Autobiography of A. T. Still
Andrew Taylor Still, D.O.


  • Address on Sixty-Eighth Birthday
  • Only a Few More Cycles of Time
  • Surprise of People
  • All the Word "Remedy" Means
  • Answering Questions
  • Most Sublime Thought
  • Pleasure of Granting Relief
  • Journey from the Heart to the Toe
  • Intuitive Mind
  • Will the Divine Law Do to Trust?
    LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Those of you who have received the light, and those who are in partial darkness:

    I am glad to meet you here tonight, this being the second anniversary of the beginning of this unfinished house.  We began to build it two years ago, and it has done great good; but without the completion of the whole building it is very difficult for us to execute in order the quantity of business that is now on hand, which seems to double itself every few months.  This is also the
anniversary of my birth.  Sixty-eight times the earth has made her circuit around the sun, and every time she gets around she says, "One more circle is added to that number." We are conscious of the fact that but a few more revolutions around the sun, which constitutes one year for this globe, will throw us off.  As a general rule, a wild mule will throw a man off sometime; so will this life buck at the right time, and you will mark a wreck.  After a man has reached the age that I have, one ought not to be surprised to hear of a wreck at any time.  Still, I feel sound.  I have no backache, no legache, and no headache, though my tongue and throat sometimes ache when I try to answer all questions.  People seem to be surprised, as much so as if they should see two suns rise in the morning horizon.  They are surprised to see a science and truth of God developed which applies to all men, and that without either taste or odor -- a science grafted into man's makeup and his very life.  They are surprised to find that the Great Architect has put in their places within man all the processes of life.  He has placed the engine with all powers of life within the body.  Nature has been thoughtful enough to place in man all that the word "remedy" means.  It is a difficult matter for a man raised to believe in the use of drugs, to realize this fact.  In all our diseases, from birth to death, they seem to have been satisfied with the results of drugs given by our wisest men, our fathers, mothers, or whoever may have administered them, Man is surprised to find God to be God. He is surprised to find that man is made by the eternal, unerring Architect.  He is surprised from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same to find eternal truths of Deity permeating his whole makeup.  He is surprised to find that the machinery is competent to warm itself and cool itself, select its food, and satisfy its highest anticipations.  We see this most wonderful sun standing before us where we never imagined a star to exist.  It is the sun of eternal light and life.  The thoughts of God Himself are found in every drop of your blood.  When a man begins to see what we are doing here, he is anxious to ask questions of any one who knows anything about it; a world of questions are poured upon us.  I can answer from morning until night, and when I have answered all that I can on this subject, it is but a beginning.  Take chronic diseases, contagions, epidemics, all diseases of the seasons.  When I say we can handle them and demonstrate it to you, here stands a man who never saw it done, and his mind is full of questions.  They must be answered.  The very instant that you disappoint him by answering that which he thinks cannot be done except by the works of God in the hands of God, that very instant you have answered his question.  He will pass on, and on the next corner when be meets you, be has a question for you to answer containing a greater per cent of sublimity than the first.  He asks that question; then, if you are not a philosopher in the science, well acquainted with it, you have come to a resting-place for your mind.  No, it does not rest when you cannot answer the questions that confront you from time to time.  I would advise you to take up the philosophy, and learn all you can about it, for you know the questions will come.  I am satisfied and pleased to have the people ask questions and receive all the answers they can get.  And after I have answered all I can through the papers or with my own mouth, I cannot even answer a moiety of them.  To answer all the questions that are suggested by a human thighbone would open and close an eternity.  Therefore you must not expect me to answer all of them.  Neither must you expect this school to do that for you.  You can get enough demonstrations to put you on the track to become a self-generating philosopher.  It is as full of suggestions as the rising of the sun, the opening of the mouths of vegetation when the evening shades appear -- moon-flowers, night-flowers, and all others opening their mouths to draw life from the bosom of God.  The most sublime thought I ever had in my life is concerning the machinery, and the works as I found them in the human construction, faithfully executing all of the known duties and the beauties of life. When I go out in the morning among my friends, and one says he wants a certain class of diet, how glad I am I have that.  I make each man, woman, or child exactly fill my place when the questions are asked.  When she says, "My child has a sorethroat, "what is she hungry for?  She is hungry for a longer lease on that child's days.  Can I find that?  Can I attack in the proper place to stop the downward tendency, the downward road to death in which that child is being propelled?  If I can say, "Yes, ma'am, the throat of that child can be relieved, and it can be done by one of the simple laws as wise as the Infinite can construct," that soul goes away happy.  The throat has returned to its normal size.  But another person appears coming down the road that I walk, saying:

