The Naturopathic Method of Reducing Dislocations
 After the Great French Physician LeGrange
By F. W. Collins, M.D., D.O., N.D., Ph.C.



    This work, the result of many and various practices in the field of the Healing Art, is dedicated to my son Frederick Alderton Collins.  With a father's love.

    Be MORE than his dad,
    Be a chum to the lad;
    Be a part of his life
    Every hour of the day;
    Find time to talk with him,
    Take time to walk with him,
    Share in his studies
    And share in his play;
    Take him to places,
    To ball games and races,
    Teach him the things
    That you want him to know;
    Don't keep your heart from him,
    Don't live apart from him,
    Be his best comrade,
    He's needing you so.
                        - Edgar A. Guest.


    The reduction of dislocations of the shoulder and hip-joints, as taught in the United States School of Naturopathy and the New Jersey College of Osteopathy, under the master of osteological adjustment, F. W. Collins, M.D., D.O., N.D., Ph.C., is thoroughly illustrated and explained in this book.
    The Naturopathic method of reducing dislocations of the shoulder and hip-joints, after the great French physician, LeGrange, and as demonstrated by Dr. Ellis Whitman in many of the leading medical and natpathic colleges in England, France, Germany, Japan and the United States, is considered very superior to the other methods of reduction now in use, and these methods have been corrected and improved upon by Dr. F. W. Collins.
    The superiority of this method lies in the fact that no unnecessary movements are used, and the head of the femur or humerus is replaced without any of the torn ligaments or nerves getting caught in the socket.
    Dr. LeGrange died before completing his book, and his method has never been given to the medical or drugless professions, except through the personal demonstrations of Dr. Whitman and Dr. Collins.
    With the LeGrange and Collins method, no anesthesia is necessary.


    The head of the humerus is thrown completely out of the Glenoid Cavity, lies upon the thorax, below the clavicle -and beneath the Pectoralis Major.

    Arm is at right angle, with elbow pointed out, hand hangs with palm inside.  See position of head of humerus, Fig. 1; see position of arm in Fig. 2; fingers of operator pointing to head of humerus in Fig. 3.

    Place hand upon the head of humerus, other hand grasping wrist.  See Fig. 4; raise arm straight, from body anterior to level with shoulder.  See Fig. 5; at same time press lightly on head of humerus and carry arm outward and down.  See Figs. 6 and 7 and note difference in length of arms in Figs. 4 and 7.


    Depression of head of humerus which lies in axilla, below the glenoid fossa.  Fig.  8.

    Elbow is horizontal with the shoulder, thumb is pointed toward the clavicle.  Fig. 9.

    Place fist in axilla, grasp humerus near elbow, hold steady pressure upwards against head of humerus.  Fig. 10, while arm is pulled outward and downward.


    Head of humerus lies below coracoid process of scapula. Fig. 11.

    Depression of whole shoulder which is slanted right off and downward with palm of hand turned backward.  See Fig. 12.

    Place hand upon head of humerus, keeping pressure there during entire operation, other hand grasps wrist; see Fig. 13, carry arm straight out from side of body up to a level with the shoulder, Fig. 14; then rotate the wrist inward and carry arm down to normal position.  Fig. 15, compared with Figs. 12 and 13.


    Head of the humerus lies on the coraco-acromial ligaments. Fig. 16.

    Humerus is dislocated so that head is up, elbow pointed, outward.  Forearm hangs so that the palm of the hand is inward. Fig. 17.

    Grasp wrist, other hand placed on neck of humerus, raise elbow to level with shoulder, then carry arm over till elbow is even with nose, (to the median line) Fig. 18; then raise the arm slightly, using forearm for the lever, carrying it slightly over and rotating outward until the head of the humerus snaps into glenoid cavity.  Fig. 19.


    A posterior dislocation of the humerus.  Figs. 20 and 21.

