Applied Anatomy of the
F. P. Millard, D.O.
We have come to believe that the most effective measure
in proving the harmful results of vaccine and serum poisonings is the disturbance
produced in the lymphatic system when these poisons are introduced into
the circulation. We wish to go on record as being opposed to the
use of both vaccines and serums. As osteopathic physicians, we are
taught that the body is complete within itself, that there are within the
body sufficient secretions to combat diseases if the mechanism is properly
adjusted. We believe in the axiom laid down by the founder of Osteopathy,
that the “rule of the artery is supreme,” etc., that the body is a perfectly
complete chemical laboratory wherein the metabolism is balanced so stably
that health is maintained when we are lesion free.
The lymphatic system plays a far greater part in
the body mechanism than we once thought. No book as yet has been
published dealing with the lymphatic system from an angle other than merely
that of an anatomical and physiological description. The new method
of diagnosing various diseases by palpation of lymphatic nodules is yet
to be accepted, but we already have a few believers. The nodes are
readily affected, we all know, when poisons are introduced into the system.
The mother of any child can see for herself the effects of vaccine poisoning
if she will but look for them. She can see the swollen glands in
the neck and armpit following a vaccination that “takes.” No one
need have a more striking demonstration.
In the illustrations shown here the lymphatic vessels
and nodes are outlined on the figures to show the areas most commonly affected.
Observe the vaccination sore on the arm lies in a
path of direct lymphatic connection with the glands in the axilla.
These axillary glands enlarge, and it is with difficulty the arm is raised.
In a few days sore throat occurs and the tonsils enlarge. Next we
find the neck or cervical glands enlarging and there is usually a complication
continuing of blockage and nodular enlargement of the bronchial glands
as shown in the accompanying plate.
The swelling of the axillary glands blocks the drainage
down the arm and in severe cases the adenitis is followed by the arm and
even hand swelling. Cases of gangrene, erysipelas and cellulitis
are recorded by authorities such as Osler, Holt, Peebles and others.
In Higgins’ work on the “Horrors of Vaccination” repeated cases of suppuration
of the lymphatic glands from vaccination are recorded.
PLATE XXVI. -- Showing the
possibility of incipient phthisis through lymphatic blockage, as
the result of vaccine or serum poisoning in the axillary region.
The bronchial glands are closely related to those of the cervical
Once the lymphatic vessels and nodes are blocked,
there is a systemic disturbance that involves the various organs of the
body and many patients state that their breakdown and ill health dates
from the time of vaccination, or the poisoning of the body through blockage
of the lymphatics.
Hundreds of persons have died from this lymphatic
poisoning following vaccination. It is a question whether or not
a severe vaccine poisoning is not more difficult to clear than a venereal
poisoning. The sores following suppuration, after vaccination, are
almost impossible to heal in some instances. Arms and legs have been
either disabled or amputated in a number of cases.
In the normal person it is with difficulty the lymphatic
system is kept clear. There are sufficient toxic products in the
system at all times to tax the nodes and vessels. To inject or introduce
by scratching in a virus that is in itself a polluted product is to endanger
the body in many instances. The insidiousness of intravenous injections
is so marked that unless a person is naturally immune, he takes chances
of producing an adenitis.
The enlargement of the axillary glands makes it possible
for the lymphatic vessels to convey these poisons to the pectoral or breast
region. The lumps, found in the breast of a girl or woman after vaccination,
are hard to reduce and often persist for years. Who knows but that
these lumps, in time, cause cancer?
Numerous cases of phthisis have been recorded following
vaccination. The bronchial glands enlarge after the cervical glands,
and the blockage soon poisons the lung tissue. A cough results and
the first stage of consumption is recorded.
When vaccination is made in the leg, as shown in
the plate, there is a nodular swelling in the groin or inguinal region.
As these glands are connected with the pelvic lymphatics, we find the ovary
on the vaccinated side congested and sensitive. In some cases the
inguinal adenitis is so marked, the patient is unable to work for days.
