Early American Energy Medicine

The Thermo-Ozone Generator
By S. R. Beckwith, M.D.
Circa 1897
Its Discovery, Philosophy of Action, Principle of Cure, with Directions for the Cure of Disease.
Thumbnail Graphics


History of the Invention
A New Principle Involved in the Discovery
Bacteria Can Only Be Destroyed by Ozone
The Ways of Medicine Should Be Mended
Location of Disease
The Discovery Is Not Electrical: its Name Indicates a Principle Distinct from Electrical Force
Is the Discovery True and its Use Practical
What Is this Marvelous Force?
Comparative Treatment
Directions for Using the Thermo-ozone Generator
Can Families Employ the Treatment?
General Directions
Certainty of Cure
Allotropic Oxygen (Ozone)
When Medicine Should Be Administered
Bright's Disease
Diarrhoea and Dysentery
The Most Dangerous of All Epidemics Is Typhoid Fever
Kidney Disease
Liver Disease
Disease of the Mesentery
Diseases of the Nerves
Locomotor Ataxia
Nervous Prostration
Diseases Peculiar to Children
Diseases Peculiar to Women
Displacement of the Uterus
Painful Menstruation
Uterine Fibroid Tumor
Green Sickness (Chlorosis)
Enlarged Prostate Gland
La Grippe
Sexual Weakness and Impotence
Heart Failure
Home Treatment
Special Cures
New Facts
Proof of Transfusion
The Electro Galvano Battery and Plaster
The Thermo-ozone Company
Carefully Notice
Price List


[Fig. 1]

Seven years ago I made the discovery that when rods of copper and zinc (fig. 1, c & z) were surrounded by iron filings, other metals pulverized, and certain chemicals, a force was produced, when there existed a difference of temperature of not less than 30 degrees, between the combined metals and the terminal ends of wires or poles (p & n). The force is not produced by any of the means employed to generate electricity. As hereafter shown, it produces results never accomplished by electricity. I named the device Thermo-Ozone Battery; but as the term "Battery" caused many to associate this force with electricity, I have now changed the name to Thermo-Ozone Generator.
So far as I know, the force is absolutely new. It is similar to the natural force produced by the action of the sun's rays upon the earth, which gives life and growth to vegetation. This was demonstrated by placing a network of fine copper wire in soil sown with seeds, one end of the wire connected with the Generator, and the negative grounded; a force was developed which caused germination and growth of the plants, far in excess of anything that could be accomplished by fertilizers. It is apparently Nature's force, intended by the Supreme Being to increase vegetable products in exhausted soil, and utilized for the preservation of health and rapid cure of disease. This is accomplished by setting free from air and water in contact with the positive pole, oxygen and allotropic oxygen (ozone). The oxygen is sent into the blood circulation where it forms new red corpuscles of blood, thus preserving health. Ozone is the only agent capable of destroying bacteria and other disease-producing germs in the blood circulation. This force is the only known agent capable of carrying it into the body, where these germs multiply and produce every form of epidemic disease.

The force bears no relation or resemblance to an electric force, which breaks down animal tissues and any structure with which it is brought in contact, as shown in the destruction of gas and sewer pipes coming in contact with a grounded electric wire.

Electricity cannot be safely used as a curative agent, because it always disintegrates whatever it is brought in contact with, as is especially shown in electro-plating.

THE THERMO-OZONE FORCE carries medicine into any organ of the body, and, as proven by experience, produces cures heretofore believed impossible.

Stomach medication has been a lamentable failure, because different foods require different chemical action for their digestion, and medicine is so altered by this chemical change that it is impossible to determine when it leaves the stomach and enters the blood circulation, whether its results will be for good or evil.

The discovery that medicine and oxygen can be sent into diseased tissues unchanged is the most important discovery made since the art of medicine was known. Its value cannot be measured. By its use in home treatment nearly every acute disease is cured at its beginning, and many chronic cases incurable by any other treatment. These statements, when measured by results obtained from usual medical treatment, appear vain and arrogant; but they must be admitted when thousands of distinguished physicians (unsolicited) report that by the use of the discovery they have cured many cases of uterine fibroids, goitre, diabetes, sclerosis of the liver, catarrh causing deafness, local cancer, locomotor ataxia, etc.

To demonstrate the value of the discovery, I treated thousands of the sick poor before permitting physicians to employ my device. Its success induced Dr. Schweigh of New York, a distinguished physician and author of an excellent treatise "On Electric Transfusion," to procure a generator for a relative suffering from dropsy and insomnia. In a short time he wrote as follows:

Dear Doctor - Your invention soon relieved my patient of dropsy and produced most refreshing sleep. I have entertained for years a theory which reconciles with physical laws the therapeutic results obtained by your battery. The sick want more oxygen. They procure it by rapid breathing. The oxygen thus obtained Nature distributes through the blood by the means of the heart pump.
Your battery transfuses oxygen and ozone into the system, and a cure is the natural sequence. It is dispensing in its most active form the greatest healer that Nature possesses, and death should, except from accident or old age, be far less frequent.

In addition to the passive incorporation of oxygen, comes the indirect, but no less important, benefit of saving labor, which, beyond a doubt, is the direct cause of heart failure. With the passive substituted for the active appropriation of oxygen, there will be immunity from exertion and consequent exhaustion, the only cause for heart failure will have been removed, and death from that cause will become a thing of the past.
New York, June 10, 1892.

This letter, from a very distinguished physician, inspired me with renewed confidence that I had made a discovery of more value than I believed possible. I soon found by trial treatment that oxygen alone, when carried into the blood circulation, would control the heat of fever in one hour's time; and also produce most refreshing sleep in long standing cases of insomnia. My first trial for this purpose was in the case of Mr. G. A. Moss, manufacturer, Reade Street, New York City, residing in Orange, N. J. He came to my house one evening and stated that he had employed different physicians and was unable to obtain any relief from indigestion, violent palpitation of the heart and pains through the chest. He had not had a good night's sleep for months; in short, he was a total wreck. He had sold his home, turned his business over to others, and was about to go abroad under the advice of his physician. I applied the treatment to his ankle. In one hour he was relieved from pain. The next day he reported that he had slept well. His improvement was rapid and permanent. I say him today, July 20, 1897, for the first time in two years; he was active and apparently in perfect health. He informed me that he was now able to do as much business as he ever did in his life, and was actively engaged in manufacturing.

This case confirms the statement of Dr. S., in which he says "Oxygen is the greatest healer that Nature possesses, etc."

The next trial was made upon Rev. Mr. Bastow, Madison Avenue, New York City. He informed me that he has been troubled with mental and physical debility, nervous prostration, insomnia and obstinate constipation for years. That he had employed distinguished physicians in Europe and this country, but had received no benefit from their treatment. The Generator was applied on May 1, 1892, and on the following day he wrote as follows:

I tried the treatment last night and got a very much better night's sleep than usual; then, too, I am far lighter and happier today than I have been in a long time. It seems as if I had struck something at last that will enable me to sleep and build up the nervous system.
Most respectfully and cordially,

This patient was discharged fully cured on June 20, 1893. The cure of these two cases, which had baffled the skill of eminent physicians, inspired me with the belief that brain fag, mental debility, nervous prostration and other similar ailments of the nervous system were now for the fist time curable, and that the practice of sending this class of sufferers abroad to receive purchased affection and care would soon end.

In a short time, from editorial mention of the discovery in newspapers and medical journals, physicians commenced to send for the Generator; and to further prove the value of oxygen when introduced into the blood, I quote from a few of the letters received from distinguished physicians.
Baltimore, Md., June 28, 1893.

I have been a sufferer for many years with excessive nervousness. Have treated myself and a number of other cases of nervous prostration with your battery, and I consider it the most potent agent known in this class of diseases.

Colton, Cal., September 20, 1893.
Your treatment was used for Mrs. Cooley for prostration from loss of blood, and no question exists as to its creating red corpuscles with an unknown rapidity. When I took the case, there was no hope of her recovery. By the use of your invention she was restored in a short time. I also cured Mrs. Abell of nervous headache of 20 years standing. She had defective vision and frequent attacks of orbital neuralgia.

San Francisco, Cal., August 1, 1893.
Dear Doctor - I have written you before that I gave out nine batteries to patients, requesting that they should be returned without payment unless the cures for which they were prescribed were accomplished. All have paid for their batteries and report themselves well. In my opinion, no better evidence could be obtained of the value of the discovery.
I have an old lady who has been under treatment for a long time for nervous prostration and insomnia; she has been compelled to use hypodermic injections of morphine several times a day. Since using the battery she has taken no medicine, and says she sleeps as well as a child.
Yours fraternally,

From the Boston Transcript of June 23, 1893:

S. R. Beckwith, M. D., of New York, an eminent surgeon, has discovered that ozone and oxygen can be conveyed into the blood, and thus direct to the seat of disease. Oxygen, the greatest of all purifiers, is introduced into the veins or sewers of our system, where, in connection with ozone, it will destroy disease-producing germs and the vast variety of animalcules which produce such destructive diseases as diphtheria, smallpox, cholera, scarlet and typhoid fever, etc. The oxygen carried into the blood forms new, red corpuscles, repairing waste tissues and giving strength and energy to debilitated structures.

If any one in this country questions the value of transfusion of oxygen, we would refer them to the following abstract from the London Mail, May 23, 1897: "Tomorrow the Princess Louise will open a hospital in Fitzroy Square for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, etc., by the introduction of oxygen.

In all, 72 cases have been treated in the Home, representing an aggregate of 327 years of suffering; of this 46 have been cured, 14 are under treatment and are progressing favorably. Reduced to average of cure, the patients had suffered for eight and one-half years, and were cured by the introduction of oxygen in two months."


Unlike any electrical invention, it generates a force by heat and cold, takes from air and water in contact with the positive pole their oxygen and ozone, and conveys these natural curative agents as well as medicine into the blood circulation. The advantage to be secured by the introduction of these curative agents can only be determined by results. For this purpose I selected cases believed to be incurable, as will be shown by the following reports:

A. T. Albra, M. D., of Newark, N. J., age 84, applied to Tifit Beckwith, M. D., of Orange, N. J., for the treatment of a cancer located under his right eye. It had once been removed by the knife, but returned with increased malignancy. Within two months he wrote as follows: "Dear Doctor - By the use of your treatment I have been entirely cured of a cancer of several years standing, and which I believed was incurable."

U. Cornell Allen, Paper Manufacturer, of Sandy Hill, N. Y., writes as follows: "My father, past 90, has been cured in six months of a cancer on his forearm, which was spreading in spite of previous treatment."

Morris Park, L. I.
Dear Doctor - I have now used the battery and medicine two weeks in my daughter's case. We went to your office after a visit to L. I. Hospital, where the surgeons informed us that the tumor of her breast was liable to become a cancer, and should be operated upon at once. The tumor has rapidly reduced in size, the severe pain is entirely gone, and I can scarcely detect any enlargement.

Mr. Dumas, 114 East Twenty-eighth street, New York, was afflicted with rheumatic gout, causing deposits on his finger joints; he had been unable to close his hands for three years. After using the battery for three months, he wrote us the following note:

Dear Doctor - I am free from any disease; the treatment has not only removed the enlargement of my joints, but has entirely cured me of frequent attacks of vertigo, from which I have suffered for a long time. I have gained sixteen pounds in weight since I commenced the treatment.

Dear Doctor - I am using the battery for goitre, the measurement of the patient's neck in the largest part has diminished two inches in five weeks.
St. Johnsbury, Vt.

These marvelous cures, together with thousands of other equally severe cases, each of which is verified by physicians' letters, which can be seen by any physician or sufferer, leave no room to doubt that stomach medication and its consequent failures will soon be replaced by a curative treatment founded upon natural and rational principles.


Of all unfortunate errors that have afflicted the art of medicine none is more to be regretted than the ignorance displayed respecting ozone. Physicians have bought contrivances to disseminate the odor of phosphorus, sulphur, etc., through the rooms of the sick and called it ozone.

Ozone is that form of oxygen made by the Creator to destroy disease-producing germs which breed and multiply in decay and filth. These germs of disease arising from bad plumbing and products of decay in our homes, which cause diphtheria and other forms of epidemic disease, are named bacteria; other forms are cholera microbes, typhoid germs, etc.; in decaying flesh and cheese they attain a larger size, and are known as maggots. These germs destroy man in his struggle for life. The world would now only be populated by germ life if they were not destroyed by ozone. The display of Divine wisdom in the destruction of these deadly enemies to human life, should fill the hearts of every person with gratitude and adoration.

Ozone, as is stated in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, bears a similar relation to oxygen that diamond does to coal. It is the most active form of oxygen, and as air floats over filth and decay the ozone leaves the atmosphere and enters the home of these germs and destroys them. It is by this means human life is preserved.

The celebrated Prof. Faraday and Sir Henry Barnes reported to the English Board of Health, that no ozone was found in the air of the cities of Manchester and Brighton during the summer months.
 Ozone cannot be manufactured, it can only be produced by a thermic or similar force acting upon air or water and setting the ozone free. By our discovery the ozone is set free from the air and water in contact with the positive pole, and carried as hereafter shown, into the glands of the abdomen, where it destroys typhoid germs, or into any tissue containing disease-producing germs. This is the most valuable and important discovery ever made in medicine.


because they do not follow Nature's method of cure. Nature alone cures, medicine merely assists. Nature has but one plan of cure, which consists in causing an increased rapidity of breathing and heart's action to take into the system, and distribute by the blood circulation that increased amount of oxygen always demanded in every case of sickness.

We have in medicine been living in a fool's paradise, for giving medicine by the stomach in no way assists the efforts of nature. Its administration is irrational; as large an amount goes to the legs as to the head when administered for brain disease.


The art of medicine teaches that disease originates in any tissue [of] the body[,] is sent to the kidneys, bowels and skin. In these sewers all forms of disease-producing germs, as bacteria, etc., breed and multiply. The office of the veins is to return the arterial blood after it has given out oxygen and nutriment; this duty often exceeds the capacity of the veins to remove the waste, therefore disease originates in this blood.

The veins are human sewers, from which the waste and decay of [something missing here in photocopy of text] ...

The value of our discovery consists in the fact that it carries into the veins oxygen, there forming new red corpuscles of blood.


Many physicians have learned the harmful results produced by the present method of employing electricity. Quacks, taking advantage of the people's readiness to accept electricity as a cure-all, are mostly employing it. But the failure of electrical treatment will be understood by examining the following cut, taken from the work of Prof. Althause, M. D., of London, England:

[Fig. 2 and Fig. 3]

Fig. 2 represents a microscopical view of a healthy muscular tissue. Fig. 3, the change produced in it by a current of electricity of the same strength as is usually employed in medicine.
It is evident from this demonstration that electricity as now used is harmful.


The statements of scientific electricians, eminent physicians and other distinguished persons, furnish the most reliable evidence respecting the value of the discovery.

Dear Doctor - I have examined the Thermo Ozone Battery, and find that the principle upon which it is operated is correct, the action of the chemicals therein contained generating a current sufficient to meet the requirements made upon it. As to its curative powers, too high a value cannot be set upon it. This statement is made after a large experience with the battery in my family, and never did it fail to accomplish the desired results. Great benefits were derived from its use.

A proper introduction of this battery to the public is all that is required. If I can at any time explain in detail its principle of action and the work that it has done for me, it will afford me great pleasure to do so, and to answer any questions with reference thereto.
Very sincerely,
President Bi-Metallic Wire Company.

T. T. Eckert, Jr., of the Western Union, is more familiar with electric force than any other gentleman in this country. His letter previously published recites a history of the good effects of the treatment with the generator in his own person, and among his friends; also states that the invention is a scientific one.

E. G. Cargill, Electrician of the Thompson & Houston Company, became acquainted with the value of the battery under circumstances that induced an unusually careful examination of its merits. Mrs. Prof. J. B. Paine, M. D., of Boston, Mr. Cargill's sister, had used the battery for a long existing ailment and found that it was the only treatment which gave her relief. As the principle involved in the discovery, the mechanical construction of the device and the elements employed to develop a current were new to this electrician, he took the battery to the office of Thompson & Houston, and there, with other electricians, carefully examined it. On reaching home he found his sister in great distress, she asked him for her battery, and told him that it was the only thing that had given her relief. He had destroyed it. He took the night train for New York, awaited our arrival at the office in the morning and urged us immediately to send another battery to his sister; also stated to us that from examination made of the invention, it was found to be capable of generating the force claimed. "You are at liberty to refer to me in reference to the good results that I have seen it produce."

