft consistence, extending upward from the prostate, separated
by the width of a finger.
One or both vesicles may be absent. The tests are commonly absent
in the latter case. The vesicles vary much in size, not only in
different persons but in the same individual on the two sides. One,
usually the right, may be much larger than the other.
The secretion of the seminal vesicles consists of a viscid, opalescent
fluid. It is usually seen intimately mixed with the secretion of
the testes, i.e., spermatozoa. The vesicles probably act to a considerable
extent as storehouses for the semen. This is shown by the fact that
in a normal individual who has been continent for some time the
vesicles can be more distinctly felt and their distention recognized
by touch than if palpated soon after sexual intercourse.
Since the vesicles are the contiguous organs that seem to have a
more profound effect upon the prostate than any other organ in a
diseased condition, a little more detail will be given.
The patient passes his urine.
The urethra is then washed clean with a mild salt solution and a
few ounces are allowed to remain. The contents of the prostate are
then carefully expressed by the finger in the rectum. A smear may
now be taken from the meatus for miscroscopic examination. The patient
now partly empties his bladder to wash out the urethra. The finger
is then introduced into the rectum as far as possible, and the seminal
vesicle is then repeatedly and firmly stroked from above downward
on one or both sides. Some care and practice are necessary to drain
the contents of the vesicles. The patient should bend his body over
the back of a chair while the physician stands behind him. Since
very firm pressure is needed against the perineum in order to reach
the vesicles, the patient’s body should be solidly supported.
The physician’s right forefinger is introduced into the rectum—he
stands with his own elbow pressed against his own side, so that
the weight of his body may be transmitted through the forearm and
the examining hand—the same attitude, in fact, assumed in
making a deep examination of the pelvic organs of women. The forearm,
wrist, hand and forefinger should be held in a straight line, the
third, fourth and fifth fingers sharply flexed into the palm. Palpation
and treatment is made by flexion of the terminal joint of the index
finger. Thus the weight of the physician’s body helps to invaginate
the soft tissues of the perineum and by attention to these details
one is enabled to reach a good deal higher. Some of the contents
of the vesicles will usually appear at the meatus, and may be examined
at once. If not, the patient empties his bladder, the liquid discharged
is centrifuged, and the product examined under the microscope. As
stated, spermatozoa will probably be found in moderate numbers.
If, in addition, the fluid contains numerous pus cells, the seminal
vesicle is inflamed. Search for gonococci should be made and if
such be found, the fact will explain the obstinate persistence of
chronic and relapsing gonorrhea in a certain proportion of cases.
For a treatment of the vesicles, the same position is assumed as
above by both physician and patient; when the vesicles are reached
they are massaged downward, lightly the first time, then a little
harder each week.
Some of the conditions that can afflict the seminal vesicles are:
Gravel or concretions in the older men, that give rise to spermatic
colic. The treatment for pain can be a hot rectal douche, or diathermy
or short wave. Light massage is helpful. If pain is severe and continuous
surgical interference may be necessary.
Acute and Chronic Vesiculitis may be due to result of gonorrhea,
or some other organisms. The symptoms of the acute condition are:
An uneasiness in the lower belly, then at the beginning of suppuration
painful and frequent micturition, very painful defecation, and pains
in the anus and rectum, perineum, and hips or back are likely to
be complained of. Priapism and bloody ejaculations may be noted.
True abscess formation is rare.
The vesicles on palpation from the rectum at the sides of, and behind
the prostate are found enlarged, tense and very tender. The treatment
must be then of a general nature, for removal of infection from
all the genitalia.
DEFINITION: An inflammation
of the epididymis, which may be syphilitic, tuberculous or of gonorrheal
The testes, two in number, are suspended in the scrotum from the
groin, or inguinal region, by the spermatic cords. The left testicle
hangs somewhat lower than the right in the majority of cases. Each
gland consists of two portions, the testis proper and epididymis.
In each testis are from five to seven hundred little tubes, or tubules.
The spermatozoa after being developed in these tubules are transmitted
through the epididymis to the vas deferens. Thence, at orgasm, they
reach the urethra through the ejaculatory duct. This duct is formed
by the conjunction of the vas deferens and a narrow duct coming
from the corresponding seminal vesicle. The testicles are subject
to injuries, infections, torsions, congestions and many other conditions
which can have a direct influence on the prostate. Hydrotherapy
measures are the best treatment here. A torsion of the epididymis
can be adjusted by the fingers, by twisting it to its proper place.
Then strapping it.
SYMPTOMS: These are the inflammatory type — tenderness along
the cord, hard swollen vas, and pain in the back. The testicle rapidly
swells, and becomes exceedingly tender, the patient walking with
a stooping posture and the legs wide apart. When the inflammation
is at its height general malaise, anorexia and fever of 100 degrees
or over may be included in the clinical picture. On examination
the tenderness and swelling will be found confined to the posterior
part of scrotum.
HYDROTHERAPY: Rest in bed with the scrotum elevated. Hot fomentations,
if pain is not too great. In that case an ice bag can be used, but
it should not be used too long, because it will devitalize and cause
a hardening of the part. When pain has eased it should be removed.
Hot sitz baths are helpful. Spraying with hot water is very beneficial.
ELECTROTHERAPY: If of gonorrheal origin, the diathermy fever methods
of treatment can be said to be the best. Infra-red eminations are
helpful. Surgery is sometimes required.
DEFINITION: An inflammation
of the testicle caused by gonorrhea, mumps, tonsilitis, tuberculosis,
syphilis and traumatism.
SYMPTOMS: Dull, sickening pain, radiating towards the hips and back;
the testicle rapidly swells, but retains its ovoid form. Occasionally
an acute hydrocele develops, and as a result there is an increase
in swelling and pain. Occasionally suppuration takes place.
DIAGNOSIS: Orchitis must be distinguished from epididymitis, which
can be readily done by noting the position of the tenderness, this
being posterior when the epididymis is involved.
TREATMENT: Short wave, ultra-violet ray lamp or by vacuum tube diathermy
and infra-red may be used. The old time hydrotherapy procedure was
to put hot applications on saturated with laudanum and lead. Rest
is absolutely essential, with good nourishing food and plenty of
fresh air. Cod liver oil with vitamins included of either A-B or
Retention of the urine may become
so great that it will distend the bladder to such an extent that
its upper border will reach almost to the level of the umbilicus,
before the help of a physician is sought.
Instruments to overcome retention should be used only as a last
The patient should first be given a hot douche bath. That is, hot
water should be sprayed on the penis, testicles and bladder region,
or given a hot sitz bath, to see if the tissues will relax and allow
the urine to pass. A non-drug diuretic can be given. A low hot enema
may enable the patient to relax the bladder sphincter while emptying
the lower bowel. Some have found that by injecting warm glycerine
into the peneal urethra then massaging it upward toward the bladder
that relief has been obtained. After all these methods have failed
then catheterization is in order.
Three important rules should always be kept in mind: First, clean
hands; second, clean instruments; third, gentleness in the operation.
Clean hands and clean instruments are necessary to avoid sepsis.
Sepsis may also come from the patient himself. (See under Infection.)
In an emergency, after the previously mentioned methods have failed,
the next best thing that can be done is to give an irrigation of
the peneal urethra through the meatus by a fountain syringe or a
hand syringe. A teaspoonful of boracic acid to a pint of warm water,
after which a short rubber catheter is passed into the bladder and
the urine is drawn off, the bladder then is irrigated with half
the solution mentioned above, some of which is left in the bladder.
When sepsis is very important, we are of the opinion that gentleness
in introduction of the catheter is more important. We are inclined
to the belief after careful observation that there is more danger
from injury than from sepsis.
If it is at all possible to get some one who has had experience
in this technique it is wise to do so and observe carefully the
technique. But, emergencies do sometimes arise in which there is
no time to delay, lest uremic poisoning set in and which may have
a fatal termination. In that case the general practitioner must
do his best, always aware of sepsis and gentleness.
Now, most men may be catheterized easily with a soft rubber catheter
which is the safest with less risk of injury. The latex catheter
is the best for this purpose. If you will recall that under hypertrophy
of the prostate we mentioned that sometimes the prostatic urethra
was enlarged by pressure. This enlargement may make it difficult
to get the catheter into the bladder; this condition may make it
necessary to use an especially long one which has a bend near the
end and to use the largest size in diameter than can be introduced
into the urethra. However, try the smallest size at first and sufficient
urine to relieve the acute symptoms is allowed to escape. Then the
catheter is withdrawn. After four or five hours if the patient feels
the desire to micturate and cannot, then the catheter is reintroduced,
and a larger quantity is drawn off. We are here writing of only
one phase of retention of urine: The prostatic urethral.
Retention of urine may be due to an obstruction at any point of
the channel of outflow:
At the neck of the bladder, as a result of an intravesicle tumor
of hemorrhage filling the bladder or of pressure from without caused
by pelvic tumor due to enlargement of the gland.
The result of senile change, malignant disease, calculus, or abscess
formation in the membranous or penile urethra owing to the formation
of a stricture (whether traumatic or inflammatory); or, from occlusion
by an abscess at the external meatus at any part of the urethra,
as the result of the impaction of a vesicle calculus or of a foreign
Retention may be due, however, to non-obstructive causes, such as
tabes dorsalis, hysteria, lesions of caude equina and reflex inhibition.
The course of the more common lesions which produce obstruction
to the outflow of urine are slowly progressive, senile, enlargement,
or atrophy or some chronic condition. When, however, the lesion
is complicated by inflammation or vascular engorgement, as may be
produced by a drinking bout, or excessive exercise, or a long period
of sitting on a saddle, acute retention may supervene.
It is necessary, therefore, to obtain all possible information of
the previous history of the case so as to ascertain whether there
has been any difficulty in passing water or any reduction of the
stream, such as might be expected in the case of a stricture, or
any frequency of micturation, particularly at night, which would
suggest prostatic enlargement, or a discharge, if recent and profuse,
due to an acute urethritis. The age of the patient, the acknowledgment
of venereal infection, or history of injury must all be taken into
In cases of stricture, a large gum elastic catheter is used, and
when the catheter is stopped the point of stricture is known. Then,
smaller catheters can be used. If the stricture is finally passed
by a very small catheter this is then tied in place and left there
for about ten hours.
The catheter having been well
lubricated on the tip with a water-soluble jelly and made slippery,
the water-soluble jellies are more easily removed from the genitals
than oils of any nature. Now that the catheter has been sterilized
and lubricated, stand on the right side of the patient, who is flat
on his back with legs spread apart. Gently stretch the penis forward
with the left hand until it has reached its limit, slightly toward
the left groin, then insert the catheter with the right hand into
the meatus. After this is done, the penis is brought to the center
and held directly upward. Now, with little force, if any, slide
the catheter down the urethra as far as it will go. If obstruction
is encountered do not use force of any nature without turning the
catheter from the side line to the middle, then try to slip it past
the obstruction with very little force; if this is not possible,
turn the catheter gently, completely, around if necessary. The bladder
will be entered as the shaft of the catheter becomes horizontal.
The possibility of urethral shock must always be kept in mind. It
is more apt to occur in the aged than young men at the first attempt,
and particularly in those who have enlarged prostates, especially
if metal sounds are used. This shock is due to a rapid emptying
of a chronically distended bladder, which causes a fall of blood
pressure averaging 40 mm. of mercury in the first twenty-four hours,
and that in 60 per cent of the cases there is a further fall averaging
17 mm. in the next twenty-four hours.
The greatest peril lies in the removal of the first few ounces of
urine, there being a fall of twenty-five per cent in the travesicle
pressure with the removal of one ounce, and an additional fall of
twenty-five per cent with the removal of the succeeding one to three
It is possible that a continued fall in pressure cn have a fatal
termination. While this outcome is always possible, it can be avoided
with proper care, in not allowing the bladder to be emptied rapidly
but drawing one ounce at a time. If, after the first catheterization
is a success, and the bladder has been evacuated slowly and further
catheterization is necessary after a wait of a day, then the catheter
can be placed in a position and tied to remain for a number of hours
at a time.
When is surgery indicated? Prostatism
is a progressive condition, which, if not relieved by treatments,
leads to a fatal termination. But, surgery has prolonged the life
of many men for years and years, some of whom have been able to
exercise the sex function occasionally, but with hardly any satisfaction.
The author has always considered it wise to have the patient consult
a urological surgeon immediately after the second attack of retention
of the urine. From that time on the patient has the alternative
of operational relief, or a catheter life. The catheter life is
a short one—not more than two to five years at the most. There
may be some who by great care and natural living extend the period
to a year or two longer, but they are few in number.
of External and Middle Ear
ETIOLOGY: Injuries to the drum
membrane may be caused by blows on the ears, by attempts to remove
wax, or stop itching by various instruments by the person himself,
or by a physician who fails to remove the object properly and skillfully.
Too forcefully blowing the nose has been known to break the tympanic
TREATMENT: The less done for this condition the better for the patient,
other than wiping out what debris and putting a wad of cotton in
the ear and wait for any results, often there is no impairment of
hearing whatever.
The writer suggests to the reader
that in addition to what follows, he should read pages 38, 50, 75
to 85 in Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques Book by the writer.
The diseases of the Auricle are many. There may be congenital or
acquired malformations. These, if treatments are needed require
the services of a surgeon. There may be inflammations of various
kinds, one may be frost bite. The condition can become serious,
varying from hyperemia to ischemia, and in some cases gangrene and
death of the tissue. The treatment may be gentle massage. Application
of snow to the auricles. If heat is available it should be applied
gradually. The vacuum cup is also of excellent benefit, using discretion
and the proper sized cup.
Erysipelas of the ear is the same as found in other parts of the
body, and the discussion of it is contained in another part of this
book under that title.
ECZEMA: This may be an extension of eczema of the face. The disease
may be acute or chronic, moist or dry and may have the following
forms — erythema, papules, vesicles and pustules. Symptoms
may be weeping, fissures, crusting and scaling, in the severe form
there may be pyrexia and swelling. The chronic form has a tendency
to recur.
ETIOLOGY: This is usually constitutional, such as digestive disorders
and malnutrition or a deficiency of all or one or the other vitamins
of B, G, A and D. Rheumatisms, gout, rickets, anemia, and a host
of other constitutional causes may be mentioned Some other causes
are emotional, occupational and allergic disturbances. If there
is a discharging ear, it may or may not play a part in the production
of eczema of the ear.
TREATMENT: The treatment is largely constitutional. Find the cause
and remove it. Tonics, diets, vitamins are all in order. The local
treatment — moisture and irritation should be avoided as far
as possible. Ultra-Violet from a cold quartz has been found effective
by producing a second degree erythema, and repeated in a few days
after the erythema has subsided. Sometimes in the moist type a non-vacuum
electrode connected to the Audin pole of the high frequency machine
and applied with slight pressure will give the best results. It
is helpful to sprinkle the part with zinc stearate powder for it
is antiseptic and allows the electrode to move freely over the part.
The above treatment may also be used in shingles and variola of
the Auricle. One good addition to the above therapeutics is to have
the patient clean the Auricle daily with a 50-50 solution of lemon
juice and water. The above is in addition to treatment of the underlying
Neoplasms, Cysts, Elephantiasis and Malignant tumors in and around
the auricle usually require the services of a surgeon if they are
or severe, according to the type of obstruction and location. There
may be slight impairment of hearing, a fullness in the ears. They
may be tinnitis, dizziness, itching and reflex coughing from irritation
of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve. A good autoscope will
reveal the type of the obstruction, which may include seeds, pencil
points, impacted cerumen and some decomposed material. At times
insects will get into the canal and cause great annoyance. Pouring
some hydrogen peroxide into the canal will get rid of the insects.
If not, then the use of the ear syringe is required. For removal
of impacted cerumen and objects the following methods may be tried.
If there is pain, heat of any kind applied first will give relief
Then, warm wter should be used in the syringe first, followed by
hot water of about 105 degrees F. The water is projected up over
the object to be removed. A cup of some sort is held under the lobule,
and a towel is put over the shoulder. Oil solutions of various kinds,
or boric acid solution may help soften the mass. A small, smoothly
working piston syringe is to be best recommended, with a small tip
that will enter a little way into the canal without obstructing
the view. Always, and ever, there should be care not to injure any
of the hearing apparatus. Please turn to your Endo-Nasal Aural and
Allied Technique Book, page 80, in the Fourth Edition and page 107
in the Third Edition for complete instructions.
Furunculosis or boil in the External Auditory Canal: The ear is
rather susceptible to these boils, especially in debilitated persons.
It may occur in the summer time, from swimming, or at any time from
scratching the ear with foreign objects to relieve itching; causing
a breaking of the canal membrane which becomes infected. They also
may be caused by the same constitutional conditions that cause furunculosis
in other parts of the body. The main symptom is extreme pain which
is pulsating in character, due to the pressure of the narrow space
for the development of the boil. The pain is increased by talking
or moving the jaw or while eating. The temperature may rise a few
points. The diagnosis can be fully established with a good autoscope.
The treatment consists of two parts. First — to control the
pain, then to remove the cause. Warm, moist compresses, continuously
applied. Infra-red, with ear funnel, or a hot water bag or electric
pad, can furnish the necesssary heat.
STENOSIS — or too narrow external ear canal may be helped
by giving the Ear Fixation treatment, or continued dilation treatment
with the little finger. Sometimes, a plastic surgeon’s services
are necessary. If there is pain, heat in some form can be applied.
importance of quick attention to any distress in the ear cannot
be emphasized too strongly. It may be the beginning of an abscess
in the middle ear, which if properly examined and treated may avoid
more serious complications. Unless there is a deeper constitutional
cause, most of the earaches come from swimming, or picking the ears
with instruments that scratch the membrane or come in contact with
the drum too forcefully. Too strong currents of air may strike the
ears and set up a temporary irritation; mild reflex irritations
from congestions in nose, throat, and the pharyngeal cavity may
cause some symptoms of pain, or muscular rheumatic diathesis may
be present. Every ear distress has a possibility of serious complications.
Tympoil is highly recommended for pain. Roche-Renaud Pharmaceutical
Company, Fairhaven, Mass. Radiant light heat and infra-red have
been found to produce splendid results. Positive galvanism, which
has been successful, is given by placing an electrode in the ear
or a pad electrode behind the affected ear, with the negative pad
on the opposite side of the neck Heat of some nature is necessary.
After all the pain has been relieved, then Endo-Nasal Techniques
can be instituted to remove the causes. See “Endo-Nasal Techniques.”
Otitis Media Non-Suppurative.
— Otalgia of this nature is usually of catarrhal origin, created
by anoxia of the middle ear. The middle ear, in health consumes
great quantities of air and oxygen. This air is supplied through
the eustachian tube. If the nose and the pharyngeal cavity and the
cavity of Rosenmuller have obstructions by mucus, ptosis, adenoids,
or adhesions the entrance of air and oxygen to the eustachian tube
is shut off, and the air in the middle ear is rarified. This causes
engorgement of the blood vessels and in time a serious exudate is
poured out which fills the tympanic cavity, causing the tympanum
to bulge, giving pain on pressure. This exudate becomes purulent
and infected by bacteria because of the lack of cooling by the germ-destroying
elements of air and oxygen. The amount of pressure against the drum
will vary according to the amount of interference with air passing
through the eustachian tube. If the interference is slight there
may be a low degree of congestion, which may pass off in a day or
two. When the pain is exceptionally severe, the interference by
congestion of ptosis of the eustachian tube is very great. If the
congestion is not released then the otitis will go on to rupture
or paracentesis of the drum membrane.
The doctor has before him three tasks: First, to relieve the pain;
second, to create drainage, and third, to remove all obstructions
to the intake of air into the middle ear. We are convinced that
if rupture and paracentesis can be avoided by establishment of the
above three healing proesses, the patient will in future years be
better off if afterward an occasional Endo-nasal treatment is given.
PHYSICAL SIGNS: The signs of this disease are pain and throbbing
with certain degrees in loss of hearing. Some have tinnitis, redness,
and a bulging outward of the drum tympani with disappearance of
all signs of the malleus except the handle.
Extraneous points of examination for possible infiltration of toxemic
substances and obstructions are the teeth, tonsils, nose, pharyngeal
cavity, carotid sinus block, the liver and intestines through congestion
and constipation.
TREATMENT: The first step as we have noted before is the relief
of pain. Methods suggested for otalgia are all useful. In addition,
the standard remedy for this particular condition is phenol and
glycerin. Glycerin has osmotic power and attracts fluid from the
membrane, while phenol has antiseptic properties that relieve pain.
A blending of five per cent of phenol and ten per cent of pure glycerin
is the proper proportion. The patient lies on the side opposite
to the affected ear. The ear is pulled down a little and the solution
poured in. The patient is told to lie in that position for at least
a half hour. This can be repeated as often as necessary. This solution
should not be used in purulent discharging ears.
Radiant heat light has been advocated as the ideal treatment for
otitis media. It is claimed it will lessen the earache immediately,
and in most cases the membrane and canal will clear up in two or
three days, the exudate will be absorbed, and the bulging of the
drum disappear, paracentesis avoided and infection controlled. While
we can see how the pain should be lessened by the heat, yet we fail
to understand how the obstructions of a static nature can be removed
by the radiant heat. This, as we see it, can be done only by finger
or instrumental surgery. This brings us to the second desired result;
namely, removal of obstructions and drainage. After all pain has
subsided, every General Technique should be given, with special
emphasis on the external and posterior nares, Eustachian tube and
tonsils. Treatments for at least six to eight weeks, twice each
week, should follow an acute attack, with diets and vitamins to
suit each particular case.
ear with small or large perforation or with complete obliteration
of the membrane tympani. Barring accidents and paracentesis, it
is otherwise a sequence of acute catarrhal otitis media with rupture.
In some cases the discharge may last only a few days or weeks and
then cease. In others, it will continue intermittently or almost
continuously for a long time, even through life.
The symptoms are easily recognized; the discharge and odor. The
odor of discharge is not as offensive in some cases as in others,
but so far as we have been able to judge the odor has no special
significance in evaluating the effect of treatments or of the virulence
of the disease Both the non-offensive and offensive seem to respond
alike in a given time. Some never respond except by surgery, and
few patients care to submit to the operation because of the risk
of total deafness in the affected ear. Many patients and others
who have discharging ears can hear rather well without aids of any
kind if the discharge does not block the ear entirely. It often
happens that after the ear is blocked for a day or two, the pressure
of pus forces the block out and there is an overflowing rush of
fluid for a few seconds. It is known that people have lived for
a half century and more with this condition, and gotten along very
well except for some annoyance from the odor. Surgical interference
of course, should be suggested only as the last resort.
TREATMENT: The damage having been done to the tympanum by rupture
or paracentesis, and to the contents of the tympanic cavity by pus
and other exudates, the effort of the Endo-nasalist must be directed
toward saving as much of the hearing as possible, and to the removal
of the causes of the discharge. The causes can be stated briefly
as anoxia of the middle ear and imperfect drainage. There also may
be anoxemia, created by the anemia or ischemia of tuberculosis,
syphilis, or diabetes. These latter complications make such cases
almost hopeless, but the physician should try at least to bring
about some relief.
Since this condition is generally a sequence of otitis media, it
follows then that after the acute attack, sufficient drainage and
airifying did not take place and there was a prevention of the recession
into the lymphatics or open cavities of the catarrhal substances.
Draining must now be established. To overcome the blocking and anoxia,
give the full General Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques, with
specific techniques on tonsils, the pharyngeal cavity, and the Eustachian
tube cavity on the side of the affected ear. All sorts of remedies
have been offered for discharging ears, but none of them will amount
to much unless the obstructions to the intake of air and oxygen
are removed.
AIDS: To keep the ear clean, a light wash of two ounces of warm
water with ten drops of lemon juice has been found very suitable.
The patient lies on the opposite side to that of the affected ear.
The solution is put in by a dropper. After a few seconds the patient
turns over and floods it out. This is repeated until the solution
is used up. Ultraviolet light from a water cooled lamp is of some
value, but should not be employed until obstructions have been removed
in the nose, pharynx and the cavity of Rosenmuller.
Zinc ionization has been reported to bring about very favorable
results, both alone and as an aid to Endo-nasal Therapy. This technique
and its contraindications should be studied thoroughly before the
operation is performed. Efforts should be made by diets and exercises,
especially of walking, to build up the patient’s resistance.
This is a condition that is
baffling to say the least. In a class room, our professor once remarked
that otosclerosis is a condition about which the doctor is in the
dark, can see nothing, and the poor patient can hear almost nothing,
if not absolutely deaf. For a definition of this condition, we have
searched the literature available, and all definitions are practically
the same with some slight deviation in the use of words. The substance
of them all is that otosclerosis is a spongification of the bony
capsule of the labyrinth and fixation of the stapes due to ankylosis
of the oval window, the membrana tympani are normal and the Eustachian
tubes are of normal patency. It is easy to accept the first part
of this definition relative to spongification, ankylosis and fixation,
but difficult to accept the last part, in view of our experience.
Most of these patients, on close examination, show some variations
in color and contour of the tympanum, and a bulging of the carotid
sinus area, which denotes a ptosis of the Eustachian tube.
Again, if the patency of the Eustachian tubes were true, it is extremely
doubtful if spongification could have taken place. It may be true
that the ear can be inflated and the sound can be considered to
be that of the air going through the tube by force.
However, if there had not been an anoxia, thereby causing a rarefication
of the air in the first place, no engorgement or spongification
could have taken place. It is reasonable then to suppose that preceding
the otosclerosis, there were toxemic infiltrations, stasis, exudates,
and hardening due to a lack of free exercise of the Eustachian tube
functions, and the assumption that the Eustachian tube is not fulfilling
all its functions remain even after the disease has fully developed.
The assumption also remains that the origin of the cause of auditory
sclerosis is the same as sclerosis or arthritis anywhere else in
the body. It is our practice in all cases of this nature to study
thoroughly all signs of physical disturbances in the whole body.
Intoxications from the intestinal tract, rheumatoid arthritis from
excess calcium, use of drugs, tobacco and alcohol are all studied
carefully. Anemia, local ischemia tuberculosis, and other symptoms
which can produce anoxia and anoxemia are investigated.
Those who were not afflicted by heredity usually have a rather long
history of congestions and colds affecting the nose, the pharyngeal
cavities in particular. Extension of the congestion through the
Eustachian tube to the middle ear diminishes the amount of air that
normally should pass through the tube. Because of this diminished
amount of air, the congestion begins to dry, a process which eventually
affects the bones producing a hyperostosis with spongification and
fixation of the ossicles.
SYMPTOMS: There is a gradual loss of hearing, but sometimes this
varies, the hearing being better some days than others, especially
if the weather is dry and clear, but trend is toward greater deafness.
The membrane tympani is usually showing its normal luster, but careful
examination will reveal some signs of congestion of the inner wall.
Patients say they can hear better in noisy places; others say they
hear the sound of the voice but cannot quickly distinguish the words
spoken. This slow apprehension is due to the weight of the congestion
on the inner wall of the tensor tympani. While in a noisy place,
the weight of the external vibrations forces the congestion back
of the tympanum to recede enough to allow the vibrations to go through.
Noise and voice vibrations are blended, but by some inherent or
developed faculty they are able to differentiate the sounds and
interpret them one from the other. The patient will hear his own
voice at a pitch higher than others, and if of a nervous temperament,
he will be afraid of it and speak very low. It disturbs him to speak
loudly because of the pitch in bone conduction and also from the
fear he is yelling at people. Some overcome the fear and go to the
other extreme, and they really do yell in conversation. Tinnitus
is present in more or less degree and is worse at night than in
the day time. Tinnitus, we have found, varies much in tensity according
to the general physical condition and the temperament of the patient.
TREATMENT: This is a condition that involves the whole upper respiratory
and auditory apparatuses. Therefore, all General Techniques should
be given at least twice a week. Emphasis should be placed on external
nasal, tonsil, and post nares drainage, with a thorough clearing
away of adhesions, adenoids and toxic matters from the whole pharyngeal
space, and an effort to get the finger in the fossa of Rosenmuller
to massage and clear the auditory orifice. (See specific techniques
on breaking adhesions and raising the Eustachian tube.) In addition
to the above, every effort should be made to get more freedom in
all the processes of respiration. It might be well to state here
that we are decidedly opposed to the use of the Eustachian catheter
both from personal experience and from reports that have reached
us of some of the after effects. The technique is always painful
and there is always great risk of some injury and even death. Should
the point of the catheter make a break in the mucous membrane to
the extent that emphysema is brought about, an obstruction to respiration
may be so great as to cause a fatal anoxemia. We have experienced
pain and distress for weeks after these operations without any beneficial
results. Diathermy has proved itself of great value from reports
we have received. The idea is that since diathermy is very useful
in treating any conditions of fibrous connective tissue formations,
or fixations of joints, it is reasonable to assume that it should
act on the same principle in the middle ear. The purpose, then,
of applying diathermy is similar to that of treating a joint. Absorption
of calcified deposits may be affected to such a degree that function
is at least partially restored. Diathermy increases the arterial
flow in the part treated and augments the return circulation; intercellar
tension is then altered and cellular acticity stimulated. Furthermore,
it is fairly well accepted that sedative diathermy aids in the absorption
of effusions, the softening of exudates and fibrous tissues, and
in relaxation of muscle spasms. By giving the general endo-nasalist’s
treatments and the few specific techniques as mentioned above, we
believe we have the best approach to this problem, because of attention
to the constitution as a whole. No. 1 and No. 2 diets, alternated
day by day, for a period of a month or so, with supplemental vitamin
therapy, especially that of the endocrine type, and some clear cut
instructions to the patient on their habits of life, can be of assistance.
Total deafness may be delayed, or hearing gradually restored to
such a degree that the patient will not need to resort to lip reading
or mechanical devices. It is wise to instruct the patient in living
the positive life, or forming the habit in conversation of insisting
on hearing distinctly what is being said before replying. This will
in time rehabituate the functional faculties of reception and interpretation
of sound waves. These are like any other portions of the body; if
not exercised, they atrophy.
patients will complain of a fullness in the ear with some sound
as of wind coming out or going in. They complain of being dull of
apprehension and also lack of alertness. Nothing seems to be wrong.
However, a careful examination of the membrana tympani may reveal
some slight deformities or variations in position.
Look into the ear of a normal hearing person who has not complained
of any ear troubles worthy of note for some years. You will notice
that the cone or membrana tensor is pearl gray and of transparent
appearance. It is like a light in a cavern. The whole drum is oblique
in appearance. Notice now the short process of the malleus located
in the upper portion of the drum. In health, it is yellowish white.
Then look at the long process of the malleus terminating in the
lower middle of the “U” of the membrane at what is known
as the umbo, or the funnel-shaped area of the drum membrane. Look
carefully into the ears of several people of good hearing and you
will notice some slight variations in color and light reflex; however,
the variations are very slight, but all variations are of significance
when a patient complains of pain. However, if there is a fullness
felt and a slight lack of acuteness then we can regard it as a temporary
fixation of the tympani itself and possibly a temporary fixation
of the ossicles.
TREATMENT: A little heat applied in any form and then The General
Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques with emphasis on No. 4 and
No. 5.
TINNITIS AURIUM — is discussed under the general topic of
Meniere’s disease.
— General
There are many kinds of deafness
and many causes. Deafmutism is not considered here because it largely
belongs to the field of education, and is a rather too long and
complicated procedure for discussion in this book. It is a congenital
or acquired deafness complicated by special inabiity that requires
a special education of the person to make adjustments to normal
Deafness, as we define it here is the inability to hear sufficiently
to carry on ordinary conversation. It is assumed under that definition
that the person could hear well or fairly well at one time in his
life and that as time went on the ability to hear was suddenly completely
lost or gradually diminished to a certain degree of acuity. Accepting
the above definition, the etiology may be stated as follows:
There is a deafness due to catarrhal infection. Endocrine disturbances,
occupation, such as in noisy places of employment. Adhesions in
and around the fossa of Rosenmuller. Cerebral deafness due to brain
lesions. Ceruminous deafness due to impacted cerumen. Middle ear
suppurative deafness. Ptosis of the eustachian tube deafness. Relaxation
or a falling in or out of the ear drum. Pocket handkerchief deafness,
or blowing nose too hard. Hysterical or psychological deafness,
due to inattention, which in many cases is deliberate, or an involuntary
reaction mechanism to escape some unpleasantness that has persisted
long enough to become a fixed complex. Anemic deafness is quite
common. Anemia and Anoxia of the ear structures. Throat deafness,
those that are due to enlarged tonsils and other conditions that
cause pressure on the eustachian tubes. Many other types are recorded.
TREATMENT: The treatment is divided then into three main divisions:
First. — Anatomical. The replacing of displaced structures,
or enlarging of orifices.
Second. — The functional and physiological, giving the proper
impetus to the nerves and blood stream through removal of obstructions,
toxemias, and supplying the necessary oxygen and nourishment.
Third. — The psychic or mental; to determine whether general
emotional tensions from the effort to avoid facing the difficulties
of life have enough pressure to cause a restriction of activity
on the ear drum, the ossicles, and the nerves to prevent proper
functioning of the hearing apparatus.
In considering the treatment, all three must be taken into consideration.
For methods of examination, see your Endo-Nasal Aural and Allied
Technique Book, page 35, fourth edition, page 37, third edition.
Also, “The Fundamentals of Applied Psychiatry,” pages
92 to 109. Also pages 115 to 128. No one form of treatment can be
arbitrarily given, because each case of deafness is different in
etiology and symptoms, except in those cases of the aged. However,
a general finger treatment of the following type has produced some
very beneficial results.
First. — The removal of all toxemias, habits, and other contributory
causes. Then, removing pressures in the carotid sinuses of the neck
by adjustments of the cervicals. By the jerking of the head upward,
sometimes called the Lake Recoil, and it must be a recoil adjustment
or pain will be caused. The recoil must be very mild, not rough
or exaggerated. So important does the writer consider this technique
that it is given in full here:
Sit the patient on a low stool.
Stand on left of patient, put patient’s arm back of him. The
left hand of the doctor is then placed on the forehead of the patient
with the heel of the hand on the frontal ridge of the nose, while
the fingers rest lightly on forehead. No pressure should be exerted
The right arm encircles head all around, bringing the fingers to
rest lightly on the wrist of the left hand. Now the adjustment emphasis
is made just over the occipital, lamboidal and mastoidal sutures,
and in order for the fatty part of the forearm to fit snugly on
the skull turn the head to the right three times very slowly, then
bring head to dead center. To make sure it is in dead center, bend
the head forward a little, then bring it back. Now put your feet
in position for a proper body balance, so you will not slip. Next
bring your chest over against the patient’s head toward you.
Now stretch the head of the patient upward slightly until all slack
is taken out, then give a quick upward jerk, slightly raising the
patient a little off the stool. Repeat on right side, reversing
arms and contact.
Do not hurry, make positive
contacts first.
Do not let encircling arm slip.
Do not press hard on the forehead.
Watch that ear is not squeezed by encircling arm.
The second step is to open the external nasal canals by a number
of adjustments on the sutures of the face, or by the little finger.
The third step is to jerk the lobe of the ear downward, outward
and upward quickly, but with mild strokes so as not to give pain.
This is known as the Ear Fixation technique.
The last step is to go into the pharyngeal cavity and clean it all
out, then find the slit of the eustachian tube and if there are
any obstructions, remove them. If not, start a pumping process with
the finger inside, and a pushing up process on the outside with
the thumb of the other hand. For further instruction and illustrations
see Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Technique Book.
Other forms of treatment that may be tried are light cupping over
the ears, Ultra Violet Ray, Negative galvanism, vibration and massage
which produce excellent results in some cases. Inflating of the
eustachian tube by the method of Politizers Air Bag is of value
in some cases. The use of the catheter in the hands of an expert
may be used with great effectiveness.
and Vertigo
DEFINITION: A symptom complex,
characterized by a loss of equilibrium of the body.
ETIOLOGY: It is not a disease of itself, but only a symptom of some
other diseases or malfunctions of many types remote from the head.
Some may be from disturbances of the cerebral circulation. The vertigo
occurring in arteriosclerosis, arterial hypertension, chronic myocarditis,
heart-block, valvular lesions of the heart and the severe anemias
is included under this head.
Organic disease of the brain. Vertigo is especially common in lesions
of the cerebellum, but it may also be present in lesions of the
Neuropathic conditions. Vertigo is not uncommon in hysteria, neurasthenia,
traumatic neuroses, migraine, and epilepsy. In epilepsy it may precede,
follow, or take the place of a convulsion.
Aural disturbances. Vertigo is most frequently observed in lesions
of the labyrinth (Meniere’s disease), but it may make its
appearance as a result of disease of the middle ear.
Ocular disturbances. Ocular vertigo is usually dependent upon paresis
of the ocular muscles, and is probably due to false projection of
the retinal images. It is relieved by closing the eyes.
Toxemic conditions. Vertigo is sometimes observed in indigestion,
gout, uremia, diabetes, acute infections, and in poisoning by tobacco,
alcohol, lead, and many other substances.
Mechanical causes. The vertigo experienced in seasickness, swinging,
whirling, etc., is probably dependent upon violet excitation of
the semicircular canals, produced by the rapid movements of the
The term “Essential Vertigo” is applied to those cases
in which, after exhaustive study, no adequate cause can be found.
The writer found that by adjusting the feet, relief was almost instant
in a few cases of what he had decided was “Essential Vertigo.”
The plan followed was that, if, after ten to twenty regular treatments
had produced no appreciable results, to experiment with the case
by treating the feet only. The treatment consists of the three Foot
Moves found elsewhere in this book.
SYMPTOMS: The patient feels that either he, or the room, is moving
around. It may assume two forms. The horizontal form when the attack
comes while the patient is lying down, or, the erect form that comes
while the patient is standing up. There are two other forms mentioned.
One is called the objective, when the room and its contents seem
to be on wheels, while in the subjective form only the patient seems
to be whirling.
PROGNOSIS: Depends on the causes. In some cases it will last for
years, in others only a short time.
TREATMENT: A diligent search should be made to find the cause. Read
again the partial list of causes given above. In cases of vertigo
of more than two weeks standing the etiology can be considered of
a serious nature. Those that are of cardiovascular disease, hypertension
or organic conditions of the brain or the ears, are among those
regarded as serious, and require special attention. The treatment
of the serious conditions mentioned are found under those titles,
and under Meniere’s Disease.
For the treatment of an attack of vertigo in general, the following
method may be employed:
NEUROPATHY: General lymphatic with more than passing attention to
the liver and neck. Vaso-dilation of the 3rd to 5th Dorsals. Kidney
and Spleen segments.
COLONOTHERAPY: A thorough daily cleansing of colon is important,
and this may be continued until the symptoms subside.
HABITS: A change of habits should be tried; less, or eliminate entirely
tobacco and alcohol. Hours of retiring should be readjusted. Overeating
must be stopped. If, of a worrisome nature, then psychotherapeutics
are needed to suggest some method out of his difficulties.
DIET: There are three types of blood conditions associated with
vertigo. The hypertension, associated with arteriosclerosis, the
hypotension and the anoxemic, associated with the anemias. If hypertension
is present, see diets under the headings of those subjects.
The general diet, however, may be a fast for a day or two, with
a four ounce glass of milk every hour or every two hours. Then No.
2 Diet for a day or two and a building up of articles of diet from
No. 1 to its fullest complement in about a week.
At no time should the patient be allowed to overeat. Better that
he eat every two hours than overeat at one meal. If acidity of skin
or urine is present take diet from the Alkaline list chart in this
book. If alkaline vice versa. An experiment with a salt-free diet
for a week, is in order in all cases.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Nicotinic Acid, Vitamins B-1, B-Complex, or B-6
and G may be considered.
ELECTROTHERAPY: The writer has searched diligently to find some
form, of electro-therapeutics for Vertigo, but there are none that
are specific. However, the writer used auto-condensation of ten
minutes duration on a large number of stubborn cases, and several
had very definite relief.
HERBOLOGY: This is a symptom, the cause of which may be indigestion,
nervous dyspepsia, chronic constipation, tobacco, alcohol, certain
drugs, ear or eye trouble. Might be from hardening of arteries with
elderly people who have high blood pressure. Improved condition
of the blood is remedy.
Take an ounce each of Black Horehound and Dandelion, half ounce
of Sweet Flag, quarter ounce of Mountain flax; simmer in three pints
of water down to 1 ½ pints. A wineglass after meals.
It is claimed that eating two cloves of garlic on whole wheat bread
before going to bed for two weeks is excellent.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Same as in Meniere’s disease, which see,
Cranial Therapy, Lake recoil for occipital and lamboidal sutures
and the coronal sutures.
Diabetes Insipidus (Polyuria)
DEFINITION: Many different definitions
have been given of Diabetes Insipidis.
Diabetes Insipidis is a syndrome comprising several altogether dissimilar
states, and characterized by marked increase in the quantity of
urine without any necessary qualitative changes in the elements
of which it is composed.
A chronic disease characterized by the excretion of large quantities
of dilute but otherwise normal urine.
ETIOLOGY: There is no doubt that polyuria is due to a lack of vaso-constrictor
nerve control to the kidneys. This is the primary cause; the secondary
causes are numerous. It has been demonstrated that a section of
the splanchnic nerve is followed both by polyuria and lowered vascular
As for the details of the mechanism through which there occurs in
the kidney an increase of the excretion of urine, in cases where
there is no primary dyscrasia and, in particular no excess of water
in the blood-stream, they are still shrouded in obscurity. The circulation
through the glomeruli is known to be increased, and the possibility
that this occurs owing to relaxation of the arterioles must be admitted.
A relaxation of the efferent vessel may, in particular, be supposed
to occur. If this be the case, the blood-pressure must increase
in the capillary network which follows the glomerulus, and the mechanical
conditions for the reabsorption of water are favorable to its occurrence.
The benefit conferred by vaso-constricting treatments of Neuropathy
tends to support the idea that vasomotor relaxation is an important
factor in the production of polyuria.
The thought is that the above takes place from a reflex of some
perversion of function in some part of the brain, notably the pituitaries
and principally the posterior lobe. There being no pathological
lesions in the kidney, except a slight engorgement, the conclusion
is that this condition is due to reflex from perversions of function,
or injuries to the brain, causing perversions of function in the
pituitaries. Some things that may cause the above are—fracture
of the skull, tumor, syphilis, tubercle, meningitis, etc. Other
causes of polyuria may be: Excessive ingestion of fluids. Administration
of diuretics. Suppression of perspiration. Crises of certain febrile
diseases, and certain neurotic manifestations, such as neuralgia
and hysteria. Absorption of serous effusions and transudations.
Removal of some temporary obstruction in the urinary passages. Diabetes
mellitus. Chronic glomerulonephritis. Amyloid kidney. Polycystic
disease of the kidneys.
SYMPTOMS: Diabetes insipidus is not a common disease, and occurs
most frequently in young adults. The onset may be gradual or sudden.
The chief symptom is the passage of large quantities (5 to 20 liters)
of sugar-free urine, of low specific gravity (1005-1001), over a
long period. Accompanying the polyuria there is usually insatiable
thirst. The skin and mouth are dry; the bowels are usually constipated
and headache, lumbar pains and nervous irritability are present.
In many cases there is weakness and emaciation, while in others
this does not occur.
DIAGNOSIS: The differential between diabetes mellitus may be stated
as follows:
Mellitus |
Insipidus |
gravity of urine nearly always high, rarely low. |
gravity of urine low — never exceeding 1010. |
constantly present. |
absent. |
hunger and thirst, itching of the skin, tendency to boils
and carbuncles, characteristic ethereal odor of the breath. |
symptoms of diabetes mellitus absent. |
PROGNOSIS: The condition is chronic
unless treated by one who understands the basic principles of reflex
activity and knows how to apply the physical and manipulative therapies
in proper places. Even as chronic the disease is seldom fatal directly,
but leads to much discomfort of excessive water drinking, and excessive
urination that may bring on a complete break-down and some serious
TREATMENT: The chief feature is to find the contributing factors
and treat them as well as giving the general treatment. Neuropathic
Cranial Adjusting of the sutures adjacent to the pituitaries on
each side of the head.
NEUROPATHY: The vaso-dilators and constrictors range from the 9th
to the 5th lumbar. But, to bring about a constriction of the dilator
nerves to the kidney, only the 10th to the 13th are given the inhibitory
hard pressure. For the secondary cause, the cervical and the 3rd
to the 5th dorsals, also the cranial nerves on the face (see numbers
on cut of skull) are given light sedation treatment.
CHIROPRACTIC: Upper cervicals, condyle, kidney place. D. 10 and
L. 1.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Irradiation over the pituitary area has been useful
in some cases. The water cooled ultra violet seems to be the best
for this purpose.
Concussion with one minute interruptions over the 5th lumbar, sine
wave, or galvanic current, with the positive pole placed upon the
spinal column at Dorsal 10 or the lumbars and the negative pole
at the level of the hilum of the kidney.
DIET: Diet does not seem to have much influence on this condition,
except that a large amount of fresh beef seems to give the patient
some strength and slightly diminishes the amount of urine while
being ingested. This leads to the conclusion there is a protein
deficiency. Water drinking restriction may be tried, by having the
patient sip from a glass a solution of equal parts of lime water
and water; two glassfuls in every six hours being permitted. Vitamins
A, B 1 and G. and Endocrines of the pituitary substances may also
be used.
Diabetes Mellitus
DEFINITION: A chronic disorder
of carbohydrate metabolism, caused by a functional disturbance of
the islands of Langerhans in the pancreas, and manifested clinically
by an increase of the blood-sugar, glycosuria, polyuria, loss of
weight and strength, and a pronounced tendency to an acid intoxication
resulting in coma.
This form of diabetes can be said to be a nutritional and hormonal
deficiency resulting in disorders accompanying a deficiency of insulin.
Insulin is understood to be a vegetable principle, or polysaccoride
isomeric with starch. A hormone or activating substance secreted
by the islet cells of the pancreas and is necessary for the utilization
of carbohydrates in the body. It is a derivative of the ammo acids.
It prepares glucose for oxidation and lowers its concentration in
the blood.
ETIOLOGY: There are five or more internal physiological perversions
that may bring on the illness known as diabetes mellitus. The first
may be a vasomotor constriction in the organs due to shock of the
cerebral centers by worry or fright. Second, an autointoxication
of the liver, gallbladder (even stone in the gallbladder) intestines
or a general toxemia. Third, a broken down respiratory apparatus
that does not supply enough oxygen to create proper oxidation.
The above can also include infections or perversions of the thyroid
and adrenals which tend to increase the amount of sugar in the blood.
Both the adrenals and thyroid, when overactive, can produce diabetes
by increasing, through their secretion, abnormal oxidation and metabolism
in the pancreas. The latter organ is thus caused to produce an excess
of amylopsin which in turn acts on the hepatic glycogen, sugar is
formed beyond the needs of the tissues at large, and the surplus
of sugar is eliminated with the urine. This is termed the asthenic
form of diabetes mellitus. In what is termed the asthenic form,
the adrenals and thyroid are insufficient and metabolism in the
pancreas being correspondingly impaired, alimentary glycosuria occurs
precisely as it does after removal of the pancreas or to a less
degree when disease of the pancreas inhibits its functional activity.
Fourth. — Obesity, with great compression of function, and
loss of proper respiration, and oxidation of a more or less degree
is found in ninety per cent of all incipient cases of adults.
Fifth. — Infections of, or sepsis of infection reaching the
pancreatic islands. Many colds may leave a catarrhal infectious
condition in the pancreas. Syphilis is found in a number of cases.
EXTERNAL ETIOLOGY: May be from Trauma, or injury from some external
source that may cause a perversion of nerve or blood control to
any organ, has been associated with a large number of diabetic cases
in the writer’s experience. Especially when the trauma has
been of the liver, stomach, brain or pancreas. One or two reported
having injured the back some time previous to the manifestations
of diabetic symptoms.
SYMPTOMS: The onset is usually insidious, but in some cases is abrupt.
The first things that the patient notices is a weakness, excessive
thirst, and frequency of urination, and polyuria. The above is usually
sufficient to bring him to the physician’s office, or he may
wait until other symptoms are developed also. Some of which may
be: Pruritis, especially of the genitalia, which may set in early.
The appetite will change either eating a great deal more, or less.
The skin becomes dry and harsh. The mouth is dry, the tongue red
and glazed. The teeth may decay. In the very severe cases there
is a marked emaciation. There may be headache, somnolence, air hunger,
fruity odor of breath and the urine and blood may reveal the following:
THE URINE: The urine is increased in amount, the daily output varying
from 3 or 4 liters to 10 liters or more; it is pale in color, of
increased specific gravity (1025-1040), and contains sugar, and
frequently one, two, or all three of the acetone bodies. The sugar
content varies from 0.5 to 10 per cent, and the daily output from
50 to 600 grams. Albumin and casts are also present in many cases.
The total nitrogen and ammonia are increased, the latter often to
8 grams or more, normally from 0.5 to 1.5 grams. The excess of alkali
is required for the neutralization of the organic acids, and the
amount of ammonia excreted is therefore an approximate measure of
the degree of acidosis, 2 grams corresponding to about 6 grams of
B-oxybutyric acid and 5 grams to about 20 grams of B-oxybutyric
acid. The amount of urine, and the sugar and acid contents usually
diminish markedly before the onset of coma.
THE BLOOD: Hyperglycemia is a constant feature, even when the urine
is sugar-free. The amount of sugar varies from 120 to 800 mg. per
100 c.c. When the amount exceeds 160 mgm. sugar usually appears
in the urine. The fat or lipoid content of the blood is also increased,
especially in the severe cases. A marked increase of the blood-fat
imparts to the serum a milky appearance. With the occurrence of
acidosis there is a decrease in the reserve alkali of the body,
and this is shown in a reduction of the carbon dioxid tension of
the alveolar air from the normal of 40 to 45 mm. of mercury to 35
to 30 mm. in mild acidosis, or to 20 or less in severe acidosis.
COMPLICATIONS: Loss of resistance to infections seems to be the
greatest complication, for boils, carbuncles, tuberculosis and pneumonia
are common.
Neuritis, skin eruptions, defective vision, retinitis, and gangrene
of the extremities are possible complications.
PROGNOSIS: This depends on the complications, the severity of the
disease, and the faithfulness in treatment and dietetic regimes.
In the slightly obese, middle aged persons, the outlook is better
for a longer life than on the very thin. In children the prognosis
is always doubtful and grave. Coma is the direct cause of a fatal
issue in a very large proportion of cases. It is due to acidosis,
and may result from overexertion, dietetic indiscretions, or nervous
shock, or it may develop without any exciting cause.
TREATMENT: The previous outline of Diabetes Mellitus, Etiology and
Symptoms, leads to the conclusion that the physician has three fundamental
things to do.
First. — Put all the body mechanical organisms in proper working
order for proper functioning of the processes of metabolism, thereby
aiding in keeping the urine sugar free, and keeping the blood sugar
Second. — To maintain proper nutrition so that there will
not be an excess, or too little of any of the necessary articles
of diet.
Third. — To prevent any complications from arising.
Starting from the above premise we may use the following outline
of treatment:
Dietary:This is probably the most important part of the treatment.
Here we must recognize tht the disorder disturbs not only carbohydrate
metabolism, but all metabolisms, and that no arbitrary rule of diet
can be laid down that will suit all cases. No two cases of diabetes
are alike, and therefore, the diet of each patient must be planned
experimentally for each individual case. However, the general principle
is established that carbohydrates have the strongest and quickest
effect in producing glycosuria. From that point on, experiments
must be made. Give Diet No. 2 first, for a few days, then make a
urinalysis examination twice each day. If there is a dropping of
the sugar content, and no unusual disturbance of the patient, it
is continued a few days more. When the urine is sugar free, it will
stay free until the blood sugar content rises above 160 mgm, then
it will appear in the urine again. But, just as soon as the urine
is sugar free, the patient is put on Diet No. 1, and kept on it
until or when the sugar may appear in the urine again. Should there
be at any time a high acidity of the urine, the acid foods are diminished
gradually, not suddenly stopped. (See list of Acid Foods.)
Fasting is proclaimed from the house-top as the great panacea. It
will make the patient sugar-free quickly, but in some cases it results
in such undernutrition that it takes years to restore strength to
the patient, even if he does not succumb to a fatal acidosis.
It is understood that in diabetes there are no prohibited foods.
It is a problem of food values and total quantities. The average
food requireent of the diabetic is between 1500 and 2500 calories.
The above can be said to be necessary for strength, some energy
and comfort. If there is obesity, then the lower calorie diet can
be used for a time, or a few days on Diet No. 2.
In addition to the diet, special attention must be given to the
liver, intestines, pancreas and the pituitaries. Turn back to your
Book of Neuropathy, and read again the outline of examination of
those organs. All have some direct relation to the production of
glycosuria, or glycocemia.
NEUROPATHY: For the above conditions, a thorough Neuropathic Lymphatic
treatment is in order. Then, an easy sedation treatment of all the
spinal centers. Twice a week is sufficient.
CHIROPRACTIC: Firth, in “Chiropractic Diagnosis,” pages
47-48, it is stated that adjustments are “K.P. in combination
with local subluxations, which might affect the organs of digestion,
especially the pancreas and liver.” Then, the writer makes
the following significant statement — “Although diabetes
is considered an incurable disease from the medical standpoint,
fully 90 per cent completely recover under Chiropractic adjustments.
The time required to bring about complete restoration is very variable,
depending upon the recuperative powers of the patient, his vitality,
the degree of the subluxation, etc. Cases of twenty and twenty-five
years standing have completely recovered after one month’s
Riley — “Mastery of Disease,” page 535, contributes
the following:
“Under our own rational methods of treatment the spinal therapist
will bring his cure almost every time in from one to three months.
The treatment is simplicity itself. Adjust cervical 1 and dorsals
5, 7 and 10, or dorsals 7, 8 and 10, according to the finding of
the lesions in the spine and give good and continued concussion
of the 7th cervical. This concussion has the power of contracting
the liver and preventing the formation of sugar. Examinations show
that the liver during this concussion contracts to very little more
than three-fourths of its normal size and in this condition will
not form sugar. If this concussion is continued in combination with
the adjustments for a reasonable time and the analysis of the urine
be made again it will be found to be free from sugar or the quantity
greatly reduced. Normal conditions of the liver will soon ensue.
Any physician who tries this treatment on a serious case of diabetes,
will be so fully gratified with the results that he will never again
criticise this form of treatment.”
HYDROTHERAPY: The diaphoretic type may be of value in reducing the
strain on the renal organs. Vapor baths, or Sitz baths, at home,
with Epsom Salts, may be sufficient.
STRAPPING: In many cases diabetes has a direct relationship with
poor body mechanics. A binding around the abdomen, or a support
belt or brace may be of great benefit until proper posture has been
obtained. See “Body Mechanics”, page 151.
