The treatments specified in the following pages were
written by Dr. Noble M. Eberhart – A high authority on this subject.
Handsomely bound, 320 pages, with over 60 pages of
illustrations. Price $4.00 each – postage 10 cents.
Due to the primary action of Renulife (violet ray)
Health Generators increasing circulation, charging the blood with health-giving
oxygen and nutrition – not only the symptoms of the disease in the forms
of aches and pains are relieved, but the cause is removed.
Increased circulation dissolves and carries away
poison and inflammation; increased oxygen and nutrition build up and restore
functions to normal.
Headaches at A or B are congestive or frontal eye trouble; or frontal sinus or nasal disease may cause the ache at A. Also such pain may come from disordered stomach. A-B from constipation; C from anemia or bladder disease; D-E from disorders of middle ear, or of throat, eyes or teeth; E from nervousness, spinal irritation or female trouble. | ![]() |
In the spine are centered nerves radiating to every
part of the body. This is roughly shown in the accompanying illustration.
Chiropractors treat entirely upon the spine to relieve
ailments in any part of the body. We have found also that Renulife treatments
on the spine are very beneficial in addition to regular local treatments;
for instance, if indigestion is present, in addition to the direct treatment
of the stomach region, there should be a thorough going over the middle
back at the point marked 4 on the accompanying chart, or if headache is
to be treated, as well as going over the forehead or the place where the
pain is, treatment should be taken at the base of the skull just where
the nerves to the head and neck connect with the spine. This treatment
brings nutrition and nourishment to the nerves and helps them to alleviate
the trouble. In like manner the proper nerve center should be treated for
any ailment, as well as local application. This indirect application will
prove of much benefit in treating organic disorders.
In all nervous trouble, including nervous breakdown,
neurasthenia, insomnia, nervous debility, neuritis, etc., and also for
building up the body generally, treatment should be taken particularly
well over the entire length of the spine.
Where a quieting or sedative effect is desired,
treatment should be in direct contact with the body with a medium current;
where a stimulating current is desired, or where it is necessary to eliminate
pain, sparks should be applied or treatment taken through medium thick
clothing with a medium strength current.
Instructions for Operating Renulife Violet Ray Health Generators
Connect plug of Generator in an electric light socket.
It can be used with either direct or alternating current. Turn on the switch
at the light socket. Insert Electrode in hard rubber handle at the end
of the cord. Turn the Adjustment Knob on the top plate of the Generator
to the right, or clockwise, until the vibrator spring starts to operate.
The farther you turn on the knob the greater the strength of the current.
Should the current not come through the electrode
immediately hold the electrode in the hand for a short time to warm it
To shut off current turn Adjustment Knob to the
left until the vibration ceases. The Adjustment Knob is not a switch –
it does not shut off the electric current, but simply regulates the amount
of current delivered by the Generator. As soon as through using, therefore,
turn off the switch at the lamp socket.
Should the Generator stop while the current is still switched on, be sure to turn off the electric light switch before commencing to adjust the controlling knob, or you may damage the Generator.
To get maximum strength from the electrodes always hold the end of the handle nearest the cord. If you hold the hand near the tip of the rubber handle you lose efficiency.
Remember These
Should the generator get out of order, send it to the factory for repair. We will not be responsible for instruments that have been tampered with either by the purchaser or others.
No Sparks from Electrodes
Should an electrode at any time not give off a spark
when the Generator is operating the fault is with the electrode. This is
caused by air getting into the electrode, and destroying the vacuum. It
may even be cracked, though the crack may be so small as not to be visible.
We suggest that you write us at once saying exactly
what is wrong. This may avoid the necessity of returning the Generator
to us for repair.
All electrodes are made of glass and are vacuum
tubes, and while we exercise great care in their manufacture we cannot
guarantee them definitely for a specific period. You will find however,
that Renulife electrodes are unusually well made and very durable.
Powder the Body
To allow free movement of electrodes over the body apply talcum powder over the surface of the body to be treated or spread over it a thin cloth.
How to Operate Renulife Ozone Generator No. 25
These Generators are packed with nose piece attached.
You will notice a small glass piece, like a funnel, which is for inhalations
through the mouth.
The nose piece may be removed from rubber coupling
and the mouthpiece inserted in its place. Place the rubber bulb on the
glass tip at the lower part of the barrel of the Generator.
Place one teaspoonful of Pine Needle Oil in the
upper chamber, by detaching the nose piece and using funnel. This quantity
of oil will last for a considerable period.