    Scapula is over the spinous process of the vertebra, arm is over the head, wrist rests on top of head so that palm is outward. Figs. 29 and 23.

    Grasp arm at wrist, one hand placed on neck of the shaft of humerus, raise straight up from the shoulder until slight snap, Fig. 24.  Then carry down across the face until even with the chin, Fig. 25, then rotate wrist slightly outward, Fig. 26, and adduct, Figs. 27-28, draw away from median line, until head snaps into position. Figs. 29 and 30.


    Head of femur lying in the obturator foramen. Figs. 31 and 32.

    Limb lengthened one inch to one and one-half inch and toes turned outward.  Fig. 33.  Cause: Violent abduction.

    Patient lying on his back on table.  Grasp sole of foot with hand, holding heel, raise limb up two inches above toes of opposite foot.  Fig. 34.  Then turn toes inward until impossible to turn further, carry limb over until knees cross each other, until you feel a sharp snap. Fig. 35. Then turn toes outward slightly. Fig. 36, carrying limb back to normal position, and while patient is held on table give limb straight inferior pull so as to snap into acetabulum.  Fig. 37.


    Head of femur lying upon dorsum of ilium.  This is the most frequent type, comprising 50 % of all hip dislocations.  It may be produced by a fall or blow when the limb is flexed and abducted, or by a fall upon the knees or feet.  Figures 38, 39.

    Limb flexed, toes turned on instep of opposite foot and leg is shortened about two inches.  Figs. 38 and 39.

    Stand on the side of the patient on which the hip is dislocated.  Grasp the foot at the ankle, the, other hand is placed on and just below the patella.  Fig. 40.  Flex the limb slowly and carefully until the thigh is in a perpendicular position.  Fig. 40.  Give it a slight turn inward towards the opposite shoulder, that is, to the median line of the body.  Fig. 41.  Continue this rotation until the thigh is almost flat on the chest.  Then carry the limb outward and downward until the thigh rests on the table. Fig. 42.  Then extend the limb back to normal position and head will snap into the acetabulum.  Fig. 43.  In this photograph Dr. Collins is on the opposite side to give a clear view of same.


    Head of femur lying on margin of sciatic notch. Figures 44, 45.

    Limb shortened one-half to one inch, muscles and tendons are rigid.  Figs. 44, 45, 46.

    In this dislocation of the femur, do not raise limb off table, or ground, as you are liable to fracture neck of femur or sciatic notch.

    Turn toes slightly outward and carry off table until head snaps into acetabulum.  Fig. 47.


    In the Post Graduate Course given by Dr. F. W. Collins at the Riley School of Chiropractic, Washington, D. C., April 2nd to 16th, Dr. E. E. Hosmer, M.D., a regular member of the medical profession, and of the Allied Medical Association of America, stated to the class on the evening of April 14, 1923, that:

    "I have taken a great many Medical and Post Graduate Courses, nevertheless I still had a desire to take a course at the Mecca College of Chiropractic, in Newark, N. J. With all due respect to my previous schooling and experience I feel proud to say that I am a graduate of the Mecca College of Chiropractic.

    "I want to further say that in the short time I spent in the Mecca College, under that master of teachers, Dr. F. W. Collins, I acquired more knowledge of the removal of the cause of disease than in all of the time I spent in the medical schools I previously attended."


Chiropractor Straightens Crippled Leg

    Editor of Leading Swedish Paper in the United States Pays Great Tribute to Work Done at Chiropractic Clinic Conducted in Connection with Amalgamated Chiropractic Colleges (New Jersey College of Chiropractic and American Chiropractic Institute) at 254 West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City.
    By Emit Opffer, Editor Northern Light
    Translated by Carl E. Bohman

