In a reading given on June 7, 1930 for a thirty-six year old shirt manufacturer, Edgar Cayce described a past life as an Atlantean who ruled the sacred city of Peos with "unlimited power" which led to self destruction:
In the one before this we find in that period known as the Atlantean. The entity then among those peoples who gained much understanding of the application of the night-side of life, or of the negative influences in the earth's spheres of those who gave much understanding in the manner of transmission of sound, voice, picture, and such, to the peoples in the period, using same to self's own destruction; for the entity gained a high position during this experience, and in the Sacred City of Peos the entity RULED with an UNLIMITED power; yet to self's and to soul's own undoing. In the NAME Sonl. (2856)
The mysterious "night-side' forces are mentioned in several readings on Atlantis and appear to be related to energy that could be tapped for a multitude of advanced technologies. Click here for an article that discusses the Nightside forces and possible associations with dark energy and dark matter.
It is not exactly clear as to how Sonl self-destructed. Perhaps he became careless or negligent in dealing the unlimited power of the nightside forces - or got in over his head with this advanced technology. Perhaps there was a socio-political aspect to his "undoing" in which he abused his power with the people of the city. Peos was said to be a "sacred" city. Was there a spiritual dimension to this application of natural forces that somehow became distorted or warped by selfishness on the part of Sonl. Theses are all patterns found within the broader story of Atlantis and its various phases of self-destruction.