COLONTHERAPY: Colonic irrigations, at least once a week for four
weeks, can be an established rule, in the beginning of the treatment.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: See Riley, above. In addition, the heart action
can be controlled by concussion.
ELECTROTHERAPY: It is said that sunlight and ultra violet radiations
have a great influence on carbohydrate metabolism. That exposure
must be uniform, of from 10 to 20 minutes each on the organs of
VITAMINOTHERAPY: The most common secondary perversions of diabetes
are the various peripheral neuroses. The knee jerk is sometimes
absent. Nerve pain may develop resembling neuritis, polyneuritis,
and gastric pain. In addition see the regular treatments for pain,
and neuritis found in separate sections. The Vitamins that are especially
necessary are: For Neuritis B 2, G and E. If one Vitamin can be
said to be specific it is B. A, C, D also have their place. The
minerals have a prominent place in the prevention, and relief of
infections that accompany this disease, i.e., boils, etc. Boils,
furuncles, gangrene. In all inflammatory processes Amino Acids result
from the disintegration of protein. The pH of necrotic tissues or
zones of necrosis ranges from 6 to 45, depending on the degree or
stage of disintegration. It is then necessary to buffer the fluids
of the inflammatory process back to a normal pH 7.5 Kabnick states
that “by utilizing the alkaline substances that it can be
done by Calcium stabilizing the osmotic pressure necessary for cell
growth, proliferaton and repair — the replacement with newly
formed healthy living cells to form new tissues for those that have
been damaged by external events.
“Sulfur is present in all plant and animal cells and practically
all sulfur utilized by animals is in the form of protein. There
can be no cell life without this element. It shares the oxidation
of the protein molecule in the animal body which it leaves to return
to the soil from which it was taken by plant cells. This cycle is
continuously being repeated.
“Disinfection of the inflamed tissues with Cabasil is brought
about with the aid of halogens. IODINE AND TRACES OF SILVER present
in some of the different forms have a bacteriostatic influence in
the milder concentration, but exert a bacteriocidal influence in
the higher concentrated solutions, i.e., Concentrated ointment and
Cabasules (Cabasil in plants sealed in a sterile glass tube). ‘Lactocin’
(a partially digested sugar) is a source of nutriment at the site
of injury and is especially important in all the vessels leading
into the area of pathosis have sloughed or are blocked by leucocytic
emboli. These sugars also supply oxygen to the starved tissues,
thus stimulating cell metabolism.
“Cabasil was planned with the idea of bringing about as nearly
as possible a normal environment for the tissue cells in and contiguous
to any inflammatory process.”
All the above are now properly combined, by the Cabasil Company.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: This form of treatment is one of the “musts”,
for air hunger is one of the prominent symptoms, and air or oxygen
deficiency is hard on the processes of oxidation and the danger
of a severe Acidosis is always present. Acidosis is a disturbance
of the acid-base balance on the acid side, while alkalosis is a
disturbance on the alkaline side. One may be due to a deficiency
of the other.
This is seen in characteristic form in the acidosis of diabetes.
In diabetes, the primary factor is excess of abnormal fixed acids
B-oxybutyric acetoacetic, resulting from incomplete oxidation of
fats. These combine with the alkali of the blood and the combinations
are excreted in the urine.
The treatment may consist of the Lake Recoil. The Anterior Nasal
dilation and a complete swabbing out of the whole pharyngeal cavity.
Thyroid and parathyroid releasing and raising techniques.
HERBOLOGY: One ounce each of nettle leaves, Cranesbill, Agrimony,
Yarrow and one-half ounce of Ginger. Boil in three pints of water
down to one pint. One tablespoonful three times a day after meals.
A statement has been made that a diet of Stinging Nettles will some
day supersede Insulin. The diet is two days fast, then one day eating
the young nettles and drinking a tea or brew made of them. This
is repeated once a week until the urine is sugar free.
INSULIN: There seems to still linger among the laity the thought
that insulin is a cure, and not a substitute, to supply the lacking
pancreatic hormone. A drugless physician, licensed, or unlicensed,
may find himself in a quandary, what to do. The writer does not
believe that insulin is of any actual value for the comfort or longevity
of diabetic patients, and does not accept them as patients if an
insulin regime has been started. There is, or should be in some
diabetic institutions, a long experience of handling insulin, and
insulin diets, before even a medical physician should be allowed
to dispense it. For a drug, that requires so many cautions, not
only to the doctor and nurse, but the patient particularly, lest
there be shock, gangrene, surgical amputations, coma and death,
surely there should be a very intensive training in the food values
in proportion to the insulin injected or swallowed. He should be
able to calculate diets in relation to insulin dosage, or he should
not treat diabetes with insulin at all.
Many drugless physicians have been threatened, or have had court
hearings, because they advised a patient to quit taking the insulin.
That is an unwise thing for a Drugless physician to do. Several
very serious things can happen to the patient even death in a few
hours. It has been our custom to refuse the case, until he has talked
it over with the physician who has been giving the insulin, and
if that physician was satisfied to have us work with him on the
case, a consultation was arranged, and we insisted on being directed
as to what our part of the treatment was to be. This has worked
out very satisfactory in a number of cases. The writer does not
think insulin is of the great value proclaimed for it. But, he has
profound respect for the Medical man who knows its properties, dosages,
and diets required and will work side by side with such a doctor.
Disorders of the Glands of the Neck,
Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus
This is a perversion within
the glandular structure of the thyroid causing it to enlarge. It
may be due to an excessive accumulation of colloid within the gland
acini, then the term colloid goiter is sometimes used.
There may be a marked increase in the parenchymatous elements of
the gland, due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the secretory epithelium
composing the lining walls of the acini, even with diminution of
the colloid content, thus giving rise to hyperplastic thyroid enlargements.
The milder forms of hyperplastic enlargement are commonly known
as the puberty hyperplastic type, whereas the severe advanced types
are known as Graves’ disease, Basedow’s disease or exophthalmic
goiter. These hypoplastic and hyperplastic changes occur primarily
in the secretory epithelium of the whole thyroid gland, and produce,
as a result, hypothyroidism in the case of the underfunctioning
colloid goiters and hyperthyroidism in the hyperplastic goiters
of puberty, early Graves’ disease or exophthalmic goiter.
PATHOLOGY OF SIMPLE GOITER: Hyperplasia of the glandular tissue,
either uniform or affecting only certain portions of the gland,
with a tendency to degeneration. The amount of colloid material
is usually increased — colloid goiter; the tumor may resemble
adenoma — struma adenomatosa; it may be cystic; or the capsule
and stroma may be increased in thickness at the expense of the glandular
tissue — fibrous goiter. Calcification may occur.
SYMPTOMS: The simple goiter may in appearance be unilateral or bilateral
and may be evenly or unevenly distributed. The enlargement may be
sufficient to produce enough pressure on the trachea as to cause
aphonia hoarseness, cough, laryngeal stridor or tracheal wheeze.
There is sometimes acute respiration distress, with cyanosis which
in time may reach a critical stage.
PROGNOSIS: Recovery is the general rule.
NEUROPATHY: A thorough lymphatic
of all the lymph system with special emphasis on the glands of the
neck. A sedation treatment of the thyroid segments of the spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of the 5th and 6th cervicals.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: If tension is too high, inhibition can be effected
by concussion of the 7th cervical.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: The thyroid gland has a vital part in the oxidation
processes, and treatments to increase the intake of oxygen are always
in order. The writer has found the Endo-Nasal and allied techniques
to be a splendid adjunct to other treatments in quickly removing
pressure, reducing the size of the gland, and establishing equilibrium.
See General Endo-Nasal treatment under parathyroid disorders.
Here we might also mention the other glands and give the general
technique for them.
Any deformities in or around the thyroid, parathyroid or thymus
glands will, if enlarged, contracted or displaced, interfere with
the intake of oxygen and air. The interference is direct by pressure
and indirect by the malfunctioning of the glands themselves.
These are four small glands
about the size of a pea, two on each side of the back of, and at
the lower edge of, the thyroid gland. They control the calcium phosphate
balance of the body with the aid of the adrenal glands. They reduce
the calcium in bones while the adrenals increase the calcium in
bones. The loss of calcium promotes excitability, muscular contractions,
and probably is the basis of some types of epilepsy and pseudo epilepsy.
A second function of the parathyroid glands is the neutralization
of certain toxic wastes generated in the gastrointestinal tract
as a result of proteolytic bacteria.
The first technique to be used is the Lake Recoil, then opening
the external canal and swabbing out the pharyngeal cavity. The specific
technique for the glands of the neck are for two purposes, first,
to release them from adhesions which are always present in any disorders.
Second, to raise them up from the ptosed state.
The first step is to make sure of the location of the thyroid gland.
This is accomplished by massing the muscles of the neck between
the fingers until a semi-solid like substance is felt in the shape
of the little finger. Take it for granted that if the thyroid glands
are down and out of position, all the others are also. After finding
the gland on one side, press the fingers easily but deeply in between
the trachea and the gland, and feel for adhesions. They are string-like
tissue. They may be single or in clusters of two to five. Now release
that side and dig deep into the other side of the gland to ascertain
if adhesions are binding the gland to the anterior, lateral or posterior
branchial walls. We have found it best to try and count these adhesions
and not to break more than two at a setting, or to give more than
two operations a week unless the acute condition makes the complete
operation imperative at one sitting.
INSTRUCTIONS: Patient sits on a low stool. He should be made to
relax. Place the fingers of one hand between the trachea and the
gland, then go deep without hurting, sliding fingers up and down.
Adhesions are stringlike; sometimes they are in clusters of three
to five, but more often they are individual adhesions. Having located
one, slide the finger over tightly against its origin in the gland.
With the finger of the other hand, cover its insertion into the
tracheal tissue. Let the finger tips touch, with hands raised so
back of hands almost touch. Then, holding position, bring hands
around neck; after a few seconds of pause, quickly snap the fingers
inward and apart. Never hurry. Take time to make sure of your diagnosis
and contacts. This same process is used to break adhesions in the
external lateral portion of the gland where it is embedded in the
branchial walls.
Caution: Do not put hands with pressure on both sides of the neck
at one time. Leave one side entirely free for free breathing.
The above technique is also used for parathyroid conditions because
all parathyroid conditions have a direct relation to thyroid disorders.
To find the adhesions of the
thymus gland, run fingers along the clavicle bone. The adhesions
here must not be mistaken for normal tissues that have pathways
upward and downward. It would be well for the student to review
the anatomy of this whole section before attempting diagnosis. We
can be assured, however, that with the small force needed to break
adhesions here, only good can come of the treatment to all the tissues.
This technique is repeated on the other side if deemed necessary.
INSTRUCTION: Patient sits on stool, the doctor standing on the right
side of him. Put left thumb on clavicle bone over adhesion. Bend
patient’s head until it rests lightly on chest of the doctor.
Put right hand cuffed just under angle of the jaw of patient. Hold
firm with left thumb over adhesion, then with the right hand fitting
snugly so it will not slip, give an upward recoil jerk. The first
time the doctor performs this technique, his jerk should be very
light, but always quickly, as in a recoil. Repeat on other side
of neck. After the techniques are given for the releasing and breaking
of adhesions around the glands, then the Raising technique follows:
INSTRUCTIONS: To raise all the glands of the neck have patient sit
on stool. The doctor stands on right, a little behind patient, patient’s
head resting on doctor’s chest. Cup one hand, with the ulnar
border of the hand pressed into the neck tissue. The other hand
is then cupped equally over the other hand. Hesitate a moment. Now
give a jerk upward with the right hand only. Using both hands to
give the adjustment will cause the left hand to slip. Three of these
adjustments at one sitting is sufficient; one just above the clavicle
bone, one in the middle of the neck, and the other just below the
ear. It must be done on both sides of the neck, reversing the hands
and position of the doctor.
ELECTROTHERAPY: The Colloid type, as a rule, responds nicely to
iodine ionization. The indifferent (positive) electrode should be
6 inches square and placed at the back of the neck just above the
shoulders. The active (negative) one, a sponge electrode covered
with fresh gauze which has been saturated with a solution of potassium
iodide, is placed over the gland. The solution can be any strength
up to saturation. Sometimes it is preferable to rub an iodine preparation
called Iodex over the gland and then the gauze on the sponge should
be moistened with water. Have the current strength about 10 milliamperes,
and move the sponge around slowly over the goiter for 10 to 15 minutes.
Excellent results can be obtained by this treatment.
Ultra violet ray irradiations are par excellent in all gland conditions
of the neck.
COLONOTHERAPY: In any thyroid condition there may be a toxic condition
from the intestines. Toxic Goiter—in this condition a daily
high enema, or colonic irrigation twice a week will be of great
DIET: There are those who advocate a prolonged fast, and it is very
beneficial if institutional care can be obtained. The writer once
being superintendent of a large sanitarium, recalls some excellent
results with fasts on orange juice from two to four weeks. Then
a gradual building-up diet selected from diet No. 1, recorded elsewhere;
in addition to the diet, large quantities of sweet fruits were urged
on the patients. Without institutional care, diet No. 2 may be used
with some increase of fat for a short time, this to be followed
by No. 1 then No. 2 on alternate days for at least two months.
VITAMINS AND MINERALS: The human requirement of iodine is about
20 to 75 gamma per day. This amount may be obtained in some regions
from the water or from sea food, or leafy vegetables. But when a
goiter exists this supply must be augmented. It may be augmented
by the use of iodized salt. Or one drop of iodine in a glass of
water twice daily. Vitamins B, C, D and G with iodine are reported
as very beneficial.
GLAND HORMONOTHERAPY: Sajous makes the observation that the continued
disturbance of the thyroid gland is due to overactivity of the suprarenal
glands, although started by overactivity of the thyroid gland. It
has been also stated by others that the pituitary gland also has
a direct influence on the thyroid gland. For those who use this
type of therapy the following is recommended.
Briney states that the thyroid hormone, made up of thyroid substances,
ovarian (for female) orchic (for male), adrenal, hepatic and pituitary,
has very distinct value. See Endocrine System by Briney under bibliography
for all gland substances.
HERBOLOGY: For general herbology on the glands of the neck, see
last part of this section.
DEFINITION: A general perversion
of the thyroid gland resulting in a hyperthroidism, protruding eyes,
and general nervousness or tremors.
ETIOLOGY: A vaso dilation of the thyroid segments and a subluxation
of the 6th cervical are the primary cause. The disease most frequently
develops in women more than men. The secondary causes may be consequent
upon some acute disease, pregnancy, the menopause, or profound mental
or emotional strain.
SYMPTOMS: The first sign that the patient may notice is an acceleration
of the pulse and palpitations; the pulse rate may rise to 120. The
exophthalmos, or protrusion of the eyeballs, usually bilateral,
is noticed. Accompanying it there are often other ocular changes,
such as lagging of the upper eyelids in downward movement of the
eyeballs, a peculiar staring look, due to widening of the palpebral
fissure; infrequent and incomplete reflex winking; insufficient
power of convergence for near objects. As a rule, vision is not
Enlargement of the thyroid may be the last symptom to appear. One
or both lobes of the gland may be affected. Palpation often detects
pulsation and a purring thrill, and auscultation, a soft systolic
Nervousness manifested in muscular tremor most pronounced in the
extremities is usually an early symptom. Abnormal irritability and
extreme restlessness are characteristic of the disease. Vasomotor
disturbances, such as excessive flushing and sweating, urticaria,
and local edema, are frequently observed As the disease progresses,
weakness, emaciation, and anemia usually become pronounced. Attacks
of vomiting and of serious diarrhea are common. Moderate fever is
an occasional symptom. There may be glycosuria and albuminuria.
The basal metabolic rate is incresed from plus 15 to plus 50 or
even plus 75. This factor is responsible for the weakness and emaciation.
TREATMENT: The first step in the treatment in the opinion of the
writer is to allay the nervousness of the patient. For this a general
concussion of the whole spine or deep pressure all along the spine
is the proper procedure. Then attention can be given to the palpitations
if still existing after the inhibitory treatment. If severe, an
ice bag can be put over the precordium while the patient is resting.
The anemia is then attended to. See treatment for Anemia. For the
circulation, if it is feeble, a general massage is indicated.
HYDROTHERAPY: A cold compress put around the neck, covered with
another cloth and left on all night is of great benefit. The under
wet cloth dipped in a salt solution has been reported also of value.
Applications of X-rays or surgery may be required in the most severe
types. The diet should be of a high caloric and fat content, or
a fast of milk for periods of a few days at a time.
HERBOLOGY: A good herbal laxative, walking, deep breathing and sunshine,
vegetables rich in mineral salts, especially iodine. Herbs containing
minerals are Bladder Wrack, Irish Moss, Red Clover Flowers, Spinach,
Peach Tree Leaves and Walnut Leaves.
A good combination is three parts Red Cover Flowers, one part each
of Buckthorn Bark, Blue Vervain Leaves and flowers, Nerve Root,
Sassafras, bark or root and Anise Seed, made into tea, using a cupful
or two a day.
Here is a method which has worked: A sponge laid on a hot stove
until a powder can be made, turns the vegetable fibre of the sponge
into charcoal ashes, which contain iodine. Never wash the sponge.
Heat sponge each time so that one teaspoonful of ashes is made.
Do this three times daily. It may take half a dozen sponges and
a year to clear up the trouble, but it is a simple and effective
External treatment would be a tablespoonful of powdered Borax, Alum,
Salt, and enough cream to make a paste. Apply every four hours.
Most growers of botanicals for the trade have excellent formulas
already mixed also ointments for enlarged glands.
DEFINITION: A condition due
to loss of function of the thyroid gland, and characterized by a
myxedematous condition of the subcutaneous tissues, mental failure,
and atrophy or pathologic change of the thyroid gland.
ETIOLOGY: It is a thyroid deficiency that comes with or after birth
and is referred to as Cretinism. It also may be produced by traumatism
that destroys the function of the gland, or by surgical removal
of the gland.
The disease is much more frequent in women than in men. It is occasionally
hereditary or familial. It usually develops between the ages of
twenty and fifty years. The basic condition is atrophy of the thyroid
gland, but the cause of this morbid change is unknown.
SYMPTOMS: The first thing that may be noticed is a swelling of the
subcutaneous tissues, particularly of the face, supraclavicular
regions, and hands. Unlike edema, the parts do not pit on pressure,
but are firm and elastic. The skin is dry and harsh. The hair becomes
brittle and falls out. The thyroid gland is atrophied. A peculiar
slowness in thought, speech, and movements is a characteristic symptom.
The temperature of the body is subnormal and the pulse is irregular.
There is undue sensitiveness to cold and neuralgic pains. In the
urine albumin and sugar are sometimes present. The basal metabolism
rate is always reduced running as low in some cases as minus 40.
In Cretinism, which may be endemic or sporadic, there is arrested
development, physical and mental, with changes in the skin and a
characteristic deformity of the bones and soft parts. The head is
large, the features are coarse and bloated, the expression is stolid
or idiotic, the trunk and limbs are short and thick, the abdomen
is protruberant, the sexual organs are infantile, and the skin is
rough and dry.
PROGNOSIS: Myxedema progresses slowly, a case lasting, as a rule,
from six to twenty years, unless the patient is carried off through
some intercurrent trouble, which is often the case. Tuberculosis
and pneumonia are the infections to which they seem to be especially
vulnerable — owing to the enfeebled condition of their autodefensive
resources. Nephritis, pericarditis, and cerebral hemorrhage seem
to be next in the order of frequency. Periods of amelioration sometimes
occur, but sooner or later the patient relapses into his previoius
state, and gradually dies of exhaustion. But some by treatments
that practically cover a life time have been kept with symptoms
more or less suppressed and enjoyed life fairly well.
NEUROPATHY: A general lymphatic
and sedation of the whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Lower cervical, spleen and kidney place and according
to symptoms.
The general treatment follows the treatment of the symptoms, while
the specific follows the endocrine and mineral pattern, Thyroid
extract, odized foods and Salt, or Thyroxin.
HERBOLOGY: Make a tea of the following and use a dessert spoonful
every four hours. (Put herbs in cup (8 fl. oz.) of boiling water,
let cool, strain.)
Jam. Sarsae (Jamaica Sarsaparilla)
1 oz.
Calendulae off. (Garden Marigold) 1 teaspoonful
Zea Mays (Indian Corn) ½ oz.
Humulus lupulus (Hops) 1 teaspoonful
Menth. Virid. (Spearmint) 1 teaspoonful
DEFINITION: Dysentery is a term
to describe a number of conditions that cause abdominal pain, diarrheal
discharge of mucous and blood.
ETIOLOGY: An inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon, caused
by catarrh of the colon. Infection caused by Amoebia or epidemic
due to drinking water containing certain vegetable organisms and
mineral elements. The catarrhal type may be due to change of weather
or a cold that has spread to the intestines, or a general autointoxication.
The amoebic is due to the bacillus dysenterial, and is seldom encountered
outside of the tropics especially Japan and the Philippines. But
in the summer time it may sometimes be encountered in the United
The epidemic is encountered quite frequently, when large numbers
of people complain at the same time.
This form is usually due to drinking contaminated water.
SYMPTOMS; In mild cases for weeks there may be only the symptoms
of indigestion, some colicky pains, and slight diarrhea. In other
cases the infection is acute, and marked by fever, abdominal pain,
vomiting, tenesmus, mucus and blood discharges, great weakness and
emaciation. Death may result from exhaustion, or the condition may
gradually become chronic. The disease shows a marked tendency to
assume a chronic form. It is then characterized by continuous or
intermittent diarrhea; the passage of mucus, blood, and perhaps
pus in the stools; more or less abdominal discomfort; afternoon
fever; and, ultimately, marked anemia and wasting.
COMPLICATIONS: It may become chronic, in which there is a wasting
away of the body. Hepatic and pulmonary abscess may form. Other
complications may be performation of the bowel, peritonitis from
extension of the ulcerating process, intestinal hemorrhage and stenosis
of the bowel.
PROGNOSIS: Recovery is the rule, unless a severe complicaton ensues.
NEUROPATHY: A sedation of all
the abdominal spinal segments.
CHIROPRACTIC: C. P. KP. D. 10 L. 2, 4.
PYPHOLACTIC: Whether mild or severe it is best for the patient to
stay at home, and mostly in bed for at least a few days. If not
possible a flannel binder should be worn around the abdomen until
the attack passes.
HYDROTHERAPY: Dry or moist hot applications to the abdomen changing
frequently. Thirst is a problem, if there is vomiting, and in that
case lime water or barley water should be given tablespoonsful at
a time.
DIET: A fast for some time is the best procedure. Milk may be given
to those who can not fast for a few days. Diet No. 2 may be used,
with all roughage removed.
COLONTHERAPY: If at all possible without giving pain, the high enema
or colonic are excellent. Anal irritation should be allayed before
the enema is given. A salt solution of one to 2 teaspoonsful in
a quart of water has good therapeutic value. Electrotherapy short
wave, diathermy, and infrared ray have great value in some cases.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion alternately of the 11th dorsal and the
first three lumbar.
HERBOLOGY: Take bismuth subnitrate tablets — 2 every half
hour — to form a protective coating for the bowels. When the
disease has run its course a weak tea of Blackberry Root as an astringent
may be taken — gradually increasing its strength. Go to bed,
avoid exercise, use porridge and milk, no vegetables, no fruit,
no meat or meat broths. No sugar.
Half ounce each of Tormentil, Willow Bark and Vervain; simmer half
hour and add half ounce of Sage and quarter ounce of Ginger. Let
stand until cool. Strain. Small wineglassful three times a day.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: A, C, D and K are indicated.
DEFINITION: A shortness of breath,
difficulty in breathing, with or without an increase in the number
of respirations or with and without pain. Those cases which require
sitting up continuously are termed “orthopnea.”
ETIOLOGY: Increase of carbon dioxide and decrease of oxygen due
to imperfect metabolism. The above is the main result of many contributing
causes. Please read again in Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques,
Chapter II, “Oxygen and Oxidation,” for a clearer outline
of this subject. Then turn to the title of “Asthma”
in this book.
Its chief causes are: Obstruction in the larynx from spasm, paralysis,
false membrane, edema, or a foreign body. Pressure of an aneurysm,
a tumor, or large glands upon the trachea, a bronchus, or the recurrent
laryngeal nerve. Asthma. Diseases of the lungs, as pneumonia, emphysema,
edema, etc. Pleural effusions. Cardiac disease. Paralysis of the
muscles of respiration. Abdominal distention. Anemia.
Inspiratory dypsnea is especially marked when there is obstruction
in the upper air passages — larynx or trachea.
Expiratory dypsnea is noted in emphysema and occasionally in movable
tumors situated below the glottis. In asthma, also, the dypsnea
may be largely expiratory.
Here it would be well to read again the outline of normal respirations,
and the required amount of oxygen, Chapter II, page 25, Endo-Nasal,
Aural and Allied Techniques.
The Cheyne Stokes, or tidal-wave breathing, is an irregular type
of rhythmic breathing occurring in certain acute diseases of the
central nervous system, heart, lungs, and in intoxications. At first
it is slow and shallow, then it increases in rapidity and depth
until it reaches a maximum. Then it decreases gradually until it
stops for ten to twenty seconds, then repeating in the same manner.
It frequently occurs before death. Associated with cerebral, cardiac,
renal and pulmonary affections.
TREATMENT: A general treatment can be given for relief, but for
permanent relief the underlying cause must be removed.
Abrams states that if a good heart reflex can be obtained the prognosis
of this condition is favorable. The reflex then is induced by concussion
of the 7th cervical with the finger tapping or a concussor, or by
Neuropathic pressure. The writer finds the concussor in these conditions
best run at medium speed for one-half minute periods, over about
three minutes, then reflex action is judged. After relief to certain
extent is given, then the underlying cause is ascertained and treated.
After cause has been found, look under title in this book for the
specific treament.
Endo-Nasal therapy and dieting are the specific, with concussion
of the 7th cervical in the acute condition.
DEFINITION: An acute or chronic
non-contagious inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by
many types of lesions of redness, papules, vesicles, pustules, scales
and crusts. There is itching and discharge.
TYPES: Erythematous. In this type there is redness, swelling, itching,
burning and some scaling. Usually on the face. The Papulosom type
is usually on the extremities and is in the form of groups of papules.
There is intense itching. The Vesicular type is usually found in
children on the face and adults on the extremities. They are red
patches in which there are minute vesicles that rupture and leave
a raw weeping surface, that in a while leaves a crust. The itching
is intense. Pustular. This type consists of an aggregation of small
pustules that break and leave a thick yellow crust. This type is
seen on the face and scalp. Not much itching to this type. The squamous
type are irregular red patches that are found on the scalp, there
is some itching and considerable scaling.
ETIOLOGY: It is most common in the young and aged. And may be due
to dietary indiscretions, unhygienic surroundings and habits, digestive
disturbances, debility, neurosis, excessive vasoconstriction to
the skin, subluxations, gout It may be due to external irritants
such as cold, heat, certain plants, hard soaps, chemicals, etc.
PROGNOSIS: Recovery is the rule, under proper treatment.
TREATMENT: Specific. Find the cause and treat accordingly. The general
treatment may be:
NEUROPATHY: Light dilation treatment of the whole spine, after a
thorough and complete lymphatic.
CHIROPRACTIC: K. P. Sp. P. Li, P. as well as all local zones indicated.
HYDROTHERAPY: A saturated solution of boric acid may be applied
after thoroughly washing the part with a good soap. When the boric
acid solution has dried, cover with mild zinc oxide or magnesium
talcum powder. Aristol powder sprinkled on the inflammatory area
has given many patients wonderful relief.
COLONOTHERAPY: Irrigations should be given twice a week for at least
three weeks. Many of these cases have a history of constipation.
DIET: Many cases require special building up diets for debility.
For these see diet under the Anemias. Others may have gout, diabetes,
chronic nephritis and if urine tests reveal a relationship regulation
of the diet is made accordingly. See Diets under each item mentioned.
ELECTROTHERAPY: In subacute and chronic forms ultraviolet is indicated.
Produce a second degree erythemia and repeat in a few days after
the reaction has subsided. The more chronic the case, the greater
should be the length of exposure. In acute cases, especially the
moist form, ultraviolet is usually contraindicated. Use a non-vacuum
electrode connected to the Oudin pole of the high frequency machine
and apply with slight pressure to the lesion. Many times zinc stearate
powder previously applied to the skin not only allows the electrode
to be moved freely, but also aids in the healing due to the astringency
of the zinc.
Riley states that the following has been successful and the writer
can verify that it has been true in a number of cases.
Intense itching is driven away as soon as the blue or violet heat
penetrates fully into and through the skin. We have found it useful
sometimes in cases where patient had torn the skin until it would
bleed under or from the scratching, to first moisten the itching
parts fully with strong epsom salts solution, and then throw the
strong violet or blue ray on until the surface is perfectly dry
and warm, when all itching for the time will have ceased and will
not return for hours. When the itching does return, patient should
refrain from scratching the surface and apply the salts and heat
again as before. It will soon make a perfect cure.
Either the ray or the salts will cure eczema or itching of any kind,
but intense and persistent cases are more easily and more surely
conquered by making the double application as directed above.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: It is now thought that one or all of the following
three will make up deficiencies in this condition if given in sufficient
dosage. A, D, E, F, B and G. Cod liver oil with one or more of the
above vitamins has been recommended.
PSYCHIATRY: In all cases of itching it is well to look into the
emotional state of the patient. There may be a neurosis of some
nature present.
HERBOLOGY: An ounce each of Yellow Dock Root, Burdock Root, Figwort
Herb, Sarsaparilla Root. Boil in one quart of water for twenty minutes.
Strain. Wineglassful three or four times a day. This when general
health is not good.
If general health is good, use equal parts of Queen’s Delight,
Yellow Dock, Blue Flag and Clivers. Infuse one ounce to a pint.
Wineglassful four times daily.
EXTERNAL LOTION: Tincture Bloodroot, one ounce; Witch Hazel Extract,
two ounces. Fl. Extract Marigold, half ounce. Glycerine, one ounce.
Lime water enough to make one pint. Apply three times a day.
The mineral compounds of Cabasil are highly recommended for this
Embolism, Infarct and Thrombosis
DEFINITIONS: Embolism is an
obstruction of a blood vessel by a substance which is carried to
the point of obstruction, by the blood stream. The substance foreign
to the blood is known as an embolus. The most common types of embolus
are fat, air, fragments of atheromatous plaques, vegetable parasites,
animal parasites, tumor cells and pigment granules.
THROMBOSIS: A thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot or thrombus.
Coronary thrombosis: Severe precordial pain extending to left arm
and sometimes to right arm, or epigastrium. Dypsnea, restlessness.
If patient survives attack of six to eighteen hours, collapse ensues
and recovery is very gradual. Sinus thrombosis: Lateral. Associated
with middle ear disease. Symptoms are sudden rise of temperature
with remission, chills, prostration, sweats, headache, mental symptoms,
dullness, or delirium, high leukocyte count. Sinus thrombosis, cavernous:
Sinus structures involved, edema and venous statis in and about
the eye. Thrombo-angiitis obliterans: Buerger’s disease. Acute
disease of blood-vessels. Symptoms are Occlusion, thrombosis, excruciating
pain in leg or foot; worse at night, cyanotic clammy, cold extremity,
diminished sense of heat and cold, gangrene of toes or foot may
set in.
INFARCT: An infarct can be said to be the complete occlusion or
obstruction of the blood supply to a part, and of which the embolus,
or thrombus, may have been a part.
Infarcts are caused by a blockage of the blood supply and may occur
in several ways, the more common and more important being: Embolism
of the nutrient artery; Thrombosis of the vein; Thrombosis of the
artery; Occlusion of vessels, especially veins, from external pressure
as may occur in volvulus, intussusception, strangulated hernia,
and torsion of the pedicle of pedunculated tumors, especially ovarian
Infarcts may take place in any part of the body. But those that
are the most serious are those that may occur in the kidneys, intestines,
spleen, liver, lungs, heart or brain.
TREATMENT: Up to the present time, the author has found no specific
treatment, other than rest, and applications of cool water to stem
the hemorrhagic processes. Then, to treat the causes and the symptoms.
If one occurs in the lungs, the following symptoms may be noted:
When the infarct is large, the usual symptoms are localized pain,
dypsnea, cough, and the expectoration of dark blood. These symptoms
occurring in chronic heart disease or phlebitis are especially suggestive.
Small infarcts occasion no physical signs; larger ones may yield
a circumscribed area of dullness, with subcrepitant rales and feeble
breath sounds, or, perhaps, bronchovesicular breathing.
DIAGNOSIS: Differential. Some points in diagnosis of embolus and
thrombosis may be as follows: Embolism never occurs in the heart
cavities and never in a vein. Antemortem thrombus is always more
or less adherent, whereas a recent embolus lies loosely in the vessel.
However, if some time has elapsed since the impaction, more or less
subsequent thrombosis may take place, thus producing some degree
of attachment to the vessel wall.
While the vessel wall at the site of thrombosis practically always
shows changes due to reaction or disease, at the site of the embolism
the vessel wall is healthy or practically so.
It is also of value to remember that embolism is less common than
thrombosis in the coronary and cerebral arteries, while thrombosis
is less common than embolism in the arteries of the intestines,
lungs, kidneys, spleen and basal arteries of the brain.
A few sections of the body are mentioned below that when attacked
are serious.
the mesenteric vessels occurs most frequently in the latter half
of life. It may involve the arteries, the veins, or both, and is
most commonly due to embolism originating in acute or chronic endocarditis,
but it occasionally results from thrombosis due to sclerotic changes
in the mesenteric artery or aorta, or to inflammatory changes in
the mesenteric vein, occurring in association with morbid processes
in the adjacent viscera. Hemorrhagic infarction of the intestine
is the usual result. The chief symptoms are acute colicky abdominal
pain, vomiting, profuse blood diarrhea, or constipation, abdominal
distention, and shock. Peritonitis frequently occurs. Occlusion
of large vessels almost always and fatally in a few days, unless
operation with resection of the bowel is undertaken at an early
Obstruction of the Cerebral Arteries
(Embolism; Thrombosis)
ETIOLOGY: Cerebral emboli may
be derived from the valves of the heart in endocarditis; from an
atheromatous plate in the aorta; or from a thrombus in the heart
or in the sac or an aneurysm. Obstruction from embolism may occur
at any age, but it is much more frequently observed in young adults
than at the extremes of life.
Cerebral thrombi are usually caused by arteriosclerosis or syphilitic
endarteritis. They are most frequently observed in old persons,
but those dependent upon syphilis often occur in early adult or
middle life.
SYMPTOMS: An embolus lodging in the middle cerebral artery usually
causes abrupt hemiplegia, and, if on the left side of the brain,
motor aphasia. There are usually no cerebral prodromes, consciousness
is not often lost, and marked disturbances of the temperature, respiration
and pulse are uncommon.
For further treatment see under “Apoplexy.”
HERBOLOGY: For Embolism one dessertspoonful should be taken every
four hours.
Anemone pulsatilla 1 tsp.
Bryonia alba 1 tsp.
Borago off. 1 tsp.
Hydrastis ½ tsp.
Capsici ¼ tsp.
Sennae 2 oz.
Aquam — add sufficient
to make 8 oz. of finished product.
Dioscorea villosa ½ oz.
Eunonymus atropurpureus ½ oz.
Leptandra Virginica 1 oz.
Vivurnum opulus ½ oz.
Sennae 1 oz.
Aquam — add sufficient
to make 8 oz. of finished product.
DEFINITION: An involuntary discharge
of urine, which has many different causes.
SYMPTOMS: The chief one is that of bed wetting.
ETIOLOGY: Incomplete development of the sphincter muscles. Debility
of the neck of the bladder. Inadequate control of the nerve centers
due to subluxations or disease of the spinal centers. Lack of tone
in the whole muscular system. Nutritional disturbances. Anemia,
or disturbed metabolic processes. Spasmodic contractions of the
bladder due to nervous disorders Masturbation or frequent handling
of the parts by children may produce enuresis. Also a psychoneurosis.
PROGNOSIS: When the cause can be discovered, and removed, the prognosis
is favorable.
TREATMENT: Neuropathy to bring more strength to the constrictors
to the sphincters of the bladder. Inhibition by deep neuropathic
pressure is made on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th lumbar sesgments.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of the 1st lumbar and also the cervicals
in children in cases of abnormal respirations.
DIET: A complete vegetable diet is best until the condition has
been overcome. Liquors of all kinds should be forbidden.
REEDUCATION: The child should be awakened at certain periods of
the night and taken to the toilet.
PSYCHIATRY: Many of these cases are due to familial tensions.
By the end of the second year most children have matured psychologically
to the point of toilet control. It sometimes happens though that
in the best regulated families that a bed wetter develops. This
habit is usually only one symptom of a psychoneurosis. It is most
probably associated with the child’s feelings of deprivation
in love relationships, especially if the enuresis begins when a
new birth takes place in the family. In this case the regressive
behavior of the child may have value to him. It is an effort on
his part to get as much attention from the mother as she gives the
baby. Punishment of the child in this period is a great error, only
increasing the child’s sense of inferiority or of being no
longer wanted Treatments are of no value but an expression of mother
love will go a long way. Of course all neurological and genitourinary
disorders must be treated, and often a dietary regime instituted
with a diminution of water intake several hours before bedtime,
and the mother should wake the child up at a certain hour each night,
and take him to the toilet, no matter how tired and sleepy the mother
is, she should speak endearing terms to the child.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the sacrals, and the 7th cervical.
Some member of the family can be taught how to do this.
HYDROTHERAPY: Douching of the genitoanal region with cold water
has been known to cause a constriction of the sphincters and in
some cases a cure.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Sine or faradic current applied to the lumbar region
and the mons veneris in the female and over the perineum in the
male may have some value. Putting an electrode in the rectum has
been claimed as having many advantages but the writer found it of
no value in any case.
Some general considerations. — The urine should be examined
twice a week; and search made for the white cells, if any in it
at all, to eliminate the possibility of infection of the urinary
If there is an organic condition that requires surgery the physician
should not hesitate to have one consulted. But, if no serious pathology
is discovered, he may try the techniques given above in addition
to the regime given below.
During the day and up to four o’clock in the afternoon, the
child may have as much water or other fluids as he wants. A dry
supper is given at six o’clock. During the night the child
is awakened every three hours (7. P. M., 10 P. M., 1 A. M., 4 A.
M. and 7 A. M.) This must be done by the clock regularly. If the
three hour interval proves too long, then it should be reduced to
two hours or one as the case requires. As the child becomes drier,
the intervals are lengthened one hour at a time, until he is able
to go through the entire night without wetting the bed.
General measures should not be neglected since it has been found
that many of these children are undernourished and of neurotic temperament.
Good food, fresh air, plenty of sunshine, and exercise with wholesome
companions are all beneficial aids in the treatment of bed wetting.
Nearly a year ago the writer had a case that was terribly discouraging:
The boy would stop bed-wetting for as much as ten days then start
all over. After examination by a specialist, it was suggested that
along with what I had been doing, that he give the child a small
dose of tincture of belladona, increasing the number of drops each
day until a maximum of 23 drops had been given three times a day
It is now six months since the last bed-wetting and the belladona
was only given for 12 days. Surely this is a condition that sometimes
requires aid from any direction that it can come.
DEFINITION: An episodic disturbance
of the brain lobees, with a loss of consciousness, with or without
tonic or clonic convulsions.
ETIOLOGY: The primary causes of epilepsy is an anemia and a consequent
anoxia of a certain portion of the brain. To bring about that anoxis
many factors may be involved. There may be a vaso-constriction of
the nerves, due to subluxations of the condyle or upper cervical
We cannot go into detail here on theories of the etiology of epilepsy,
except to say that there is no one part of the body or brain which
has not been accused of causing epileptic seizures—gastric
disorders, worms, vaginal disorders, brain disorders, tumors of
the brain, intestinal disorders, auto-intoxication, etc., etc.,
that the seizure and convulsions are of reflex origin due to irritating
stimulus set up by any cause powerful enough to bring on such a
reflex. It is generally agreed that whatever the underlying cause,
the immediate cause is a sudden anemia, with a consequent anoxia
of the brain, or portions of the brain.
The writer feels that fully 70% of epilepsies are caused by reflex
stimulus, that creates a carotid sinus block or syndrome.
The carotid sinus is a dilation at the proximal end of the internal
carotid artery and is situated at the angle of the jaw. It is supplied
with sensory receptor nerves which are particularly rich in adventitia.
This network of nerves leaves the carotid sinus and ends in a meniscus,
forming what is known as the sinus nerve of Hering or the intracarotid
nerve of De Castro. It is associated with the glosso-pharyngeal
and the hypoglossal.
These intracarotid nerves, and the aortic depressor nerves are very
important in the reflex regulation of the blood pressure. The carotid
sinus nerves also influence the vagal system, the cardio inhibitory
portions of it, and the adrenal glands. Normally, the carotid sinus
prevents an exceptional elevaton of the blood pressure under stress.
Interference with the free flow of blood, lymph, and nerve currents
here, is a serious matter. These interferences may come from diseases,
from drugs and from the processes of gravity especially in old age.
The meniscus may fall, creating a block from emotional states, or
from subluxations of the cervical vertebrae, occipital and lamboidal
suture closure, unusual deposits of calcareous matter in the neck
and shoulder regions, all creating a stiffness and tenseness of
the muscles of those regions. Any or all of these may cause an irritation
of the bundle of nerves in the carotid sinus, creating a squeeze
which causes a fall of arterial blood pressure, which in turn results
in a change of normal cerebral blood supply to the ischemic state
with a consequent anoxemia of the whole cranium.
Out of this fall of blood pressure and consequent anoxemia in the
cranium may come such diseases as catalepsy, epilepsy, vertigo,
heart irritations, palpitations, asthma, headaches, migraine, deafness
and tinnitis.
In all epilepsies, the position of the carotid bodies must be given
consideration. These are wheat-sized glands located slightly inward
from the carotid sinus and accordingly to Heyman of the Belgian
School have important functions to perform, one of which is that
when there is a lack of oxygen, the rise of carbonic gas creates
a stimulation on the sensory nerve end fibers of those bodies which
in turn sends impulses to the respiratory center in the floor of
the fourth ventricle of the medulla. This in turn is stimulated
as a result of these impulses, and thus is maintained the balance
of intake of oxygen and the outgo of CO2. For further reading the
author recommends the student to Volume 5, pages 896 to 922 of “The
Cyclopedia of Medicine, Surgery and Specialties.” F. A. Davis
Co. Also Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques book under Epilepsy.
SYMPTOMS: In the grand mal form of epilepsy, there is usually an
aura or warning of the approach of a loss of consciousness. It occurs
in different ways in different victims. The aura may be a peculiar
sensation, arising in finger or toe, and arising upward until the
head is involved, when the patient gives a shrill cry and falls
unconscious, often injuring himself; he may bite his tongue, pass
urine, and awake to realize something has happened because of muscular
soreness. There is a tendency to sleep following the attack; indeed
attacks may only occur during sleep.
The first stage of this unconsciousness is called the tonic convulsion,
in which the trunk is rigid, and the extremities are extended, the
hands are closed, and the jaw is clenched, the respiratory muscles
are so rigid that a deep jaw works convulsively, there is frothing
or foam around the mouth, tongue or lips may be bitten, the arms
and legs go through actions of relaxation and contraction, and the
head may be pounded on the floor, or just rolled from side to side.
Then the clonic spasms begin; the cyanoses is soon noticed. The
clonic spasms last for a few minutes – perhaps a half minute
to a minute - after which the patient falls into deep sleep or coma,
from which the patient usually awakens in a state of amnesia, but
with bruises, and a severe headache, and a mental dullness that
may last for a few days.
The symptoms of petit mal, are a loss of consciousness for a short
time, with no attending convulsion. The patient may have an attack
at any time anywhere, without any warning. He stares, his features
are fixed but he does not fall, the face is pale, the pupils dilated,
and there is some twitching of the muscles. The attack may last
less than a minute, after which the patient will go on about his
business, but with an uneasy consciousness that something has happened
to him, and he cannot make it out. If these attacks continue this
constant uneasiness has a very serious effect on the nervous and
mental apparatus.
TREATMENT: This is considered as specific, and general. In the specific
treatment, the considerations must be given to what etiology is
found during a careful examination. The posture should be given
special attention, and perhaps an abdominal support belt should
be supplied. Cases that started with the first menstrual period
and have continued at all subsequent periods should be treated a
day or two before the next menstrual period; this should be accompanied
by a suggestive idea of the doctor, that this period will be free
of any attack.
The abnormalities, if any, of the blood, urine or intestinal contents
should have specific attention. Laboratory diagnosis should be thoroughly
made. Wassermann tests may reveal positive reactions. After all
the specific conditions are tabulated and notations made for attention,
the general treatment may be given as follows:
NEUROTHERAPY: A thorough lymphatic. Sedation of the whole spine
with sedation also in the gutter of the cervical spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Condyle, and upper cervical adjustment. Also any other
segments or vertebrae indicated by examination.
COLONOTHERAPY: Colonic irrigations twice a week for from four to
six weeks are of special benefit.
DIET: There seems to be much confusion about the diet for these
patients. They run from long fasts to short fasts. From the high
fat ketogenic diet to complete vegetarianism. The effect upon the
psychi of these patients is a very important item, and since epilepsy
is considered a nervous syndrome, the less worry the physician gives
the patient the quicker the results. The patient who is always cautioned
about what he shall or shall not eat is constantly in a high psychic
state. Therefore the writer has found it best to use No. 1 and No.
2 diets alternatively, with additions of plenty of fruit. The experience
of the writer with fasting has been that while the patient fasted,
no attacks were experienced, but as soon as the patient began to
show a weakness from fasting the attacks were worse than before
fasting, and when the patient got back to eating the attacks were
the same as before the fast. If diet is to be of value, it must
be low in carbohydrate, and high in fat content. But even making
up the proper proportions for those of various ages, the question
still arises whether the effect on the psychi does not overbalance
the good. The writer uses No. 1 and No. 2 with changes from time
to time that are pleasing to the patient.
EXERCISES: These patients should be given definite tasks to do,
if not employed.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Sine wave on the liver, and intestines, and central
spine, with one electrode on the 7th cervical, and the other on
the lumbar, will give a soothing stimulation.
VITAMINOTHERAPY AND ENDOCRINOLOGY: The vitamin therapeutics in epilepsy
is somewhat confusing, but a good cause can be made out for large
dosages of B1, G and E in the absence of a definite etiology.
The endocrine aspects have been stated, that fits are increased
by hypofunction of the posterior lobe of the pitutitary. Another
theory maintains that body water and salt are regulated in part
by the hormones, particularly the gonads, the thyroid, and the posterior
lobe of the pituitary.
The above theory led to the institution of the water drinking restriction
as a therapeutic agent, but which has some very serious objections,
because of the danger of fatal acidosis, that the method is not
generally practiced to a degree of danger. However, there have been
some very good reports of the effectiveness in the use of pituitary,
gonadal and thyroid hormones.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: The writer has explained the relationship of
anoxia to epilepsy, and recommends to all physicians that in addition
to whatever other form of treatment that they give, to find a place
for (1) The Lake Recoil; (2) Enlarging the external nares; (3) Releasing
and raising the Thyroid and Parathyroid glands; (4) Swabbing out
the whole pharyngeal cavity.
PSYCHIATRY: Habit is a very important factor in epilepsy. Each attack
tends toward making a cycle of attacks. A young girl may start having
them at the first menstrual period and then at every monthly period.
This cycle should be broken if possible and auto suggestion or treatment
just before the hour of habit time with suggestions are sometimes
helpful in breaking the cycle of habit time. Mental hygiene, or
the proper attitude to be taken by the patient toward all around
him, is a part of the physician’s orientation suggestive treatments.
A drugless physician who succeeds a medical practitioner in the
care of an epileptic who has been taking regular doses of bromide
or phenobarbital should use good judgment in breaking the patient
off from those drugs too abruptly, without a substitute of some
kind offered, lest a quick series of convulsions follow one upon
the other from psychic fear of being left without some support.
Vitamins may offer a good substitute.
Note: The examination and diagnosis
of eye disorders are of such an extensive nature, and the treatment
of them so highly specialized, that no effort is made to be specific
in treatment and only a few of the disorders are mentioned. A general
outline of some drugless forms of treatment is given following a
brief outline of the conditions.
DEFINITION: These two terms
should be used to refer to certain kinds of blindness. Amaurosis
was formerly used to designate partial or complete blindness of
one or both eyes, while amblyopia is now used to indicate imperfect
vision not due to errors of refraction or pathological changes.
ETIOLOGY: Amaurosis may be due to tumors or other organic changes
in the brain by which the optic tract is compressed or ventricular
fluid is forced into the optic nerve sheaths, preventing the optic
nerves from performing their functions. Venous and arterial circulation
are interfered with, and the nerve gradually or suddenly atrophies
as is often the case in apoplexy.
Nephritis may cause disturbances in the field of vision. Hysteria
or great psychological shocks may cause disturbances for a time,
or even permanent disturbances.
Amaurosis of either one or both eyes may accompany subluxations,
perversions or lesions of the spinal column creating atrophy of
the Optic nerves. Amaurosis may follow an extensive loss of blood
from any part of the body that has a diseased condition. Imperfection
in the breathing apparatus, which obstruct the intake of oxygen
will contribute toward anoxemia and a constant reflection of ischemia.
Pregnancy has been known to have suspended vision for a short or
a long time.
DEFINITION: A condition in which
the accuracy of vision is below normal.
ETIOLOGY: The causes of this condition are too many to enumerate
here. The majority are of a constitutional nature or from excesses
in the habits of sex, eating, lack of rest, etc.
PROGNOSIS is always good.
TREATMENT: In all cases of severe eye disorders it is always wise
for the physician to have his patient consult a competent Optometrist
and a basis of cooperative treatment instituted. The writer has
found the above plan to be of great value to the patient, if both
physician and optometrist have mutual respect for each other. The
optometrist can note by examination the degree of defect, prescribe
the necessary glasses, while the physician can search out and remove
the constitutional causes.
DEFINITION: Diplopia is a condition
in which the visual axes are not properly adjusted to one another,
causing double vision whereby an image of an object falls on two
different portions of the retina of each eye.
STRABISMUS is commonly known as cross-eye, and is the inability
to bring the visual axes to bear on one point at the same time.
While one eye is on the object the other is elsewhere.
DEFINITION: An error of refraction
which causes rays coming from a single point and passing through
the refractive surfaces of the eye not to be turned toward a single
point, and therefore cannot be perfectly focused on the retina.
ETIOLOGY: Some form of astigmatism is common to the majority of
people. Severe astigmatism is caused by inequality of the curvature
in the periphery of the dilated pupil, this being cut off when the
pupil contracts, by a lack of symmetry in the curvature of the refracting
surfaces of the cornea or crystalline lens, or an oblique position
of such surface with reference to the visual line. It does not depend
on distortion of the retina. Astigmatism caused by the cornea may
be partly or wholly corrected by an opposite astigmatism caused
by the crystalline lens. The above may be brought about by injuries
to the eyes years before the development of the condition.
TREATMENT: There is no specific up to this time except corrective
glasses. But the doctor may look under the general outline of treatment
and try them.
DEFINITION: An acute or chronic
inflammation of the conjunctiva, characterized by a slight swelling
of the lids and a pussy secretion. There are several types: The
simple acute defined above, the chronic which is a continuation
of the simple type, the granular in which there is a formation of
numerous oval granulations upon the palpebral conjunctiva. The gonorrheal
type in which the conjunctival vessels are engorged early, and the
superficial layers of the conjunctiva are infiltrated with serum
and leucocytes. Later there is a purulent discharge from the free
TREATMENT: Find the cause. A general treatment is given at the end
of this section.
DEFINITION: A general term embracing
any opacity of the crystalline lens or its capsule or both.
ETIOLOGY: General diseases, such as diabetes, etc., occupation,
concussion, foreign bodies, electric shock, ocular diseases cause
complicated or secondary cataracts such as iridocyclitis, high myopia,
and glaucoma.
TREATMENT: See general treatment at the end of this section.
A disease of the eye characterized
by intraocular pressure with results in atrophy of the optic nerve
and more or less blindness. It has been referred to as a diseased
eye in a diseased body.
ETIOLOGY: The maintenance of intraocular tension depends on the
preservation of a balance between the intake and outflow of the
intraocular fluids. Many ill factors contribute to an unbalance
such as obstructions of the veins, sclerosis of the fibers, causing
a narrowing of the drainage spaces. It may be caused by the quality
of the blood supply, and especially in the amount of oxygenated
blood supplied. Autointoxication may also be a factor.
TREATMENT: All treatments given at the end of this section with
the exception of the hydrotherapy. Instead of using cold water,
hot fomentations are used. In Glaucoma however there are usually
some foci of infection, autointoxications and congestions which
need to be sought out and removed.
TREATMENT: It is first necessary
to have a thorough examination by an expert optometrist who can
give the proper correcting glasses, and make known to the physician
his findings. Then the physician can introduce any measures necessary
for any constitutional treatments that are necessary.
NEUROPATHY: A cervical lymphatic.
Deep or light massage of the eyes and light pressure on No. 1. See
facial drawing of cranial nerves.
CHIROPRACTIC: For diplopia adjustment of upper cervical place.
For strabismus middle cervical place.
HYDROTHERAPY: If eye work is straining, it should be stopped for
awhile, otherwise cold water should be dashed in the eyes three
times a day.
EXERCISES: There are many forms of exercises, such as looking up,
down then to the sides without moving the head. One the physician
can use after ascertaining which eye is out of focus, is by the
finger manipulative method. Promiscuous exercises without a knowledge
of just what correction is necessary is sometimes harmful, and because
one patient has responded to a certain type of exercise it does
not follow that any more cases will respond to the same exercise.
Each case is individual and as such the treatment is individual.
The prism converging exercises are of value in some cases.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: In some eye conditions these techniques have
been found of value: The Lake recoil, opening zygomatic sutures,
heating of eye direct and manipulation. It has been the theory that
the eye duct is to only carry away the tears, but it also has an
oxygen and air conveying function. After heat has been applied,
then one finger is put in the mouth over the teeth, and approximating
the outlet, and one finger is put under the eye approximating the
inlet and a vibratory movement to the side and up and down is started
This is followed up by the external nasal dilation technique, and
a complete swabbing of the pharyngeal cavity.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: The vitamins that are considered specific are A
for diminished vision, corneal ulcer, and tear duct infections.
B and G for conjunctivitis, C, for cataracts, and G, for soreness
of the eyes.
HERBOLOGY: Tea made from any of the following herbs is excellent
for bathing the eyes: Fennel Seed, Eye Bright, Chamomile, Cheese
Plant, Yarrow.