Dear Doctor - I have carefully examined your invention, and am familiar with its construction. It will generate a force sufficient in intensity to decompose water at the positive electrode, set free its oxygen and ozone, and convey them with medicine into the tissues of the body. For proof, I constructed a box as here shown:

[Fig. 4]

The partition is rawhide, secured so as to make the box absolutely tight; the positive pole of the Thermo Ozone Battery was placed in apartment "A," negative pole in "B"; the battery was immersed in very cold ice water; each apartment was filled with warm water distilled from snow. In "A" was put the Tr. of Aconite. In a short time the water in "B" was so thoroughly saturated with the tincture that when tasted it produced a burning sensation in the mouth and each instance the force of the current carried the drug through the rawhide, as was shown by taste and chemical test.

I enlarged the experiments of Mr. Broadnax, and in each instance found the battery capable of conveying soluble medicine through rawhide, dog skin and other substances. This conveyance was accomplished by the force produced by the battery, and not from endosmosis or exosmosis.
F. C. BURLINGAME, Chemist.


Unlike any other known force, it is generated by the action of heat and cold upon metals of different density when they are surrounded by chemicals; and as shown by results, is unlike an electric force. When the force is conveyed through the tissues of the body it cannot be felt, but the instant it is confined in the battery by what is known as a short circuit (which means that no intervening substance exists between the two poles, as shown in Fig. 5, where the conducting wires P. and N. are twisted together) and the battery is kept at a temperature of, say, 40 degrees, and its poles are heated to 200 or more degrees (too active a force to be employed in medical treatment) this force comes from the positive side "P" directly passing through the negative wire, back to the battery, and is there confined, in a few minutes a battery is shattered similar to the one here represented. Tubes of steel one-third of an inch in thickness were broken in the same manner.

[Fig. 5]

We have sent Generators to scientific men in different colleges of the country, and each has been broken in the manner described. No one had been able to determine the nature of this force any more than that of the X ray until Russell D. Riley, Assistant Chief Operator of the Western Union Telegraph (who was cured by the use of the discovery from physical debility and nervous prostration caused by mental overwork) gave the subject a careful study, and reached the results which we have already published.


In our previous report we selected the ratio of mortality in 5,000 cases treated in different European hospitals. At that time we were only able to give the percentage of mortality in 1,500 cases of thermo-ozone treatment, which were obtained from our own case-book and physicians' reports. Since then we have been able to make the comparison equal, and a slight change will be observed in the report.

                                            Stomach Medication                 Thermo-Medication
                                            Percentage of Cures                  Percentage of Cures
Epilepsy ..........................................  8 ......................................... 42
Locomotor Ataxia ............................ 15 ....................................... 55
Paralysis .......................................... 10 ....................................... 35
Cancer ............................................. 20 ...................................... 55
Nervous Prostration ......................... 28 ....................................... 88
Enlarged Prostate ............................  0 ......................................... 60
Impotence ........................................ 35 ....................................... 70
Fibroid tumors without operation ...... 0 ......................................... 60
Chronic Rheumatism ........................ 35 ....................................... 95
Chronic Dyspepsia ........................... 40 ....................................... 90
Cirrhosis of the Liver ........................ 10 ....................................... 70
Dropsy ............................................. 18 ....................................... 72
Appendicitis ...................................... 32 ..................................... 100
Bright's Disease ................................  8 ......................................... 40
Diabetes ............................................ 20 ....................................... 65
Typhoid Fever ................................... 58 ..................................... 100
Deafness ...........................................  8 ......................................... 90
Catarrh .............................................. 12 ....................................... 87
Constipation ....................................... 64 ..................................... 100
Insomnia ............................................ 15 ...................................... 100


[Fig. 6]

The Generator immersed in water held in a non-metallic vessel; positive pole at wrist; negative pole three inches higher up; 2, conducting wires; 3 and 4, wired wood-pulp tablets.

1st - Stand the Battery in a glass or earthen vessel of very cold water. In acute cases use ice water; when ice is not at hand add to each quart of water one-quarter teaspoonful of common salt and one teaspoonful of Spirits of Ammonia. The water should never come higher than one half inch of the top of the generator.

2d - Buckle the disk or poles around ankle or wrist, with the positive pole (stamped "P" and attached to the red cord) nearest to hand or foot, with the negative (green cord) about three inches above it. Do not allow the disks to touch, as that will short-circuit the current.

3d - When the Generator is employed for the introduction of oxygen and ozone, place under each disk a sponge larger than the disk, wet in water of the temperature of the room. When a more intense current is required wet the sponge with hot salt water.

4th - Any soluble medicine can be administered by dropping it on the colorless side of the wired wood pulp tablets. Place it under the disk marked "P," with the opposite or colored side next to the metal, and see that the metallic point fits into the opening in the centre of the tablet. Constantly keep a wet sponge under the negative disk during the treatment. The medicine is carried into the blood circulation in ten minutes, when the tablet should be removed and a wet sponge made to take its place.

5th - To medicate any diseased part, remove the disks from the short elastics and attach them to an elastic tape long enough to surround diseased part, as shown in illustrations.


Once a week unscrew the cap of the Generator and clean the connection between wire and posts. If any strands of wire are broken cut the wire, remove the silk covering one inch, then twist the wire, red cord, in copper post, green one, in zinc post. Wind each wire with rubber tape or silk to prevent their coming in contact. Keep metals clean and bright where hooks and disks are connected. When the Generator is not in use, always cover it with a piece of paper before winding the cord around it, otherwise the force will be impaired.

The Generator is warranted to operate for three years, otherwise it will be refilled without cost. New wires are furnished for 50 cents, which can be inserted in the manner directed.


The best answer I can make to this inquiry is to quote from a letter received from one of my former students, now a very eminent physician:

My Dear Professor - I have cured many difficult cases with your discovery, even several uterine fibroids; but I will be compelled to move or cease furnishing families with the Thermo-Ozone Battery. The patients now treat themselves, and those who formerly paid me not less than $100 annually, pay less than $10.

621 N. Carrollton Avenue,
Baltimore, Md., Jan. 13, 1897.
Dear Doctor - If I could get the ear of those who are suffering from chronic or acute disease I would emphasize in impressive terms the value of your discovery. It occupies the most important place in the art of healing, because it is the only means by which oxygen and ozone can be conveyed into the blood. These are the only agents that are vitalizers of the life force. The treatment produces an alterative and tonic effect impossible to obtain by any other means.

During the past six years I have witnessed often its power over disease in typhoid fever, dropsy, blood poison, anemia, paralysis, la grippe, pneumonia, angina pectoris, rheumatism, kidney and bladder disease, peritonitis, hay fever, asthma, insomnia, etc. I have also seen patients rally under the treatment where skillful physicians had given unfavorable prognosis. From this observation I am convinced that the battery in the hands of physicians will prove a most valuable auxiliary, especially in the treatment of cases that cannot be cured without its use. I am satisfied that when it is used by families it will cure more severe, acute and difficult chronic cases than can be cured by medical skill without it. This comparison is not made with any disrespect to physicians, but is the statement of simple truth.

When the medical profession understands the value of the battery in conveying into the blood and into diseased parts oxygen, ozone and medicine, and also learns the curative effect of these agents, they will confess that I am correct.

As soon as I learned the value of the treatment I was satisfied that every one of my families should have a battery and apply it themselves at the beginning of every disease. Their success has demonstrated the correctness of my opinion. Yours fraternally,

Auburn, Neb., March 8, 1897.
Dear Doctor - The medical value of your discovery I have fully demonstrated. Recently I had a case of neuritis (inflammation) of the fifth pair of nerves. The pain in the face was very severe; failing to relieve it by ordinary treatment, I applied the battery and sent medicine into the nerves affected; it relieved the pain at once and thoroughly cured the case.

Case 2.  Mrs. C. had severe puerperal convulsions during labor, followed by puerperal fever, her temperature rose to 104 degrees, pulse 125 beats. I sent appropriate medicine into the blood circulation by the battery; in two hours the pulse was reduced to 90, temperature to 99 degrees. No other treatment was employed but the battery, and the patient made a rapid recovery. Here was a case that could have been cured by your discovery without the aid of a physician.

Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 15, 1897.
Dear Doctor - At your request I applied the discovery in the treatment of acute fever; to my surprise it reduced the pulse in one hour 15 beats, with a corresponding decrease in the temperature.

Schoolcraft, Mich., March 1, 1897.
Dear Doctor - The value of the new force which you have discovered, I have fully demonstrated in curing Bright's disease, diabetes, nervous prostration, dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, etc., etc., but its real medical value will only be appreciated when it is applied to the cure of acute disease, where its good results are observed at once. From what I have observed I believe that in family practice nearly all acute disease can be arrested at its beginning.


Disease in any part of the body or in any organ can be readily treated in family practice by applying the disks of the Generator when possible so as to enclose the affected part. For example, in rheumatism of the knee, the disks are to be applied on each side of the joint; medicine and oxygen are conveyed into the seat of inflammation.

In pneumonia, the disks rest on the chest so as to enclose the affected lung, or if both lungs are diseased, the disks are placed on the sides of the chest.

In neuralgia, the positive disk should always rest over the most painful part of the nerve, and the negative along the track of the nerve.

In case of fever, medicine is rarely required. The treatment can be applied here to wrist or ankle, always observing to put the positive disk farthest from the heart, so that when oxygen is conveyed into the veins, it will return to the lungs and mingle with the oxygen inhaled.

No rules can be given for repetition of treatment. The best judgment of the party using the invention must be relied upon. The more severe the disease the more frequently the treatment should be applied.

In reference to the temperature of the water in which the battery is immersed: No fixed temperature can be given. One person is very sensitive and another less so; therefore whenever the treatment aggravates, a result recognized by fullness of the head and palpitation of the heart, the water for the Generator should be used less cold.


This is largely due to sending oxygen into the blood of the veins or human sewers, where all disease originates. Carried with the oxygen is allotropic oxygen (ozone) which destroys every kind of disease-producing germs, from cholera microbe to cancer bacillus.

All diseases produced by deficiency of red corpuscles which causes debility, green sickness, nervous prostration, brain fag, insomnia, etc., are readily cured by the introduction of oxygen, which alone furnishes the needed supply of red corpuscles. Diabetes, rheumatism, Bright's disease, etc., are due to change of blood in the veins; here oxygen and medicines remove this trouble.

I desire to correct an error which has long existed among physicians, that disease arises in any part of the body. It certainly originates in the impure blood of the veins or human sewers, and cannot in the blood of the arteries, because that is pure and moves rapidly to every structure of the body by the action of the heart. Pure spring water pumped through house pipes, becomes impure from the products of the home. Oxygen and ozone are the only known disinfectants. Antiseptics used for this purpose merely change one odor to another.

The inhalation of compound or other oxygen is of no value, because in every disease the rapid breathing furnishes all the oxygen that can be distributed. The force produced by our discovery is the only known force that sends oxygen into the blood of the veins. The treatment is too important and useful for fakirs or quacks to attempt to imitate it, or deceive the suffering by their sentimental testimony, or by the use of a one-cord device which produces no force.


The Creator in his creation of oxygen, which alone maintains life in plants and animals, mingled with it an agent which has been named ozone. It is the only agent capable of destroying every form of disease-producing germs. Not a blade of grass or grain could live and grow if ozone did not destroy the germs which are attached to them. When the germs are too numerous for the ozone to destroy them, the plants wither and die. When disease-producing germs are too numerous in the human blood for the ozone which is inhaled to destroy, sickness and death follow. Each variety of germs breeds in a different locality of the body. Diphtheria has its seat in the throat. Those that breed in the follicles of the skin produce eruption. The most dangerous germs are those of typhoid, which multiply in Peyer's glands of the abdomen, and cause different stages of the fever by their birth, existence and death. To cure this fearful fever and prevent its continuance is the highest achievement known to the art of medicine. I want the world to know that ozone, sent into these glands by the Generator, will destroy them and arrest the fever at once. This is important, as stomach medication never has cured, nor can cure, a single case, because it cannot destroy a single germ. To prove the former statement, I will send to any responsible party in reply to a telegram that a member of their family has typhoid fever in its first stage, a Generator, and will risk the value of the Generator and loss of my surgical reputation on the result of its use in killing the typhoid germs and ending the fever by three applications.


Fully nine-tenths of all physicians who have practiced for twenty-five years, declare that the sick are better off as a whole without stomach medication than with it. The failure of medicine to cure is proven by the only safe and reliable testimony. Here the important question arises. Is it the fault of medicine or its administration? The Almighty in the work of His creation did not fail to furnish medicinal agents capable of curing disease; therefore the fault arises from the error of its administration.

Every family has a medicine chest largely made up of nostrums and other compounds. To supply families with carefully selected remedies, we furnish a family case of ten remedies, each named after the disease it is intended to cure. For example, the vial labeled "Fever" contains Aconite, Gelseminum, etc. In our description of diseases and their treatment, we refer to these remedies in such cases as can be benefited by them.

Medicine is rarely required in the treatment of fever, because the Generator sends into the blood-circulation oxygen, thereby subduing the fever.

In nervous prostration the effect of the force upon the nerve centres and the formation of new red corpuscles by oxygen, produce the most delightful sleep and stimulate the weak nerves.

In cancer, enlarged prostate, diabetes, uterine fibroids, etc., such medicine has to be carried into these growths as is best adapted to each individual case; therefore persons purchasing the Generator for the cure of this class of ailments, will always have the medicine sent with it, and thereafter they are to report the results, when we will send prescriptions with further directions.

From having treated the sick for seven years by the discovery, and from having sold more than 16,000 Generators to physicians who have furnished us in return with a larger amount of evidence in favor of the treatment than ever before given since the art of medicine was known, we feel warranted in assuring the sick that even in home treatment a larger ratio of cures can be obtained than by any other means.

In giving the treatment of different diseases, we append letters from physicians, or statements of our own patients, to show how the treatment has operated under actual trial.

To avoid repetition, refer to directions. Salt water is preferable to fresh for wetting the sponges as it is a better conductor.


This distressing ailment is caused by a partial spasmodic closure of the air cells, making it difficult for air to enter the lungs. This closure is due to an abnormal action of the nerves; therefore to cure, the treatment has to be both temporary and permanent.

[Fig. 7]

To obtain relief during the attacks, apply the disks as shown in figure 7, so that the partially closed air cells shall be between the disks. The Generator should stand in ice water, if it can be procured, if not use as cold water as can be obtained from wells or springs. Twenty drops of a prescription composed of equal parts Tr. of Lobelia, Ipecac, Cymplocarpus (Skunk Cabbage) is dropped on the colorless side of one of the tablets and placed under the positive disk, and allowed to remain for ten minutes; if the spasm is not relieved, repeat the dose.

This treatment to be applied any time during an attack or at its approach. To permanently cure the ailment, the Generator should be applied once a day to the ankle in the manner described in directions.

The first case of asthma I treated was that of my brother Prof. D. H. Beckwith, M. D., of Cleveland, Ohio. He had been a sufferer from asthma for many years; the spasms of difficult breathing were very distressing. The first application relieved him, and I respectfully refer any patient to him for further information.

E. D. Olmsted, M. D., of Spokane, Wash., on April 11, 1897, writes: I am using your treatment in case of a man with exopthalmic goitre, complicated with asthma, with marvelous results. This patient has consulted the best specialists in Chicago, used galvanism and all the usual treatment with but indifferent success. The Thermo treatment gave him almost instant relief.

Mrs. H. Seeley, of Rensselaer City, N. Y., had been afflicted with asthma for many years; she came to this city to attend the Grant Celebration, but was unable to go out. The Generator was applied and soon relieved her. A few days since she wrote that there was no return of the disease.


is an inflammation of the appendage to the valve between the small and large intestines, where they unite at the right and lower portion of the abdomen. The appendage is composed of fibrous and muscular tissues, one end is attached to the valve; its purpose is to open and close the valve so as to regulate the passage from the small to the large intestines. It is of worm shape, therefore is called vermicular. When a child swallows a penny the vermiform appendage forcibly contracts, opens the valve wide, and allows the foreign substance to pass. It keeps the valve closed to prevent the regurgitation of the contents of the stand-pipe or large intestine, except when some portion of the contents of the small intestine is in a condition to pass into the large one.

It is the only strictly automatic valve ever constructed, and man cannot imitate its action.
A large amount of peritoneum is distributed in this locality and gives to the workshop an abundant supply of blood and nutriment; therefore peritonitis, especially in males, usually commences in this locality.

