(Posted on June 7, 2013 by David McMillin)
Again we would insist … that this organization may give much to the world on one particular disturbance that has baffled the wise and the foolish. This study on that called epilepsy - for THREE YEARS! and you will be undefeatable! (254-82)
Edgar Cayce volunteered this amazing suggestion during a trance session on January 12, 1935. It came at the end of reading 254-81, after he said “We are through for the present” and after Mrs. Cayce had started to give him the waking suggestion.
One can only begin to wonder what might have been accomplished had the organization (A.R.E.) followed this bit of psychic advice. As far as we know there was no effort to do a special study on epilepsy. Certainly there is a fair amount of information in the various individual cases that accumulated over the years. But it would be nice if we had a collection of dedicated readings on epilepsy, much in the manner in which the Glad Helpers requested series of readings on the Revelation and endocrine glands.
At a personal level, I have been involved in some activity in this direction. In 1991 I invited a group of friends and associates to form a study group on epilepsy. We met once each week in a member’s home and discussed case and after case, with related data from the medical literature. Eventually, we moved on to cover related topics such as the endocrine readings in the 281 series. This went of for about seven years. We used to joke with each other: “Are we undefeatable yet?”
With the study group making progress in the epilepsy cases studies, I invited several individuals to join together as a research organization. This included some of the core from the weekly study group and Eric Mein, a local physician interested in the Cayce readings. This effort resulted in the activation of Meridian Institute culminating in numerous research projects including epilepsy. You can read the Epilepsy Research Report that documents the various aspects of our inquiries if you like.
Although Meridian Institute is no longer actively engaged in research, the A.R.E. has continued with one of our projects – looking for the “cold spot” that the readings associated with all cases of “true” epilepsy. The last I heard is that they have completed data collection and are in the process of data analysis and writing up their findings for publication.
From EVERY condition that is of true epileptic nature there will be found a cold spot or area between the lacteal duct and the caecum. (567-4)
In contrast to mainstream medicine that focuses almost entirely on the brain as the dysfunctional organ in epilepsy, the Cayce readings emphasize problems in the peripheral systems (especially the autonomic nervous system, digestive tract, and lymphatic system) which in turn produce reflexes resulting in brain seizures. Specifically, Cayce insisted that most cases of epilepsy were caused by "adhesions" in the lacteal ducts that line the intestinal tract along the right side of the abdomen. Lacteal ducts are part of the lymphatic system that absorb nutrients from the small intestine as digested food passes through the gastrointestinal tract. An adhesion is "a holding together by new tissue [i.e., scar tissue], produced by inflammation or injury, of two structures which are normally separate." (Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary)
The lacteal duct adhesions were said to be the cause of the abdominal “cold spot.” Presumably, circulation through the blood and lymph in that region becomes restricted, resulting in a relative cooling compared to left side of the abdomen. Merdian Institute research sough to document the cold spot using a variety of modalities, some of which utilize state-of-the-art (infrared) thermography. The readings simply insisted that a warm hand placed on the abdomen could make the assessment. More on this later, in terms of application.
Cayce cited various causes of abdominal lacteal duct adhesions in, including: Injury or trauma directly to the abdomen, fever, spinal injuries (with reflexes to the abdomen), and pregnancy and birth complications. The treatment rationale that underlies Cayce's therapeutic approach flows naturally from his premise that most cases of epilepsy were caused by adhesions in the lacteal ducts of the abdomen. Treatment is directed at breaking up adhesions in the lacteal ducts located along the right side of the abdomen with hot castor oil packs. Cayce frequently recommended various other therapies in the treatment of epilepsy, including spinal adjustments, diet, hydrotherapy, medicines, and mental/spiritual healing.
With regard to the “seat of the soul”, the Leydig and pineal glands (and entire “pineal system”) were often mentioned in the epilepsy readings. It seems the “solar plexus brain” is a key component to the body-soul connection when it comes to the cause and treatment of epilepsy.
… vibration … is distributed to the body from that center of the body in solar plexus brain … those centers about the umbilicus, which are the electronic and atomic vibratory radiations of a human body. (1800-15)
The abdomen has its own brain. Byron Robinson, M.D. wrote a lengthy treatise (over 600 pages on it) and modern medicine has labeled it the “gut brain”. About a third of your nervous system is in your intestinal tract. It’s called the enteric nervous system. We investigated and wrote about these mainstream aspects of the abdominal brain as part of the Meridian Institute research project on epilepsy and migraine (another neurological disorder that that the readings traced to the abdomen).