    The sun is sinking in the background.
    I came galloping up a mountain in the inner of Santo Domingo.
    The horse was tired and suddenly stood on his head.
    So did I.
    My right leg was caught in the stirrup, and I had a feeling as though it had been torn from me when I was thrown to the ground like a floursack.
    Then I lay on the forsaken mountain and called so that it echoed from the other mountains, until a couple of natives came and carried me down deep to a palm-bedecked hut in the meadow, but I do not wish to think of my suffering that long, sleepless night.
    The next morning I was promised a bearer, and four men from the neighborhood carried me from the place up through the woods.  Wayfarers thought me a corpse being transported to the cemetery at Guaraguano, and all gladly put their shoulders to.
    The way led through narrow paths and rough places and I was several times nearly dumped off which would not have been good for me.  At one place I reached a native hut, where both inside and outside it swarmed with bony pigs, bony dogs, and bony goats, and while the "pallbearers" rested, I lay on the bier inside the hut.  I noticed that a small hand gently stroked my hair and I looked up.  It was little delicate Stephano, who once showed me the way when I was lost.  In all my suffering I was touched by the lad's silent sympathy.
    Then the trip continued to the high King of Palms region, and the bearers carried me directly through the Mao River to the mining camps.  For two or three, months I lay in the tent without any improvement.  The night was one of long suffering.  Every morning at sunrise I heard a little bird sing in the Palms outside of my tent.  It knew four melodies, but how I was carried off when those tunes sounded, for then the night's suffering was more or less reduced.
    Then one beautiful day the natives took me on their shoulders and brought me from the mountains to the lowlands, and rapidly we went, accompanied by my friend, Hjalmar Westingoard, to "an Atlantic Port."
    Here in New York I lay at St. Luke's Hospital, and later was examined at one hospital and then another, but the doctors told me "nothing to do."
    My leg was and continued to be one inch too short, and with difficulty I went my thorny way through life and up Broadway.  Oh, I, who was accustomed to mount Popocatepetl's snow-bedecked tops; I, who like a deer sprang over the mountains of the West Indies; I had now become a slow-moving snail.  Yes, my sciatic-suffering friend, Artist Frantz Helving, wrote me from Roosevelt Hospital and called me "Dear Fellow-cripple."
    I was deformed beyond recognition - enclosed in that port where hope is excluded.
    Then it was that Dr. Scharling Wilson came to our rooms.  "Ha," he said, and sent a big puff from his Havana through his nose, "that leg we can surely cure.  It is only out of its proper place.  Come up to our Chiropractic clinic!"
    I called at the Chiropractic clinic on Thirty-fourth Street, near Eighth Avenue.  Here sat a blind
Dane, Tinsmith Nielson, who eleven years ago fell from a housetop, and who has been blind for four years: He was adjusted on the spine and immediately felt better - perhaps his sight will be restored!  What joy!  Then there were other blind sick and suffering fellow cripples.
    My turn came.
    I was placed upon the table in full length.  My right leg was measured one inch too short.
    Ready -
    Dr. F. W. Collins, Dr. Scharling Wilson, and Dr. Otto Th. Kohler treated me in the presence of
several male and female physicians.  Dr. Collins took hold of my left leg, twisted it around once in the air, as though it were a lifeless horse-leg, swung it to the right, twisted it downward and to the side - it did not exactly feel good - then gave, the thrust, and when my leg was placed on the table again, both heels were alike.
    The wonder had happened.  The bone had again been placed in its socket, from which it was wrenched on my birthday 17 months ago.  I was no longer Mr. Helving's fellow-cripple, but a perfect human being.  I can again mount Popocatepetl and look down its ice-crowned volcano, 18,000 feet high.
    One can understand that I felt like a new and better man, and joy beamed from these brave doctors' eyes.
   After having for nearly a year and a half limped around as an imperfect individual, I was made as perfect as St. Peter, heavenly passer, in thirty seconds.
    No wonder that I felt deeply grateful to those who changed my condition.
    Oh! that my blind friend, Tinsmith Nielson, may have the same fortune!  I hope he will.  And that triumph I also wish Dr. Collins.  Surely he can then point to us and say: "The lame walk and the blind see."