The Abdominal and Pelvic Brain
Byron Robinson, M. D.


1.  A Historical Sketch of the Developmental Knowledge of the Sympathetic Nerves

2.  Classification of Diseases Which May Belong in the Domain of the Sympathetic Nerve

3.  Applied Anatomy and Physiology of the Abdominal Vasomotor Nerve (Nervus Vasomotorius)

4.  The Trunk of the Sympathetic Nerves (Nervus Truncus Sympathicus)

5.  Plexus Aorticus Abdominalis. (A), Anatomy; (B), Physiology

6.  The Vasomotor Iliac Plexus.  Plexus Interiliacus Vasomotorius (Sympathicus)

7.  The Nerves of the Tractus Intestinalis.  Nervi Tractus Intestinalis. (A), Anatomy; (B), Physiology

8.  The Nerves of the Tractus Urinarius.  Nervi Tractus Urinarius

9.  The Nerves of the Genital Tract.  Nervi Tractus Genitalis.  (A), Anatomy;  (B), Physiology

10.  Nerves of the Blood-vessels.  Nervi Tractus Vascularis.  (A), Anatomy;  (B), Phvsiology

11.  Nervus Tractus Lymphaticus

12.  Abdominal Brain (Cerebrum Abdominale)

13.  Pelvic Brain (Cerebrum Pelvicum)

14.  General Considerations

15.  Independence of the Sympathetic Nerve

16.  Anatomic and Physiologic Considerations

17.  Physiology of the Abdominal and Pelvic Brain with Automatic Visceral Ganglia

18.  Considerations of the Removal of Abdominal and Pelvic Tumors

19.  The Abdominal and Pelvic Brain with Automatic Visceral Ganglia in Regard to the Sexual Organs

20.  The Automatic Menstrual Ganglia

21.  Menopause

22.  General Visceral Neurosis

23.  Relation between Visceral (Sympathetic) and Cerebro-spinal Nerves.  The Nerve Mechanism of Pelvic and Associated Regions

24.  Hyperesthesia of the Sympathetic

25.  Motor Neurosis

26.  Gastro-Intestinal Secretion

27.  Secretion. Neurosis of the Colon

28.  Reflex Neurosis from Disturbed Pelvic Mechanism

29.  Constipation - Its Pathologic Physiology and Its Treatment by Exercise, Diet and "Visceral Drainage"

30.  Shock

31.  Sudden Abdominal Pain - Its Significance

32.  General Pathologic Physiology

33.  Pathologic Physiology of the Tractus Intestinalis

34.  Pathologic Physiology of the Tractus Genitalis

35.  Pathologic Physiology of the Tractus Urinarius

36.  Pathologic Physiology of the Tractus Nervosus (Abdominalis)

37.  Pathologic Physiology of the Tractus Vascularis

38.  Pathologic Physiology of the Tractus Lympathicus

39.  Splanchnoptosia

40.  Sympathetic Relation of the Genitalia to the Olfactory Organs