With regard to the “seat of the soul,” the umbilical plexus in the region near the navel may be part of the “pineal system.” This is probably what the readings meant by the phrase: “the electronic and atomic vibratory radiations of a human body.” If you have looked into Cayce’s energy medicine (and particularly the wet cell battery with vibratory solutions), you will recognize the lacteal duct plexus associated with epilepsy as the same general location for the large nickel plate that is said to carry medicinal vibrations into the body. The readings insisted that the vibratory solutions are assimilated through the lacteal (umbilical) plexus.
This is a remnant of the embryonic development when nutrients were delivered from the mother via the umbilical cord. The readings insist that more than mere material support is provided through this conduit. There is also mental and spiritual transference that probably correspond to the “electronic and atomic vibratory raditions” cited above. After birth, it’s still there running in the background, as it were. It’s simply a matter of tapping into it therapeutically with a wet cell.
Or, in the case of epilepsy, where the tissue has become pathological, there needs to be therapy to remove the adhesions or strictures about the lacteal ducts. Otherwise, the nervous system becomes short-circuited and the disruption is transferred to the cerebral brain producing seizures.
... the pineal - which runs all the way through the system and is the GOVERNING body to the coordinating of the mental and physical. (567-1, epilepsy)
... the pineal - the governing point of the brain impulses. (5498-1)
Let’s consider a case study to illustrate this complex process. When [1001] received his first reading on May 7, 1930 he was twenty-two years old. The background report for this reading states:
His mother was present for the first reading, saying her son was afflicted with epilepsy, the petit mal type. She had been the rounds with him. He was having frequent hard convulsions and had been for some time; he was now living on Luminal, Phenobarbital, etc. [GD's note: The impression I had was that he had been thusly afflicted since early teens.]
During the next 5 months twelve readings were given to diagnose, prescribe, and adjust the treatment plan for this young man, before the Cayce Hospital was closed in 1931. According to his mother, the man was helped but not cured. Apparently, he was not very invested in the treatment regimen. As Gladys Davis noted in the report of the final reading for this person, “The boy himself never seemed to grasp the spiritual significance of his affliction. At times he would go away for days at a time, on drinking sprees and riotous night life excursions. His mother would finally locate him in some hotel, foot the bills, and bring him home.”
A fascinating case and worth close examination for sure. For now, let’s focus on the pathophysiology to get a sense of how it related to the pineal system.
At times, the readings would use mechanical analogies to explain the anatomy and physiology of the body. In this case, in order to explain what happens with the man lost consciousness, Cayce used a mechanical model to illustrate how the pineal governs or regulates the brain and organs of the system – in other words, the pineal as governor.
The changes or alterations are very individual, especially when meeting the conditions as exist from such a disorder as an improper pulsation through the nerve system, or in that state where there may be termed that the governor's belt of the nervous system slips off. (1001-8)
(Q) From what part of the body do the attacks originate? and why does body lose consciousness during attack?
(A) From the solar plexus to that of the lyden [Leydigian] gland, or through the pineal. The lyden [Leydig] is IN the pineal, see?
(Q) Why does body lose consciousness?
(A) That's just what we have been giving! It is the imaginative forces and the cerebro-spinal forces, or the nerve supply through the cerebro-spinal system cuts off - through the lyden [Leydig?] forces - which is sealed gland, see? they lie within those of the pineal themselves, see? When these become of such an activity, through conditions as excite in the system - as thrown out from those of the genitive forces, acting through those of the solar plexus, and the attempt to coordinate - they push in so much it pushes out consciousness. (1001-9)
Thus the pineal system, as the primary regulator of consciousness functions like a belt and pulley with the pineal as governor. When the impulse gets moving too fast the belt is thrown off the pulley producing unconsciousness.
To extend this mechanical symbolism a bit further, the readings compared the reproductive system to a motor:
(Q) What other glands in the body, if any, besides the Leydigian, pineal, and glands of reproduction, are directly connected with psychic development?