The disease has been known from all time, until recently, as inguinal peritonitis. From some unaccountable reason, surgeons in this country only have declared that the appendage was often inflamed, and its removal was required. If it were true that the entire appendage was cut off, the valvular motion would cease and death would ensue. Fortunately the upper portion can be removed without destroying the muscular action of the appendage, and this constitutes the useless operation. I admit that in this form of peritonitis, adhesion may occur, and an operation under certain circumstances may be advisable; but by the use of our discovery both oxygen and medicine are sent into the inflamed tissues and relief is obtained in a very short time.

The mode of treatment is to apply the positive disk over the seat of pain, the negative about four inches to the left, having them secured in place by a piece of elastic tape going around the body. Stand the Generator in very cold ice water, with a sponge wet in warm salt water under the negative disk. Twenty-five drops of a prescription composed of 20 drops Tr. Aconite, 2 oz. Tr. Iodine and 1 oz of water, mixed, should be applied on the tablet under the positive disk. In 10 minutes remove the tablet and have a similar wet sponge to that under the negative disk take its place, and continue the treatment for one hour; it may be repeated every three hours until the inflammation has subsided. Experience has shown beyond a doubt that this method of treatment will cure nearly every case. I here append three examples of different cases.

J. H. Lindsley, architect, of Newark, N. J., had peritonitis, diagnosed chronic appendicitis, treated by several physicians; prognosis of each unfavorable. In consultation with my son, Dr. Tifft Beckwith, we examined the patient, found him a mere wreck, emaciated beyond description. The right and lower part of abdomen was full of lumpy deposits. At times one of these deposits would come in contact with the valve and arrest its movement. The treatment before described was applied and resulted in a complete cure.

J. J. Davis, M. D., of Racine, Wis., states that by similar use of our discovery, he treated and cured L. H. Larsen, of an attack of acute appendicitis, and gives it as his opinion that no other treatment could have saved his life.

B. L. Robinson, M. D., of McLean, N. Y., writes: "I have used the Generator in a case of appendicitis with extensive adhesion, where an operation had been performed without affording relief. By the use of the Generator the patient made a rapid recovery."


is a congestion and inflammation of the minute vein capillaries of the bronchial tubes, which become thickened and rough. This change produces dry cough, difficulty of breathing and constriction of the chest. Medicine taken by the stomach affords no relief. When medicine and oxygen are carried into the congested and inflamed tissues, the disease is at one arrested.

In acute bronchitis, apply the disks as shown in fig. 7. Use 10 drops of the "Fever" remedy, which may be repeated as frequently as the urgency of the symptoms seem to demand. In no other form of inflammation is the introduction of oxygen more useful. The sponges, wet in salt water, should be kept under the disks for a full hour after the medicated tablet is removed. Treatment may be repeated two or three times a day if the case is serious, otherwise one application is quite sufficient.
In chronic bronchitis, use 15 drops of the "Cough" remedy; a daily application suffices.

Both acute and chronic laryngitis require the same treatment, except that the disks are to be applied on each side of the throat. Chronic laryngitis impairs the voice; this has been observed in public speakers to such an extent that the disease is known in medical books as Clergyman's Sore Throat. A few drops of a weak solution of Iodine or Iodide of Potassium sent into the larynx once or twice a day very soon removes the thickening of the mucous membrane, and restores the voice.

S. Passadena, California.
Dear Doctor - By the use of your treatment, my paralytic patient is rapidly improving. The effect of the treatment upon the bladder and urinary organs has been wonderful; he is now able to retain his urine all night and sleeps well. The effect of the treatment in reducing the pulse and temperature in acute disease, exceeds anything I have ever before seen.

I have employed the treatment in several cases of bronchitis, and each case has been relieved, where other means employed had failed.

Shelburne Falls, Mass.
Dear Doctor - Now that your battery has cured me of chronic bronchial catarrh, I want one for my nephew, who has nasal catarrh, which has baffled all treatment. From my past experience with the treatment, I believe it will be of benefit to him.

Dear Doctor - Enclosed find check for two more batteries. The Scott case, which was believed incurable from bronchial consumption, is rapidly improving, and I believe will fully recover.


This fatal disease, in view of the utter failure of stomach medication to relieve it, is an impressive evidence against the art of medicine as now practiced. The disease causes a structural change in the tubes, cells and other portions of the kidneys. Therefore no treatment but that of sending oxygen and medicine into the structure of the organ can remove these pathological conditions.

Before I came fully to appreciate the value of my treatment or to recognize the folly of administering medicine by the stomach for this disease, I avoided treating the ailment. My first case was that of Mrs. M. A. Hoyt, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; the disease was of two years' duration; her face was puffy and pale; feet and limbs swollen; there was nausea and vomiting, with great prostration; albumen in excess, specific gravity of urine very high. The disks of the Generator were applied on each side of the kidney, and the Tr. of Heloine was conveyed into the organ for ten minutes; then the oxygen treatment was employed for one hour; treatment repeated daily. She made a quick recovery. Her father-in-law, Colonel Hoyt, of the Drug Department of the New York Custom House, states that his daughter remained well.

Those having the ailment should write their symptoms, that we may direct the treatment.

Schoolcraft, Mich., Jan. 11, 1897.
Dear Doctor - I consider your discovery a very important  factor in medicine. Having a wide range of action it affords quick relief in acute diseases, and cures chronic diseases where other means which I have employed have failed. I believe if its merits were understood it would find a place in every home. I have cured by its use Bright's Disease, Renal Dropsy, Typhoid Fever, Appendicitis, Chronic Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Catarrh. It gives the most satisfactory results in insomnia of anything I have ever used. I have also reduced by carrying medicine into the part affected, cases of goitre. I speak of its use from experience, as I have used a large number of the batteries.    Very fraternally,

621 N. Carrolton Avenue,
Baltimore, Md., Jan. 13, 1897.
Dear Doctor - If I could get the ear of those who are suffering from chronic or acute disease I would emphasize in impressive terms the value of your discovery. It occupies the most important place in the art of healing, because it is the only means by which oxygen and ozone can be conveyed into the blood. These are the only agents that are vitalizers of the life force. The treatment produces an alterative and tonic effect impossible to obtain by any other means.
During the past six years I have witnessed often its power over disease in typhoid fever, dropsy, blood poison, anemia, paralysis, la grippe, pneumonia, angina pectoris, rheumatism, kidney and bladder disease, peritonitis, hay fever, asthma, insomnia, etc. I have also seen patients rally under the treatment where skillful physicians had given unfavorable prognosis. From this observation I am convinced that the battery in the hands of physicians will prove a most valuable auxiliary, especially in the treatment of cases that cannot be cured without its use. I am satisfied that when it is used by families it will cure more severe, acute and difficult chronic cases than can be cured by medical skill without it. This comparison is not made with any disrespect to physicians, but is the statement of simple truth.

When the medical profession understands the value of the battery in conveying into the blood and into diseased parts oxygen, ozone and medicine, and also learns the curative effect of these agents, they will confess that I am correct.

As soon as I learned the value of the treatment I was satisfied that every one of my families should have a battery and apply it themselves at the beginning of every disease. Their success has demonstrated the correctness of my opinion. Yours fraternally,

This fearful destroyer of human life is produced by germs of the bacillus order. The germs breed and multiply in the breast, uterus, rectum or other tissues of the body. So long as they remain in one locality, the disease can be cured by destroying the germs. It is of but little use to remove a cancer by the knife, as some of the germs remain and propagate, causing a return of the cancer. In cancers of the breast I have often carried the exsection so far as to remove not only the entire breast, but the gland of the armpit. Notwithstanding this thoroughness of exsection, in the large proportion of cases the disease reappeared in some part of the body. The removal of a cancer by zinc or other pastes (a mode of cure adopted by cancer doctors) is very objectionable. It causes severe pain, and is less certain to remove all of the germs than the knife. Fortunately when ozone and appropriate medicine are carried into a cancerous growth, the germs are destroyed, and the disease does not return.
From past experience and results heretofore mentioned, I feel warranted in stating that our treatment will cure a large proportion of local cancers. More than this, when the disease has so far progressed as to produce the fearful and unbearable suffering consequent upon the ailment, the sending of our pain remedies with oxygen into the blood circulation, relieves the pain. The following letter speaks volumes to the experienced physician, who knows what a boon to humanity is any treatment that will allay the pains of this terrible malady. During 50 years' practice of stomach medication, I never received any communication equally expressive of the value of any treatment. Here was a patient with cancer of the limb and arm; a cure was impossible. She applied for the Generator, but we would not send it until we informed her that it would be of no benefit to her, except to relieve the pain.

St. Francis, Minn., June 16, 1897.
Dear Dr. Beckwith - As it does not seem to me that I can ever write you again, and as the battery has been of such comfort to me in the relief of all my pain, I desire you to know its value in cases similar to my own.

When I first commenced the treatment the cancer of the left limb was full of small tubercular formations, which I was told come in the last stages of the disease. Soon after using the battery they entirely disappeared; also the lumps and deposits in my arm and shoulder. Whenever a lump appeared I applied the battery and it was removed at once. I cannot hope for recovery. The disease seems to be in every part of my body. I am very weak.

The battery has been of great comfort to me throughout my distress; it has relieved the pain and caused me to sleep well. No other treatment relieved my suffering. I feel that your talent in the invention has been a wonderful mercy to the sick. I wish you would send me some pamphlets that I might distribute a knowledge of your discovery while I am able.
Believe me to be, yours very thankfully,

Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., Feb. 10, 1896.
Dear Bishop - From personal knowledge of the value of the Thermo Ozone Battery, and personal acquaintance with Dr. Beckwith, who was a life long friend and physician of Bishop Bedell, of Ohio, and Dr. Lawson Carter, of Cleveland, Ohio, I endorse every claim in favor of this great discovery, and I fully believe that it must revolutionize the practice of medicine. The invention is the greatest discovery of this century. Yours very truly,

May, 1897.
Dear Doctor - I have just left the bed side of my friend, dying from cancer. She sends you her love and gratitude for your discovery of a treatment which has entirely relieved her for the past few months, and permitted her to enjoy refreshing sleep.


What anxious fears are awakened in the mother's breast when she recognizes the ominous characteristic sound of croup! Croupous inflammation, unlike other forms, causes a deposit in the wind-pipe, narrowing its diameter, and this produces the peculiar crowing sound of croup. No time can be lost, the deposit increases, danger is near.

It affords me great pleasure to prescribe a treatment which can be applied by any one, and is certain to give almost immediate relief. Apply the disks as shown in figure 8, using 15 drops of the "Fever" remedy, allowing the tablet to remain under the positive disk for ten minutes; then put a wet sponge in its place for one-half hour. If the child is not materially improved repeat the prescription at such intervals as the urgency of the case seems to demand. In no instance, either in our own practice or that of any other physician employing the discovery, has this treatment failed to cure inflammatory croup.

[Fig. 8]

Membranous Croup is slow in its approach, and is accompanied with but little fever. This is the most dangerous form of the disease. Ten drops of a prescription composed of Bi-chromate of Potash, 3 grains, mixed with 1 ounce of water, should be applied to the throat (on tablet) for 10 minutes, then the sponges for one hour during the day when the child is not seriously affected. Application is to be made two or three times during the day unless the difficulty of breathing is removed. As evening approaches the breathing becomes more difficult; then apply the treatment as directed in inflammatory croup. In all cases hot water should be constantly kept on the throat when the treatment is not applied.


is produced by a species of germ known as bacteria. These fearful destroyers of children breed in the veins and mucous membrane of the throat. Their presence can be detected by a peculiar sweet smelling breath and light patches on the throat. In this disease there exists a peculiar expression of the face, with dilated pupils, by which it can be recognized. I know from careful microscopic examinations that diphtherial bacteria will not be destroyed even when placed in a solution of most of the drugs employed in this disease. They live a less period of time in Alcohol than in any drug solution. Too many boards of health have reported that ozone destroys these germs in a few moments of time to admit of further discussion on the subject.

Apply the disks of the Generator on each side of the throat, as shown in fig. 8. If fever exists, drop 10 drops of the fever remedy on the light side of one of the tablets and place it under the positive disk. In this case, as in all others, keep a wet sponge under the negative disk (preferable to have sponge wet in salt water). In ten minutes remove the tablet and put a wet sponge in its place for one-half hour; treatment to be repeated every two or three hours.

If the breath becomes fetid, and mouth and throat of a dark color, have an ointment made composed of 5 grs. yellow sulphuret of mercury mixed with 2 oz. lard; cover the light side of the tablet with the ointment and place it under the positive disk, then continue the treatment as before stated. Repeat the administration every two hours.

During an epidemic of diphtheria, the disks of the Generator should be applied to the ankle with wet sponges, every other day for the purpose of destroying the germs and preventing an attack of the disease.


In this disease an excess of sugar is found in the urine. The secretion of the kidneys is increased even in some instances to two or three gallons daily. As diabetes often comes from mental causes, liver trouble, indigestion, etc., each patient should give me a full statement of his symptoms, and a history of the case, to the end he may receive advice before applying the treatment. I will send with the Generator such prescription as I believe best adapted to each case and the treatment can be continued without further cost than the price of the instrument.

The treatment should be applied as shown in fig. 11. I believe every person of ordinary intelligence will appreciate the advantages to be gained from sending medicine and oxygen into the kidneys. Every person suffering with this disease, I believe, will confirm the statement that they have received more benefit from mineral water and diet than from the taking of medicines through the stomach.

Randolph, Mass., Feb. 10, 1897.
Dear Doctor:  My wife's sister visits you for examination, and further treatment if she requires it. She has had diabetes for something more than a year. I have had the urine examined by two competent chemists, who agree that the specific gravity was 1030, sugar 5 grs. to the ounce, etc.
She has daily used the battery as you directed. The only medicine I have employed on the tablet has been apocynum. Her improvement has been rapid, and I think she has nearly recovered.
E. A. ALLEN, M. D.

We continued Dr. Allen's treatment for four weeks, then employed an excellent chemist to examine the urine, who found no evidence of diabetes. The patient was then discharged cured, and at this writing is in good health.

Similar remarkable results have been obtained not only in my own experience, but in that of many physicians using our invention.


In case of simple diarrhoea no medicine is required. The disks should be applied on each side of the abdomen, keeping under each disk a sponge wet in salt water the temperature of the room. Have the Generator stand in ice water. This treatment is to be applied once or twice a day, according to the conditions. But if the diarrhoea be accompanied with much pain, then use about 15 drops of the "Pain" remedy in the manner before described. If simply oxygen alone does not cure the ailment, then use 20 drops of the "Diarrhoea" remedy. Frequency of the application must depend upon the urgency of the symptoms.

Dysentery is an inflammation of the lower bowel; its mucous membrane becomes denuded, causing hemorrhage. Here the positive disk should be applied on the left and lower side of the abdomen, with the negative about four inches to the right. The "Fever" remedy should be administered in 20-drop doses, and the application made every three hours.

A dysentery discharge should not be arrested suddenly, as that will leave the parts congested and inflamed. Control the inflammation and the disease ends; therefore, the "Fever" remedy is all that is usually required in this disease. In difficult cases the physician's prescription had better be applied with the Generator, instead of domestic medicine. Yet, in our experience, we have never required any other treatment for dysentery except the "Fever" and "Pain" remedies.


is a condition produced by collection of water in the cavity of the abdomen or of the chest, or in the cellular tissue of the skin. It is produced by a variety of causes, as liver trouble, indigestion, intemperance, impoverished blood, disease of the uterus, kidneys, etc.; and it is best for patients to write us their symptoms, and depend upon prescription sent.

That the treatment will cure dropsy in a very large proportion of cases has been fully demonstrated. The following report of the second application I ever made of my discovery is alone sufficient evidence to prove its curative value.

Judge C. K. Smith, former attorney of Commodore Vanderbilt, called at our office and stated that a friend of his had been ill for eight months suffering from dropsy of the abdomen and chest, with swollen feet and [?]thighs. Her pain was so severe that five or six injections of morphine were given daily; medicine was administered by suppositories, food by injections, as the stomach would not retain even a few drops of fluid. She had been under the care of Dr. ------ and others, and was at the time under treatment by Dr. Beck. She did not pass more than two ounces of urine daily. Each physician had given  an unfavorable prognosis. In eleven days he again reported that the first application of the battery produced two hours of refreshing sleep, and caused an active secretion of the kidneys. She had improved hourly since commencing the treatment, and had so [?] [?]constantly recovered that he was freed from anxiety about the case and would sail the following day for Paris, and desired a battery sent [?]to [?]--th him. He also stated that his physician, Dr. Beck, would call on the following day and verify his statement; which he did. I believe this remarkable cure, reported by the highest authority, will be the means of inducing others to employ a treatment by which many lives may be saved.