Then insert the stem of the Ozone Generator in the
handle of the Violet Ray Generator, same as any other electrode. Hold the
barrel chamber of the Ozone Generator firmly in left hand. Do not hold
by the black handle. When holding by the glass barrel it causes sparks
to jump from the inner vacuum to the outer wall – thus creating the ozone.
Turn on the current, and work the bulb with the right hand.
This forces the ozone into the upper chamber, where
it is filtered through the oil. A pleasing, purifying, powerful healing
agency is the result.
General Suggestions
Follow these directions carefully-and regularly.
Do not slight the treatments where a course of treatment is recommended,
but persist in regular use exactly as directed.
One single application of Renulife violet ray Health
Generator Treatment, while it may give relief, should not be expected to
prodnee a permanent cure.
Care of Electrodes
While the Renulife High Frequency current is in itself
germicidal, still certain rules of cleanliness and asepsis must be followed.
It is necessary to cleanse the electrodes and where the s a in e electrode
is used on different patients, it is also necessary that it should be sterilized.
For this purpose, it should be kept immersed when not in use in a jar containing
a solution of carbolic acid or lysol of a strength of two ounces of the
carbolic or lysol to a pint of water. Before using rinse off the solution
in hot water and wipe dry.
When the surface of the body is being treated, the
electrode should be kept moving back and forth. If the directions call
for contact keep the electrode in direct contact with the body. Where loose
contact is specified, keep the electrode just barely touching the skin
– or wrap the electrode in a handkerchief or a piece of chamois or linen.
When an electrode is used in an orifice of the body
such as the vagina or the rectum, it should be lubricated with vaseline
or other unguent.
When one-fourth inch spark is specified, turn the
adjustment knob on the generator so that the electrode will throw sparks
when held one-quarter inch away from the body -and no farther.
When one-half inch Spark is directed adjust the
knob so that the sparks are thrown off the electrode when held one-half
inch away from the body – and no farther.
Strength of Current
A mild current is when the Generator is just operating,
and a strong current is when the adjustment knob is screwed in completely.
A medium current, is when the adjustment knob is
screwed in about half way. In all cases use a current which is tolerable.
Stronger currents can be used after first few treatments.
Internal Treatments
Never insert or remove an Electrode from an orifice
in the body while the current is turned on.
To arrest growth of abscesses, use electrode No.
1 in contact with the surface of the body over the part affected and the
surrounding area, using a strong current for from seven to ten minutes,
twice daily. Use enough current to get the effect of the heat generated.
Use electrode No. 1 in loose contact and with a
medium current over the affected surface for from seven to ten minutes.
A daily treatment is desirable but every other day will suffice. Where
large pustules exist, use electrode No. 14 and apply three or four sharp
sparks to each pustule. The strength of current is always regulated according
to the toleration of the patient.
Where adhesions follow operations, or inflammatory
conditions, use electrode No. 1 with a strong current, keeping the tube
in light contact, passing back and forth over the area involved, for from
seven to ten minutes. Twice a day would be advisable but daily or every
other day will suffice. Keep the treatment up for a long time.
Furnunculosis (See Boils)
The same treatment may be used as given under (Anus,
Fissure of). A cure should not be expected.
Frost Bites
Use electrode No. 1 with short sparks. Hold about
one-quarter inch from the body with a medium current. Treat hourly for
from three to five minutes each treatment.
Treat around and on the goitre with electrode No.
1 or No. 4 in contact using a strong current for five minutes daily. After
this treatment, raise the electrode about one-quarter inch and treat directly
on the goitre with a sharp spark until the surface reddens. If satisfactory
results are going to follow, evidence will be seen after fifteen or twenty
Use electrode No. 1 with a medium current and light
contact over the affected parts at first treating twice a day for five
to seven minutes. Then gradually increase the strength of the current and
the length of the treatment. It is frequently found that the first treatment
will aggravate the pain but the patient should not be discouraged. This
is why the first application is milder than the subsequent ones. The current
when persistently used over a long period of time will frequently also
cause the absorption of gouty deposits about the joints.
Gray Hair
Use electrode No. 2 keeping it in constant motion
over the scalp with a medium current. At first five to seven minutes will
be sufficient. It should be used daily or twice a day if possible. If too
strong a current is used on the scalp it will cause headache from the determination
of too much blood or if too sharp a spark is used little tiny sore places
may be produced. The treatment of gray hair calls for great persistency.
In cases where it is due to poor circulation or where it is due to bacteria
in the roots of the hair, success will surely attend persistent treatment.