CATARACT: Fresh juice from cocoanut put freely into eye with dropper;
apply hot wet cloths on reclining patient’s eyes; keep cloths
hot for 10 minutes.
ELECTROTHERAPY: It is well established that no medicinal treatment
is effectual against cataract, but the electrical currents hold
out some hope in selected cases. Negative galvanism merits a thorough
trial. Daily operations over a long period are necessary, and persistency
in this regard will often be rewarded by results. The high frequency
currents, too, should be given a trial. Use may be made of the improved
eye electrodes for this purpose. With diathermy also persistency
is necessary. No claim is made that cataracts can be cured by electrical
currents, nevertheless, eye physicians have recognized that some
of the electrical currents prove successful in some incipient cases.
GLAUCOMA: This does not respond uniformly to electrotherapy. But
relief from pain is sure by the use of galvanism, and diathermy.
Glaucoma has often been ameliorated by negative galvanism and diathermy
given over the closed eyelids.
DEFINITION: A condition in which
the body temperature rises above 99.5 degrees.
ETIOLOGY: It is always symptomatic of some underlying cause. The
treatment must be of the cause, but to keep the fever within proper
limits until cause is found, a cool compress around the throat,
changed often. Concussion of the 7th cervical, or even of the whole
spine if the concussion is kept up long enough to get the reaction.
Adjustment of cervical place, and kidney place.
Enemas or colonic irrigations are in order.
All foods should be restricted for the time being, and liquid intake
Fununculosis (Boils)
DEFINITION: An acute circumscribed
inflammation of the subcutaneous layers of the skin, gland, or hair
follicle. The deeper tissue inflammation is so severe that blood
clots in the vessels and the center dies. This is the cause of the
acuteness of the pain; the dead core is ultimately thrown off.
ETIOLOGY: Single boils are usually due to local irritation or uncleanliness
of the part. Multiple boils or crops of them, are usually due to
constitutional impaired health. Either way it is caused, the entrance
of pus cocci into the skin is essential for its development. In
general the etiology can be said to be as follows: Improper diet
and hygiene, nervous depression, overwork, too free indulgence in
greasy foods and gravies and irregular action of the bowels, local
irritation, friction and prolonged poulticing predispose to this
affection. The entrance of pus-cocci into the skin is the essential
or exciting cause of this disorder.
TREATMENT: There are two schools of thought. One school insists
that if possible to abort every boil and advocates the use of ice.
That cold applications contract the peripheral vessels, decreasing
the amount of blood in the region, reducing the pain and driving
the pus back into the deeper tissues for reabsorption and elimination.
A returned physician from service at the war front said he found
it better never to abort them, but bring them to a point of discharge
as quickly as possible and with that purpose in mind, he made a
strong concentrated hot solution of epsom salts, put it over the
boil and tied it on tight. He said overnight this solution usually
brought it to the bursting point. Treatment of crops of boils the
cause must be found and removed by appropriate treatments.
ELECTROTHERAPY: If seen early, boils many times can be aborted by
dessicating the apex. Upon suspicion of carbuncle the dessication
should be carried to a greater extent. Follow this by a second degree
erythema dose of water-cooled quartz light using a compression lens.
If seen too late to be aborted, the point should be incised. After
the pus is drained the wound should be swabbed with a 2 per cent
solution of gentian violet and then irradiated with the water-cooled
quartz light through a rod applicator inserted into the opening.
The hand type of the cold quartz can also be used with gratifying
results. When many boils are present the air-cooled general radiations
are indicated for protective action upon the system. Concentrated
ultra short wave has a sterilizing effect on the pus.
DIET: A fast of a day or two on the citrus fruits is usually sufficient
for relief.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Large doses of A, B, G and F are in order. In children
cod liver oil with supplements of vitamins A, B, C and D are a very
good approach to the problem of depleted blood content.
HERBOLOGY: Make tea of equal parts of Yellow dock, Burdock, Yellow
Parilla, Cheese Plant and Sacred Bark. Drink cupful in one day.
Take equal parts of Wild Cherry Bark, Poplar Bark, Burdock root,
and Sassafras; boil and make a syrup. Tablespoonful three times
a day.
POULTICES: Ripe figs; Hot catnip leaves; Leaf lard and Fullers earth;
then when open, Fullers earth only. Botanic Gardens make up various
salves from fresh herbs which are excellent to bring boil to head
and then to keep clean and heal.
Gall-Bladder Disorders
The most outstanding are: Acute
and Chronic Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis and Cancer.
DEFINITION: Acute Cholecystitis is an acute inflammation of the
ETIOLOGY: Before giving the etiology we would advise the reader
to go back in the Book of Neuropathy, and read again the examination
of the liver and gall-bladder. Cholecystitis is largely attributed
to invasion by infections and organisms such as colon bacillus,
typhoid bacillus, pneumococcus, staphylococcus and streptococcus.
Auto-intoxication is one of the principle causes apart from infection.
While no age is exempt, it is found more often in women than men.
And, it is most common in those who do not take any exercise. The
main cause is excessive vasoconstriction of the gall-bladder segments
of the spinal nerves. Gall stones, stenosis and adhesions are other
SYMPTOMS: The most common is pain, but, in catarrhal cases the symptoms
are slight fever, pain in the hepatic region, tenderness and enlargement
of the gall-bladder, and occasionally jaundice. In the suppurative
form there are severe paroxysmal pain, vomiting, a septic type of
fever, leukocytosis, enlargement and tenderness of the gall-bladder,
and in some cases jaundice. There is also pain, tightness and tenderness
in the spinal segments.
PROGNOSIS: Catarrhal Cholecystitis usually subsides without treatment,
in a few weeks, if dietary precautions are taken. But, those complicated
by gall stones, stenosis or adhesions take considerable time.
TREATMENT: Of Acute Cholecystitis. There is no sure plan of treatment
for all cases. But, the majority will respond to some or all of
the following methods. Naturally, the first thing to do when the
patient has an acute attack is to put him to bed until it is over.
The nausea, vomiting and pain may simulate appendicitis, and the
physician needs to use caution in diagnosis. It may be hours before
the large area of pain may be localized to the gall-bladder area.
All food is prohibited Anodynes are used on the liver in the form
of short wave or hot wet towels. Plenty of water or natural fruit
juices are permitted. Sometimes, it is found tht the ice pack or
bag gives more comfort than the hot applications.
Neuropathic sedation treatment of the spinal nerves can be given
by the physician in the most comfortabls position to the patient.
If lying on back, fingers can be pressed in the gutter of the spine
by going underneath the patient. Generally speaking, the above is
sufficient for the patient to get relief. Then, the same treatment
can be used as under “Chronic Cholecystitis” following
this Section.
Chronic Cholecystitis
Chronic Cholecystitis may be
due to repeated attacks of the Acute form, or it may be a mild case
from the beginning, that is continued for a long period of time,
with intermittent periods of severe pain. There is chronic indigestion,
discomfort in the epigastrium, flatulence and belching. Sometimes
nausea and vomiting. Severe pain radiating to the back and right
shoulder with pronounced jaundice are always suggestive of gall
stone complications. The touch or palpation of the hand is against
a thickened wall that is very warm in chronic catarrhal inflammation
and the spinal segments are tender and warm.
TREATMENT — GENERAL: The diet should be bland and readily
digestible. Saccharine matters, fat meats, and highly seasoned dishes
should be avoided. Water-drinking between meals should be encouraged.
Regular exercise in the open air, provided there are no acute symptoms,
is beneficial. Freedom from worry and mental strain rarely fails
to afford some relief. If the patient’s circumstances will
permit, a course of treatments in a sanitarium would be the best
NEUROPATHY: Light lymphatic and vasodilation to the spinal segments.
After the first treatment, the lymphatic can be thorough.
CHIROPRACTIC: Gall-bladder, Liver place, and Kidney place.
DIET: The food allowed should be soft. All sorts of liquids are
allowed, except those of alcoholic content. Soups, gruels, milk
and fruit juices. Bread stuffs should be toasted; meats, such as
beef, mutton, chicken (not fried), should be tender. Pork, or any
salted meat is forbidden. Non-dressing salads of fresh vegetables
are permitted Hot water can be taken before meals. If the patient
will take it, the quickest way to obtain relief is prompt fasting
of a day or two each week, either with or without milk or fruit
VITAMINS: B and K in adequate units, with Bile Salts.
COLONOTHERAPY: Daily enemas by the patient, or colonic irrigations
once a week should help.
EXERCISES: This is important. There are many forms, but a brisk
walk out of doors will be sufficient. It is a matter of record that
few athletes are affected by this condition.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion when there is distress is always in
order. It can be used in the usual way from the 7th cervical down
to the 8th dorsal.
VACUUM THERAPY: Over the spinal column, especially the dorsals,
then underneath the gall-bladder very mildly, then directly over
it. Use according to the tolerance of the patient.
HYDROTHERAPY: The anodynes and eliminatives. Heat, applied by hot
water bag, wet towels, are the best anodynes for pain, but in some
cases ice packs give more relief. The colonic eliminants have been
mentioned. The following method suggested by Fleet has been recommended:
“Take two tablespoonfuls of Phospho-Soda (Fleet) in a glass
of cold water before breakfast.
“Then lie on the right side with the knees flexed and apply
heat over the area as directed. Maintain this position for thirty
“Then turn on the left side for fifteen minutes in the same
position. At the end of this period drink a glass of cold water.”
The physician can aid by massaging the liver and gall-bladder.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Diathermy, Short Wave, followed by the Sine Wave
are rated as good procedures. Diathermy should be applied anteroposteriorly
to the gall-bladder, followed by sinusoidal, (one pad placed over
the 6th and 7th dorsal vertebrae and the other pad placed over the
gall-bladder). The slow surging sinusoidal should be used with 10
to 18 contractons a minute and allowed to flow 15 minutes. Short
Wave diathermy treatment seems to liquefy the inspissated bile and
the sinusoidal, giving powerful contractions, assists in emptying
the gall-bladder. Infrared, applied for ten to twenty minutes is
PSYCHIATRY: These patients usually have a worried expression and
the physician while telling them the truth must give as much encouragement
as possible, and suggest methods for removing tensions that may
be present.
HERBOLOGY: Give Olive Oil freely; or better, 2 oz. each of unsweetened
grapefruit juice shaken well with same amount of olive oil, taken
on retiring, lying on right side. Indian sage and Mullein leaves
is a good combination. Sweet weed, Sacred Bark, Blessed thistle,
bitter root and parsley are all good. Celandine, Calamint Herb,
Flax Seed, Boldo Leaves and Radishes are all good demulcents for
Biliary colic. Boneset tea is good. Another remedy is finely powdered
Goose Grass, Elm Bark, Sassafras Bark, Boldo Leaves, Russian Licorice
and Capsicum Berries for improving and increasing the gall fluid.
BODY MECHANICS: If a ptosis is present, Neuropathic uplifting technique
and abdominal support belt can be applied.
DEFINITION: Stones or accretions
in the gall-bladder.
ETIOLOGY: The etiology lies largely in the substances that compose
the stones, and how the environment causes them to amalgamate into
solid concretions. Chemically the stones are of different types,
but a large part of all types are composed of cholesterol in combination
with other substances. There are three common types of stones. First,
the large ones, composed of cholesterol and bilirubin calcium. This
type of stone is of various sizes and colors. The second common
type is that which is composed of cholesterol, bilirubin, calcium,
calcium carbonate, bile pigments and fatty acids. They are yellow,
running to white in color. The third type are the small stones composed
largely of bilirubin calcium with but traces of cholesterol.
The etiology, then, can be said to be; chemical and environmental.
It may be said that (1) the chemical properties are too abundant
or there is an excess of cholesterol bilirubin, fatty acids and
calcium. (2) The environment of the gall-bladder may be one filled
with infection. Wells and Janse state that “the gall-bladder
is a favorable site for the accumulations of micro-organisms of
various kinds.” (3) That congestion and stenosis may delay
the utilization of the chemical elements too long, and consolidation
takes place. A synthesis of the whole three is probably nearer to
the truth than any particular one.
Cholesterol excess can be from eating too much food containing that
substance; some of which are egg yolk, liver, lard, sweetbreads,
butter, roe fish and kidneys. There are also certain body upsets
that produce an excess such as continual nervousness, diabetes,
nephritis and hypothyroidism.
Bilirubin is a product largely of the hemoglobin of the blood red
cells, and upon catabolism, the residue is thrown in the blood stream.
The calcium is excreted from the blood stream through the membranous
lining of the gall-bladder.
If there is an infection or a stenosis, or congestion preventing
the bile salts, glycocholate, and taurocholate from acting as solvents,
the cholesterol, bilirubin and calcium will form a hard combination.
Congestion, stasis or stenosis of the liver and gall-bladder are
then, predisposing causes. It is interesting to note here that in
thirty years of practice, that we cannot recall one patient who
has taken the Neuropathic three-cornered liver and gall-bladder
treatment, ever being diagnosed as having gall stones.
SYMPTOMS: There may not be many. Gall stones may exist for a long
time, dormant, and not give any trouble, and their presence be not
known until discovered by accident when X-ray pictures are made
for something else, or autopsies reveal them.
But, when they begin to migrate, many complications may arise. Obstruction
to the bile flow and distention of the organ; then will follow the
characteristic symptoms of digestive disturbances; heaviness in
right hypochondrium, tenderness on pressure over gall-bladder. Gall-stone
colic when passing through bile duct if obstructed. Pain may radiate
to back and right shoulder. Colic usually manifests when stomach
is empty. Jaundice is produced when flow of bile is obstructed.
Pain may be associated with vomiting, acidity and sweating.
PROGNOSIS: Depends on complications.
TREATMENT: Neuropathy. During acute attack, dilation of the gall-bladder
segments of the spine that are found tight and ropy in contour.
They must be relaxed.
CHIROPRACTIC: 8th, 9th, and 10th dorsals, but an adjustment is difficult
in an acute attach. Treatments may be given from the 6th to 11th
dorsal to dislodge the stone or stones.
DIET: During the acute attack all food should be withheld. Later
on, all foods rich in fat, or foods that create gas, should be avoided.
Alcohol of every kind is to be avoided. The drinking of hot water
in great quantities during the attack is recommended.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot water bag or hot fomentations or hot compresses
over the liver area, or ice bag if that gives the most relief.
COLONTHERAPY: For detoxication purposes colonic irrigations, given
by an expert two or three times a week for one month are excellent.
In the acute attack only low enemas as a rule are feasible.
SPECIAL TREATMENT: Accidental discovery of gall stones, with no
apparent symptoms, presents a problem to the physician, in view
of the fact that many live to a good old age with stones lying dormant.
Whether methods should be instituted at once to remove them without
waiting for serious disturbances or delay until they develop, has
long been a controversial question. Both sides have valid reason
for being opposed, one to the other. This we must leave to the physician
to decide, to judge each case individualy. However, when there is
pain, the physician must decide on one of two courses To try and
dissolve the stone or stones, or have surgery performed.
Medicine claims there is no other way but surgery. William Fitch
Cheney, M. D., speaking for surgery, remarks:
“About one matter physicians and surgeons will agree, i.e.,
that there is no drug or combination of drugs having the power to
dissolve gall-stones or to expel them. Patients frequently ask about
this and there are some dishonest irregular practitioners that make
claims to possess such a remedy; there is no proof, however, of
results to justify any such promises.” Encyclopedia of Medicine
& Surgery, Vol. 9, p. 218.
While John C. Hemmeter, in Sajous’ Analytic Cyclopedia of
Medicine, states the case for immediate operation as follows:
“The 4 chief dangers that may threaten the life of the carrier
of gall-stones are: 1, acute suppurative or gangrenous
cholecystitis; 2, cholangitis; 3, malignant disease of the gall-bladder;
4, operation in delayed cases. In the severer types of
acute suppurative or gangrenous cholecystitis operation should not
be delayed.
On the other hand McCoy relates in his book, “The Fast Way
to Health,” that he has seen hundreds of stones that had been
partially dissolved passed from the bodies of patients by the following
regime. He stated: “I have seen many gall-stones removed through
this treatment, but usually they are only from ¼” to
½” in diameter, being dissolved to that size before they
can pass through the gall ducts. This large stone, however, was
brought away without any cramps or colic, and with only symptoms
of nausea until it passed through.”
This first method of treatment to be used for any disorder of the
liver or gall-bladder is the olive oil and fruit juice regime. Just
before retiring the patient usually takes four ounces of olive oil,
together with four ounces of lemon, orange or grapefruit juice.
The oil and fruit juice are beaten up well together into as much
of an emulsion as possible, and the mixture, if taken just before
retiring, is less liable to cause nausea while the patient is asleep.
This may be taken on one night only, or on several nights in succession,
and should be followed by a fast with grapefruit juice, lemon juice,
or orange juice. This fast should be continued as long as necessary,
and the olive oil treatment may be taken as many times as seems
advisable to accomplish a thorough cleansing of the gall-bladder
and liver.
You will find it a great aid to the cure if neuropathic or massage
manipulations of the gall-bladder are used. Heat treatment over
the liver and gall-bladder may be expected to increase the rapidity
of the cure. This heat is best administered through the radiations
from a powerful therapeutic light or short wave apparatus.
DEFINITION: Glossitis is an inflammatory condition of the tongue
characterized by excessive heat, swelling, redness and hyperemia.
SYMPTOMS: There are two types, the acute parenchymatous and the
chronic. The symptoms of the parenchymatous type are: Swelling of
the organ, sometimes causing it to protrude from the mouth, usually
the first symptom. Severe pain follows and deglutition is impeded.
When the swelling involves the lymphatic elements in the posterior
portion of the tongue, dypsnea may appear, owing to pressure on
the epiglottis. Stomatitis and ptyalism are more or less marked.
The breath is usually fetid, owing to a thick, yellowish coating
on the lingual surface, which may also present striae of ulceration.
There may be considerable fever. The symptoms become aggravated
up to the third or fourth day, when there is a lull, followed by
gradual improvement. Occasionally an abscess forms deep in the organ,
as a rule, close to the periphery. Gangrene sometimes occurs; rarely,
but one side is affected.
Chronic Glossitis
This condition, also known as
glossitis desiccans, is, in many cases, attributed to syphilis,
when in truth it is but the result of tobacco irritation, or, as
shown by Brocq, due to gastric affectons in rheumatic subjects.
Strong alcoholic drinks are occasionally the cause.
SYMPTOMS: The tongue is red and sensitive, especially near the edges,
and oval grayish patches resembling those of syphilis replace papillae
or epithelial cells which have yielded to the superficial ulcerative
process. The resemblance to syphilis is accentuated by deep furrows,
which tend to separate the tongue into island-like, lobulated surfaces.
A foul breath is often present, especially in drunkards. The history
and the results of treatment alone facilitate diagnosis.
TREATMENT: Neuropathy. A thorough lymphatic of the whole body with
special emphasis on the liver.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of the cervicals and stomach place.
HYDROTHERAPY: Cold applications to the tongue, or ice pellets to
sup on. Cold lemon water held in the mouth is very helpful.
DIET: A fast is not difficult at this time and food should be withheld
until symptoms disappear. Liquor and tobacco only aggravate the
COLONOTHERAPY: Colonic irrigations, or high enemas daily or twice
a week would be beneficial.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: B2 and G. A mouth wash made of five drops of 120
V.M. to twenty drops of water three times a day is excellent.
Gonorrhea — Gonococcal Urethritis
DEFINITION: A contagious specific
inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra or vagina, accompanied
by a mucopurulent discharge, due to infection with gonococcus. Because
of the involvement of the urethral canal the condition is also termed
Conococcal Urethritis.
ETIOLOGY: Practically all cases of the adult are due to sexual intercourse
contact. Accidental infections are claimed but if so, they are rare.
The period of incubation in the male is from three to seven days.
SYMPTOMS IN THE MALE: Yellow mucopurulent discharge from the penis.
Inception in the urethra. May become deep-seated and affect the
prostate. Slow, difficult and painful urination, and sometimes rigidity
of the penis with great pain. The commonest example of gonorrhea
is that of the urethra of the male. The disease usually manifests
itself within three to five days after the interourse. The first
symptom is an irritation of the meatus, which becomes swollen and
of a deeper red color than normal, and shows a slight, thin, whitish
discharge. Urination usually causes considerable local smarting.
The inflammation then extends backward and rapidly becomes more
intense, so that in twenty-four to forty-eight hours the discharge
has become profuse, thick, yellowish, and, in the severer cases,
tinged with blood. Pain in urinating is very intense. The patient
has obstinate erections, especially at night, accompanied by severe
pain. The characteristic phenomena known as chordee consists in
a downward bending of the organ during erection due to loss of elasticity
of the inflamed urethra, the corpora cavernosa meanwhile distending
and elongating as usual; when this occurs the pain is especially
COMPLICATIONS: In the female there is danger of involving the organs
of generation, and sterility with a variety of inflammatory conditions,
with local peritonitis and resulting adhesions, with a possibility
of crippling the patient to invalidism. In the male there is a possibility
of stricture, prostatitis, cystitis, epididymitis, lymphagitis orchitis
and bubo, Gonorrheal arthritis and Rheumatism.
PROGNOSIS: It may clear up without any complications. Its effects
differ in individuals. Or it may become chronic producing some of
the complications mentioned above.
DIAGNOSIS: A male presenting himself to the physician with a red
swollen penis and a creamy discharge, it can be assumed he has gonorrheal
infection, and a smear should be taken for microscopic examination
at a laboratory. A female presenting herself with painful and diffcult
urination and profuse vaginal discharge, with the vulva red and
inflamed and covered with a white creamy pussy discharge, an assumption
of gonorrheal infection may be taken and a smear made for microscopic
TREATMENT: The physician and nurse should use every precaution for
self-protection. Always wash hands after tending patient. Rubber
gloves and a gown should be worn. The latter should not be worn
in caring for another patient and gloves should be sterilized after
treatment. All linens should be sterilized after using and dressings
immediately disposed of. The danger of an infected eye on the part
of the nurse is very considerable.
There are two schools of thought in regard to treatment. One school
thinks that in the early stage no treatment is to be given until
one week after the infection has begun in order that the body be
allowed to develop a natural immunity to the organism. During this
period fluids are to be taken in great amounts, the diet should
be free from condiments, alcohol and coffee, rest in bed if possible,
particularly at the time of a menstrual period, and excessive exercise
and all sexual contacts are to be avoided. After this period, active
treatment is begun. The other school thinks that treatments should
be begun at once to abort and eliminate the infection.
If reports in newspapers are accurate, that the medical profession
have found penicillin is a direct specific, and that the condition
is all cleaned up from forty-eight hours to a week without any after
effects, then gonorrhea has ceased to be a serious problem to the
drugless physician. However, we give the old standard form of treatment
here first for the male.
DIET: Gonococcus does not fare very well in an alkaline medium.
For the cure of this disease an alkalosis must be developed for
the time being. The writer has known of several cases that were
relieved by the patients going on a complete fast of skim milk,
buttermilk or clabber. About four glasses full a day were consumed.
These fasts varied from one to two weeks. But it is difficult to
get patients to go on such fasts, and the next best thing to do
is put them on a restricted diet. All meats, coffee, tea, beer,
liquors, wine, spices and condiments are aggravating. Usually this
is sufficient to allay the irritation along the urinary passages.
The patient should drink all the water that is possible for him
to do so, even to forcing it.
HYDROTHERAPY: A douche spray over all the genitalia with alternate
hot and cold water, ending with the hot, is very beneficial for
any difficulty in urination. Sitz baths, with water as hot as possible
to be borne, twice a day, for a half hour is of great help; an ice
bag may be applied to top of head.
CLEANLINESS: The patient should be required to bathe three or four
times a day. The best bath is in warm water with three or four pounds
of epsom salts dissolved in the water. Remain in the water twenty
minutes, or longer, each time. Clear hot water is good also for
this bath. Along here consider also the necessity for more than
ordinary cleanliness of the penis itself. Pull the foreskin well
back and wash gently but completely all around the end and fully
under the foreskin. Use stronger epsom solution for this or a good
antiseptic soap. After the washing of the organ use a little vaseline
around the end and within the end of the passage to keep it open,
so the discharge will pass out freely. The patient should be instructed
not to allow the foreskin of the penis to glue together, but to
wash as often as necessary to keep the opening free.
STRAPPING: The testicles should be supported by a suspensory or
some suitable device and a very soft cloth put over the penis to
catch the discharge, which should be changed frequently Sexual intercourse
should be absolutely forbidden and a violation of this restricton
should be reported to the authorities.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: The danger of sterility and impotency can be met
with Vitamin E in large doses, but Vitamin A, B6 and K are also
useful in this condition.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Great claims are made for the heat treatment of
diathermy. That if a temperature of 106 degrees is maintained for
five hours that gonorrhea can be cured in one or two treatments.
There are about five different methods, but the one generally used
is to give the patient the general hyper-pyrexia at the same time
using local diathermy over the part infected. This permits the area
to be heated much hotter than is recorded by the body temperature.
If possible these treatments should be given in a hospital or an
institution equipped for emergencies that may arise unless there
are to be many treatments when the hyper-pyrexia on each visit does
not exceed 102 or 103 degrees. Infrared has some value in alleviating
COLONOTHERAPY: Daily irrigations or enemas may be given of hot water,
but care must be taken not to injure the prostate.
HERBOLOGY: Equal parts of Yellow Dock, Red Clover Tops, Burdock,
Elm Root, Myrrh. A teaspoonful of mixed herbs in a cup of boiling
water, let stand till cool, strain, use cupful three times a day.
Tincture of Buchu 2 oz., Tincture of Uva Ursi 2 oz., Sweet spirits
of Nitre 2 oz., Alcohol 2 oz., Tincture Juniper Berries 2 oz., Oil
of Eucalyptus 20 drops. Cut the oil in the 2 oz of alcohol first.
Then mix and shake before using. Use a teaspoonful three to four
times a day. Take less if too strong.
The above forms of treatment are also applicable to the female in
addition to the following vaginal douches of hot water three times
a day Ten drops of 120 V. M. may be added to each pint of water
The writer for several years has refrained from taking cases of
this nature or syphilis, referring them to hospitals or dispensaries
where better control of the patient’s habits can be maintained
and since they are reportable as communicable diseases, the responsibility
of the final report is placed on the treating agency.
Gout — Acute, Chronic
DEFINITION: A disturbance of
metabolism, involving the disposition of purine substances in the
blood, resulting in excessive uric acid in the blood and deposits
of sodium urates in and around the joints, accompanied by inflammation.
ETIOLOGY: Claimed to be often hereditary. More common in males than
females, and is usually seen after the 40th year. The excessive
use of wines, malt liquors, over-eating, bad sedentary habits, nervous
strain and chronic lead and aluminum poisoning all can be predisposing
SYMPTOMS: Usually before an attack there is restlessness, insomnia,
moroseness, irritability, dyspepsia, and changes in the urine, the
urine becoming scanty, high colored, and deficient in urates. The
arthritic signs usually appear suddenly in the early morning hours
and are characterized by pain and swelling in the ball of the great
toe. The affected joint is so tender that the slightest pressure
causes agony. It is of a reddish-purple color; and the overlying
veins are full and distinct. During the paroxysm the temperature
is moderately elevated (101-102 degrees F.) and the pulse quickened.
Toward daylight the pain subsides to a great extent and the patient
falls asleep. During the day he is comparatively comfortable, but
there are severe returns for several or many nights. At first the
attacks may be a year apart, but as they multiply the intervals
grow less, until finally the patient is seldom entirely free from
suffering, for it may pass into the chronic stage when the ankles,
wrists and elbows become involved and become enlarged, stiff and
painful. Chalk-like deposits sometimes ulcerate their way through
the skin, and are discharged in a pus formation.
PROGNOSIS: Acute gout is quickly relieved by physical therapy and
dietary methods, but in the severe chronic form the tendency to
renal and arterial complications makes the prognosis very guarded.
HYDROTHERAPY: For relief of
pain, the leg should be elevated and wrapped in cotton or wool,
and then cloths soaked in a magnesium sulphate solution, continually
applied. If the above should not give relief, then a new wrapping
of cotton is applied, and an ice pack put over the cotton. A glycerin
pack has many advantages, soaking the cotton-wrapped part with glycerin,
then covering with another layer of cotton.
HEUROPATHY: A thorough lymphatic of the whole lymph system with
a sedation of the whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Local, kidney, spleen and liver place.
DIET: A fast of a few days with or without milk is probably the
best procedure. The majority of sufferers are usually overfed and
obese. After the fast, vegetable soups for a day or two, then No.
2 diet as long as no weakness is shown, then a gradual working back
to No. 1 diet. If the patient can tolerate them, citrus fruits and
juices are helpful. But some patients do not tolerate them even
with meals, and if this is found true, then the juices even in the
diets will need changing. Drinking large quantities of water should
be encouraged for a few weeks.
COLONTHERAPY: The bowels may be irrigated thoroughly once or twice
a week for three weeks.
HYDROTHERAPY: In addition to what was mentioned above, sulphur baths,
Turkish baths, sweating are all helpful.
EXERCISE: A general vitality building exercise, and swimming and
bathing are of importance in eradicating this disease The exercises,
however, should be mild and in the open air.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Since this is a disease of the metabolic processes
and oxygen is a prime element in the oxidative process, it will
be generally found that these patients have very serious obstructions
to the ingestion and utilization of oxygen in the open and closed
cavities. The nasal cavities, external and internal, should be put
in order and obstructons removed, by the Lake Recoil, by the opening
of the facial sutures, and dilating the nasal canal with the little
finger, and by swabbing and enlarging the pharyngeal cavity.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Diathermy, sine wave, short wave, infra-red, ultra
violet, all can be used very effectively.
FOOT ADJUSTING: When pain is aborted, thorough massage and kneading
is helpful in breaking up the deposits, then can follow the three-point
foot technique as outlined elsewhere, to put the bones in true conformity.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: High B2 and G1 or A and D.
Hay Fever
DEFINITION: Sometimes called
an allergic disease of the mucous passages of the nose and upper
air passasges. It is characterized by a thin, watery discharge from
the nose, and burning of the membrane with sneezing.
ETIOLOGY: A long standing rhinitis, auto-intoxication, nasal catarrh
which may become activated by certain odors or seasons of the year.
PROGNOSIS: Recovery is the rule where the causes can be removed.
The disease is never fatal and as age advances the attacks may become
less severe.
NEUROPATHY: A thorough lymphatic
twice a week with a strong stimulation treatment by friction in
the gutter of the spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Cervical 4, 7 and Dorsal 1.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: See treatment for Rhinitis and Asthma, this
book, or in the book “Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques.”
DIET: Treatments for hay fever should begin at least two months
before the season of the particular type. Rose cold generally begins
the latter part of May and early part of June and lasts through
August. Autumnal catarrhal hay fever begins in the latter part of
August and ends at the first frost. In both these types there is
usually an auto-intoxication. The procedure is to start months before
with eliminating that condition. See Auto-intoxication in this book.
The diets used by the writer are No. 2 for a week, then alternate
1 and 2 up to and through the summer.
Give the Neuropathy, Chiropractic and Endo-Nasal treatment twice
COLONTHERAPY: High colonics are in order twice a week for three
weeks or daily enemas by the patient.
PSYCHIATRY: The physician will need to use many suggestive therapeutic
ideas, because the average patient with this condition is skeptical
because of a mental fixation that it is sure to appear on time and
generally the time is kept in mind, giving to the patient a feeling
of almost helplessness and of martyrdom.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra violet applied to the membrane by means of
a cold quartz orificial unit or the light from a water-cooled lamp
applied through a nasal applicator is helpful. Zinc ionization has
been advised. The nasal cavity is packed with a narrow strip of
gauze saturated with a 2 per cent solution of zinc sulphate. Sometimes
it is necessary to spray the nasal membrane with a 2 per cent solution
of butyn to allay the irritation. When the gauze is used, connect
with the positive pole of a good galvanic machine. The negative
pole should be an electrode, 4 by 5 inches, placed at the back of
the neck. Use four to twelve milliamperes of current for five to
fifteen minutes, depending upon the tolerance of the patient. About
sixty milliampere minutes is the average dose. Repeat the treatment
several times if necesssary. This is not a specific treatment but
it gives results in some cases. A combination of zinc ionization
with the ultra-violet is advised for some patients.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamins A and C in large doses are recommended.
HERBOLOGY: Make a tea of Life Everlasting, take a cupful night and
morning; also make a pillow of it and sleep on it.
Yellow Dock Root, pulverized and snuffed up nostrils is helpful.
DEFINITION: A pain or distress
in the head.
ETIOLOGY: May come from any of the sources mentioned below: Subluxations
of any of the vertebrae which may cause a reflex to the head. Perversion
of the blood flow by over-activity of the vaso-constrictors to the
head or of the vaso-dilators.
Headaches may be classified as Hysterical headache due to some type
of neurosis; Organic headache, from meningitis, intracranial syphilis,
cerebral tumor, abscess and softening of the brain. This is suspected
when the headache is persistent and there is vertigo and vomiting.
Hyperemic and Anemic headaches; too much blood or too little blood
to the brain; from mental strain or a general anemia or hypertension.
Congestive headaches; catarrhal congestion gives a characteristic
cold fulness of the head. Reflex headache may be due to eye strain,
bad posture, ovarian or uterine disorders, sometimes spoken of as
menstrual headache. Sinus headache, due to inflammation of the frontal
ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinus. Gastric headache, from gastric upsets,
usually relieved by vomiting. Toxemic headache is usually uremic
in origin. A high arterial tension is usually present with albumin
and casts in the urine.
Among toxic headaches may be those caused by alcoholism, monoxide
poisoning from gasoline fumes in congested cities. Tea, coffee,
and other condiments with a host of other substances and habits,
may be contributing factors.
DIAGNOSIS: Headache must be distinguished from migraine. In the
latter the attacks are usually more distinctly periodic; the pain
is often unilateral, and is frequently accompanied by vomiting,
vasomotor disturbances, and subjective visual phenomena.
Headache in the region of the orbit may be mistaken for acute glaucoma,
but in the latter condition the eye is inflamed; the cornea is hazy;
the pupil is sluggish; vision is impaired; and on palpation the
affected eyeball is found to be harder than its fellow.
TREATMENT: Relief of the acute condition may be given at once by
hydrotherapy measures, using hot or cold compresses to the back
of the neck and over the pain area. The Lake Recoil if skillfully
performed will usually give relief at once.
CRANIAL THERAPY: Please turn to that section and read the methods
to treat headache, but in the interval between headaches, that come
at regular periods, and continue, diligent search should be made
for the underlying cause. By personal and clinical examination the
cause is not usually hard to find.
DEFINITION: A protrusion of
one or more of the abdominal viscera, and is sometimes referred
to as a rupture.
VARIETIES: If the protrusion is noticed at birth it is known as
congenital hernia. If the protrusion takes place after birth it
is known as acquired hernia. Hernias take their names from the locations
in which they occur. A few are as follows: Cerebral hernia, of the
brain; femoral hernia, descending of intestines beside femoral vessels;
inguinal hernia, passing of intestines through inguinal canal occurs
in 80 per cent of cases of hernia; lumbar hernia, in lumbar regions
or loins; phrenic hernia, projecting through the diaphragm into
one of the pleural cavities; strangulated hernia, compressed in
some part of opening through which it protrudes, interfering with
circulation of part exposed.
ETIOLOGY: It is thought that about 20 per cent of hernias are of
congenital or hereditary origin; 40 per cent are rupture before
the age of 35; 60 per cent of ruptures occur after that age; 80
per cent of ruptures are of the inguinal type. The chief existing
cause of acquired hernia is sudden strain, but anything that tends
to weaken the abdominal wall, or any wall; for example, too much
strain or an injury may cause a break. Obesity. Strain in excessive
sexual activity, or heavy lifting, may be contributing factors.
TREATMENT of the various hernias may be as follows. Umbilical hernias
are usually found in babies and children. One method of treating
is to wrap a large overcoat button in a piece of sterile gauze.
A coin the size of a half dollar or dollar will also do. Press this
button or coin over the navel and strap it in place with adhesive
tape. The straps should be placed crosswise so that the abdominal
muscles are brought close together in the mid-line over the rupture.
This should be kept up for six to eight months, when it will be
found that the rupture has healed. Large hernia may have to be operated
upon, but this is only rarely necessary.
Inguinal hernia is the one that demands the attention of the physician
more than any other. Inguinal hernias may be classified as soft,
hard, and strangulated. The old classification was reducible, irreducible,
and strangulated. But it has been found that with the passing of
the years, some so-called irreducible hernias have been reduced.
DIAGNOSIS: The soft hernia is a soft tumor like swelling that is
found in one of the hernial openings. This swelling disappears to
a large extent on lying down, or even on moderate pressure. It may
increase in size on coughing, straining, especially straining at
stool. There are sensations of discomfort noted particularly when
walking. The character of the swelling varies according to contents
of the sac. If it contains the bowel alone, it feels smooth and
elastic. If the sac contains the omentum the tumor is more uneven,
is lobulated and is without elasticity.
Both bowel and omentum may fill the sac, then there is a combination
of the above symptoms.
The hard or irreducible hernia is any form that may become hard
because of pressure. The irreducible hernia is not much different
from reducible hernia except that the irreducible is more difficult
or impossible to replace in the abdominal cavity. The symptoms,
besides the evidence of the sac, are distress, colic, constipation,
and inflammation, and strangulation is a possible complication.
A strangulated hernia is one in which the loop of the bowel is so
constricted as to prevent the passage of fecal matter, and to interfere
with circulation.
This may be caused by engorgement of the sac, and by adhesions.
TREATMENT: The effort is to return the contents forming the sac
back up into the abdomen, and give the orifice a chance to close
and heal. In an infant or child, the child can be put on a table
with the head much lower than the legs. Then the sac can be gradually
worked upward into the abdomen. When this is done, a pad or a roller
bandage can be firmly fixed over the inguinal canal by adhesive
strapping. For a day at least no solid food should be permitted
to prevent straining at stool. An enema should be given before the
above operation, and absolute rest for at least four hours afterward.
In the adult cases of all hernias: The following attempt may be
made to put the tissues back in place. The patient is placed on
a table with the head lowered a little. The contents of the abdomen
are kneeded upward spreading them out into their natural anatomical
position, while the kneeding is going on. After the above technique
has been done for five minutes then a large size vacuum cup is placed
five inches above the hernia. This cup is inflated just enough to
grip. The left hand of the physician is used to push up lightly
on the cup while the right hand manipulates in such a manner as
to restore the omentum or bowel back into place. If success is achieved,
then a truss or belt is put on. An enema should precede the above
operation, and the patient should rest for several hours, abstaining
from eating solid food for a day or two, and also from hard labor,
or even light labor if possible. This operation can be repeated
weekly if necessary but the truss or belt is worn continuously.
In the strangulated form of hernia, a flexing of the legs upward,
and at the same time an effort to release the strangulated portion
may be made. But usually this type requires surgery, and a surgeon
should be consulted before it becomes too late.
Zoster - Shingles
DEFINITION: Herpes Zoster is
an acute inflammatory disease of the skin, appearing over definite
nerve areas preceded by warning symptoms accompanied by more or
less severe pain, with usually a unilateral eruption, characterized
by the occurrence of groups of firm, tense, globoid vesicles rising
from an edematous, base, sometimes followed by ulceration and scarring.
The other forms of herpes such as facialis, progenitalis and labialis
are all related more or less in definition and etiology in that
all the nerve areas affected seem to be affected by perversions
of the nervous systems in the particular area, which does not have
the power at the time to carry away the toxins that are deposited
in that peculiar locality.
ETIOLOGY: Perversions of the posterior nervous ganglia or subluxations
of local zones to the area afflicted. Certain medicines like the
arsenical compounds may produce shingles. There is a thought that
a specific virus is present which is as yet unnamed but closely
associated with chicken pox. The blisters look the same in both
diseases, but in chickenpox the blisters occur in crops which appear
at irregular intervals and which affect the entire body, more or
less, on both sides of the body, whereas shingles is usually confined
to a single area on one side of the body.
There is a type known as symptomatic zoster, which affects the cells
of the posterior root ganglion. From affections of the posterior
root ganglia in tabes, or irritation of those ganglia from neoplasms,
or injuries, or from the exudations from chronic syphilis.
SYMPTOMS: This disease starts with pain in the region where the
blisters will ultimately appear. The pain lasts for several days.
Then the skin gets red along the nerve which is affected. Clusters
of blisters form on this reddened area. Herpes zoster occurs at
any age, and in both sexes. The disease is more common in adults.
After the disappearance of the eruption, the nerves continue to
show signs of irritation for a long time afterward.
PROGNOSIS: The prognosis is always good in the young and healthy
adults but very grave in the aged people, for it is now regarded
in the aged as a warning of the approach of death. Zoster may clear
up of itself in a few days or it may last for weeks. The old fiction
that if shingles meet in the middle that death will immediately
follow is now regarded as a myth. But it does mean a double dose
of the irritation and is exceedingly painful.
TREATMENT: This disease has two aspects that require special attention:
First, it is a disease of the nerves. Second, the nerves may be
impaired because of an inadequate blood supply in quantity or quality
or both.
NEUROPATHY: Light sedation along the spine, with special emphasis
on the area involved. A lymphatic of all the body is in order if
it can be done without giving pain to the area involved.
CHIROPRCTIC: Adjustment. Local and kidney place.
ELECTROTHERAPY: For pain infrared is indicated. For healing purposes,
general body irradiation with the body type ultra-violet is always
indicated and should be given daily. Apply short wave ultra-violet
from a water cooled quartz lamp directly to the affected areas,
producing a second or third degree erythema along the course of
the nerve and repeat if necessary as soon as conditions will permit.
The application of galvanic current over the area of one to three
MA once or twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes or less. This is accomplished
by moving the negative pole over the diseased area and placing the
positive pole over the main artery which supplies the area. Short
wave over the area has also been found to be beneficial in some
cases. X-rays are sometimes necessary for intense neuralgia.
HERBOLOGY: Equal parts of Prickly Ash, Burdock, Black Cohosh and
Poke Root. Place heaping teaspoonful in a teacupful of boiling water
and allow to stand until cold. Strain and drink mouthful of tea
several times a day.
HYDROTHERAPY: Alternate hot and cold compresses for twenty minutes
or a hot and cold water bag may give relief. Lime water, black wash
and carron oil may be applied freely to the affected area.
DIET: A partial fasting routine with milk may be the best thing
that can be done. A fast of fresh fruit juices for a few days is
sometimes helpful. If anemia is present, diet No. 1 is in order
and supplements of large doses of Vitamins A, B1, C and D.
VACUUM THERAPY: For a renewed circulation vacuum therapy along the
spine until a real hyperemia has been obtained is a wonderful method
of treatment.
Heart Disorders
DEFINITION: An inflammation
of the pericardium.
ETIOLOGY: It generally results from infections, such as rheumatism,
chorea and pleurisy. It may take three forms, the acute fibrinous
pericarditis in which there is a hyperemic stage marked by congestion
of the visceral layer. There is an exudation from its surface of
fibrin, a sticky whitish elastic substance, which causes an enlargement
of the pericardium and forms adhesions.
The sero fibrinous type in which there is an effusion of serum.
The effusion of serum varies in each case, but in some it may go
from a few ounces to several pints.
PURULENT PERICARDITIS: In this form there is in addition to the
sero-fibrinous an exudation of pus. This type is also known as empyema
of the pericardium.
HEMORRHAGIC PERICARDITIS: In this type there is a hemorrhage or
extravasation of blood into the sac during the course of the previously
mentioned inflammation. It may occur as a result of rupture or aneurism
during the attack of pericarditis.
Adhesive pericarditis in which the layers of the pericardium adhere
to each other or to the pleura.
SYMPTOMS: Precordial pain or discomfort, palpitation, dypsnea, moderate
fever, and weakness are the usual symptoms, but in many cases the
disease is latent and only discovered on routine examination. The
face may be unduly pale or distinctly cyanosed, the veins of the
neck may be turgid, and occasionally, if the effusion is large,
there may be hoarseness from pressure upon the recurrent laryngeal
nerve or difficulty in swallowing from pressure on the esophagus.
PHYSICAL SIGNS: In the early stage of serofibrinous pericarditis
and throughout the fibrinous pericarditis the only characteristic
sign is the friction sound. This is a superficial rubbing or creaking
sound, usually double (to and fro) and of cardiac rhythm, but not
absolutely synchronous with the normal cardiac sounds. It is best
heard, as a rule, in the fourth left intercostal space, and not
transmitted beyond the precordium. On palpation, the apex beat is
hardly noticed or is lost entirely.
INSPECTION: The precordium may be abnormally prominent, especially
in children.
PALPATION: The apex beat is feeble or lost. A pulsation is sometimes
apparent in the fourth interspace.
PERCUSSION: The area of cardiac dullness is increased and irregularly
pear-shaped with the base directed downward and the stem upward.
It often extends above the third costal. In the purulent pericarditis
there are some symptoms common to infections such as irregular fever,
chills, sweats and pallor.
In the adherent type the following symptoms and signs may be noticed.
Enlargement of the heart with (1) systolic retraction in the region
of the apex and also posteriorly in the region of the eleventh and
twelfth ribs; inspiratory swelling of the cervical veins; diastolic
collapse of the cervical veins; absence of shifting of the apex-beat
with change of the patient’s posture and during full inspiration;
deficiency in the respiratory movements of the diaphragm. With these
physical signs there are often symptoms of cardiac failure —
dypsnea, edema of the legs.
PROGNOSIS: Seldom fatal. On the other hand, it may in addition to
some other disease that may attack the person, so weaken the respiratory
process and recuperative powers that a fatal termination may come
NEUROPATHY: A thorough and complete lymphatic with sedation of the
pericardial segments.
CHIROPRACTIC: H.P., C.P. and K.P. D 2-4.
HYDROTHERAPY: For pain dry cold or heat may be used. An ice bag
wrapped in flannel is a good procedure and this is put over the
heart. But in some cases heat gives relief quicker.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cupping all over the upper back is usually of great
benefit. The cups should be placed along the spinal column first
, then to the sides covering the whole area. It is also wise in
the beginning to put the cups over the area and around the pericardium.
It is probably unnecessary to say that at first the cups should
be applied mildly.
ELECTROTHERAPY: In each case it may be well to give a number of
diathermy or short wave treatments for a large number of cases respond
well to those therapies. The pads are put on the back and front.
Concussion of the 7th cervical by the hand, machine or sine wave
has great value for inhibitory purposes.
DIET: During the acute stage a fast of a few days, with or without
milk will sometimes correct the trouble. When the acute stage has
passed then Diet No. 2 may be given for a few days followed by No.
1 with modifications as the physician deems justified.
COLONOTHERAPY: The alimentary canal should be thoroughly cleaned
out once, then daily enemas for some time. The temperature of the
water. If the fever is high the temperature can be between 85 and
95 degrees F. If the patient has chills, then the water can go as
high as 110 degrees F.
HERBOLOGY: Heart tonics are Hawthorne Berries, Mistletoe, Sweet
Balm, Cleavers, Corn Silk, Valerian, Lavender Flowers. A good combination
tea is made from Lily of the Valley, Black Cohosh, Valerian, Wild
Cherry, Gentian, Wild Strawberry and Mistletoe.
A botanical laxative is usually indicated in any heart ailment;
an excellent one is Senna Alexandria, Senna Tin, Turtlebloom leaves,
German Cheese Plant, Fennel Seed, May Apple, Jamaica Ginger, Bluets,
Sweet Weed, Buckthorn Bark, Licorice Root, Sacred Bark. It is well
to remember that heart trouble is always the result of a toxic condition
of the blood stream.
Asparagus is good for the heart and so is chlorophyll.
Crataegus Oxycantha (Barberry) 1 teaspoonful
Leonurus cardiaca (Motherwort) 1 oz.
Hydrastis (Golden Seal) ½ teaspoonful
Althaea (Marshmallow) 2 oz.
Place in cup of boiling water,
let cool, strain, and take one dessertspoonful every three hours.
oz., Skullcap 1 oz., Tansy ½ oz. Boil in a quart of water 20
minutes. Wineglassful three times a day.
HEART WEAKNESS: Roman Motherwort ½ oz., Lily of the Valley
1 oz. Infuse in quart of boiling water. Half a teacupful three times
a day.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: When the acute attack has passed, then the Endo-Nasal
techniques; with breathing exercises of fresh air are very important
for permanent elimination of the condition.
DEFINITION: An acute or chronic
inflammation of the lining membrane of the heart. Usually confined
to the external lining of the valve, sometimes to the lining of
its chambers.
TYPES: Simple, Benign, Malignant, Ulcerative, Sclerotic, Rheumatic.
ETIOLOGY: Primary causes, excessive vaso-constriction of the heart
segment s of the spinal nerves or a subluxation of the second dorsal.
The secondary causes of acute endocarditis may be caused by acute
rheumatism or acute chorea (St. Vitus’ dance).
Much less frequently it results from acute tonsillitis, one of the
acute specific infections, or focal septic infection. Malignant
endocarditis is, as a rule, secondary to septicemia from open wounds,
erysipelas, gonorrhea or pneumonia, and usually attacks valves that
are already the seat of sclerotic changes. The Streptococcus hemolyticus
is the most common causative agent, but the gonococcus, pneumococcus,
or staphylococcus may be the organism concerned. Subacute infective
endocarditis, which is more common than the malignant form, nearly
always attacks valves that are already damaged. It is usually secondary
to some focus of infection in the tonsils, gums, roots of the teeth
or elsewhere that has caused little or no local disturbance. The
exciting agent is almost invariably the Streptococcus viridans.
Chronic endocarditis may be congenital, may follow an acute attack,
or may develop insidiously as a sequence of syphilis, gout, alcoholism,
plumbism, or chronic nephritis.
All the above types may be caused by a general anoxemia.
SYMPTOMS: The onset of acute endocarditis is insidious. There may
be no symptoms which call especial attention to the organ affected.
There may be a slight rise of temperature and some quickening, and
possibly some irregularity, of the pulse. In the benign form there
may be no evidence of the disease until two or three months after
it has run its course, when impairment of the valves is detected.
In some cases there is precordial pain, or, if the patient is a
child, they may be epigastric distress, with vomiting. The pulse
is of low tension, and the patient may be restless and anxious,
and may prefer a somewhat recumbent to a horizontal position. Examination
of the heart will disclose in most cases a murmur, usually of a
blowing character, and usually systolic in time. It may accompany
or replace the normal sound. Before there is an actual murmur, it
may be possible to detect an impurity and prolongation of the first
sound of the heart, indicating involvement of the mitral valve.
Even in the malignant form the symptoms may be masked by those of
the original disease. In the severer cases sometimes there is a
true chill or a succession of chills, and the fever may be either
typhoidal or intermittent or remittent in its character. The patient
gives evidence of great prostration. The pulse is rapid and irregular;
the body bathed in profuse perspiration; the spleen enlarged and
tender. There may be a rose-colored eruption upon the body; more
often petechiae are seen. The number of white corpuscles in the
blood is greatly increased.
A general summation of symptoms may be as follows: High fever, chills,
profuse sweats, great prostration, often delirium and stupor, hurried
breathing, rapid irregular pulse, brown fissured tongue, jaundice
and diarrhea frequently present.
PROGNOSIS: Guarded. While an attack may not prove fatal, it rarely
leaves the heart undamaged. If a compensatory enlargement of the
heart takes place, life may go on for a long time.
TREATMENT: In the acute stage the patient should be confined to
bed, with an ice bag over the heart to allay its excitement or this
may be done by concussion of the 7th cervical.
After the acute stage has passed, then a prolonged series of treatments
may be necessary.
NEUROPATHY: Mild lymphatic treatment with sedation of the whole
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of D-2, and any other places indicated.
Concussion of the 7th cervical with indications to stop when pulse
is even.
HYDROTHERAPY: If the patient is up and around during the day, an
ice bag can be put over the heart during the night for twenty minutes
while resting. And these patients should be at rest as much as possible.
It may be possible they may have to abstain from working from four
to eight weeks.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Nasal dilation, external and Internal will aid
in overcoming any anoxemia present.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short wave, diathermy, and infrared have been recommended
with sittings of ten minutes on each visit.
HERBOLOGY: See under Pericarditis.
DEFINITION: An acute inflammation
of the heart muscle, which if continued results in degeneration
of the heart muscle.
ETIOLOGY: Myocarditis is always the result of some previous morbid
condition elsewhere in the body, either through a perforating trauma
or by means of the blood or by continuity of tissue. It complicates
typhoid fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria, variola, cerebrospinal
meningitis, pneumonia, influenza, malaria, rheumatism and, in rare
instances, tonsillitis.
It may be caused by sepsis, as in malignant endocarditis, puerperal
fever, osteomyelitis, erysipelas, and gonorrhea. In some instances
the specific germs of these various infections are carried to the
heart with the blood; this has been demonstrated in the case of
typhoid fever, septic diseases and gonorrhea.
SYMPTOMS: May be along the following lines: Dypsnea, precordial
discomfort, palpitation, pallor and weakness of the pulse out of
proportion to the severity of the general infection are important
manifestations. The pulse is usually rapid and irregular, but there
may be bradycardia from vagal disturbance or depressed conductivity
of the auriculoventricular bundle (heart-block). The first sound
at the apex is weak and indistinct or replaced by a soft systolic
murmur, and the blood pressure is, as a rule, low. The heart may
or may not be dilated.
A general listing of etiology symptoms and signs may be as follows:
Marked by primary disease, great weakness, cardiac palpitation with
irregularity, small feeble pulse, and dypsnea; praecordial pain
and distress. Acute septic myocarditis: Localized suppurative inflammation
of the heart muscle.
ETIOLOGY: Distant infection; suppurating pericardium or endocardium.
Physical signs in myocarditis; Apex beat extremely weak and rapid;
pulse irregular and weak; tenderness over precordium, percussion
negative, auscultation reveals first sound of heart resembling second
heart sound, high pitched and wanting in muscular quality.
CHRONIC MYOCARDITIS: Characterized by round-cell infiltration of
interstitial tissue, followed by parenchymatous changes of muscle
TREATMENT: The same as under Endocarditis in the acute stage, then
a diligent search is made for the cause. But while this search is
going on the patient should avoid as far as possible muscular overexertion,
mental strain and excitement. The diet should be very simple. It
might be well to try No. 2 diet for a long time, liquor and tobacco
are strictly forbidden. Constipation should be relieved by enemas
or colonics. Exercises might consist of walking at regular intervals
during the day. For nocturnal attacks, the ice bag, or hot applications
will give relief.
When the cause is found, then treatment for it can be instituted.
DEFINITION: An infiltration
of fat tissue into the heart muscle. When the muscle begins to degenerate,
it is known as fatty degeneration of the heart.
ETIOLOGY: Fatty infiltration results from the causes which lead
to general obesity.