1204 Stockton St.,
Baltimore, Md., Feb. 27, 1896.
I think I owe my life to the use of the battery. I had been suffering many months with dropsy. When I commenced the use of the battery I was propped up in bed by four pillows so as to be able to get my breath. I was perfectly helpless. The battery was first applied at 9 o'clock at night, and at 12 o'clock the difficulty of breathing was relieved.

That you may form a correct opinion of my condition, some of my friends thought I would not live during the night, and sent around in the morning to learn how I was. I used the treatment twice a day, and in two weeks the dropsy was entirely relieved. It has proven very valuable in the treatment of our family for rheumatism.
Certified to by W. R. WRAY, M. D.


In former publications we have said but little about the cure of catarrh, for the reason that education had fixed in our minds the accepted belief that catarrh was an incurable disease.

Since that time we have received from many eminent physicians reports of cures, and have treated in our office a vast number of cases with curative results that have been truly surprising. I, therefore, especially desire to impress upon those afflicted with this disease the fact that the disease is for the first time curable.

Catarrh is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cells of the sieve bones of the nose, which cannot be reached by inhalation, douches, snuff, or any other form of treatment, excepting that of sending medicine by the thermic force into the part affected.

Catarrh is a disease of great importance, because the inflammation extends into the throat, bronchia, lungs and often to the stomach and bowels. Thousands of deaths occur annually from catarrhal consumption of the lungs and mesenteric glands. The following cut illustrates the mode of treatment.

[Fig 9]

The positive disk is placed under the lower jaw, the negative beside the nose on the opposite side. Twenty drops of the "Catarrh" remedy is dropped on the tablet, and is readily sent into the cellular formation of the bones mentioned; the cure is certain and prompt provided the treatment is continued with the use of wet sponge under each disk after the tablet is removed, to carry oxygen into the parts. In electro-plating the silver or other metal is carried through the water from positive to negative pole, and at the negative pole is spread upon the object that is to be plated; it then presents the appearance of silver. On the same principle the blood circulation acts as a fluid to convey the medicine from positive to negative pole. Here, as in other chronic ailments, it is best to give us the symptoms.


When the catarrh extends from the Eustachian tube of the throat into the middle or inner ear, it produces a deposit upon the mucous membrane surrounding the bones of the middle ear, and deafness is the result. No treatment has ever before been of any value in this form of deafness. A cure can be accomplished in a very short time by applying the treatment in the manner shown in fig. 9. The most valuable remedy we have yet discovered is 20 drops Tr. Aconite, 2 drs. Tr. Iodine and 2 oz. of water, mixed. Twenty drops of this solution is carried into the middle or inner ear once or twice a day; usually once is sufficient.

As catarrhal deafness has never been benefited by medical treatment, it did not occur to me to think that our discovery might be of benefit in that complaint, until Francis Eppley, attorney, Nassau Street, this city, called at the office and stated he had lost the hearing of one ear from catarrh, and was fast losing the hearing of the other. He had a constant roaring, singing, buzzing in the ear, which was very distressing. I applied the treatment in the manner described, and in four days he was relieved. He desires more fully to explain the treatment and its results to any who will inquire of him or write him.

This encouraged us to make further trial of the treatment, and we invited deaf people to call. Our next patient was Mr. Frank B. Leavenworth of Rochester, N.Y. He was very deaf, had been afflicted for seven years. By the first treatment he so far improved as to permit me to carry on a conversation with him at a distance of five feet. After three applications he went home, stating he was entirely well.

Our next case was Mr. L. Fox, residing at 1268 Lexington avenue, this city. He had been deaf for about twelve years, was only able to hear when one shouted loudly in his ear. The roaring (tinnitus aurium) was very distressing. In ten days I conversed with him without difficulty at a distance of ten feet, and in two weeks he readily carried on an ordinary conversation across the room. He desires me to state that he will take pleasure in giving further particulars to any one who wishes to inquire.
The evidence has been so conclusive that I now positively state that catarrhal deafness can, for the first and only time, be cured.


is due to a chronic inflammation of the walls of the stomach, which prevents the normal secretion of gastric juice and interferes with the digestion. Those who reflect will recognize the folly of mixing medicine with the food contents of the stomach. The medicine never enters the walls so as to come in contact with the diseased parts. The disease is curable, provided the sufferer comprehends the important fact that the inflammation is aggravated by the presence of food; and that time is an important factor of a cure.

Place the positive disk on the left border of the stomach near the floating ribs, the negative on the opposite end of the organ. The temperature of the water in which the battery is placed must be regulated by the sensitiveness of the patient; we have found some cases where the water could not be used any colder than 60 degrees F. without aggravating the disease, others could have the battery immersed in broken ice. Ten drops of the "Dyspepsia" remedy should be always used with each administration of oxygen, and the treatment continued for one half hour, and repeated as frequently as the urgency of the case requires.

Every person is the best judge of his or her own diet, therefore my prescription is that every patient take only such food as his experience dictates.


I believe I have as faithfully endeavored to find a cure for this most distressing of all ailments as any other surgeon.

In 1855 I ligated the carotid arteries in a great number of cases with the hope that by reducing the supply of blood to the brain the disease would be arrested; but the treatment proved a failure. I then commenced the use of bromides, and found it would often arrest the spasm, but this was largely done at the expense of a loss of the intellectual faculties.

A few years since an epileptic patient called at my house, stating that he had had the disease for 20 years. I gave him a battery and directed him to send medicine into the upper portion of the spine and brain and to report in six months. I had no expectation of benefiting him but, to my surprise and pleasure, he called at the office at the end of six months and stated that he was well. Soon after this experience he wrote me that the treatment had cured his son of epilepsy.

We have been successful in other cases, resulting in the percentage of cure before stated.

I prefer to prescribe for each individual case, therefore those desiring to employ the treatment are requested to write me their symptoms from which I can better determine whether the treatment will be of advantage to them or not. In either event, I will send them in time such advice, as in my judgment, their case may seem to require.


Dr. Actley Cooper very truthfully stated that 95 per cent of all diseases were the product of inflammation and accompanied with fever. Nature is admitted to be the mother of all cure. It reduces the heat of the body by rapid breathing. Doctors give aconite, digitalis, etc., for the purpose of slowing down the action of the heart, thereby defeating the purpose of Nature, which intends that the heart shall pump more rapidly to distribute the excess of oxygen inhaled. The Ozone Generator decomposes water and sends 8-9 of it (oxygen) into the blood circulation, the other  1-9 (hydrogen) goes over to the negative pole and in this way just as certainly puts out the heat of fever as water puts out a fire. I have never applied the Generator in a case of fever without having the pulse reduced from 10 to 20 beats during the first application. I here assert that families, by the use of my discovery, can cure any form of fever by the introduction of oxygen in less time and with more certainty than any physician can with medicine.

If this was the only merit the treatment possessed, it would be ---- ---because a vast number die from the effects of fever.

Fevers are the product of a disturbance in the venous circulation, where they are caused by the presence of disease-producing germs.

Malarial Fever is produced by the inhalation of germs which propagate by the decay of vegetation. Scarlet fever, diphtheria, etc., are epidemics. Their germs float in the atmosphere, are inhaled and taken with food and water.


The typhoid germs breed and multiply in Peyer's patches (or Peyer's glands) of the abdomen. The period occupied by their breeding is known as the first stage of the fever. From the glands they are carried into the blood circulation, and their presence in the circulation causes the second stage of the fever. The death and decay of the germs is the third stage, provided death of the patient does not occur earlier.

From evidence furnished in hospital practice, and from my own experience in both hospital and private practice, I am prepared to state and prove that stomach medication is of no value in this fever, nor any other treatment excepting that which destroys the germs. The evidence obtained from medical authority is beyond contradiction, that by the use of the Generator, as shown in fig. 10, ozone, allotropic oxygen, can be carried into Peyer's glands and destroys the typhoid germs by two or three applications, when the fever will end. The treatment should be applied as follows:

[Fig. 10]

Gird the body with a piece of elastic tape, in which insert the disks so that the positive shall be a little to the right of the navel, the negative about three or four inches to the left of the positive. Let the Generator stand in very cold ice water. Have sponges wet in tepid salt water under each disk; they should be wet anew every ten minutes, and the treatment continued for one hour. If the pulse is reduced 15 or 20 beats, and the temperature 2 to 22 degrees, then wait and do not apply the treatment for eight or ten hours, when it may be reapplied as before until no evidence of the disease remains.

Note what we state in reference to sending a battery to any one having typhoid fever in its first stage.

The first application I made in a typhoid fever case I have often reported. The patient, Mr. J. Cooper, Prospect street, East Orange, N. J., had been sick and under a physician's care for twelve days. When I saw him the pulse was 125, temperature 104. Application made at 10 P. M.; at 1 A. M. temperature was reduced to 99, pulse to 90. Treatment reapplied in the morning and again in the evening. No other treatment was given. Patient was given a generous diet, and his recovery, unlike other recoveries in this disease, was not accompanied by great prostration.

Case 2, the fever was in the second stage and very violent; pulse 130, temperature 105. The Generator was put in solid ice, treatment applied for two hours, and repeated at the end of four hours, when a gentle perspiration occurred on the forehead and other parts of the body. The pulse was now reduced to 100, temperature to 103. The after-treatment consisted of two or three applications a day, and the patient (though the case had been pronounced by the physicians in attendance to be probably fatal) made a quick recovery.

Having published numerous letters from eminent physicians, as J. C. Hummer, M. D., Baltimore, Md.; D. H. Beckwith, M. D., Cleveland, Ohio; George Bliss, M. D., Maple Rapids, Mich.; Malcom Cameron, M. D., Washington, D. C., and many others, we deem it unnecessary to repeat the evidence here.


is an enlargement of the thyroid gland of the neck, and often attains a large size; sometimes producing death from pressure upon the air passages. Because of the great vascularity of the parts the gland cannot be removed, and so far as I know, medical treatment has been of no value, as there existed no means by which medicine could be carried into the growth.

The first knowledge we obtained in regard to curing goitre by the transfusion of oxygen and medicine, was from the distinguished physician, D. S. H. Sparhawk, of St. Johnsbury, Vt. He wrote us that he had met with surprising success in the treatment of cancers, and also reported a case of removal of goitre by the use of the Generator. Soon several other physicians in different parts of the country related similar results. This led us to make the application, which consisted in carrying medicine into the growth, and we soon found it was not difficult to cure even exophthalmic goitre. The prescription found most successful is always sent with the Generator, when used for this purpose, or given to the physician. E. J. Morgan, M. D., of Ithaca, N. Y., recently reported a very remarkable cure.


commonly known as piles, are a dilation or enlargement of one or more of the veins situated in the mucous membrane of the rectum. The tumors may be either internal or external. Often exhausting hemorrhage occurs. Removal by ligatures, caustic and the knife has been of much value in the treatment of this trouble, but its severity often prevents patients from submitting to it.

Fig. 14 illustrates the mode of applying the treatment. We send with the Generator oblong tablets composed of wired felt cloth. The positive disk is placed over the tumors, negative as shown in cut. We have found the most beneficial application to be a prescription composed of equal parts Tr. Hamamelis and Hydrastis, carried into the tumor by using 20 drops on the tablet. Treatment should be used every day or every second day as required. If the tumors are internal we send with the battery a wired bougie, which is first medicated and passed into the rectum, having the positive cord attached to the wired loop in the bougie. The medicine by this means can be carried through the tumor by the force as it travels from positive to negative side. Even in chronic cases, only a few weeks is required for a cure.

Joseph Fitzgerald, A. M., former editor of the Forum, writes: After your battery had cured me of partial paralysis, I wired a piece of wood pulp and passed it a little way into the rectum and attached it to the positive pole, with the negative at the lower end of the spine. I then carried into the tumors Tinct. of Hamamelis, resulting in a rapid cure. My case was a very severe one, as I had been operated upon and received other treatment for years without benefit.


The kidneys carry out of the body a large proportion of the poisonous matter produced by waste and decay. The poisonous substance is conveyed from the venous blood into the kidneys, where it is prepared for its emission. Owing to the delicate structure and the complex labor performed by the organs, a variety of diseases are often developed in the minute structure of the kidneys. The functions of the kidneys are so important that when no urine is secreted by the kidneys for a period of 24 hours, death soon follows. If a city sewer outlet is obstructed, the flushing of one of its branches would be as rational a procedure as stomach medication in kidney disease. The number of deaths which occur from diabetes, Bright's Disease, etc., ought to awaken a lively interest in a method of cure which is accomplished by sending oxygen and appropriate medicine into the substance of the kidneys.

A change of color in the urine does not necessarily indicate disease, this is produced by a variety of food, etc. If the urine is very clear and in excess, diabetes is likely to follow. A brick-dust sediment indicates an excess of urea or uric acid. Strong odor with ropy mucous deposits, imply the existence of a catarrhal inflammation. Pain in the back, extending along the water ducts, is often caused by an excess of alkali in the blood. Bright's Disease is suspected if the urine is scanty, has a fetid odor and contains albumen.

Oxygen sent into the kidneys neutralizes an acid or alkaline condition of the urine, also prevents the formation of albumen. Persons having any of the foregoing symptoms, can readily be relieved by the introduction of oxygen with the Generator, and a large proportion of these fatal diseases can be prevented.

It will take some time to correct existing errors in reference to medication, and to make the important fact stated generally known. I am fearful that the profession are too firmly fixed in their old ideas to recognize the value of my discovery, until they are forced to do so by the people.

I am anxious to preserve life and prevent disease by the transfusion of ozone, oxygen and medicine. To do this the sick must be made to understand that my scientific discovery ought not to be compared or measured by fakes and nostrums, whose sale is for the purpose of gathering money.
To treat kidney disease the disks should be applied as shown in Fig. 11.

[Fig. 11]

Whenever there is inflammation, 20 drops of the "Kidney" remedy can be used on the tablet; if there is pain, use 15 drops of the "Pain" remedy. If the urine is scanty and there exists danger of dropsy, use 25 drops of the Tr. of Apocynum Cannabium; and in all instances send oxygen into the organs for a full half hour after the tablet is removed.


The liver is the largest gland in the body. It manufactures grape sugar and fat, which are sent to the lungs; it also produces bile to assist digestion. This complex work is accomplished by a countless number of cells; these require for the performance of their labor an extra amount of blood, which is furnished to the liver by a separate circulation system known as portal. When there is a shortage in the supply of sugar and fat for the lungs, cough and debility follow, and the symptoms are often mistaken for consumption. Oxygen sent into the liver in these cases, relieves the congestion of the liver cells, and at once they are enabled to perform their usual duties. When the amount of bile is lessened, constipation, headache and other familiar symptoms ensue.

From each cell there is a duct, these ducts unite and form the bile duct. If one of the minute ducts becomes clogged the bile passes into the blood circulation, causing the yellow color of the skin, jaundice. When the cells are obstructed it causes hardening of the liver, sclerosis, a disease heretofore believed to be incurable.

Ordinary liver complaints can be treated at home by binding a piece of elastic around the body, with the positive disk under the short ribs of the right side and the negative about two inches to the left of the pit of the stomach. The two poles of the Generator will now fairly well enclose the liver. Apply 15 drops of the "Liver" remedy, and never fail to use the wet sponges for one-half to one hour after the tablet is removed. Oxygen is an invaluable agent in the removal of obstructions of either cells or ducts; and the treatment should be applied once or twice a day according to the urgency of the symptoms. In a short time the bowels will become normal and other symptoms of disease of the liver be removed.

The treatment cures sclerosis of the liver, as shown by the following reports, and therefore it seems to me that no one need ask if it will cure other ailments when it cures this incurable disease. I report two extreme cases to show how soon a less severe case can be relieved.