(A) These three are the ducts, or glands. In some developments these have reached a stage where they do not function as ducts or glands, but are rather dormant; yet much passes through same, especially for the various stages of a psychical sojourn or development. These, as we find - the genitive organism is as the motor, and the Leydig as a sealed or open door, dependent upon the development or the use same has been put to by the entity in its mental, its spiritual, activity. The mental may have been misused, or used aright. The spiritual activity goes on just the same. It is as the electron that is Life itself; but raised in power and then misdirected may bring death itself, or – as in the activities of the glands as seen, or ducts – that used aright may bring serenity, hope, peace, faith, understanding, and the attributes of its source, as the experience of the entity; or, misdirected, may bring those doubts, fears, apprehensions, contentions, disorders, disruptions, in every portion of the body. Hence these may literally be termed, that the pineal and the Leydig are the SEAT of the soul of an entity. (294-142)
Although this reading excerpt is focused on psychic development and explains Edgar Cayce’s [294] psychic process, it can shed some light on the altered states associated with epilepsy. Whereas Cayce’s unconscious trance state was controlled and regulated for a constructive purpose, the process could be “misdirected” bringing illness or even death, as noted above.
Note the mechanical analogy used in this reading: “the genitive organism is as a motor.” The reproductive system provides the energy with the Leydig gland as the switch to turn it on or off (like a closed or open door). So we have a complete mechanical system: A switch to turn it on or off; a motor to provide the power; a belt and governor to direct and regulate the energy in a given direction (upward into the brain) for a definite purpose (to alter consciousness). But if the system becomes “misdirected” and the belt slips off, we have an epileptic disorder.
By the way, the type of epilepsy indicated in the case of Mr. 1001 was “petit mal” which usually involves some type of altered consciousness. Most petit mal seizures last only a few seconds and most commonly involve staring episodes or "absence spells." During the seizure, the person may stop walking and start again a few moments later or stop talking in mid-sentence and start again after a few seconds. The person usually does not fall during the seizure. Immediately after the seizure, the person is usually wide awake, thinking clearly, and unaware of the seizure. Strictly in terms of physiology and altered consciousness, this is not really so different than a trance reading by Edgar Cayce. Cayce at times did exhibit seizure-like activity during his trances. The purpose (ideal) was probably the main difference that allowed him to do his trance work, instead of lapsing into a pathological condition.
The psychic dimension of application of the “seat of the soul” is discussed elsewhere on this site. So you can look further into this aspect if you like. There does seem to be an overlap between epilepsy and Cayce’s psychic process. Similarly, Cayce’s process has some overlap with mania, so you can explore that connection as well, if you like. It is fascinating to me how all this links together. It gives me confidence that we are looking at a coherent, interconnected system (the pineal system) involved in the regulation of consciousness in various situations and conditions.
In terms of application, one would naturally wish to understand the pathophysiology of “true” (idiopathic) epilepsy so as to be able to offer effective treatment options for those desiring alternatives to mainstream treatment. A simple place to begin might be to try to document (and make practical) assessment of the abdominal “cold spot.” Placing a warm hand over the right and left areas of the abdomen during a seizure (as recommended in the readings) would be a simple, inexpensive, relatively noninvasive procedure. Yes, it would be a subjective comparison and the data of little use scientifically, but if a parent did this and became convinced that the Cayce approach deserved consideration, it could open the door to application of the entire treatment plan for an individual soul struggling in this incarnation. Case reports do count.
Another possibility that I have imagined would be a clinician (such as an osteopathic neurologist – yes there are such things in the USA) who would tend to see many patients with epilepsy. It might fall within the scope of practice to do a physical examination including palpating the abdomen, etc.
There is another simple treatment option mentioned in several readings that could be practical. Putting a piece of ice as the base of the brain at the beginning of a seizure to prevent or decrease the effects of the seizure can be helpful. I have actually recommended this to a parent who used it very successfully (and gratefully) for her child. This technique is also documented in the traditional osteopathic literature.
Keep in mind that the nervous system incoordination (“short-circuiting) moves from the abdomen to the base of the brain and thence into the cerebral brain proper. The ice might interrupt the progress of the incoordination.
I would really like to understand and document the anatomy and physiology of the "lacteal duct plexus" and/or "umbilical plexus." This is important for understanding the Cayce approach to epilepsy, but also could be extremely helpul in using the wet cell battery with vibratory solutions and understanding the process of embyronic and fetal development in the womb. Again, this is all interrelated - its the same "pineal system."