    "I have buried one of my children with flux, and the other is bleeding." What is she hungry for?  She is hungry for the word that will relieve that child and continue it in life.  Do I know what button will bring relief?  If I know and I touch it, there is number two happy.  I do this, and my operators do it, and do it daily.  This science, as little as is known about it, is capable of handling flux, fevers, chills, coughs, colds, and in fact the whole list of diseases that prey upon the human system.

    Tonight, after forty-one years, I am proud to tell you that I can hand this subject to you as a science that can be as plainly demonstrated as the science of electricity.  I find in man a miniature universe. I find matter, motion, and mind.  When the elder prays, he speaks to God; he can conceive of nothing higher than mind, motion, and matter, the attributes of mind comprising love and all that pertains to it. In man we find a complete universe.  We find the solar system, we find a world, we find a Venus, a Jupiter, a Mars, a Herschel, a Saturn, a Uranus.  We find all of the parts of the whole solar system and the universe represented in man.  In the heart we have the solar center; the little toe will be Uranus.  What is the road that is traveled to Uranus?  It is from the heart through the great thoracic aorta, abdominal aorta, which divides into the iliacs, and from there on down to the popliteal, etc., until you get to the plantar arteries.

    When Major Abbott spoke to me of this subject forty-one years ago, we talked of it as a curiosity of the day.  My father was of an intuitive mind.  He was a sensitive man, and had an intuitive mind, causing him to worry to such an extent that he would turn his compass around and go across fifty or seventy miles.  For what?  Because the intuitive law, or law of providence, sent him home.  Because something worried him -- something about a horse; and when he got home, old Jim was dead.  When he was preaching on a certain occasion in the Chariton Hills, he came to a halt.  He says:

    "I must bring these exercises to a close I am wanted at another place." By the intuitive law he said: "I am needed, and we will bring these exercises to an immediate close." He stopped right in the center of his sermon, and picked up his saddle-bags (he was a physician), and when he got to the door there was Jim Bozarth telling him to come and set Ed's thigh, which bad been broken.  There were fifty living witnesses to that then, and I suppose ten or twenty of them are yet alive.  They wondered how old Dr. Still knew when to take up his saddle-bags.  That is one of the attributes that God puts in man.

    Will the divine law do to trust in all things and under all circumstances?  The tally-sheet says no. Look the world over, and you will see men and women of all nations, who, while making great pretensions of belief in the infallibility of the Infinite, do not hesitate to make themselves drunk with whisky and opium "as a remedy for disease." You will sometimes see the doctor who is called to your bedside get drunk both before and after he makes you drunk.  You seldom see a minister who has the courage to rise before his congregation and say, "Our system of healing the sick is worse than all devils; it teaches by precept and example that the wisdom of God is a farce, and that His laws will not do to trust in disease."  By their acts and advice in sickness many of our ministers day after day set aside the divine law, and bring God to open shame.  They say in the best of language, "All of God's work is perfect," with great emphasis on the word "perfect," and that "His works prove His perfection," yet do they believe what they say of God and the perfection of His laws?  If the minister really believes it, why does be send a man loaded with poison into the sick chamber of his family, and drink the deadly bitters himself?  Has he studied God's law as applied to the anatomy and life of man, that he might know what button to touch to reduce fever?  Or does be think his acts would be an insult to a God of even human intelligence?  If the Infinite knows all things, He in justice would mark such divines as either liars and hypocrites, or fools of the first water.  The God of all truth knows full well how many such clerics have been sent to the Keeley cure.  Are they not the lost that no man can number?