David Ogden Day, conductor on the Orange Branch of the Erie Railroad, had suffered from disease of the liver for six months. His pain was constant. His family physician informed him that he had sclerosis of the liver and would live but a very few months. When we examined him, we found the liver very much enlarged. He was unable to take without nausea and vomiting any food excepting black coffee. His pain was very severe; he was unable to lie upon his right side. The treatment was applied with the "Pain" remedy and in one hour the pain was relieved. He then applied the treatment at home and reported in three weeks, stating that so far as he knew, he was entirely cured. He was hungry all the time, and ate four meals a day. He has continued his business without losing a day since the treatment, and desires any one to write him for further information in regard to his case.
Mr. J. L. Wardell, of New York City, an old soldier, while in Andersonville Prison had his health seriously impaired. He had frequent attacks of malarial fever. For five years he had employed a number of physicians for tumor of the liver. The growth was constantly increasing in size, causing him great nausea and severe pain. He was pale, weak and exhausted. We applied the "Pain" remedy here in the office, and in a few moments the pain was relieved, and the enlarged liver was reduced to its normal size. In this case the liver was larger than in any case I ever examined; it extended very nearly to the rigid groin.

Baltimore, Md., June 1, 1896
Dear Doctor - About February 15th I was called to see J. W. L. Marker, who had suffered for the last ten months with disease of the liver, stomach and bowels. His skin was of a greenish yellow; bowels very constipated; no movement without a cathartic. I treated him for about five weeks with no apparent success. I then called in consultation one of our most eminent physicians and followed his suggestions until the early part of April. My patient grew weaker, and none of his symptoms were abated. I then applied the battery and his improvement was surprisingly rapid. At this time he requires no further attention.

What is this force producing such remarkable results? This I cannot understand; but I know from observation that its cures are such that the doctor and undertaker will not be in favor of your discovery.

Office of J. W. Whaley, Dealer in Dry Goods,
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Notions and General Merchandise.
Sterling, Va., March 7, 1896.
Dear Dr. Way - I had for years suffered with rheumatism and liver trouble. My blood had become so impoverished and I was so weak, there seemed to be a very poor chance of my recovery. But my physician, Dr. J. C. Hummer, insisted I should use Beckwith's Thermo Ozone Battery. After using it three months I had improved more than I ever hoped to or dared to expect; rheumatism was so much better and I had gained strength surprisingly. I feel that I can conscientiously recommend it to all sufferers. Yours very truly,


The stomach churns the food, reduces it to a pulp that the gastric juice may the better mix with it. A valve between the stomach and first intestine opens and let pass into the duodenum such amount of the pulp as is prepared to receive in the duodenum the pancreatic juice and bile. The first intestine is but 12 inches in length, and here, as in the stomach, only preparation for digestion and assimilation goes on. The food pulp travels on through many feet of intestines, and is mostly assimilated by the labor of the mesenteric glands. Disease of the glands prevents assimilation, and the body wastes from want of nourishment; consumption of the bowels and wasting away of children are familiar examples of disease from this cause. The cause of the trouble is not in the bowels, but in the glands; therefore a cure can best be accomplished by sending medicine and oxygen into the glands. This has been done by many physicians employing the discovery. To their evidence I add one cure, sufficient to show the value of the treatment.

Mr. Ashmead, the well-known banker, had suffered with disease of the mesentery for years. He had constant pain, was fearfully emaciated, there was nausea, vomiting and constipation; in short, as in most of these cases, he had exhausted medical skill, and was abandoned to die.

The disks of the Generator were applied on each side of the abdomen, and medicine sent into the glands, with a large supply of Nature's only cure, oxygen. His improvement was rapid, and he soon recovered his health. So far as I know, no equally severe case has ever before been cured.

Simon Bros. & Co.
Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 8, 1896.
Dear Doctor - I believe it will be of interest to you to know my experience with the Thermo Ozone Battery; therefore, send you the following:  Three years since I purchased a battery for myself. I had long suffered from severe nervous prostration and was unable to sleep. Soon after using the battery my sleep was quiet and refreshing; nervous prostration entirely relieved.

I have used the battery in my family since its purchase in a variety of diseases with such excellent success that I have not required the attendance of a physician since its purchase. I loaned it to a friend in Wenonah, N. J., who had partial paralysis. He soon began to improve and in a short time he informed me that he was in good health. I also loaned the battery to another friend who had rheumatism of the shoulder joint; he was unable to raise his arm and objected to taking medicine by the stomach. He informed me that the first application removed the pain and by its use he soon recovered. I am thankful to you for the cure of my brother. I saw him today and he looks well, and is entirely a different man. As you know, he had been a sufferer for many years, employed a variety of physicians, but steadily declined. His case was apparently complicated; he suffered from disease of the bowels and lungs. In my opinion your treatment saved his life. Yours, very truly,

Dear Doctor - When my husband began your treatment, we had no hopes of his recovery. He had employed several physicians, who stated that he had consumption of the bowels, and his lungs were diseased. His loss of flesh was terrible, pain constant and very severe, could not sleep, cough severe, had several hemorrhages. In a little time by the use of the battery his improvement was surprising, and has steadily continued until he has nearly or quite recovered.


The construction of the nerves is such that but few diseases originate in the nerve substance. Even nerve pain is due to pressure upon a nerve; this is exemplified in toothache; when the pressure is removed from the nerve by extraction of the tooth, the pain at once ceases. This information is important in the treatment of nervous diseases, because it has been the custom to treat the substance of the nerves and not the surrounding tissue, which, from disorganization or pressure, causes the disturbance.


is a marked example of the correctness of the previous statement. Here the posterior portion of the spinal cord becomes hardened, presses on the roots of the nerves of motion so as to make the movement of the limbs uncertain, as implied in the word ataxia. The prominent symptoms of this ailment are inability to walk with the eyes closed, or to stand with the toes brought together; pain extends from the back down the limbs. In time the hardening increases, when complete paralysis and death follow.

It is considered by the profession an incurable disease; but by means of our discovery, by which ozone, oxygen and medicine are carried into the hardened and partially disorganized spinal cord, a great many cures have been effected. We have cured cases of from eight to ten years' standing; this, of course, requires a long time; fresh cases are cured in a brief period.

The Generator should stand in very cold ice water, so as to give a good degree of force. The disks are to be applied on each side of the spine, usually between the hips and back, as this is the most frequent seat of the disease. Twenty drops of the "Locomotor Ataxia" medicine should be carried into the spine once or twice a day, never forgetting to continue the use of the battery for a full hour with wet sponges under the disks, that abundance of oxygen may enter the diseased tissues and restore them to health.

As these cases are chronic, we prefer to send explicit directions to each patient, and have them write us from time to time that we may continue the treatment and give such advice to the patient as our experience affords.

I earnestly desire you to read with care the evidence here offered, as it relates to the first and only cures of the same severity heretofore reported.

24 West Sixty-fourth St., New York.
Dear Doctor - I cheerfully repeat what I have before stated. My father died from locomotor ataxia. I was attacked with the same disease while residing in Paris. I had been afflicted for more than nine years when I commenced the use of the Thermo Ozone treatment. Was treated for three years by Dr. Charcot, of Paris; also by eminent specialists in Berlin, Brussels, Philadelphia and New York. During the whole period I slowly grew worse. I was manager of the Paris Opera House, then became associated with Mr. Abbey in the management of Mme. Bernhardt, which brought me to this country. I became unable to attend to any business, could not walk without assistance, was unable to stand a single moment with my eyes closed. My suffering was so severe, and pain so constant, that no one but those similarly afflicted can appreciate its severity.

Mrs. D. applied the treatment of sending medicine and oxygen into the spinal cord, which relieved the pain at once, but I did not improve in walking for several months, when I commenced walking better, and have continued to improve until now I am nearly well. I will gladly answer any letters of inquiry respecting the treatment in my own case, as I shall be only too glad to make known to others having locomotor ataxia, the curative effect of your treatment.       Yours very truly,

20 E. Seneca St.,
Ithaca, N. Y., Mar. 8, 1897.
Dear Doctor - A year ago last September I found I had great difficulty in walking; my fingers and hands became numb and were seemingly paralyzed.I was also affected with a sensation of peculiar tightness and constriction of the abdomen. In a short time I lost control of the evacuations of the bowels and bladder. My physician informed me that I had locomotor ataxia. I have consulted Drs. Dana and Petersen of New York, Hunn of Albany, and others; these physicians in their examinations made severe tests, such as jabbing my feet at $20.00 a jab. They all agreed that I was incurable and could do nothing more than make myself comfortable.

I spent six months in the Brooklyn Hospital, and some time in the Sanitarium at Atlantic City. My health became seriously impaired, my weight was reduced from 138 lbs. to 113. It was with the great difficulty that I could walk. My gait was staggering, like similar cases of locomotor ataxia. I could not stand if my eyes were closed. In this condition, on January 12, 1897, I commenced the use of the Thermo-Ozone Battery by the recommendation of E. J. Morgan, M. D., of Ithaca, N. Y.
I have paid other physicians the sum of $2,400. I paid you $10 for your invention, and by its use cured myself. I am by profession a musical director as well as singer. I was obliged in my horrible condition to do some work, which, in my opinion, may have retarded the rapidity of cure. I had previously suffered very severe pain, which was removed in a few days after applying the treatment. I have steadily gained, until now I walk without difficulty. Last week I visited Buffalo and was able to instruct 30 pupils in a Spanish dance by dancing myself. I have regained my former weight; my appetite is tremendous and my secretions normal.

A few days since this patient visited our office, stating that he had walked that morning 12 miles. He was apparently in good health, and scarcely any evidence of locomotor ataxia existed. He walked without staggering with his eyes blindfolded, and was able to swing his feet over the top of chairs without any inconvenience.

Staffordshire, Eng., January 8, 1897.
Dear Doctor - My friends here are surprised at my cure. As I told you in your office, I had suffered from locomotor ataxia for three years, was sent by my physician across the sea, was unable to walk, suffered severe pain, especially in the left side.

I commenced the battery treatment in July, 1896. I was so nearly well that I returned home in December, and have been improving ever since. As I was unable to use my hand, the present writing will give you an idea of my great improvement.

Straughn, Ind., July 20, 1897.
Dear Doctor - By the use of the Thermo-Ozone Generator I have so nearly recovered that I am able to walk a considerable distance. I never expected to walk again. My improvement has induced my friends to propose that I become a candidate for county auditor. I think I am able to make the canvass. Refer any persons afflicted with locomotor ataxia to me.
Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Hardwood Lumber.

Stevens Point, Wis., July 20, 1897.
Dear Doctor - My husband has improved so rapidly that he is able to walk better, and is much stronger. Every one remarks about his improvement, and we all feel encouraged, etc., etc.

Geo. F. Jackson,
424 Guaranty Loan Building.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 18, 1897.
S. R. Beckwith, M. D.,
114 Fifth Ave., New York.
My Dear Doctor - I scarcely know how to command words to express my gratitude to you. I have suffered from locomotor ataxia for over two and a half years. I first noticed that the bowels and urinary organs were losing all sensation and becoming irregular in their functions; then shocks of pain began to be felt, first at long intervals, and then soon occurred at every moment, night and day. These shocks continued for months in spite of all medical treatment. Finally my steps became uncertain and I nearly lost all control of my locomotion, as well as the bowels and bladder. My chest felt as if encased in wood, and any extra effort caused dizziness and loss of sight. I dared not attempt to walk in the dark or with my eyes closed. I had an unmistakable feeling that I had lost my hold on life. All ambition, energy and hope were gone.

Last March or April, I commenced using your battery; it was some time before I noticed any change. It came gradually. About a month or more ago, I began to feel like a new creature. My lungs could expand to their utmost, my steps became more elastic, and I could walk steadier and faster. I am still on the upward grade, feeling I have a new lease on life; and all this has been accomplished while laboring under no ordinary mental strain, which would have a natural tendency to drag me lower down. Now I can walk, run, jump, hit and throw my feet over the back of a chair, shut my eyes and walk, or walk in the dark. And need I say if I could command language that could explain fully the wonderful powers of your remarkable discovery, I would gladly use it to let those in like hopeless condition know how they can be cured.
Yours very respectfully,

As locomotor ataxia is recognized as a disease incurable by ordinary medical treatment, we have devoted an unusual amount of space to prove that by the means of our discovery it can be cured.


Possibly a better term would be brain fag, as this disease arises from a disturbance of the brain in the manner hereafter explained. I found while I was consulting physician to our Cincinnati Private Hospital for nervous disease, that a large percentage of insanity was produced by this form of disease. For this and other important reasons, I desire to make clear the cause of this terrible ailment.

The brain is composed of a countless number of minute cells. In these cells thoughts and ideas originate. To enable the cells to perform their work, an arterial capillary is connected with each cell, and sends into it both oxygen and nourishment, and receives in their place the waste and decay produced by brain work. This vessel becomes a vein as seen as the nourishment and oxygen are discharged into the cell. The office of the vein is to remove the deposits of decay. When the brain is overworked the amount of decay is in excess of the capability of the vein to remove it, and nervous prostration is the result.

It is so well known to the profession that stomach medication is of no earthy value, that the unfortunate practice has been adopted of sending these patients away from home to receive purchased attention and care. Now for the first time the art of medicine offers a cure. By our discovery oxygen is sent into these veins, reoxydizing the blood, removing deposits, and rapidly restoring the patient to health.


is a symptom of this disease; the constant pressure against the nerve cells by congested veins causes inability to sleep. Narcotics are but temporary in their effect, and, as a whole, very harmful.
In severe cases of nervous prostration, the disks should be applied to the temples, 15 drops of the "Nervous" medicine may be used, followed by the usual application of the sponges. In less severe cases the treatment may be applied to the wrist or ankle.

In insomnia, the disks should be applied to the ankle and the "Nervous" medicine in severe cases used in 15 to 20 drop doses; this treatment may be repeated every ten minutes if needed, but the cure is not accomplished by the medicine, but by the use of Nature's only curative agent, oxygen.


As before stated, its cause is pressure upon the nerve; as in case of tic-doloreux, where there is thickening around the nerve below the ear, where the nerve comes from the brain. This pressure causes pain in the face.

Always apply the positive disk over the seat of pain. For example, in sciatica, apply the positive disk over the seat of pain, the negative a few inches above. In tic-doloreux the negative disk should be applied just below the ear over the nerve, and the positive on the face over the seat of pain. The "Pain" remedy can be used in 15-drop doses in the manner before described.


Pain in the head may be either reflex from the stomach, or may be due to a slight congestion of the veins of the brain, or to nervous irritation. The disks should be applied to the temples in the manner shown in fig. 12, and 15 drops of the "Pain" medicine used.

[Fig. 12]

In all nervous diseases watch carefully the effect of the force and if any aggravations occur, use the water at a temperature of about 50 to 60 degrees. It must be understood that in every disease patients must exercise their own judgment in regard to the higher or lower temperature of the bath in which the Generator is immersed.


Scarlet fever, diphtheria, and other epidemics, are caused by disease-producing germs, which multiply with increased rapidity with the advent of every new case. It is important to those having care of children that they introduce ozone into their blood circulation whenever an epidemic commences, for the purpose of destroying the bacteria before they have accumulated in such numbers as to cause these fatal ailments. Supposing there is an epidemic of scarlet fever or diphtheria, the first cases are usually mild, but each succeeding case increases in severity. Parents will see the importance of destroying the disease-producing germs as soon as an epidemic makes its appearance. This end is secured by the use of the Thermo-Ozone Generator.

If you ask your physician in regard to this treatment, he may reply, as thousands of members of the profession have done for centuries, that bacteria cannot be destroyed in the manner stated. But if you inquire of science, the answer is emphatic, that ozone is the only agent that can destroy disease-producing germs; and experience proves the truth of this statement.

Prevention is accomplished by applying the disks to the child's ankle or wrist, with the sponges wet in salt water, for one-half hour every day until the epidemic passes over. If the disease has commenced, then use five drops of the "Fever" remedy on the tablet for ten minutes, to be followed by the use of the sponges.

MEASLES requires no treatment, unless there is high fever and the eruption fails to appear. The excellent results obtained in the following cases furnish proof of the efficacy of this treatment in fevers.

Nashville, Tenn., March 20, 1896.
Dear Doctor - This city has suffered from a plague called black measles. It is almost impossible to get the eruption out; physicians have been of little service. Our daughter, 12 years old, was suffering from measles, became violently ill. There was no appearance of eruption, and I dare not trust to physicians. I applied the battery every three hours, and on the following day the eruption came out full, and the child soon recovered. In a few days after, our grandchild, 5 years of age, became very violently ill from the same disease; the case was far more difficult than in our own child, but I applied the battery, and in two or three days, by sitting up with her every night and watching every symptom, using the battery whenever there was congestion of the brain, the eruption was brought out, and she is now restored to good health.