SYMPTOMS: The presence of dypsnea and palpitations may be the only
sign that the condition is present. In the degenerative form the
symptoms are the same as in myocarditis and the treatment is the
same, but with the exception that the fat or general obesity must
be reduced. See treatment for Obesity.
Additional Herbology to what is found under pericarditis.
Snow berry will increase the heart action.
Sheep Laurel will act as a sedative.
Motherwort is a nervine and heart tonic.
Bitter Candy Tuft is good for an enlarged heart and so is Lycopus
(Bugleweed) as they relieve the difficult and oppressed breathing.
DEFINITION: A functional disturbance
of the heart without any evidence of pathology.
ETIOLOGY: There are four types of this neurosis. Bradycardia, Tachycardia,
Palpitations and Arrhythmia.
SYMPTOMS: Bradycardia — The heart action is periodically or
permanently slowed down. Bradycardia is said to begin when the heart
action is reduced to forty beats per minute.
ETIOLOGY: Total bradycardia is also known as sinus bradycardia because
it is probably always of nervous origin. It is occasionally observed
as an individual peculiarity in healthy persons. It may occur in
convalescence from acute febrile disease; myxedema (reduced metabolism);
lesions irritating the vagus centrally or peripherally, such as
meningitis, mediastinal tumor, or adenopathy; certain painful affections,
such as lead colic, biliary colic, etc.; and cachectic states.
PALPITATION: A rapid and noisy action of the heart perceptible to
the patient.
ETIOLOGY: It may result from reflex irritation as from flatulent
distention of the stomach; excitement, mental or physical; organic
heart disease; exophthalmic goiter; over-work; anemia, neurasthenia
or hysteria; paroxysmal tachycardia.
SYMPTOMS: In the mild cases the physical signs are hardly noticed
unless there is valvular disease. There may be some precordial distress
and oppression such as dypsnea. But in the more severe cases when
there are violent paroxysms these manifestations are increased in
proportion, and the heart beats may become tumultuous; the beat
against the chest is violent; the patient can only speak with the
greatest difficulty; his face is pale and covered with cold sweat,
and he may suddenly lapse into unconsciousness. While the arteries
throb violently, the throbbing may not correspond with the cardiac
pulsations. The radial pulse may seem quite normal and violent cardiac
action exist. Again, the heart may simply beat with greatly increased
force without necessarily involving the rapidity of its pulsations.
TACHYCARDIA: A periodical or constant fast beating of the heart.
When the beats reach 150 the condition is termed Tachycardia.
ETIOLOGY: Habitual frequency is sometimes noted in health. The frequency
may be temporarily increased by erect posture, excitement, eating
and the use of stimulants.
Abnormal frequency may be due to Pyrexia. The pulse usually bears
a definite relation to the temperature as in Hyperthyroidism, Organic
heart disease, severe anemias, emotional stress, Essential paroxysmal
tachycardia, action of certain drugs — belladonna, nitrites,
thyroid extract, etc. Pressure palsy of the vagus from aneurysm,
and thoracic tumors.
SYMPTOMS: occasionally, at the inception of the disturbance, there
is a sensation of a premature cardiac pain. The patient may not
be conscious of the rapid rate as palpitation if the disturbance
is regular, but again the overactivity may be quite disturbing and
may be the patient’s chief complaint. Occasionally giddiness,
faintness, vertigo, weakness, exhaustion, depression, smothering
and epigastric fullness, nausea, and vomiting may be present.
Patients during an attack may exhibit much anxiety, pallor, then
grayness and cyanosis, coldness and clamminess. The neck vessels
and the precordium throb rapidly and more or less violently. There
is a rapid tic-tac embryocardia, but usually no murmurs or adventitious
sounds are heard. The pulse is small, rapid and regular. The heart
beat remains regular and rapid between 180 and 220 per minute usually;
occasionally it drops as low as 140 and rises as high as 240 at
the extremes.
Arrhythmia is an irregular heart action causing absence of rhythm.
Two or more beats may occur in quick succession, a long pause ensuing,
or other irregularities.
ETIOLOGY: The primary cause is changes in the rhythmical tone of
the vagus nerve. Nervous irritability in childhood, adolescence
and senility. Treatment of the above types of cardiac neurosis may
consist of the following:
FOR THE BRADYCARDIA: Hot applications over the heart. A sedation
of the 7th 1st and 2nd dorsals.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment at the heart segments. Light pressure may
be made on the tenth cranial nerve just below the carotid sinus.
See drawing on page 160 of Cranial nerves and joints of contact.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: To quicken the heart beat concussion of the atlas,
and middle cervical should be used.
Palpitations or fast heart may be reduced instantly by concussion
of the 7th cervical which can also be used in tachycardia.
In all the conditions mentioned under Cardia Neurosis there are
three outstanding forms of treatment. First: See that circulation
is kept in order. The vacuum cups over the whole spine will aid
in this effort.
Second: Psychiatry. Most of these patients have some tensions or
elemental fears that need to be brought to light and the patient
properly oriented to his environment. Many of these have had slight
attacks before and are fearful of sudden death. They need to be
given assurance.
Third: Endo-Nasal Therapy, especially the Lake Recoil; opening the
external and internal nares.
Fourth: Diet should be light but highly nutritious, supplemented
by B, G and a low salt intake.
Fifth: Proper rest periods and breathing exercises before an open
window, if not too cold; while inhaling the arms should be very
slowly raised, then on exhaling the arms are slowly allowed to descend.
DEFINITION: A clonic spasm of
the diaphragm, which may cause a distress and sometimes ends in
ETIOLOGY: May be due to fast eating or drinking, this may be but
temporary. Long continued hiccups may follow serious acute or chronic
illness and extreme exhaustion. It may follow irritation of the
phrenic nerve by subluxation, and perversions, or by pressure of
a thoracic aneurism. It may be reflex from stomachic, hepatic, intestinal,
or peritoneal disease. It may be due to hysteria. It is occasionally
epidemic and apparently in relation with influenza or epidemic encephalitis.
TREATMENT: Hiccups should be stopped immediately lest the spasms
become habitual or intermittent and last for a long time. The treatments
are largely experimental, for what will succeed in one case may
not in another case. Holding the breath as long as possible will
check it in many mild cases.
Zone therapy has many suggestions to offer, such as compression
of the ball of the thumbs with the little fingers, pressure on each
side of the neck with one index finger on each side. Pressure is
held firmly for a short time. Pulling out the tongue and making
pressure on its surface in the middle.
HYDROTHERAPY: Cold compresses to the neck. Sipping of a glass of
cold water a little at a time with or without pinching the nose.
NEUROPATHIC MINOR SURGERY: Flex legs up as far as possible, then
raise the contents of the abdomen, especially the diaphragm, and
hold for a few minutes; repeat at least five times.
EXERCISES: Hanging by both arms to a cross-bar or a door has stopped
the spasms in some cases. Lifting of a heavy weight may be tried.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the 7th cervical has been one of
the most effective methods in mild cases.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: One case the writer had was that of a man who
was utterly exhausted from the spasms. Every known method had been
tried. Sometimes by some methods he would get relief, then the spasms
would start again. The technique in this case was to hold the soft
palate wide open and then to concuss the 7th cervical, while holding
the palate open. After four daily treatments, each treatment lasting
a minute, the spasms stopped entirely.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustments C 4, D 4-8.
After the spasm has been stopped in persistent cases, diligent search
should be made for the causes.
This is a collection of fluid
in the tunica vaginalis. It may be acute, as the result of extension
of inflammation from either the epididymis or testicle; congenital,
-- the result of anatomical deficiency in the vaginal and funicular
processes; or it may be encysted. In many cases, however, the cause
is not appreciable, although it is probable that traumatism and
strains may favor its development.
In the acute variety of hydrocele, owing to the prominence of the
symptoms of the primary condition, the characteristic symptoms are
not pronounced. Pain is agonizing and is due to pressure. In the
encysted form, swelling, of slow formation, beginning at base of
the scrotum and which is pyriform in shape, smooth, tense, fluctuating,
and elastic on pressure, is noticeable; this does not, however,
alter the size of the organ, which is dull on percussion, stands
away from the body, and cannot be reduced. In the congenital variety
the swelling is also of slow formation, dull on percussion, filling
from below; it disappears when the patient assumes the recumbent
posture, but returns slowly when he is in the erect posture. Such
hydrocelees are frequently complicated by hernia.
TREATMENT: In the acute form, rest in bed, with the scrotum elevated.
Ice bag may be applied for a short time for very severe pain. Short
wave may be tried, also infrared. If pain continues, tapping may
become necessary, and a surgeon should be consulted.
Vacuum therapy above the point of swelling has been known to give
some relief.
DEFINITION: A lack of self-control,
manifested by a train of symptoms of a varied character.
ETIOLOGY: Females are more disposed than males, and is most common
in early adult life. Heredity may be a factor. Faulty home-training
and education also do much to foster its development. Traumatism,
prolonged emotional excitement, such as worriment, anxiety, disappointment,
grief, and all causes that reduce vitality serve to excite it in
susceptible individuals.
Freud ascribes hysteria to a mental conflict, suppression of memories,
which has arisen as a result of painful experiences, often sexual
events, in early childhood, and would make the vivid recollection
of these experiences, under insistent questioning, and a complete
verbal confession of them to the physician, an essential element
of treatment.
There are three types, Simple, Conversion, and Anxiety hysteria.
The reader is now directed to turn to the “Fundamentals of
Applied Psychiatry,” Lake, Page 53. Also “Modern Psychiatry,”
by Sadler, and read to the full the prime elements of this disease.
TREATMENT: The physician must make a careful search and eliminate
any organic or functional ailment that may be contributory factors.
If there are no organic factors, then the treatment must be directed
to the mind, but at the same time body manipulations and physical
treatments are not neglected.
The body treatments may be as follows:
NEUROPATHY: A general lymphatic treatment, with deep pressure in
the gutter of the whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of cervical 1 and dorsal 6.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the whole spine is par excellent.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Riley contributes the following in his “Mastery
of Disease,” page 125:
“In hysterical conditions of women and men, we have found
in electric therapy that high frequency in the form of auto-condensation
as explained in this treatise, is very powerful and let the amperage
be 250 to 350 milliamperes and continue for a good, long time. This
is particularly indicated if there is a high blood pressure. On
the other hand, if the blood pressure is low, usually effluve sparks
along the spine and cervical region for ten to fifteen minutes.”
MASSAGE: This can be in the form of soothing strokes around the
neck and down the back.
DIET: Diet No. 1 and No. 2 or equivalent for the obese or the very
thin, the physician can select as his discretion may direct.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: A, High B, C, D, either or all may be indicated.
In some cases E alone is indicated.
HYDROTHERAPY: The douche bath, shower or spray before retiring is
excellent. See under Insomnia.
Oxygen baths are also recommended in this condition.
THE MIND TREATMENT: It will be well for the physician to remember
that there is a hidden and a present cause for this condition. The
first may be a suppression or any inhibition in the subconscious.
The second may be an inhibition in the consciousness or ego from
present environmental tensions. To be successful, the physician
must be able to inspire absolute confidence and faith in the mind
of the patient. She must be impressed repeatedly with the fact that
her condition is a curable one, and that with her thorough cooperation
restoration to health will certainly follow. To intimate that her
symptoms are feigned or are wholly within her control is a grave
error. In many cases no method of treatment proves successful until
the patient has been removed from her customary surroundings and
separated from her sympathetic relatives and friends.
Suggestion is employed consciously or unconsciously in the treatment
of hysteria by every successful physician. Without it many of the
treatments recognized as efficacious become wholly impotent. While
the physician is giving bodily treatments, he can skillfully psycho-analyze
the patient by the question methods, which see in the “Fundamentals
of Applied Psychiatry,” Lake, Page 122. And then after discovering
the past and present frustrations and tensions, the physician can
give suggestion while giving further manipulations. See the above
book by the writer, Pages 135, 147 to 149.
Hypertension — High and Low Blood Pressure
DEFINITION: Hypotension can
be said to exist when there is a decrease of systolic and diastolic
blood pressure. Below 90 systolic, and 50 diastolic is pathologic.
If hypotension follows hypertension the condition is serious. If
the diastolic blood-pressure drops in proportion to the systolic
pressure and the systolic pressure does not go below 80 points,
the patient will respond to the administration of treatments. Patients
with a systolic pressure of 180 points or over should be kept in
bed under observation and for treatment. A patient with a systolic
pressure of 90 points or less should also remain in bed for treatment.
It occurs in shock and collapse, in hemorrhages, infections, fevers,
cancer, anemia, neurasthenia; Addison’s disease and in other
debilitating or wasting diseases, and approaching death. Hypotension
causes an accumulation of blood in the veins and slows down the
arterial current. Capillary circulation is interfered with as are
other functional processes of the body.
Hypertension can be said to be a systolic pressure of over 170 points.
It is found in arteriosclerosis and chronic nephritis. 160 mm. systolic
pressure constitutes the beginning of high blood pressure which
may run well above 200 or even as high as 280. Persistent high blood
pressure may eventuate in apoplexy or heart-failure.
TREATMENT FOR HYPOTENSION: Not only must the primary cause be sought
out and removed if possible, but the patient must be stimulated
to keep going until that good result is obtained. Rest of the body
and mind for a time are fundamental in the severe type of hypotension.
NEUROPATHY: A general lymphatic to stimulate circulation and a friction-like
movement up and down in the gutter of the spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjust Dorsal 2-4. Kidney, liver or heart place according
to the cause.
BODY MECHANICS: Posture has much to do with low blood pressure.
It is for the physician to note any defects and correct them, especially
those who show spinal malformations and a bulge in the lower abdomen.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: All of these patients show signs of Anoxemia
due to some obstruction somewhere in the respiratory apparatus.
A hemoglobin test as outlined elsewhere will verify the statement.
Use the same techniques as found under Anemia.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short wave, diathermy, infra-red, and ultra violet
all may be used.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot compresses over the heart, or a hot-water bag
will do. Swimming in warm water is excellent, if not too long at
a time.
EXERCISES: If patient has a mild case, walking will cause great
circulation and create the necessary appetite.
DIET: No. 1 diet is usually sufficient with some additions the physician
wishes to make.
A supplemental drink that is of value. Eliminate the juices before
each meal and have the patient take a spoonful of honey, and a spoonful
of lemon juice in a glass of hot water before each meal.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: It is according to the findings in each case. A,
B, C, D, G, and F, are all concerned more or less with the heart
and blood vessels.
TREATMENT OF HYPERTENSION: This is a dangerous disease and the physician
need be always on his guard lest a hemorrhage take place.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Auto condensation has long been the specific preferable
in a chair rather than lying down in arteriosclerosis which see.
The bed is best when there is organic involvement such as the kidneys,
when one pad is put over the kidney or the organ involved.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion or pressure on the 7th cervical. Some
physicians advocated concussion of the 3rd and 4th dorsals. But
the writer gets best results from the 7th. For a complete treatment
of hypertension the reader is referred to the section on Hypertension
of Arteriosclerosis.
DEFINITION: Influenza has been
described as La Grippe, Catarrhal Fever, Epidemic Fever or as an
acute infectious and contagious disease, characterized by fever,
marked prostration, severe muscular pains and catarrhal inflammation
of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tracts.
The prostration is all out of proportion to the temperature.
ETIOLOGY: At the present time the absolute factor is a matter of
doubt and dispute. The primary cause is a complete enervation of
the whole cerebrospinal nerve mechanisms.
There are many theories for the secondary causes and all have some
bases of fact. There are those who claim it is of bacteriological
origin, because of the presence of certain bacilli. Pfeiffers bacillus
was thought to cause the disease from 1892 to 1918. But this bacillus
is found in other diseases as well as in healthy people.
But in Influenza this organism was found to increase numerically
with the height of the disease, and decrease with recovery, but
the same can be said of the streptococcus, pneumococcus and catarrhal
micrococcus. Today those who hold to the germ theory insist that
a specific virus is the cause of human epidemic influenza. It is
still to be shown that this unknown virus is responsible for the
sporadic, endemic and pandemic forms. The latter types may be due
to the symbiotic action with other agents or to changes in the nature
of the virus itself.
Another theory is that influenza is due to retention of morbid waste
matters, that weakens the resisting powers of the body, and thereby
bringing on an acute attack of general inflammation, an effort of
the body to throw off its load of poisonous material. This theory
has some basis in fact when the gastro-intestinal respiratory irritations
and fever are taken into consideration.
The theory of epidemic, endemic and pandemic episodes is stated
as follows:
In the case of infection by acute diseases, the latter pass from
one person to another by the transmission of fermenting matter,
usually through the medium of the air. But infection is impossible
without the presence of foreign matter (predisposition) in the system
of the other person, as disease arises only from the fermentation
of such matter.
The third theory is that of enervation. A failure of nerve energy
to stimulate the flow of blood on its way through the body. This
theory is supported by the premise that the spine is tender and
stiff all along, that there are lesions in the atlas, middle or
fifth or sixth cervicals, the fifth, seventh and tenth dorsals,
and the second to fourth lumbar.
The fourth theory is a general lack of oxygen to aerate the body,
particularly in the lymphatic system and especially the liver, which
may and may not be the factor in creating the retentive and enervative
factors. For the present it probably is best for the physician to
weigh carefully all the etiological factors and to take all precautions
of every theory.
SYMPTOMS: Begins abruptly with lassitude, malaise, chilliness, severe
pain in head and back, fever from 101 to 103. Prostration out of
proportion to the fever. Eyes injected, sneezing, hoarseness and
hard paroxysmal cough. In most cases, catarrh of respiratory tract
is unusually marked. Less frequently, gastrointestinal symptoms
predominate. With latter, there may be diarrhea and abdominal pain.
The course ordinarily runs from four to five days, and may terminate
by crisis or speedy lysis. Pulse rate usually not increased in proportion
to fever; may be 90 to 100. Blood pressure low, nosebleed not uncommon.
Examination of blood demonstrates a leukopenia, or great lack of
white cells. Urinalysis generally demonstrates presence of albumen
and casts. In some epidemics, a striking symptom is a peculiar cyanosis,
especially of the spine, which is, in all likelihood, of toxic origin.
In addition to the respiratory and gastro-intestinal forms referred
to, a nervous and fulminating type are sometimes described.
COMPLICATIONS: If any, complications are Pneumonia, pleurisy, empyema,
chronic bronchitis, abscess of lung, sinusitis, otitis media, pericarditis,
myocarditis, and very rarely endocarditis; peripheral neuritis,
meningitis and encephalitis are still more possible complications.
PROGNOSIS: The prognosis is good in mild uncomplicated cases. In
influenza with pneumonia the mortality rate is high.
DIAGNOSIS: The prostration and weakness all out of proportion to
the temperature, and the pains in the head and back can make the
physician suspicious of the affection being present. White finger
nails, straight purple lines down middle of toe nails. All white
when dying.
TREATMENT: The patient should be kept in bed during the acute attack
and he must take plenty of time to recover, or in a little while
he may be in bed again, with severe ear, lung, nerve or heart trouble.
It can be truly said: The patient is severely ill for three to five
days, and then for four or five weeks is in misery with weakness,
loss of appetite and ambition, dizziness, low blood pressure and
perhaps some heart symptoms.
One thing the writer has noticed is that in those who had a background
of some psychoneurotic tensions that after influenza the psychopathology
became very pronounced and many adopted the sick mechanism to get
pity and not work all their lives.
In the convalescent stage the physician must insist on seeing the
patient in his office, as often as he deems it necessary to avoid
any permanent injury.
The treatment may consist of any of the following methods while
the patient is in bed and during convalescence..
NEUROPATHY: A general light lymphatic of the whole lymph system.
Light stimulation in the gutter of the whole spine that is stiff
and painful.
For headache, massage the jugular vein and at the same time have
fingers of the other hand make deep circles around 7th cervical.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment atlas or axis. C. P. , K. P., S. P. and
lumbar region according to indications.
DIET: While there is fever food is strictly limited or eliminated
till fever subsides, but when fever is lower plenty of good nourishing
Large amounts of water are indicated. A large glass of water with
five drops of lemon juice, in each glass, every hour, can be given
while the patient is awake.
When the fever has moderated, milk broths, gruels and custards are
suitable at first; later soft foods, as eggs, milk toast, cereals,
oysters, can be added, followed by an ordinary simple solid diet,
or No. 1 diet.
Coughing can be controlled by giving a teaspoonful of honey and
lemon every hour until cough subsides. The sleeplessness of influenza
is largely due to the tickling in the throat and the desire to cough,
with constant effort at suppression.
Prostration is treated by rest, fresh air and nourishment.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: A, C and D will aid in overcoming the loss of resistance
in the respiratory tract. And B+ will aid in the development of
nerve energy.
PSYCHOLOGY: The art of hopeful suggestions will aid in giving the
patient some things to do or a change of environment with new associations
will help build up a vigorous mentality.
COLONOTHERAPY: If constipation is present, a low enema of one pint
of water with a teaspoonful of sodium bicarbonate mixed thoroughly
in it.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot mustard foot bath. A large bowl of boneset tea,
then cover the patient with blankets, may induce immediate sweating.
If a portable short wave or diathermy is handy, they may be used
for the same purpose.
VACUUM THERAPY: Nothing better to restore the power of the vasomotor
nerves and send the blood in good circulation. Apply cups lightly
up and down the spine.
If the headache is severe, cold compresses, or an ice bag may be
applied to the head.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: One symptom of this disease is a severe anoxia
of the head, nose and throat. The Endo-Nasal Techniques then are
very essential, especially the Lake recoil, the nose, pharyngeal
and larynx techniques.
EXERCISE: When the patient has recovered sufficiently, he should
be asked to walk a block or two, if weather permits, then take a
nap of short duration. The walk can be extended gradually to longer
distances according to his reactions. But the nap afterwards is
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short wave; sine wave, are beneficial along the
spine and chest. Infrared is of pronounced value.
If bronchitis results, see treatment under that title.
HERBOLOGY: Put the patient to bed and keep him warm. Give whiskey
and lemon juice. Watch for pneumonia. After effects of this disease
are frequently more to be dreaded than disease itself. Keep bowels
open. Light foods.
This is excellent: make a strong brew of Boneset Tea, mix with lemon
juice and sugar; drink as hot as possible while wrapped in a blanket.
Drink half a dozen cupfuls a day.
Here is a good infusion: one-half ounce each of Yarrow and Boneset,
quarter ounce each of Pleurisy Root and Lobelia Herb; two or three
Cayenne Pods. Boil in a quart of water for half-hour. Strain into
vessel containing two tablespoonfuls of Black Treacle.
Here is an old Indian remedy: two ounces Boneset Leaves, one ounce
Juniper Berries, two ounces Elder Flowers, one ounce Wild Ginger,
two ounces Sweet Flag Root. Put a teaspoon of the mixed herbs into
a cup of boiling water. Of course tea should be made fresh every
day. Also remember herbs over a year old are quite worthless if
you want results.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion with the fingers of the 7th cervical
for several minutes at half-minute periods may stop headache and
reduce the fever.
DEFINITION: Sleeplessness, or
sleep broken intermittently by wakefulness.
ETIOLOGY: Sleeplessness is seldom a problem for the person who does
hard physical work. It is often a problem among such persons as
writers, professional men, women and artists.
Sleeplessness may be due to many causes, among them being mental
or emotional conflicts, worry, fear and anxiety. Often the sleepless
person is not even aware of exactly what it is that is troubling
him, and it may require the services of a specialist in diseases
of the nervous system to ferret out the cause.
There are a number of diseases, such as toxic goitre, high blood
pressure, indigestion and many infections which contribute to sleeplessness.
Too much mental stimulation also may lead to sleeplessness. After
a busy day requiring a great deal of mental activity, many persons
find that they just cannot slow down enough by bedtime to fall asleep
Of course, other things, such as noise, light and improper sleeping
surroundings, may interfere with sleep. The excessive use of stimulating
beverages may be another cause.
TREATMENT: Drugs are useless and even dangerous. Many drug addicts
and many deaths are ascribed to the use of them. It is important
to find the cause and remove it. But in the interval of finding
the cause the following treatment may be given.
NEUROPATHY: Deep pressure on all the gutter of the spine, including
the cervicals and around the face.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of the atlas and middle cervical.
HYDROTHERAPY: The shower or spray douche with warm water up and
down the spine, then allowing the water on the body to dry by itself,
without a towel, has given relief to a large number of the writer’s
patients. A warm tub bath for twenty minutes may be helpful. A change
of beds may be necessary, the mattress may be too hard or too soft.
If snoring is a cause, then two things may be at fault, eating before
retiring or obstruction in the nasal cavity, for which Endo-Nasal
Techniques are par excellent. Perhaps the techniques should be given
whether there are obstructions or not to stimulate respirations
and the intake of oxygen.
PSYCHIATRY: If the insomnia is severe a psychoanalysis may be necessary.
Otherwise suggestions for certain relaxations before retiring will
be sufficient. A pattern of suggestions may be found in the writer’s
book “The Fundamentals of Applied Psychiatry,” pages
135 to 150.
EXERCISES: This is important. The patient should take exercises
in the room, just before retiring, or to take a walk in the open
air and the walk should be long enough to thoroughly tire out the
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra-violet radiations has some value in many cases.
The writer has used auto condensation therapy with some success
in a number of cases.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion applied to the neck from the third to
the seventh cervical may relieve cerebral congestion and induce
sleep. Light abdominal tapotement has also been known to relieve
cerebral congestion and induce sleep.
DIET: This will have to be judged by the condition of the patient.
If he is obese, if he has hypertension or is he anemic with hypertension.
If any of the above conditions are present see diets under each.
If any vitamins are helpful at all they are B1, to overcome a deficiency
of thiamin and G to overcome brain edema.
HERBOLOGY: Make a tea of the following combination of herbs and
drink a cupful in the evening:
Equal parts of Valerian, Peppermint,
Bogbean, or
Equal parts of Valerian, Vervain, Scullcap and Wood Betony or
Equal parts of Peppermint, Catnip and Blue Scullcap.
FINALLY: How much sleep should
a person have? The answer is a very difficult one. We might say
until one is refreshed and reinvigorated. But many persons have
notions that they do not give vent to the invigoration that sleep
has produced. This is a form of mental laziness unless there is
some serious illness. If sleep requirements can be measured by hours
at all, perhaps the following scale would be of some use as a suggestion
to the patient.
Age 6. From 10 to 12 hours.
Age 10. From 9 to 10 hours.
Age 15. 9 hours.
Age 20. 8 hours.
Age 25. From 7 to 8 hours.
Age 30 to 50. From 5 to 7-8 hours.
Age 60, if sleeping during the day, or taking a nap, not more than
seven hours during the night.
A hard laboring man or woman may sleep longer. But sleeplessness
is not one of their problems unless ill.
DEFINITION: Erysipelas is an
acute infectious inflammatory disease of the skin and subcutaneous
tissue, characterized by the presence of congestion and edema, with
distention of the cutaneous lymph channels.
ETIOLOGY: Wounded persons are very susceptible, the infection getting
in the blood stream through the abrasions. The many skin lesions
such as eczema may act as a starting point. A mere scratch, though
healed, may have allowed the streptococcus to enter; having travelled
up the lymphatics, the organism starts the erysipelatous process
at a distance from the seat of entrance.
SYMPTOMS: Erysipelas is most frequently found about the face and
head, probably because of the excessive number of superficial lymphatic
It may occur in or extend to the fauces and tongue and, extending
painlessly up the Eustachian tube, involve one or both eyes and
may cause blindness.
True cutaneous erysipelas is characterized by severe elevation of
temperature, attended by a disseminated inflammation of the skin.
This is sometimes preceded by a chill. The elevation of temperature
continues until the erysipelatous process reaches its end. There
may be a wound from which the redness starts, or there may be no
cutaneous evidence of the seat of infection.
Gastric symptoms may likewise occur, with less of appetite, nausea,
vomiting, excessive thirst, and a highly coated tongue. The urine
is generally dark colored, and may contain albumin, blood, bile-pigment,
and micrococci. The spleen is sometimes swelled, and there may be
pain in the region of the kidneys. An infective pneumonia due to
extension of the disease from the oral cavity or pharynx may likewise
occur. The heart is also involved in a large proportion of cases.
PROGNOSIS: If the process be not arrested, death may result from
the extension of the local infection to some vital organ, as the
brain or peritoneum.
TREATMENT: The treatment is difficult because there is no specific
treatment that will fit all cases. However, we will give a general
outline of local and constitutional treatment.
HYDROTHERAPY: Cold wet compresses, a cloth saturated with alcohol.
Hot compresses of physiological salt solution. Boric acid solutions
as compresses may also like the others be laid over the affected
area. Loam poultices, buttermilk poultices kept constantly wet have
been known to be effective in some cases. Ichthyol and vaseline,
equal parts to make a good facial application, placing over this
absorbent cotton. Applications of magnesium sulphate solution have
been highly recommended.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra violet radiation directly on the affected
part have brought wonderful results in many cases. The patient should
sit three feet from the lamp for 10 to 15 minutes at a sitting.
But many sittings can be taken in the course of a day.
DIET: During the attack a light nutritious easily digested diet
is best. Milk, beef tea, and eggs may be used, or selections made
from No. 2 diet.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Large doses of A, E, F and G may be also considered.
NEUROPATHY: Massage of the whole neck downward. Thorough lymphatic
of the axillary and liver place. Stimulation treatment of all the
spinal segments.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of cervical 4 and kidney segments.
HERBOLOGY: Mix thoroughly Fluid Extract of Rose 1 part and Honey
7 parts; use externally also give some internally.
Make bags of thin cotton cloth, put enough baking soda therein so
layer is 1/8th inch thick; moisten with water, lay on part affected.
Make tea of ½ oz. each of Elderberries, Wild Marjoram, and
Shavegrass, and ¼ oz of Peppermint and thyme. Use one-half
wineglassful every two hours.
Golden seal (Hydrastis Canadensis) mixed with glycerine makes a
good dressing.
COLONOTHERAPY: Daily enemas, or colonics twice a week.
DEFINITION: The term gastritis
is used to comprehend a large number of inflammations of the stomach
which are of a non-malignant type, such as dyspepsia, indigestion,
nervous indigestion, etc.
Two types are considered here: the acute catarrhal and the chronic
ETIOLOGY: Gastritis may be due to nervousness while eating. Mental
tensions may cause the person to fail to eat properly or bolt the
food. An atony of the stomach produced by vaso motor insufficiency
which causes gastric distress, flatulency and a fullness after meals.
Hyperclorhydria is an abnormal secretory condition of the stomach
in which there is produced an excess of hydrochloric acid. This
may be due to an over activity of the dilators of the stomach segments,
and a failure of the vasoconstrictors to function normally. There
is distress, belching and expulsion of hot liquid from the stomach
in severe cases. Many of these cases can be classified as neurotic
and neurasthenic. If there is no evidence of organic or infectious
diseases the above types can be said to be of functional and mental
origin or bad habits in eating or living, sleeping, etc.
The acute catarrhal gastritis however is generally due to the above
etiologies and also an autointoxication.
The symptoms run into a great
variety of forms. But generally it can be said they are as follows:
There is anorexia, with a feeling of discomfort and fullness, eruptions,
nausea and sometimes vomiting. In some cases the nausea and vomiting
are severe. There may be also a rise in temperature to 102 or 103.
Thirst, distention of the epigastrium, local tenderness and considerable
prostration. The vomitus is composed at first of sour, fermented
food; later, of mucus and bile. Jaundice may follow from the extension
of the catarrh to the duodenum and bile-ducts, and diarrhea from
its extension to the intestines.
In the chronic form, the above acute symptoms may be present in
addition to the following: Furring of the tongue, bad breath, great
and noisy belching, heartburn, constipation, headache, vertigo and
palpitations and some pain.
PROGNOSIS: Good, if there are no complications of a more severe
HYDROTHERAPY: In the acute form when vomiting has taken place, and
there is still distress, several glasses of hot water, or enough
to create a gastric lavage can be given. A high enema may also be
given. If there is fever ice cubes may be put in the mouth and a
cold compress laid over the abdomen. If no fever is present, then
hot compresses are the best If the attack is severe, hot or cold
compresses can be applied to the spinal column continuously. Applications
are also made over the stomach.
DIET: No food should be allowed for a few hours after the attack,
then for the next two days the milk diet can be used. A glass of
milk, sipped slowly every two hours. Then when the patient is able
to come to the office or one comes with the chronic form of gastritis
a diligent search should be made for the cause and treated. But
a general treatment may run as follows:
NEUROPATHY: A lymphatic of the whole body, with a thorough three-cornered
squeeze of the liver at least three times, unless there is jaundice
present, when the elimination treatment is instituted. A sedation
treatment of the spinal segments is given even if jaundice is present.
HYDROTHERAPY: Same as under Acute condition, when there are recurrent
acute attacks. Otherwise a cool wet compress laid over the stomach
every night, and allowed to remain until dry will allay many of
the symptoms. Hyperacidity needs to be watched carefully and when
present, lime-water with ice may be given by sipping teaspoonful
at a time.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment Stomach, Kidney and Intestinal places.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion or deep pressure on dorsal 5 for three
minutes is usually sufficient.
EXERCISE: Most patients suffering with this condition are a lazy
lot, they have been in the habit of consuming great quantities of
food without adequate physical exercise for elimination. So even
when endurance is low some exercise must be taken to help build
up vitality. Walking and deep breathing are good exercises. Quoit
pitching is one of the best Care should be taken that it is not
overdone. Bending down exercises can be used in cold weather.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Here an experiment will have to be made. In some
cases of gastritis diathermy or short wave are excellent, while
in others they aggravate the condition. Sine or faradic current
will help the others; infrared is always good for pain.
DIET: Here also an experiment must be made. Foods that will not
stir up the symptoms of each individual must be found. The best
program is small meals, and from six to eight in one day. If this
is not of benefit to the patient, then a milk fast can be instituted
every other day for a while. If acidity keeps high, then the milk
diet is of special benefit. Also Cabasil tablets may be chewed on.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: B2 and G and A and D are recommended.
STRAPPING: If an abdominal ptosis is present, a belt should be worn,
or a binding of some kind. Flannel is preferable.
COLONOTHERAPY: An alkaline enema or colonic should be given daily
for a week or two, then twice a week.
HERBOLOGY: One teaspoonful each of Hops, Golden Seal, Spearmint,
four teaspoonsful of Marshmallow and eight teaspoonsful of Jamaica
Sarsaparilla. Mix. Pour over them a cup and a half of boiling water.
Cover. Let cool. Strain. Two teaspoonsful every three hours.
DEFINITION: A liquid vaginal
discharge more or less sticky and purulent, milk like in appearance.
It may occur at any age.
ETIOLOGY: Leukorrhea is a symptom of underlying irritation causing
an excess of secretion from the vaginal epithelium, and probably
transudation of serum and corpuscles from the vaginal blood vessels,
at least in some cases. The discharge is the more profuse as the
tension in the blood-current is increased; therefore just before
and after menstruation.
It also may be from conditions in which the freedom of the pelvic
circulation is impaired; pregnancy; new growths, and inflammatory
conditions within the pelvis. A relaxed and catarrhal condition
of the mucous membranes in general. Anemia, fatigue, and the catarrhal
diathesis. Frequent coitus, abortions, contraceptives, adhesions,
uterine conditions, etc.
SYMPTOMS: Pain, weight, and dragging sensation in back and bearing
down pains. Discharge at first serous and bloody, soon becomes thick
yellowish or greenish, ropy fluid or purulent. After drying leaves
yellow or greenish stain on linen and stiffens it. Afterward discharge
becomes whiter, milky. May become chronic — discharge is alkaline
in reaction. Examined through speculum cervix is found swollen,
edematous and red and from the os pours forth a clear albuminous
looking fluid, muco-pus. Usually indications of acute inflammation,
pain, heat, redness of parts involved, which may subside as discharge
increases. Pain in groins, hypogastrium, sacral region and small
of back. Urethra often implicated causing painful micturition. Symptoms
which may occur in connection with chronic leukorrhea are innumerable—reaction
of discharge is acid—may be any consistency, thin and watery
or viscid and tenacious.
TREATMENT: Find the cause of irritation and remove if possible.
NEUROPATHY: Deep pressure on the vaginal segments.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment lumbar 2 and 4.
DIET: Is given according to the cause.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the 1st and 2nd lumbars.
HYDROTHERAPY: This is probably the most important of all the therapeutics
for this condition. There must be cleanliness of the parts at all
times internally and externally. The externals should be washed
with a good soap and plenty of water at least twice a day. Internally
the douche is used. The writer has found that nearly all cases respond
well to 20 drops of 120 V.M. to a quart of warm water. This douche
is used once every day for four days, then a rest of three days
is taken, after which the number of drops are increased to 30, or
reduced to 10 drops. If the number of drops is increased to 30,
a trial of four more days of douching is given. If results show
that in the first four days the discharge was slowed up, then a
douche of 10 drops to a quart of water twice a week for a month
or more is suggested. If there is no inflammatory conditions present
a teaspoonful of table salt thoroughly dissolved in a quart of warm
water has been recommended as beneficial. There are many other forms
of douching, in some cases plain hot water is sufficient; the whirlpool
douche is the best if obtainable.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: If any vitamins are suitable or needed they are
usually A, B and G. Mineral mostly needed is Calcium.
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: In young girls rectal dilations have often been
ELECTROTHERAPY: The rapid sine wave with one electrode on the pubic
section and the other underneath the patient, with the current on
for about 15 minutes is considered very beneficial. One electrode
may be put inside the vagina if deemed necessary.
HERBOLOGY: One ounce of Wild Raspberry Leaves, add a pint of boiling
water, simmer for 20 minutes. Strain. Drink half cupful every four
hours. For a douche use one ounce of the leaves to a quart of boiling
water, simmer for 20 minutes. Strain. Douche evening and morning.
One teaspoonful of Golden Seal, Two teaspoonsful Cranesbill. Steep
in a pint of water. A small piece of alum may be added. Use douche
quite warm.
Another good douche is made from a pint of distilled witch hazel
extract, 2 ounces of Golden Seal, half ounce of borax. Use an ounce
to a pint of warm water.
CONCLUSION: Each case presents a variable clinical history and must
be studied and treated as such.
DEFINITION: A condition of the
blood in which there is an abnormal increase in the number of white
corpuscles, with hyperplasia of the spleen or of the lymphatics
or changes in the bone marrow, leukocythemia.
ETIOLOGY: Exposure to X-rays or radium may be a cause. Infections
and traumatisms are thought to have some influence in predisposing
the person to the disease, but up to now nothing has been proven.
The writer is firmly convinced that this disease is due to a lack
of oxygen in the tissues. No matter where blood is drawn, he has
found an anoxia, leading to the conclusion there is a complete anoxemia.
There is also an overactivity of the thyroid gland, and an increased
basal metabolic rate way over normal.
VARIETIES: (1) Splenic, in which the spleen is enlarged from congestion.
(2) The lymphatic which in the lymphatic glands are the seat of
hyperplasia with a marked increase in lymphocytes in blood; acute
form occurs in children and young adults; spleen is slightly enlarged.
(3) Myelogenic, in which the medulla, especially of the ribs, sternum
and vertebrae, is converted into a pulpy material.
SYMPTOMS: The acute form is much rarer than the chronic form, and
is most often found in children or infants. Pain in various parts
of the body and weakness are the first symptoms. Weakness increases
rapidly and in a short time the patient is prostrated Hemorrhage
is extremely common and occurs from the nose, gums, tonsils, gastrointestinal
mucous membranes and into the skin. Cerebral and retinal hemorrhages
may occur. In some cases severe bleeding has been the first symptom.
Frequently ulceration occurs at the site of hemorrhage, especially
in the mouth.
Fever is usually present and may be high, 103 to 104 degrees, F.
and the curve may be irregular, but if death ensues, preceding it,
the temperature becomes subnormal and the skin takes on a waxlike
yellowish or grayish pallor.
PROGNOSIS: Heretofore acute leukemia has always been fatal. But
in the last few years, there are many reports of recovery through
a new method of injection. The writer has no information on the
subject, except that one writer stated the principal elements were
iron and oxygen. While many reports of cures are made, it is impossible
to know how these patients got along afterward. We shall hear much
of this treatment in the future and time will give us the knowledge
of its real value. There is still to be settled the question, when
does an acute condition become chronic and the disease go into that
safer zone. A given case of what appears to be acute leukemia may
be found on closer examination to be a subacute or chronic type.
If after three months of treatment and the condition of the patient
remains the same or nearly the same, the patient in the opinion
of the writer is now a chronic case Medicine offers no hope for
the acute patient, except what has been said of the new injections
and blood transfusions, the latter admitted as a failure.
Most drugless therapy literature passes leukemia by without even
mentioning it. But at this writing the National Chiropractic Journal,
January 1946 issue, is before me, with a report on leukemia by the
directors of “The Research Foundation.” This is a splendid
report, and no doubt more will come as time goes on. What is said
is of interest to all Drugless physicians, and the writer commends
it to the profession. Here we can only give the outline of Case
No. 1.
Case History No. 1. In 1943 a child of one of us (H.M.B.) was stricken
with a febrile disease of an obscure nature. There was marked prostration,
temperature 102-103, which continued over a few days without any
definite change. Two diagnosticians were called, one of whom suggested
sulfonamide therapy, which was refused. A blood count was taken
on the fourth day of the illness and was as follows: W. B. cells,
1500, neutrophils 24%. A general adjustment was then given consisting
of bimanual thrusts from 1 D to sacrum with rotary moves on the
cervicals. Two hours later a repeat count showed W. B. cells 3.200
and neutrophils 36%. Next day the total count was found to be 4,500
with neutrophils 45%. After three other adjustments the child had
completely recovered. Working on the hypothesis that adjustments
in some manner influenced white cell production work was begun by
both of us and the following may also be used in the acute form:
DIET: Foods containing iron and oxygen.
VITAMINS: A, B, G are needed in this condition.
Cod liver oil, orange juice and liver or liver extract might be
beneficial. Good nursing care and cleanliness of all the patient’s
body and orifices are necessary, especially the mouth.
The onset is insidious and usually
by the time a physician is consulted the myeloid, or the lymphatic
type are fully developed. Then the patient may complain of pain
in the upper left quadrant and on examination it is noticed that
the spleen is enlarged, and the liver is more or less also enlarged,
causing the whole abdomen to increase in size, while there is a
progressive loss of flesh and weight. A history of the case will
reveal that for a long time there was a loss of appetite, fatigue
and a sense of ill health, also a history of shortness of breath,
and a dimness of vision. Hemorrhages from the mucus membrane may
have already taken place. The blood changes to the extent of increase
in the number of leucocytes from 100,000 to 500,000 and the number
of red cells and the percentage of hemoglobin may be greatly decreased.
In the lymphatic type, the general symptoms are the same as in myeloid
leukemia, except that the lymphatic glands of the cervical, axillary,
inguinal and sometimes other glands are greatly enlarged.
PROGNOSIS: According to medical records, the average duration of
life is four years. But this varies in individual cases from one
to ten years. Death comes by exhaustion, infection, hemorrhage,
thrombosis or cardiac failure.
NEUROPATHY: A light lymphatic
to increase the circulation of the lymph stream. Stimulative treatment
to the whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Same as under acute leukemia with the addition of
any local zone.
X-RAY: It is said that X-ray treatment is able to prevent exogenous
purine accumulation in the body and thereby improving the renal
function. If this is true, then liver which is rich in purines must
be excluded from the diet. The claim is also made that the X-rays
stimulate primitive myeloblasts and lymphoblasts to rapid reproduction.
Also that uric acid content is diminished. All these results are
beneficial for a time but it is admitted they are not curative.
Ultimately, the relapses fail to respond to irradiation. Indeed
in many of the terminal “acute” relapses this form of
therapy hastens a fatal outcome.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra-violet ray seems to have a very fine effect
on circulation. The writer by the use of the sine wave, one pad
just beneath the lymphatic enlargement and the other directly over
the enlargement, has been able to drain some of them. But sad to
relate, other enlargements appeared in other sections of the lymphatic
system, because the lymph circulation could not be kept free. Of
three cases that the writer has had experience with, all had previous
hospitalization, and eventually returned to the hospital for operation
and died soon afterward.
Liver Disorders
DEFINITION: A circumscribed
inflammation of the liver in which there is suppuration and pus
formation. It may be single or multiple. See examination of liver
in first book.
ETIOLOGY: May be caused by traumatism and injuries of various kinds.
Bacteria may invade the liver from the portal vein or the gall-bladder,
or from any part of the digestive tract. Persons living in hot climates
are more liable in the course of typhoid fever or secondary to tropical
dysentery symptoms. The onset is always insidious. The principal
symptoms when developed are fever, pain of a burning and boring
nature. The liver is much enlarged. There is loss of appetite, more
or less rapid emaciation and increasing weakness and anemia. There
is a sense of weight and distress in the epigastric and right hypochondriac
regions, with sometimes hiccough, nausea, and even vomiting. An
icteroid hue develops; rarely, marked jaundice. The temperature
is elevated from the first and is of a septic character. It is irregular,
being normal at times, then rising to 103 degrees F. or more, with
a more or less marked chill, to defervescence again with profuse
sweating. These variations may be so regular as to clearly simulate
malarial fever.
COMPLICATIONS: May rupture into the lung which would cause severe
cough, dypsnea and expectoration of large amount of pus, mixed with
PROGNOSIS: Generally favorable. Death can result from septic poisoning,
perforation into the lungs, peritoneum, stomach, pleura, pericardium
or the vena cava.
TREATMENT: Here is a difficult disease to handle. But we recall
one physician who said he had been diagnosed as having an abscess
on the liver and an immediate operation ordered. The surgeon that
he preferred was out of town and would not be back for a week and
this doctor said he decided to wait. But in the meantime he fasted,
did not touch food of any kind and insisted that an ice bag and
a hot water bottle be kept at his bedside so he could use one or
the other as he felt like. His liquids were citrus fruit juices,
particularly lemon juice. And he also had a colonic irrigation every
day. By the time the surgeon returned he said he felt so much better
that an operation was postponed to see how things would turn out.
After 10 days of fasting he went on a milk diet for two days. Then
on vegetable broths and gradually worked his way back to a normal
diet. He lived to the ripe age of 78, having learned how to regulate
his diet according to the feel of his liver. The medical profession
up to the present time offers nothing more than relieving symptoms
and maintaining the patient’s strength until the abscess discharged
spontaneously, or is accessible to the surgeon for operation and
aspiration. The drugless profession offers the fasting regime and
hydrotherapy for aborting the abscess or hastening the discharge.
Fortunate for both professions that abscesses of the liver are not
more common.
DEFINITION: A grave disease
characterized by a rapid destruction of the liver tissue, with atrophy
of the liver and manifestations of jaundice and constitutional toxemia
and disturbances.
ETIOLOGY: This is a rare disease which may attack at any age but
occurs more frequently in women because of the toxemias due to pregnancy.
Alcoholic excesses, syphilis and emotional excitements are thought
to be predisposing factors. Catarrhal jaundice, cirrhosis and other
degenerative changes in the liver may be contributing factors. Poisons,
such as lead, phosphorus and choloform may be also contributing
SYMPTOMS: The first manifestation of the disease is jaundice followed
by extreme nervousness, severe headache, followed sometimes quickly
by delirium and coma. There may be hemorrhages from the mucous membranes
and skin very early after the onset of the disease Vomiting is a
very severe symptom in which there is bile and blood.
PROGNOSIS: Death usually results in from two to 40 days.
TREATMENT: Up to now the only treatment available is of the symptoms.
DEFINITION: An excess of bile
pigment in the fluids and tissues of the body.
VARIETIES: (1) Obstructive jaundice, in which the bilirubin is formed
normally and is excreted normally by the hepatic cells into the
bile capillaries, but owing to some mechanical block in the bile-ducts
is reabsorbed into the blood. (2) Toxic or infectious jaundice,
in which the pigment is formed normally, but owing to damage to
the hepatic cells from toxemia or infection it cannot be excreted
into the bile capillaries, and so passes directly into the blood.
(3) Hemolytic jaundice, in which there is excessive destruction
of blood cells with the production of so much bilirubin that the
cells of the liver are unable to excrete all of it and some is absorbed
directly into the blood. Not rarely more than one type of jaundice
is present in the same case.
ETIOLOGY: Obstructive jaundice, the most common type, may be caused
by catarrh of the bile-ducts; gall-stones in the ducts; or compression
of the ducts by tumors of the liver or adjacent organs, from compression
of the ducts by adhesions, fibroid thickening of the pancreas, enlarged
lymphnodes, from parasites in the ducts; from stricture of the larger
ducts, or the consequence of visceroptosis, abdominal tumors, etc.
Toxic or infectious jaundice occurs in poisoning by phosphorus,
chloroform, arsenic and in certain infections, such as syphilis,
malaria, acute infectious jaundice.
Hemolytic jaundice is observed in pernicious anemia and hemoglobinuria.
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of obstructive jaundice are first changes
in the color of the skin which at first is deep yellow in color,
when the jaundice has existed for some time, then the skin color
changes to a greenish hue, which gradually passes into a dark olive
color. There is itching and sweating with the sweat tinged with
the color present at the time. Constipation is generally present,
and the stools are clay color. The urine contains more of the biliary
coloring matter than any other secretion. Pruritis is often a distressing
symptom. Mental symptoms may be marked, including irritability,
great despondency, and even melancholia. There are often headache,
vertigo, and dullness; there may be sleeplessness. The vision may
be affected in various ways; there may be nyctalopia, or improved
vision in obscurity; objects may appear yellow or there may be hemeralopia,
or very difficult vision.
Usually there is slight fever, rapid pulse, emaciation and mental
depression or extreme nervousness.
The symptoms of toxic jaundice are the same as in obstructive jaundice
but much milder in character. Two differences are noted. The bile
reaches the intestines and the fever is higher in toxic jaundice.
It can also be said that the symptoms of hemolytic jaundice are
practically the same, with the exception that there is a discharge
of considerable amounts of hemoglobin into the plasma, and as a
result, the liver cannot remove it from the blood.
PROGNOSIS: The mild attacks may only last for a few days while the
severe or chronic may last for many months.
TREATMENT: The specific treatment is of the causative factors. The
general treatment may be as follows, and often the general treatment
gets rid of the causative factors.
NEUROPATHY: A general lymphatic and massage. Stimulative treatment
of the spinal segments. The three-cornered liver squeeze is very
valuable, done lightly the first time.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment 5th to 9th dorsals.
DIET: A fast of a few days is the best procedure. Alkaline juices
may be given in abundance. If food is insisted on by the patient,
then foods such as skimmed milk, animal broths, egg albumin for
a time, then No. 1 diet can be used for a week, followed by alternating
No. 1 with No. 2 for another week or two; when good improvement
has been shown then a balanced diet can be made for the patient.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot towels or hot fomentations over the liver area
may be applied with benefit. The full hot blanket pack until free
perspiration is established is also recommended.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Diathermy and the galvanic current directly through
the liver are highly recommended. Infrared and short wave also are
recommended as stimulators to the liver.
NEUROPATHIC HAND FINGER SURGERY: Make Lyons tests for adhesions
then release them. If a ptosis is found it can be raised upward
by the compression method.
COLONOTHERAPY: Warm saline colonic irrigations are said to be the
best method, but if not feasible, daily enemas will do.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: All obstructions to the intake of Oxygen should
be removed if the patient is able to stand the treatments. And the
treatments can be given if the physician uses discretion, and applies
the techniques mildly at first.
HERBOLOGY: The Root of the Rocky Mountain Grape made into a tea
is par excellence as a liver tonic. Can be taken at night or morning;
in the morning it acts as a laxative if taken before breakfast.
A good combination is equal parts of Mayapple, Sacred Bark, Culvers
Root, Spanish Licorice Root and Rocky Mountain Grape; use ½
to a teaspoonful of the powder upon retiring, either dry or in water,
milk, tea, coffee, etc.
Another good combination is a handful each of Liver Leaf, Licorice
Root, Horehound; an ounce each of Mayapple root, Sacred Bark, Cheese
Plant. Put teaspoonful of mixed herbs in a cup of boiling water,
let cool, strain; 1 or 2 cupfuls a day.
DEFINITION: An overfullness
with some distention of the liver.
ETIOLOGY: It may be of active or passive hyperemia due to disorders
of circulation. It may be due to a torpidity of the liver itself.
It may be due to a condition of auto-intoxication or all of them.
Congestion is not a disease, but is a symptom of disease elsewhere.
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of acute active congestion of the liver are
those of gastrointestinal catarrh, such as headache, malaise, foul
taste, coated tongue, constipation, weight, or even pain in the
region of the liver, which may also be tender on pressure. The liver
may be felt below the coastal margin. There may be slight jaundice;
in the severe tonic cases the jaundice may be intense.
Symptoms of passive congestion are chiefly those of the condition
of the heart and lungs causing the hepatic congestion. There may
be a sense of weight and fullness in the right hypochondrium, aggravated
by external pressure, deep inspiration, and by lying on the left
Enlargement of the liver is one of the chief signs and is usually
best demonstrated by palpation. When large, the liver can often
be delimited by inspection. Percussion is usually unreliable on
account of distention of the intestines.
Treatment of Active Congestion is in two parts: First to correct
the habits of living that caused the condition. Second, to relieve
the gastrointestinal condition and the hyperemia of the liver.
The treatment of passive congestion is to correct the condition
of the heart and lungs and nerve that causes the passive congestion
and at the same time relieve the portal congestion.
NEUROPATHY: Deep lymphatic of the abdomen, inhibition of the liver
segments for active congestion and stimulation for passive congestion.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustments of the 5th to 11th dorsals for active
type, and for the passive type the above adjustments plus adjustment
of the lumbars.
DIET: These conditions are usually brought about by overeating and
drinking of alcohol stimulants. An old professor in school used
to say: “When I eat like a pig my liver hits me like a club.”
This condition of the liver should be named “Hogs disease.”
A fast of a day or two, drinking many glasses of water diluted with
a little lemon juice usually clears up both active and passive conditions.
But if there is any serious disease such as heart lesions or diabetes,
etc., the relief will not be great until the original cause is removed.
COLONOTHERAPY: Constipation is one of the most annoying items of
the symptoms, and should be relieved quickly by enemas or colonics.
Just plain hot water will do.
Fatty liver is a part of general
obesity and the heavier weight, because of the increased size of
the liver, produces a tired and dragging feeling. There is no danger
to life unless there is such pressure as to interfere with the normal
functions of the liver. The treatment is the same as in Obesity
which please see.
DEFINITION: A condition in which the liver undergoes chronic inflammatory
and degenerative changes, whereby the liver becomes hard, and small,
due to the ingrowth or overgrowth of connective tissue.