There have been many successful cases treated where it required six, twelve
or even eighteen months of steady use. An occasional case will not give
results even with long treatments. (See Manual).
In connection with the usual remedies, the inhalation
of ozone from the Ozone Generator two or three times a day, ten minutes
each treatment, will be found particularly valuable in the treatment of
grippe. In addition use electrode No. 1 with medium to strong current over
the eyes, forehead, sides of nose, spine and abdominal areas. Where the
nose is discharging profusely, a small electrode (No. 21) may be used for
two or three minutes in each nostril.
Use medium to strong current with either electrode
No. 1 or No. 4 for five to ten minutes over the front and sides of the
throat, especially using it along the sides over the pneumogastric nerve.
This treatment may be repeated every two or three hours in acute cases
with great benefit. In chronic cases, daily or every other day will be
Hay Fever
Use electrode No. 21 in the nose passing it in one
nostril and then the other for from three to five minutes each with a mild
to medium current according to the toleration of the patient. The electrode
is inserted as far as it may be conveniently and the current should be
turned off before it is inserted and also again before it is removed. During
the acute attack, a treatment every two or three hours followed by ozone
inhalations for ten minutes from the Ozone Generator is the ideal treatment.
A similar treatment used daily for two weeks before the expected attack
will very often avert the attack or make it much milder.
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
The treatment for high blood pressure is outlined
under arterio-sclerosis. The principle involved in using the Renulife High
Frequency Generator is to treat over the whole body area to bring the blood
to the surface. Many of these cases require treatment with the method known
as auto-condensation. (See Manual).
Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)
In low blood pressure, the spine is treated using
electrode No. 1 or No. 15 and using as sharp a spark as may be tolerated.
The sparks are passed up and down the spine for five to ten minutes treating
on either side of the bony projection of the spinous processes. Stimulation
of the sympathetic and spinal centers in this manner causes elevation of
the blood pressure.
In treating headaches which are of a congestive
character, one may always expect successful results. In those which are
of toxic origin the success will depend upon the discovery of the cause
but even in those cases, relief will follow local treatment. Electrode
No. 1 with a medium to strong current in loose contact over the back of
the head and neck for three or four minutes then over the spot where the
pain is located. Keep the electrode moving back and forth over this spot
for five to ten minutes or even a little longer until relief is obtained.
In the Manual and in this booklet on page 3 will be found a chart showing
the location where pain is found and the causes which produce pain at that
Heart Disease
The treatment in heart disease is given according
to the indication shown by the blood pressure. When the blood pressure
is high, treatment over the whole body surface is called for or auto-condensation
(See Manual). If it is low, apply sharp sparks up and down the spine. In
both cases, an application over the solar plexus and over the heart area
itself is usually indicated.
Hemorrhoids (Piles)
When piles become very much inflamed, the soreness
and inflammation may be removed by treating with the rectal electrode (No.
7) the same carefully lubricated and inserted while the current is turned
off and then the treatment given for seven to ten minutes when the current
is again turned off before the electrode is removed. Still further relief
is given by the application of mechanical vibration ever the hemorrhoids.
In some cases where great sensitiveness exists the vibration will have
to be given first in order to allay pain sufficient for the introduction
of the electrode. This treatment of course does not cure hemorrhoids but
takes away the pain and soreness. With No. 14 fulguration electrode hemorrhoids
may be destroyed.
Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
This annoying and sometimes serious disease is greatly
benefited by the use of the high frequency current. Use enough current
to obtain a one-fourth to one-half inch spark applying the electrode in
loose contact over the surface or through a layer or two of gauze. Treat
over the eruptions for five to seven or even ten minutes also treating
over the spine to reach the origin of the nerves supplying the affected
surface. Two or three times a day is desirable. Also ozone inhalation
Hives and Rashes
Use electrode No. 1 over the entire surface affected
employing a medium current in loose contact. Treat for five or ten minutes
daily or even two or three times a day. If there is great itching, hold
the electrode far enough from the skin to get a fairly sharp spark which
will give immediate relief or treat through a layer or two of gauze or
Insomnia (Sleeplessness)
Treat with electrode No. 1 using a medium current
over the back of the head and neck for five minutes and then five or ten
minutes more over the eye-brows. Aggravated cases may require auto-condensation.
(See Manual). If the treatment can be given before retiring so much the
This annoying symptom may be relieved by using a
strong current with electrode No. 1 held one-half inch above the surface
so that a shower of sharp sparks strike the itching parts. After this treatment,
which should be continued for about one-half minute, use a mild current
with the electrode directly in contact for two minutes. Relief is generally
immediate although very often only temporary.