We are all truly grateful to you for making this valuable discovery, which undoubtedly has saved the lives of two of our children.
Yours with much gratitude,

Athol, Mass., June 10, 1897.
Dear Doctor - After my brother wrote me that the Thermo-Ozone treatment had cured him of locomotor ataxia, I procured a battery for my wife, who has been sick for years. I have employed nine different physicians, without the least benefit. By the use of the battery she has been relieved of much suffering, and I now believe if I had known of the treatment a year ago she would have been cured.

I want to tell you of the good results we have obtained by its use in another case. My neighbor, Mr. Richardson, was unable to walk on account of paralysis. I think he bought a battery about two months since; he now walks to the barber shop. Mrs. Reynolds walks up the steps to her house. How is that? Before she used the battery she had to be carried.

One of my daughters had German measles, and the doctor could not bring out the eruption or control the fever. We applied the disks to the wrist with sponges wet in salt water. The fever was soon reduced and the rash appeared in a few hours. She recovered, and was in school some days before a neighbor's child with measles was up. This is what your treatment does.


When I first commenced the practice of surgery, women were so rarely afflicted with diseases peculiar to their sex that no one had written a treatise upon the subject. At this early period, I removed an ovarian tumor without a knowledge of its character, for the reason that the subject was not understood. Soon after I devoted a section of my Lake Street Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, to the treatment of this class of ailments. And as I now contrast the few cases that then existed with the legion of such cases met with at the present time, I am compelled to believe (as women are much the same as they were fifty years ago) that something is wrong in medicine; for it is evident that 100 women are now undergoing medical treatment where formerly there was but one. In common with other physicians of long experience, I am certain that medical treatment as a whole, as now applied to these cases, is fruitful of harm. The treatment mostly consists of local applications, curetting, cauterizing and other severe treatment, which only gives temporary relief, and in a few months the patients are even in a worse condition than they were before they received treatment. It has become a common saying, and to a large extent is true, that women make doctors rich and their husbands poor by the expense of medical treatment.

Diseases of the uterus can as well be diagnosed as diseases of other organs, and are equally amenable to treatment without the necessity of severe applications.


When the organ falls backwards, forward, or to either side, the displacement is due to an enlargement, and is produced by chronic inflammation of the inner membrane of the organ. Reduce this bulk and weight, and the ligaments will restore the uterus to its natural position. This reduction can readily be accomplished as shown in fig. 13, by transmitting appropriate remedies into the substance of the womb; this, together with the effect of the force developed by the Generator, removes disease deposits in a more rapid manner than any treatment heretofore known.

[Fig. 13]

The treatment is simple and can be applied by any patient, and when a cure is accomplished it is permanent.

The disks of the Generator should be applied two or three times a week with the medicine furnished in the family case for this purpose; or a physician's prescription may be used. Whenever neuralgia occurs then 15 drops of the "Pain" remedy should be used on the tablet. Oxygen is very useful in reducing these enlargements and controlling the inflammation, for the reason that no other organ of the body has such a large amount of venous circulation.


This is usually due to a chronic inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes or uterus, which constricts the diameter of the tube and causes pain in the transit of the ovum from the ovary to the uterus. In some cases the pain is produced by a thickening and enlargement of the ovaries. I know of no other treatment which can remove the cause of this trouble but that of sending oxygen and medicine into the inflamed tissues. To do this, put the Generator in ice water, place the positive disk over the seat of pain and the negative over the opposite ovary. The application should be made twice a week until three days before the menstrual period occurs, then it should be applied twice a day. As soon as the colic occurs use the "Pain" remedy with the Generator every hour until the pain subsides. One or two applications are usually sufficient for this purpose.

From the numerous cases we have cured, we are warranted in stating that the treatment is eminently successful in nearly every case.


as the term implies, is a white discharge from the uterus. This discharge is the product of a catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ. Care is necessary in many cases not to arrest the discharge too suddenly, otherwise the organ will become enlarged.

Apply the Generator as shown in fig. 13, using 20 drops of a prescription composed of Pinus Canadensis, 1 oz.; Iodide Potassium, 20 grs.; dissolved in 1 oz of water. In chronic cases, where the discharge is profuse and offensive, we use a uterine bougie, to which is attached the positive pole of the Generator, and the medicine is carried directly into the mucous membrane of the organ. As these cases are always chronic, it is best that we send the treatment and applications with the Generator, and thereafter direct the treatment according to information obtained from the patient.


is a growth which occurs within the walls of the uterus, or upon its external or internal surface. The art of medicine offers no relief. Surgery demands a removal of the uterus and ovaries. The operation is exceedingly dangerous. Unless other surgeons have operated with far more skill than I possess, the average mortality would not be less than 70 per cent. I am inclined to the opinion that the remarkable cures reported to have been effected by surgical means are similar in value to the reports of fortunes made by dealing in stocks; when one man is successful it is generally known, but the hundreds who lose are never heard from.

It is impossible to express in words the profound gratitude and pleasure I have enjoyed in observing removal of fibroid tumors by the introduction of oxygen and appropriate remedies into these growths. Read with care the report of the following cures, and then if the treatment is to be adopted let the party give me a detailed statement of her symptoms, and I will send a prescription with the Generator.

Warwick, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1896.
Dr. S. R. Beckwith:
Dear Doctor - I have now used the battery over the ovaries for four weeks in the manner directed and prescription prescribed, and it has entirely relieved the pain from those organs and reduced the size of the tumor on the right side.    Yours very truly,

Mercur, Utah, Dec. 16, 1896.
Dr. S. R. Beckwith:
Dear Doctor - I have used the battery treatment now in my wife's case for one month, and to my surprise the tumor is reduced 23 inches and the pain is entirely relieved by the treatment.
Yours fraternally,
D. A. SYKES, M. D.

Athens, Ga., Nov. 12, 1896.
Dear Doctor - I want another battery for a very severe case of hemorrhage. The battery that I obtained of you three months since was for a lady suffering from an ovarian growth, which surgeons desired to operate upon. She also had a troublesome cough, general debility, with prolapsus, and many obscure symptoms. It affords me no common pleasure to state that the tumor has nearly disappeared and the cough gone, and that she is now nearly well.
Yours fraternally,

Montreal, Can., Dec. 18, 1896.
Dear Doctor - I have used your battery since the 4th inst., as directed, carrying the medicine into the growth. It has entirely removed the pain, from which I suffered severely, and has reduced the size of the growth at least one-half. The lumps surrounding the tumor are nearly gone. I feel confident that I shall not be compelled to suffer another operation, and I believe the treatment will save my life, as my physician says the return of the cancer is evidence that a second operation would be of no value. My recovery is due to the recommendation of your battery by Miss C. E. Orkney, of Los Angeles, Cal.    Yours truly,

Savannah, Ga., Oct. 29, 1896.
I have now used the battery in a number of cases, all of which were difficult. In one case of paralysis the improvement was something wonderful. I am satisfied that it is the most successful treatment known. I also treated a case of fibroid tumor, carrying into the growth Iodide of Potassium, Iodine and Ergotine. I am satisfied that the patient will recover. Several surgeons had recommended a removal. I have also observed remarkable results in a case of ulceration of the hand and forearm. Amputation had been advised. I carried into the ulcerated tissues solution of Nitrate of Silver, etc., and the patient will recover.

Brussels, Ont., Sept. 10, 1896.
My case was diagnosed by Drs. Campbell, Dewey, and Wm. Gunn as a malignant growth of the breast. The tumor was quite large and I suffered severe pain. I also had lumps under my arm. By the use of the battery and the medicine you sent the pain has entirely disappeared and the large lumps, I might say, do not exist.

Bentley Block, Ithaca, N. Y., April 5, 1897.
Dear Dr. Beckwith - By the use of the battery the tumor of my neck, which the doctors call exopthalmic goitre, has been nearly cured. My physician says that there is no doubt I will soon be entirely well.

I have used Dr. Morgan's prescription with the battery for my nervousness, and it has entirely relieved it.

My sister had an abscess in the right ovary, since then she has had an ovarian tumor. Dr. Morgan applied the battery with medicine, and it has reduced the size of the growth very much in a short time.
Verified by E. J. MORGAN, M. D.

Onondaga, N. Y., May 21, 1897.
I desire to say that in my wife's case (uterine fibroid) the battery treatment is helping her.   GEO. CURTIS.

On February 3, 1897, Mrs. _____ of Newark, N. J., visited our office, stating that she was suffering from a fibroid tumor, and had recently been examined by Dr. Bull and other distinguished surgeons, who diagnosed her case as one of fibro-cystic tumor, and informed her that a removal by the knife was necessary to preserve her life.

On examination we found the tumor was of large size, and directed the application of the battery to each side of the growth with medicine to be sent into it. On March 3, she called, and made the following statement:

"Previous to employing the battery treatment, I suffered severe pain in the left and lower part of the abdomen, often as violent as toothache; the entire abdomen was sore to the least pressure and produced intolerable pain. My abdomen was very much enlarged, and it was only with difficulty that I could walk. Going upstairs distressed me. Since employing the treatment the pain and soreness has been entirely removed. My bowels, which were obstinately constipated, have become regular. My abdomen is reduced in size so I can walk with ease."

We re-examined this patient, found little or no enlargement of the abdomen, and the large tumor was reduced to about the size of a walnut.

In the summer of 1893, Dr. D. H. Beckwith of Cleveland, O., wrote me that the wife of Professor Potwin of the Adelbert College had an ovarian tumor, and ordered a battery. The following letter shows results of the treatment.

Clifton Springs, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1894.
Dear Dr. Beckwith - Perhaps you may remember sending a battery to Mrs. L. S. Potwin of Cleveland a year ago last summer. I was one of your brother's patients there and used it for an ovarian tumor which is now cured. Will you kindly furnish me information in regard to your battery so that I may impart it to others.


Girls between the age of 12 and 16, from a cause not clearly understood, frequently become weak and emaciated; their color is of a palish green, from which the disease takes its name. Where such conditions exist there is a lack of the red corpuscles of blood which give color to the skin. The disease perverts the appetite, and the girl often eats chalk, slate pencil, etc. Medicine administered by the stomach is of no assistance; the administration of iron does nothing more than color the blood; it never has made nor can make a red corpuscle; nothing but oxygen can accomplish that. By the use of our discovery the disease is cured in a very short time, and it is rare that any medicine is required. The disks are applied to the ankle or wrist once a day with wet sponges for a full hour, then the color of the menstruation becomes normal and a red hue is noticed in the skin. The application may then be made every second day. If the patient is greatly debilitated, with feeble action of the heart, then prior to the use of the sponges, 15 drops of the Tr. of Helonias should be introduced into the circulation by the use of the Generator.


This terrible disease, nearly always fatal, cannot be cured by the art either of surgery or of medicine. The gland cannot be safely removed. When I was younger I tried the experiment; it resulted in the death of the patient.

Every man past 45 years of age should carefully note the following symptoms, as the disease is insidious in its progress. The first symptom observed is too frequent urinating, accompanied with slight pain; the stream is reduced in size, stools flattened from pressure upon the rectum by the enlarged prostate gland. As the enlargement progresses the urine can only be voided by the use of a catheter. Spasmodic pains occur in the parts, the whole system suffers, pus forms in the gland and is discharged with the urine, afterward it burrows deep into the tissues of the parts, and the distressing scene ends in death.

The disease is not caused by imprudence. From its frequency it is called the old man's fatal inheritance. It is sad to contemplate the complete failure of medicine in regard to this ailment. I thank Heaven that a force has been discovered by which medicine and Nature's curative agents, ozone and oxygen, are sent into the enlarged prostate, quickly reducing it.

[Fig. 14]

On the authority given by a very long and extensive surgical practice, I desire to urge upon men of advanced age to carefully observe all the foregoing symptoms; also to fully examine into the principle and philosophy involved in my discovery, and to note the large percentage of cures which have been effected by the use of the treatment. It is applied as shown in fig. 14; the positive disk rests over the gland, the negative on the lower part of the spine. On the same principle as is employed in electro-plating, medicine, ozone and oxygen are sent by the force into the gland, and as readily reduces its size as if it were an external growth.

If the gland has not become ulcerated, and there is no free discharge of pus, then do not delay a moment in commencing the use of the treatment, for the reason that few cures can be accomplished after ulceration has broken down the tissues.

With the Generator we send to each patient such remedies as have proven most beneficial in this disease; the patient can employ the Generator to administer either these or the remedies prescribed by his physician. Continue the treatment until your physician assures you, from examination, that the gland is reduced to its normal size. We shall be pleased to have you show our formulae to your physician before employing the medicines we send, as it is well for him to become at once an interested party in the cure.

The nature of the ailment prevents the use of the names of patients who have been cured; but we are permitted by these patients to exhibit our case-book to any one afflicted.


is caused by a peculiar germ, and its peculiarity consists in its remaining in the blood circulation after the disease has been apparently relieved. So far as I know, this form of germ is the only one that remains in the system after its morbific effects have disappeared; but that it does remain is proved by the great variety of sequels which follow La Grippe. Many cases of lung disease, pleuro-pneumonia, dropsy, paralysis, etc., are the result of La Grippe. But one agent exists which can destroy these germs, thereby preventing the dangerous after-conditions which follow the ailment. This agent is ozone (allotropic oxygen). My discovery as yet stands alone in possessing the capability of sending it into the tissues of the body. The disease is readily cured without the use of medicine, by applying the disks to the ankle or wrist twice a day during the attack. Here the current must be of good strength; therefore always let the Generator stand in very cold ice water, and wet the sponge under the disks with tepid salt water. When there is great exhaustion, I have used with success 15 drops of a weak solution of Arseni__ of Quinine on the tablet every three or four hours. If there is fever, 10 drops of the "Fever" remedy may be employed on the tablet.


During the first few years after the invention of the Thermo-Ozone Generator, we only treated a few cases of consumption, because we had no idea that it would benefit that fatal disease. E. J. Morgan, M. D., of Ithaca, N. Y., was among the first to call our attention to the value of the treatment in consumption. He has reported several cases in which the night sweats, distressing cough, difficulty of breathing and other consumptive symptoms were materially relieved by carrying appropriate remedies into the lung cells. Other physicians in different parts of the country have reported to us equally good results in the treatment of this disease by the use of the Generator. My limited experience in the treatment of consumption does not warrant me in making any confident claims regarding the cure of that disease.

As the physicians who have written me on this subject are eminent, their method of treatment should be relied upon. It consists in applying the disks on the sides of the lung affected, or on each side of the chest in case both lungs are diseased. These applications are made two or three times a day, and they urge the importance of sending oxygen into the affected parts by using the treatment with wet sponges under both disks.

I am sorry to say that physicians are a little prone to follow fashion (something like women in their dress), and I fear they are carrying the bacteria theory a little too far. Even some eminent physicians in New York state that consumption is due to the presence of bacteria in the lungs, and they claim to prove it by finding these germs in the sputa. I venture to question the correctness of this opinion. I think that tubercular consumption produces cavities in the lungs, in which the pus remains for some little time, and the germs are formed in this retained pus much in the same manner as they are formed in decayed cheese; the germs from this reason are detected in the sputa.

Catarrhal consumption is materially benefited by our treatment; that I know from experience. Many cases of consumption are the product of chronic pneumonia. Here appropriate remedies carried into the lung tissues will relieve the chronic inflammation and a cure follows. In every case where our treatment is employed, I shall be pleased to send with the invention full directions and such prescriptions as the distinguished physicians recommend who have benefited their patients by the treatment. Do not be deceived by statements made by any one that they have transfused medicine into the lungs by the use of electric appliances without injuring the patient. It cannot be done, for the force is not even and continuous enough to accomplish this result.


The importance of this ailment, I think, has been overlooked by the profession. At least I plead guilty to this error. Since our discovery has become largely used in every part of the country, we have received hundreds and hundreds of letters from most respectable correspondents, describing their symptoms caused by this class of ailments. In nearly every instance the parties complain of great exhaustion, general weakness, nervous excitation and impaired mental activity. They universally trace their conditions to weakness of the sexual organs, and I know that this class of ailments requires most careful and judicious treatment.

While consulting surgeon to our private hospital for nervous diseases in College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio, I was surprised at the very many cases of insanity resulting from this trouble, and here I found it affected females as well as males. This experience caused me to pay more careful attention to patients' statements in the last few years. We have treated a great many cases with excellent results.
The treatment consists in sending medicine into the parts affected, thus stimulating exhausted and weak nerves, and restoring normal secretions. Because of the great diversity of the symptoms that accompany this class of ailments, it is much better that each patient write me in detail their symptoms; and to those employing the treatment we will, without additional cost beyond that of the Generator, send such prescriptions as we believe are most advantageous, and will direct the treatment; or the patients may consult their physicians and by means of the Generator send their prescriptions into the parts affected. It is useless to take medicine into the stomach. Every patient who has written us has detailed his experience of stomach medication, and in no instance has a single one reported benefit from such treatment; and to me it seems folly to look for benefit in that direction.


