The first day of creation unfolded one of the laws or attributes belonging to the cosmic totality, being that of power manifested in motion. The developments of the second day brought forth the attribute of wisdom.2 Goodness was manifested on the third day in the arrangement and adaptation of all things. Those peculiar conditions and circumstances which characterised the fourth day and their results—which were very good—developed justice and reciprocity, as further aspects of wisdom. The fifth day produced a new order of beings, possessing faculties and sensibility not existing previously and capable therefore of estimating the distinction between higher and lower forms. In this manner forbearance came into expression, and a spirit of mercy was established in the animated tribes. The beauties which were unfolded on the sixth day, connected as they are with all previous forms and being a development of their interior qualities, correspond to the ultimate ascension of all parts and principles, the unfolding of all attributes latent in the first type, or the germ of all subsequent
developments. The attribute of the sixth day is, in a word, immortal truth—at once in relation to all others, because it is the root of all and is exalted above all.1 It comprehends that which is below and contains that which is beyond, being qualities which will unfold eternally in the future of worlds. It is the medium of association between all spiritually expanded minds and encompasses all Nature. It is that which is to be admired and adored above every other thing; it should illuminate the interior constitution of every being, and should lead the mind from that which is without, the understanding of things present, to that which is within, the term of all and the ultimate. It is an index to the whole creation of the sixth day. It will yet prepare the mind for the corresponding future day of a more perfect creation.
Looking in this direction and to that which unfolds therefrom, looking also behind and discerning in past epochs the germ of those which are to come, we enter
into a world of knowledge which has righteousness as its higher name. The field of truth expands; and there expand also within us the spirit of goodness and benevolence, of justice and reciprocity, the gifts of wisdom and the meaning of beauty. A pure and reverential regard for truth makes order in the whole mind, and from that which is mind in humanity we pass on to contemplate in its stupendous operations the Fountain of Omnipotent Mind.