Infantile Paralysis (Anterior Poliomyelitis)
Use electrode No. 1 applying it daily or twice a
day with sharp stimulating sparks over the spine and over all of the paralyzed
muscles. Use a spark one-fourth to one-half inch in length. In connection
with High Frequency, interrupted galvanism and vibration are of great value.
Influenza (See Grippe)
Use the method given under Dyspepsia.
Treat through the closed eye-lid with medium spark
for five minutes daily. Also with the eye electrode in contact with the
closed lid, allow the current to pass for five to ten minutes. Many cases
have been recorded where adhesions of the iris were broken up by the use
of the High Frequency current
Give the same general treatment as outlined under
Follow the instructions given under Cervicitis.
Lithimia (See Gout)
Treat with electrode No. 1 through one-half inch
clothing with as strong a current as patient can stand. Treat over small
of back and have patient assume different positions until he or she can
feel comfortable in any position. One treatment is generally sufficient
to stop the pain and a cure may reasonably be expected with continued treatments.
Lupus (Tuberculosis of the Skin)
Treat over the surface with as sharp a spark as
the patient will tolerate and with the electrode raised away from the surface.
Use it three to five minutes or longer. Another method is to use the fulguration
electrode No. 14 and thoroughly burn the surface. After fulgurating, wait
ten to twelve days and then repeat if necessary.
Let patient hold metal electrode No. 3 in the hands.
Then turn on strong current. Massage in the usual way. Masseur will draw
spark to the point desired. Always turn off current before removing electrode
from patient's hand. Patient should not be in contact with any grounded
object or metal.
Mild application of sparks through thin clothing
along the spine to the back of the head and neck and over the abdominal
region, taking fifteen to twenty minutes for the treatments daily.
Moles and Moth Patches
Treat with electrode No. 14 to fulgurate all moles
and patches raised above the surface of the skin. Burn them sufficiently
to get penetration to the skin level, then wait seven or eight days until
resulting scab falls off when further treatment may be applied if necessary.
When the skin is discolored but the surface is not elevated, it is usually
useless to attempt to treat by fulguration as it is impossible to burn
deep enough to destroy pigmented areas without leaving a pit. Occasionally
these cases are benefited with No. 1 electrode using a good strong current
for five minutes.
Treat over swollen gland with electrode No. 4 in
light contact or with electrode No. 1 employing medium to strong current
and treating for five to seven minutes three times a day. Great relief
is usually obtained.
Nervous Diseases
Use general treatment over the spine, back and sides
of neck and over the eye-brows for ten minutes with electrode No. 1 keeping
it in loose contact and employing a medium current. Also hold metal electrode
No. 3 in the hand for ten minutes, with a medium or strong current. Great
benefit comes from the use of ozone inhalations from the Ozone Generator.
This should be given for five to ten minutes each day.
Use electrode No. 1 over the painful area and use
as sharp a spark as the patient can stand for from five to ten minutes,
Treat daily or even twice a day. A convenient way is to treat through the
under clothing or through a layer or two of gauze or linen. Relief should
follow treatment in practically every case.
Treat over the painful area starting with a mild
current and treating for from three to five minutes a day or twice a day.
Explain to the patient that such treatment sometimes aggravates the pain
at first as the nerves are so inflamed. After a few treatments, increase
the strength of the current and the length of time up to about ten minutes.
It is well at this time to raise the electrode away from the surface treating
through a thin layer of gauze or cloth. The High Frequency current has
proven especially satisfactory in neuritis when persistently and intelligently
Treat with electrode No. 1 using as strong a current
as the patient will stand over the paralyzed muscles and also up and down
the spine. Be sure to treat only the paralyzed muscles Two treatments a
day are advisable, the duration of same being ten to fifteen minutes.
Piles (See Hemorrhoids)
Pimples (See Acne)
Poison Ivy
Use electrode No. 1 with fairly sharp spark over
the eruptions for three to five minutes three times daily.
Use electrode No. 1 treating over the chest and
back with fairly strong current. Keep the treatment up until the skin reddens
showing the determination of blood to the surface. Use it twice or three
times a day in the early stages in connection with other medical methods.
In chronic forms, it is usually necessary to employ ozone inhalations and
then to have X-Ray treatment.
Post Fracture Conditions
Use a medium current over the affected area for
five to seven minutes twice a day. This will greatly aid in restoring normal
conditions and in relieving stiffness and soreness.