As heart disease has for all time been considered incurable, I was slow to believe that my discovery could be of avail in this class of ailments. But physicians and patients wrote us of remarkable good results they had observed from the use of the Generator in this disease. This induced me to make a careful trial of the treatment.

As Nature always increases the rapidity of breathing in every case of illness for the purpose of taking in more oxygen, an additional burden of duty is imposed upon the heart for the distribution of this increase of oxygen; hence arise many ailments, especially of the valves.

We have not found medicine necessary for relief. Apply the disks on each side of the heart, having under each a sponge wet in tepid salt water, and repeat the treatment once or twice a day according to the urgency of the symptoms. In event of great pain or fever, as endocarditis, then 15 drops of the "Fever" remedy can be used. Heart failure cannot occur where the Generator is applied, because the oxygen and ozone stimulate the heart so that its pump action will not cease. Heart failure is a meaningless term. It would be as well to say, that a man died from want of breath as from heart failure.


Those who still employ stomach medication had better let a physician prescribe for their ailments. Those who use my discovery can cure disease by home treatment, because it for the first and only time assists Nature. This assistance consists in sending ozone, oxygen and medicine into the blood circulation, and in the wonderful effect produced upon the nerves by the newly discovered force. I know from observation that acute disease can be cured by this means at once. More than 16,000 Generators have been taken by the profession, and no physician who has prescribed its use has failed to recommend it. No doctor has condemned it, excepting those who have no knowledge of the principle involved in the discovery. I am grateful, and many sick are filled with gratitude to those physicians who have cured them by sending these natural curative agents into parts diseased.
We have sent out more than 1,000 instruments on conditional sale, and only three have been returned; all the others have been paid for, because they justified the claims made for them. Those who measure worth by a money standard, will say that such proof of a curative value is positive and undeniable.

I here add additional medical evidence, not that I consider it necessary (because I believe that which we have heretofore given is more than sufficient), but to afford a contrast to the mass of incompetent and irresponsible testimony published in favor of many valueless and often harmful nostrums. For example, millions of dollars have been made in selling Sarsaparilla, which does not possess as much medical virtue as catnip. Worthless devices, consisting of an inert cell (tube immersed in ice water) and a tinsel wire, find purchasers for two reasons. First, on the strength of testimony procured from nervous people. Second, on the ground of the false claim that by the use of such a device oxygen is conveyed into the blood; when a school-boy knows that oxygen is only produced by electricity and chemical action, and as these devices accomplish neither, they can no more send oxygen into the blood circulation than could a string attached to a piece of cold iron and its opposite end to the body. This foolish testimony is exemplified in the statements of relief obtained by faith-cure, drinking of sanctified water, Christian science, etc., and it is about time the world rooted out this humbugery.
I introduce my discovery to the world for its benefit, and furnish proof of its value from the highest authority, to wit: MEDICAL TESTIMONY.

Petosky, Mich., July 25, 1897.
Dear Doctor - Please send me two more batteries. I will give you the history of a lady I am treating with the battery for locomotor ataxia. Age 60, case of several years' standing. She could only walk with great difficulty, sensation of limbs very imperfect. Sensation of coldness in the legs, so much so that she has been compelled to keep them wrapped in winter and summer for three or four years. She could not step up a stair without assistance. After four applications of the battery I visited her, and she informed me that she had not slept well during the night, because her limbs were so warm; in short, the coldness was entirely relieved. She also stated that she was able to move her toes and foot, which she had been unable to do when lying down for a very long time, so long she cannot tell. I believe the treatment will cure her.

Janesville, Wis., July 4, 1897.
Dear Doctor - I have only had the battery a few days. I first tried it in a case of sciatic rheumatism, and it soon gave relief; but I was dumbfounded at results obtained by its use on a boy who had left home with other boys for a week; they had daily been in a stagnant pool of slimy water. When I found the boy, the body emitted a very strong and offensive odor. The temperature was about 100, and he was suffering from sunstroke; had a very high fever, with rapid pulse and high temperature. Pulse, 140; temperature, 104. I applied the battery with medicine upon one of the tablets, and sat beside him for thirty minutes, when the pulse fell to 100, and temperature reduced to 102. No other treatment was applied in this case, except the battery was used again in the evening, and his recovery was astounding. I have practised medicine for forty years, but have never seen such a curative result by any other medical treatment.

I have applied the battery in one case of kidney trouble, and it is accomplishing the desired results.  Yours fraternally,

Peoria, Ill., June 20, 1896.
I have used the Thermo-Ozone Battery in a case of ulcerated [?]breast with wonderful success. When it was applied the pain was very severe; temperature, 102; pulse, 120. The first application reduced the pulse to 80 and temperature to 98.8, a result I have never before witnessed in my practice. I have also employed the treatment in a case of partial paralysis in a patient 35 years of age. He is rapidly improving.

Railroad, Pa., Nov. 3, 1896.
I have been suffering for a long while, as you know, from rheumatism of the knee joints. The battery has helped me a great deal. I am still using it and think if I continue it a little while longer it will result in a complete cure.

In the case of cancer we are using the battery by dropping 20 drops of the medicine on the tablet; this we place under the positive disk on the temple, the seat of cancer, and the negative disk on the opposite side. In a few moments after the tablet has been applied [?]the [?]sensation is distinct that the medicine has been carried into the [?]body [?]__sed part. The treatment has been of great service. The party sleeps well and is free from pain and says the battery is doing her good.

Princeton, Ky., Nov. 8, 1896.
I have used the battery with the prescription you sent. It not only relieves me of nervous irritation, but it is having a wonderful effect upon the tumor. Under no circumstances would I part with it.

Romeo, Mich., Dec. 21, 1896.
Dear Doctor - I am pleased to inform you that the varicose ulcer from which I have suffered so long is rapidly healing under the battery treatment and no longer gives me pain, nor is there any bleeding.
My sister is also improving from nervous prostration under the treatment.      Yours very truly,

Office of T. H. McCaul, Architect, Builder.
Belfast, Ireland, Dec. 21, 1896.
Dear Doctor - I send you an order for more batteries and also plasters. While electricity has been very much discounted here, I consider the Thermo-Ozone Battery all that is claimed for it, etc., etc.

Brussels, Ont., Sept. 10, 1896.
My case was diagnosed by Drs. Campbell, Dewey, and Wm. Gunn as a malignant growth of the breast. The tumor was quite large and I suffered severe pain. I also had lumps under my arm. By the means of the battery and the medicine you sent the pain has entirely disappeared, and the large lumps, I might say, do not exist.

Hoquiam, Wash., Aug. 16, 1896.
Since seeing the good results of your discovery in numerous cases, I concluded to try it upon myself in enlarged prostate gland, which had troubled me for five years. During the last year the difficulty grew rapidly worse and I realized the fact that I was on the eve of ulceration. I had applied to numerous physicians for treatment, but without benefit. I then applied the battery in the manner you directed and am happy to state that it has entirely relieved me. I think the result is truly wonderful in a person of my age, 67 years.
O. G. CHASE, M. D.

Reading, Cal., Nov. 3, 1896.
I_______________[?] tried your battery in my own case with excellent results. Please send me another for a patient.

202 Merrimack St., Lowell, Mass., Jan 1, 1897.
Send me another battery, this one for a case of diabetes. My first experience with your battery was treating a case of fibroid tumor of the uterus, which was fully the size of a quart cup, and in [?] weeks' use of the battery is reduced 3/4 in size.  Yours fraternally,

Appleton City, Wis., April 20, 1896.
Dear Doctor - I have been using one of your batteries whenever necessary in our family during the past year. I believe so thoroughly in its power to cure acute disease, especially lung ailments, that I can safely recommend it to others.    Yours very truly,

The popular author and physician, Dr. Platt, of Springfield, Mass., after his sister, Mrs. F. E. Barnes, had been cured of tic doloreux in four weeks by the treatment, wrote the following: "Her case was a very severe one, she had necrosis of the cheekbone; it was removed without relieving the neuralgia. The pain in her face was so violent that she required the daily service of a physician to inject morphine.

When it had been known that her cure was permanent the doctor wrote as follows:

Your battery is a success, I have known it to accomplish wonders. Lack of perseverance with many patients causes failure when it is not the fault of the battery.
S. H. PLATT, M. D.

1204 Stockton St.,
Baltimore, Md., Feb. 27, 1896.
I think I owe my life to the use of the battery. I had been suffering many months with dropsy. When I commenced the use of the battery I was propped up in bed by four pillows so as to be able to get my breath. I was perfectly helpless. The battery was first applied at 9 o'clock at night, and at 12 o'clock the difficulty of breathing was relieved.

That you may form a correct opinion of my condition, some of my friends thought I would not live during the night, and sent around in the morning to learn how I was. I used the treatment twice a day, and in two weeks the dropsy was entirely relieved. It has proven very valuable in the treatment of our family for rheumatism.
Certified to by W. R. WRAY, M. D.

The following statement, by reason of the eminence of its author, is worthy of careful consideration:

Dear Doctor - After observing the effect of your treatment by the Thermo Ozone Battery, I have become convinced that it is capable of carrying into the system oxygen and medicine, and produces better results than by any other medical treatment.

Miss Hanna, one of my patients, has informed me that by the treatment she has been cured of cancer of the breast. Her statement is correct as regards the nature of her disease and recovery. I am certain that the means employed destroyed the cancer germs.

I have observed its effect in case of paralysis of Mrs. Raymond, in [C__s?] city, and her improvement is so marked and well-defined that I think she will fully recover.

I have seen a case of locomotor ataxia where your treatment was employed, and it produced better results than I have ever before seen in this disease. I shall take pleasure in recommending the treatment to the profession.

The simplicity and safety of the treatment in connection with its certainty of cure makes it a very desirable treatment in domestic practice.
J. F. DANTER, M. D.,
Pres. American Health Association.
Toronto, Ont.

New London, Conn., Aug. 3, 1895.
Dear Doctor - The battery you sent my husband came duly to hand, and I have been using it according to directions. At first I was not able to see any change in his condition, but for the past ten days he has been improving rapidly. It is operating as you said it would, that it took time to repair the waste of the body by the introduction of oxygen, but when the improvement commenced it would be rapid.
Yours very truly,


Fearing that it is even possible that some, from frequent deception by sentimental testimony, may still question the superiority of our method of cure above others, I will report a few cases which have occurred in our own practice. The results are such that no unprejudiced, intelligent person can doubt the remarkable efficiency of the treatment. I have selected in the following reports only such cases as are known by physicians to be incurable by stomach medication.

The following narrative, remarkable as it is, I know to be true as I saw Dr. Woods and examined him in the office, and he dictated the following statement.

In January last I was taken with severe pain in the lower limbs. I soon found I was unable to walk but a few steps; the pain increased and my limbs were nearly paralyzed. My whole system was affected, I lost appetite, strength and flesh. I remained in this condition, gradually growing worse, until three weeks ago, when a neighbor called and applied the battery treatment to my limbs for one hour. To my surprise I found I was able to rise unaided, for the first time in some months, and could walk a few steps. I then telegraphed for a battery, and have used it daily since. So far as I can determine, not symptom of paralysis remains. I consider the treatment the most valuable ever yet known in the art of medicine; and my opinion is not formed alone from my own case, but many of my friends have been cured of ailments considered incurable; one, a Mr. Marshall, merchant of this town, whose life was despaired of by his brother and physician. We made a few applications of your battery, when he was able to go about and in one week had apparently recovered. Another surprising case was that of a lady who was nearly blind from amaurosis; your prescription was conveyed into the posterior chamber of the eye by placing the disks on each temple, and now she can see small objects when held before her eyes.
Newburgh, N. Y.

On February 3, 1897, Mrs. R___ of Newark, N. J., called at my office, stating that she had been examined by Dr. Bull and other gynecologists, who had diagnosed her case as fibro cystic tumor, and they stated that removal of the uterus and ovaries was necessary to preserve her life. She complained of severe pain in the lower part of the abdomen, which she described as being very violent. Her abdomen was much enlarged, and she walked with great difficulty.

The treatment was applied by placing the disks on each side of the tumor, and appropriate medicine carried into the growth. On March 3 she again called, and by examination we found the tumor well reduced. Her third visit was on April 2, when she stated that so far as she was able to determine, the tumor was removed, and she was restored to health. I made a careful examination of the case, and to my surprise and wonderment I found this growth (which no other treatment save that of the knife has ever cured) was entirely removed. Her husband called to day (August 10) and reported as follows: "My wife is in as good health as she was 25 years ago. She has not called upon you since her last visit, because she requires no treatment."

This statement from Capt. R___ expressed sufficient gratitude to repay me for the labor I have spent in perfecting my discovery. He also said: "Recently while on shipboard I cured a party with rheumatism by the use of the battery, from which he had suffered for some years."

Gen. ____, retired officer in the army, placed himself under a treatment for enlarged prostate. He had been unable to urinate for several months without the aid of the catheter; the gland was much enlarged and secreting pus. He was suffering the usual severe pain consequent upon this disease, was much emaciated, and so far as I can determine from past experience, death would soon have followed unless the enlargement and ulceration were removed.

In the manner described in the paragraph on disease of the gland, I applied a prescription composed of Iodine, Bromine and Iodide of Potassium. Within four weeks the gland had been reduced in size to such an extent that he was able to void urine without difficulty, and the ulceration had ceased. The treatment was continued for two months longer, when the patient had fully recovered.

Any surgeon or patient suffering from this terrible disease will, I believe, appreciate the great value of my discovery, even by the result obtained in this single case. As this disease was heretofore incurable, and as the transfusion of oxygen and medicine into the gland does cure the disease, I report one more case, for I believe no other evidence is more impressive respecting the importance of the treatment.

Mr. ____, residing in this city, had an enlargement of the gland which had slowly come on for several years. On examination by the rectum I found the gland very large, nearly filling the perineal space. The same treatment was applied in this case, but on account of the great enlargement it took four months to reduce the gland to its normal condition. I saw this patient recently, and he informs me that he is not suffering in the least from his former ailment.


I am satisfied that the cause of deafness has not been well understood.

Surgeons and aurists have diagnosed partial deafness (which arises from eruptive disease, as scarlet fever, or from catarrh) as due to difficulty in the eustachian tube or drum of the ear. I believe that the great majority of cases arise from a catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane surrounding the bone of the middle ear. I do not believe that paralysis of the auditory nerves often occurs; in fact, it is very rare, because no tissue in the body withstands the effect of inflammation without destruction of its substance as well as the nerves.

Acting upon this opinion, I have conveyed, by the use of my invention, appropriate medicine and oxygen into the middle or inner ear; and have not failed in curing or materially relieving a single case; our offices are daily filled with these patients. Loss of hearing from catarrh occurs in a larger percentage of people than I was aware. The deprivation of this sense, together with the distress produced by the ringing, roaring (tinnitus aurium), strongly appeals to a physician for relief. No other treatment has been of any value. Forcing air into the tube, puncturing the drum of the ear, etc., should be condemned in the most severe manner; because not one patient in one hundred has ever been benefited by such treatment; and often entire deafness has followed, in the manner reported to me by a patient today.

I believe I can do much good by impressing upon those suffering from this ailment the important fact that by our treatment the very great majority of all such cases can be cured, and that in a short time. I mention a few cases below.

Mr. Frederick Roth of Maiden Lane, this city, became deaf when a child from scarlet fever, about 35 years ago. When he applied for treatment his hearing was so very imperfect that he could only converse by having the words addressed to him spoken in the loudest posible manner into the ear. He could not hear a loud sounding bell when but a few feet away. He had never heard the sound of a street railway.

The treatment was applied twice a day for ten days. When at last I applied a watch to his ear (he had never before heard the ticking of a watch), and the surprise expressed on his face was intensely interesting; with his finger he beat the time with the watch tick, and asked: "Is this the way watches tick?" This patient is rapidly improving, and at this writing is able to carry on conversation with a person speaking in an ordinary tone of voice.