ETIOLOGY: Cirrhosis of the liver may be caused by chronic auto-intoxication
or infection particularly from the intestines. By the abuse of alcoholic
stimulants. By certain drugs containing chloroform and lead. Syphilis
is regarded as a contributing factor. It may be a sequel of malaria,
gout and tuberculosis.
VARIETIES: There are two types of this condition. Hypertrophic,
and Biliary Cirrhosis, in which alcohol does not seem to be a factor.
The liver in this condition is enlarged throughout the course of
the disease. The chief features distinguishing it from atrophic
or portal cirrhosis are the intralobular distribution of the fibrosis,
the inflammatory changes in the biliary capillaries and the inconspicuous
damage to the liver cells.
SYMPTOMS OF HYPERTROPHIC CIRRHOSIS: The liver is uniformly enlarged,
usually to a marked degree, throughout the course of the disease.
Not rarely it is slightly tender. The spleen is also enlarged. Jaundice,
varying in degree from time to time, is a feature. Periodic attacks
of pain in the hepatic region, attended by fever, increase of jaundice
and perhaps, vomiting, are of common occurrent. Toward the end of
the disease hemorrhages into the skin and from the mucous membranes
and symptoms of hepatic intoxication, such as delirium and stupor,
often develop.
SYMPTOMS OF ATROPHIC CIRRHOSIS: The size of the liver varies, it
may increase in size or diminish from time to time. It does not
stay large but the tendency is to grow smaller. The distinguishing
features of this type are first obstruction to the portal circulation
causing an upset in the digestive system then there are anorexia,
fetor of the breath, fullness and distress after eating, eructations,
nausea, vomiting of mucus flatulence, and constipation. For months
and even years this trouble may continue but eventually as the pressure
in the portal system increases, the collateral vessels enlarge and
as a result the superficial abdominal veins become prominent and
hemorrhoids develop. Engorgement of the portal system also leads
to ascites and swelling of the feet, to enlargement of the spleen,
and to hemorrhage from the stomach or bowel.
Prognosis of both types is bad because of the complications that
usually develop, such as cardiac failure, pneumonia and fatal infection.
After ascites has developed it can prove fatal anywhere between
one and two years. However, if this disease can be recognized early
and treated by Drugless methods the complications can be avoided
and the life of the patient go its normal course.
NEUROPATHY: A deep lymphatic of the lymph system and also of the
portal system. Three-cornered manipulative movements of the liver
to soften it. Stimulative treatment of the whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustments from the 4th to the 11th dorsals. The
liver and the gastric symptoms are influenced by those adjustments
also intestinal symptoms.
DIET: At the outset of treatment a fast of from 5 to 10 days on
either citrus fruit juices, grapes or milk is the best thing that
can be done. One form of taking citrus fruit juice for liver conditions
that has been of great value is as follows:
Take one grape fruit cut in small pieces, skin included. Pour one
pint of boiling water over it, let stand one hour. Strain and bottle.
Keep in a cool place. Take a wineglassful every two hours or this
drink may be taken indefinitely as follows: four ounces daily, two
in the morning and two at night.
After the fast the diet should be high in carbohydrates and very
low in fats for a short time, then the diet should be a simple,
nonirritating one and should contain easily digestible meat, chicken,
or fresh fish. Cereals, vegetables, especially the green variety,
should be put through a colander or given as purees. Milk should
form the basis of the diet, which may be supplemented by fruit juices
and cooked fruits.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Large doses of vitamins C and K are needed to prevent
hemorrhages and bleeding. Vitamin B can be given to assist in metabolism
and possibly prevent ascites. Vitamins A and D may be given to assist
absorption and storage. Bile salts also may be given to stimulate
HYDROTHERAPY: A hot pack over the spinal segments and alternate
hot and cold packs over the liver area are very effective, although
in some cases the hot pack alone on the liver seems to be best.
Sweat baths are excellent in many of these cases, given by the electric
cabinet apparatus.
ELECTROTHERAPY: The writer has found the sine wave with one electrode
on the back and the other over the liver area to be the most effective
of all electric apparatus. A ten to twenty minute treatment twice
a week is given. Diathermy, short wave, infrared can all be used
to great advantage.
COLONOTHERAPY: The bowels need to be kept free, and for a time at
least a daily enema or colonics twice a week can be given.
EXERCISES; If the condition of the patient is such that any exercise
can be taken, walking in the open air is the best. Another one indoors
would be to scatter about ten small articles over the floor of the
room and pick them up, but before stooping to do so to raise the
arms up over the head, then bring them down to the article, without
bending the knees. If the patient cannot do so, let him bend the
knees; better that way than no exercise at all.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Next to the heart the liver is the greatest
consumer of oxygen, and if the patient’s breathing apparatus
is free of obstructions, the quicker relief can be given. The Lake
Recoil, and the nose external and internal should be opened and
HERBOLOGY: One part Golden Seal, two parts Star Grass, four parts
Virginia Snake Root and 8 parts Senna. Mix. Put teaspoonful in cup
of boiling water. Let cool. Strain. Half cupful to cupful three
times a day.
A teaspoon of Dandelion to a cup of boiling water makes a good remedy;
use tablespoon every four hours.
The liver is subject to cancers and non-malignant tumors which see
under those subjects.
DEFINITION: Pain in the muscles
of the lower back. See Backache.
ETIOLOGY: Lumbago may be result of disease of the spine or sacroiliac
joints; defective muscular balance; bad posture; spinal curvature;
flat foot; shortening of one leg; traumatism; abnormal abdominal
or pelvic conditions; visceroptosis; renal calculus; retroversion
or prolapse of uterus; ovarian disease; prostatic lesions; chronic
focal infection in the tonsils; teeth or elsewhere, chronic intoxications
(lead, diabetes gout); neurasthenia or hysteria.
SYMPTOMS: Pain is the most prominent. And while the pain may be
a dull ache, movement always increases it. The pain may radiate
over the buttocks and down the thighs or groin.
PROGNOSIS: May last only a few days but may persist for some time
unless the underlying cause is removed.
TREATMENT: Today while writing this article a man came to the office
assisted by another man and a cane. He was bent way over and on
his face was a look of anguish. For acute cases of that nature the
writer never asks the patient to lie down. He has them sit on a
stool, then he applies the short wave, one pad tied to the back
and one on the front. After the part has been well heated, the pads
are removed and the large vacuum cups, three of them are placed
on the lumbar section and buttocks and allowed to remain five minutes.
Then a test is made to see if the pain has been removed. The patient’s
arms are folded across his chest with a hand on each bicep muscle.
The physician locks the legs of the patient between his own, then
he places a hand on each shoulder of the patient and starts to turn
the patient around. He continues to turn the patient around as far
as possible but if the patient complains of pain he holds the patient
in the twisted position until the location of the pain is marked
out, then the cups are applied over the painful area. This is tested
again and again until the pain is gone. After the pain is gone from
one side the turning of the body opposite to the first twist is
used and if there is pain the cups again are applied. When all pain
is gone adhesive tape strapping of two pieces, 3 inches wide and
12 inches long drawn tight diagonally across the back; this is then
covered with five pieces of adhesive. This technique has never failed
to relieve the pain in one treatment. On the next visit a thorough
examination is made to find the cause. It is a sad commentary on
the intelligence of a great many people that as soon as the pain
is gone the physician does not see them again until there is a recurrence.
The writer has a man patient who for five years has had one or two
severe attacks a year, but in spite of warnings to come to the office
a sufficient number of times, so that the cause can be removed,
will still go on his merry way when relieved of the pain.
It is necessary to differentiate lumbago pain from any other origin.
The patient is placed on his back and his extended leg is lifted,
thus lowering the corresponding half of the body and the sacrolumbar
muscles. This lowering stretches the muscles and in lumbago produces
sharp lumbar pain which prevents raising the leg high enough to
form an angle of 15 or 20 degrees with the table or bed on which
the patient rests. The pain is caused not by stretching the nerve
but the muscles at the posterior aspect of the pelvis. This is done
by fixing with one hand the upper anterior tuberosity of the ilium,
while with the other hand, raising the leg of the same side painlessly
to 90 degrees. In the coexistence of sciatica and lumbago on opposite
sides, this sign is negative on the side of the sciatica, but when
the opposite leg is raised, there is pain before fixation and none
during fixation. When the cause is found the treatment is accordingly.
Some suggestions might be in order at this point.
Thorough examination of the feet and correction. Thorough examination
of the prostate or internal organs of the female. If there is a
visceroptosis, drugless surgery may be necessary to raise the organs
and a belt, strapping or binder applied. Infections should be sought
out and removed. Postural defects can be detected by this test:
Lumbago is relieved by lying down and made worse by standing and
walking, while postural defect pains are the same while lying down
or walking. X-rays and the plumbline will be useful in detecting
bad posture. For those who seem to be neurasthenic or hysteric,
turn to pages 35 and 49 of the writer’s book “The Fundamentals
of Applied Psychiatry.”
Peptic Ulcer
DEFINITION: A local, circumscribed
destruction of tissue, involving the mucous membrane and usually
one or more layers of the subjacent wall of the stomach, characterized
by a clearly outlined ulcer, or multiple in number, of the stomach
and accompanied by epigastric pain and disordered digestion.
ETIOLOGY: Erosion of the tissue of the stomach that may be caused
by irritating substances to the lining of the stomach. Failure of
the nerve supply is always a factor. Chronic gastritis may be a
contributing factor. The disease may occur at any age, but the majority
of cases are between 25 and 50 years. Indiscretions in diet, focal
infection in the mouth, throat or any other place may be predisposing
factors. Worry and fear may have a powerful effect in the production
of gastric ulcer.
The peptic ulcer may be acute or chronic. The acute ulcer is usually
small, rounded, with a soft clean cut margin and a smooth floor.
It is more commonly gastric than duodenal, and while it may be situated
in any part of the stomach it is most frequent near the pyloric
end of the organ. The chronic type is larger than the acute form,
and in 75% of the cases is situated near the pylorus.
SYMPTOMS: Pain in gastric ulcer is a prominent symptom. It may be
burning, boring, cutting, tearing, or a constant dull ache. Its
character changes from taking food or drink and even with posture.
Its paroxysmal occurrence is, however, constant in the history of
a typical acute ulcer case. It is due to irritation of the ulcer
and to consequent (or normal) contractions. It occurs either immediately
after the taking of food or after its saturation with hydrochloric
acid. Often in pyloric or duodenal ulcer, it begins two to four
hours after food. It is usually localized in a small area in the
pit of the stomach near the median line. In duodenal ulcer especially
it may be referred to the right side.
Vomiting occurs in about 70 per cent of cases, usually with gastric
pain or distress. It may come on whenever foods or drinks are taken,
or only at intervals of several days or more. It is usually intensified
by the ingestion of much food, though perhaps relieved by small
amounts. When pyloric stenosis, organic or spasmodic, exists, the
contents may display evidences of retention.
Blood is present in the vomitus in probably one-third of all cases,
and when in visible amounts is strongly significant of ulcer. It
is usually arterial, and may be copious or more of an oozing. After
a frank hemorrhage the feces are reddish, dark brown, or black;
if the quantity of blood be moderate or small, blood tests are required
to detect it.
Among the general symptoms may be noted weakness and emaciation,
anemia, regurgitation of acid and gas, certain nervous phenomena,
thirst, constipation, nausea, and faintness.
PROGNOSIS: A peptic ulcer may run its course without attracting
much attention, and undergo healing, and not be discovered at all,
unless discovered at a necropsy. And many have been discovered that
way. It may be possible that those people had a natural method of
taking care of themselves, by regulating their diets and habits
to such an extent that healing took place.
In other cases the fatality is about ten per cent due to the ulcers
running a rapid course to end fatally through hemorrhage or perforation.
Others go on for years even without or with treatment.
NEUROPATHY: A sedative treatment of the stomach segments.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of dorsals 5 to 10.
DIET: If at all possible the best thing that can be done is to put
the patient on a plain water or milk fast for one week at a time
or longer. A 4 oz. glassful every hour. If not possible, then all
coarse vegetables and cereals, highly seasoned foods, made-up dishes,
hashes, salted and preserved meats and fish, and meat soups should
be excluded. Preserved fruits, pickles, fresh berries, or vegetables
with seeds, and also nuts, are dangerous. Alcoholic beverages, as
well as tea and coffee, should be interdicted.
A fairly good outline of a diet after there has been some improvement
was given by McCoy, which the writer has made use of with good results.
Frank McCoy “The Fast Way to Health” page 90.
BREAKFAST - French omelet. 3 slices of thin brown toast, moistened
with hot water, and seasoned with butter or cream. Prune whip, made
by mincing stewed prunes and beating them up with the white of an
egg, no other sugar being added.
LUNCH - A quart of raw milk taken 8 ounces at a time very 15 minutes.
DINNER - Whites of 3 eggs prepared by mixing with three tablespoonsful
of water, and beating in a dry pan over a slow fire until cooked
to a jelly-like consistency. Dish of one cooked non-starchy vegetable
prepared by grinding in a food grinder before ooking, to ensure
that it is well minced. Choice of one of the following raw salad
vegetables, ground through a food chopper: Spinach, celery or lettuce.
Dish of jello.
The patient stays in bed as much as possible while on the fast.
Great claims have been made for the Sippy routine of diet as reported
in “The Safous’s Analytic Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine.”
Vol. 8, page 387. The plan consists or attempts to protect the ulcer
from the gastric juice until healing takes place. Neutralization
of the acid is accomplished by frequent feedings and by alkalies
in regulated quantities. The patient remains in bed for from three
to four weeks. Three ounces of equal parts milk and cream are given
every hour from 7 A. M. until 7 P. M. After two or three days soft
eggs and well-cooked cereals are gradually added, until after 10
days the following is given: 3 ounces of milk and cream every hour;
3 soft eggs, 1 at a time, and 9 ounces of a cereal, 3 ounces at
a feeding. Cream soups, vegetable purees and other soft foods may
be substituted now and then, as desired The total bulk at one feeding
should not exceed 6 ounces. Jellies, marmalades, custards, creams,
etc., are permissible.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: If pain is severe, concussion or deep pressure
of the 5th dorsal will ease it. The pressure in the gutter of the
spine is on the right side of the 5th dorsal.
COLONOTHERAPY: Rectal feeding is sometimes necessary. When this
has been needed by patients of the writer, sanitarium care is recommended.
Otherwise the colon should be kept clear by enemas of plain warm
HYDROTHERAPY: If hyperacidity persists mineral alkalies can be given
or Cabasil tablets can be given to the patient to chew finely, then
a glass of water is given. Hot water bag, or hot fomentations are
good relief for pain, but when hemorrhages are present, cold applications
are best. When the condition of the patient improves, a simple cold
wet cloth laid over stomach at night, and to remain there until
it is warm, then removed, is very helpful.
ELECTROTHERAPY: The writer has heard and read that Diathermy, short
wave and infrared have some good effects on the course of peptic
ulcers. But after using them, this writer cannot see that any good
effects have been produced at all. In the non-hemorrhagic type,
the use of ultra-violet ray has shown some effects on circulation
which were beneficial.
HERBOLOGY: One ounce each of Cranesbill, Raspberry leaves and Centaury;
one-half ounce each of Cleavers and Agrimony. Mix herbs and boil
in three pints of water down to two pints, and take a wineglassful
four times a day.
Mix equal parts of Horehound, Hops, Sage, Water Mint, Masterwort
and Marigold. Put a heaping teaspoonful in a cup of boiling water,
let cool, use half cupful after each meal.
Other botanicals are the following Demulcents and Emollients; Golden
Seal, Marshmallow Root, Strawberry Leaves, Elm Bark, Linden Flowers,
German Cheese Plant.
Golden Seal and Boneset tea is excellent.
SURGERY: If hemorrhages, and perforation cannot be prevented after
a sincere effort by the physician, then consultation with a surgeon
becomes necessary.
Here the physician needs to exercise great discretion. He must not
rush his patient for an operation, neither must he wait until it
is too late.
Inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney. May be catarrhal, suppurative or ulcerative. Acute or Chronic. When the latter condition exists it is called pyelonephritis.
ETIOLOGY: It is the result of excessive vaso-constriction of the
kidney, renal or intestinal of the particular spinal segments creating
a perversion of functions in the kidney.
It may be said of the secondary causes that pyelitis is the result
of infection reaching the kidney or its pelvis from the lower urinary
tract, or from the blood stream, or directly by contiguity from
some adjacent structure, colon, appendix, etc., or by means of a
wound. The bacteria most frequently concerned in the process are
the colon bacillus, the pus cocci, the typhoid bacillus, and the
Bacillus proteus vulgaris. Among the predisposing causes of infection
may be mentioned general infections, trauma, exposure to cold, gastro-intestinal
diseases, excretion of irritating drugs, calculi in the bladder
or renal pelvis, cystitis and especially obstruction of the urinary
passages with stasis of urine (urethral stricture, prostatic hypertrophy,
pelvic tumors, pregnancy, etc.) Also, a deficiency of vitamins A,
E and Nicotinic Acid.
SYMPTOMS: The very nature of this affection makes it difficult to
exclude other affections of the urinary tract. But, it is important
to do so. It may occur at any age, but more common between the ages
of 20 and 60. Females are affected more than males. In the acute
form of pyelitis, the onset is sudden, with chills, and fever. The
temperature may rise as high as 105 degrees. Following the peak
of the fever, there is profuse sweating which leaves the patient
very weak. There is pain and tenderness in the kidney regions. The
patient is drowsy, the tongue is dry and thirst is usually extreme.
URINARY SYMPTOMS: Are urgency to be constantly urinating, frequency
and burning of urine with frequent desire to empty the bowel. The
urine is cloudy and often there is blood in it. Hematuria may be
present as the result of a complication of cystitis at the same
time. If suppuration occurs there will be pus in the urine. Gastro-intestinal
symptoms may appear in the form of anorexia, nausea and vomiting
and diarrhea. Sometimes the vomiting is persistent, to such an extent
that appendicitis is suspected.
Chronic Pyelitis
The acute form may go into the
chronic state, with all the acute symptoms of pain, frequency of
urine and discharge of pus continuously and the patient becomes
more weak and emaciated.
DIAGNOSIS: Pyelitis usually offers no particular difficulty. The
urine contains many pus cells, singly or in clumps, often leukocytic
casts, but no hyaline or granular casts, often red blood-cells and
PROGNOSIS: Renal complications always make the pyelitis a serious
affection. Catarrhal cases recover. Calculous pyelitis tends toward
chronicity. Pyelonephritis and pyonephroses are likely to end fatally
from exhaustion or uremia. Perforation and the discharge of pus
into the peritoneal cavity, pleural sac, intestine, and bronchi,
even, may precede death. The gravity in all cases of pyelitis depends
upon the causes and upon the tendency to consecutive suppuration.
In the pyelitis of infancy and childhood there is practically no
danger to life. Under appropriate treatment recovery in a few weeks
is usual, though the condition may return at intervals for many
In both acute and chronic cases of adults, there is always danger
of uremia and coma.
TREATMENT: General measures may consist of the following: Rest in
bed for a period of time, on a fast for a day or two, with plenty
of liquids. See “Diet.”
HYDROTHERAPY: Hydrotherapy in the form of hot water bags, compresses,
fomentation are excellent as sedations. Plenty of water to drink,
even to forcing to the limit of tolerance.
DIET: In the acute form a fast of a day or two, longer, if indications
warrant it. Milk, every two hours will suffice for strength. Citrus
fruit juices may be freely used. To break the fast, No. 2 Diet can
be used gradually leading up to a modified form of No. 1.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Foods rich in Vitamins A, and B, with Cod liver
oil or Cod liver oil rich in those vitamins as a supplement. Alcohol
must be forbidden.
COLONOTHERAPY: The importance of maintaining bowel elimination cannot
be overlooked. Enemas, colonics or laxatives are in order.
VACUUM THERAPY: Complete cupping from the 7th Dorsal to the sacrum
is par excellent and with care can be used over the intestines and
groin for stimulation of the circulation.
HERBOLOGY: Alkaline mineral water, Moss tea, Flaxseed tea, Barley
water, Lemonade, skimmed milk and Buttermilk are all excellent.
ELECTROTHERAPY: The short wave seems to be the best electrical treatment.
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: Finger rectal dilation and massage of the prostate
in the male. In the female massage of the ureter may be in order.
Also, replacement of the uterus, if necessary.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: 6th to 10th dorsals. Very light at the first treatment.
NEUROPATHY: When condition permits a thorough lymphatic of the whole
lymph system with special attention to the groin and Hunter’s
Canal. Sedation or dilation treatment as indicated by cause of the
pyelitis, on the kidney, bladder and renal segments.
CHIROPRACTIC: Kidney Place and all renal subluxations.
DEFINITION: This condition is
also known as stone in the kidney. Renal calculus; renal colic,
gravel or pyelitis calculosa. A condition in which fine or coarse
concretions are formed in the kidney substance or in the pelvis
of the kidney by the precipitation of solid substances from the
ETIOLOGY: Heredity seems to play some part. The writer knows of
several families in which members for a few generations have been
The disease can abe classified as one of deficiency of certain food
elements, and an excess of other food elements. The deficiency may
be said to be of Vitamin A and phosphorus, while the excess can
be said to be of calcium in too great amounts to be balanced by
Vitamin A and phosphorus. Read “Formation of Calculi”
under “Cholelithiases.”
Existence of parathyroid conditions, with formation of calculi is
often noticed and it may be a cause. This can be easily accepted,
considering the fact that the parathyroids play a part in the distribution
of calcium.
Pus inflammation ascending from the organs and tissues from below
the kidney, or descending from some other foci of infection may
be considered as large factors.
Bone lesions in which there is an avitaminosis of Vitamin D, with
such diseases as rickets, deformans, or any bone condition that
has begun by a disturbance of the calcium, phosphorous metabolism.
SYMPTOMS: Pain and hemorrhage are the most important symptoms, in
case the stone is small and the kidney healthy; indeed these may
be the only symptoms present. The pain is usually felt in the loin
over the affected organ; it is of a dull, heavy, dragging character.
Hematuria is generally remittent; the amount of blood passed is
not great; it is thoroughly mixed with the urine, and the blood
cells are altered. A larger calculus, producing suppuration, is
suggested by pus in the urine with pain on pressure and perhaps
increased resistance in the loin. A calculus blocking the ureter
and producing hydronephrosis is suggested by feeling a soft, elastic
tumor of variable size through the abdominal walls or in the lumbar
region; but this is apt to disappear simultaneously with the passage
of a large amount of urine.
The attacks usually recur and the urine becomes alkaline or putrid.
Vesical irritation, pain, retraction of the testes, and gastric
disturbances are other symptoms frequently met with in all forms
of renal calculus. In case of renal colic there is acute suffering,
the pain shooting down the ureter to the testicle or labium majus
and often radiating to the thigh. There may be nausea and ineffectual
vomiting, vesical tenesmus, faintness, cold sweating, and even collapse.
Oftentimes the pain ceases as suddenly as it began; but relief is
not permanent unless the stone has receded into the pelvis of the
kidney or has passed into the bladder. The paroxysms of pain recur
at intervals of from a few minutes to several hours or days.
All of the above can be summed up as follows:
Pain and tenderness in the kidney region are common symptoms. The
pain is aggravated by rough motion, and tends to radiate along the
ureter. Irritability of the bladder is sometimes a prominent feature.
The urine frequently contains blood, pus, epithelium, and crystals
indicating the nature of the stone.
SYMPTOMS OF SEPSIS: Irregular fever, chills, sweats, leukocytosis,
and pallor often mark the occurrence of suppurative pyelitis. Renal
colic is excited by the entrance of the stone into the ureter. It
is characterized by intense pain radiating from the kidney downward
into the groin, thigh, and testicle. The testicle is often retracted.
There are often nausea, vomiting, and collapse. After such an attack
the urine may contain blood or particles of stone. Anuria is one
of the most serious complications.
TREATMENT: The treatments can be said to be of four divisions. (1)
Relief of pain. (2) An effort to dissolve the calculi. (3) Surgical
procedure. (4) Prevention of future attacks, also, prevention of
calculi forming in those who are now free of any symptoms.
For the relief of pain, the following may be used:
HYDROTHERAPY: A hot tub bath will sometimes give immediate relief.
Hot compresses are also of great benefit. Hot sitz baths. Poultices
of various kinds may be helpful. In a few cases, where heat is not
beneficial the ice packs or bag may be effective. Hot drinks of
lemonade, or hot water will help. Large amounts of water, preferably
mineral, such as Poland or Vichy, are to be taken daily. If not
obtainable hot and cool water will do.
DIET: A fast during the attack is the best regime. Since the patient
is in bed, the fast and rest should help to prevent hemorrhage.
The urine must be kept faintly acid, and as soon as it becomes alkaline,
changes in the diet must be made.
Between attacks of acute renal colic, the patient should see his
physician every day for a urine check-up. The urine can be made
faintly acid by the use of saccharin, or any of the foods in the
acid column found in the “Acid, Alkaline Outline” in
this book.
CATHETER: may be used to dislodge a stone that is giving recurrent
distress. If a hemorrhage persists, or the stone is too large to
pass, surgery must be seriously considered before irreparable damage
is done.
The second phase of the treatment is dissolution and removal of
the calculi and must be preceded by a thorough X-ray study. It is
claimed that large doses of glycerin will dissolve the stones and
envelope them to make the passage easy. The amount used is 1 2/3
ounces of glycerin at equal periods, three times a day for three
days. This procedure produces a good deal of abdominal distention
and gas, and daily enemas are necessary. Another method is the following:
To aid in expulsion of calculus from the kidney, Spirit of turpentine
in 10 minim (0.6 c.c.) doses in gelatin capsule three times daily.
Diet of milk, each tumbler diluted ¼ part with water, milk
to be slightly warmed and drunk slowly. Fish and dry toast may be
taken once daily. The patient is to rest recumbent during the regimen
and to take occasional hot sitz baths. The treatment to last six
days consecutively, then after a two-day interval it is repeated
once or twice if necessary.
A third method that has produced results has been a balanced diet
rich in Vitamin A. Also two Cod Liver Oil capsules six times a day
rich in Vitamins A and D. But, the content of Vitamin A must be
greater than D.
For prevention of future attacks, or the prevention of the formation
of stone, the above regime can be reduced by one-half and continued
for at least a year. A balanced diet can be selected from Forms
No. 1 and 2, in this book.
HERBOLOGY: For the anuria that may develop a mild diuretic and tonic,
with emolient and soothing properties to the urinary passsages can
be made from Palmetto Berries, Bearberry Leaves, Licorice, Cubeb
Berries, Juniper Berries, Althea Root, Sweet Fern, Pipsissewa, Fennel
Seed and Bluets.
A simple yet effective tea can be made from the Bearberry and Goose
Hives, Nettlerash
DEFINITION: An inflammatory
affection of the skin, characterized by the eruption of whitish
or pale red evanescent wheals that cause great itching and distress.
Sometimes called Nettlerash or Hives.
ETIOLOGY: Acute urticaria is usually produced through some alimentary
disorder, the result of mechanical irritation of the stomach or
bowel, or a toxemia. Intestinal parasites and undigested food act
as mechanical irritants; substances capable of producing toxemia
may be primarily toxic or may become so through putrefactive changes
within the intestines. Idiosyncrasy to certain foods and drugs is
an active cause. Among the foods most apt to cause urticaria are:
crabs, lobsters, mussels, caviar, shrimps, salted fish, clams, oysters,
cheese, buttermilk, sausage scrapple, pork, veal, strawberries,
raspberries, cucumbers, mushrooms, grape skins, etc.
Urticaria may also be produced by certain drugs, such as coal tar
derivatives and quinine.
Urticaria may occur in connection with malaria, rheumatism, Bright’s
disease, the eruptive fevers, pertussis, asthma, and various nervous
and gastrointestinal disorders. It is a frequent complication of
scabies and pityriasis and has been observed as a sequel of arsenical
poisoning. Finally, direct local irritation—sting of nettle,
bite of jelly-fish, mosquito, bee, wasp, etc., may produce the disease.
SYMPTOMS: The eruption appears suddenly and may be localized or
more or less general. The lesions are firm, rounded, pinkish or
whitish elevations, surrounded by red wheals. They last a few hours
and are succeeded by new ones in other places. The main symptom
is itching.
TREATMENT: Since this condition is due to a lymph stasis of peripheral
circulation it follows that a thorough lymphatic is in order, and
a sedation of the whole spinal area.
CHIROPRACTIC: D 5-7-10 and local zone.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot baths with a handful of washing soda in tub on
retiring. Lime water applied to the part with a cloth or cotton.
Cold compresses will give relief in many cases. Epsom salts baths,
two cups full to a tub of water is helpful.
COLONOTHERAPY: Daily enemas or colonics are in order as long as
the condition is acute. Sodium bicarbonate, tablespoonful to each
quart of water.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra violet ray seems to be the electrotherapeutic
agent. The high frequency bulb has also considerable value over
the local area.
DIET: Usually a fast of a day or two will aid greatly. However,
if not feasible, eliminating all acid foods for a few days at least
is the rule. The diet should be of an alkaline nature.
HERBOLOGY: Use an herbal laxative. Catnip tea is excellent for Hives,
especially suitable for small babies.
One dessertspoonful after meals of the following tea is good: (Put
herbs in cup (8 oz.) of boiling water, cool, strain.)
Jam, Sarsa (Jamaica Sarsaparilla) 1 oz.
Urtica dioica (Stinging Nettle) 1 oz.
Hydrastis (Golden Seal) ½ teaspoonful
Sennae (Senna) 1 oz.
DEFINITION: An acute inflammatory
condition of the mucous membrane lining of the larynx, characterized
by slight fever, hoarseness and a catarrhal exudate.
ETIOLOGY: Improper use of voice, exposure to dampness. Extension
of infections from the nose and throat, measles, whooping cough
and some other conditions of nearby organs. Smoking or drinking
to excess.
There are many types. The simple, in which there may be no more
than hoarseness and aphonia, with slight pain on deglutition. The
chronic type in which the above symptoms are prolonged and may be
exaggerated. There also is a type known as membranous, which is
from infection with swollen larynx and considerable pain.
Then there is the tuberculosis type with pain in swallowing and
a hollow cough. And the Syphilitic type. Secondary stage in form
of mucous patches or tertiary in form of gumma. Secondary syphilis
is a diffuse infection and one sees luetic patches spread over large
areas. In tertiary syphilis the gammatous lesion can occur in any
part of larynx. There is marked redness over the infiltrated area
as well as in the surrounding mucous membrane. When there is breaking
down, the resultant ulceration is deep with sharp edges. Pain is
usually absent and fixation of the cord is late. Cicatrization and
deformity follow healing of gumma.
In all the types there is present to a more or less degree the following
symptoms: Cough, hoarseness, aphonia, pain and dypsnea.
TREATMENT: Find the cause and remove it. A general treatment may
be as follows:
NEUROPATHY: A good lymphatic of the throat and axillary glands.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment 4th to 6th cervicals and D 2 and 5.
HYDROTHERAPY: Cold compresses around the throat or douches of cold
water on the throat. Gargle with half water and half lemon juice
is excellent. Alum water has been used for a long time as a gargle,
but now 120 V.M. has displaced it. One drop to 10 drops of water
is sufficient. A greater quantity can be made in proportion. For
infections the strength of 120 may be greatly increased. Spraying
of the throat with an atomizer with the above solution is also helpful.
Ice cubes may be put in the mouth to allay the irritation.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Direct diathermy or short wave over the neck. Ultra-violet
quartz ray directly on the diseased parts is highly recommended.
COLONOTHERAPY: In this condition the bowels must be kept free by
enemas or colonics.
ZONE THERAPY: A pulling out of the tongue, twisting it from side
to side gently, then exerting slight pressure underneath on the
floor of the tongue, has helped some. The patient can be instructed
to do the above.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: If at all possible, the physician should put
his finger down to the larynx and massage the whole area. The finger
can be wrapped in gauze that has a bit of 15 V.M. or vaseline on
the end. For full instructions see book “Endo-Nasal, Aural
and Allied Techniques.” Lake, page 64.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the 7th cervical if heart is fast.
Otherwise concussion of the other cervicals, avoiding the 7th cervical,
unless the heart is too fast.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cups applied to the dorsal and cervical regions
and directly over the afflicted area are an excellent form of treatment.
DIET: A fast during the acute condition, then Diet No. 2 for a day
or two, followed by No. 1, has been found the best procedure by
the writer. Milk may be given to those who complain of the fast.
HERBOLOGY: Smoking Mullein Leaves like tobacco is good.
The following taken before meals, one dessertspoonful is recommended.
Hieracium Pilosella (Mouse Ear)
½ oz.
Lycopus Virginicus (Bugle Weed) 1 teaspoonful
Hydrdastis (Golden Seal) 1 teaspoonful
Glycyrr (Licorice) 2 oz.
Cinnamomi (Cinnamon) ½ teaspoonful
Put the above in 8 oz. of boiling
water (a cupful), let cool, Strain. Shake well before use.
doses and D in smaller doses three times a day.
In malignant growths of the throat it is best to consult a specialist.
DEFINITION: The term Malaria
is so broad that it comprehends a group of infections, and has many
synonyms, such as ague; intermittent and remittent fevers; chills
and fever; quotidian, tertian, and quartan fevers; autumnal fever;
paludal fever, marsh fever; climatic fever; jungle fever; swamp
fever; coast fever; mountain fever; hill fever; gnat fever; Roman
fever; Chagres fever; Cameroon fever; chill fever; cold fever; hemamebiasis;
paludism autointoxication.
ETIOLOGY: Whenever there are the following three symptoms recurrently
present, chill, fever and sweating, there is always some infection
AUTOINTOXICATION: The blood stream is polluted and the insects which
bite and penetrate deposit their parasites in the polluted blood
of man in which the oxygen content is very low and a breeding place
is found, there cultivating until the whole blood stream is poisoned.
This poison or the parasite starts a destruction of red cells, which
is followed by anemia and weakness. Man becomes infected through
the bite of certain mosquitoes, namely, those belonging to the genus
Anopheles. However, symptoms simulating malarial fever may be produced
by the bite of any insect.
TYPES: Some types follow with a few of their symptoms:
The Intermittent type of Fever, enlargement of spleen, haematozoa
in the blood and the occurrence at regular intervals of paroxysms
divided into three states, cold, hot, and sweating. When paroxysms
occur every day it is termed quotidian intermittent; every other
day, tertian intermittent; every fourth day, quartan intermittent.
PROGNOSIS: Aloways favorable. Even without treatment paroxysms gradually
subside. Each case should be treated according to individual manifestations.
THE REMITTENT: Malaise with moderate chilliness, followed by a continuous
fever which daily remits. Maximum temperature ranges from 103 to
106 degrees. While this lasts the skin is hot, face flushed, eyes
injected, pulse full and rapid, urine scanty, and patient complains
of pain in limbs and head. Delirium sometimes noted, vomiting often
occurs, jaundice may develop from destruction of the red blood corpuscles
and liberation of their pigment. Spleen is enlarged and haematozoa
PROGNOSIS: Favorable. Duration, one to two weeks.
CHRONIC MALARIAL CACHEXIA: A chronic manifestation of malaria characterized
by anemia, by a sallow appearance of skin and splenic enlargement.
SYMPTOMS: Patient is thin and pale. Complexion dirty yellow or muddy
hue; fever often absent; if present, slight and irregular; spleen
considerably enlarged; great weakness from the attending anemia.
Headache and neuralgia. Hematuria sometimes present.
TREATMENT OF MALARIAL DISEASES: Prophylactics. Patients living in
malarial districts should avoid the night and early morning air;
should sleep in upstairs room. Treatment covering the special conditions
of each case should be given.
REMITTENT FEVER: Absolute rest. Light diet.
In Pernicious Malarial Fever and Chronic Malarial Cachexia, as well
as in the Remittent and Intermittent forms the treatment is found
under the Acute Malaria.
MALARIAL HEMATURIA: A malignant form of malaria generally appearing
about the first of February or latter part of October, among those
living in a malarial country most of the year, and who have had
SYMPTOMS: The principal symptom is blood in the urine with a pernicious
form of malaria.
DIAGNOSIS: The following three stages of any type would lead the
physician to suspect Malaria in some form:
THE COLD STAGE: This stage is characterized by lassitude, aching
in the limbs, and great chilliness. The features are pinched, the
lips blue, and the surface is cold and rough. The rectal temperature,
however, is high (105-106 degrees F.). Vomiting may occur. The chill
may last from a few minutes to an hour or more.
THE HOT STAGE: The surface temperature gradually rises, the skin
becomes hot, the face flushed, the eyes injected, and the pulse
full and rapid. The temperature in the axilla may reach 106-107
degrees F. The patient complains of severe pain in the head, back
and limbs, and of intense thirst The urine is scanty and dark colored.
This stage usually lasts from one to five hours.
SWEATING STAGE: The fever gradually subsides, the pains grow less,
free perspiration follows, and the urine becomes plentiful. Within
an hour or two the attack is over and the patient falls into a refreshing
TREATMENT: In every case in which acute Malaria is suspected, the
patient should be put to bed at once. The bowels should be thoroughly
irrigated with a warm saline solution. No nourishment should be
given for at least twelve hours. The best procedure then to follow
is to give the general outline of treatment, combating the symptoms
as they arise.
NEUROPATHY: A good lymphatic and stimulation of the whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: For the decrease of temperature Dorsal 5-7. For increase
of temperature Kidney segments. Cervical 5 will sometimes control
the fever.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot packs over the kidney, in the hot stage sponging.
Much relief is given by cool sponging. During the cool stage the
patient should be well covered with blankets, and given hot drinks.
If there is vomiting, ice pellets to sip on, or ice pills to swallow.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cupping over the whole spine in the intermittent
type of fever has always been of great value.
DIET: As stated above, in the fever stage all food should be withheld
for some hours after the fever has subsided. When the patient seems
normal after an attack, the milk diet can be given for a few days,
glassful every two hours. Then if satisfactory results are obtained,
No. 2 diet for a few days, gradually working the patient up to No.
1 diet.
EXERCISES: When well enough, sun baths, hot and cold showers and
daily walks in the country for fresh air.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Oxygen destroys germs. Oxygen attracts iron
from the food into the blood stream. Then the whole respiratory
system must be put in order. The nose must be dilated fore and aft.
The diaphragm should be exercised by raising and falling.
HERBOLOGY: Equal parts of any of two or three of the following can
be made into a good tea for Malaria. Take teaspoonful of the mixed
herbs to a cup of boiling water. Large swallow at a time —
one or two cupfuls a day. Boneset, Sweet Flag, Elecampane, Elderberries,
Sweet Marjoram, Cloves, Wild Ginger, Cinchona, Agrimony, Five Finger
Grass, Sage, Blue Vervain, Wood Sorrel, Yarrow, Hops, Juniper Berries,
Lovage, Blessed Thistle, Jamaica Ginger.
A nice combination is equal parts of Wild Cherry Bark, Black Haw,
Burdock and Dogwood Bark. Take about 7 tablespoonsful of the mixed
herbs to a quart of boiling water; let cool, strain. Tablespoonful
three times a day.
Anemia exists after manifestations of any type of Malaria, then
a part of the treatment is of Anemia, which see.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: A.D to provide resistance against further attacks.
B2 and G for building up blood reserve. 120 V.M. 1 drop to a glass
of water two times a day.
DEFINITION: Inflammation of
the lining of the mastoid cells, beginning in hyperemia, followed
by edema and exudation.
ETIOLOGY: It is doubtful if primary inflammation of the mastoid
ever occurs except as the result of syphilis or tuberculosis, the
disease being in almost every instance, the result of an extension,
by continuity of structure, of inflammation from the tympanum. Politzer
states that in every post-mortem that he made of chronic suppuration
of the middle ear the mastoid cells were diseased. Mastoiditis,
then, is generally the sequency of acute inflammation of the tympanum
or of chronic suppuration of the middle ear. In rare instances suppurative
inflammation of the deeper portion of the auditory canal may extend
under the periosteum until pus appears upon the external surface
of the mastoid beneath the periosteum; or infection may be transmitted
by means of the veins which traverse canals passing from the meatus
into the mastoid cells.
The chief symptom at the beginning of brain complications is usually
headache, which, at first intermittent, soon becomes constant and
increases in severity. Accompanying the headache there are restlessness,
insomnia, occasional vomiting, and dullness of the intellect. If
the eye be examined with the ophthalmoscope, commencing optic neuritis
will be discovered. In children coma frequently occurs. Dilation
of the pupil, paralysis of the accommodation, strabismus, ptosis
or paralysis of other muscles of the body, may sometimes be present
as the result of brain-abscess. This is an inflammation with pus
filling up the porous portion of the mastoid bone. This bone actually
is a sinus acting as a sounding board for the ear. It must be remembered
that the middle ear consists of a series of communicating pneumatic
spaces, beginning with the pharyngeal end of the eustachian tube
in the lateral wall of the naso-pharynx and terminating in the pneumatic
spaces of the mastoid processes that in health are filled with air.
TECHNIQUES: Two things must be borne in mind: (1) the future of
the patient relative to prevention of poor hearing and tinnitus
arium, and (2) the safety of the patient, if conservative treatment
is instituted; then general supportive measures and establishing
free drainage are recommended. There has been much discussion as
to whether hot or cold applications are best. Both sides have a
fair argument. We usually see which gives the most comfort to the
patient for a while, and then apply the cold packs if temperature
remains high. The pus is thus slowly taken up by the blood stream
for elimination. Infra-red light has been found useful, applied
for five-minute periods at intervals of every hour. Diet: Fast on
fruit juices while acute condition lasts. With all this, remember
that the quicker air gets in the better. Then, as soon as possible,
without giving too much pain, open the pharyngeal and Rosenmuller
cavities. After inflammation has subsided, give all General Techniques
for a few weeks, testing to see if eustachian tube is patent. After
the pain has eased, a lymphatic of the cervical region may be given,
and if not too painful, adjustments of the cervical vertebrae can
be given. This is a self-limited inflammation, and if the patient
will remain quiet and use hydrotherapy of heat and cold, as best
suited to his needs, and will fast as much as possible, no serious
complications will arise. The writer has experienced this disease
three times in his life, and fasting and hydrotherapy were all that
was necessary. But the average patient wants relief at once, and
all sorts of things are done and all sorts of stuff are poured into
the ears. This writer has had many cases of this condition, and
in addition to heat and cold applications, psychiatry has been helpful
in aiding the patient to wait until the discharge or the resolution
of the pus. Only two went on to paracentesis or mastoid operation.
This is not to say that operations and paracentesis are not sometimes
necessary. But if the Drugless Physician could get the case before
all kinds of things were tried at home, the above simple method
would be effective.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Infrared has been useful in aborting an attack in
several cases. Hollander reports that radiant light heat, a 1,000
watt, affords the patient some relief. He believes that radiant
energy is effective by conversion into long obscure heat waves,
which are absorbed and carried by contiguity of structure and conversion
through the blood. This heat, he contends, has a local effect upon
cellular metabolism of the cells themselves by reason of the heating
of the cellular contents and the increased supply of invigorating
blood. The increased blood supply is due to the well-known vasomotor
response to heat.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Large doses of Vitamin A, smaller doses of Vitamin
D. A may be given as high as 25,000 units a day.
DEFINITION: Measles, Morbilli
or Rubeola is an acute, infectioius, contagious disease, generally
of children.
Rubella is an acute contagious disease resembling both scarlet fever
and measles, but differing from these in its short course, slight
fever and freedom from complications. Sometimes referred to as German
measles or Epidemic Roseola.
These two conditions are claimed to be highly contagious diseases.
Yet the Department of Health of Pennsylvania has removed them from
the quarantinable list of diseases.
ETIOLOGY: It is supposed to be from a virus of some nature. But
before the onset there is noticed a nasal catarrhal condition and
also a lack of vitality and interest in the child or patient.
SYMPTOMS: Onset gradual; coryza, rhinitis, drowsiness, loss of appetite,
gradual elevation of temperature for first two days, when fever
may rise from 101 to 103. Photophobia and cough soon develop, although
some recession in the temperature may occur. About fourth day, fever
usually reaches a higher elevation than previously, at times as
high as 104 to 106, and with this recurrence the rash appears. Erupton
first appears on face, being seen early as small maculopapular lesions
which rapidly increase in size and coalesce in places, often causing
a swollen, mottled appearance. The rash extends to the body and
extremities, and in some areas may assume a deviousness suggestive
of scarlet fever. A cough, present at this time, is due to the bronchitis
produced by the inflammatory condition of the mucous membranes that
undoubtedly corresponds to the rash seen on the skin. Ordinarily,
the rash lasts from four to five days and then subsides, the temperature
declines. Consequently, by the end of five days from appearance
of rash, temperature should be normal, or approximately normal in
uncomplicated cases. Prior to appearance of the eruption, a leukocytosis
may be noted. Following presence of rash, a leukopenia may always
be expected.
COMPLICATIONS: Bronchopneumonia, otitis media, mastoiditis, cervical
adenitis and perhaps some encephalitis, eye disturbances or laryngeal
stenosis are possible complications.
NEUROPATHY: Complete lymphatic
to drain the catarrhal mucus, and stimulation of the whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustments C1, D 6, Lumbar 3 and wherever else indicated.
HYDROTHERAPY: A daily warm bath will aid in desquamation. But if
there is high temperature, cool sponging should be used. The eyes
should be washed and cleaned with warm water.
GENERAL HOME CARE: Patient should be isolated in a well-ventilated
room, since when a respiratory infection is being dealt with, good
ventilation is of utmost importance. Though a room is frequently
darkened, this is not a necessary requirement, if strong light does
not shine in patient’s face. The average measles patient does
not care to eat during first few days of illness. Aside from providing
plenty of fluids, no unusual effort should be made to force food
upon him. Plenty of water, fruit juices and milk, however, are desirable.
With fading of rash and reduction of temperature, patient will soon
regain his appetite under normal circumstances. The eyes should
receive careful attention, being cleansed with a saturated solution
of boric acid.
The cough can be controlled by concussion of the 7th cervical or
a spoonful of equal parts of honey and lemon juice thoroughly mixed.
HERBOLOGY: Alternately giving hot Catnip Tea and a Tea made from
Elderberry Flowers (also berries can be used) will bring out the
measles and check the fever.
Some find Hot Lemonade excellent to bring them out.
A pleasant drink to bring out the measles and which the children
will like as it tastes like Lemonade is to make a tea of Saffron
Blossoms, add lemon juice and sugar to taste.
When child is about (or) up and around (or) out of bed, a thorough
examination of the whole respiratory system, and treatments by Endo-Nasal
techniques is indicated.
Meniere’s Disease
DEFINITION: Nerve racking noises
in the ears or head, with vertigo as a common symptom.
ETIOLOGY: Please read the essay the writer has under “Tinnitis”
in his book, “Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied Techniques”,
page 86. It is too long to put here. The general symptoms briefly
stated are: Deafness, tinnitus arium, and paroxysms of intense vertigo.
The paroxysms, which may occur daily or at intervals of weeks, may
culminate in vomiting or even in syncope. The condition usually
continues through life unless the proper treatment is given early
in the disease, or the loss of hearing becomes total, on the affected
Noises in the head may come from other causes such as low blood
pressure, high blood pressure. Tumors of cerebello-pontine angle
may excite similar symptoms. But the majority of cases are from
lesions in the labyrinth and there may be a degeneration of the
nerve ends. In some cases the condition follows diseases of the
middle ear.
The Treatment must be of the
cause. See treatment for low and high blood pressure and vertigo.
PROGNOSIS: Many have but a single attack of tinnitus which may be
reflexed from some abdominal organ or organs, particularly the liver,
and may recover completely in a short time. Others may have it for
years, or a life-time, unless the cause is found and removed.
TREATMENT: While giving the general treatments, diligent search
should be made for the cause; urinalysis, and hemoglobin and blood
count tests should be made in every case. High acidosis, sugar,
albumen and chlorides to an appreciable amount may be evidence of
anoxemia, diabetes and nephritis. These present serious implications
in connection with tinnitus and vertigo. The color and blood count
test will help establish the presence of anemia or leukemia. These
diseases mentioned with uremia, gout, arteriosclerosis and migraine
are sometimes accompanied by tinnitus. Look at the toe nail, denoting
an anemia of the spinal nerves. For treatment of specific causes
see under titles in the index.
AIDS: Fasts of one or two days, with a following through of Diet
No. 1 and No. 2 alternately for a month, have been of great benefit
to those who show toxemic tendencies. Negative galvanism is recommended
and diathermy, through the finger tips of the doctor held in the
patient’s ear, also endocrine therapy of the adrenal and thyroid
types. Thorough elimination should be established and we have known
of cases where colonic irrigations accomplished splendid results.
Zone therapy has its merits if the patient will persist in its performace.
Pressure on the internal and external carotid artery on one side
for about five minutes, when the tinnitus is extremely annoying,
has produced temporary relief; also pressure on the roof of the
mouth underneath the noise area. Concussion of the seventh cervical
has helped some, also vibration on the whole head area. If all of
these fail, and the patient is in a state of nervous exhaustion,
plugging for five minute periods about five times a day will help.
A small rubber tube completely incased in absorbent cotton, so made
that it will slip easily into the ear, is inserted in the ear as
far as possible without force. If there is a perforation in the
drums, it can be placed just over it. If the cotton tube is placed
in the appropriate place, there is nearly always an immediate diminishing
of the sounds in all patients. The location is not uniform. The
patient, after being shown, can be instructed to do this at home.
For the first few days it should be removed after five minutes.
After this treatment, dry heat of some nature is very soothing.
Vacuum therapy, with a small ear bulb was used by the writer on
himself and it stopped every attack he had.
In addition to the above all the general Endo Nasal and Aural techniques
need to be used. Air must be gotten into the eustachian tube or
there will not be any relief from tinnitus arium.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of Cervicals 1 and 3.
NEUROPATHY: Deep lymphatic of the cervicals.
ELECTROTHERAPY: There are physicians who claim to have some good
results from diathermy and galvanism, but the experience of the
writer with these modalities has been practically negative. But
Collander gives the following report of a case: R. L., age 45, male,
druggist, suffered from tinnitus for twelve years. He attributed
his trouble to a pneumonia, as he had never noticed the symptoms
before this illness. Inflations, operative procedures on the nose
and throat, and X-rays produced no relief. Thyroid extract, as well
as other medication on a systematic basis, proved of no benefit.
He always noticed that local heat in some form was palliative. There
was no definite impairment of hearing. Diathermy was applied to
both ears, one ear being treated at a time, for a period of four
weeks, four treatments weeky. At the end of this course the tinnitus
was almost negligible, but returned later when no treatments had
been taken for about two months. The diathermy was resumed, and
after a few applications, relief was again obtained. In this case,
it is especially interesting to note that of all the measures utilized,
diathermy was the only one which gave some promise of being beneficial.
HERBOLOGY: One tablespoonful each of Chicory Root and Pimpinella
Root to a pint of water; boil moderately for thirty minutes; let
cool, strain, add hot water to make up a full pint. Take three cupfuls
daily, between meals. Syringe ears with warm decoction of Shavegrass
or Shepherd’s Purse, three or four times daily.
COLONOTHERAPY: The bowels need to be kept free at all times.
BRIEF ANATOMY: The meninges
are the three membranes investing the spinal cord and brain; the
dura mater, external, and the arachnoid, middle and pia mater, internal.
DEFINITION: Inflammation of the membranes, the spinal cord or brain.
VARIETIES AND SYMPTOMS, AND TREATMENT: Simple or Acute Leptomeningitis
— An acute inflammation of the pia mater and arachnoid considered
as one, and Pachymeningitis or inflammation of the dura mater. Really
these can not be distinguished from each other. Moreover, inflammation
of the brain and of the pia, dura, and arachnoid is sure to extend
to either or both of the others, and the consequence will in any
form be suppuration, abscess, effusion into the ventricles and softening
of cerebral tissue if brain is involved. Meningitis may be either
acute or chronic. Acute form: Symptoms are moderate, irregular fever,
loss of appetite, constipaton, intense headache, intolerance to
light and sound, contracted pupils, delirium, retraction of head,
convulsions and coma.
PROGNOSIS: Unfavorable, though recovery is not impossible.
TREATMENT: Patient should be placed in a darkened, well-ventilated
room. Ice bag to head. When patient is robust, vacuum cups may be
applied to neck. Diet: Liquid; small quantities frequently. Constipation
relieved by enemas. Treatment is for each individual case. Chronic
form: Same careful treatment should be carried out; generally results
from injury, syphilis, sunstroke or caries of the bone. Additional
therapeutics suggested at the end of this section.
Hemorrhagic pachymeningitis may be secondary to chronic cardiac
disease renal disease, one of the infectious fevers, chronic alcoholism
or especially insanity.
SYMPTOMS: Often not clear. Where marked there is headache, failure
of memory, impairment of intellect, stupor, contracted pupils, local
convulsions or palsies.
PROGNOSIS: Unfavorable.
TREATMENT: Grave cases should be treated as apoplexy.
TUBERCULOUS MENINGITIS: An acute inflammation of the cerebral meninges
excited by the tubercle bacillus.
SYMPTOMS: Loss of flesh, gradual wasting of strength, rise of temperature
in evening, restlessness, irritability and sleeplessness may exist
for some time before acute symptoms come on; these are severe headache,
occasional convulsions, delirium, vomiting, fever, optic neuritis.
SYMPTOMS: Of compression of brain. Child passes into comatose state
and dies.
EPIDEMIC CEREBRO-SPINAL MENINGITIS: A specific infectious disease
caused by invasion of meningococci, characterized anatomically in
inflammation of the cerebro-spinal meninges, and clinically by intense
pain in head, back and limbs, convulsions, irregular fever, and
frequently by a red, round, small eruption.
In the cerebro-spinal meningitis, there are three types recognized:
the Mild, where there is slight fever, general malaise, and some
vomiting; the Abortive type, seen in strong children who by reason
of good health are able to withstand a severe infection, and the
symptoms are even less than in the mild cases, and the recovery
is very rapid. In the Severe cases, the duration of symptoms may
last from three to seven weeks. In those that recover, in many there
is left some form of physical distress. These may include defective
vision from inflammation of the cornea or retina or from atrophy
of the optic nerve; defective hearing from inflammation of the auditory
nerve or from suppurative inflammation of the internal or middle
ear; pneumonia; arthritis; aphasia; peripheral palsies; imbecility;
chronic hydrocephalus; and persistent headache.
GENERAL TREATMENT: Upon an early diagnosis largely depends the outcome
of any form of Meningitis. The patient should be kept in a quiet
room, with the window shades well lowered. To prevent stasis of
circulation by lying in one position too long, he should be turned
from one side to the other about every two hours. The head and neck
should be elevated to prevent cerebral congestion.