It takes time to reduce this lymphatic blockage and the leg is often swollen,
and in some instances turns black. The lymphatic blockage may extend
down to the foot. Suppuration follows, and a running sore persists
for months.
We are now confronted with the blockage of the mesenteric
nodes and interference with drainage in the thoracic duct. The plate
shows the abdominal nodes and the duct leading up to the neck. Another
plate shows the lymphatics of the pelvic region.
PLATE XXVII. -- Lymphatic
involvement in vaccination. The possibility of nodular enlargement
in the axillary and cervical regions, including the tonsillary area, is
plainly shown. The lymphatics of the entire arm may become
involved, and spread to the pectoral region.
It is a serious proposition to block the already
taxed lymphatic system. If the receptaculum chyli is blocked practically
all the abdominal organs are improperly drained. The lymph flow is
as essential as the blood flow, and the poisoning of the lymphatic system
simply means the poisoning of the entire body tissues and organs.
In dealing with serums we have a blockage or poisoning
as striking as in vaccine pollution. I have seen cases in my city
that had been given serums and observed a breaking out on the body of ugly
boils and sores. A number of cases of sudden deaths following serum
injections were recorded this year. Two cases, well known, died within
a few minutes after the serum was given. Direct poisoning, more sudden
than poison given to kill. Instructions were given, following these
sudden deaths, to give all serum injections at home with the patient in
bed. Is it possible that a method of this kind is scientific or necessary
to restore health?
One case in my city, where a serum was given for
acne, resulted in the girl being taken to a hospital where she died a few
days later. As osteopaths, we believe in keeping the system clear
and the arteries carrying pure blood. We are opposed, as a body of
physicians, to the pollution of the blood stream.
A most striking case of direct lymphatic poisoning
in a child came to my notice four years ago. The case was the son
of a physician, who had been given antitoxin for supposed diphtheria.
The nodular enlargement of the cervical glands and tonsils was so great
that the neck was almost as large as the head. It was with great
difficulty the child’s life was saved.
To have a vaccination scar is a reflection on the
high intelligence of a civilized people. A scar following a solicited
vaccination signifies loyalty to medical superstition. A scar from
forced vaccination is a brand, and is a mark of medical tyranny and despotism.
I would not be vaccinated and take the risk of complications for a $10,000
check. My children have never been vaccinated and I trust never will.
So many mothers are frightened when an epidemic scare is on, they simply
give in and have their children vaccinated for fear they might be kept
away from school. I would rather keep my children out until the scare
is over, than to submit them to the dangers of lymphatic poisoning.
If mothers of the land would take a determined stand, we could make compulsory
vaccination a thing of the past in a few years.
The serum theory, presented by Medical Doctors, claiming
that it is a scientific treatment, induces adults all over the land to
take serums for almost every complaint. I am of the opinion that
there will be a great reaction some of these days, and just as the best
specialists are not performing many tonsillectomies, so the best physicians
will not long give serums for every complaint. We cannot afford to
block the system unduly. We want instead to find a way of clearing
the system of poisons.
In treating the lymphatics we must work with one
point in view; that of freeing the lymphataic channels and ducts first
at their emptying point in the neck, and then clear the lymphatic vessels
and nodes at distant points. First the thoracic area and then the
abdominal and pelvic areas. The extremities come last.
PLATE XXVIII. -- We find
that vaccination on the thigh or just above the knee causes enlargement
and sometimes suppuration of the inguinal nodes. As the ovary and
pelvic regions are in close proximity, sterility may result where
poisoning has affected the glands and tissues of that region.
The lymphatic vessels and nodes must be reached through
the vasomotor centers that control them directly or indirectly. We
must get combined effect on the vascular system and lymphatics. No
superficial treatment will be of any great value. We must reach the
deeper or main vessels and ducts. The intercostals may be reached
by thoracic adjustment, and the receptaculum chyli and its tributaries
by the splanchnic and mesenteric vasomotors. If you clear the lymphatic
system you will clear the vascular at the same time.
Six swollen lymphatic glands in certain areas will
make one ill. A dozen will put you on your back, and fifty vital
glands blocked may cause death.