Mr. S. Danziger, 217 E. 69th St., this city, was quite as deaf as the last case. He said he had employed many distinguished aurists of this city; had spent four months in Berlin under the treatment of an aurist who had attended Emperor William; visited Europe four times last year to consult specialists, all without any benefit. After using our treatment for nine days, he for the first time in his life heard his child say "Papa." This caused so much happiness in the family that he and his wife immediately came to the office to express their gratitude, and to inform us of the result of the treatment. His hearing now is so nearly normal that we have discharged the case.

Miss Mary Seeley, 307 49th St., Brooklyn, N. Y., on July 24th, called at the office, stating that she had been partially deaf for seven years; she could hear loud conversation when addressed directly to her, but could not hear conversation between other parties. She had not heard a watch or clock tick for five years.

On July 31st, she stated that she could hear the clock tick when anywhere in the room. She readily heard my watch tick, and I was able to converse with her without difficulty.

Her third visit was on August 5th, when she said she had been able to hear the sermon on Sunday (which she had not been able to do for many years), and I carried on a conversation without difficulty in a whisper.

Similar results have been obtained with nearly every patient we have treated.

It seems superfluous for me to add further testimony of cure in cases where other means proved ineffective. If the evidence already furnished will not be believed, there is no use in multiplying further testimony.

When I discovered the existence and possible application of a natural force, capable of sending oxygen, ozone and medicine into any tissue of the body, I believed that by its use diseases could be cured with more certainty and rapidity than was possible by any other known method of cure. While it was self evident that both the principle involved in the discovery and the philosophy of cure were correct, practical demonstration was necessary before the discovery was made generally known. To accomplish this, I spent many thousands of dollars in the space of four years in treating the sick poor of New York. With wonderment and surprise, I witnessed the most remarkable cures I had ever beheld during fifty years' practice.

Actuated by a desire to spread the knowledge of the treatment, and also to leave a reputation of advancing the art of medicine, I published my discovery, and requested physicians to employ it. I appreciated the important fact that if I were in error the many medical diplomas I had signed would be turned to the wall, and I should be condemned by all reputable physicians. Now all is changed. More than 10,000 Thermo-Ozone Generators have been purchased by physicians, and their reports to us of cures in cases where they had failed with stomach medication already fill volumes.

I have given out about 1,000 Generators on conditional sale, and only three of that number have been returned. The evidence of the value of the treatment is now far beyond question; and from this on no conditional sales will be made. The invention must be purchased in the same manner as the most useful inventions are purchased.

Every one employing the treatment is requested to write us or inform us in person from time to time of its results, when without cost we will direct the treatment and send prescriptions, with the hope of still doing further good by the use of the treatment.


Since commencing to write this booklet, I have witnessed such remarkable cures by the use of my discovery, that I believe the facts should be made known. I mention a few cases with the hope of convincing physicians and others that very many lives may be saved by a knowledge of the treatment.

On Sept. 8, 1897, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Kaskesson, 303 East 86th street, New York, brought their child to the office, age three months. They stated that both consulting and attending physicians had that morning informed them that the child would not survive the day. Mrs. Kruger, a relative, after receiving this information, applied the disks of the battery on each side of the child's abdomen, and all the parties in interest agreed that the child had improved from the application. As soon as I saw the child I requested them to take it from the office, for in my opinion it was liable to die at any moment. But having been benefited by one application, I concluded to continue the treatment, which was applied two or three times a day until September 13th, when the little patient was again brought to the office nearly restored to health. On September 20th the mother informed me that the child was fully well. As near as it is possible to prognose, this child's life was preserved by the treatment. It was a very severe case of cholera infantum, and the cure was more striking, as the mother was unable to nurse the child.

Miss D., a well-known resident of this city, about to have the nerves of the face divided for a severe case of facial paralysis (tic-doloreux), came to the office, and appropriate remedies were sent by the Generator into the hardened tissues which surrounded and pressed upon a portion of the sixth pair of nerves. She was unable to move her lips or jaw without producing violent spasms of pain; her suffering was intense. By five applications she was entirely cured. This case will especially interest physicians, for those of experience well know that the division of the nerves as a rule is a failure, and no remedy has yet been employed with benefit in similar cases.

These and other similar cures ought to fill the minds of every physician with gratitude and pleasure, when he considers the possibility of curing the many diseases heretofore apparently incurable.


A few physicians have expressed doubts respecting the capability of my discovery to transfuse medicine and oxygen into the tissues of the body. As proof that the force will accomplish this result, we have the evidence of a large number of persons who have been benefited by the treatment for deafness. As soon as the catarrhal deposits are removed from the tube and other parts, the patients detect by taste the medicine administered behind the ear or upon the skin under the lower jaw. We now have further evidence upon this subject, which must remove any doubt from the mind of any intelligent person.

Mr. A. Pinover, thoroughly acquainted with electro-gilding and plating, after he had improved by the treatment, experimented with the Generator in electro-plating, and accomplished results as here shown by his letter.

Brightwood Cycles.
Pinover Cycle Mfg. Co.,
42-44 East Houston Street,
New York City, September 16, 1897.
S. R. Beckwith, M. D., 114 Fifth Avenue, City:
Dear Doctor - I have used your treatment with benefit upon myself for Locomotor Ataxia. After being benefited by the treatment, and also made aware that the medicine was conveyed into the tissues of the spine, I concluded to test the force produced by the Thermo-Ozone Generator that I had used in my home treatment. I put the instrument in ice water, attached the positive pole to a piece of silver, which was suspended in one end of a vessel containing warm water and Cyanide of Potassium. I attached the negative pole to a cent similarly suspended in the water in the opposite end of the vessel. The force in a short time heavily electro-plated the cent with silver. In my opinion, this force can be employed for plating or gilding. By the usual process, a cyanide solution of gold or silver is required for this purpose; by the force you have discovered this solution can be dispensed with.

This experiment fully proves the truth of your statement that medicine can readily be transfused into any organ of the human body.
Yours very respectfully,

I made the following experiment on September 20th: Placed the Generator in ice water, attached the positive pole to a piece of silver and immersed it in a small vessel containing a weak solution of the Cyanide of Silver; the negative disk was attached to a small copper frame, in which were placed a piece of bronze and copper cents, which were also immersed in the water at the other end of the vessel. In fifteen minutes the bronze and copper coins were well electro-plated with the silver. So far as I know, this was the most rapid piece of electro-plating yet accomplished.
If the force we have discovered will carry silver through water from positive to negative pole and deposit it upon a base metal, the conveying of medicine (on the same principle) through the blood circulation and watery portions of the body is a very simple affair compared with it.


At first I believed, and still believe, that it is a crime not to make known to the world a discovery by which families can cure acute disease at its beginning, and even very many chronic cases that have been held to be incurable. To accomplish this without violating any of the rules of the profession, I followed the example of such distinguished members of the medical profession as Drs. Hering of Philadelphia, Gray of New York, Pulte of Cincinnati, Smith of Chicago, Douglas of Milwaukee and many others, whose memories are cherished because of their useful lives. These distinguished and venerable physicians in introducing their favorite practice, supplied families with books and medicine cases. We have adopted the same plan, and furnish for home treatment a family case, as here shown, consisting of ten 2-oz. vials of medicine.
[Illus - open case showing the vials, disks, etc.]

These remedies were selected after consulting with other physicians, and I believe are the most valuable family medicines ever yet collected. Each remedy is named after the disease it is intended to cure, thereby avoiding mistakes in selecting the needed remedy.

The benefits derived from the use of the medicines when sent into the blood circulation by the Thermo force, is incalculable. For example, in case of fever, if a few drops of the "Fever" medicine are administered, together with the transfusion of oxygen, the most violent fever will be controlled in a few hours. In a case of liver disease, the "Liver" medicine is sent into the organ, causing an active secretion of bile, and restoring the party to health. If a child is attacked with diphtheria, or scarlet fever, allotropic oxygen, or ozone, set free by the decomposition of water at the positive electrode of the invention, destroys the disease-producing germs, which cause these fatal epidemics, in a few hours. All this and much more can be done in home practice.

I cannot conclude this little treatise without endeavoring to impress upon the reader the vital importance of sending oxygen into the blood circulation. Oxygen is Nature's only cure, it alone forms new red corpuscles of blood, maintains life, and rapidly restores to health those suffering from brain exhaustion, nervous prostration, insomnia, etc. No medical tonic, or mountain air can so rapidly strengthen a weak and prostrated system, as can be done by daily transfusing oxygen into the blood circulation.

Dr. Schweigh, in a forcible sentence, portrayed the advantage of this treatment, when he said: "By its use the only cause for heart failure will have been removed, and death from that cause will become a thing of the past. It is dispensing in its most active form the greatest healer that Nature possesses, and death should, except from accident or old age, be far less frequent.


It is time the world was rid of the delusion that any medicine contained in a medicated porous plaster passes through the skin. The skin is as impervious to the medicinal agents in the plaster as the rind of an apple to the filth into which the apple may fall. Wash the filth away and the interior of the fruit is found to be uncontaminated. To correct an unfortunate error and to relieve the country from paying over FIVE MILLION DOLLARS annually for medicated plasters, which are of no more value than a common pitch plaster, we invented a small battery, shown in fig. 15.

[Fig. 15]

The battery is buttoned on the plaster as shown in cut. On the inner side of the plaster are two electrodes; as the current passes from positive to negative pole, it carries the medicine in the plaster into the parts beneath it. Each plaster is properly medicated with remedies adapted to the cure of the disease for which plasters are applied, and they are respectively named, Lumbago, Rheumatic Plasters, etc.

The plasters are applied as other plasters, the battery is dipped in vinegar for a few moments and then snapped on to the plaster and can be worn about fifteen minutes. Each plaster contains a definite amount of the prescription with which they are medicated. Now an exact prescribed dose can be sent into the parts by the time the battery is continued in use. Send for special directions and report of cases. I have received a great number of letters from patients reporting cures of lumbago, local rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, etc. It is useless to print this evidence of cures, as anyone will recognize the advantage gained over any other plaster by having medicine sent into the tissues under the plaster, and from each plaster containing appropriate medicine for the cure of the disease named on the plaster, which are of twelve varieties.


[Fig. 16]

From want of hygienic care in dress and mode of living, very many women suffer from catarrh of the uterus, misplacement and enlargement of the organ. Mrs. Dr. Cook, one of the first lady graduates in medicine, many years ago invented a galvanic pessary, which she used with remarkably good results in her practice. A short time before her death she requested me to make more generally known her invention, which is shown in the above cut, fig. 16.

It is composed of copper and zinc (c. & z.), which pass into a rubber button or shield (A). Any patient can insert this pessary into the uterus with perfect ease and absolute safety. The uterus secretions are acid, which act upon the copper and zinc, generating a current at the copper side, which passes through the walls of the uterus to the zinc or negative side of the invention. By this means catarrhal inflammation of the organ or displacements are removed.

Mrs. Dr. Cook furnishes me with her case-book, which she kept for many years, and it contains a great many extraordinary cures.

We have given out to the profession a large number of these pessaries, and they speak in the highest terms of them. The special reason I have in making known this invention is the lamentable fact that the ordinary treatment of chronic disease of the uterus is a failure. Ninety per cent. of all patients who go to gynecologists for treatment will agree in the statement, that while benefited for a short time, the ailment always returns, and, finally, the treatment has to be abandoned.


was organized January 21, 1897, by several physicians and others who are satisfied from personal experience that acute and chronic disease can be cured with more certainty and in far less time by the use of Dr. Beckwith's discovery than by any other means.

The evidence already furnished by a great number of eminent physicians, who have employed the new treatment in their practice, and by many hundreds of families who have cured, by the use of this discovery, severe acute disease and obstinate chronic cases without medical assistance, is conclusive. When to all this is added the recorded cures accomplished by Dr. Beckwith during the past seven years, the value of the discovery is established beyond question.

The purpose of the organization is to make the value of the treatment more generally known, and to afford Dr. Beckwith an opportunity to devote his entire time to the treatment of the sick by letter or in the office. Dr. Beckwith's long experience in private practice, and as medical teacher and surgeon in several hospitals, is too well known to require comment respecting his ability.

The company, as owners of Dr. Beckwith's inventions and patents, will prosecute those who make, sell or use any imitation or infringements upon their rights, or those claiming to be able to generate a thermic force by a difference of temperature between a device and its electrodes when in contact with the body for the cure of disease. Will also prosecute those who claim the right to use any device which generates a force by a difference of temperature when placed in hot or cold water and its electrodes in contact with the body for the purpose of transfusion of oxygen and ozone


As this obstinate disease is more rapidly cured by our treatment than by any other, we have given it a special place in this booklet.

In acute rheumatism apply the disks of the Generator so as to enclose the inflamed joints when possible, using 15 drops of the "Rheumatic Remedy"; which can be repeated every three hours if necessary, always continuing the treatment for oxygen for a good half-hour after the medicated tablet has been removed.

As before published, it was in the treatment of this disease we discovered that the force was capable of transfusing medicine into the tissues. Continuous experiment has proved the great value of the treatment in this ailment.

In chronic rheumatism, the treatment can be applied to the ankle if the rheumatic inflammation implicates several joints or muscles. When local, use the treatment as before directed. In chronic cases it is best that each patient write us the symptoms, when we will send a prescription adapted to his individual case.

The report of the following case is but typical of many similar cures:

Glens Falls, N. Y., May 12, 1895.
Dear Dr. Beckwith - I am at a loss to know what to say in return for the benefit I have received, save that of seemingly cold words of thanks, while my heart responds to the desire that in some way you will be blessed with a just reward by the great, all-wise Father, who gave to you the capable brain to conceive of the invention which is a blessing to mankind. Although this is a cold, rainy day, a perfect torture to all rheumatics, yet with but little inconvenience I have taken a trifle longer walk than before, without experiencing as great exhaustion or pain.

After years of constant distress, sitting for the most of the time in my little corner, or in bed, with my limbs drawn up, muscles stiff and painful, especially when I attempted to move, I cannot express my gratitude for being able to walk even a few steps. In a short time I will be able to walk, and then, as you promised, you must believe I am recovering.

June 3 - A doctor visited me today; not our family physician; he told me he thought I would never be able to walk, but when I told him I could now, he said: "I once knew a patient who could walk a few steps, but soon fell back in her former condition." I then arose from my chair, and he attempted to assist me, but I declined, and walked across the room twice. He then exclaimed: "Well, Mrs. McDonald, I give it up. You will walk very soon, free and independent, etc., etc."


FIRST. - We have changed the name of our invention from Thermo-Ozone Battery to Thermo-Ozone Generator, because people are constantly associating the word "battery" with usual electrical devices. Our invention bears no relation to electricity, as it is generally understood, which produces jars, shocks and bunching of tissues, and often causes lasting injury to those who employ it for medicinal purposes.

The newly discovered force is gentle and soothing, removes disease deposits and stimulates weak and exhausted nerves.

SECOND. - It is the only method of cure which sends ozone into the home of bacteria and typhoid germs, destroying them and causing a CERTAIN CURE of these and similar fatal ailments in a

THIRD. - It is the only treatment whereby families CAN CURE acute diseases at their beginning, and many chronic cases believed incurable. [And why] not? For it is the only method of cure that [sends] NATURE'S CURATIVE AGENTS and such medicines [as necessary in the] experience of the medical profession.


Thermo-Ozone Generator ................................... $10.00
Thermo-Ozone Generator with Box containing 10 Remedies and Tablets ............................  12.50
Wired Wood Pulp Tablets, 22 doz. .........................   1.00
Extra Set of Cords .......................................    .50
One Plaster, either variety, with Galvanic Battery .......   1.00
Each additional Plaster, without Galvanic Battery ........    .25
Three Plasters in box, with Galvanic Battery .............   1.50
Six Plasters in box, with Galvanic Battery ...............   2.00
Spinal Plaster with Special Battery ......................   2.50
Worn out or broken Plates of Battery will be replaced by mail for ........................................    .25
Uterine Galvanic Pessary .................................   2.50

Advantages Gained by Those Employing the Treatment.

Without additional cost to the price of the battery, we answer all professional communications having a stamp enclosed - in which we give our diagnosis and direct the treatment as long as required with
such prescriptions as have been found most useful during a long medical experience.

Address all medical communications to S. R. BECKWITH, M.D.,
114 Fifth Avenue, New York.






Formerly Professor of Surgery University of Cleveland, Ohio;
Pulte Medical College, Cincinnati; Consulting Surgeon to the
Cleveland Hospital; Consulting Surgeon to the Cincinnati
Private Hospital for Nervous Diseases, Etc., Etc.