HYDROTHERAPY: When the temperature has passed 102 degrees, an ice
pack around the neck may be applied, or an ice bag to the head,
or cool sponging may be used on the whole body. A warm sulphur bath
twice a day is recommended by some.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cupping of the whole spine and the neck has been
a very good adjunct to other forms of treatment.
DIET: Feeding must be kept up to some extent or the patient may
die of exhaustion. But if the stomach will not hold food then rectal
feeding must be resorted to. The diet may consist of peptonized
milk, broths, gruel, and soft boiled eggs. Until there are signs
of convalescence then more can be added very gradually.
COLONOTHERAPY: An enema every day is sometimes necessary. When the
patient is strong enough, Chiropractic adjustments, Neuropathy,
Endo-Nasal therapy, all should be used in accordance to the symptoms
(General blood purifiers is all that Herbology can offer at the
present time.)
Menopausal Disturbances
DEFINITION: The critical period
in a woman’s existence is when there is a gradual or sudden
cessation of the menstrual periods. The average age is between 40
and 50 years, but there is always some variation. Some may be delayed,
and others hastened by diseases of various kinds. The duration also
varies from one to two and a half years. The following approximate
age of the menopause is taken from the Sajou’s Analytic Cyclopedia
of Practical Medicine. F. A. Davis Co., Publisher.
Menses begun at 10th; should
cease between 50th-52nd
“ “ “ 11th; “ “ “ 48th-50th
“ “ “ 12th; “ “ “ 46th-48th
“ “ “ 13th: “ “ “ 44th-46th
“ “ “ 14th: “ “ “ 42nd-44th
“ “ “ 15th: “ “ “ 40th-42nd
“ “ “ 16th: “ “ “ 38th-40th
“ “ “ 17th: “ “ “ 36th-38th
“ “ “ 18th: “ “ “ 34th-36th
“ “ “ 19th: “ “ “ 32nd-34th
“ “ “ 20th: “ “ “ 30th-32nd
The above table was worked out,
giving the approximate ages, as a practical working schedule upon
which to estimate the probable date of the menopause, as the age
limit beyond which no woman should be allowed to go on menstruating
without a thorough examination.
SYMPTOMS: There is an increased flow each month, until there is
a final absence, or the interval between periods may be lengthened
until complete cessation is accomplished.
The menopause is usually accompanied by elevation of blood-pressure,
hot and cold flashes, feeling of weakness, and in some cases marked
mental derangements. In women of plethoric type symptoms are those
of congestion — flushes of heat, rush of blood to face and
head, uterine and other hemorrhages, leucorrhea, and even diarrhea.
In chlorotic subjects, sallow complexion, semi-chlorotic skin, weak
pulse, and various other indications of debility. In nervous subjects,
the over-anxious look, the terror-stricken expression as if apprehensive
of seeing some frightful object; the face bedewed with perspiration;
and remarkable tendency to hysteria are often met with. The unusual
development in some of hair on chin and lip generally coincide with
final cessation of menses; so does an unusual power of generating
heat, indicated by throwing off clothing and opening doors and windows.
There is often rheumatism of shoulder or thigh, or swelling of joints.
Maybe ulcers and polypi of uterus and carcinoma of this organ and
of the breasts. Anatomically there is marked atrophy of the external
pudendi, and atrophy of the uterus, tubes and ovaries, the vagina
becomes conical in shape, and the mucous membrane becomes smooth
and atrophic.
TREATMENT: The treatment of menopause is needed only when the symptoms
become unbearable. But the physician must make sure there is no
NEUROPATHY: A sedation of the whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Cervical 1, Dorsal 6, and Lumbar 3.
PSYCHIATRY: Many women go into a state of mild or severe involutional
psychosis and need very careful handling lest an outburst occur
at any particular time. It would be well now if the reader would
turn to The Fundamentals of Applied Psychiatry, page 73, and read
what the writer has to say on involutional psychosis. Many women
come to the physician not because they have pain, but because of
the nervous and psychic changes that take place during the involutional
changes and it is always to be remembered that there is an endocrine
imbalance as well as a nervous and mental unbalance.
Three steps in these cases need to be taken: (1) Suggestion. The
patient is often quieted down by assurance from the doctor. (2)
Endocrine products. Thyroid, Ovarian Theelin, and Stilbestrol or
Estrin. (3) Quiet the nerves by inhibition or concussion.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamin E seems to be the most favored. But C and
D should also be considered. Patients who are obese should also
be treated for reducing. See under Obesity.
COLONOTHERAPY: Constipation is one of the disorders that make the
climacteric period more difficult and if a lymphatic of the abdomen
does not create a regularity, the enema or colonic must be resorted
to. But the lymphatic treatment should be kept up until the bowels
will function normally without aids of any kind. Lax or Lax Special
in lieu of enemas or colonics may be tried.
HERBOLOGY: One ounce each of Black Haw, Crow Corn Root and Beth
Root and two ounces of Squaw Vine. Put a teaspoonful of the mixed
herbs in a cup of boiling water. A cupful a day, a large swallow
at a time.
An excellent assistant at this period of life is an ounce each of
Scullcap, Wood Betony, Valerian and Hops. Boil in two and a half
pints down to two pints. Strain. When cool take a wineglassful three
times daily.
An infusion of Chickweed makes a good douche for regular use.
Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia
DEFINITION: Menorrhagia is an
excessive bleeding at the time of menstruation, either in the number
of days or the amount of blood or both, while metrorrhagia is a
bleeding from the uterus at any time other than during the menstrual
period. This is most often caused by lesions of the cervix uteri,
and its occurrence should always lead one to suspect and search
for a malignancy in the genital tract.
ETIOLOGY: Endocrine disturbances; Pituitary gland, thyroid and overy.
General systemic diseases: Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Blood
dyscrasias, Chronic nephritis. Malpositions of the uterus: Particularly
fibroid of the intramural and submucous types, Adenomyosis of the
uterus. Conditions of the cervix uteri: Erosions, Polypi, Inflammations
in the pelvis: Acute salpingitis, Acute metritis, Acute endometritis,
Chronic metritis, and endometritis. Fibrosis of the uterus.
The general or constitutional diseases causing uterine hemorrhage
or anemia in exceptional cases, gout, scurvy, phthisis in the early
stages, the acute infectious fevers, malaria, influenza, cardiac
diseases causing vascular stasis, and hepatic diseases with portal
stasis. In fact, any general disorder that will impede the return
flow of blood from the pelvic viscera will cause an unusual vascular
pressure that may result in hemorrhage from the uterus. In obscure
cases the possibility of syphilis must be borne in mind and the
Wassermann reaction utilized.
TREATMENT: The specific treatment depends on the cause. In acute
cases the patient should be put to bed. A hard mattress is preferable.
The room should be cool. The hips are elevated, an ice bag is applied
to the pubic region. If this does not check it, ice can be applied
directly to the mouth of the uterus. All liquids and food eaten
during the attack should be cold.
When the acute attack is over, then a diligent search for the cause
should be made. A suggested general treatment may be as follows:
HYDROTHERAPY: V. M. 120 2 to 10 drops to a quart of tepid water
used as a vaginal douche twice a day for ten days.
Have the patient keep the hands in hot water as much as possible.
Rest in bed as much as possible.
There is a possibility that endocrine substances may have some effect
on regulating the blood flow. See “The Endocrine System”
in Bibliography.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamin K is the specific. But under the causes
presented as etiological factors, all the other vitamins may be
also necessary.
If after one month of treatment there is no improvement, the physician
if not fully acquainted with vaginal examinations should consult
a specialist to try and determine the cause; it may be possible
an immediate operation is necessary.
HERBOLOGY: Three parts each of Shepherds purse and Knotgrass and
four parts of Mistletoe made into a tea; using two or three cupfuls
daily. Use the tea cold. Or, the same proportion of the above and
add two parts each of Shavegrass and Oak Bark, and three parts each
of Five Finger grass and Red Saunders wood, taking a teaspoonful
of the mixed herbs and putting in a cup of boiling water. Let cool.
Strain. Add boiling water to fill the cup. Let cool. Tablespoonful
every waking hour.
Mumps — Parotitis
DEFINITION: An acute contagious
disease characterized by inflammation and swelling of the parotid
and salivary glands.
ETIOLOGY: The disease is rare under four years of age. Very few
instances have been recorded under that age. It is also rare in
adult life and more rare in old age. It is most common between the
ages of 5 and 14.
There is no known specific cause of this disease. It is thought
to be brought about by a filterable virus.
SYMPTOMS: Onset gradual. There may be chilliness malaise, moderate
fever (101 to 102); sometimes higher, followed by swelling of parotid
glands, the enlargement of one usually becoming evident a day or
two before the other. Swelling is below and in front of the ear.
It is pyriform in shape and has a doughy feeling. The lobe of the
ear is sometimes pushed forward, surrounding tissues are edematous,
the features may be greatly distorted. Movements of the jaw are
painful and restricted. Saliva may be increased or diminished. Sometimes
only one parotid is involved. Occasionally, the parotid glands seem
to escape and swelling is confined to submaxillary. Swelling usually
lasts for from five to seven days. Complications: When the swelling
in the parotids subsides. The most common complication in the adult
male is orchitis; in the female ovaritis or mastitis. It is rarely
that permanent dullness of hearing follows an attack of mumps.
PROGNOSIS: Favorable. Although the possibility of Orchitis and Ovaritis
should never be overlooked with a possible sequence of sterility.
HYDROTHERAPY: Cool applications
to control swelling. Ice pack or ice bag when there is great tension
from throbbing. Sometimes warm packs give more relief. Antiseptic
mouth washes and gargle.
DIET: Should be of soft or liquid nature for at least three days.
Not much else need be done, except to keep the patient quiet at
rest in bed.
NEUROPATHY: Drain the glands by a lymphatic of the shoulders and
axillaries. The liver should have special attention.
CHIROPRACTIC: If not too painful, adjustment of cervical 1 to 6,
D 5. Concussion of Cervical 7.
HERBOLOGY: Upon putting patient to bed, an Herbal laxative tea may
be used, a Camphor-Menthol-Oil Eucalyptus-Oil Peppermint Oil. Citronella
ointment or a goose grease ointment can be used. Patient may drink
all the lemon juice he wishes.
Teas made from Sweet Balm, Chamomile Flowers or Elder Flowers are
good if lemon juice is added and the tea is taken cold. One to two
cupfuls a day. Catnip Tea is recommended, using some of it hot and
some of it cold.
DEFINITION: Severe inflammation
and paroxysmal pain along the peripheral ramifications of a nerve
trunk. The terminology of which takes its name by the location of
the pain. Some locations may be as follows:
INTERCOSTAL NEURALGIA: In this variety the pain follows the course
of the intercostal nerves. It is frequently associated with an eruption
of herpes zoster. Spots of tenderness may be detected near the vertebral
column, in the mid-axilla, and near the sternum. The possible dependence
of intercostal neuralgia upon spinal caries or thoracic aneurysm
must not be forgotten.
Occipital neuralgia involves the upper cervical nerves. A spot of
tenderness may be discovered midway between the mastoid process
and the upper cervical vertebrae. This form of neuralgia may also
be an expression of spinal caries.
SCIATICA: The pain is usually referred to the nerve, the lesion
itself being in some closely related structure, most frequently
the lumbosacral spine, or the sacroiliac or hip joint and consisting
of infective arthritis, or more rarely tuberculosis or carcinoma.
In other cases the cause is inflammation or carcinoma of the prostate.
In many cases it is due to a subluxation of the lumber segments.
Positions of the bones in the lower back causing pressure.
NEURITIS: Is in the same category as neuralgia, with this exception
that the pain of neuritis is fairly constant during the attack while
in the neuralgias the pain is paryxysmal and limited to a certain
point. The tenderness is also limited to certain points. Neuritis
may be acute, chronic, migratory or multiple. In the acute form
there may be three types of disturbances:
1. Sensory symptoms — There is severe pain following the course
of the affected nerve, which is tender to the touch. The pain is
often associated with various paresthesis, such as burning, numbness,
tingling, etc. The part is at first very painful, but later it is
more or less painful at various times.
2. Motor symptoms — Muscular power is impaired; there may
be fibrillary tremors; the reflexes are diminished or lost.
3. Trophic symptoms — An eruption of herpes sometimes follows
the affected nerves. The skin may become glossy and the nails lusterless
and brittle. In advanced cases the muscles undergo atrophy and yield
the reactions of degeneration.
In the chronic form there is atrophy and contracture of the muscle
with constant pain or dull aching.
The multiple form is where two or more places have been attacked
at the same time.
The migratory form is referred to as a pain that ascends along the
nerve trunk or descends, causing pain in one place than another.
Inflammation of a nerve may
arise from trauma, as blows, stretching, compression, or wounds;
exposure to cold; the extension of inflammation from adjacent structures;
infectious diseases; poisons, such as alcohol or lead. Subluxations,
perversions, and lesions in the spinal cord.
Specific infections, such as diphtheria, influenza, measles, septicemia,
rheumatism, etc.; certain poisons derived from without such as alcohol,
lead, arsenic, carbon monoxide, sulphonal, etc.; certain auto-intoxications,
such as occur in gout and diabetes.
The disease is sometimes an expression of anemia. It may result
from the action of some tonic agent in the blood; thus it is common
in malaria, diabetes, gout and chronic lead-poisoning. It may be
caused by reflex irritation; thus a trifacial neuralgia may depend
on caries of the teeth or eye-strain. In some cases it is a hysteric
or psychogenic symptom (psychalgia). In other cases it is the first
indication of organic disease, such as tumor of the brain herpes
zoster, and aneurysm.
Exposure to cold and wet frequently acts as an exciting cause in
susceptible persons.
Is favorable. The greatest complication
to be looked for is atrophy of the tissues of a part or their distortion.
The treatment, no matter where
located, is of two parts. First to relieve the pain, then to remove
the cause, if possible to discover.
HYDROTHERAPY: It is best to
try hot packs or heat before using cold applications. The writer
recalls several cases where all methods of treatment by heat and
manipulation had failed, and an ice pack had removed the pain. These
were cases of brachial neuritis. The plan is to crush ice in a cloth
bag, lay it over the part affected, and cover with a turkish towel.
It is kept on until the finger begins to get numb, then removed,
and a hot pack put on until the numbness disappeared. This may be
repeated many times if necessary. In obstinate cases this form of
hydrotherapy has been useful in other locations of neuralgia with
good effect. The freezing process is used by the writer as a last
ELECTROTHERAPY: Diathermy is considered, with short wave, to be
the best electro modality. But sine wave and galvanism are also
considered helpful. The high frequency bulb run over the affected
part is helpful. Ultra-violet and infra-red are also of great help.
COUNTER IRRITATION: Riley states — if of the arm, place the
clothespins on the finger for ten minutes, or use the elastic rubber
bands for the same length of time. The clothespins usually give
the best results in this trouble. If of a sciatic nature, clamp
or press the toes.
Pressure on the spinal segments opposite to the affected side will
often create an inhibition and give temporary relief, and sometimes
permanent relief.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cups over the spinal segments leading to the affected
area, then cup directly over the pain area, applied mildly at first.
NEUROPATHY: General lymphatic and pressure in the gutter of the
spine on segment affected. The Lake Recoil for neuritis in the upper
portion of the body.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of the local zone and for the causative
factors. Sciatica requires some forms of treatment that do not apply
to Neuritis in general.
(1) The form in which there is no pain while at rest but which is
worse for a while after assuming an upright position. In this form
the inflammation has subsided and adhesions have formed, and they
drag on the nerve and create pain.
(2) In this form there is a certain amount of pain always present
but which becomes intense on lying down. Here the inflammation is
still present, complicated by adhesions and inflammation in the
nerve itself.
(3) When the pain is off and on for hours at a time, there are no
adhesions, especially by walking the patient seems to improve. When
adhesions are present, manipulations for their removal must be made
or the patient will continue to have pain for a long time with a
growing deformity on the affected side. See “Adhesions, and
technique of detecting,” elsewhere. Besides adhesions there
may be a misplaced innominate bone, which replaced before relief
can be given.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: In all forms of Neuralgia and Neuritis large doses
of A, B, D, and G.
HERBOLOGY: Take equal parts of Jamaica Dogwood, Scullcap, Valerian,
Black Cohosh, Prickley Ash and Cinchona Bark. To each ounce of the
mixed herbs use one and a half pints of water and boil down to a
pint. Use covered vessel. Let cool, strain. Three times a day take
a wineglassful.
Celery tea has long been known to be excellent. Use a teaspoonful
of the herb to a cup of boiling water, let cool, strain and use
Most Herb Companies sell a good salve for external application.
Dried Thistle Leaves made into a tea is good. A 25 cent box of the
leaves will make a quart of the tea. A wineglass should be taken
twice a day.
Add 5 drops of Oil of Wintergreen (the real stuff, not synthetic)
to a half cup of hot water, add teaspoonful of baking soda. Stir
well. Take one a day for three days, discontinue three days, etc.
Any of the following made into a tea are good. Fragrant Valerian,
Chamomile Flowers, Mormon Valley Herbs and Black Snake Root. As
usual, a teaspoonful of herb to a cup of boiling water; let cool,
strain, drink in three installments.
The cause of neuritis may determine a variation of the above general
suggestions — is it from exposure, injury, strain, aftermath
of severe illness, etc.
DEFINITION: A neurosis affecting
the various organs and functions, characterized by a persistent
exhaustion and nervous inability, and constant fear.
ETIOLOGY: Some cases have an organic background but the majority
have some hidden tension carried over from early life, or present
daily employment or home surroundings.
SYMPTOMS: Pains, palpitations, nervousness, discomfort in different
parts of the body, until the physician is at his wits end, unless
he understands present day psychiatry.
TREATMENT: If any organic condition is present it should be treated.
But if not, then treatment of a soothing nature such as massage
or diathermy, particularly over the parts complained of, while at
the same time seeking out in the background, and present surroundings,
the cause for the mental attitude. The question method of psychoanalysis
can be made even without the patient knowing it. The reader is now
referred to the writer’s book “The Fundamentals of Applied
Psychiatry.” Read the subjects of Neurasthenia, Beginnings
of Nervousness, Psychoanalysis, Discovery of the Tensions, Suggestion
and Orientation. All listed in the index. One thing a physician
should never do is to laugh at a patient and say “It is all
in your head” because it is just there in the subconscious
mind, but the patient will resent being told any such thing. Even
if the doctor knows what the tension is, he must try to get the
patient to discover it for herself, then the cooperation in adjustment
to the environment will be whole hearted.
During the time of searching for the tensions, adjustments and manipulations
can go on, and diets, certain exercises and books to read can be
suggested. Vitamins B, G, or C. D. may be given. If a male with
impotency E may be also given.
HERBOLOGY: A good combination: Half ounce each of Scullcap, Motherwort,
Betony and Horehound, half that amount each of Valerian, Ginger,
Licorice, Hops and Mistletoe. Mix herbs well. Take two heaping teaspoonsful
to two cups of boiling water. Simmer for about 20 minutes before
letting cool and straining. Wineglass two or three times a day.
DEFINITION: Abnormal amount
of fat on the body, or an abnormal process of fat storage.
ETIOLOGY: Heredity, Hearty eating with deficiency of exercise, deficiency
of glandular secretions, diminished oxidation, lack of sunshine,
over-use of fat producing foods, hypothyroidism, low basal metabolism,
constitutional predisposition. Over-development of any one part
of the body should be noted and causes ascertained.
TYPES: (1) Those with slender framework and small bones. (2) Those
with medium framework. (3) Those with heavy framework and large
caloric intake is greatly in excess of the requirements of the individual,
of which excess a certain amount is stored as fat. Not only the
amount but the kind of food must be taken into account.
ENDOGENOUS: - Those that result from endocrinopathology of either
Thyroid, Pituitary, Adrenal or Gonads. The thyroid seems to be the
one most responsible with the pituitaries next.
NERVOUSNESS: Nearly all obese patients have a history of nervous
complex symptoms. Headache, vertigo, tinnitis, insomnia, etc.
Defect in salt and water metabolism. Many cases of obesity there
is retained in the tissues large amounts of salt and fluids.
COMPLICATIONS: Circulatory disorders, especially myocarditis, diabetes,
disorders of the biliary passages, digestive disturbances, orthopedic
disorders, nearly all obese people have leg or foot pains, hypertension
or hypotension.
PROGNOSIS: Depends on the etiological factors, and on the cooperation
of the patient. It also depends a lot on the physician, whether
he knows the psychopathology of the obese. Most women are afraid
to reduce lest lines might appear in the face, especially those
over forty. But the physician can massage the face and keep its
true conformity.
TREATMENT: Go back now to the types. It can be generally accepted
that the first two types must be helped by endocrines, that the
third type can be only helped by restricted dieting and exercise.
DIET: Below maintenance requirements so far as energy units are
concerned must be provided with all other essential nutrients. 1000-1200
calories per day is a slow-reduction regimen; 600-800 is more rapid,
but examination should be made in the 600-800 calorie diet for the
presence of acetone, and all essential nutrients must be included.
Maintenance requirements are based on what the average weight should
be. Acidosis may result, as body-fat may overbalance necessary glucose
for the oxidation of fat. Indicated also are: (1) Vegetables and
fruits low in carbohydrates (2) Skimmed milk, buttermilk, or cottage
cheese every day to appear the appetite.
But the writer has found it best to put the patient on No. 1 diet,
found elsewhere in this book, and keep them on it for two weeks,
and let the patient understand in that time they will lose from
one to three pounds. Gradual reducing is the best for the patient.
If the patient gets tired of No. 1, let her have No. 2 for a while.
The patient must be made to understand that if more than thirty
pounds is to be taken off safely without shrunken features they
must cooperate for at least three to six months.
It is thought best that no water be ingested with meals but all
the patient desires after digestion has been established. But that
the water should be sipped and not poured down.
ENDOCRINOLOGY: These are to be given according to the etiology.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: All vitamin companies have special formulas for
this trouble, but none of them are of any value unless restriction
of diet, and exercises are taken. They could not be reducing of
themselves or they would interfere with the processes of digestion,
assimilation and absorption to such an extent they wold probably
destroy those functions. So the physician need be on his guard not
to give the patient any type of reducing material which process
of reducing can not be stopped when the required weight is reached,
because of destruction of the digestive processes themselves. It
has always been our policy to beware of those types of advertising
which tell the people they can eat all they want, any kind of food
they want, and grow thin. It is not Nature’s way.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: For the nervous type, concussion of the whole spine
is of great benefit.
NEUROPATHY: Lymphatic of the whole body with emphasis on the liver.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: The whole respiratory apparatus must have serious
atatention. The air we breathe contains twenty units of combustible
oxygen gas per pint; this, coming in contact with the carbonic gases
gives off heat and creates what is known as the process of oxidation,
which produces the rate of metabolism. In obesity, the rate of metabolism
is always below normal. The rate of metabolism is calculated from
the rate of oxygen consumption. It is obvious, then, that by removing
all obstructions to the intake and utilization of oxygen, a remedying
effect is produced.
The writer found that reduction of weight was much faster after
he started giving the Lake recoil, opening the exterior and posterior
nares, and breaking adhesions around the Thyroid, ending with the
raising techniques.
HERBOLOGY: One ounce each of Gentian and Columbo, two ounces of
Bladderwrack and a half ounce of Mandrake. Put in a quart and a
quarter of water and boil down to a pint. Let cool. Strain. Add
two drachms of Potassium iodide also same quantity of Spearmint.
Use tablespoonful three times daily after meals.
Also Indian Chickweed made into a tea is beneficial and harmless.
Another good combination is a tea of Sassafras Root, Elder Flowers,
Rosemary Leaves, Rocky Mountain Grape Root, Chickweed, Poke Root
and Horsetail Grass, producing a harmless mild carminative, tonic
and astringent. Make according to the standard formulae for making
teas — a teaspoonful of the mixed herbs to a cup of boiling
water, let cool, strain, take a mouthful a half hour apart; a cupful
a day.
COLONOTHERAPY: During the time of the reducing diets enemas daily,
or a colonic two times a week.
DEFINITION: The term Ovaritis
as used here is any inflammation or growth that may attack the ovaries.
It may be follicular or parenchymatous. Acute ovaritis is sometimes
termed Acute Oophoritis. When the surrounding peritoneum is involved
it is termed Peroophoritis.
SYMPTOMS AND ETIOLOGY: Intense lancinating pain, and tenderness
generally in the left inguinal region. The temperature is elevated,
pulse rapid and frequent chills. Acute inflammation is generally
caused by injury, septic poisoning after parturition or abortion,
gonorrhea, arsenic or phosphorus poisoning, acute rheumatism, mumps,
and long-continued endometritis. The most frequent cause is sepsis,
next gonorrhea. Sepsis is prone to result in abscess. Gonorrhea
produces perioophoritis, with fixation of the ovary.
Chronic ovaritis is usually a continuation of the acute condition
in a less active form. The pain, while less, is persistent, and
made intense by sudden jars such as a misstep. And the pain becomes
worse with the approach of the menstrual period. The pain extends
down the thighs, and in some cases in the mammary glands.
PROGNOSIS: Generally favorable in both acute and chronic stages.
The acute inflammation terminates in resolution and disappearance
of abnormal symptoms, or in the development of an abscess, its rupture,
the occurrence of rapidly fatal infective peritonitis; or the disease
may become chronic; most frequently it is associated with disease
of the tube.
The patient should be confined
to bed. An enema is given of warm water to relieve all pressure.
An ice bag or heat is put over the painful area. Sometimes heat
is preferable, but the ice bag is generally used. But on the subsidence
of the acute symptoms, hot applications need to be used to promote
absorption. A few hours after there is ease from pain, the vagina
should be thoroughly cleaned out with two quarts of hot water. 20
drops of 120 V. M. may be added to the water.
In the Chronic form of Ovaritis the causes must be found and treated
if permanent relief is to be given. Sepsis, Adhesions, Nerve and
other pressure, Prolapsis and other contributing factors can be
sought after.
NEUROPATHY: A light lymphatic of the whole body and sedation of
the whole pelvic segments.
CHIROPRACTIC: Lumbar 3 and wherever else indicated.
Douches every three days as under acute condition.
HYDROTHERAPY: The patient can cover the lower abdomen on retiring
with a cool wet cloth, covered by a piece of wool or cotton and
allow to remain in that position at least a half hour. Hot water
spray on the abdomen while sitting in tub or hot sitz baths are
also helpful.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Infrared over the area affected twice a week, followed
by a whole body ultra-violet irradiation is excellent.
DIET: If obese, the patient may be put on No. 1 diet for a while,
then alternate every other day with No. 1 and 2.
The Vitamins that seem to be needed in most of these cases are A,
B2, G and E.
HERBOLOGY: For Cysts one ounce each of Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Yarrow
and Comfrey and two ounces of Licorice boiled in a pint of water
for an hour, using a covered vessel; cool, strain. Tablespoonful
three times a day.
For tension use one ounce each of Horehound, Sunflower Seed, Motherwort,
Yellow Dock, and one-half ounce of Wormwood. Boil in two and a half
quarts of water for half hour. Wineglass three or four times daily.
A good douche is made from one ounce each of Raspberry Leaves, Powdered
Myrrh, Witch Hazel and Black Currant Leaves, boiled in a quart of
water for about five or six minutes, then kept hot for half an hour,
strain with very fine sieve or cloth. Use with syringe at night,
taking four ounces of the medicine and mixing it with a pint of
cool water, which has been thoroughly sterilized by boiling.
Adhesions, Cysts, Tumors, Carcinoma
In addition to the above, there
may be prolapse of the ovaries, and adhesions may be causing the
inflammation. The tuning fork will determine to what other part
the adherence of tissue is. The treatment is to break the adhesions,
raise the ovaries and put a strap or belt to hold in place. Also
to see that the uterus is placed in its normal position.
The ovaries are also subject to cysts, various kinds of tumors and
carcinomas. There are tubo-ovarian cysts. These arise from the extended
ovary into the fallopian tube. Proliferating cysts are in the majority
of ovarian inflammations, and vary in size from an egg to as much
as one weighing a hundred pounds.
Tumors known as Fibromyoma are hard tumors. They do not get very
PALPATION FOR OVARIAN TUMORS: When small, have an arm elastic feel;when
large, are soft and fluctuating. In some cases detected by passing
hand lightly over abdomen, in others, deep pressure required.
Percussion of Ovaries. Ovarian tumors: Sound is flat over that portion
of the abdomen where abdomen comes in contact with inner surface
of abdominal wall, while at sides and above where intestines have
been pushed aside and upward by the tumor, percussion sound will
be tympanitic; by this change in percussion sound we are enabled
to make out boundaries of tumor.
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: Ovarian tumor may be confounded with uterine
enlargements, also pregnancy, fibroid tumors of uterus, etc.; ascites,
hydatids of the omentum, fecal accumulations in intestines, and
enlargements of liver, spleen and kidneys. They are distinguished
from uterine tumors by consistence, outline, difference in connection
and relative position to uterus, and that by the fact that in uterine
tumors the cavity of uterus as determined by uterine sound is always
elongated. Diagnosis between ovarian and abdominal dropsy is made.
First by observing the shape of abdomen when patient lies on back.
Ovarian tumors project forward in the center while in ascites the
abdominal enlargement is uniform; second, in ovarian tumors the
percussion sound is dull as high as tumor extends, while at same
time there will be tympanitic resonance in most dependent portion
of abdominal cavity; in ascites the descending portion of abdomen
is always flat, the percussion resonance being confined to the epigastric
and umbilical regions. Third, in ovarian dropsy, the relative line
of flatness and resonance is not altered by change in posture of
patient as it is in ascites. Hydatids of omentum cannot be distinguished
from ovarian tumors by physical signs, but the fact that omentum
enlargements are first noticed above the umbilicus and gradually
enlarge downward. To make the above diagnoses, a good tuning fork
and stethoscope are necessary.
If the cysts and tumors are
small, an attempt can be made to break them up by removing the adhesions
as under Neuropathic minor surgery. Sine wave or galvanic current
will aid a great deal in the attempt, putting one pad over the front
of the body directly over the cyst or tumor and the other directly
Carcinoma of the ovaries requires surgical treatment. But there
are patients who refuse to submit to operation. With that type the
grape cure should be tried. See Grape Cure.
DEFINITION: A distressed feeling
that may be caused by over stimulation of any sensory nerve. It
is especially present in diseases such as neuritis, neuralgia and
diseases of the central nervous system or disorders causing pressure
on the central nervous system.
While the following outline of locations of pain may have variations,
it is probably as good an approximation as it is possible to make.
Pain in the trunk may be designated as Cardialgia. Those that are
located in the Epigastric, intestinal, pleural and cardiac regions
include the nature of pain and its character.
Absence of pain in troubles in which pain should be expected indicate
pressure on the brain. The sudden abatement of pain when other symptoms
continue to be bad is not a good omen.
CARDIALGIA: This is severe pain occurring in paroxysms in gastric
disorders. If to the left of the spine, with epigastric tenderness
occurring soon after a meal, gastric ulcer is indicated.
If it occurs several hours after eating and then relieved by food,
duodenal ulcer is indicated. If pain is constant and not relieved
by food or by alkalies, carcinoma may be suspected. Heart burn indicates
acute gastritis. Epigastric pain and tenderness occurring in paroxysms,
with pain in the right shoulder, indicates gall bladder disease
Epigastric pain with slow pulse, occurring in paroxysms, acute and
sharp, with tenderness over the umbilicus, indicates pancreatic
disease. In general, epigastric pain may accompany any gastric or
intestinal disorder, as well as pleural and some cardiac affections.
CAUSALGIA: This is spontaneous pain, especially when burning in
character is associated with anesthesia or hyperesthesia in a given
CONTINUOUS PAIN: This may indicate persistent obstruction; also
a tendency to suppuration.
CRAMPS: These are muscular spasms, such as epigastric pain.
A sharp pain in the region of the lungs indicates that the pleura
is involved. There is no pain when the substance of the lungs is
Location of direct, reflex, epigastric or cephalic pain: Pain in
the ear may indicate inflammation of the external canal except in
young children. It also may indicate a furuncle in the meatus, or
middle-ear disease.
PARESTHESIA: This is a stinging, tingling sensation found in central
and peripheral lesions.
PNEUDOMYELIA PARESTHETICA: This is a false sensation of movement
in a moving limb.
REFERRED OR REFLEX PAIN: Synalgia, or pain that seems apparent in
an area or at a point other than its origin, such as the region
supplied from the spinal segment from which sensory fibers supply
the organ or part in question. An example is pain from appendicitis
which often seems to occur in another area other than that of the
If pain is around the eyes and nose it indicates trouble with the
eyes, nose or stomach. If in the center of the forehead above the
nose, it may denote constipation, decayed teeth, or errors of refraction.
Ache in the center of the forehead may result from nasal or intestinal
trouble. Ache over each eye indicates stomach trouble. A tight,
band-like sensation all around the head above the eyes, indicates
an anemia or bloodless condition. Ache in the upper center of the
forehead denotes nasal trouble. Ache over the entire top of head
may result from uterine trouble, debility, anemia, stomach or bladder
disorders. Side of the head over the ear denotes anemia or bad blood
conditions. If the pain is near the center of the back head level
with the top of the ear, it indicates eye trouble. An ache just
below the center of the back head indicates constipation from colon
REMITTENT PAIN: This is characteristic of neuralgia and colic.
SHIFTING PAIN: This is present in rheumatism, hysteria and locomotor
REGIONAL PAIN: This refers to pain and its significance in a specific
area of the body.
THORAX (and abdomen): A sharp pain over the sternum, often running
down one elbow is indicative of angina pectoris, although it must
not be confused with pain from gastric pressure in the region of
the heart, caused by an accumulation of gas. It is increased with
respiration, experienced in broken ribs, intercostal neuralgia,
wounds, herpes zoster, pleurisy, pleurodynia, myalgia, periostitis,
acute peritonitis, colic, hepatic, gastric or renal ulcer, gall-bladder
disorders, carcinoma in late stages, and rumma of this region.
TONGUE: Ligual pain may be due to local lesions of the tongue, to
glossitis, fissures, pernicious anemia, and malignancies.
URETHRAL PAIN: Pain at the end of the urethra may denote (without
soreness) gravel or stone in the bladder.
The treatment is according to the cause. But for relief hydrotherapy
and especially counter irritation by vacuum cups or pressure (which
see) are of great value.
HERBOLOGY: There are over 35 herbs in the Anodyne category, a few
being Catnip, Valerian, Hops, Hounds tongue, Mullein, Black Sanicle,
Primrose, etc. Their use alone or in combination with other herbs
is according to the cause of the pain and its location.
Pancreatic Disorders
DEFINITION: An acute inflammation
of the pancreas affecting the parenchyma and interstitial tissue.
It is of three varieties: Hemorrhagic, Suppurative, and Gangrenous.
The reader should now turn back to the examination of the Pancreas
to get the lay of the hand and finger symptoms of the various types
of pancreatic disorders See under “Examination of the Pancreas”
in the index.
ETIOLOGY: Acute pancreatitis may result from cholelithiasis, due
to the extension of an infectious inflammation from the biliary
tract into the pancreatic duct or to the entrance of bile into the
pancreas, as when a gallstone is so lodged in the diverticulum of
Vater that the common bile-duct and the pancreatic duct become a
continuous closed channel; from inflammatory affect in adjacent
parts — gastro-duodenal catarrh, gastric ulcer, or cancer,
from general infections — specific fevers and pyemia; from
traumatism. Many of the patients are fat and have used alcohol in
In the hemorrhagic form the organ is irregularly enlarged and the
seat of hemorrhagic extravasation. Opaque, white spots of a tallowy
consistence are frequently found in the interlobular tissue, omentum,
and surrounding parts, and represent areas of fat necrosis.
Suppurative pancreatitis may occur as a primary condition or as
a sequel of the hemorrhagic form. There may be multiple abscesses
or one large collection of pus. More or less extensive areas of
necrosis re found. Thrombosis of the portal or splenic veins is
frequently encountered. Pancreatic abscesses may become encapsulated
or they may rupture into the peritoneum, stomach, or duodenum.
Gangrenous pancreatitis is usually secondary to one of the other
varieties when the pancreas rots away.
SYMPTOMS: The onset is sudden, especially hemorrhagic pancreatitis,
which produces intense pain in the upper part of the abdomen, often
radiating to the back; distention of the epigastrium, with localized
tenderness and rigidity; vomiting of bile-stained mucus, or occasionally,
of bloody material, and symptoms of profound collapse. Constipation
is the rule, but diarrhea is not uncommon. Slight jaundice is often
observed. Fatty stools and glycosuria are very rarely present. Death
usually occurs in from one to three days, but sometimes the severity
of the symptoms diminishes and the disease enters upon a stage of
necrosis (gangrene) or of suppuration extending over several weeks
or months. This transition is indicated by a tumor mass in the epigastrium,
irregular fever, leukocytosis, and progressive weaknesses and emaciation.
Jaundice and chills may also occur.
Occasionally in primary suppurative pancreatitis the onset is gradual,
and for many months the only symptoms are abdominal pain and digestive
disturbances. In other cases, however, jaundice, fever, chills diarrhea,
emaciation, and a tumor mass in the epigastrium are also present.
PROGNOSIS: Unfavorable. The duration is from a week to several weeks
unless there is a rupture into the bowel, or the disease is aborted
by treatments, or surgery for drainage purposes.
TREATMENT: Before any treatment is started, the patient should be
looked at. See Facial and Physical sign diagnoses, this book. The
general appearance of the patient is that of shock, pallor, an anxious
drawn facial expression, cold and clammy perspiration will be observed.
Tenderness is felt in palpation in the upper abdomen.
LABORATORY FINDINGS: The urine would show acetone and diacetic acid;
the blood would show a high leucocytosis; sometimes the stools undigested
protein, starch and fat foods. X-rays are of value in suggesting
pancreatic disease associated biliary tract disease, and eliminating
confusing pathologic conditions elsewhere in the abdomen. This is
a rare disease, but 60% of those who are affected have a history
of liver, gall duct or stomach disorders of long standing.
DIET: Should be antidiabetic. A fast of a few days and if the patient
can do it, a stomach lavage with about six glasses of hot water.
After the fast, a suggested diet would be as follows, subject to
changes as the condition warrants.
Breakfast — White of 3 eggs. Three pieces brown, thin toast.
Choice of stewed fruits.
Lunch — Choice of one of the following fruits: Apples, pears,
grapes, ripe figs, peaches, apricots, plums, or a glass of orange
juice. Glass of water added.
Dinner — Three-fourths pound Salisbury steak. Two non-starchy
vegetables. Choice of several salad vegetables. No dessert.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Sine wave up and down the spine. Short wave or diathermy
also on the spinal segments.
HYDROTHERAPY: Warm or hot packs to the whole spine. If pain is intense,
ice bags may be applied over the pancreas, followed by warm pack.
The ice bag may be applied also if hemorrhage is taking place.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion or deep pressure on the right side of
the 8th to 12th dorsals in the gutter of the spine will relieve
pain sometimes. Concussion of the7th cervical may also be given
if there is hypertension or cardiac rapidity.
NEUROPATHY: A mild lymphatic of the liver and intestines may be
given for drainage purposes.
CHIROPRACTIC: If adjustments can be made, they may be made on the
4th to the 8th dorsals.
COLONOTHERAPY: Cathartics are contraindicated. If fecal impaction
takes place, a low enema is indicated of one pint of water. If impactions
are too hard to remove by enema they can be removed by fingers or
a scoop.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamin A and B1 seem to be the specifics. But
if hemorrhage is present, Vitamin F is also indicated.
HERBOLOGY: If there is no specific for this ailment, presume the
remedies applying for liver congestion would be advisable for Pancreatitis.
Here is a good one for “Liver Congestion”:
Equal parts of Figwort, Nettle, Horehound and Meadowsweet made into
a tea, using wineglassful four times a day between meals.
(Nettle (sometimes referred to as Stinging Nettles) here shown in
this recipe, is claimed by some to supersede Insulin in the cure
of Sugar Diabetes. HWK.)
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of chronic
pancreatitis are not clearly defined, but, its presence should be
suspected when, in addition to chronic indigestion, there is more
or less jaundice, emaciation, and a disposition to diarrhea with
large stools. These develop insidiously the dyspepsia, with anorexia,
nausea, vomiting, epigastric distention and flatulence. Pain radiating
in the back and deep-seated tenderness and resistance in the pancreatic
area. Profuse salivation is occasionally witnessed. Ascites may
be caused by obstruction to the portal circulation. Glycosuria develops
if the islands of Langerhans are involved.
The possible diagnosis of this condition may be made from the following:
Large stools which contain undigetted fibers, is evidence of some
malfunction of the pancreas. The urine may show glycosuria to a
marked extent showing the islands of Langerhans are affected.
Other factors which may aid in the diagnosis are: Severe indigestion,
tumor, pain, tenderness, vomiting, cyanosis, and the signs of pressure
upon neighboring structures; failure of the external secretion of
the pancreas and failure of the internal secretion of the pancreas.
A mass, which is usually movable, may or may not be present in the
upper abdomen in pancreatic disease. The pain is often very severe
and may be continuous or paroxysmal.
All adjacent organs and tissues should be examined as under the
acute condition.
TREATMENT: Neuropathy and Chiropractic same as in the Acute condition.
DIET: This is essentially the most important part of the treatment.
A fast of a few days is the best procedure. Skimmed milk may be
given. If not possible to fast, all starches and fats should be
eliminated from the diet, and the feeding should be in very small
amounts, not more than six times a day. A small teaspoonful of sodium
bicarbonate can be given twenty minutes after meals if necessary
in a glass of water, which must be sipped. All the fruit juices
the patient wishes may be given providing it is also sipped.
As the patient improves, the diet may be slowly worked back to balance,
but the patient will have to have weekly if not daily personal and
urine examinations for at least three to six months.
Other treatment may be the same as in the Acute condition.
DEFINITION: A sac contaiing
an abnormal fluid or substance in the pancreatic tissue.
VARIETIES: Retention cysts from impaction of a calculus, stricture,
or tumor, traumatic cysts from hemorrhagic extravasation, proliferation
cysts, carcinomatous or adenomatous. Pancreatic cysts as a rule
grow forward and upward and project between the stomach and colon.
The contents, which are commonly viscid, maybe clear or bloody.
Pancreatic ferments are often present.
ETIOLOGY: The largest group of cases results from inflammation of
the gland or duct, symptoms of indigestion may be in evidence long
before the cyst develops or it may develop suddenly. The next largest
group are those that develop from blows and injuries to the abdomen,
causing some occlusion.
SYMPTOMS AND DIAGNOSIS: The following symptoms are of value in establishing
a diagnosis of cysts of the pancreas: Gastric symptoms, pain, tenderness,
vomiting, signs of dilation, emaciation; development of a tumor
in the epigastrium, generally somewhat to the left side; their situation
near the posterior abdominal wall, upon the aorta, so that its pulsation
is seen and felt; their immobility.
A persistent discharging sinus is in favor of a pancreatic cyst.
Hydronephrosis, especially of the left kidney, and dropsy of the
gall-bladder have to be excluded, as has also a large ovarian cyst.
Distention of the lesser peritoneal cavity is often indistinguishable
from pancreatic cyst.
As a rule the content of the cyst consists of serous fluid, does
not contain the digestive ferments, and does not reaccumulate after
PROGNOSIS: The writer has treated only one case of this disease
in all the years of his practice. The patient lived ten years after
being discharged when there was a recurrence of some abdominal trouble
for which an operation was performed, and he died. The writer could
never ascertain whether it was a recurrence of pancreatic disturbance
or not. If no intercurrent infection, or severe hemorrhage, or carcinoma
develops, then there is some hope of recovery, but it will take
a long, long time of strict diet.
TREATMENT is practically the same as in Acute and Chronic pancreatitis.
Surgery may be required at any time in any pancreatic condition
if drainage cannot be established.
Carcinoma of the Pancreas is
the same as carcinoma any other place in the body. See “Carcinoma”
in the index.
Calculi in the Pancreas are very rare, due to the same process as
calculi in any other organ. See discussion and treatment under Calculi
of the kidney and gall bladder.
DEFINITION: A loss of motion
or sensation in a living part or member of the body, such as the
loss of muscular power. Any voluntary movement depends on the integrity
of two neurones—one arising in the motor-cortex, coursing
across in the brain-stem and ending in the anterior gray horn of
the spinal cord; and the lower neurones arising in the anterior
horn-cell and passing to the muscle. If the latter are destroyed,
the muscle loses tone, atrophies, withers away, and shows reaction
of degeneration. The falccidity and absent muscular reflexes reveal
the loss of tonus. If the upper neurone is paralyzed, the patient
is equally unable to move the affected part, but the intact lower
neurone may permit other motor-centers to act on the muscle as in
athetosis when there is slow, repeated, involuntary, purposeless,
vermicular, muscular distortion involving part of a limb, toes,
and fingers or almost the entire body.
So-called pathological reflexes may appear in addition to the increase
of normal deep reflexes. The best known is Babinski’s sign,
elicited by scratching sole of affected foot. When positive, the
great toe extends (turns up rather than down). Above this neurone
lie motor formula areas, but lesions here produce apraxin (not paralysis).
Psychic inhibition of motor function occurs most charteristically
in hysteria, but the evidence of organic disease is always lacking
in these hysterical paralyses.
Bulbar Paralysis is a paralysis
of the lips, tongue, pharynx, and larynx from degeneration of the
motor nuclei of the medulla oblongata.
ETIOLOGY: An acute form is observed that results either from hemorrhage
or thrombosis with softening, or from an acute poliomyelitis of
the medulla. The chronic form, progressive bulbar paralysis, is
essentially a chronic poliomyelitis of the bulb, or progressive
muscular atrophy.
SYMPTOMS: These include impairment of speech, inability to protrude
the tongue, dribbling of saliva, difficult swallowing, choking spells
from the entrance of food or mucus into the larynx, partial suppression
of the voice with measured speaking, and a lack of facial expression.
Infantile Paralysis is discussed under Poliomyelitis.
Acute Ascending Paralysis is a rapidly progressive motor paralysis
of flaccid type, beginning in the extremities, usually the legs,
extending thence upward through the trunk to the arms, and frequently
to the nerves which have their origin in the lower pons-medulla
region. In some instances the disease may begin above and progressively
descend. It is also known as Landry’s Paralysis.
SYMPTOMS OF ACUTE ASCENDING PARALYSIS: The first thing that is noticed
is a numbness and weakness in the feet and legs, which may spread
slowly or rapidly up the legs. There is general prostration and
perhaps some fever. As the paralysis spreads upwards affecting both
extremities, paralyzing every tissue as it spreads, making mastication
and swallowing impossible. When respiration is paralyzed death follows:
The duration may be from four to thirty days, terminating in death.
The rapidity of onset, and paralysis, makes preventative or curative
measures impossible.
ETIOLOGY: It is a diseaseof early or middle adult life affecting
males chiefly. It is not very common. The etiology is not clearly
understood, but there is a growing unanimity of opinion to the effect
that the disease is due to a toxic infection. It may follow the
infectious fevers. In at least one case seen by the writer, which
terminated fatally on the eleventh day, gross alcoholism was the
cause. Neither climate, season, nor heredity is an etiological factor.
SYMPTOMS: The disease begins with a feeling of extreme weakness,
occasionally associated with paresthesia, especially numbness, in
the legs. This is progressive, and in a few days or even hours there
is complete motor paralysis of the lower limbs. Quite often the
onset is attended with slight or, it may be in rare instances, decided
elevation of temperature. Paralysis of the trunk muscles follows,
the sphincters escaping, and finally the muscles of respiration
and deglutition are involved, such involvement usually terminating
the disease fatally. This order of invasion and progress is, in
rare instances, reversed.
PROGNOSIS: If the disease does not result fatally within a month
the patient will recover, and if proper measures are resorted to,
the functions of the nerves are sometimes restored.
GENERAL TREATMENT OF PARALYSIS: For those patients who recover from
an attack that causes paralysis, an effort must be made to find
the cause, and treat if possible. For the paralyzed parts massage,
hydrotherapy of heat, electrotherapy, sine and galvanic current.
But above all, there must be re-education exercises of the part.
For good circulation a lymphatic of the whole body with special
emphasis on the axillary and Hunter’s canal if the limbs are
CHIROPRACTIC: Monoplegia: Cervical 1. Dorsal 6 and local zone. Hemoplegia:
Cervical 1, concussion of dorsal 9 to 12.
EXERCISES: If at all possible, swimming is one of the best exercises
for re-education of the muscles.
HERBOLOGY: Two teaspoonsful every four hours of following tea:
Hydrastis (Golden Seal) ½ teaspoonful
Capsici (Cayenne Pepper) ¼ “
Valeriannae (Valerian) 1 “
Cypripedium (Ladyslipper) ½ oz.
Jamaica Sarsae (Jamaica Sarsaparilla) 1 “
Teaspoonful of mixed herbs in cup of boiling water, put saucer on
top, let cool, strain; restore cupful by adding hot water.
DEFINITION: A chronic disease
of the nervous system characterized by tremor or alternate contraction
and relaxation of the muscles of the part involved. Rigidity is
also a part of the disease.
ETIOLOGY: Paralysis agitans usually occurs in subjects above the
age of 40 years, and most frequently between 50 and 60. It is oftener
observed in men than in women. Emotional factors — grief,
worry, shock — appear as the main exciting cause, after which
come traumatism, infectious diseases, alcoholism, exposure, overwork,
and sexual excesses.
Among the diseases predisposing to Agitans are: Arteriosclerosis
with degeneration in the corpus striatum. Sometimes it is syphilitic
in origin.
SYMPTOMS: As a rule it appears insidiously after perhaps neuralgic
pains, paresthesias and vertigo, though it may appear suddenly after
a fright, a violent emotion, or a traumatism. It affects first the
hand, beginning with a finger and extending upward, until the forearm
is affected, thence to the foot, but it is so slight that the patient
hardly perceives it. It may cross the body, as it were, passing
from right arm to left leg, thence to the right leg, or may affect
one limb only. It may disappear for days, or even weeks, then reappear
with more or less increase in the area involved. The shaking is
continuous except during sleep. It is increased by excitement and
diminished during physical work. The muscles become weak, there
is hesitancy in motion, and finally rigidity or spasm occurs. The
gait is characteristic of this disease. The trunk is bent in walking,
and in order to maintain equilibrium he walks faster and faster,
until he either falls or grasps something for support. The face
becomes fixed and expressionless, saliva dribbles from the mouth,
the voice is slow and sometimes stuttering, and the knee-jerk may
be exaggerated. Flushing and heat are sometimes complained of. The
mind is seldom affected. The index finger moves against the trembling
thumb, giving the appearance or the movement used in rolling pills.
Intelligence is usually good. There is no anesthesia, but there
are various manifestations of paresthesia, such as numbness and
tingling and a sensation of heat. Salivation is frequently a distressing
symptom, and occasionally there is free perspiration.
Another paroxysmal condition encountered is respiratory difficulties.
In these attacks the patient may have an intense dypsnea and have
the feeling as if he is smothering. There may also be attacks of
diaphragmatic spasm.
PROGNOSIS: Unfavorable in the great majority of cases Yet some have
recovered. The course of the disease is slow often for twenty to
thirty years before the final stage is reached, which may end in
utter helplessness by exhaustion and death.
TREATMENT: Psychiatry comes first. The patient usually is very impatient,
and somehow without discouraging the patient he must be told the
scriptural injunction: “In quietness and peace shall be thy
strength.” He must be told that the quickest way to regain
control is by living a quiet life, with at least minimum of excitement.
Read “Suggestive Therapeutics” in “The Fundamentals
of Applied Psychiatry.” Somehow it must be put over to the
patient, without making him feel hopeless, that any help for him
will come only by his cooperation for a long time.
In addition to a quiet living, abundant sleep is necessary, since
the shaking stops while sleeping and recuperative powers are built
up by it. Food must be highly nourishing and tonics of various kinds
may be necessary. Then the following methods of treatment may be
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of Dorsals 6 to 10. Elsewhere as needed.
If face is involved, Cervicals 2 and 4. Also the atlas, axis and
condyle may be considered.
NEUROPATHY: Give a general lymphatic treatment with emphasis on
the following: Thoroughly manipulate the neck, spine, ribs, and
clavicles. Remove all lesions. Relax the spinal tissues. Give special
attention to kidneys, liver and bowels by proper measures. Treat
the whole length of the spine by sedative or by inhibition according
to results.
COLONOTHERAPY: Due to the large diet necessary for these patients,
if the bowels do not move regularly, enemas or colonics become necessary.
The physician must use his discretion here. No rule can be laid
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: The Lake Recoil and the external carotid adjustment.
If both are given gently, they have been of great value in the few
cases the writer has seen in the last few years For the dypsnea,
the external nasal canal needs to be widened; they are always pinched.
In addition, the pharyngeal cavity should be cleaned and lightly
The thyroid gland should have attention also, if there is an increase
or decrease in the metabolic rate from near normal.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cups all along the spine and neck will crete a hyperemia
in the spinal column and because of that, are of great value.
ELECTROTHERAPY: The writer once heard a great specialist say that
electricity was harmful in these cases because it created a useless
excitation. Perhaps as a very aged doctor he was thinking of the
old type battery treatment where the current could not be controlled.
But now the sine wave can be controlled, and treatments of a slow
nature can be given in the very beginning of the disease, and increased
to medium force and full force as improvement takes place. Early
in the disease the treatments the time may be about two minutes.
Pads or hand electrodes are put on the most vulnerable places. For
instance, one on the neck or back of the ear, the other in the hand.
Ultra-violet ray is of excellent service applied to the whole body,
or just the affected area, also short wave are excellent methods
of therapeutics in this condition.
EXERCISES AND MASSAGE: Gentle stroking and kneading movements seem
best for this condition. Exercises can be taken by the patient under
the physician’s guidance. For the hand, opening and closing
it on a ball is useful. For the face, standing before a mirror and
a short time of exercise in control is taken every day.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Large doses of A, B2 and G.
FREEZING: In one case that the writer saw within the year was a
man 61 who had shaken for twenty years. He was shrunken and exhausted.
Treatments of every description from all types of doctors were given,
but no relief. The writer applied an ice pack over neck and down
the arm to the elbow. After a half hour of freezing the tremors
almost stopped. The pack was then taken off and a little while later
the tremors were a little more intense. He was instructed to use
the ice pack daily when the tremors were exhausting. Weeks after
the writer saw him and he seemed to be getting on fairly well. An
effort was made to see him before this was written but neighbors
reported he had moved, and did not know where he had gone.
DEFINITION: An acute circumscribed
or chronic diffuse inflammation of the peritoneum.