Let us work together as osteopaths to clear the system
of poisons, and tell the people of the dangers of vaccines and serums.
C. C. Reid, M.D., D. O., Denver, Colorado
Vaccination as a method of preventing smallpox has
been universally adopted by the medical profession. There are very
few who openly oppose it. Those who do oppose it as a rule keep very
quiet for fear of coming under professional disapprobation. There
are not many people who have the “guts” to stand up against public sentiment
and the general professional trend.
Not many physicians now dare to speak out in open
meeting against the universal trend toward state medicine. Yet, not
many years past we had the autocracy of state religion which required many
years and much suffering to throw off. We seem now to be ready to
put on state medicine, which will probably be more galling than state religion,
after it is thoroughly established.
During the last smallpox epidemic and the resulting
scare, a very large percentage of the people rushed to be vaccinated.
Personally, I have no way to prove or disprove the theory of vaccination.
Since it has been adopted almost universally by the medical profession
and through their educational propaganda, vaccination has been accepted
largely by humanity as a prevention of smallpox and people desire to have
it done.
Recently I had occasion to vaccinate many of my patrons.
I was interested in watching the results of the vaccination on a great
many of them whom it was my opportunity observe. Some were vaccinated
on the arm and others on the leg. In the arm cases, where it took,
there was an enlargement and swelling of the lymphatic glands in the axilla.
Those that took on the leg, showed a soreness and thickening of the gland
in the groin on the side of the vaccinated leg.
PLATE XXIX. -- Enlarged nodees
as result of vaccination.
Many of them had large pustules; were quite sick
with fever, ranging from 101 to 103, went to bed for from one to three
days, and were more or less prostrated for something near a week.
For this article, the interesting phenomenon was
the effect on the lymphatic glands. You might turn it the other way
and say the effect of the lymphatic glands on the vaccination. The
functioning of the lymph glands showed that there was a real poisoning
or infection of that part of the body on which the vaccination was taking.
The tendency of that infection was to spread through the system.
The function of the lymph was to counteract poison and head off infection.
The lymphatic glands in the groin on the side vaccinated
had an extremely hard proposition to prevent the infection from spreading
in some instances throughout the system. In these cases if it were
not for the lymph keeping the gateway closed against a large per cent of
the infection, the system receiving the whole bolt at once would very likely
be overwhelmed.
I have not had a chance to observe, but I believe
a woman who has had her breast removed, along with which the axillary glands
are frequently removed in such operations, if she were vaccinated on that
side afterward, the consequences of the vaccination on her system would
be considerably more serious as a result of the absence of the lymphatic
glands. Also, in cases where the glands of the axilla have been removed
the patient would likely suffer more in a systemic way when vaccinated
on the leg.
Most of these cases had a real acute adenitis, as
shown by the enlargement and swelling, soreness in the limb, and the pain
in the glands of the axilla or the groin, according to the location of
the vaccination. The tonsils and the lymphoid tissue making up Waldeyer’s
ring about the throat have the same function very largely as that of the
lymphatic glands. When there is a toxin or infection, as there frequently
is in the nose and throat, some portion of Waldeyer’s ring becomes thickened,
enlarged and sore. If the reaction is so great as to set up an acute
condition, there will be pain, redness and swelling sometimes extending
from the tonsils into the tissues of the neck and involving practically
the whole of Waldeyer’s ring. Repeated inflammation of this kind
causes enlargement of the faucial tonsils and the pharyngeal tonsils known
as adenoids.
Operations in this region of course should be conservative
because of the tendency to destroy the integrity of Waldeyer’s ring.
Every evidence points to the fact that the structures composing this ring
are placed about the throat for a protection against infections and toxins
in this region.
It was noted that many of the patients developed sore throat
with more or less swelling about Waldeyer’s ring. Those who had tonsils
showed more or less enlargement there. Those who did not have tonsils
were not excempt from the sore throat. The effect of the vaccination upon
the lymphatics was to cause acute inflammation resulting in more or less chronic
conditions causing the overworking of the lymph glands.