Post Operative Conditions
Treat as in the case of Post Fracture conditions
over the area where operation has been performed or combine this with general
treatment up and down the spine and over abdominal organs. In other words,
a general tonic treatment.
Pruritis (See Itching)
Prostatic Diseases
Use electrode No. 7 with medium to strong current
employing it through the rectum to reach prostate for an average of seven
minutes. It may be used daily or twice a day in urgent cases. Be sure to
turn the current off before electrode is inserted and again before removing
Use medium to sharp spark over all of the eruptions,
total time required will depend upon the amount of tissue treated. Daily
treatments are best and electrode No. 1 is employed. Most cases respond
to the treatment but it does not prevent recurrences.
Electrode No. 44 is employed and is held directly
in contact with the gums. The current is turned on very mild and the treatment
is employed all over the gums around the affected teeth. Treatments daily
or twice a day. If the electrode is allowed to get to the tip of a live
tooth, it will cause considerable pain as this method is one which is employed
to distinguish between live and dead teeth. Keep the electrode as much
as possible over the gums alone.
Rectal Diseases
Use same technique as in Prostatic Diseases.
The High Frequency is employed in acute muscular
rheumatism and the chronic articular form. In the acute articular form
it is of comparatively little value. Electrode No. 1 is employed and the
treatment may be given directly over the skin with strong current (according
to patient's toleration) and treat until surface becomes thoroughly reddened.
Treatments art preferably given every day and cover the whole affected
area. Renulife High Frequency Liniment should be applied over surface before
Ring Worm
Use a sharp spark with electrode No. 1 over the
area for five to eight minutes daily. Hold electrode far enough away from
the surface to get good sharp spark.
In treating scars, it is necessary to use a strong
current and a sharp spark over the area four or five minutes daily. The
idea is to destroy tissue by what amounts to a mild fulguration. The treatment
may have to be continued over a considerable length of time and will not
always be successful.
Use electrode No. 1 with a current strong enough
to produce a spark of at least half an inch, but keep the electrode for
most of the time in contact with the skin. Treat over the lower part of
the spine first and then along the course of the nerve, raising the electrode
occasionally to get the effect of the spark. Treatment may be given daily
or twice a day for five to fifteen minutes. Do not treat too long or too
severely at first.
Same treatment as outlined under Dandruff.
Sinusitis (Frontal)
When the frontal sinuses become inflamed or infected,
great relief has followed the use of electrode No. 1 with a medium current,
in light contact over forehead and eyebrows.
Skin Diseases
Electrode No. 1 is employed ever the area affected,
with usually a medium strength current for about five to eight minutes
daily. It is desirable in many cases to spread a layer or two of gauze
over the surface so that the electrode will not stick to the surface. The
same result way be obtained by tying a handkerchief over the electrode.
Sore Feet
Use the High Frequency Liniment first and then with
electrode No. 1 and a strong current treat thoroughly for from five to
ten minutes, two or three times a day.
Sore Throat
Use the same technique as that given for Hoarseness.
Where the High Frequency is used immediately a strong
current is employed with electrode No. 1 in direct contact with the surface.
Use it ten minutes every two or three hours. The High Frequency Liniment
should be applied first. In old cases raise the electrode to get sharp
stimulating sparks.
See Barber's Itch.
Treat as outlined under Hoarseness, giving especial
attention to the skin surface corresponding to the tonsils.
Tinnitus Aurium (Ringing in the Ears)
Treat in and around the ear as directed under Deafness.
Some relief may be obtained by the use of the High
Frequency in tuberculosis, especially from sparks up and down the spine.
The blood pressure being low, this is indicated instead of treatment over
the general surface of the body. Real benefit follows the use of ozone
inhalations from the Ozone Generator, using it every three to six hours,
for from three to six minutes. All of this in connection with physician's
usual treatment.
Uterine Diseases
Use vaginal electrode for seven minutes daily or
every other day. Lubricate first and have current turned off before inserting
and again before removing electrode.
Use fulguration electrode No. 14 with a quarter
inch spark and cauterize thoroughly so that the wart is burned a brown
or brownish-white color. Then let it alone for seven or eight days until
it peels off. If not entirely removed, repeat the treatment. The same method
is used in various small growths.
Wry Neck
Treat back of the ears and down the back and sides
of the neck with electrode No. 1 using a strong current and holding electrode
directly in contact. After continuing the treatment for five minutes, raise
the electrode and pat the surface treated for five minutes.
Writers' Cramp
Apply electrode No. 1 from the finger tips to the
shoulder and upper spine, using a strong current with a sharp spark for
five minutes twice daily.