ETIOLOGY: The disease is probably always caused by bacteria, which
enter the peritoneum from the adjacent viscera, especially the alimentary
canal, from the Fallopian tubes, from external wounds, or directly
from the blood. The organisms most frequently found are the Streptococcus
pyogenes, Staphylococcus pyogenes, Bacillus coli, pneumococcus,
Bacillus pyocyaneus, and gonococcus.
Peritonitis may follow — Perforation of the peritoneum by
an external wound, by rupture of a gastric or intestinal ulcer,
by rupture of a suppurating appendix, gall-bladder, or Fallopian
tube, or by rupture of a visceral abscess; extension of a septic
process in adjacent structures — stomach, bowel, gall-bladder,
pancreas, uterus, etc.’ traumatism; general infections —
septicemia, pneumonia, etc.
Chronic diffuse peritonitis is usually tuberculous or carcinomatous.
In some instances, however it develops as a simple process in the
course of chronic alcoholism, chronic nephritis, or atrophic cirrhosis
of the liver. In some cases of obscure origin the peritoneum is
affected with other serous membranes (pleurae and pericardium),
producing the condition known as multiple serositis or Pick’s
SYMPTOMS OF ACUTE PERITONITIS: In an ordinary case of rapidly spreading
perforative peritonitis the onset is sudden, with intense pain at
the site of the infected focus, rapidly becoming general. The abdomen,
at first is rigid and retracted, becomes distended, tender, and
painful; the pulse and temperature curves rise together; the character
of the pulse is small, hard and “thready”, while the
blood pressure may be high. The degree of pyrexia is variable. There
is a characteristic expression on the patient’s countenance;
the pinched and drawn features, the skin covered with cold sweat,
and the look of anxiety in the hollow eyes make up the well-known
picture of the Hippocratic facies. The breathing is shallow, of
the costal type, due to pain inhibition; the tongue is dry, and
there is constant thirst. The bowels are constipated, as peristaltic
paralysis is a marked and early feature; the urine scanty, high-colored,
albuminous. To ease the severity of the pain, which is greatly increased
by movement, the legs are flexed at the knees and drawn up on the
belly. As the abdominal distention increases, vomiting sets in,
fluid begins to collect in the peritoneal cavity, and the general
signs of severe toxemia appear in face and attitude; the pulse weakens
and becomes more rapid, sometimes attaining 160 to 170 beats in
the minute; the skin is cold and clammy, although the temperature
continues to rise; cyanosis develops, and the extremities become
cold. There is only small quantities of vomiting at first, but later
becomes larger and bilious or slightly fecal in character.
be absent. Pain is not severe, and frequently there is none at all.
There is usually more or less diffuse tenderness. Anemia and emaciation
are often pronounced. The abdomen is usually distended, often irregularly,
from sacculated effusions, inflated intestinal coils, or the projecting
matted omentum. Palpation often detects a friction fremitus and
resistant masses or nodules. Percussion yields dulness, varying
in extent with the amount of effusion.
PROGNOSIS: The prognosis of Acute Circumscribed Peritonitis is usually
rather favorable. But in the Acute or Chronic Diffuse Peritonitis
it is always grave. Where the etiological factors are from tuberculosis,
or carcinoma, the outlook is practically hopeless. Death results
from heart failure, pulmonary edema, or aspiration of fluid into
the lungs. The mind usually remains clear until near the end.
The treatment consists of two
parts. First, easing the pain, which may be done with hydrotherapy
by either hot or cold applications. If there is high fever the cold
is best. All food is forbidden. Fruit juices are allowed. Infra-red
on the abdomen and ultra-violet radiation on the whole body have
The second part of the treatment is to drain the fluid of ascites,
so please turn to that subject, back in the beginning of this book.
Acute and Chronic
DEFINITION: An inflammation
of the pleura with exudation into its cavity and upon its surface.
It may be acute or chronic.
ETIOLOGY: Pleurisy may result from Anoxia, or Anoxemia due to obstructions
in the respiratory tract: frequent colds, and from exposure. Males
are more subject to it than females.
Pleurisy may be secondary to inflammatory diseases of adjacent structures,
such as pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.; secondary to general
morbid processes that lessen tissue resistance, such as the specific
fevers, chronic nephritis, cancer, etc.; traumatic; tuberculosis.
The bacteria most commonly found in the exudate are the tubercle
bacillus, pneumococcus, and streptococcus.
SYMPTOMS: In most instances, an attack of pleurisy sets in with
slight shivering followed by fever and pain in the side. Headache,
malaise, and anorexia are usually complained of. In some cases there
is an abrupt chill, especially in pneumococcal pleurisy, which may
closely simulate pneumonia. In children the chill is usually replaced
by vomiting, sometimes by a convulsion.
Severe, stabbing pain is the most distressing and constant symptom;
it usually occurs in the neighborhood of the nipple or in the axillary
The pain may, however, be referred to the back or to any part of
the abdomen. The pain ordinarily is sharp and excruciating, aggravated
by respiratory movements and cough.
TYPES: Three types are thought
of here. The Dry in which the membrane is red, sticky and covered
with a thin film of fibrin. If the disease process stops there it
is called Dry Pleurisy.
The Serofibrinous, and Purulent
stages are reached if the dry pleurisy continues and goes into the
exudate stage, when the exudate is composed of a straw colored serum,
which may be a large or small amount. In the mild cases this is
gradually absorbed, but if several pints of exudation occur, the
nearby organs are displaced and the lungs are compressed.
Purulent pleurisy commonly results
from the extension of infection from a contiguous structure, especially
the lung. It may cause general sepsis; It may rupture spontaneously
into the lung, through the chest wall, or, very rarely, into the
esophagus, pericardium, stomach, or peritoneum. The pus at times
may be slowly absorbed, or become inspissated and calcified. Gradual
recovery is not infrequent after perforation of the lung. In favorable
cases, after the discharge of the pus, the pleural surfaces eventually
become united by firm adhesions.
A general course of the acute condition may be as follows: The pleura
first become reddened, and a soft, gray lymph exudes. This is the
dry stage. The disease may stop here, or may progress to the second
stage, in which a copious exudation of serum occurs (stage of liquid
effusion). The inflamed surfaces of the pleura tend to become united
by adhesions, which are usually permanent. The symptoms are a stitch
in the side, a chill, followed by fever and a dry cough. As effusion
occurs there is an onset of dypsnea and a diminution of pain.
PHYSICAL SIGNS: A sudden stitch in the side and fever suggests acute
pleurisy, but a diagnosis is not easy without a study of the physical
signs. These depend chiefly on the nature and amount of the exudation.
The first stage is impaired chest movement, feeble respiration,
and friction sound; second stage, dulness on percussion over the
fluid, the area of dulness changing with change of position; effacement
of intercostal depressions. No sounds pass through the fluid to
the ear when the patient coughs or speaks. Above the liquid increased
percussion resonance and a friction-sound are noticed. This disease
is differentiated from pneumonia by the less marked dulness, the
crepitant rale, the blowing respiration, the thoracic voice, and
increased vocal fremitus of the latter disease.
TREATMENT: In all severe cases the patient should be kept in bed,
until pain at least has been stopped. The room should be warm, but
with plenty of fresh air.
NEUROPATHY: A thorough lymphatic of all the lymph system below the
affected area for drainage purposes, and a stimulative treatment
of the whole spinal segments leading to the whole thoracic cavity.
CHIROPRACTIC: Dorsal 3 and Kidney place.
VACUUM THERAPY: Carefully applying the cups over the spinal segments
first, then to the affected area is probably one of the best methods
of relieving the congestion and pain. Only enough suction is given
to make the part red, and the receding hyperemia will carry the
pus away and ease the pain.
COLONOTHERAPY: The bowel movements should be noticed, and if not
normal an enema should be given daily if necessary.
HYDROTHERAPY: In dry pleurisy, hot compresses are the best, although
there are some who get relief quicker by cold compresses, or the
ice bag. Poultices of various types may be used. The fever can be
controlled by a cool or cold compress around the neck.
STRAPPING: Fixation of the chest is often very helpful. With the
patient lying on the side free from pain, straps of adhesive tape
two inches wide are started in the back just over the spinal column.
Then the strap is brought over the axillary region to the front
of the chest, to the mid-sternal line. About three pieces of this
strapping are sufficient.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: The Lake Recoil and opening of the external
and internal nares are necessary for the proper intake of oxygen.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Diathermy or short-wave directly through the affected
area is suggested as a procedure producing good results. Infra-red
over the affected area, followed by a whole body ultra violet irradiation
is also recommended.
DIET: The diet should be of an easily digested character, but not
too much should be eaten at a meal. It is better to feed as often
as six times a day than to completely fill up at one meal. Vitamins
A, B2, G, C, D.
HERBOLOGY: In addition to hot wet cloths to the affected side and
a hot footbath and great care to avoid exposure, a good combination
of expectorants and Diaphoretics is as follows, most of which are
of Indian origin. Make a tea of Pleurisy Root, Coughwort, German
Cheese Plant, Wahoo Bark, Wild Cherry Bark, and Bluets.
Chronic Pleurisy is a continuation of the Acute symptoms, which
may be milder or more severe by the continuation. Any type of pleurisy
that persists over two weeks under treatment can be considered chronic
pleurisy, and is due to some long-standing infection, which in all
probability is of tuberculous origin, and may be considered as tubercular
empyema, or of pneumococcus origin.
Among the etiological factors in the chronic cases may be chest
wounds, infective disease of the thoracic bony cage, mediastinum,
or abdominal viscera, septicopyemia, rupture of tuberculous lung
cavities or bone abscesses, ribs or vertebrae, into the pleura,
and general infections such as scarlet fever, typhoid fever, and
The treatment is the same as under the acute condition except that
whatever is causing the continuance of the symptoms must be also
DEFINITION: An infectious disease
due to a minute micro-organism characterized by a purely motor paralysis
of flaccid type, occurring usually in young children, the paralysis
being followed by rapidly developing atrophy, with degenerative
electrical reactions in the affected muscles. Sometimes referred
to as Infantile Spinal Paralysis; Myelitis of the anterior horns;
Acute atrophic paralysis; Essential paralysis of children; West’s
morning paralysis.
ETIOLOGY: The disease is usually one of childhood, children below
the age of six are mostly susceptible, but adults may be attacked.
It is much more prevalent in the summer than in the winter time.
There are several theories about the etiology. First, that it is
a contagious infection caused by a minute anaerobic organism, and
that its breeding place is in the nasal mucosa, and that the infection
reaches the nervous system through the lymph channels rather than
the blood stream. Another theory is that it is often a sequel to
the febrile infections of childhood, especially scarlet fever, measles,
and diphtheria. In this respect, as well as others, its etiology
is quite similar to that of epidemic and sporadic cerebrospinal
meningitis. Poliomyelitis may also occur as epidemic.
The third theory is that trauma may be the exciting cause, exposure
to extreme cold or to excessive or violent exercise may superinduce
the disease. The season has its influence, many more cases occurring
in summer than in winter. This is especially noticeable in seasons
of prolonged excessive heat. Among adults, violent exercise, exposure,
trauma, debilitating excesses, and syphilis are recognized as potent
factors. Heredity is not a factor.
SYMPTOMS: The onset is usually abrupt and accompanied by a variable
degree of fever, sometimes stupor, less frequently restlessness,
loss of appetite, and occasionally headache. The last symptom, in
older patients, may be severe and is frequently complained of as
frontal. In a small percentage of patients there are convulsions
at the onset. Some complain of marked pain, the latter especially
along the spine.
Muscular twitchings and jerkings are frequently noticed, especially
while the patient is asleep. Probably the most important and diagnostic
single sign is that of paralysis, which may be recognized easily
if it involves a group of muscles; or it may be very difficult to
detect if it affects only a single muscle or only temporarily involves
a group. With the appearance of paralysis, which occurs usually
from two to four days after the onset, the systemic disturbances
usually subside. There follows a variable period of days and often
weeks, during which time various degrees of atrophy of the involved
muscles take place with no increase in paralysis. At the same time
there is a decrease, and in some cases a complete loss, of muscular
reaction to the faradic current. The involved nerves also have a
variable degree of reaction of degeneration to the galvanic current.
Following this, for a period of several months there may be gradual
improvement, or, on the other hand, various degrees of deformities
may develop, such as talipes, spinal curvature, or arrest in the
development of one limb.
PROGNOSIS: Unless the initial symptoms are very severe or the muscles
of respiration are affected, the prognosis as regards life is good.
The death-rate has ranged between 5 and 30 per cent. In all cases
much of the paralysis disappears, and sometimes the improvement
is so marked that the usefulness of the members is not seriously
impaired while others are left hopelessly crippled unless adequate
treatment is given before the paralysis becomes fixed beyond relaxation.
TREATMENT in the Acute stage while patient is in bed.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Since all available evidence indicates that
the upper respiratory tract is the venue for entrance of the specific
etiologic agent, it may be assumed that precautionary measures,
such as those employed in handling acute upper respiratory infections,
would be proper. If the techniques are not possible to perform,
then some method should be found to keep the nasal tract and throat
clean and antiseptic. The alkaline Pink Rose solution of Zemmer
is ideal for this condition.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamin C in as large doses as possible.
MASSAGE: The neck and the whole spine and limbs may be massaged
lightly after applications of warm towels; emphasis need be placed
on “massage lightly.”
CHIROPRACTIC: Firth in Chiropractic Diagnosis, page 429, states:
“There is no nerve tracing in a case of poliomyelitis, as
the pathological condition lies within the neural canal of the spine.”
Then on page 431 we read: “Restoration under Chiropractic
adjustments is astonishingly rapid when given in the acute or early
states. Cases of longstanding yield more slowly as would be expected.”
NEUROPATHY: A mild lymphatic of the whole body, and a stimulative
treatment of the spine.
COLONOTHERAPY: Bowels should be kept free by enemas if necessary.
VACUUM THERAPY: The writer had a case of a boy seven years of age.
In the acute stage he used the vacuum cups, daily up and down the
spine. Suction was by hand pump, and it was done for five minutes
each day no matter what the condition of stupor or weakness was.
When the boy got around and regained his strength, the only sign
of paralysis was in the right ankle. It was difficult to get him
to exercise; but a football, light in weight, provided him with
the proper interest. That boy became a good football player on his
school team and also made a good soldier.
To the writer, light cupping and hydrotherapy are the two best methods
to use in the acute condition; this of course is not to say other
methods are not necessary or vital.
The early use of heat is advisable
in order to dilate peripheral vessels, drawing the blood away from
the congested areas in the cerebrospinal area. Attention should
be given to vasomotor imbalance during the very time that affected
muscles are having their nutrition impaired. Special research should
be done to ascertain the status of the vasomotor mechanism and its
importance in relation to muscles. The tendency for the extremities
to become cold indicates this upset in vasomotor action. The use
of the continuous light bath or electric bed pad may be found advantageous
in the quarantine period. Too little consideration is usually given
to the dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous mechanism.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short wave at low voltage for some time each day,
especially on the points that are cold and numb. Baking has great
merit in some cases.
HYDROTHERAPY: Exercises and massage, in the bathtub or a pool of
warm water.
EXERCISES: Each muscle should be exercised about three to five times
but not more if the exercises give pain to the patient. In other
words, great fatigue must be avoided. Muscle training is very fatiguing
in the first four weeks. When only the legs are attacked, after
about eight weeks, walking in water up to the waist can be tried.
If crutches or braces are needed for support in the early stages,
these can be provided. Or a rail can be provided for the patient
to hold on while walking.
If the physician wishes information regarding “Sister Kenny’s”
method of treatment, it will be furnished on request by The National
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, 120 Broadway, New York 5, N.
DEFINITION: Inflammation of
a vein, with the formation of a clot within the lumen of a vein.
Also known as Thrombophlebitis.
ETIOLOGY: It usually results from some injury accompanied by infection.
It is sometimes very grave, leading to pyemia. The subacute form,
less grave, is usually caused by some disease of the vessel accompanied
by thickening and narrowing of the lumen.
A slowing or stagnation of the blood stream is the first essential
to the development of a thrombophlebitis. The second is a change
in the blood constituents, and the third is an injury, traumatic,
infectious or chemical, to the vein wall.
Associated with the thrombophlebitis there may develop an obstruction
to the lymphatic system of the leg or thigh. This gives rise to
the swollen, white, and edematous leg so commonly seen after parturition
and formerly called milk-leg.
It may be due to the introduction of a chemical solution into the
vein, as in the injection treatment of varicose veins, or it may
be due to the presence of an infection in the blood stream and thus
give rise to the inflammatory condition known as “acute infectious
The latter condition may affect either the superficial or deep group
of veins. The deep veins are more commonly affected associated with
pneumonia, typhoid fever, general infections, and operations, while
the superficial group often becomes inflamed from no apparent cause.
The infection in these cases may be from hematogenous or local sources.
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of phlebitis are inflammation, great swelling
and hardness of the veins, with much pain and throbbing. Rapid pulse,
rigors and elevation of temperature. The tongue is dry, brown and
red. The inflammation may lead to coagulation of the blood in the
affected area which may be followed by rupture. Pus may form in
the area of inflammation and infect the stagnant blood, which circulation
may carry away and infect the whole body causing further inflammation
and suppuration or general pyemia.
PROGNOSIS: Generally favorable, but infectious thrombophlebitis
is always a potential source of pulmonary emboli with fatal termination.
It is for this reason that the examination of these cases should
be done carefully and with but little manipulation and no massage.
(See Embolisms.)
TREATMENT: In the acute stage, bed rest at once with limb elevated
and ice packs for at least six hours followed by warm wet packs
for one hour It must be understood that the packs are to be warm
not hot in the last application. In some acute stages surgery becomes
COLONOTHERAPY: Enemas need be
taken daily, no matter whether the patient is constipated or not.
DIET: In the acute state when fever is present absolute fast until
fever is gone. Liquid intake must be judged by the edema. If great,
some water may be taken by sips. If no edema is present considerable
quantities may be consumed. When the acute stage has passed and
the patient is up and around diet No. 2 can be used for a few days,
followed by No. 1 until all symptoms are gone.
The enemas and the cold wet applications should be continued for
some time after abatement of the acute symptoms. The cold pack may
be applied at night before retiring, covered by a piece of flannel
and left to remain all night.
NEUROPATHY: A thorough lymphatic of the abdomen, with stimulation
of all the spinal centers.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of the lumbars, and kidney place and wherever
else indicated.
HERBOLOGY: A strong tea of Mullein Leaves and bathe the legs with
the tea is helpful.
“Emollient Ointment” suggested for Varicose Veins can
be used for Phlebitis by spreading it thickly over affected area
and using a cover of flannel. Do not massage.
DEFINITION: An inflammation
of the bronchioles and air vesicles of the lungs.
ETIOLOGY: Bronchopneumonia is a disease of childhood and the aged.
It may arise from a chronic cold, a tubercular condition, which
is quite common among those afflicted, and difficult to overcome.
It may be precipitated by irritation by smoke and noxious vapors
and gases, and, in case of such origin, it may likewise be associated
with, or arise by extension from, inflammatory processes in the
upper air passages. It may be caused by chloroform, and less often
by ether, administered for surgical anesthesia in the presence of
artificial light by combustion.
It may arise from purely local infection by agents recognized and
not recognized, and probably not specific. It may occur in extension
from bronchitis of any origin.
It is, however, usually met with as a complication or sequela of
one of the infectious diseases, and especially of those of childhood.
Even when it is the only or most prominent manifestation of the
existence of infection, -- as, for example, in influenza or tuberculosis,
-- it is to be regarded as secondary.
It may be associated with, or follow, measles, scarlet fever, small-pox,
whooping-cough, influenza, tuberculosis, or infectious materials
in cases of anesthesia or paralysis of the larynx, in coma of any
origin, in malignant disease of the larynx and esophagus, following
hemoptysis, following operations about the mouth and upper air passages,
and in some cases through the inspiration of matters from a vomica
or from a bronchiectatic cavity, or, in exceptional instances, from
the rupture into the lung of a purulent collection in the pleura,
liver, or elsewhere.
The immediate cause is said to be possibly the bacillus of Friedlander,
the typhoid, influenza, colon or diphtheria bacillus.
SYMPTOMS: The onset is usually gradual, and is characterized by
prostration, cough, and fever. The last is moderately high and very
irregular (102 – 104 degrees F.). The dypsnea is marked, and
the respirations are rapid, in children often 40 to 50 a minute,
the pulse is also accelerated—110 to 150 a minute; cough is
painful and accompanied by a mucopurulent expectoration that is
occasionally blood-streaked. The face is usually pale and anxious,
and the lips may be blue.
PROGNOSIS: In previous healthy children the prognosis is good. In
cachectic children the outlook is very grave. Aspiration pneumonia
is usually fatal. The duration varies from about ten days to about
three weeks. In cases delayed beyond this the suspicion of tuberculosis
or localized empyema becomes strong. Some cases, however which are
not clearly tuberculous, run a remittent or subacute course, and
others gradually take on a chronic type.
TREATMENT: While to some extent dependent upon the exciting cause
of the pathological process in the individual case, and subject
to modification acording to age, sex, personal characteristics,
environment, and so forth, the general lines of treatment in cases
of bronchopneumonia are very much alike in cases of every type.
Much can be done by careful management in preventing bronchitis
from gaining access to the smaller bronchi.
On the outset of bronchopneumonia the patient should be confined
to bed, in a well-ventilated room, which should be kept preferably
at a temperature of about 65 degrees F. Plenty of air must be furished.
The low mortality of the roof ward in sanitariums give this requirement
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot flaxseed poultices applied over the affected area.
The poultice is put over the entire chest and back. It should keep
warm for at least four hours when another can be applied. There
are many other valuable packs that can be used Chickweed ointment
is highly recommended. Steam inhalations with creosote, 10 drops
to 960 cc. of water under a croup tent helps release the exudation.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Diathermy, short wave, applied to chest and back,
and given according to tolerance are very valuable.
COLONOTHERAPY: Bowel movement at least once a day is highly important.
Abdominal distention should be avoided by all means. Enemas of warm
water may be necessary more than once a day. The fever condition
can be controlled with a cool cloth around the throat when the enema
is given, if meningitis has intervened An ice cap to the head may
be applied. Rapid or slow heart can be regulated by heat or cold
over the heart or by concussion or pressure.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: All of these patients have an anoxia or anoxemia.
It may not be possible to give them the Endo-nasal treatments in
the acute condition, but if dypsnea is dangerous it is then necessary
to administer artificial oxygen. A nasal catheter or oxygen tent,
may be necessary or any other method possible, see your Endo-Nasal
book on Artificial Oxygen, page [no page number given].
DIET: While the fever lasts only cold drinks, and fruit juices can
be given, otherwise feedings can be of small quantities every two
or three hours of easily assimilable foods. Gruels, broths of beef
juice, egg albumin, soft boiled eggs, etc. In the most severe cases
alcohol in the form of brandy and whiskey are recommended but the
writer so far has not had to resort to it.
HERBOLOGY: One ounce each of Skunk Cabbage, Comfrey, Elecampane,
Spikenard, Horehound, Wild Cherry. Put in a gallon of boiling water,
let steep for 6 hours. Strain. Add pint of honey. Wineglass every
3 hours.
Another excellent recipe for clearing the lungs is to infuse one-half
ounce of Boneset and one ounce of Mallow leaves in a pint and a
half of boiling water. Then infuse one ounce of Pleurisy Root in
the same quantity of boiling water. Now mix both infusions and take
a wineglassful, warm, about every 15 to 20 minutes.
After lungs seem clear a tea of equal parts of Agrimony, Meadowsweet,
Betony, Raspberry Leaves and Great Burnet. Teaspoon of mixed herbs
in cup of boiling water, let cool, large swallow frequently is suggested.
Or infusion of Black Horehound, Wild Cherry Bark sweetened with
honey is good to tone and nourish system.
VACUUM THERAPY: This method of treatment is par excellent if applied
lightly and continuously for at least one hour. No hurting, just
a mild hyperemia. The cups are put on the back first, covering the
dorsal vertebrae then gradually working toward the chest. If the
physician is called early, this hyperemia will usually break up
the attack.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment D 3-10 and other zones as indicated.
NEUROPATHY: Lymphatic of the whole body, emphasis on Hunter’s
canal, liver and axillary places. Mild stimulation of the whole
The patient should be looked after by the physician for many weeks
when up and around.
DEFINITION: Lobar pneumonia
is an acute specific infectious disease caused by Pneumococcus,
characterized by a sudden onset with chill, pleuritic pain, rapid
respiration, cough with rusty tenacious sputum, and high fever which
often terminates by crisis. Pathologically, it is characterized
by a diffuse exudate inflammation involving one or more lobes of
the lung, which passes through the stages of congestion, red hepatization,
gray hepatization, and resolution. In the above definition may be
included Croupous pneumonia, fibrinous pneumonia, pleuropneumonia,
pneumococcus lobar pneumonia.
ETIOLOGY: The disease may occur at all ages. Males are afflicted
more than females. Lowered vitality in the winter or spring months
produces the greatest number of victims, when colds are rampant.
Preexisting diseass such as influenza, nephritis, arteriosclerosis
and diabetes may be precipitating causes. Alcoholism is also a precipitating
The exciting cause is said to be the pneumococcus of Frankel, or
Diplococcus pneumoniae. There are usually three states.
SYMPTOMS: In children it may begin suddenly with vomiting or convulsions
after a cold of some time. In adults there may be a day or two of
ill health, with headache or cold, sore throat and some pains in
the extremities. On the first day of pneumonia a sudden chill, and
pain or pronounced thoracic oppression may be the initial complaints.
After the chill the temperature rises quickly, often attaining 104
degrees F. The face becomes flushed. Then pain is complained of
on the affected side, especially on inspiration. A dry cough increases
the pain.
Headache and muscular pains are also likely to be complained of.
Complete anorexia is usually noted, and often there is vomiting.
Marked thirst appears, the skin is dry, the pulse rapid, the urine
scanty, and the bowels generally inactive, though occasionally diarrhea
occurs. Usually the patient lies on the affected side until the
pain has largely disappeared.
On the second day the cough generally becomes more productive, a
characteristically viscid, airless tenacious, and rusty or blood-stained
sputum being expectorated. At the same time the physical signs of
lung consolidation usually appear, though in some instances —
in central pneumonia especially — they may be delayed until
the third day. The effects of general toxemia are also manifeest
in sleeplessness and delirium. On the second or third day, an eruption
of herpetic vesicles about the lips and alae nasi develops. The
respiration becomes rapid and shallow owing to reduction of functionating
lung tissue by the pathological process. The resulting dypsnea may
even be accompanied by cyanosis and suffusion of the conjunctivae.
In from five to nine or ten days the febrile movement generally
terminates by crisis, -- sometimes accompanied by abundant sweating
or diarrhea, -- after which convalescence, as a rule, becomes rapidly
But the various types of pneumonia may present some serious complexities.
PNEUMONIA IN CHILDREN: It is often ushered in with vomiting or convulsions.
Headache, delirium, and stupor are prominent symptoms, so that the
disease may simulate meningitis. The temperature is very high; expectoration
is often absent. The disease frequently begins at the apex of the
lung. The duration is usually short.
TYPHOID PNEUMONIA: In this form there are pronounced typhoid symptoms
(See Typhoid)—headache, muttering delirium, stupor, a dry,
brown tongue, a rapid, weak pulse, and high fever. The expectoration
may resemble prune juice.
PNEUMONIA OF ALCOHOLICS: The onset is often gradual; the dypsnea
is marked; the temperature is not high; maniacal delirium commonly
develops; and death from exhaustion is not unusual.
FIBRINOUS PNEUMONIA: In this form the bronchioles, as well as the
air vesicles, are filled with fibrinous exudate. The physical signs
resemble those of pleural effusion.
CENTRAL PNEUMONIA: In this form the inflammatory process commences
in the center of a lobe, and in consequence the characteristic physical
signs may not manifest themselves for two or three days.
SPREADING PNEUMONIA: In this type the specific inflammation shows
a tendency to spread and to involve successively fresh areas of
lung tissue.
COMPLICATIONS: Pleurisy is the most common complication. It may
be either serous or purulent. Pericarditis and endocarditis are
sometimes a sequel. Among less frequent complications may be mentioned
inflammation of the middle ear, meningitis, arthritis, parotitis,
nephritis, catarrhal jaundice, acute dilatation of the stomach,
and delayed resolution. Consolidation may last for five or six weeks
and then gradually disappear. Abscess, gangrene, and chronic interstitial
pneumonia are rare sequels.
PROGNOSIS: Favorable in the young and generally healthy persons.
After the age of sixty it is very guarded. In the alcoholic the
prognosis is always grave. The coexistence of heart, liver or kidney
disease makes pneumonia very dangerous.
TREATMENT: The windows of the room should be open so that the temperature
of the room can be below 65 degrees F. with a lot of fresh air.
No matter what the temperature or atmospheric condition outside
the windows should be open. The treatment must follow much along
the line of the symptoms. The symptoms as they arise must be combatted,
lest any one of them contribute to a fatal outcome. These serious
symptoms can be: Pain, Cough, Fever, smothering or dypsnea, delirium,
cardiac pressure, insomnia and gaseous distention of the abdomen.
For the general treatment of pneumonia see the last section on the
subject of Pneumonia.
But in lobar pneumonia some of the symptoms need specific mention.
The cough, hard and dry needs to be released as quickly as possible.
Hot applications to the throat, with equal amounts of honey and
lemon juice, given every few minutes.
Fever must not be completely broken, only kept in control. This
can be done best by hydrotherapy. Dypsnea or smothering; usually
Endo-Nasal treatments are impossible in the little child, but pumping
of the chest may help. Oxygen inhalations in croup. Delirium, an
ice cap to the head is serviceable. Gaseous distention of the abdomen
may be relieved by enema, or just the passage of a rectal tube.
Pain may be relieved by the vacuum cups.
Insomnia is a serious matter and methods need to be found to induce
sleep, so that there may be a conservation of energy and vitality.
Cardiac symptoms can be controlled by spondylotherapy or pressure
on the cardiac segments.
Now turn to the general treatments of Pneumonia, under Bronchopneumonia.
DEFINITION: A chronic inflammation
of the connective tissue of the lungs, characterized by hardening
and thickening. It is also known as Cirrhosis of the lung and Pulmonary
ETIOLOGY: It may be a sequel of other forms of pneumonia but in
most cases it may be excited by the constant inhalation of irritating
dusts, as stone-dust (chalicosis), coal dust (anthracosis), or metal-dust
(siderosis). It may result from syphilis. It is occasionally secondary
to chronic pleurisy. It is an invariable accompaniment of chronic
PATHOLOGY: When the thorax is opened, the lung is found retracted
and the heart displaced. The organ is tough, firm and more or less
airless. Section shows an overgrowth of fibrous tissue, and usually
inflammation and considerable dilatation of the bronchi.
SYMPTOMS: The chief symptoms are dypsnea on exertion and cough.
The latter may be dry, but it is usually associated with more or
less mucopurulent sputum. There is rarely fever, and the general
health may be well preserved for many years.
PROGNOSIS: Unfavorable, but by treatment life can be preserved for
many years. The treatment must be along the symptomatic line. Asthma,
Bronchitis or Tubercular symptoms are prominent at various times.
See treatment for each.
Rectal Diseases
lower part of large intestine, about five inches long (12 cm.),
ending at anus. The centers of the anorectal mechanism are in the
3rd and 4th sacral segments. The Anus is the outlet lying in the
fold between the nates.
This subject would require a large book in itself. Here we will
take only the common complaints and give a brief outline and state
the treatment.
The greatest cause is constipation.
The second is disturbances of the nervous system by voluntary reflex
inhibition. Not convenient to go when nature calls and inhibition
becomes a fixed habit of the nerves.
NEUROPATHY: Lymphatic of the
groin. Flex legs, then stretch to the side three times.
CHIROPRACTIC: Dorsal 7, 10. Lumbar 2-4.
ORIFICIALTHERAPY: Dilations of the rectum by the finger or the Ross
DIET: Less roughage. More liquids.
HERBOLOGY: See page 629.
Hemorrhoids or piles are varicose
tumors of one or more of the inferior hemorrhoidal veins. They are
of two types: the external which originate in the inferior hemorrhoidal
veins are external to mucocutaneous line and are covered with skin.
Internal hemorrhoids are an involvement of the superior veins and
are above the mucocutaneous line and are covered with mucous membrane.
ETIOLOGY OF INTERNAL HEMORRHOID: Pressure at stool causing distention
of the veins. Constipation by pressure of the hard fecal mass. Any
infection such as cellulitis in action, or abrasions in the perianal
and perirectal tissues which may produce a periphlebitis and a phlebitis
of the veins weakening the walls, producing a dilation, which straining
may rupture and cause bleeding piles.
There are three stages of internal hemorrhoids, the first is where
the pile is a mass of varicose veins covered by a normal mucous
membrane. All that is noticed is a little pain, and a slight coloring
of blood. The second, is when these piles have become larger, and
the tumor has become elongated and protrudes with defecation. It
retracts into the rectum after defecation. There is some bleeding,
but stops on completion of defecation. In the third stage, there
is a loss of elasticity and the sphincter muscles have lost their
tone. There is marked protrusion with each bowel movement which
must be replaced by the fingers or it will stay down. The mass will
often fall out of the rectum just by standing up or walking. In
addition there may be a great deal of bleeding or massive hemorrhages.
In the second stage, the patient should be instructed to replace
it immediately, and to rest a while after replacing the tissue.
Astringent ointments, applied by the finger or a collapsible tube
with perforated nozzle are useful. The stools are to be kept soft
and easy. Specialists in this line also treat by injection and operation
and the drugless physician, after a fair trial, should consider
such a procedure.
In the third stage of internal hemorrhoids, and the writer has seen
many of them, is frank to admit that operation by electrosurgery
or injection of some sclerosing substance or operation by the knife
is probably the best thing that can be done in the last stage of
protruding bleeding piles. The loss of blood being so continuous
that the future good health of the patient is always endangered.
A careful examination should
be made with a sigmoidscope. If a patient is in the first stage,
orificial therapy is usually sufficient. The patient is put in the
knee-chest position, and with the forefinger the mass is massaged
so that circulation of the veins are established. The sphincters
are relaxed Ross or Young dilators are recommended also for this
purpose. Constipation if present must also be overcome. See Treatment
for Painful Defecation.
TREATMENT: If the hemorrhoid is small and causing no distress it
is best to leave it alone. But if distress is felt, then the following
outline of treatment may be followed. The cause is found first and
corrected if possible, then the softening and shrinking process
is undertaken. The writer in some cases has applied first heat to
the thrombus and then stretched the tissue as far as possible, then
applied an ice cube right in the middle of the thrombus. This method
has been useful in a number of cases. Another was to have the patient
take a sitz bath, first of hot water, then in cold tea. Three tablespoonsful
of tea to three quarts of water. This is boiled until black, then
it is allowed to cool and the patient immerses his anus in this
for ten minutes each day. Hot compresses of magnesium sulfate is
recommended. Suppositories of various kinds are also recommended.
A cold sitz bath taken on arising or retiring is helpful in some
cases, but a full body warm bath should be taken afterward.
Oil or water enemas can be taken until the feces are softened.
DEFINITION: A tear or ulceration
of the membrane of the anus. One of the most painful conditions
that afflicts the anus, which is worse on evacuation.
DIAGNOSIS: The signs are so characteristic of the lesion that it
is almost impossible for a diagnostic error to be made. The peculiar
nature of the pain, the time of its occurrence (either during or
some time after an evacuation of the bowels), its continued increase
until it becomes unbearable, and its gradual decline and entire
subsidence until the next evacuation clearly point to irritable
ulcer of the anus and in most instances should be sufficient to
establish a diagnosis.
TREATMENT: The first step is to see there is no constipation or
diarrhea. Both are aggravating. Enemas of flaxseed tea from a half
pint to a pint is soothing to be taken just before retiring. A swab
of cotton soaked in one drop of 120 V. M. to ten drops of water
has a healing effect. After the second treatment the number of drops
of C. M. can be increased up as high as one-half the water. The
above can be done twice a day. The part must be kept perfectly clean,
and especially after evacuation. A soft moistened wet cloth either
hot or cold can be used, or soft moist toilet paper.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Ultra-violet cold quartz may be applied with the
applicator for a very short time at the first visit, then increasing
the time with each visit. Diathermy and electro coagulation are
also recommended. In some cases the only relief is by surgical interference.
DEFINITION: An unnatural channel
leading from a cutaneous or mucous surface to another free surface
or terminating blindly in the substance of an organ or part.
There are a number of varieties of this condition. We think of the
complete here in which there are two openings, one in the rectum
and one on the skin more or less remote from the anus.
ETIOLOGY: Fistula is usually due to the pus of previous abscesses
within the rectum, or due in some instances to injuries which extend
from the exterior to the interior.
TREATMENT: If health is broken down, or the patient is an alcoholic,
tubercular, or diabetic, the treatment is attended with great difficulty.
The second opening can be washed out thoroughly by the V. M. solution
as found under Fissure of the Ano, or any other antiseptic solution.
Then the treatment may be the same as under Fissure of the Ano.
Surgery is sometimes necessary.
DEFINITION: A functional affection
of the anus, characterized by severe itching.
ETIOLOGY: Pruritis, or paresthesia, is usually a functional disorder
of the sensory nerves of the skin; it may be caused by functional
or organic nervous disease, or by nutritive or metabolic disorders,
through their action on the sensory nerves, a hyperesthesia being
induced. Among the acknowledged causes of pruritis are the various
psychic neuroses, neurasthenia, the uric acid diathesis, diabetes,
Bright’s disease, utero-ovarian disorders, pregnancy, indigestion,
constipation, and hepatic disorders. Tobacco, coffee, tea, opium,
alcohol, etc., if excessively used, may be etiological factors.
TREATMENT: The cause of the itching must be found as well as giving
relief. Many of these patients are psychoneurotic, and the tensions
under which they live should be looked for, and the patient aided
in overcoming those tensions. See Neurasthenia in “The Fundamentals
of Applied Psychiatry.”
Urine examination in all cases for sugar, for Diabetes is a frequent
Local treatment may be alkaline sponging of the anus. Sodium carbonate
lotion. Cold applications of water are sometimes useful.
DIET: A strict vegetarian diet for a few days.
The solution or powder of Kabnick products is par excellent for
this condition anywhere in the body. Dermal Penatrin Zemmer is very
ELECTROTHERAPY: Air-cooled quartz ultra-violet ray with a local
applicator for at least half a minute to a full minute twice a week
is helpful.
DEFINITION: Proctitis is an
inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum with or without
conjunction with other diseases. There are two types: Where the
rectum is involved in an inflammatory lesion along with other portions
of the colon, such as ulcerative colitis, or gonorrheal proctitis.
The other can be considered a local simple proctitis.
SYMPTOMS: No matter what the type, the symptoms of proctitis are
practically the same.
Inflammation of the rectum may be caused by a variety of factors
in which hemorrhoids, tumors, parasites, dysentery, and gonorrhea
are the most common. The symptoms are those of inflammation in other
regions: heat, fullness and pain, besides more or less marked tenesmus.
The latter may be accompanied by frequent defecation of small quantities
of feces containing mucus, pus, or blood. The inflamed mucosa of
the rectum may prolapse. When there is ulceration, stricture of
the rectum may follow. Ulcerative proctitis with stricture is generally
of syphilitic origin, but may also be due to local tuberculosis
or dysentery.
The treatment is the same as
for the type of infection found under that title.
For simple Proctitis a local treatment may be all that is necessary.
Rest in bed. A liquid diet to avoid rectal irritation; soothing
lotions, such as are found under Prurutis. Enemas. Relief of pain
by heat or cold applications. If possible, establish habit time
for bowel movements.
In all rectal disease conditions, Vitamins A, B, C and G can be
In all the above, Neuropathic general treatment may be given, also
Chiropractic where indicated.
The following makes a very mild
laxative, yet effective, with diuretic properties: Senna Alexandria,
Senna Tin, Turtlebloom leaves, German Cheese Plant, Fennel Seed,
May Apple, Jamaica Ginger, Sweet Weed, Buckthorn Bark, Licorice
Root, Sacred Bark.
Psylla Seeds are laxative and lubricate internally.
Red Clover Blossoms made into strong tea; use as table tea.
Bran and Mineral Oil is good.
Authorities seem divided over saline solutions.
Intestinal stasis is generally due to deficiency of sodium, potassium,
magnesium, and chlorine in the food; spinach has high content of
first three; eat it raw or slightly steamed in its own juices for
about three minutes.
Brazil nuts are highly esteemed as a preventative of constipation
and bowel disorders.
It is claimed most obstinate cases of constipation can be absolutely
cured, usually in five days. Soak a handful of wheat as it comes
from the farm, in water, to cover it by an inch. Do this in evening
and it is ready for morning’s breakfast two days after (36
hours approximately). When breakfast is ready, drink off the water,
put milk and fruit in the pan and eat as is, not cooked. Use brown
sugar, if desired, to sweeten, not white sugar. Honey, however,
is best.
Old-fashioned fruit laxative: 1 pound prunes, ½ pound figs,
½ pound dates, ounce Senna leaves. Remove pits, chop, mold
into balls size of hickory nut. Take one as needed. This will keep
all winter, when most laxatives are needed.
Abscesses, tumors and carcinoma
are some of the other diseases of the rectum. Treatment is mainly
DEFINITION: A rheumatism that
is characterized by fever, pain and swelling of the joints. It is
sometimes called Acute Articular Rheumatism or Inflammatory Rheumatism.
ETIOLOGY: Rheumatic fever tends mostly to attack the young, and
young adults between the ages of 10 and 35 years of age. Males are
more often attacked than females. Much exposure to damp weather
may procede an attack. Autointoxication is a big factor. Infection
by sepsis from previous attacks or tonsillitis, scarlet fever, gonorrhea
or diphtheria, infected teeth, sinus drainage of pus from infection,
all have been thought of as contributing factors. The exciting cause
is thought to be the Streptococcus rheumaticus.
The disease may follow an attack of acute tonsillitis, or it may
set in at once with chilliness, fever, and inflammation of the joints.
The joints involved are, as a rule, the larger ones, as the knees,
ankles, elbows, and wrists. They are swollen, hot, painful, and
tender, but only slightly reddened. The inflammation shows a marked
tendency to flit from joint to joint, and to subside in one while
attacking another. In severe cases the muscles also are painful
and tender. Small subcutaneous nodules are sometimes found along
the tendons and over the bony prominences. The fever in ordinary
cases ranges between 102 and 103 degrees F., and is very irregular.
The perspiration is often copious and has an acid reaction and a
peculiar sour odor. The appetite is lost, the tongue is coated,
the bowels are constipated and the urine is scanty and highly colored.
Moderate leukocytosis is usually present, and as the disease progresses
marked secondary anemia develops. Many sub-acute cases occur in
which fewer joints are involved and the symptoms are of a mild type,
but the course is often protracted.
The disease usually lasts from two to four weeks, but it may persist
with alternate exacerbations and remissions for several months.
PROGNOSIS: In regard to life the prognosis is favorable. Complications
involving the heart are frequent and often lead to serious consequences.
One attack of rheumatic fever predisposes to another with more serious
consequences after each recurrence.
TREATMENT: A patient with this disease should be confined to bed
in a well-ventilated room, even those who have a mild case of it.
NEUROPATHY: A mild lymphatic with sedation of the whole spine.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment D 5 to 7. Also kidney place.
COLONOTHERAPY: Daily enemas or colonics twice a week of warm water.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot wet packs with a solution of epsom salts over
the affected joints.
The fever can be controlled by tepid sponge baths, or a cool compress
on the throat. Skin irritation is relieved by frequent sponge bathing
and witch hazel daubing, not rubbing. The local use of wintergreen
oil, one dram to an ounce of lanolin, may give relief to the joints.
DIET: When there is high fever, all food should be withheld for
some time. If food is given, it should be of the protein type. It
should include milk or milk products, cereals and broths. See the
Salisbury Steak diet under Arthritis.
Should the complications of Articular Rheumatism arise after the
fever subsides, treat as found in the next section.
Hyperpyrexia and cerebral rheumatism may necessitate the application
of tepid and even cold baths; the cold baths or cold pack should
be begun as soon as the temperature starts to rise quickly above
105 degrees F. (40.5 degrees C.), otherwise considerable danger
to life may be entailed. Upon the advent of endocarditis the use
of the ice-bag over the heart may be necessary.
A persistently high pulse rate in acute articular rheumatism is
always to be regarded as indicative of myocardial involvement, and
as long as it continues absolute rest is essential.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: Concussion of the 7th Cervical may be sufficient
or an ice bag may be put over the heart.
Where a case persists over many weeks, there surely is an infection
some place. Sinus and tonsils should be thoroughly inspected, and
ENDO-NASAL treatments given if a gonorrheal infection has been present
before the attack of rheumatic fever a process of elimination will
need to be instituted to free the system of the poison. A good process,
if the fever is gone, is the following: One cupful of washing soda,
one cupful of borax in a quarter filled tub of hot water. The patient
sits in it for twenty minutes with cold cloth or ice bag on head,
after which the patient should retire. Two sittings a week are enough.
HERBOLOGY: Use 1 drop of true Oil of Wintergreen in a teaspoonful
of sugar three times a day, increasing the dose to 2 drops the second
day, until on the ninth day 9 drops are taken with sugar; then on
tenth day take 8 drops and decrease a drop each day back to 1 drop
One-quarter ounce each of Ginger Root, Celery Seeds, Prickly Ash
Berries, Sassafras Bark, one-half ounce each of Bittersweet, Broom
Corn Seed, Cleavers, three-quarters ounce each of Meadowsweet and
Yarrow. Mix herbs. Pour on a quart of boiling water; keep covered;
simmer for fifteen minutes, let cool; strain through fine cloth.
Small wineglass three times a day.
Various herb companies have excellent prepared combinations. Also
ointments for external use, but washing part with soap and hot water,
drying, and applying Methyl Salicylate Ointment gently three times
a day is excellent. Cover parts with flannel after putting on ointment.
— Rachitis
DEFINITION: A disease of metabolism
affecting children and often resulting in deformities.
ETIOLOGY: The old etiology was given as poor nutrition of the mother,
faulty hygiene and, above all, defective feeding, and lack of sunlight,
ultra-violet radiations are important etiological factors, hence
the disease is observed most frequently in large cities and among
the children of the poor.
But, later this condition became known as an avitaminosis of Vitamin
D. The reader is advised to read the scientific article on Vitamin
D, its several forms, compositions and activations in “Nutritional
Deficiencies,” by Youmans, page 144. Lippincott Co. Also be
sure to read on page 153 “The calcium and phosphorus balances
necessary for the utilization of each other in the body.”
SYMPTOMS: Restlessness and slight fever at night 101-102 degrees
F., free perspiration about head, diffuse soreness and tenderness
of body, pallor, slight diarrhea; enlargement of liver and spleen;
delayed dentition and eruption of badly formed teeth, head large
and more or less square in outline; craniotabes or skull bones often
so thin they crackle like parchment. Sides of thorax flattened;
sternum prominent; nodules can be felt at sternal ends of ribs.
There may be kyphosis, lordosis or scoliosis. Liver and spleen may
be considerably enlarged, long bones are curved and prominent at
their extremities. Bowels constipated, abdomen distended.
PROGNOSIS: Usually favorable. Deformities disappear in a large majority
of cases when proper nutrition is given over a long time.
TREATMENT: Careful regulation of diet, fresh milk, properly diluted
for infants; meat juice or raw beef for older children. Fresh air
and sunshine. Vitamin D and an abundance of calcium and phosphorus
in the food. Sunlight or ultra-violet rays. Fresh air and sunshine.
Sea-bathing, irradiated cod liver oil, liver, egg-yolks, lacto-phosphate
of lime, good hygiene. Lime or lemon water is excellent. Cod liver
oil or halibut oil or any fish oils fortified by viosterol can be
also utilized as well as Vitamin D in any other form.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Whole body ultra-violet irradiations for long periods
turning the body around so that the whole may be irradiated.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustments of Atlas-Axis. Spleen and Kidney segments.
NEUROPATHY: Lymphatic of the neck and abdomen lightly. Emphasis
on liver and spleen. Sedation of whole spine. Vacuum therapy very
light on the spine of the young is beneficial. A little harder on
the older people.
HYDROTHERAPY: Ocean or salt water bathing is the best method. Residence
at seashore is of great help.
STRAPPING: The use of an elastic belt for abdominal massage and
support is also of help.
HERBOLOGY: Phosphorus bearing botanicals are Dandelion, Meadow Sweet,
Marigold Flowers, Licorice Root, Chickweed, Caraway Seed and Calamus.
Scarlet Fever
DEFINITION: An acute contagious
disease characterized by sore throat, fever, punctiform scarlet
rash, and rapid pulse.
SYMPTOMS: Incubation — Probably never less than twenty-four
hours. May be from one to ten days, with average time of from two
to four days.
Onset sudden, rarely with a chill, but sometimes with a convulsion
in very young children. As a rule, begins with sore throat, temperature
from 103 to 104, frequent vomiting, followed within twelve to thirty-six
hours by a rash, first on neck and chest, rapidly extends over body,
lastly, involving the extremities. Face flushed and may be characterized
by the well-known pallor. The punctiform rash on the remainder of
the body, seldom seen on face. With first eruption, throat is almost
closed, tonsils are swollen, tongue heavily coated, and the papillae
are enlarged, projecting through it. The tongue is properly described
as a “strawberry” tongue. In mild or average case duration
of rash is from two to three days. By the end of third day, the
coating has disappeared from tongue, though the papillae are still
enlarged, the remainder of tongue presenting a deep red appearance.
In this stage, the tongue may be referred to as the “raspberry”
tongue. With disappearance of rash in an uncomplicated case, the
temperature closely approaches normal and recovery is uneventful.
Extremely mild cases occur in which the rash is very faint and of
very short duration, possibly not exceeding twenty-four hours. Scarlet
fever may actually occur without any rash whatsoever. In any form
of scarlet fever a leukocytosis is to be expected in the average
case. This may range from 14,000 to 16,000.
ETIOLOGY: The inciting agent of scarlet fever is a specific strain
of streptococcus — Streptococcus scarlatinae. Infection usually
occurs by direct contact, but may occur through the medium of clothing,
books, toys, etc., a third party, or milk that has become infected
by handling. The chief source of the virus is the nasopharyngeal
secretion. Contagiousness is most active during the eruptive period
of the disease, but it may last as long as otitis media or other
open lesions persist.
COMPLICATIONS: The most common complications are suppuration of
the cervical lymph-nodes, suppurative otitis media, inflammation
of the accessory nasal sinuses, and arthritis endocarditis, and
pericarditis are less frequently nephritis. Retropharyngeal abscess,
bronchopneumonia, observed. Nephritis occurs in about 10 per cent
of the cases and usually develops in the second or third week of
the disease.
TREATMENT: This is a quarantinable disease, in nearly all, if not
all of the states. And the physician better obey the law, and make
report as soon as possible. However, if in any state that permits
treatment of this disease by the drugless physician, the following
regime may be carried out.
First, the patient should be isolated for six weeks, longer if there
is discharge from nose or ears. Every prophylactic measure should
be taken for his own and the protection of others. The urine should
be taken every other day, to watch that nephritis does not develop.
It should be examined weekly for two months after recovery. Massage
of the body with some ointment should be done daily to allay itching.
Irrigations of the throat with a mild salt solution or with 120
V. M. Plenty of water, or diluted fruit juices to drink should be
given. The diet if any, should be of milk, ice cream, junket, kumiss,
milk soaked toasted bread, or gruels. The bowels need to be kept
open and enemas may be needed. Adenitis is best treated by a cold
pack around the throat. But if suppuration is close to the breaking
point, hot packs.
Endo-Nasal Therapy and Aural instruments should always be on hand
to look in the nose, ears and down the throat. If there is any soreness
in the ears, dry heat is always available. Bulging of the drum in
this disease with great pain calls for paracentesis or incision.
Cardiac symptoms must be carefully watched, if too fast, a concussion
of the 7th cervical or an ice bag over the heart, if too slow, a
warm or hot bag over the heart.
If nephritis develops, cups should be applied over the kidney and
renal setments at once, or very hot packs, but at the same time
holding the fever in check by cold compresses on the neck. Short
wave, to the throat and sinus, and ultra-violet radiations to nose
and mouth are all helpful.
During the period of desquamation, some oil, cocoa butter or the
lotion of Kabnick can be applied to the skin to relieve the itching.
For some time after all symptoms have passed, the physician should
supervise the activity and diet of the patient.
HERBOLOGY: The following herbs mixed, made into a tea with one dessertspoonful
every four hours is helpful.
Jam. Sarsae (Jamaica Sarsaparilla) 1 oz.
Geum urbanum (Common Avens) ½ oz.
Achillae millefolium (Common Yarrow) ½ oz.
Calendulae off. (Garden Marigold) 1 teaspoonful
Humulus lupulus (Hops) 1 teaspoonful
Menth. virid. (Spearmint) 1 teaspoonful
One teaspoonful of the mixed herbs in a cup of boiling water, let
cool, strain. Add hot water to fill up cup. Of course, as in making
all herb teas, always put a cover on the cup while strength is being
drawn from herbs.
Torticolis - Wryneck
DEFINITION: Torticolis is the
name applied to an abnormal position of the head due to tonic contraction
of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, and sometimes of the upper
part of the trapezious muscle. There is also a type known as spasmodic
or clonus type of Torticolis.
ETIOLOGY: Torticolis is congenital or acquired. Torticolis usually
occurs in childhood and is sometimes congenital. In the congenital
form it has been ascribed to intrauterine disease or injury, such
as pressure, but it is undoubtedly, sometimes the result of injury
to the muscle of the neck, particularly the sterno-mastoid at the
time of birth.
In acquired torticolis cold or rheumatism acts at times as a cause;
also affections of the throat, inflammation of the glands, and constrictions
from burns. Paralysis of the muscles of one side and even bad eyesight,
as extreme myopia causing monocular vision, may result in holding
the head in a more or less permanently incorrect position.
Subluxations, perversions and lesions in the segments of the spinal
column are the primary factors.
In the form known as spasmodic torticolis, spasms twist the head
to one side in jerking movements that are distressing. The cause
of this form lies in a considerable proportion of cases in some
disease of the central nervous system. The sternomastoid muscle
is not apt to be the only muscle involved, the trapezius, splenius,
and others being also affected at times.
TREATMENT: The physician should not overestimate, neither should
he underestimate the seriousness of this condition. The writer had
a case of a young woman who had repeated attacks. Her work as an
accountant required the turning of the head constantly to the left
toward an accounting machine, and the jerking went on as a habit.
Only by getting another position and many days of controlling the
muscles was she able to free herself from the habit.
In another case that was stubborn a final diagnosis was of lethargic
encephalitis. There is no doubt that some cases of torticolis are
due to organic diseases, and a number due to neurasthenia, worry
and overwork. A thorough examination is required of these cases
just as in any other abnormal condition.
While giving the relief treatments which may be curative in themselves,
the cause can be sought after. The question in the mind of the physician
can be: Is it congenital? If acquired, is it occupational, or a
result, of organic disease, or due to hysteria. For the last condition
only psychiatry with manipulative treatments can help. For the occupational
type, a change of methods of working or occupation and treatments
can help. Each organic condition found need be treated as well as
the torticolis.
NEUROPATHY: Thorough lymphatic of the abdomen and especially of
the axillary and neck region. Sedation of the spinal segments of
the muscles involved, after which the Lake Recoil may be lightly
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of the cervicals, and elsewhere as indicated.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot moist packs or poulticing are serviceable.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Diathermy, short wave or sine wave are all of service.
The infra-red is excellent for pain, followed by the ultra-violet
irradiations for circulation.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cupping the dorsal region and over the trapezius
muscle, also lightly on the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle is excellent
for pain and good circulation. An adhesive strapping over the shoulder
gives the patient a sense of relief.
HERBOLOGY: “Geranium” linament, medium or triple strength
is highly recommended for external application and can be secured
from Botanic Gardens where fresh herbs are used in its manufacture.
Another good remedy is to take four ounces of Comfrey to a quart
and a half of water, boil down to a quart, and bathe the neck.
Prepared salves of Camphor, Menthol, Oil Eucalyptus, Oil Peppermint,
Oil Citronella as their main ingredients can be secured from Herbal
DEFINITION: A specific inflammatory
disease of the lungs, caused by the tubercle bacillus, characterized
anatomically by a cellular infiltration, which subsequently caseates,
softens and leads to ulceration of lung tissues. Manifested clinically
by wasting, exhaustion, fever and cough.
ETIOLOGY: The disease most commonly develops between the ages of
fifteen and forty. Although tuberculosis is very rarely transmitted
from parent to offspring, an inherited susceptibility to the disease
seems to exist in some families. Overcrowding, lack of sunlight,
and poor food; occupations that necessitate the breathing of impure
air and irritating dusts, especially flint and silicious dusts;
and certain other diseases, such as catarrh of the respiratory tract,
whooping-cough, measles, diabetes, and cirrhosis of the liver, favor
Infection may take place by the inhalation of air laden with moist
particles of infected sputum, expelled in coughing and sneezing
or with the dust of dried tuberculous sputum, by the ingestion of
food contaminated directly or indirectly with infected sputum, as
the milk, or rarely the meat, of tuberculous cattle, or of bacilli-infected
material that has been conveyed to the mouth by the fingers, drinking-cups,
toys, etc., or by the direct inoculation of wounds (rare).
The bacilli may reach the lungs directly through the air passages,
or they may be brought to these organs from the intestines, tonsil,
or some other portal of entry by the lymphatics or blood-vessels.
SYMPTOMS: Acute phthisis resembles pneumonia and is marked by chill,
high fever, rapid pulse, dypsnea, sputum at first rusty, then purulent,
flushed face, profuse sweats, and the signs of consolidation. Instead
of ending ninth day by crisis, as in ordinary pneumonia, the symptoms
grow rapidly worse, signs of softening appear, the sputum shows
bacilli and elastic fibers, and death results in a few weeks to
Chronic Fibroid Tuberculosis is a disease of long duration. Gradual
loss of strength and abundant muco-purulent expectoration, which
is at times fetid from being retained in dilated bronchi. Dypsnea,
sweating and fever are slight. There is marked retraction on affected
side from shrinking of the fibrous tissue; with this exception,
physical signs are similar to those of
Ulcerative Pneumonia.
Chronic Ulcerative tuberuclosis symptoms are usually insidious and
marked at the outset, by pallor, gastric disturbance, loss of flesh
and strength, by a dry hacking cough, especially noted in the morning.
From some undue exposure the cough is aggravated. In some cases
symptoms appear abruptly with hemorrhage or an acute pleurisy. Slight
fever and acceleration of pulse are early symptoms of great diagnostic
import. Temperature marked by evening exacerbation, during which
face is flushed, eyes bright, mind animated. Later, cough becomes
troublesome, expectoration more abundant. In well developed cases
expectoration is greenish in color, is in coin-shaped plugs, is
heavy and sinks in water, is often blood streaked and contains bacilli
and fibers of elastic tissue. Phthisis in itself is not a painful
disease, but the associated dry pleurisy causes much suffering.
Hemoptysis occurs at all stages but profuse hemorrhages occur late.
Blood is bright red, frothy and mixed with mucus. Profuse sweating
troublesome in advanced cases. Final state characterized by extreme
emaciation, weakness, pallor, high remittent or intermittent fever
and edema of feet.
COMPLICATION: The chief complications of pulmonary tuberculosis
are hemoptysis, bronchopneumonia, pleurisy, pneumothorax, gastro-intestinal
catarrh, rectal fistula, amyloid degeneration of the viscera tuberculosis
of other structures, such as mentioned under general miliary tuberculosis.
DEFINITION: An acute infectious
disease excited by the tubercle bacillus, and characterized and
anatomically by the presence of miliary tubercles in many parts
of the body.
We have discussed pulmonary tuberculosis. The miliary is of other
parts of the body; it is the spreading of the tubercles not only
throughout the tissues of the lungs, but to any tissues or bones
in the body.
SYMPTOMS: A loss of flesh and strength; fever, 102 to 104 degrees
irregular, marked by evening exacerbations and morning remissions,
cough; hurried respirations; a brown fissured tongue; weak, rapid
pulse; enlargement of spleen; delirium; stupor. Tubercle bacilli
rarely found in expectoration or in the blood. Duration from two
to four weeks. When lungs are chiefly affected, there are dypsnea,
marked cough, mucopurulent and bloody expectorations, cyanosis,
sibilant and subcrepitant rales and perhaps areas over which bronchial
breathing is heard. When meninges are chiefly affected there are
intense headache convulsive seizures, photophobia, delirium, facial
palsies, stupor, coma, and Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Tubercles may
be detected on the retina. When intestines and peritoneum are affected
there are pain, tenderness, abdominal distension and diarrhea.
Tuberculosis of bones and joints is essentially a disease of childhood.
More than seven-eighths of all patients with this condition start
before the age of 14 and nearly one-half occur between 3 and 5.
The infection is rare before the age of 2 years.
Tuberculosis involvement of bones and joints is usually secondary
to a primary focus elsewhere which is probably in the lungs or along
the alimentary tract. The tubercle bacillus enters the blood stream
and is carried to the bone and lodges in the end of the bone near
the epiphyseal line where the blood supply is the richest, especially
during the period of growth. It rarely begins in the synovial membrane
of the joint.
Miliary tuberculosis may attack any part of the body. But usually
the focus of the infection is as stated above, in the lungs or along
the alimentary canal.
Prognosis in any type of Tuberculosis is always grave. No matter
how long the patient lives, it will ever be a battle to keep going.
For with every cold, or location without lots of fresh air will
bring on the symptoms. There have been some noted exceptions, however,
where some persons who were tubercular in childhood were removed
to another climate and afterward lived to a good old age. But not
many are fortunate enough to have the means of making such necessary
changes, and they die early, or linger on with the symptoms for
years, because of the climate and atmosphere in which they live,
their emploment and lack of finances.
DIAGNOSIS: When a patient presents himself with a slight fever,
a slight persistent cough with sputum, and reports a loss of weight,
with some dypsnea, and signs of infiltration of a lung or lungs,
and an acceleration of the pulse out of all proportion to the fever,
then a tuberculin test should be suggested. It must be remembered
that sometimes the reports are positive in apparently normally healthy
people. But with a combination of the symptoms and tests the physician
can arrive at a fairly accurate diagnosis. When running sores or
abscesses are present with any of the above-mentioned symptoms a
tuberculin test is often not amiss.
PROPHYLAXIS: It is assumed that
public authorities are deeply interested in the prevention of the
disease by the inspection of schools, factories, slaughter houses,
etc. The patient also has a duty to perform in prevention by burning
the paper napkins in which sputum is expectorated before the sputum
becomes dry. He should insist on sleeping alone in a room that can
be well aired and where the sunshine can reach him.
If at all possible, sanitarium care is best, where he can spend
most, if not all, his time out of doors under a roof, kept warm
by proper covering. Here he should get the exercises necessary commensurate
with his strength and the stage of his disease The sanitorium is
really a school; the doctors are the teachers and the patients are
the pupils. The patient who from choice or poor advice goes to the
country to fight the disease alone is to be pitied. At the sanitorium
he is taught to take care of himself.
If the patient’s finances will not permit him to remain in
a sanitorium or health resort for the entire length of treatment,
then he should rest at least three months at such a “school”
in order to learn the ways and means of combating his disease. Having
mastered the essentials, he should be allowed to return to his home
and carry on. Such a method of attack, when finances are limited,
will be of the greatest benefit to the patient.
If the above is not at all possible, then the physician should devise
some method for the patient to sleep with his head on an open window
sill or out of doors in some fashion. One of the writer’s
patients slept on a platform built in a tree, over which a tent
top was used for bad weather. But before he sleeps outdoors Endo-Nasal
treatments should be given to remove all obstructions that may prevent
the ingestion of air and oxygen. Practically all of these cases
early and late reveal obstructions of a serious nature in the respiratory
DIET: A fast from one day to a week, no matter at what stage the
tuberculosis may be, and high colonics given sufficiently to clean
thoroughly the intestinal tract. During the fast, a half glass of
orange juice every two hours is helpful in removing the pus. Then
the first day of the fast, gruels, broths, etc., followed on the
second day by foods of high caloric value. A sample may be as follows:
Breakfast: Two coddled eggs; three or four slices of brown toast;
dish of stewed fruit selected from the following: prunes, raisins,
apricots, figs, baked apple or apple sauce.
Lunch: A choice of the following raw salad vegetables: Lettuce,
spinach, celery, parsley, small green string beans, carrots, turnips,
parsnips, and beets.
Dinner: Either Salisbury steak, roast beef, or broiled steak. Two
non-starchy vegetables. Choice of any of the salad vegetables. Stewed
fruit and Jello on alternate days.
One day a week the Salisbury steak regime may be carried out if
the patient will tolerate it.
Half a pound of Salisbury steak four times daily, together with
as much of either celery or tomatoes as might be desired A pint
of hot water was taken half an hour before each of these meals,
and another half pint of hot water was taken at the time the meal
was eaten.
For instructions on how to make Salisbury steak, see under Arthritis
or in the index.
The patient may be given a quart of milk a day between meals, except
on days that he is on the Salisbury steak diet.
EXERCISES: Walking a short or long distance is one the physician
must decide on, according to the condition of the patient. The affinity
of tuberculosis and excitation of the sex organs is well known.
It is thought by some authorities that it should be strictly forbidden
because of the possibility of infection to the second party. But
the greatest reason for restriction of the patient’s sex desires
is the conservation of his energy. If indulged in it should be at
stated regular intervals.
HYDROTHERAPY: A cold chest pack may be applied some time during
each morning and left on till dry, or at least for an hour or longer.
If the patient gets chilly, with extremities cold, the cold pack
is omitted, and a hot pack put on the feet.
Some time during the afternoon a neutral bath should be taken in
a tub at body temperature, followed by a nap.
If hemorrhages should develop, an ice pack or bag can be put over
the chest, and ice pills to swallow, or pellets to suck on.
HELIOTHERAPY: The writer has already referred to the need of sunshine.
But if not available in sufficient amount, the sun lamp may be used
with a complete exposure of the whole body. These exposures can
be as many as three times a day. Great care must be used not to
burn the patient in any place, or there may develop miliary tuberculosis
in the burned spot.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Diathermy, short wave and the sine wave are all
helpful in breaking up consolidation in the chest.
NEUROPATHY: Since the tuberculi are carried largely by the lymph
vessels, they should be thoroughly treated in order to assist elimination.
Stimulation of the whole spine for about ten minutes at a treatment
is sufficient. Do not overtreat.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of any subluxation found, particularly
in any of cervical or dorsal region.
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: Dilation of the rectum is very helpful in stimulating
the autonomic system.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamins A and D with D going as high in dosage
as 50,000 units U. S. P. daily. The A units may be lower, but not
too low, not less than 10,000 units, and may go as high as 30,000.
HERBOLOGY: Keep bowels open with Herbal Laxative. Use Coltsfoot
Tea as an expectorant to relieve coughing spells.
Raw eggs and milk drink every day in combination with the above
is claimed to be very effective treatment.
Coughwort Tea is Excellent for weak lungs. Red Clover Tea, also
Catnip Tea, are helpful for cough and lung troubles.
Typhoid Fever
DEFINITION: An acute infectious
disease excited by the bacillus Typhosus, characterized by a more
or less temperature curve, enlargement of the spleen epistaxis,
roseola, iliac tenderness, diarrhea and definite lesions in Peyers
patches of the small intestine.
ETIOLOGY: It may occur at any age. The microorganism was once said
to be transmitted to the body almost entirely by contaminated food
and water. It is now, since water supply is safely guarded and inspection
of food continuous, that in the present-day period typhoid fever
is transmitted in most instances through the medium of carriers—individuals
who may or may not have had the disease, but who harbor living virulent
typhoid organisms in the bile passages and gall-bladder, consequently
excreting from time to time large numbers of organisms without actually
having typhoid fever at the time. These carriers are generally responsible
for the mild epidemics that are seen at the present time. But before
the attack takes place the patient is usually in a run-down condition,
nervous and nearly always of the constipated type.
SYMPTOMS: The period of incubation is from one to three weeks. Then
follows some early symptoms such as chilliness followed by slight
fever, malaise, headache and backache, perhaps nose bleed, anorexia,
diarrhea and cough. It is thought of as a “cold.” In
a few days the patient complains of rather severe headache, giddiness,
pain in the limbs and back, chilliness, thirst and anorexia. The
fever is found to be higher in the evening by a degree to a degree
and a half, and higher on succeeding days. The pulse is rapid, ranging
from 90 to 100; respirations accelerated, tongue furred, the skin
hot and dry, and the abdomen distended, with, generally, tenderness
and gurgling in the right iliac fossa. In a number of cases ipistaxis
is more pronounced and definite. From the seventh to twelfth day
rose-colored spots appear on the abdomen and sometimes upon other
parts of the body. These papules are round, slightly elevated and
disappear on pressure. The tongue, which has been whitish yellow
with red edges and tip, becomes dry and brown; the teeth and lips
are covered with foul accumulations;s the gums often bleed on slight
pressure; the bowels are distended with gas, and the diarrhea, if
present, is more frequent, the stools being of a pale yellow color.
The temperature gradually rises, preserving the same step-like course,
reaching the acme toward the end of the second week. The usual range
is 101 to 102 degrees F. in the morning and 103 to 104 degrees F.
in the evening. The respirations are correspondingly quickened.
The urine is scanty and red, owing to excess of urates. The skin
is dry, but at times bathed in perspiration, particularly toward
morning. The nervous system is more or less profoundly affected.
The facial expression is dull and heavy and the cheeks are flushed.
The tongue in severe cases is dry, brown, and fissured. The abdomen
is distended in most cases. About the ninth day an eruption occurs
on the abdomen, and sometimes on the chest and back. It is composed
of small slightly elevated rose-color spots that disappear on pressure.
Hemorrhages, if any, occur during the third week. Perforation occurs,
it is thought, in 2 to 4 per cent of the cases.
VARIETIES: Mild Typhoid. There is moderate fever with marked remissions;
the diarrhea is slight; nervous symptoms are often absent; the rash
is usually present and may be abundant.
ABORTIVE TYPHOID: There is an abrupt onset with severe symptoms,
but convalescence follows in from ten days to two weeks.
WALKING TYPHOID: The symptoms are mild and often disregarded by
the patient, who refuses to go to bed; but grave symptoms may develop
suddenly, and death from perforation is not uncommon.
TYPHOID IN CHILDREN: The rash is often absent; the temperature rises
abruptly; cerebral symptoms are frequently marked; hemorrhage is
comparatively rare; the courses is usually mild.
COMPLICATIONS: Any symptom aggravated constitutes a complication;
thus high fever, excessive diarrhea, and ascites may be troublesome
complications. There may follow: perforation, internal hemorrhage,
pneumonia, hyperstatic congestion, peritonitis, bronchitis, and
DIAGNOSIS: Typhoid is not an easy disease to diagnose. But with
the following symptoms in mind he can become suspicious and have
a laboratory diagnosis made. The writer is partial to the Widal
reaction test.
The signs and symptoms which are suggestive of typhoid fever are:
gradual onset, headache and mental dullness, irregular temperature
with a distinct rise in the evening, bronchitis, with slight expectoration,
epistaxis, relatively slow dicrotic pulse, furred, tremulous tongue,
diarrhea, enlargement of the spleen, rose spots, abdominal tenderness.
PROGNOSIS: Guarded in all cases. The mortality rate is between 8
and 10 per cent. Higher in the very young and aged. The mortality
rate of those who have hemorrhages is about 15 per cent. While among
those who have perforations the mortality rate is about 35 per cent.
Robin said of this disease: “There is no patient so well that
he may die as a result of complications and none so ill but he may
recover.” Much depends on the care of the people in attendance,
and the wisdom and interest of the physician.
TREATMENT: The prophylaxis of infectious disease is now so well
known to all physicians that it is not necessary to enter into a
long description of them here. But one item always needs emphasis.
The bedroom should be well ventilated but the patient kept warm
and visitors should never be allowed. The nurse should record the
daily quantity of urine, the temperature, pulse, and respirations,
the number and character of bowel movements, and the quantity of
fluid intake. All these will guide the doctor in his estimate of
the progress the patient is making and possibly prevent complications.
HYDROTHERAPY: This is of great importance in the control of temperature.
There are those who advocate the ice-cold bath, but the writer believes
that method is too disturbing and most often impractical. A cold
sponging with tepid water every four hours is more beneficial and
more gratefully received when the temperature goes over 101 degrees.
If the temperature goes to 104 degrees then an ice pack can be put
on the throat while real cold sponging of the body takes place.
The sponging should begin in the extremities, an arm or a foot and
leg. All extremities should be sponged and dried first Then the
abdomen and chest, then the back. Drying can be accompanied with
light friction. If this does not bring the temperature to normal,
a cold colonic irrigation may also be given, but this is not recommended
except when other measures fail to bring the temperature under control.
The patient should be given a bath every day and care should be
taken to wash off the buttocks after every bowel movement. The mouth
should be washed out at least twice a day with a solution of lemon
juice and water.
For headache an ice bag can be placed over the affected part.
Bed sores are often common but rarely when there is careful nursing.
DIET: The diet is a big problem, as important as treatment and bed
care. For the ability to properly digest food may vary from day
to day. But nourishment the patient must get, and plenty of liquids.
It may be suggested that when the temperature is around 102 degrees
F. that the patient be only given milk. The milk may be reinforced
with lactose, some 6 ½ to 10 ounces per each quart of milk.
To this may also be added cream. A satisfactory formula is milk
3 pints, lactose 8 1/3 ounces and sufficient 20 per cent cream to
bring the mixture up to two quarts. If all of this concoction is
consumed in the course of 24 hours, 2500 calories will be supplied
to the patient. The remaining 1500 calories may be supplied with
such nutrients as soft boiled or poached eggs, minced chicken or
beef, milk toast, soft cereals, crackers, toasted bread, mashed
or baked potatoes, apple sauce, custards, junkets, tapioca pudding,
ice cream and butter.
The feeding should be carried out systematically, the patient receiving
nourishment every two hours on the hour during the day. The three
main meals of the day may be made up from the solid and semisolid
articles of food, and the intermeal feedings should be composed
of milk, the flavor of which may be disguised by chocolate or coffee,
or similar flavoring vehicles. If the patient has difficulty in
taking the required number of calories during the day, he should
be fed once or possibly twice during the night. The nurse should
be instructed to keep a record of food given, when given and the
amounts and what is left over.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: B complex, C and K.
HERBOLOGY: Plenty of lemon juice diluted with water. Alcoholic stimulants
may be taken in moderation but always with the addition of lemon
juice. One grain Bismuth tablets may be taken every hour to furnish
a protective coating for the membrane of the intestines. After disease
has run its course a tea (with lemon juice) can be made of any of
the following demulcents: Benne leaves, Marshmallow Root or Elm
Bark. Then later, a tea of any of the following astringents: Blackberry
Root, Wild Alum Root, Mormon Valley Herb, Walnut Leaves, Red Raspberry
Leaves, Sweet Fern, Huckeberry Leaves.
A tea that has been recommended is equal parts of Buckbean and Shepherd’s
Purse. Tablespoonful of mixed herbs in a cup of boiling water, let
stand for one hour, strain and add enough water to restore original
volume of a cup full. Large mouthful at a time.
COLONOTHERAPY: Diarrhea can be sometimes controlled with starch
water enemas.
For gas and distention of the abdomen a turpentine stupe is of value.
A piece of flannel large enough to cover the abdomen is dipped in
a solution of turpentine and hot water. This is laid over the abdomen
and covered by wool or flannel until air tight. A dram of turpentine
to half pint of water is serviceable. If the stupe does not relieve,
then a lower enema of warm water may be given. A sudden drop in
temperature may mean a hemorrhage or perforation and does not occur
until the 3rd or 4th week. Hot towels over the abdomen may give
temporary relief but surgery is usually indicated.
CHIROPRACTIC: Cervical 5, Dorsal 6, Dorsal 8th to 1st lumbar.
NEUROPATHY: Lymphatic of all parts except the abdomen. Sedation
of the whole spine.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Various grades of inflammation of the upper
respiratory tract are common. Hyperemia of the nasal mucosa occurs
early It may be slight, causing discharge of bloody mucus, or profuse
Ice may be used or a tampon may be necessary. When the patient is
convalescing all the Endo-Nasal techniques can be performed, which
may prevent future sequalae.
Varicose Veins
DEFINITION: The term “Varicose
Veins” is commonly used to designate a localized or circumscribed
dilation of the superficial veins in the lower extremities.
ETIOLOGY: Congenital weak vein walls, infections, pregnancy, bad
posture, heavy lifting, obesity of upper part of body may all be
etiological factors in producing varicose veins.
SYMPTOMS: Superficial varices appear as tortuous, bluish, tumor-like
masses. Dull pain is often present, with some loss of power and
a feeling of weight in the part, and at times muscular cramps. The
superficial veins are usually mainly affected. Saphenous varices
are bilateral in over two-thirds of all cases. They may extend to
the scrotum; occasionally, the superficial veins of the abdomen
are all involved, a thick, bluish, arborescent mass of vessels projecting
from the surface. Arteries sometimes also become involved, and the
nearby nerves and muscles may undergo interstitial inflammation.
Infiltration of tissues is frequent, especially after walking or
standing, but differs from true edema, in that it does not pit.
An eczematous eruption often appears, followed by a varicose leg
ulcer. When ulceration involves a large varicose vein, dangerous
hemorrhage may ensue. Another possible complication is thrombophlebitis,
which, in favorable instances, may result in obliteration of the
vein and spontaneous recovery.
TREATMENT: The patient should be looked over carefully. Most of
the people who have this condition were at one time overweight or
are at the time of seeing the physician. The most recent case the
writer had was a woman who weighed 210 pounds on legs just large
enough to hold up a body of one hundred to one hundred fifty pounds.
It is not difficult to open the valves and drain the venous congestion,
but the difficulty is to remove the pressure causing the varicose.
One method is to have the patient lie on a treating table. Tie a
tourniquet up as far on the thigh as possible. Tie it tight. Then
elevate the leg to an angle of about 40 degrees. Wait for two minutes
then manipulate below and above the point of dilation. This can
be done for about five minutes. (This method cannot be used when
there are bleeding ulcers.) Remove the tourniquet but keep the leg
extended for another five minutes. The vein is now empty, but the
problem is to keep it that way, and still have normal circulation.
One method is to put elastoplast taping around the part, better
still to allow the tape a leeway of six inches below and above the
part treated.
Another technique that has some value is to apply hot fomentations
to the part, then to elevate the leg slightly. Then with two fingers
of each hand try to get under the dilation, raise it up and give
a twist to the left then to the right. This is the first method
the writer tries, but, if, after three efforts there is no improvement,
the first technique mentioned is resorted to which does cause a
response in most cases. No matter what treatment is given the elastoplast
strapping is used. These strappings are not worn for more than four
days at a time.
In addition to the above there are other forms of treatment that
can be useful.
HYDROTHERAPY: The patient can be instructed to put a hot compact
on every night and keep the leg or legs somewhat elevated. If there
are eruptions, wet saline solutions may be used. If infection is
present ultra-violet rays or the powder or liquid of Kabnick can
be used with excellent results. The above is also useful in ulceration.
For permanent results however, the following need be done: Correct
faulty posture. A bent over, round shouldered man or woman, thin
or fat, with a protruding belly is sooner or later going to be a
victim of local stagnation and enlargement of the veins of the extremities
because the massaging action of the muscles are lost, and the diaphragm
is low and its pumping action in returning the blood to the right
side of the heart is greatly impaired.
There are many reports of recurrences of varicose veins after injection
and surgical treatment, because nothing was done about body posture
or maintaining a proper circulation of the blood.
Autointoxication is another feature of this condition that must
be looked into if permanent results are to be expected. Toxic substances
produced within the body and retained there slow up the circulation.
For causes and treatment see Autointoxication and Obesity in the
In addition to what has been given above, Chiropractic adjustments
may be made at the lower lumbars and kidney place and any other
place where needed.
NEUROPATHY: Complete lymphatic and dilation of the lower spinal
ORIFICIAL THERAPY: An internal massage of the rectum quickens circulation.
HERBOLOGY: Compresses of Shavegrass and Oak Bark, after which a
massage, lightly, with Olive Oil, upward, should be given. If there
is inflammation Loam (Kaolin) poultices mixed with vinegar should
be used until inflammation subsides, after which the Shavegrass,
etc., can be used.
An “Emollient Ointment” combining the powerful antiseptic
and bactericidal properties of choice oils with palliative and soothing
action of True Balsams to draw out infections and help heal the
diseased tissues is manufactured by the Indiana Botanic Gardens,
Hammond, Indiana, and can be recommended as of value.
DEFINITION: An infectious chronic
venereal disease resulting in various lesions, principally of a
cutaneous nature.
ETIOLOGY: It may be congenital or acquired. The congenital form
may be of maternal or paternal origin or both. The acquired form
may come from sexual intercourse or a chancre may be contracted
in kissing, a small, perhaps unrecognized mucous patch on the cheek,
lips, or tongue of the diseased person inoculating any slight fissure
or abrasion present about the mouth of the healthy subject. Sources
of especial danger are unnoticed oral lesions.
The general accepted theory is that the symptoms hit the spot that
was first exposed. If the penis or vagina are the first exposed
that is the place the patient will be hit first, and which may go
from there throughout the whole system. But there are those who
acquire the disease innocently. It is always necessary to have the
contact of a healthy individual with the syphilitic virus under
circumstances propitious to the penetration of the organism. A break
in the continuity of the surface epithelium, a definite site of
injury, a scratch, an erosion, or any traumatized area offers an
ideal site for penetration of the spirochete. It is probable that
certain parts of the cutaneous envelope are so delicate that minute
almost microscopic, injuries must be present all the time. Statistics
indicate that more than 90 per cent of all syphilitic infections
are from sexual contact.
SYMPTOMS: Primary stage — Initial lesion appears, 2 to 4 weeks
after inoculation, changing from a small red papule to a small ulcer,
to a hard chancre. Usually upon prepuce or vulva. Lymph glands enlarge
about two weeks after appearance of lesion. Secondary stage —
Constitutional symptoms appear in from 6 to 12 weeks after appearance
of primary lesion. Continuous fever 101 degrees possibly remittent,
rarely intermittent. Headache, backache, weakness, sore throat,
anemia, skin yellowish. General enlargement of lymph glands which
become indurated. Eruptions of skin, macular syphilide, reddish
brown “coppery” spots, continuing for a week or two,
recurring possibly later. On palms and soles especially are found
a scaly syphilide, copper colored. Contagious mucous patches emitting
a grayish secretion may be found on the mucous membranes in the
groins, navel, axillae and between toes. Tonsils may be ulcerated.
Warty growths about the vulva or anus. White spots on the tongue.
Leukoderma, White patches on the neck. Loss of hair frequently three
or four months after infection. Periostitis of clavicles and bones
of cranium are principally affected. Iritis may develop three to
six months after initial lesion. Miscarriage frequent.
Tertiary stage symptoms — Appearance of tertiary lesions may
appear as soon as six months after initial sores; but generally
several years pass before they are seen. Diseases of the bone, ancyloid
degeneration, syphiliomata, cutaneous lesions. Gummata of mucous
membranes, bones, periosteum and muscles may ensue.
COMPLICATIONS: The disease may have very serious effects on the
brain, cord, lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, testicles and uterus,
all due to the pressure of the gummata on them.
DIAGNOSIS: No physician should suggest that a patient has syphilis
until he is absolutely certain, for innocent folks are easily upset
and sometimes become hysterical, and want to die at once, and some
have by their own hand. Neither should there be deception. Whenever
the writer has been suspicious because of certain lesions, he has
insisted that up to five Wassermann reaction tests be made, and
if three out of five are positive, he accepts it as established
TREATMENT: The writer knows only two drugless methods that are worth
while in the treatment of this condition. First, the constitutional
treatment, consisting of Fever Therapy which has a destructive effect
on pathogenic bacteria. This requires a special form of apparatus
and can hardly be called an office procedure. A sanitarium or a
hospital are required to rightly create the necessary hyperpyrexia.
A nurse should always be in attendance and the doctor always near
The second method is the starvation diet without or with fever therapy.
This form of treatment should also be carried out in a sanitarium
to have any hope of success. The writer over the years of practice
has after a number of attempts with hydrotherapy, local diathermy
or any other forms of treatment outside of the two mentioned above,
found them all failures in syphilis.
The treatment of the local symptoms is often highly successful,
creating a healthy appearance, but no one can be considered cured
internally until all traces of the disease are out of the blood.
LOCAL TREATMENT: It is important in this connection to avoid caustics,
to avoid grease, and keep the parts as dry as possible and perfectly
clean. Important in severe chancre is the maintenance of rest. Movement
and friction are often responsible for serious complications. Sexual
intercourse should, of course, be interdicted.
For the purposes of keeping the part dry, the many and various antiseptic
powders are available.
HERBOLOGY: Two teaspoonsful of Bull Nettle to a cup of water. Boil
with moderate heat for thirty minutes. Cool. Strain. Two cups a
day, large swallow at a time. Take for two weeks. Rest one week,
then resume.
Using 20 drops of real oil of wintergreen on a pound of sugar is
recommended, taking a dessertspoonful before meals.
Tonsilitis: Acute, Chronic
DEFINITION: Inflammation of
the tonsils and adjacent structures. May occur at any age but is
particularly common in childhood and adolescence.
VARIETIES: Follicular tonsilitis and Phlegmonous tonsilitis or quinsy.
ETIOLOGY: A person who has an attack of acute tonsilitis is more
liable to subsequent attacks. Among the causes may be: Exposure
to cold and wet usually excites it, and such exposure is very effective
when the system is debilitated or when there is waste matter retained
in the system or the throat is congested from improper use of the
voice. In some instances the disease is epidemic and traceable to
milk infection. As a secondary affection it is of frequent occurrence
in acute infectious diseases, as scarlet fever, diphtheria, and
variola. It is often the precursor of a systemic infection —
rheumatism, chorea, septicemia, etc. Streptococci, staphylococci,
diphtheria bacilli, or pneumococci may be found in the exudate.
In the follicular form the tonsils are red and swollen, and present
little yellow spots on their surfaces. These spots correspond to
collections of desquamated and degenerated epithelial cells in the
lacunae or crypts of the gland. During convalescence the contents
of the lacunae are often expelled in the form of cheesy pellets
having a characteristic unpleasant odor.
Phlegnomous tonsillitis may be unilateral or bilateral. The affected
glands are extremely swollen, sometimes almost touching one another
The pain is intense, and often radiates to the ear. The secretions
of the mouth are increased. Swallowing is difficult or impossible,
the voice is muffled, and breathing is embarrassed. In three or
four days, however the swollen gland softens from the formation
of an abscess, and usually by the fifth or sixth day the pus is
discharged spontaneously, with almost instant relief to the patient.
SYMPTOMS: In croupous (or follicular) tonsilitis, the brunt of the
inflammation is at first borne by the crypts of the tonsils, which
pour out an abundant cheesy secretion, which, adhering to the surface
of the tonsil, presents somewhat the appearance of a diphtheritic
In typical cases occurring in adults there is no dificulty in distinguishing
between diphtheria and follicular tonsilitis. In diphtheria the
membrane is sharply defined and surrounded by an inflamed areola.
It covers all parts of the pharynx, uvula, and tonsils, is removed
with difficulty, leaves a bleeding surface, and quickly reforms.
The presence of the Klebs-Loffer bacillus establishes the diagnosis
of diphtheria. The exudate of follicular tonsilitis is confined
to the crypts of the tonsils and is easily removed, or, put it this
way—the false membrane in diphtheria is grayish in color and
covers the parts adjacent to the tonsils, as well as the glands
themselves. Its removal requires some force and is followed by bleeding.
In follicular tonsilitis the crypts are filled with a whitish, cheesy
material, and the plugs can be removed without difficulty and without
causing hemorrhage.
The difference between the follicular and the phlegmonous types
are that in the follicular type the crypts of the tonsils are invaded,
where in the phlegmonous type the parenchyma is the site of the
white cheesy material and both can be acute or chronic.
SYMPTOMS: Acute tonsilitis often termed quinsy, is ushered in by
a feeling of dryness and stiffness in the throat, soon followed
by dysphagia. There may be a chill, or chilly sensations, and pain
in the legs and back, headache, and fever, which during the height
of the disease may reach 106 degrees F. (4l.l degrees C.). As the
inflammation progresses, the sufferings of the patient become severe;
the dryness of the throat causes frequent attempts at swallowing
saliva, which are exceedingly painful. In the phlegmonous variety
the mouth can be opened only with pain and difficulty, and speech
becomes almost unintelligible. The tongue is heavily coated and
the breath fetid. The hearing is frequently affected from extension
of the inflammatory process to the Eustachian tubes, and abscess
of the ear sometimes results. Nasal breathing is at times entirely
abolished. The fever, pain, and difficulty of swallowing become
greater and greater, if an abscess is forming, and the relief is
proportionately great after it has opened. As the patient expectorates
the pus, he feels almost well, so great is the sense of relief,
the fever and pain quickly subsiding together.
COMPLICATIONS: Occasionally acute tonsilitis is followed within
a month by acute articular rheumatism, and it has been mentioned
that the points at which the bacteria causing rheumatism enter the
system are the tonsils. However, there are many individuals who
pass through a period of their life when they have many attacks
of acute tonsilitis not followed by rheumatism.
The disease usually terminates in recovery, but acute endocarditis,
acute nephritis, arthritis, and even general septicemia may occur.
Otitis media and phlebitis of the internal jugular vein occasionally
ensue. Chronic tonsilitis is a frequent sequel.
TREATMENT: If the physician is called early enough he may abort
the attack by swabbing the throat with at first a 50-50 solution
of V. M., then putting one finger of one hand to the location of
the tonsil externally, while with the other massaging the tonsil
on the inside. Or an ice pack around the throat may abort it.
In a fully developed case the following may be done.
NEUROPATHY: A thorough lymphatic. This is necessary because the
tonsils are a part of the lymph system. Stimulation of the whole
spinal system with emphasis on the tonsil segments.
CHIROPRACTIC: Atlas, and 7th cervical. 2-5, 10th and 12th dorsal.
VACUUMTHERAPY: The diseased tonsil can be a little aspirated by
finger pressure, then the cups can be placed over the exudate and
suction applied There are four different sizes of these tonsil suction
cups, and when the physician purchases them, he should ask for all
instructions in their use. There are many other uses for them besides
tonsil suction. The cup is dipped first in water to adhere to the
tissue, then a small plug of cotton is put in its mouth to absorb
the exudate. The technique is not difficult, but the patient might
be. The other way of pressing the exudate out with the finger has
been described in Endo-Nasal, Aural and Allied technique book, page
ELECTROTHERAPY: There are those who advocate electro-coagulation,
but the writer has always considered the procedure has too many
dangers. A few physicians of all schools that the writer knows has
had the patient die during the operation or shortly after. Neither
does he agree with the giving of X-ray treatments for the tonsils.
He believes that Nature has other ways of relieving without danger
to the patient.
For acute cases of tonsilitis radiant light from a deep therapy
lamp applied externally is always indicated. The short wave ultra-violet
should be used internally through a special tonsil rod or tube.
It is best to ray the entire throat for a few seconds, then localize
upon the tonsil for one-half minute longer. Exercise great care
not to get too much reaction in the pillars as it would be very
uncomfortable. Short wave applied directly through the throat by
placing a condenser pad on each side of the head gives excellent
COLONOTHERAPY: During the attack, and during convalescence enemas
had better be given daily, or colonics every other day.
HYDROTHERAPY: A warm lemon juice gargle is the best the writer knows.
A glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon. If too strong
dilute to suit. A salt solution is also serviceable.
Alternate hot and cold compresses may be of help during the day,
then at night a cool pack is wrapped around the throat, covered
with a woolen cloth and left on all night. The sucking of ice pellets
will often relieve and help reduce inflammation.
HERBOLOGY: Give herbal laxative first thing. Spray throat with “Ironite”
(Indiana Botanic Gardens). Goose-grease around throat, covered with
flannel cloth.
Some people like Sage tea mixed with a little alum as a gargle.
Gargle with Burdock Root tea, swallowing a little each time, is
Keeping the feet warm, never breathing through mouth, in winter,
will avoid many an attack of tonsilitis and quinsy.
For throat affections of children, a most effective remedy, and
pleasant to take is a tablespoonful of pineapple juice (real fruit
if possible, next best canned) often.
As soon as the pus has been exuded Endo-Nasal techniques should
be applied to prevent any complications from arising. The nasal
nares, both external and internal need to be dilated and cleaned
out. The pharyngeal cavity swabbed out, and then an application
of a small amount of 150 V. M. to allay soreness.
DIET: During the acute stage fruit juices are best, but if the patient
insists on food, which is seldom because of the difficulty in swallowing,
soft foods or gruels, and broths, may be given.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: Vitamins A, D and B2.
DEFINITION: An infectious disease,
characterized by catarrh of the respiratory tract, and paroxysms
of cough ending in a prolonged whooping inspiration.
ETIOLOGY: While there are some isolated cases it is largely an epidemic
disease observed in young children, although adults are often afflicted.
It is due to the Bordet Gengou Bacillus which is found in the sputum
and epithelial cells lining the air passages. Colds, autointoxication,
enervation or a run down condition are the predisposing causes.
SYMPTOMS: There are three stages (1) The catarrhal stage; (2) the
paroxysmal stage; and (3) the stage of decline.
Catarrhal stage — The disease begins with the symptoms of
coryza and bronchial catarrh — slight fever, sneezing, running
from the nose, dry cough, and rales, after lasting one or two weeks
passes into the paroxysmal stage.
Paroxysmal stage — The cough becomes more violent and paroxysmal.
During the paroxysm the face is cyanosed, the eyes are injected,
and the veins distended. The cough frequently induces vomiting,
and, in severe cases, epitaxis or other hemorrhages. The close of
the paroxysm is marked by a long-drawn, shrill, whooping inspiration
due to spasm of the larynx.
The number of paroxysms varies from ten or twelve to forty or fifty
in the twenty-four hours. From the forcible propulsion of the tongue
against the lower incisors, an ulcer is occasionally formed on the
frenum. The duration of this stage is three or four weeks.
Stage of decline — The paroxysms grow less frequent and usually
from two to three months, there is a pronounced leukocytosis with
an increase of lymphocytes, sometimes to more than 60 per cent of
the total number of white cells.
COMPLICATIONS: The chief complications are bronchopneumonia, acute
emphysema, convulsions, hemorrhage from the nose or into the conjunctiva,
and otitis media. Paralysis from meningeal hemorrhage occasionally
occurs. Severe cases are sometimes followed by chronic bronchitis
or tuberculosis.
PROGNOSIS: The disease is usually well borne by healthy children
over four years of age. In infants and delicate children, however,
the outlook is always serious.
NEUROPATHY: Thorough and complete
lymphatic with special emphasis on the neck and axillary areas.
Sedation of all spinal center involved.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustment of subluxation of the cervicals, dorsals,
especially the kidney place.
Fresh air, sunlight, protection from changes of weather. In some
cases it may be desirable to keep the patient in his room, or even
in bed, for the first few days, but ordinarily, if the weather is
good he need not be confined indoors. In advanced cases sea-air
often acts most favorably.
DIET: For the first week the diet must be light, such as is found
in Diet No. 2. The second week No. 1 and 2 can alternate every other
day. In the third week No. 1 can be given daily with whatever changes
the physician wishes to make.
ENDO-NASAL THERAPY: Is very important and if possible the full treatment
should be given. Or antiseptic solutions of some nature should be
sprayed in the nose and mouth to keep the parts clear of catarrhal
congestion. Alkaline Pink Rose of Zemmer is excellent for this purpose.
Ozone therapy is of great value.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: For excessive coughing, concussion of the 7th cervical.
Teach someone in the family how to perform this technique. It will
ease the cough and lessen the burden on the heart. It may be necessary
the first time to concuss intermittently for 5 to 7 minutes before
getting the proper reaction.
STRAPPING: The cough may cause considerable pain in the sides, or
abdomen, or cause a ptosis. A binder can be placed around the back
and abdomen, over the sides pieces of adhesive tape or elastoplaast
may be used.
HYDROTHERAPY: Hot packs over the lower part of the throat every
night before retiring are of great value. Or in the acute stages
three times a day. For the throat irritation cool compresses whenever
needed. But on retiring a cool compress covered by wool or some
cloth and left on all night is an excellent procedure.
COLONOTHERAPY: During the acute attack daily warm enemas are needed.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Short wave, diathermy, sine wave directly through
the chest are all excellent procedures. Ultra-violet radiations
of the whole body for building up the constitutional tone is of
great service.
Equal amount of honey and lemon are useful in making the cough easier
and the exudation softer. May be given a spoonful every hour or
as often as the patient desires. It is also a good tonic.
HERBOLOGY: One ounce Wild Thyme, same amount of Mouse Ear; one pint
of boiling water. Let cool. Strain. Sweeten with honey. Children
2 to 4 years, half wineglassful. Rub chest and back with “Eucamint”
(Camphor, menthol, Eucalyptus, Oil Peppermint and Oil Citronella).
Equal parts of Honey and Glycerine. Teaspoonful after each cough.
Juice of one lemon mixed with an ounce of pure Glycerine is good;
one teaaspoonful every hour or two.
Spleen Disorders
The reader’s attention
is called here to the Neuropathic examination of the spleen. See
in the index.
The Spleen like other vital organs is subject to many diseaases,
some of which surgery is the only means of relief. Apart from the
three we give here the following conditions may cause enlargements
of the spleen. Tumors, Carcinoma and Cysts. Diseases like leukemia,
pernicious anemia, both chronic and acute, infections, malaria,
syphilis, tuberculosis, disorders of nutrition, such as rickets,
amyloid disease, and some gastrointestinal diseases. The spleen
is also enlarged in cirrhosis of the liver. Congestion and slight
enlargement may be due to chronic heart disease, and some conditions
of the portal circulation. Achloric jaundice may also bring about
congestion and enlargement.
DEFINITION: A chronic disease,
characterized by progressive enlargement of the spleen, secondary
anemia, and in some cases terminal hepatic cirrhosis of the liver.
Known also as Banti’s disease or Splenomegaly.
ETIOLOGY: It is of unknown origin, but the cause can possibly be
found in some form of infection and malnutrition, such as are mentioned
in the first part of this article.
The writer recalls a case that developed following the epidemic
of influenza during the first world war.
SYMPTOMS: The enlargement of the spleen is the first thing noticed.
This grows slowly without causing much distress, perhaps a little
nausea. After a few years anemia develops. It is a moderate anemia,
3,000,000 to 4,000,000 erythrocytes per cubic millimeter, with a
low color index and marked leukopenia. Leucocytes may show in some
cases a reduction, while in others a severe leukocytosis. After
a time gastric hemorrhages develop from the stomach or bowel. These
are at first at rather long intervals, then later they may come
at short intervals and be sometimes profuse. Cirrhosis of the liver
may follow or precede the hemorrhages. Jaundice and pigmentation
of the skin may follow or precede the hemorrhages which may be precipitated
by the hepatic cirrhosis.
Ascites and edema of the ankles are occasional symptoms, as are
also cardiac phenomena such as hemic murmurs, palpitations, etc.,
which are due to the existing anemia.
Among the general later developments are digestive disorders due
to the gastrointestinal passive hyperemia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
etc., alternating with constipation, but they are apt to occur only
in advanced cases. This applies also to the presence of albumin
and granular casts in the urine, and to fever, seldom attaining
more than 100 degrees F. at the close of the day. As the case becomees
far advanced, it may assume the hectic type, when marked asthenia
is added.
PROGNOSIS: Good, for many years unless death is due to cardiac syncope
following a severe hemorrhage or independently of such. As a rule,
however, the patient is carried off by an intercurrent disease.
The anemia is treated just as
simple Anemia, which see in index. The enlargement can be reduced
by various methods if the cirrhosis stage has not been reached.
At that stage surgical interference, so far offers the only hope
of relief. If ascites develop, see treatment in index. Hemorrhages
may possibly be controlled, by ice pills or pellets swallowed one
every half minute, or an ice bag large enough to cover the stomach,
liver and spleen. An ice pack will do.
NEUROPATHY: Good lymphatic of the tissues below the spleen and liver,
then the three cornered squeeze to liver and spleen. The neuropathic
stimulative treatment for the whole spine to stimulate circulation.
VACUUM THERAPY: Cupping of the whole spine is recommended.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Galvanic or sine wave directly through the liver
and spleen for about ten minutes on each organ. As treatments are
continued, the time may be made longer at the discretion of the
DIET: The grape cure method may have great value, but so far the
writer has been unable to try it, because of refusal by the patients,
saying they did not feel bad enough to undertake it.
For a while uncooked foods may be tried, and blood tests made to
ascertain if of any benefit.
CHIROPRACTIC: Adjustments of the spleen and kidney place are recommended.
Also Lumbar 1-2-3.
SPONDYLOTHERAPY: If there is cardiac rapidity, concussion of the
7th cervical.
VITAMINOTHERAPY: The prescription of Vitamins in this condition
is according to the symptoms. The writer has been unable to find
a specific in any literature. The field of endocrinology offers
suggestions of compounds of hormones for hypofunction of the spleen,
they are mostly composed of splenic, lymphatic, hepatic and adrenal
HERBOLOGY: Half ounce each of Ft. Extr. Blue Flag and Dandelion
also half ounce Tincture Hydrastis (Golden Seal), two drachms Tincture
Ginger; add water to make 6 ounces. Take two teaspoonsful in water
before meals. Externally Chickweed ointment is good.
Parasites which infest the human
intestinal canal may be divided into two classes: (1) Nematodes
or round worms, and (2) Cestodes or tape worms.
Ascaris Lymbrieoides or common
round worm develop from eggs which have entered the digestive tract
through contaminated food or water. They are of a grayish or pinkish
color, and in form resembling earthworms. They live in the small
intestine, but in fever they may migrate, entering the stomach,
bile ducts, respiratory tract, or urinary passages, or perforating
into the abdominal cavity through an intestinal ulcer.
The symptoms are a fever, colicky pain, nausea, vomiting, indigestion,
restlessness, irritability, anorexia, itching of and picking at
the nose, disturbed sleep with grinding of the teeth, salivation,
nervous twitchings, foul breath, and intermittent diarrhea.
COMPLICATIONS: Jaundice may develop, due to obstruction of the bile
ducts. Intestinal obstruction may occur if the worms are numerous.
Known as seat worms, thread
worms and pin worms, and are small whitish round worms, which in
man infest the large intestine, and the lower part of the large
intestine. The ova must be swallowed. The eggs are brought forth
by the female in enormous numbers, and are only developed in the
intestinal tract of man or beast. They are about 0.05 mm. in length
and develop into oxyures in about two weeks after they are ingested.
The favorite habitat of these worms is the rectum, where the female
lays immense numbers of eggs that mature and are discharged with
the feces. The worms frequently crawl out of the anus and in females
may enter the vagina and cause vulvo-vaginitis, pruritus, and leucorrhea.
Infection with the ova may take place through food and water or
from the hands of infected persons.
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of the ascaris vermicularis types are itching
of the anus, usually worse at night, accompanied by disturbed sleep
and extreme irritability; burning pain, tenesmus, frequent micturition,
restlessness, anorexia, and anemia are frequent symptoms. Chorea
and convulsions may be occasionally caused. The irritation resulting
from the presence of the parasite may also be the cause of masturbation
in both sexes, and prolapsus ani.
DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis is easily made by exploring the rectum
and finding the oxyures or by examination of the feces for the worms
or their ova aided by the microscope.
ETIOLOGY: The worms are most
prevalent where the temperatures are between 78 and 95 degrees and
where there is a moist and sandy soil. In shape this hookworm is
almost cylindrical, the male being about 10 mm. long by 0.45 mm.
wide, the female 12 to 13 mm. long by 0.60 mm. wide. The anterior
end tapers in both sexes to a fine point. The posterior end of the
male widens out into a fan-like form, or bursa, giving it a square
appearance. The color when alive is nearly flesh-red, or cream;
when dead, gray or grayish white. The posterior two-thirds is very
often red or reddish brown, due to blood in the alimentary canal.
The skin is smooth, showing fine transverse striations. The theory
is that they enter man through the skin.
The skin of the foot in bare-footed persons is most frequently attacked,
though the buttocks of children who go around in their “shirt
tails,” ankles, hands and arms are frequently the sites of
infection. The larvae burrow through the skin, causing a dermatitis
which is variously called “water sore,” “ground
itch,” “dew poison,” “toe itch,” and
other names. After entering the subcutaneous tissues they enter
capillaries and are carried to the heart, then to other parts of
the body until they reach the intestines.
SYMPTOMS: The symptoms depend on the number of worms. If in great
numbers, then there may be a large amount of blood lost, and a great
loss of hemoglobin. Then follows the typical symptoms of anemia,
arrested mentality, arrested growth, poor appetite, a general lassitude,
or what appears to be laziness. Nausea, vomiting, hypertrophy of
the heart may occur. The pulse is rapid and compressible. Pain in
the sternum and chest, weakness of the legs and knees, dizziness,
tinnitus arium, pains in the muscles and joints are common.
In marked cases there is edema of the feet and ankles or of the
whole body. Morbid hunger is always present. Diarrhea may be present
or alternate with constipation. Pulsation of the jugulars or large
veins, precordial pain, insomnia, paresthesias, dilation of the
pupils, blurred vision, impotence in males and amenorrhea in females
are frequent symptoms. Cough, bronchitis, and sore throat are usually
present in severe cases for the first ten days after infection.
Dypsnea is one of the most common symptoms, especially with a low
hemoglobin percentage.
Tape worms which are found in
man are of different family groups and known as: (1) Tenia solium,
also known as the pork worm. It occupies the intestines of man by
eating uncooked or badly cooked pork. (2) Tenia saginata. This worm
is also known as the beef worm and enters the intestines by the
eating of raw or contaminated beef. (3) Tenia Nana. It is found
in dogs and cats and sometimes in children who play with dogs and
cats. In the children there is sometimes caused enuresis and epileptiform
(4) There is a type known as Bothnocephalus Latus, but since it
is found only in Switzerland, Northeastern Europe, Holland, and
Japan, we will not discuss it at all.
TREATMENT: The treatment of all forms of intestinal parasites is
to, if possible, remove the cause as quickly as possible and at
the same time build up the health of the patient by treating the
symptoms. Certain symptoms are common to all forms, such as anemia,
fever, indigestion, anorexia, pain, dypsnea, sore throat, etc. Each
must have particular attention as it arises.
For the removal of the worms many methods have been suggested, but
the majority have many dangers connected with their administration.
Heat seems to be the only method of getting the parasites to detach
themselves from the walls of the intestines. A good procedure to
consider may be as follows: A fast of two meals before the treatment,
and the patient takes two hot enemas before coming to the office.
The treatment may then be as follows: First, a lymphatic of the
whole abdomen, follow with short wave or hot towels to the abdomen
as hot as possible without giving too much distress.
The above techniques are then followed by a slow irrigation of the
colon with a salt solution that is also as hot as the patient can
stand. The solution is introduced through a rectal tube from a tank
containing the liquid, while the patient is lying on the right side
and the hips slightly elevated. The receptacle containing the hot
salt solution is suspended about 4 to 5 feet above the operating
table. The rectal tube, attached to the container, is carefully
introduced first 2 or 3 inches into the rectum. The hot salt solution
is slowly injected and at the same time the tube is gradually introduced
deeper into the rectum, passing the sigmoid flexion, to the splenic
flexion, and not uncommonly, with careful manipulation, the tube
may be made to pass into the transverse colon.
The amount of salt solution to be injected is dependent upon the
nature of the application as well as the reaction of the patient
to the treatment. As a rule 1 pint (500 cc.) of the hot salt solution
may be given at a time. Sometimes a quart can be given. The patient
is to be the judge of the discomfort given, and the physician should
stop the inflow and release the pressure by siphoning some of the
solution through the discharge tube when requested by the patient.
The best procedure is to allow a pint or two to be injected, and
then siphon off when the patient makes the request. If possible,
let him hold the solution from three to seven minutes.
The above treatment may have to be done once a week for as many
as ten weeks. A tablespoonful of salt thoroughly dissolved to a
quart of water is usually sufficient for the purpose. One thing
must be kept in mind, however, that the water must be kept hot and
not allowed to chill before the injecting of the tube.
HERBOLOGY: One teaspoonful of Oil of Thyme (white) in 40 ounces
of Pennsylvania Mineral oil; tablespoonful at bedtime.
Boil a tablespoonful of honey in two quarts of water; drink during
the day. At night take cup of Wormwood Tea. Made as usual —
teaspoonful of herb, cup boiling water, let cool, strain.
Teaspoonful of Spearmint in a cup of boiling water for ten minutes.
Half cupful three times a day.
Any of the following can be powdered and mixed with honey or mixed
in when making molasses candy: Jerusalem Oak seeds, American Worm
seeds, Wormwood, Elm Bark, Pomegranate Bark, Pumpkin seeds, Pink
Root. Use only the mixture during day — no food — and
at night take an herbal laxative.